Free Google Display Ads Course 2023 - Step-By-Step Guide to Google Display Network Advertising

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welcome to my Google display ads course I'm going to be going over how to create a Google display ads campaign some best practices how to optimize your campaigns responsive display ads basically everything you need to know to create a successful Google display advertising campaign so you're going to see all the time stamps first so if you want to jump to a specific spot in the video then you can go ahead and do that now what the video is going to start with is my Google display ads tutorial and then I'll go over the Google Display Network I'm going to go over responsive display ads and then I'm going to go over some different strategies and best practices as you're building your campaign how to Target different audience segments how to Target your data segments AKA remarketing audiences and we'll finish it off with optimization so let's get started the first video as I get started is my Google display ads tutorial where I show you exactly how I create Google display ads campaigns and some different strategies that I use as I am setting up my campaigns so let's get started today is going to be my Google display ads tutorial so I'm going to go over my strategy for creating Google display ads campaigns and all the things I try to make sure that I have set up before I create my campaign so you can see here I'm in my Google ads account so that's where you need to get started you need to make sure you have a Google ads account and the first thing I always do before I launch any campaign is make sure I'm setting up conversion tracking so if you don't have conversion tracking set up this is what you want to do now and conversion tracking is going to vary based on what your goals are so for example if you have a Shopify website and you're trying to sell products you can use the Shopify integration with Google ads and you can easily set up conversion tracking and pass along value for what people are actually purchasing from your website how much they spend and you can track that all back to your campaigns now if you have a separate a different type of website where people are booking appointments or they're calling you by phone whatever it may be you need to make sure you're tracking all of your key performance indicators in Google ads because then you can actually optimize your campaigns for them so to get started I'm going to come in here to tools and settings and what we're going to do is we're going to come to measurement and we're going to two conversions so this is where you can create new conversion actions or as I'm going to do right now import conversions directly from your Google analytics 4 account so if I come over here to my Google analytics 4 account for then what I can do is coming over here to configure I recently created an event called affiliate click so it's tracking every time someone clicks on an external link on my website and I've been able to exclude all the external links that are not affiliate clicks so I just recently created this event using Google tag manager and using my Google analytics 4 account I will create a separate video showing how to track affiliate clicks but what you can see here is I have this existing event here so what I can do is I can mark this as a conversion so if I click here it's going to mark this affiliate click as a conversion so now we come over to conversions my affiliate click will actually be here as well tracking conversions since I don't actually have a purchase on my website since it's an affiliate marketing website I am tracking how many clicks I can drive two different affiliate offers so that's the first thing I like to do especially when we're looking at Google display ads campaigns making sure that we're setting up conversion tracking so there's one more step that we need to take but what I would recommend doing at this point is going to the admin section and making sure that you have a link to your Google analytics and Google ads accounts so you can see I have my Google ads account linked here I have personalized advertising enabled and if we come back over here to Google ads before we set up our conversion action what we can do is we can go to tools and settings here and under setup what we're going to do is we're going to click on linked accounts so this will show all of the accounts that we've linked to our Google ads account and here's where you can link your Google analytics 4 account it's very easy to do since mine are both under the same exact Google account so my Google analytics 4 account my Google ads account you can see I have it linked right here now it also pulls in my farmhouse goals Google analytics account so I could easily link some of these other accounts as well but for right now I have this account account linked here for beachfront Decor so that's going to allow me to actually do a couple of different things first and foremost we come to tools and settings we come back to the conversions page let's go to measurement and we're going to go to conversions and what we're going to do now is we're going to click on new conversion action and we're going to import so we're importing data from Google analytics and we're going to choose Google analytics for properties web and we're going to click on continue and now you can see my affiliate cling affiliate click analytics event so if we come back over here this is the same conversion over here if we come to configure and we go to the conversions page you can see we have this affiliate click conversion and over here we have affiliate click as a conversion so we're going to select this and we're going to import this as a new conversion action so that's what you want to get started with is make sure you're using conversion tracking and what I would recommend doing is for your conversion tracking if you come down here this is going to be set to other we're going to click on this and we're going to edit the conversion real quick so we're going to click on edit settings so you can see here the conversion name is beachfront Decor affiliate click goal and action optimization since I'm just tracking affiliate clicks we're going to set this as other that's perfectly fine a primary action used for bidding optimization and we're just going to be using one dollar as the value so what that means is it's going to count each individual conversion action as one conversion so we'll click on Save here it doesn't matter whether it's a dollar or or it's just counting one every single click is going to count as one The Source will be Google analytics four it's a website conversion it's called affiliate click in Google analytics four it's my beach frontal core ga4 property name we're going to count every single conversion because every click is valuable it could lead to an affiliate sale and then click through conversion window it's set to 90 days so you can set this to a shorter period of time you can keep it at 90 days so I'm fine with keeping it at 90 days because I like to know how my how everything is performing it doesn't have to be a short period of time the attribution model I would recommend using data driven so data driven is actually able to look at all the clicks along the path to conversion give and give them each a value so there's different attribution models here I would not recommend last click or first click because they're only looking at one click on the entire journey and with display somebody might see multiple ads click multiple ads somebody might click a search ad somebody might find you organically somebody might find you on social media before they actually convert so you're looking at all the different paths for a conversion and it's going to give some credit to clicks on the path that happen from your display campaign so first things first we have our conversion tracking set up so we click on done here the next thing we want to do is we want to come over here to tools and settings we're going to go to Shared library and we're going to go to audience manager so we want to make sure we're creating remarketing audiences which are also referred to as your data segments so with your data segments if we click on the plus sign here you can use website visitors app users YouTube users or you can upload a customer list and you can create custom combinations using multiple remarketing lists if we come to your data sources here you're going to see I have three different data sources for this account already I've linked my YouTube channel I don't get enough views on my YouTube channel for beachfront Decor to actually Target it with campaigns I have the Google ads tag implemented on my website and I have Google analytics for linked to my Google ads account like I showed you earlier so what we're able to do is use our remarketing audiences through Google analytics for there's one more step you need to make sure that you take before you can set up remarketing and that's coming over here to Google analytics 4 and we're going to come over to admin again you want to make sure your accounts are linked first and foremost and then the other thing you want to do is under data settings you want to come here to data collection and you want to make sure you enable Google signals data collection this allows you to create your data segments AKA remarketing audiences so you need to make sure this is clicked over here and you have this check mark As We scroll down you also need to acknowledge the user data collection acknowledgment so just click down here read through acknowledge it and now what you're able to do is actually create your own remarketing audiences that you can Target with your ads I have some different videos on my channel that would be helpful if you're looking for more information specifically about conversion tracking or remarketing so over here I have a Google ads remarketing tutorial for 2022 I also went over specifically Google display ads remarketing AKA or data segments tutorial I recently created that video about a week ago and published it and then I also have my Google ads conversion tracking tutorial for 2022 so all three of these can be very helpful if you're looking for more information on conversion tracking and remarketing so let's come back over to our Google ads account so we have our Google analytics 4 account linked to our Google ads account and we've enabled Google data signals so we're able to create our own audiences and our own segments now so I'm going to come over here to your data segments and you can see here I already have a couple of different audiences created you can click on the plus sign here click on website visitors and create your own audience segments you could either say visitors of a page page URL contains and just basically put your own website here and that would make an audience of people who have visited your website you could also say page URL contains and use some type of category on your website so for example I say betting and you can use end or so you can create all sorts of different audience segments here create the segment and you can start targeting it that simple in your campaign so if we scroll down here I don't know if this one's large enough yet but I've created a Christmas page titles Christmas Pages audience so these since my actual campaign is going to be geared around beats Christmas decorations this is going to be an audience that I can Target with my ads so we're going to come back over here we're going to come back to our main screen in Google ads and we're going to start rating our Google display campaign now that we have our conversion tracking all set up and we can create your data segments as well so we're going to create our campaign click on new campaign and first and foremost we're going to choose our campaign objective so since my conversion is considered an other objective what I can do is just use the leads objective I would recommend using sales or leads if you're bringing in value so if you're driving sales of products and you're actually incorporating value into everything that you're doing as far as your conversion tracking I would recommend using sales if you're just counting every single conversion as one I would use leads so if someone's booking an appointment use leads if somebody's purchasing a product from you use sales so we're going to choose leads here and my main is going to be this other account default my conversion source is my website so these other two I can remove these goals the main thing I want to optimize for is other now purchases and the other one actually aren't measuring anything so I just have this other conversion goal and basically it's my affiliate click conversion action so if we're looking at my conversion action you can see beachfront Decor affiliate click it's saying no recent conversions but we're going to start getting conversions in no time so what we can do is click on continue now since we're running a display campaign this is my display ads tutorial our campaign type will be display and then we can enter our business website here you can actually enter your landing page so I'm going to be sending traffic to a couple different landing pages I'm going to show you why but we're going to use this as our landing page our Christmas product category and we're going to enter that as our website and then campaign name what I'm going to do is beach front Decor Christmas sale 2022 and we'll click on continue so first and foremost is going to be our campaign settings so it's choosing our location and our language targeting so locations should be any of the locations that you actually serve so if you're serving a small area you can come here to enter another location search your location right here it doesn't matter what it is maybe you're in Portland Maine you just search Portland and you're going to have Portland Oregon come up Portland Maine come up you can Target these Nielsen dma regions which are larger marketing regions if you click on advanced search you can actually see the map of where you're targeting my case that's not what I'm targeting I'm just going to do United States and Canada for this one and then as we come down here next is going to be your language targeting select the languages your customers speak in this case my language targeting is going to be English we can come down here to more settings so go over a couple different things here add rotation it's automatically going to be set to optimize to prefer the best performing ads the only time you should ever rotate ads indefinitely is if you're doing a test I would recommend just keeping it at optimized and that that's what our setting will be you can set an ad schedule if you only want your ads to run during certain times or on certain days you can set your ads to run whenever you want to you can set specific device targeting so I'm going to show on all devices but you can set specific targeting and say I don't want to show on tablets or mobile phones or computers whatever it may be I always just choose to show on all devices when I'm creating a new campaign now Dynamic ads you can actually incorporate a data feed so if you have a product feed here you can create Dynamic remarketing ads I'm not going to go through that in this video because I don't have a product feed for this brand so that's not something something I'm going to go over but if you do have a product feed I would highly recommend doing research into Dynamic ads and making sure you set that up next down here more settings so content exclusions start and end dates I'm not going to do anything with campaign URL options start and end dates it's going to start today my actual sale ends on the 15th so let's end this on the 14th okay so we're going to stop running our ads on the 14th and last but not least content exclusions now there's some different options here as far as opting out of showing your ads on certain types of content you can opt to exclude sensitive content I generally don't do this you can exclude certain content types live streaming YouTube video below the fold sometimes I'll exclude below the fold just to make sure my impressions are above the fold I don't know if this excludes every single below the fold impression but it will at least exclude some of them and then the other thing we can do is Park domains so a lot of times I don't want my ads to show on Park domains sensitive content I'm going to leave this wide open now one of the things with content labels is you could potentially get rid of General audiences and content suitable for families because you may end up targeting kids who are actually just maybe using mobile apps or are on different types of gaming websites or really any websites that are more geared towards families and children you may want to just exclude that content label if you want to so then it's making sure that you're reaching other audiences I'm not going to do that in this case but that's one option that you have as far as content exclusion so we can click on next and now we're on to budget and bidding so let's just say for my budget I want to spend 25 dollars per day now if you see here the most you'll pay per month is your daily budget times 30.4 so let's just say for example you take 25 times 30.4 that's what I'll probably spend over the course of a month so if for example your budget is ten dollars here you're probably going to spend about 304 dollars over the course of a month you're going to spend more some days less other days and Google ads is going to try to optimize your daily budget so if let's say Sunday is your most popular day then making sure they're probably going to spend more money on a Sunday than they would on let's say if Wednesday is your least popular day so we're going to set a 25 average daily budget and come down to our bidding strategy so what do I want to focus on conversions I can automatically maximize conversions you can manually set bids which is going to give you the enhanced CPC bidding strategy I would highly recommend just automatically maximize conversions and then you can set a Target cost per action so in this case for a Target CPA for me what you need to understand is how much each conversion is worth for your business so if each conversion is worth ten dollars for my business which it's not but let's just say each conversion is worth ten dollars for my business then I'd probably want to go with this typical Target CPA of 350 because that means I'm driving a positive return on ad spend so if I set my target CPA at 350 then that means I'm going to try to drive as many conversions as possible at three and three dollars and fifty cents or less you're paying for interactions so we're focusing on conversions we're automatically maximized conversions setting a Target calls per action and we're just going to set the recommendation they have here and over time what we want to do is get this target CPA as low as possible so let's click on next now here's where we start setting up our targeting so who is going to see our advertisements the first thing you're going to see here is optimized targeting is set up for you so what Google ads is doing is they're using our targeting signals so any of the different segments that we're targeting they're going to use that they're going to use our landing pages they're going to use our assets and what they're going to do is they're going to try to find people that are going to be more likely to convert at or lower than our current CPA so if our Target CPA is 3.50 we set up all of our targeting what Google ads is going to do is try to find other people outside of that targeting that are going to be likely to convert based on the information that they have so I would highly recommend using optimized targeting and then when you're adding targeting here there's two different ways you can set up campaigns now depending on how large your remarketing audiences your data segments are what I would recommend doing is if you get a lot of traffic on your website let's say you're getting 10 000 visits a day let's say you get over a hundred thousand page views every month you're getting a lot of people different people visiting your website I would recommend setting up a separate remarketing campaign from your other types of targeting so if we come in here to audience segments what you can do is if we come to edit targeted segments if we click on browse you can create one campaign that's focused on your data segments so your website visitors custom combinations that you may have Maybe YouTube users you can Target some of these different remarketing audiences in one campaign because then you can set your target CPA as low as possible knowing that you're targeting people who have visited your website now while this website my Beach Christmas or my beachfront Decor website gets a decent amount of traffic it's really not enough to me to actually separate my remarketing out into a separate campaign so if you're getting over 100 thousand page views a month you want to really focus on display advertisements what you want to do is create one campaign where you're targeting your website visitors maybe I just do all visitors over the last 30 days that's all I Target go through the process of creating my ads which will be the next step and I just Target all visitors over the last 30 days now what I would do for my own business is I'm going to edit my targeted segments so I'm going to have all visitors over the last 30 days and what I can also do is add these two different Christmas audiences here which may not be large enough but hopefully they are large enough after I start running this campaign and after we start getting more Christmas traffic so I can Target these three audience segments we can come back over here now one thing to keep in mind is Google ads says they're going to be removing similar segments in August of 2023 and you're not going to be able to create any new ones by May 2023 so we have them now so we can Target some of these different similar segments just in case somebody watches this actual video I'm not going to be targeting similar segments in this campaign but what I would recommend doing is targeting them for now because they'll continue to work until August 2023 so we might as well Target our similar segments because we're targeting people who are very similar to people who are visiting our website or watching our YouTube videos so in this case I'm not going to Target them but I would recommend if you have them in your account Target them until they go away so what we're going to do is we're going to come down here to custom segments and I'm going to create a new custom segment for this campaign for people who search for any of these terms on Google and the segment name is going to be Christmas Beach decorations Search terms now what we want to do is we want to add all of our different basically Christmas Beach decorations keywords so that includes things like Christmas Beach decor Christmas Beach ornaments and I'm going to add a bunch of keywords here I'm not going to bore you with each individual keyword okay so I entered a bunch of different keywords here now one of the things I like to do when I'm building these different custom segments is use keywords everywhere enter a keyword like Beach Christmas we'll scroll down here and they'll usually give us a ton of different long tail keywords so Beach Christmas tree ornaments cards decorations photos so we're going to add all these different Google Search terms because I'm going to assume anyone's searching beach Christmas is going to have some level of Interest into some beach Christmas decorations so just another idea to add more long tail keywords here okay so we have our list of keywords and we can continue to add in keywords here but this should be enough for right now we can always go back and edit this segment and add more Search terms but you can see our weekly Impressions 50 million to 100 million gender 91 female age is gonna be a little bit of an older age here so uh we have parental status and we have topics so some different options as far as who you're targeting with your custom segments you can actually create custom segments based on exactly what you're promoting so that's what I'm going to do here we're going to click on Save and we're going to add this custom segment it's already added here to our targeted segments for this campaign so we're going to come back here and let's go to in-market segments and if we come to in-market segments we can search through here the other thing you can do is just come to search and they're going to give us some different options based on what we're targeting based on advertisers like you now what I can also do is say Beach Christmas if we scroll down here it's pulling up some of the custom segments I've created before in market segments so Christmas items and Decor there's not really a good in-market segment specifically for Beach Christmas so in this case what I'm going to Target is my website visitors these three different audiences and my custom segment what I would recommend doing also is targeting a similar audience and targeting a market segment if it makes sense for your campaign in this case it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense for my campaign so we're going to Target this Christmas Beach decorations Search terms and these three different website visitors audiences and click undone so we have a really targeted audience we have optimized targeting turn on our weekly estimates it's showing 6.2 million impressions available for this campaign and I wouldn't worry too much about your estimated performance here so based on your targeting settings daily budget of 25 and a bit a Target CPA bit of 3.50 it's saying we're going to drive 0 to 10 clicks so not worry too much about that what we can always do here is add more targeting so you can incorporate some content targeting which is actually going to limit your campaign to different types of content so if I come in here to topics what I can do is say I want to Target these audience segments when they're looking at home and garden topics so they're going to be I'm suggesting web pages apps and videos about a certain topic you could see this severely drop my impression so it's not nearly enough if I'm going to actually limit it by topics so we're going to leave It Wide Open we have optimized targeting turn on so that's going to find more people Google may find people beyond your targeting signals so that's no issue with me because it's finding people that are going to be relevant for what we're trying to accomplish for this campaign so when you're targeting different segments I would really really focus on in Market specifically your data and you can create your own your data segments campaigns if you have enough traffic I would highly recommend doing that similar segments you can Target similar segments as well up in until August 2023 you can combine segments and then I would definitely create your own custom segments so you can Target much broader audiences than I have here I like to start narrow and I can always go broad later so I could always come here to custom audience segments create a new custom segment people with any of these interests or purchase intentions and if I say Beach Christmas decorations I can add one thing click on enter and you're going to see that gives us 50 million to 100 million weekly impressions as well we can also come down here and expand the segment by also including people who browse types of websites and we can enter our own website here we can enter other competitor websites here so we can do all of that to try to find more and more people so if you need to expand your audience just create more custom segments and try to keep those targeted as well but you can always expand them if you need to and there's definitely larger if we come back over here larger in-market segments that you can Target but in this case there's just not a really good one what I'm targeting for this campaign so we're ready to click on next we have our targeting all set up now we're creating our ads so our final URL is already set because we set it at the beginning of our campaign if yours isn't set here then come over here copy your url paste it for your final URL that's your landing page where you're sending traffic to so business name we're going to set as beachfront decor [Music] we're going to scroll down here suggested images we can add up to 15 images so they have a couple different suggested images here based on our uh the page that we entered as our final URL so our landing page but if I click on images here what I can do is either go over to my asset Library it's going to pull up some of the different images that I've uploaded I can go to my website or social you can use free stock images so you enter a search here you can see you can use any of these different images they're going to pull up images that are going to be relevant to what we're promoting so what I could do is just maybe take a stock image like this one nice picture of a tree and we can select it for two ratios so when you're selecting your ads you can choose 15 images there's two different ratios there's 1.91 by one and then there's one by one so you basically have a landscape and you have a square so we can select these two ratios here and now we have our first two images selected what you can also do is upload images from your computer from Google Drive so I'm going to upload some images now okay I've uploaded some images they go into your asset Library so you can see here some of the different assets that I have so I could use this this is another stock image this is another stock image but I'm going to use actual product images here so we'll use this stockings it's just going to select the square if you want to select the landscape as well you can choose to this isn't the best one for landscape so we're not going to select it we're just going to use the square for this ratio what I would recommend doing is doing a split as far as the pictures you're choosing I generally choose a few more Square images so you can always say I'm going to choose eight Square images and seven landscape images so however you want to do it so we can keep scrolling down our asset Library I'm going to select some different images here and we'll go through all of them as we go okay so we have all of our 15 images selected you can see here I have this Square snowman image we'll select that ratio I have this image of a Christmas tree with a beach themed Christmas tree skirt at the very bottom so I'll select one ratio for that we can also select this other one although I already have 15 images selected so let's keep scrolling over we have this image right here so I'm not going to select this the square image looks good so we'll click on select one ratio and then we'll come back over here and we will use this one and we'll go to the bottom and select two ratios okay so keep going over review all of our images so we have all of these different images here all beach related all Christmas related so we're ready to click on Save we have all of our 15 images selected I would highly recommend using all 15 images there's really no downside now if you're focusing on one or two products those products only have a few images then just make sure you're using multiple images when you're creating your responsive display ads because your ads are just going to continue to rotate and show different variations and what Google ads is going to do is serve your top performing rotation so whichever is performing the best as far as your images as far as your videos as far as your logos and your headlines those are going to be what continues to serve to people as they drive conversions so next is going to be videos so I've already uploaded my videos to YouTube so you can see they're already here what you can do is search YouTube enter your YouTube url here or you can search by key keyword or Channel so you could just come in take the URL of an existing YouTube video obviously this isn't a video I'm using for this campaign but you could just take this URL copy it and come over here and paste it and it will pull up your video so I already have my Christmas videos here what I've done is I have a a 30 second video so this is a vertical video and then I have a 30 second just your standard video ad and a 15 second ad so I have three different videos here that I'm going to run they're all geared around my Christmas sale and they all match the messaging here save 20 until December 15th Beach Christmas sale so we'll click on Save we have our three videos here so we have 15 images we have three videos we're gonna add our logos now I'm just going to use these two logos I have this four by One logo and then I just have a square logo so we have our two logos selected here get rid of that one make sure we crop this properly you want to make sure you look at your crops so select this one ratio and then we have our square logo select this one ratio so one is four by one one is just a one by one logo you can upload more than two logos if you want I only have these two logos for my business so I'm just going to use these two 15 images we have our three videos so we're ready to scroll down some of your headlines and descriptions have been pre-filled with suggestions from your final URL and previous High performing ads so they automatically fill in Beach Christmas decorations so I'm going to go ahead and fill out the rest of these headlines here you want to make sure you're using all of your headlines so they give you five different headlines 30 characters each what we're looking for is to create great ads so right now our ad strength is average so we need to create our five headlines we have a long headline which is 90 characters as well and then five different description lines so we're going to add all of these description lines all of our headlines and our long headline and I'll go through them in a minute okay fast forwarding a little bit so our ad strength is now excellent after we've added our headlines after we added our long headline and after we added our description lines so you want to make sure you're adding all of this different ad copy because again Google ads is going to rotate your images your videos your headlines and your descriptions so to get the most out of your Google display ads campaign you all you need to do is use responsive display ads make sure you create videos around your promotion make sure you're using images around your promotion upload your logos create a really good landing page and then make sure you have a good ad copy that's going to get people to click your ads and hopefully convert so I like to do different types of headlines we just have a generic Beach Christmas decorations couple based around the sale so save 20 save 20 on beach Decor Coastal inspired Xmas decor and elegant Beach Christmas decor so different ways to kind of show what we're promoting long headlines save 20 on beach Christmas decorations and then for description line shop that's operated Beach Christmas decor discover Coastal Christmas decorations 20 off save twenty percent so these are my ads now and I have all of my ad copies set up a couple different things we need to do additional format options use asset enhancements let Google enhance your assets and optimize your ad layouts I keep this checked use auto-generated video so if you're not uploading your own videos if you didn't publish any videos to your YouTube channel then what you can do is use Auto generated video personally I'd rather just upload my own videos and give myself more control since I've added my own video content they will only be used when my video content is not able to be used so for the most part they're probably just going to use my video content because I've offered a couple different video variations and I have a I have a vertical video I have horizontal videos so I have different types of formats include native formats so I'll keep this checked as well so keep all three of these checked Auto generated video is one that you could uncheck if you want to now personally it just it just depends on a matter of preference it brings our ad strength down to good I wouldn't worry about that too much if you just want to focus on your images your ad copy don't worry about using auto-generated video but I'll keep it checked for now and come down here to more options so we have call to action text so in my case it's going to be shot up now you just want to use a call to action that's going to match what you want people to do on your website so I'm going to do shop now English and click on more options one more time custom colors so I'm going to enter my two brand colors here for beachfront Decor okay so we have our two custom colors here show this ad on text and Native ad placements even when publisher settings May override your custom color selections keep this checked as well create ad so we have our first responsive display ad created what we're going to do is duplicate this advertisement and we're just going to change the images so we're going to keep our ad copy exactly the same we're going to keep our videos everything is going to stay the same except for our images so we're essentially running an A B test of images from one ad to the other so if one ad has images that tend to perform better than the other then that ad is probably going to show more often so we're going to come back over to our images come back to our asset Library I'm going to choose all unique images I'm gonna have to upload some more images now you can use other stock images as well so maybe I'll choose a couple stock images and then I'm going to use some different images I'll fast forward to this part okay we have our 15 images selected now keep in mind if you see this watermark for Shutterstock it's going to be removed when your ads actually run but we have our images here so I have 15 different images now make sure we crop some of these images to make sure they're looking at what we want them to look at so we have a couple different a couple different ratios here so it should be good there making sure we're cropping all these okay so these are all good images as well we're going to click on save so now we have our second ad and all we've done is we've changed the images on this advertisement you could also use different videos as well so essentially just testing your visual assets your images and your videos and see if one ad performs better than the other I only have three videos so I don't have more to test so we're gonna apply our changes so we have two different responsive display ads here now we're going to take it a step further one more time so we're going to take our first responsive display ad here duplicate it again and all we're going to do is we're going to test our landing page so we're coming over here I have a different landing page Beach Christmas decor nautical Christmas decor so there's a bunch of different products for sale here if somebody wants to search for cards they can click on the link here go to a bunch of different cards for sale and hopefully click on learn more and go to one of our affiliate offers so coming back over to our display campaign we've duplicated an advertisements we're creating our third advertisement but all we've done is we've duplicated our first ad keeping everything the same except for the final URL so we're testing landing pages now so we're going to end up running four different advertisements we're going to click on apply changes so now we have this our the first ad we created the second ad where we updated the images the third ad where we duplicated the first ad and change the our landing page and our final ad here we're going to duplicate the second ad we created and do the same thing just change the landing page okay we updated our final URL here so we've just pasted the final URL and we're going to scroll down to the bottom and again we're going to click on going very slow here apply changes and now we have four different advertisements running for this campaign so we're ready to click on next so we're going to click on next it's going to go to campaign review don't think we'll have any errors here okay so we have our campaign name type objective and our goal our final URL coming down here locations language start and end dates content exclusions budget bidding strategy and our first ad group who are targeting now I'm going to change a few things after we publish this campaign so let's publish it I'm going to show you the next thing that I generally do so we have ad group one here so what I would generally do is rename this ad group and I'm going to call it your data segments okay sorry to your data segments we'll click on Save now within this ad group we have the four different ads that we've created so we have four different responsive display ads now one thing you can do if you do have display ads that you can upload you can also upload your own display ads so choose files to upload here you can see supported sizes and formats down here at the bottom so if you click on it again I've gone through this before but 300 by 250 are very popular 160 by 600 300 by 600 970 by 250 all of the mobile sizes here you can use and then you can create other AD sizes as well so I have kind of moved away from using uploaded display ads I just think it's become more of a hassle than it's worth and when I'm running responsive display ads they generally tend to take up all the clicks and impressions for a campaign so we have our four ads here again you can upload your display ads here too I'm not going to do that I'm just going to keep my four different ads that I have and then all I'm going to do is I'm going to come over here to audiences and what you're going to see is when you're targeting different audience segments and we come to show table here all of our audience segments are in one ad group so one of the things I like to do is separate my ad groups by the type of segment that I'm targeting so a lot of times what I do is I'll create an ad group with similar segments an ad group within market segments and AD group with custom segments and then an ad group with your data segments so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take this segment and I'm going to pause it so we're just targeting our website visitor segments in this ad group coming back over to our ad group what we're going to do is we're going to duplicate this ad group and we're going to update the targeting so we're going to come here we're going to copy and then we are going to paste this will paste all four of our advertisements and the current targeting everything about this ad group will be pasted so we have to choose our campaign here we are choosing this campaign clicking on done and we are going to paste it okay now that ad group has been duplicated you can see your data segments number two so what I'm going to do is I'm going to change the name of this to custom segments and we'll click on Save and then we're going to come into this ad group you can see our ads again the same exact thing with the ads here so no issues with actually duplicating our advertisements you want to make sure you create all of your responsive display ads and upload all of your display ads in the first ad group that you're duplicating so then every time you duplicate it you don't need to worry about creating All Those ads again so now we can do is come over here to audience and it's going to show we're targeting our three data segments so coming to show table you can see here we have our three your data segments here so all we need to do is rather than keep this custom segment pause let's enable our custom segment and then we're going to pause these three segments here okay so we have this one audience segment that we're targeting here what I could also do is come in here to edit audience segments I know I have a another option here as far as my Search terms I could just remove these website visitors all together from this ad group come over here to browse scroll to the bottom custom segments and we'll do Beach Christmas decorations up here so we're choosing these Search terms and Beach Christmas decorations so we have two different custom segments that we're targeting in this ad group probably pretty similar both these custom segments but there's going to be no downside to targeting both so we have our custom segment audience here coming back to our campaign and looking at our ad groups what I would generally do and I'm not going to do this right now is duplicate these duplicate whichever one one more time so duplicate custom segments take it edit copy paste it and then again update your audiences and use a similar segment so use a similar segment for your next ad group do it one more time and use an in-market segment for your fourth ad group the reason why I like doing this is because as your campaign starts to get a lot of activity you're going to notice most of the activity is going to go into some of the in-market segments maybe you have a large enough custom segment that has a large enough audience as well a lot of the clicks and impressions are going to go in there you're not going to see a ton from your data segments compared to some of the other audiences unless you're getting a ton of traffic in which case I would run a separate campaign what you can always do over time is if you're having no trouble no trouble spending your budget pause some of these different ad groups so pause this custom segments ad group and just let your data segments run for a couple days what you need to do is continuously test because you're trying to get this target CPA as low as possible if that means targeting custom segments if let's say they're converting at two dollars per conversion compared to in-market segments which are converting at five dollars per conversion you want to make sure you're running the ad groups that are actually converting for you so each ad group is going to have identical advertisements all you're updating is your targeting the other thing you can do is create an ad group and I could do something like let's come over here to audiences one more time I can say edit audience segments I can let's say I go into specific ad group you'd want to create a new ad or duplicate your ad group and update your targeting again but let's just say for example instead of targeting these two custom segments I'm just targeting people who are in the market for how holiday items and decorations so people interested in purchasing decorations or other items related to holidays or seasonal festivals I can choose this holiday items and decorations and then I can also narrow it with content targeting and say I only want to Target people who are on pages that are topics about home and garden so you can choose different types of targeting and see what works best for you create different ad groups because it comes very easy easy to actually look at your reporting for each individual ad group see how many clicks Impressions the cost conversion rate you can update your comms to make sure you know how many conversions you're driving so make sure you have conversion value if you're using that make sure you're doing your actual conversions you can do all conversions costs for all conversions so we'll click on apply so you're able to see all this data and see how your campaign's actually performing so hopefully this all makes sense I would highly recommend using optimized targeting in your ad groups we set that to on when we actually created our campaign if you you go into an individual ad group and go into the settings for that ad group that's where you can actually edit your ad group targeting and if you click on edit ad group targeting here you can choose to enable or disable optimize targeting I would highly recommend enabling optimized targeting you can see right here it's turned on you can adjust your audience segments add targeting signals you can also add observations just to see if there's any audiences that are performing well for you so if we come into optimize targeting this is where you can turn it on and off through your ad group settings so coming back over here to our campaign we are ready to start running we submitted our campaign our ads are under review typically takes one to two days it should be a little bit quicker since I've run ads in the past if it's your first campaign may take 48 hours for your ads to actually start running once they start running let your campaign run for a little bit you need to test you need to see how it's performing don't be freaked out if you spend your budget for a couple days you're not driving a lot of conversions what you want to do is let your campaign run for a few days and then look at how it's performing in terms of your costs per conversion in terms of your conversion rate so this is how to create a display campaign for the next part of the course I just want to give you a brief overview of what the Google Display Network is so you understand exactly where your ads are running so this next part will be all about the Google Display Network today I'm going to be going over the Google Display Network which is also referred to as the gdn so I'm going to be answering the question what is the Google Display Network so if you're wondering this the gdn is made up of over 100 million and a lot of places say over 200 million websites apps and videos where you can run your ads it's the only display advertising channel that can reach over 90 percent of the entire internet so out of every single user who is actually using the internet the Google Display Network can actually reach over 90 percent of them you can Target websites apps videos display keywords and audience segments you're able to incorporate your location targeting your language targeting you're able to incorporate all sorts of things so that you can reach your target audience on the Google Display Network and hopefully drive more conversions for your offer so let's start with an example and let's say example one I'm selling a cooking course I want to reach people who are browsing recipe websites apps and videos so anybody who's looking up any types of content related to cooking and recipes I want to reach them with my cooking course I can hand pick the placements for my ads by creating a display campaign now to go over a few examples so this is my Google Google ads account now let's say I want to create a new campaign here and what we're going to do is we're just going to say create a campaign without a goals guidance and we're going to choose a display campaign so we have our conversion goals here we're just going to keep them as is click on continue you want to name your campaign you can enter your website here as well you can actually enter your landing page which I'll show you why that's important later I'm not going to do that for this example I'm just going to click on continue now you start with your location targeting your language targeting there's more settings down here as far as devices ad schedule add rotation you can set start and end dates you can choose content exclusions but I'm just going to come over here to targeting so in targeting the first thing you're going to see is optimized targeting is set up for you so optimized targeting helps you get more conversions by using information such as your landing page and your assets so when we went into create our campaign you want to enter your landing page there because it's going to help them enable optimized targeting for you now they'll also use the landing page from your advertisements and all the info Nation from your advertisement so you don't have to worry too much about an interior landing page there but if we come over here to add targeting so one of the things you can do is come here to placements and suggest specific websites videos or apps where you'd like to show your ads so if we click here what we can do is we can actually search by word phrase URL or video ID and it's going to give us a bunch of different websites YouTube channels YouTube videos apps and app categories that we can Target so let's use my example of recipes here we'll click on enter and you'll see it pulls up 471 websites over a thousand YouTube channels over a thousand YouTube videos 500 apps and let's see if it pulls up any app categories so nothing for app categories now if we come over here to websites you can see all of these different websites that we can choose to Target with our advertisements so when someone is for example going through we can Target the entire website gets 150 million to 200 million ad Impressions per week so we're able to tap into that and hopefully get more people to click on our advertisements and take advantage of our offer so if we come over here to all recipes you'll see a big advertisement right at the top here and then as you scroll through the websites you're going to see different ad placements throughout the website so over here on the right hand side this is another ad that's part of the Google Display Network so when you target as one of your placements that means your ad could show there now let's come over here to let's just say I'm looking up the best chicken noodle soup so I come here there's an ad right at the top this here is a Google display ad so if we keep scrolling down this I don't believe is actually a Google display ad this is powered by another advertising Channel but if we come down here I don't believe this one is either so this is part of another right here best landing page builder obviously you could see my advertisements are all geared towards me so instapage it's pulling up some different advertisements that I would be more interested in looking at and then what you'll see is as as we scroll down this advertisement stays right here so if you create a large advertisement just like this one then you can have your large ad on if we keep scrolling down you'll see other advertisings here as well this right here is an advertisement too so the next thing I'm going to look at is we can actually just go to the Google Play Store and let's just say I search recipes in the Google Play Store you'll see all of these different apps Food Network tasty all recipes again yummly all of these different apps a lot of them run ads through the Google Display Network as well so as we're building our display campaign we click on back we can go to apps and we might see some of these different apps here as well so you're going to find a lot of very popular placements which include websites YouTube channels videos and apps where you can Target your advertisements as you are actually building out your campaign and quickly the last thing I wanted to go over here is if we come over here to the right how to make old-fashioned chicken noodle soup you'll see right here try your first box free baking can be challenging so this is a Google this Display Network ad on YouTube that if we click here it's going to bring us to this website bake so some different places where your ads may show on the Google display network websites videos mobile apps so let's come back over here and we'll go over another example let's say I create a headphone brand I want to reach people who are actively researching new headphones I can Target in-market audiences and I can create a custom intent audience segment to Target with my ads and with my offer so if we come back over here we go to our Google ads where we're building our display campaign let's say we don't want to Target any placements for this campaign we decide we want to target audience segments so under audience segments what we can do here is you can search headphones or what I can do is we can come over here to browse and let's say I want to reach people what they're actively researching or planning so in market and life events so I can choose to Target an in-market segment and let's say I come down here to consumer electronics Linux Audio headphones and headsets so I can Target people who are actively in the market for headphones and headsets and you can see people interested in purchasing whatever the category is that you select here so an in-market audience are people who are actively researching these types of products for sale you can see right now this is a pretty large audience so the other thing that we can do is we can either combine this audience with another segment or what we can do is come to custom audience segments create a new custom segment say people who search for any of these terms on Google and I could do Search terms like best headphones maybe my headphones are Bluetooth so I'll do Bluetooth headphones maybe my headphones are noise canceling so I'll do noise canceling headphones so you want to enter a bunch of different keywords that will be relevant for whatever product or service you are promoting now I could also just do okay if somebody's looking for Sony if somebody's looking for best wireless noise canceling headphones I can add all these different from keyword ideas as well just to keep expanding our audience and then all you need to do is name the segment so let's just say headphones audience we'll come down here we'll click on Save okay so now we have our headphones audience and what you're going to see is when you're using a custom intent segment when we go and we're building our custom intent segment it's not generally going to be as large as something like an in-market segment so for this the weekly Impressions is 500 million to 1 billion the custom intent audience segment is going to be 100 million to 500 million so not quite as large so you tend to get a little bit more of a targeted audience the other thing that you can do with a custom intent segment is if we come over here and we click on edit you can actually get some demographic data as well so gender 83 percent male age 39 25 to 34. so what I could say is let's only target males maybe we'll go 25 to 54 with our headphone offer now 18 to 24 is a pretty large pretty large audience as well so we could just go 18 to 54 we can Target mail so you can also incorporate some of the different demographic targeting as well non parents so you can try to choose male non-parents and just go 18 to 54 and you're going to reach kind of the more targeted audience for people who are actively searching some of these different Search terms here so we'll click on Save and this could be who we're targeting we could either combine these segments so in this case we're targeting each of these different segments separately or what we can do is if we come back we can combine these two segments one in Market one custom segment and people have to be a part of both of these segments in order to see our advertisements so some different ways to Target people on the Google Display Network now to finish off the video some tips and notes you can Target specific demographics I could say I only want to reach males 18 to 24 who are not parents so you can choose your demographics to make sure you're reaching your target audience you can choose language targeting device targeting and location targeting you can schedule ads for specific days times and dates so if you say I want to run this ad for a month I only want it to run from Wednesday to Saturday 9 A.M to 5 p.m you can choose all of that for your advertisements you can Target placements so I went over that includes websites apps and videos they also allow you to Target topics and display keywords so you can try to reach people as they are browsing specific topics or specific pages that are about certain topics and then you can Target some of the built-in audiences like in Market audiences you can create some of your own audiences using custom intent and then last but not least people have interacted with your business already so if we come back over you can Target your data in similar segments so if I click here since I have my YouTube channel linked to my Google ads account I can Target people who have watched my YouTube videos who have liked my YouTube videos who have subscribed to my channel who have viewed one of my video ads so you can Target people who have actually interacted with your business before I can Target website visitor audiences so anybody's who's been to my website over the last 30 days people who have purchased so there's a lot of different audiences I can Target last but not least similar segments those are created from your data segments so website visitors and YouTube users and once Google ads gets enough data they'll automatically create your similar segments and you're going to see similar to all visitors of beachfront Decor I can choose this audience and it's going to find people who are similar to other people who have visited my website so they're going to use demographic data interest data basically what people are browsing and looking up actively and then put people into some of these some of these similar segments as well very similar to look-alike audiences on Facebook ads if you're familiar with that so for the next part I go over 12 different Google display ads best practices just some things to keep in mind to help you drive the best possible results with your campaigns and really keep your return on ad spend as high as you possibly can so let's get into it today I'm going to be going over 12 Google display ads best practices and strategies that you can incorporate in your own campaigns so I'm not going to be going through each individual strategy into too much detail because I have videos on my channel already that will help you with each individual strategy so I am going to actually refer you to some of my different videos throughout this video tutorial to show you how to set up things like conversion tracking to show you what smart bidding strategies are so you understand how to set up your data segments so in this I really just want to go over best practices use this as a checklist to make sure you're using all these things in your campaign if you are able to so let's get started with number one conversion tracking and a smart bidding strategy and incorporate value if you're able to as well so if we come over here to my farmhouse goals account and we go to tools and settings under measurement what you want to do is click on conversions in this conversion screen this is where all of your key performance indicators should be so if you have purchases on your website you can have people actually accounted for if they do complete a purchase and it's based on your Google ads account so you can see here I have my conversion action here we have our conversion and then our conversion value so this is only counting every single conversion as one so my value is the same exact amount as my conversions but one of the things that you can do if we scroll down here so these aren't actual conversions for my business I set these up as an example several years ago but you can see here I have different conversion actions so this one here has over 5300 conversions but the conversion value is over twenty six thousand so you can use conversion value to actually optimize for your revenue or the total value driven to your business so what that allows us to do if we come back over here and we open up a display campaign that we ran in the past so I'm going to be referencing this old display campaign throughout this video sometimes but one of the things we can do is if we go to settings for this campaign since we set up our campaign with the marketing objective of sales so you generally want to use sales or leads because then you can actually optimize for your conversions we have our goal here so our goal that we're optimizing for is purchases so the one that I showed you earlier my affiliate click on my website so that's what we're optimizing for on our website and what we can actually do is set our bidding strategy so you can see here this is Target CPA Target cost per action Google ads automatically sets our bids to get as many conversions as possible at the Target cost per action so I'm telling Google with this I want you to try to drive conversions for my business at two dollars and seventy cents or less now if I click on change bid strategy you can see what do you want to focus on so you want to focus on conversions or you want to focus on conversion value so with conversion value you can set a Target return on ad spend and say okay for every one dollar I spend for example I want my target return on ad spend to give me a three hundred percent return so that means for every one dollar I spend I'm getting three dollars back so some different ways that you can set your bidding strategy But ultimately if we come back over here to our best practices make sure you're using conversion tracking incorporate value if you have a business where you can actually give a unique value to your different purchases whether it's you're selling a course maybe you're selling the software you might be selling a software with three different packages so you can know okay this person came to my website they signed up for the 99 package so that's one conversion with a conversion value of ninety nine dollars so number one use conversion tracking use a Smart bidding strategy so number two target your data segments that's going to be the number one way to get good results with Google display ads Target your remarketing audiences to improve your return on ad spend or ultimately just to continue to lower your target cost per action so if we come back over here one of the things you want to do and for this I'm actually going to go into my beachfront Decor account so we're going to go to tools and settings here and one of the things we can do is come to Shared library and come to audience manager now I have videos on my channel and I will put both of them in the video description about conversion tracking about smart bidding strategies about how to create your data or remarketing segments and use them for your Google display ads campaigns all these different segments and what they mean what demographics targeting means and then as we get to my other strategies I will show you them as well so if you go into the video description for this video there are tutorials for how to do all this stuff so let's come back over here tardy targeting your data segments so one of the things that you can do is if we come to our audience manager you can come to your data sources and if you link your YouTube channel if you set up the Google ads tag and if you link your Google analytics 4 account you can use all that data to create new segments and you can actually Target people who have visited your website or people who have watch videos on your YouTube channel so if we come over here to segments we click on the plus sign you can Target website visitors app users YouTube users or customer lists and you can also create custom combinations so one of the things I can do is say Okay anybody who's been to beachfront Decor over the last 30 days I want to Target them with my advertisements so number two target your data segments make sure you're creating a lot of different data segments because that's going to give you similar segments as well so we're going to come back over here again to our beachfront Secor and we're going to scroll down so one of the things I just created was an audience with Christmas pages and an audience with Christmas page titles so I went over how to do that in my Google display ads remarketing tutorial and what I can do now is I can start targeting people with a Christmas message because I know they've been to my website specifically looking for Beach Christmas products so it's a very Niche audience but then I'm able to Target them with my advertisements and once these audiences because or these sec segments become large enough to actually serve on either the Google Display Network the search Network YouTube what we're going to get are these different similar segments so coming into number three the three other segments I would Target along with your data segments now you may want to create separate campaigns that just depends on your overall strategy but one of the things you want to do is avoid really broad targeting like Affinity segments and use similar segments use custom segments and use in-market segments so in Market those are pre-built segments in Google ads for people who are actually in the market to purchase something similar segments will be created automatically based on your data segments so if we come back over here and I have my Christmas data segments here maybe I combine these two audiences into one what's going to eventually happen when these do become eligible is I'm going to get similar segments that I can Target so what Google ads is actually doing for me is they're building an audience of people that are going to be very similar to the people who have visited my website looking for Beach Christmas products so when you're targeting these different segments in your campaigns you're going to see much better results than if you're using very broad demographics targeting or life event or Affinity segments focus on these three different segments because if we come over here and we're looking at a farmhouse goals display campaign that I'm running you can see I am targeting four different segments I have an in-market segment for Home Furnishings so these are people that are in the market and purchasing Home Furniture I have people who are similar to all users that have been to my website over the last 540 days I have anybody who's been to my website over the last 540 days and I have a custom segment built here so when you're targeting different audience segments you're going to see all of these different options here detailed demographics Affinity in market and life events your data in similar segments combine segments and custom segments I always say start with in market and work your way down so you can work with these four different categories here detailed demographics Affinity segments they may be better if you are actually combining multiple audience segments what I would recommend doing is using some of these different options because they're going to give you the best results as far as driving conversions now the other thing that you can do number four is incorporate demographics targeting and number five you can enable optimized targeting so again we're going to come back over here to my Google ads account we're in Farmhouse goals here still and we're looking at a an old display campaign that I ran now I went into edit audience segments to show you those audience segments before you just select your ad group and then you want to Target these different audience segments here now with demographics what you may see is you're getting a bunch of clicks from one specific demographic in terms of age gender household income parental status so you can incorporate demographics targeting as well so if we click on edit demographics we choose our ad group what I can say is I want to make sure I'm targeting females I want to make sure they're at least 35 and up I does parental status will say doesn't matter and let's just say household income I want people to be in the top 40 percent so what it's going to do is it's going to incorporate these demographic traffic so if we click on Save demographics then people need to be in the targeted demographics I just set and they're also going to need to be in one of the audience segments that I'm targeting as well so when you incorporate demographics targeting it allows you to reach your actual target market much better by reaching your ideal customer now the other thing that you want to use is optimize targeting which is going to use the different data segments the different similar segments custom segments in market segments all the different audiences that you're targeting along with your landing page along with your advertisements to try to drive you more conversions at the same price so let's come back over here again to our Farmhouse goals campaign and you can easily set up optimized targeting as you are going through the campaign creation process but if you're not sure if your display campaign's already running it so what we can do is we can click on our ad group here and then we're going to go into settings for our individual ad group so we're looking at our ad group settings so you can't do this at the campaign level you want to do this at the ad group level and what you're going to see is edit ad group targeting here so we're going to click on edit ad group targeting and you can see this is where we can incorporate different audience segments we can incorporate different demographics targeting but right here optimize targeting so with optimize targeting on you're going to see helps you get more conversions within your budget Google may find people beyond your targeting signals information such as your landing page and assets and your targeting signals are going to be used to find people who are going to be more likely to convert so with optimized targeting you're essentially telling Google ads okay here's who I want to Target but if you think there's other people that are going to be likely to convert that match some of the different targeting with my audience segments fit with my demographics targeting based on my landing page based on my ads then I want you to go out and I want you to find them so you click on Save and you have optimize targeting turn on you can also turn it on it's turned on automatically for new display campaigns and then you can easily turn it on or off as you're creating your campaign I always run optimize targeting now so I would recommend using it seeing if it works for you now next one is going to be number six I'm going to go through this very quickly but Dynamic remarketing best for advertisers running an e-commerce website who have a product feed with Dynamic remarketing you've probably seen these ads already a lot of the major major advertisers run them you can actually Target people who have visited specific pages on your website so somebody who's looking at specific products on your website you don't need to do anything but upload your product feed and Google ads is going to be able to use your information to actually Target people with your advertisements based on the products they've looked at so if we come back over here again we're going to come back to our campaign and we're going to go to our settings at the campaign level now if you come to the settings for your campaign what you can do here is click on additional settings and as you scroll down here you're going to see Dynamic ads so right now it's saying use Dynamic ads feed for personalized ads you'll need to create a feed of your products or services so if you don't have a feed already then you're not going to be able to do this but just keep in mind you can run Dynamic ads this is going to give you great results because you're actually reaching people who have been to your website who have looked at specific things on your website and you're saying hey come back and purchase these so if you're able to use Dynamic ads especially with some type of incentive to come back and purchase they are a great tool for display campaigns so that's one through six conversion tracking smart bidding incorporate value Target your data segments Target similar segments custom segments in market segments don't be afraid to combine some different segments if you want to incorporate demographic Graphics targeting to reach your target audience use optimize targeting through Google ads and use Dynamic remarketing if it works for your business next is going to be 7 through 12. these ones will be a little bit quicker so a b tests your responsive display ads so we go through and we're creating a campaign one of the things you want to do is make sure you're running at least two responsive display ads in every single ad group so you can see if we scroll down here I only have one ad running so what I would want to do is just click to create a new responsive display ad now the other thing that you can do is upload display ads as well you may want to stick with some of the main sizes what I've found is if I'm running responsive display ads my uploaded display ads really don't get too many clicks or Impressions anymore so I would recommend choosing one of the other I've seen better performance from responsive display ads they're easier to manage they're easier to test and it's easier to create a lot of different variations so if we're looking at a B testing our responsive display ads with headlines images and videos one of the things that you can do is As You Are creating different responsive display ads just go in keep your description lines exactly the same you may see things like this to improve performance try editing this description so we come back up to improve performance try editing this headline so you can take those into account and you can actually make sure that you're using different headlines here but one of the things you may want to do is you have your advertisement already created so we'll just come down here we'll click on cancel we're going to leave this page and what we can do is we can take our existing ad here click on edit copy the advertisement and then paste the advertisement which is going to give us a second advertise responsive display ad here make sure we choose the right campaign in ad group we'll click on done and we'll click on paste okay so I have my new ad paste in here so we can click on dismiss you see this is the existing advertisement I've been running you can see the performance here so one of the things that we can do is with our new advertisement just click to edit it you don't want to change a ton of things otherwise it's not a true a B test so what you want to do is just come in here and one of the things I like to do is just keep all of the ad copy exactly the same so we're not going to change anything with the ad copy and one thing we can do is upload some different videos here so try different video formats try different lengths with the video formats the other thing we can do is add different images as well so making sure that we're updating some of the different images that we're running some of the different videos that we're running so what you could do is first go through your initial advertisement your initial responsive display ad look to see if there's any underperforming headlines look to see if there's any underperforming description lines like we showed earlier change those update your ad and then what you want to do is duplicate it upload some different videos upload some different images here you don't have to change much else and that's going to allow you to actually test different things against each other whether it's headlines images videos you could just create two completely different responsive display ads that are going to the same offer and see if one performs much better than the other and then you can always a B test things over time so the other thing that you can do very easily is a B test your landing pages so same exact concept that we just did so one of the things that I like to do is if we have our two advertisements here so we're just going to click on cancel we'll pretend like we changed a few things in this advertisement even though we didn't and then what you can do is you have your two different advertisements running to One landing page we can take both of these advertisements do the same thing copy and paste and that's going to give us two new advertisements and all you need to do is go into the different advertisements click on edit and the only thing that you need to adjust through your edit is the final URL so that's the easiest way to test your landing pages and as long as your settings are to actually just optimize your ads then Google ads will continue to serve your best performing responsive display ads so when you're looking at your campaigns and we go into settings here and we click on our additional settings add rotation optimize to perform the best performing ads now one thing you could do is do not optimize just to allow them to rotate indefinitely for maybe a week but you have to make sure you remember to go back and optimize them however if you are incorporating new ads usually Google ads will start to rotate some of your different advertisements in and see if any of them are performing better as well so coming back over here A B tests your responsive display ads create multiple responsive display ads and then a B test your landing pages so just see if you're able to get a lift with some new headlines with some different landing pages see if any of those help your actual cost per conversion and help your return on ad spend so seven and eight a b testing number nine kind of a simple one I mean improve your off offer highlight your unique selling proposition so if you're running your advertisements and you're just not seeing conversions you need to go back and see what your offer actually is if all you're doing is saying here's my business click on my ad and come see my business it's not really going to help you actually drive conversions so what you're trying to do is reach your reach your customers actual pain points if I have travel deals on my website for example if I just put shop our travel deals it's not going to work as well as something like using an offer for example of saying Escape your nine to five for a week book seven days get two of them free with our travel deals so you're able to actually reach some of these different pain points that people are having while also highlighting what your unique selling proposition is so in this case you have travel deals you're giving people the best possible price on whatever this vacation may be you're trying to improve your offer by saying you know not just book our travel deals but instead say Escape your nine to five book seven days get two of them free so one of the first things that I I ever look at if a new client or somebody is telling me that they can't drive conversions is what their actual offer is is there some type of discount is there some type of actual unique selling proposition that they're not going to get from anybody else I could have a credit card advertisement running all day but if there's no real offer for signing up for my credit card maybe it's get three hundred dollars cash back maybe it's spend this much in the first couple months and get no interest for the next six months or whatever it may be so improve your offer highlight what you're actually selling and make sure you understand that if your selling point isn't good enough you need to make it better or your Google display ads aren't going to work and you're not going to drive as many conversions in general so just improving your offer highlighting what you're selling highlighting why people need it and what type of pain problem you're fixing that all needs to be there in your Google display ads so coming down to number 10 narrow targeting to relevant content you using topics or keywords so if we come back over to my campaign here again one of the things you can do is incorporate top content as well so in this case I haven't added any topics I haven't had any any keywords I haven't added any placements you could add placements as well but if you start adding placements just keep in mind if you start adding placements here it's going to limit your audience segment targeting your demographics targeting just to the placements where you select so you may need to come in here and add hundreds of websites hundreds of YouTube channels different mobile apps if you want to Target them with your placements as well so I would recommend using display or video keywords or using topics I like using topics a lot because I can come in here and quickly say add topics select my ad group so we have ad group one here you can set your topics to targeting or you can set them to observation in this case we're going to choose targeting since mine is all related to Home and Garden what I can do is just come down here say okay we want to Target Pages related to Home and Garden maybe I could find some other options here that are going to be somewhat relevant to what I'm promoting but let's just say I just want to Target Home and Garden topics then what that's going to do is it's going to limit my actual content targeting to this home and garden topic so that's going to include any websites YouTube channels apps that are related to Home and Garden so you would think theoretically if I'm targeting some of these different audience segments that are interested in purchasing Farmhouse furniture on my website that's what my actual display ads campaign was for so if I'm going through and I'm actually trying to Target people to to purchase furniture that would make the most sense to try to Target them when they're researching pages about these different topics because then they're going to be more actively in the market for those types of products than they would be if let's just say they're listening to their favorite comedy podcast so different ways to Target people and narrow your targeting two specific top content like topics placements display or video keywords I think placement's limited a little bit too much so what I would recommend is relevant content using topics or display keywords words now number 11 remove non-converting audience segments and placements so you're going to start getting data for your campaign and I didn't run this campaign long enough to really see anything that that's that out of place or anything like that but if you come over here to audiences so we're targeting different segments for this campaign and we click on show table so we're looking at our all-time data one of the things you may see is that certain audience segments are getting way more clicks and Impressions certain audience segments aren't getting any clicks and Impressions at all and certain ones have a higher or lower conversion rate so one of the things we're seeing here is I have my in-market home furnishings audience segment I have this custom segment I built with Furniture Search terms so basically a custom segment with all sorts of Farmhouse Furniture Search terms so one of the things that we can see if we come back over here to our audience segments is we had actually zero clicks from our similar segment and our all user segment so what you may want to do put them in their own ad group and then pause your other AD groups with different targeting types or what you can do is run a completely separate remarketing campaign and you can incorporate your similar segments in your remarketing campaign as well so let's look at some of this data here we have our in Market at the top and our custom segment at the bottom so for this we have 127 clicks 16 conversions 815 clicks 23 conversions now you're going to see my conversion rate was much lower over here for this in-market audience segment but my average cost per click was also much lower for this in-market audience segment whereas the custom segment my cost per click was much higher my conversion rate was higher now looking at the data for both they actually converted at the same exact cost per conversion so kind of unique there and you're seeing for the in-market segment 815 clicks a cost of 62 dollars so obviously a much less average CPC and for our custom segment it's 127 clicks 43 dollars but the conversion cost per conversion end up being exactly the same so for these you're not really seeing much out of either audience segment that one is much better than the other so if you are targeting multiple segments like this then what you may want to do is actually just pause or remove a segment altogether just while you're testing and looking at other audience segments what I could also do is combine this in Market segment with this custom segment since they're performing very similarly I can look at these audiences the same and say okay if I'm promoting Furniture then I have my farmhouse goals Furniture audience and it's a combined segment with this in-market and custom segment now the other thing that you can do is you can come over here to your content and if we come over here to placements and we're looking at our placements report all time you're going to see you don't have any placements but what you can do is see where our ads appeared you can also see where ADS showed here as well so if we click on where your ads appeared you can see a lot of my ads are going into mobile apps so there are ways to exclude mobile apps from your campaign I will show you how to do that in a minute so if you don't want your ads going through a mobile app now I was driving conversions through mobile apps so in this case it wasn't really the end of the world so as we scroll down here you're going to see there's other websites here as well so some of these websites are not the greatest websites and you see them all the time in your placement reports but as you start getting more clicks and Impressions from different placements you can actually come in here and I can exclude some of these different mobile apps so you select your mobile apps edit exclude from campaign or exclude from your ad group so that's one option that you do have as far as exclusions for some of these different placements now what you can also do with your content and exclusions if you don't want your apps ads to show on mobile apps what you can do is Select here placement exclusions and then you're going to click to exclude placements you can add placement exclusion from your campaign and you come to app categories and it takes a little while but you have to exclude every single app category so that means your ads are not going to show up on any app category which effectively removes mobile apps from your targeting so you just keep selecting all of these different mobile app categories click on Save and once you have them all selected then your ads will no longer show on mobile apps so coming over here remove non-converting audience segments and placements you can remove mobile apps all together as well using the method that I just showed you so some different options here going one through eleven last but not least number 12 optimize add rotation set frequency management these aren't necessary that you need to do them but if you are testing your ads a lot then what you do want to do is come over here to settings and you want to just rotate your ads indefinitely for several days maybe a week or two depending on how long you're running your campaign for and do not optimize for a little bit while you start to get more and more data and then as you have more data then click on optimize Google ads will continue to prefer the best performing ads so some different options as far as which advertisements are showing up and then frequency management let Google ads optimize how often your ads show now I'm sure you've been browsing the internet before and you feel like you're seeing the same ads over and over again so to avoid doing that to other people set a preference on frequency management manage impressions for the whole campaign to something like let's say five per day we click on Save and then people aren't going to see your ads over and over and over again so this is also called frequency capping now they have frequency management same exact thing just make sure you're not showing your ads over and over to the same exact people so we come back over here these are some different strategies and best practices some of it might seem pretty simple some of it might seem a little complex but going through them one more time conversion tracking smart bidding that's optimizing for conversions incorporate value if you have it your data segments similar segments are going to be based on your data segments create your own custom segments for people who are actually looking up specific Search terms in Google and use some of the built-in in-market segments incorporate your demographics targeting use optimized targeting and if you have a product feed or a service feed you can use dynamic remarketing as well a b tests your responsive display ads there's no downside to running multiple responsive display ads with different headlines different images different videos maybe a b testing some of them with just different images a b tests and some of them with does just different headlines or ad copy altogether and then you can also duplicate those your best performing responsive display ads and a b tests your landing pages create a new landing page that and see if it converts better than your existing landing page improve your offer highlight your unique selling proposition always go over that make sure that your offer is an offer that you would take up if you saw it on a display ad as you are browsing the internet narrow your targeting to relevant content and remove non-converting content placements or audience segments last but not least make sure you're optimizing your ad rotation you can just set it at your ad rotation indefinitely just to rotate until you start getting more data and then go go right back to optimize to serve your best performing ads and set frequency management so you're reaching different people and your ads aren't following around the same people every single day so one of the most important parts of your Google display ads campaigns are your advertisements and with Google responsive display ads it's become much easier to manage your advertisements so in this part of the video I'm going to go over all the different Google responsive display ad strategies that I follow and some different best practices you can use as well today I'm going to be going over a responsive display ads so if you're creating a Google display campaign the new ad format that you use for display campaigns or newer ad format it's several years old now is responsive display ads so today I'm going to go over some different strategies I'm going to show you how I'm going to promote my Beach Christmas decor sale for my website beachfront decor and I'm going to create some responsive display ads so I'm going to show you best practices throughout this video so let's get started we're going to create a new display campaign and I'm going to kind of fast forward through some of this so you want to start by choosing your campaign objective we want to drive sales so we're going to use the conversion goal of purchases so we could actually remove the book appointments goal so we have our purchases conversion goal here that we're going to be optimizing for we'll click on continue and then we want to run a display campaign so that's how we create responsive display ads you could enter your business website here and then we want to name our campaign so I'm going to click on continue now obviously the first thing you want to do you're setting up your campaign set your location targeting we'll just use United States and Canada for now set your language targeting here and then you can come in here to more settings and adjust any of these settings if you need to I'm not going to adjust any of this right now so I generally don't adjust these too much so what we're going to do is move on to budging and bidding now generally what you want to do with your budging and bidding set your daily budget for bidding we'll just set a daily budget of 25 for now for bidding you always want to focus on versions there's different options how do you want to get conversions automatically maximize conversions manually set bids would highly recommend just using automatically maximized conversions and then you can set a Target cost per action so we can set our Target CPA here let's just say my target CPA is two dollars and fifty cents and paying for interactions or conversions you're going to choose interactions so typical targets EPA for display campaign 360 so we'll just keep it as is for now you could always increase or decrease this later we'll click on next now the next thing we want to do is set up targeting so they will use our landing page and our assets so basically everything we do with our responsive display ad what our landing pages look like they're going to use all that information to try to reach the right people at the right time if we click here to add targeting what I would do for this campaign is you can adjust your demographics to reach your target market I'm not going to use any keywords topics or placements I'm going to come in here to audience segments and what I would personally do is you can either search let's just say Beach Christmas there's probably not an in a market audience for this and if we look here let's see so there's some custom segments I'd probably just build a custom segment for this which I can go over in a second but in market segments Christmas items and Decor holiday items and decorations Christmas shopping in store so none of them are related to the beach so just because someone's looking up Christmas items doesn't mean they have any interest in the beach so if I come over here to browse what I would do is create a custom segment create a new custom segment do people who search for any of these terms on Google add a bunch of Search terms like Beach Christmas to cook decorations [Music] okay so we have people who search for any of these terms on Google entered a bunch of different Christmas Search terms here now we can keep expanding this by adding more and more Search terms which is what I would do so I want to get to the responsive display ads here so you're going to see our segment insights 96 female age is generally an older audience here for the people searching for beach Christmas decorations and then we have some ideas for topics some parental status ideas and our total weekly Impressions 10 million to 50 million weekly Impressions so pretty good audience that should be pretty tight targeted and then we're also using our optimized targeting so if we click on done we have our Beach Christmas decorations audience segment we're targeting we have optimized targeting on we click on next so now what we can do is we want to drive traffic to this page here where I have a bunch of different Beach Christmas cards and trees and stocking garlands ornaments all sorts of products for sale so I want to drive traffic to this page and try to promote my sale here so save 20 until December 15th so we come back back over here we want to start creating our first responsive display ad by entering our final URL so this is the landing page where we're sending traffic to so we'll come here we'll copy and paste this URL next we'll enter our business name so it's going to be beatfront decor now coming down here since I've created responsive display ads already in this campaign it already has my Logos here so if we just click on edit what you want to do for Logos is you want to enter these two sizes here so if we click on this one there's a four by One logo my dimensions are 956 by 239 and then they also have this one by one logo so I select this one ratio for this horizontal image and then for this Square image so this Dimensions only 192 by 192. I should try to make this a little bit larger but for right now this is what I'm going to use for my Square image select one ratio you want to use these two ratios at least for your logos you can enter five different logos if you want to but if we're using these two ratios for our logos there's no reason to use that many logos now the first thing you want to do before logos is images so at least one landscape image is required at least one square image is required so we click to add new images you can upload images directly from your website so I generally upload images based on some of these different product photos so I go through and try to find some of the most visual product photos so all of these would be pretty good photos for advertisements just because they're all beach related pretty obvious this is a beach themed Christmas stocking this is a beach themed Christmas ornament so you can use some of these different images to try to really convey quickly visually what you're promoting so if I come down here I can try to find more images garlands aren't always the best but um I've I've pulled some different images from products that I'm selling so what I did is if we come over back to my Google ads account we can upload those images directly from my computer so opening up this where all my files are I have all these different images so what I'm going to do is select all of these different images and then open them and upload them directly to my Google ads account and then what that's going to do is it's going to put all of these into my asset library now keep in mind so these are images I just uploaded now keep in mind you see these two images right here the other option that you can do is come over to free stock images enter words phrases URLs related to your business they'll generally pull up some relevant images based on what we promote in the past so if you have some specific images here that could work very well for ads too you can use these free stock images and watermarks will not appear in your ad so you can find images here completely free and let's just say I do Beach Christmas you can see there's a ton of different images here that I can use for my campaign so I could use something like this so pretty obvious that Christmas ornaments and then what I can do is Select this image and you can see 1.9 one by one so this would be a landscape image one by one this would be a square image now you want to click both of these because then what you can do is actually set where the ratios are so for this the square image I always use this and then for the landscape I would use this we'll select two ratios now the other thing you want to do is come over to your asset library and then start selecting images we can use at least 15 images and I would recommend if you have 15 images to use use all 15 there's no downside to testing with Google ads so if we come over here and we select some of these different images let's when you select it it might select two ratios automatically you'll see it right down here selected two ratios so with this one it's selected a landscape which this looks pretty good here and a square which is the entire image so this is a good image for both ratios so we'll select two ratios now for some images you may only want to use a square so if you select it and we come over here select it for two ratios not the greatest for a landscape image all you have to do is unselect this here and then we have our Square image and just make sure you have it cropped exactly how you want it and we'll select this ratio here so now we have is five out of our 15 selected images so what you want to do is just go through and select all these different images here make sure you're using your ratios so all the images look really good so we have two more images here we could do this one I'm just going to use Square so a lot of times if it's like this selected one ratio they just selected the square because if you're looking at a landscape here not the greatest image for a landscape so we'll get rid of that and just do a square so we have that one here here now what you want to do is just make sure you're using both sizes it's not that you have to have seven squares and eight Landscapes just make sure you're using both sizes so you can actually test some of these different images there's no problem with uploading a few more Square images a few more landscape images depending on you know what you're promoting and what types of images you have so we come over here we'll select a few more so this has Square this will also work for a landscape select two ratios Okay so we've selected all 15 of our images we can remove any of these here so if you come in here you can remove the images or you can click here if you want to adjust the ratios at all so we have all of our images we can click on Save okay so we have 15 images here we have our two logos so one horizontal logo one square logo next is going to be videos so videos are optional you can see portrait and landscape around 30 seconds work best so what I did is I uploaded three videos to my beachfront Decor YouTube channel here I have a 15 second video which is a landscape here another fifth or a 30 second video here another landscape video and then I have a portrait video here so this is 30 seconds as well I know they all say 31 31 16 but I don't know why they report one more second in the back end of YouTube so what you want to do is take your videos copy the link address for your videos when you're viewing your video so if you go to click on to watch the video here you just want to take this URL we're going to copy the URL here and then we're going to come back over to our display campaign and when you're adding videos all you need to do is search YouTube you can see I already have mine here search YouTube enter this URL and here's where our video is so we have our first video if we come over to my asset Library I've already uploaded these two videos you can see 15 seconds 30 seconds just by entering that URL so you come over here take the view on YouTube link copy link address and that's all you need to do when you're searching YouTube so we'll select these other two videos here and we'll click on Save now you want to use multiple videos what I would generally do is probably use at least two portrait two landscape use some different lengths use some different video Styles there's no downside to testing again with some of these different videos images what Google ads is going to do over time is serve the best performing ad variations so that's why you want to use a lot of images make sure you're using all of your ad copy which we're going to go over next so next is going to be our headlines so we get up to five headlines you want to use all five of them we get one long headline and then we get up to five description lines you want to use all of your description lines as well so I'm kind of going to fast forward to this part a little bit I'll show you a few of my headlines so I'm going to enter some of them now okay so I did my five headlines I've saved 20 on beach Decor so really nothing to do with Christmas with that one Coastal inspired Xmas Decor so obviously we have some character limits can't fit Christmas decor there elegant Beach Christmas decor so trying to use some different words that kind of sell it a little bit Coastal inspired elegant so some of these different things that may get people to actually click as they're purchasing Christmas decor for a beach home one thing I could do is beach home Christmas so I'm trying to think of headlines and one of the things that helps is looking at this so Coastal Christmas decor sale you want to make sure you have headlines that are very descriptive for what people can expect Coastal inspired Xmas decor save 20 on beach Decor so I really like headlines like this just quick to the point what are you getting when you click through to this link so here are my five different headlines the last two just Coastal Christmas decor sale Beach Christmas decor sale very descriptive nothing really too salesy just here's what you're getting when you click this link now with our long headline this is where you can actually use a little bit more of a description of what people are actually going to get and I generally like to use the save 20 with the long headline as well so let's enter our long headline now and for the long headline I have saved 20 on beach Christmas decorations ornaments trees garlands snowmen and more so some different products people might want to purchase for their beach home so this is our long headline again save 20 on beach Christmas decorations what I could also do for this one is save 20 beats Christmas decor might fit so that's another headline we can test but for now I'll just keep my five headlines so now we have our five description lines these are 90 characters each so we're going to enter our description lines now okay we have our five description lines here and what I like to look at is the very beginning of a description line so we have shop the top rated Beach Christmas discover Coastal Christmas decorations shop Beach Christmas decorations 20 off save 20 on Coastal Christmas decorations so if we come up here we're looking at some of these different ad formats save 20 on beach Decor shop the top rated Beach elegant Beach Christmas decor save 20 on Coastal Christmas decoration so by putting that in the very beginning that save 20 it allows people to really understand okay this is what we're selling here we have a ton of different Beach decorations we want you to come click see what we have and you can save 20 on these different Beach decorations so as you're looking through some of these different formats look through and see if you see any AD variations you really don't like and it gives you some ideas for changing headlines changing description lines but you want to make sure everything is Flowing very well as far as the images you're showing as far as the headline again you're not going to have a Shutterstock logo there but elegant Beach Christmas decor discover Coastal Christmas decorations and you know and more at beachfront Decor so all these different ad variations that we can see I like the way a lot of these look with my description lines my headlines it all flows very well with the sale now what we can do here is additional format options I generally leave these clicks Now using auto-generated video you could deselect this if you don't want to do that now it brings our ad strength down to good but they're not actually going to be using Auto generated video at all because we already added our own video content so I would recommend using your own video content we can keep this checked just so our ad strength continues to remain excellent even though it doesn't doesn't change our advertisement at all now asset enhancements what Google ads may do is take some of our images and crop them in different ways to try to show some of the most high impact versions of our images they may just adjust the way our assets are to essentially try to get the best out of our campaign saying this could improve ad performance I use asset enhancements because I assume Google ads wants to deliver us the best performance because then we'll spend more money with them next is use native formats you want to select that as well so for these I would just leave all three of these additional format options selected you may want to not use auto-generated video if you're not using video if your ad shrink goes down to good not the end of the world so some different additional format options you can use I'm not going to go through add URL options I never really change those next there's going to be more options call to action text and custom colors so call to action text what we can do is for mine it's shop now you want to use whatever call to action works the best for whatever it is you're selling for me I want people to go to my website and Shop Beach Decor so this is my call to action text shop now you can choose language as well more options custom colors so this is where I'll use my two brand colors here so okay so these are the two main colors for me for beachfront Decor the two colors that are in my logo as well so you may see show this ad on text and Native ad placements even publisher settings May override your custom color selections I always leave this selected I don't really worry too much about the exact color selections but you'll see kind of flows with the colors of your logo the colors of your brand so you may get something like this where the colors don't show but then you'll have other colors like this that will use your actual brand color so something to test as you're creating advertisements but now we're done with our first responsive display ad so some different best practices you can use so number one is you should use at least two advertisements per campaign so if you're running a campaign I would recommend creating at least two responsive display ads you can use the exact same videos if you want like we did maybe you want to adjust some of your headlines maybe you want to adjust some of your images you really want to test some different options as far as your advertisements so with the amount of things they allow us to upload now with 15 images here we can upload a bunch of different videos we can upload up to five logos what you want to do is create a second advertisement maybe test some different headlines here so my main my first advertisement very focused on Save 20 on beach Decor my second advertisement may be more focused on you know we have the best beach decorations at the best price so you want to use your different unique selling propositions in your advertisements so I'm not going to go through this too much here but ultimately what you want to do test some different images what I would do is edit this use different images for this responsive display ad than I used for the last one and then we'd go through the entire process maybe we want to use some different headlines here use a different long headline we can adjust that as well you can adjust your custom colors if you want maybe you just want to go with the darker colors or brighter colors whatever you want to choose click on apply changes and then we'll have our second ad here now the other option that you have is let's just say I want to send traffic to this page on my website with all these different Beach Christmas decorations for sale now I have another page on my website a Blog style post Beach Christmas decor nautical Christmas decor we come in here and there's a bunch of different products for sale people can click some of these different categories right at the top for example Beach Christmas cards will bring them down to a complete list of Christmas cards links out to that specific page so if I'm saying I'm not sure which landing page is going to work better for me what I could do is take this landing page right here come back over to our Google ads account take our first advertisement we created we're going to duplicate it the only thing we're going to change so we're going to leave everything exactly the same except for our final URL so we're just going to come to the top with our final URL where we're sending traffic to and we're going to get rid of our old URL and we're just going to paste our new URL so now we have a different landing page and this is how you can a B test landing pages within your Google display ads campaign and this is one of the best practices I always tell people is try to use multiple landing pages even if you're just duplicating your ads which is what you want to do so you can a B test which landing page is actually driving better results now for me I already know that for the most part these landing pages work better than my blog post style landing pages I think it's just people are used to shopping an e-commerce type store sometimes people get to a blog post they see too much text they're out of there so you can test some of these different landing pages here see what works best for you all you have to do is enter that new Final URL come down to the bottom and we click on apply changes and now we have we scroll over a third responsive display ad so if you create your first two responsive display ads same landing page adjust some of the different images adjust some of the ad copy you can test with your responsive display ads all day if you want to use six responsive display ads to use one to test images use another one to test ad copy and then you can duplicate all of those test landing pages you can test your responsive display ads a ton and that's really a best practice that I want to make sure you understand if you are you creating display campaigns use responsive display ads and just keep testing all these different ads so when you're creating new ads just keep creating new ones could also upload display ads if you want to to run alongside your responsive display ads I have found that for the most part these are going to run way more than my uploaded display ads so we click on next and what we can do is launch our campaign so they'll check for errors we're all ready to launch our campaign we have our location set we have our targeting set we have our responsive display ads I would obviously create a fourth one here and adjust some of the different options but now they're saying our targeting signals are too narrow not too concerned about it right now so if we're not if we're not reaching our daily budget then I'll always expand my targeting signal so click on publish campaign and we are ready to run this campaign and see how our responsive display ads are performing so the there are a lot of different options when it comes to audience targeting for Google ads and specifically on the Google Display Network how you can Target different audiences based on what they're interested in and based on some of the things that they are doing that Google has tracked them doing over time so the next part of this video will be different types of audience segments that you can actually Target with your advertising campaign so let's get into audience targeting today I'm going to be going over Google ads audience targeting and everything you need to know about targeting audiences for your search display and video campaigns so I'm going to get started by creating a new campaign to go over exactly how it works and what I'm going to do is just pretend I'm going to create a new display campaign so I can go through all of the different audiences that you can Target with your advertisements so we're going to click on display here you can choose one of your conversion goals but we don't really need to worry about that too much here you can enter your website name your campaign and we're going to click on continue which will bring us to the new campaign screen so it's going to start with location and language targeting which will also make up your audio audience where they're located and the languages that your customers speak so you always want to start with the locations you're targeting and you want to enter your language targeting as well but what we're going to do is we're going to come down here to targeting and you're going to see first optimized targeting is set up for you so this is fairly new in Google ads where what you can do is opt into optimize targeting which allows you to get more conversions by using information like your landing page your assets all the information Google ads has about what you're trying to Target where you're sending traffic to and what your ads look like they're going to use that to try to find more conversions for you so what we're going to do here is we're going to click on ADD targeting and down here at the bottom you're going to see keywords topics and placements I just went through this in my previous video where I went over Google ads content targeting so if you want more information about keywords topics and placements you can find it at that video I will link it in the video description so you can easily find it but what we're going to do is we're going to start here with demographics because that also includes some of the different audience Target green that you can use and then what we're going to spend most of our time is with audience segments so we're going to start with demographics pretty self-explanatory you can choose your targeted demographics gender age parental status and household income so what you really want to do with this is you could either leave it wide open if you just want to reach anybody that's in your different audience segments or what you can do is say something like I want to reach people who are 25 to 64 so you could exclude some of these ages here and then you're reaching people 25 to 64. maybe you want to reach parents and maybe you want to reach females so what you can do is choose those options as you're targeting your demographics and then all you need to do is click on done and then what you can do is go through and add more targeting using audience segments and you're going to suggest who should see your ads and it's going to layer in this demographic targeting as well now in this case I'm just going to leave it wide open as I go through some of these different examples so we're going to check all of these again we're going to click on done and we have no targeted demographics now just leaving It Wide Open to everybody so what we're going to do is we're going to go over audience segments and when you use audience segments a lot of times it's going to opt you right into the search screen so let's just say for example I want to Target people who are interested in investing what you can do is just search investing here and it's going to come up with different audiences that you can Target you're going to see some Affinity audiences I will go through all the different audiences and what they mean in a moment but you can Target Affinity audiences you can Target in-market audiences you can Target homeowners so some different options you have here just by searching investing so whatever it is that you are promoting whether it's some type of investing platform whether it's some type of food and drink product maybe you're trying to Target people who are looking for baby toys all you need to do is enter a search term here and you're going to find some different audiences that will be relevant for your campaign but what we're going to do is we're going to get rid of this we're going to come back over to browse and I'm going to go through these from top to bottom so the first thing is detailed demographics so this one's pretty self-explanatory who they are and what you're going to see is from this drop down you can Target parental status so parents of infants toddlers preschoolers grade schoolers and teens come back up here we could Target marital status so three options there we can Target education so current college students highest level of educational attainment and you can Target home ownership status so who they are is not a bad option as far as targeting segments now one thing to keep in mind as we look over here on the right hand side under weekly estimates you're going to see available Impressions based on your targeting and settings but not your budget and bid so right now it's saying we haven't really layered in any targeting at all so our Impressions is 10 billion plus so when you start targeting segments one thing to keep in mind is let's say I come over here to homeownership status and I Target renters so what this is saying is anybody who rents this is who I am targeting with my advertisements now let's say I also use detailed demographics and I come over here to education and I do current college students so right now what this is saying is I want to Target either current college students or renters so it's not layering both of these different targeting options in if we click on done it's going to Target both of these separately so what this means is we're targeting current college students or renters now they can be current college students and renters but right the way we have this set up is we have current college students or renters so when you're targeting segments keep in mind it's not going to layer all of your different targeting so if you start targeting some of these different segments and you say Okay I want to reach people who are married who are let's say parents of toddlers so I can reach people who are married parents of toddlers but again it's going to Target parents of toddlers it's going to Target get marital status married it's going to Target education and it's going to Target this homeownership status all separately so all of these are four different audiences that will all be targeted within our campaign so keep that in mind as you are using your targeting so if we're going through and we're going through some of these different options here that's number one is detailed demographics so you can choose a detailed demographic but keep in mind it will be a very broad audience so next is going to be Affinity audiences what their interests and habits are these are also very broad audiences I wouldn't really recommend using detailed demographics or Affinity audiences if you're trying to run a direct response you need to return on ad spend you need to drive conversions these audiences are going to be much too broad and I would highly recommend starting with in-market and below if you're trying to reach people and trying to drive conversions still might not have a positive return on ads been with some of these different audiences because display ads do not perform as well as search ads but as we get into Affinity audiences what their interests and habits are if we come over here you're going to see some broad segments so Banking and finance will click on the drop down Avid investors now this is people who actively invest their money follow financial markets and regularly read Financial or business news the thing to keep in mind here is you are targeting a broad audience of people who have shown some level of interest in investing and that's going to go the same for every single affinity segment if you go into Beauty and wellness and you see someone who frequently visits salons that could be a massive audience that includes all sorts of people who visit different types of salons for example if we scroll over here it's going to say people who frequently visits tablet establishments that provide beauty related Services hair salons nail salons tanning salons day spas so if you're looking at top related audience segments antivirus and security software frequently attends Live Events painting services so three much different categories so when you are targeting Affinity segments keep in mind these are very very broad segments of people so if you come into food and dining coffee shop regulars cooking enthusiasts Foodies so it might not be a bad idea for example you're trying to promote a fast food restaurant you have some broad message you can use this fast food cravers audience for example you're working in marketing for one of the large fast food restaurants they have a new product out that's where this might be a good place to actually Target an affinity audience if you are are running the advertisements for a small restaurant and let's just say the restaurant fits into a fast food category targeting this audience is probably not going to be the best idea because you're going to have a massive audience of people and a lot of them might have no interest in your restaurant so keep that in mind as you do Target Affinity audiences these are people with certain interests and habits but they're going to be very broad groups so even if you look at the sizes of some of these different audiences let's go to Lifestyles and hobbies and let's say business professionals even the size of this audience here as far as weekly Impressions ranges from 10 billion to 1 trillion so it's a massive audience and it's going to say people with different types of business related jobs so if you are trying to tap into a large broad audience that's where Affinity audiences could come into play I would say detailed demographics and Affinity are very very broad you're going to have large audiences a ton of available Impressions but what you're giving up is some of that relevancy in targeting now where you're going to get better relevancy and we're going to reach people who are closer in an actual decision-making process to purchasing something is in market and life events specifically more in-market audiences so let's click over here and let's start with life events here on the bottom you're looking at some of the biggest life events so college graduation job change marriage moving and they all have drop downs as well so let's just say we click on moving you're going to see moving soon or recently moved so if you want to try to craft a message just moved into a new house here are some of the best people to help with painting with whatever it might be moving soon maybe if you're a moving company you say have you got your move ready yet and you have a moving company message so that's where some of these life events can be very useful trying to reach people as they are in the process of some of these large large life events that we all go through now the other option here is in market segments and in-market are people who are actively researching or planning some of these different categories so for example we'll come down and let's just say business services we click on the drop down for business services we click on the drop down for advertising and marketing Services you're going to see SEO and sem services so these are people who are actively looking for search engine optimization companies search engine marketing companies to either help grow their brand organically or with paid advertising you're going to see some of these top related audience segments advertising and marketing email marketing temporary and seasonal jobs top YouTube categories you're going to see all pretty relevant for the most part and up at the top you'll also have a description for all these different audiences people who influence purchasing decisions for services that provide search engine optimization or marketing the other thing that you're going to see is the weekly impressions for in-market segments are lower than the weekly Impressions forecasted for some of the different Affinity audiences and that's because you're reaching people as they're in the process of buying something so let's scroll down and let's come down to sport Sports and Fitness we'll click on the drop down let's say Sporting Goods golf equipment so somebody who is in the market for golf equipment has shown through either some of the videos they're watching some of the websites they're visiting some of the different things that they're searching into Google they're showing that they're having interest in purchasing golf equipment so if you are a company that sells new golf equipment used golf equipment this would be an audience to use for your campaigns and see how it performs and if you can drive conversions with an audience like this so these are some of the different in-market audiences the other thing you're going to see is let's come back over here and let's do our search for investing again so you're going to see all these different Affinity audiences here that come up the other thing you're going to see are different in-market audiences so people looking for automated Investment Services investment training online stock trading so I would highly recommend making a search because it's going to come up with some different in-market audiences that may not be available as you come through go to browse and you click on in market and life events they're not going to have all of these different in-market audiences there so that's why I would recommend searching because it's going to come up with some of these different built in Market audiences that other people are targeting that might be a little more relevant than some of the larger in-market audiences that they show just from the drop down here where you come into your in market and life events and you have your in-market segments drop down there's going to be more when you actually search so keep that in mind as you are targeting different audiences now the last three here as we come down into these different options the the one right here how they have interacted with your business that's going to be the best audiences that you can Target it's your data in similar segments so if we click on the Arrow to go over similar segments are automatically created as you start creating your website visitor audiences as you start creating your YouTube audiences as you upload customer lists and as you upload mobile app audiences as well so if we start here in my website visitors audience you're going to see all users of my website beachfront Decor this is a 30-day audience so anybody who has visited my website over the last 30 days you can see all visitors 30 days now we come in a similar segments you're going to see similar to all users of beach run Decor similar to all visitors over the last 30 days and you have similar to all visitors AdWords so if I click on similar to all visitors 30 days these are audience segments that Google ads is automatically going to build for you and add as you start creating some of your data segments like website visitors like some of your YouTube viewers you're going to have more and more data about those people and those audiences and if they are large enough audiences what Google ads is going to do is find similar people to the people who are visiting your website watching your YouTube videos similar to the people on your customer lists so if we come over here to similar to all visitors and we just look at the size of the audience 10K to 200k so it's not a huge audience and the way they describe it is automatically created expanded segment with interest similar to the people in all visitors of 30 days so if I take my website visitors all visitors of 30 days let's see the size of this audience 1K to 5.1 K so it's not a massive audience and you see if we target it over here our impressions are only 3.1 million available Impressions so that's a weekly estimate so it's not a huge audience but this will give you the best possible results because people who have already your website have already shown some level of interest and they are much further down the funnel as you would say of buying something because they've been to your website they've been researching what you have to offer you retarget them with one of your messages and this is the way to do it is with website visitor audiences now if you're wondering how to create your data segments and then the similar segments what you need to do is go to tools and settings and under shared Library you want to go to audience manager so I'm going to open my audience manager here and when you open your audience manager it's automatically going to go to segments and it's going to show you your data segments so you're going to see website visitors Here YouTube viewers so as we come down and we keep coming down you're going to see a custom combination segment so this is a combined audience Youtube and website retargeting so what's going to happen is you're going to have all these different segments that you can create and you need to use your data sources so I'm not going to go through how to connect some of these different data sources in this individual video but you can watch some of my videos on my Channel about remarketing and how to use website remarketing YouTube retargeting I'll link them in the video description so you can easily find them so if we come in here some of the different data sources I have I have linked my YouTube channel to my Google ads account so that will keep track of all the people who view my YouTube videos subscribe to my channel like videos share videos basically anything anyone does my YouTube channel I can Target them with advertisements my Google ads tag which I implemented on my website with Google tag manager so this keeps tracking my hits over the last 24 hours and I can create audiences based on this Google ads tag because it's collecting information about people who are visiting my web website I have linked my Google analytics 4 account to my website I'm not actively using Firebase but if you have a mobile app you can link your app analytics you can link Google play so you can link all of these different accounts to your Google ads account and it's going to allow you to Target different audience segments with your campaigns and these are going to be the top performing audience segments again because if somebody's already visited your website they've shown some level of Interest beyond the people who are just in some broad Affinity audience or some in-market audience that Google ads has automatically created you can also link zapier which is a third party platform supports importing customer lists into Google ads and the other thing that you can do is if we come over here to segments you click on the plus sign you're going to see you can create website visitor audiences so once you link some of those data sources and you click on website visitors I can say I want to use the data from my Google analytics 4 account and target people who have visited specific Pages or who have added something to their cart so when you click on the plus sign you can create more segments Here app users so people who have downloaded your mobile app YouTube users the other thing you can do is upload a customer list so if we click on the plus sign to upload a customer list the one thing you need to keep in mind customer lists can only be used on the observation setting without bid adjustments and for exclusions so the only way to actually Target customer lists with your advertisements and to get similar audiences for customer lists is you need a Google ads account with at least 90 days of history and no policy issues and you also have to have over fifty thousand dollars and spend lifetime in your Google ads account so since I don't have that for this account I can upload my emails phones mailing addresses user IDs mobile device IDs upload customer data from data platforms so you could do all of these different things here but I can only use that customer list as an exclusion for my campaigns or in the observation setting with no bid adjustments to see how that customer list is performing for my different campaigns so keep that in mind if you are uploading a customer list you do need to meet those requirements in order to Target it with your advertisements but what you can do is name your audience segment they have a template here so you can upload your CSV file use their template and it needs to comply with their formatting guidelines to upload that file you can set a membership duration you can write a description if you want to upload and create and then what Google ads will do is take the information from your customer list to actually match people who are on the Google Display Network Google video Network or who are searching for your keywords through the Google search Network so let's come back over to our display campaign and that goes over your data in similar segments so you need to connect some of those different data sources to your audience manager to your Google ads account so that you can can actually Target YouTube users website visitors mobile app users and some of your customer lists and then similar segments will be created automatically as those audiences get larger and larger now you can also use custom combination segments for example I combined my 30-day all visitors list with people who have watched my YouTube videos just as an example so I can Target that as a combined segment so that goes over coming back over here some of your data in similar segments and then combine segments so you can create combined audiences and add some of your different segments here so if you come over to segments it's going to pull up some of the ones that I've targeted recently so all visitors over the last 30 days I can Target people who are in the market for home decor I can Target home decor enthusiasts so you can Target some of these different segments here affinity and Market your website visitors and then you can create a combined audience so you click on Create and it will put every single audience into one large audience segment now what we can do is I would say Okay I want to reach people in this home decor in Market segment narrow your segment so what we're saying is they have to be in this home decor in Market segment and then if we come over here and we come over to detailed demographics I can say and their parental status they are parents of toddlers one to three years old so this is how you can combine some of these different audience so before when I was telling you that if you're using some of these different detail demographics Graphics it's going to Target them all separately so this is how you can combine some of them so what you can do is say I want someone in this home decor segment who's in market for home decor and I want parents of toddlers who are one to three years old obviously I wouldn't combine these two segments because they don't really make sense to combine but what you could do is say I want someone who's in the market for toys who's also a parent of a toddler one to three years so you're able to combine some of these different segments to create really a much more targeted audience so this is how you can use some of these different combined segments so coming back over here that's combined audience segments you can take some of these different options here as far as Affinity audiences detailed demographics in market and it's a great option if you are trying to reach people and you're trying to keep things really targeted with your advertisements now last but not least as far as targeting goes is custom audience segments so with custom segments what you can do is click on the plus sign here to create a new custom segment you can do this through the campaign creation process or you can do it through your audience library and what you can do is name your segment here and then you have two different options include people with the following interests or behaviors people with any of these interests or purchase intentions or you could do people who search for any of these terms on Google I personally prefer to do people who search for any of these terms on Google and what you can do here is enter a bunch of different keywords that would be relevant to whatever it is you're promoting so if I'm promoting Beach decor for example I can say use a term like beach Decor I can say Coastal Decor I can say nautical decor and then they're going to come up with some different search term ideas as well so you can find some of these different options here nautical gifts large nautical wall art so I can enter all these different keywords and what Google ads is going to do is it's going to create an audience of people you can see it's a very tight audience 10 million to 50 million weekly Impressions it's not it's not like a massive audience with 10 billion plus Impressions you're reaching people who have shown some level of interest in some of these different keywords whether they've searched them directly in Google or they've searched very similar terms on Google what Google ads is going to do is use those terms as interests or purchase intentions now if you come up here and you do people with any of these interests or purchase intentions and we click up this at the top you're going to see it's a similar amount of weekly Impressions overall but I would prefer to just use the people who search for any of these terms on Google because it's going to try to find people who are closely trying to purchase some of these different products related to the keywords that they're entering so if I'm trying to promote my beachfront Decor website maybe I have some type of sale going on then what I can do is do people who search for any of these terms enter a bunch of relevant terms based on what I'm promoting you can enter your SEO keyword list here you can enter some of your top Search terms as far as your Google ads campaigns so you can enter all sorts of different keywords here name your segment and then Target it with your advertisements and where it really becomes you useful is if I say Beach Halloween keywords so what I can do is try to find relevant Halloween keywords nautical Halloween decor Coastal pumpkins Coastal Halloween decor I have 50 million to 100 million impressions people who are showing a large level of interest in Beach Halloween decorations so I can Target that with my advertisements send them a message related to beach Halloween decorations send them to a landing page that's filled with Beach Halloween decorations and it's one of the best ways to Target People based on what they're actually searching in Google so if we click on done here this is how you can Target some of these different segments and what I would how I would go about this is the best performance is going to come from your data and similar segments and then what you can do is use some of these custom segments try to combine audience segments if you want to use some detailed demographics if you want to incorporate some in-market audiences if you're looking for more of a broad audience so you're going for more brand awareness you're going for more product consideration that's where you want to use Affinity audiences detailed demographics and you can even incorporate some of these and use them as combined segments as well now once you have your audience segment set up here you click on done and you go through the process of creating your campaign I would highly recommend always using optimized targeting because it's going to use your landing page it's going to use your assets and it's going to allow you to find more people to drive conversions and when you are creating a campaign I would highly recommend creating a campaign with a sales or leads objective focused on your conversions so that you can get the most out of your campaign no matter who you're targeting so if you have any questions about audience segments again you can find your audience manager right when you're creating a display campaign and just go directly to your audience manager connect some sources and you can start to actually Target people who are visiting your website or watching your YouTube videos or interacting with your business in some way so hopefully these all make sense these are all the different audiences you have in Google ads to Target and then when it comes to some of the different campaigns you can Target we're just going to come over to the Google ads help screen so with display campaigns Affinity custom segments detailed demographics life events in market and your data segments Now search you can Target Affinity detailed demographics in market and your data segments with search what you can do is actually Target you're obviously targeting people who are searching specific keywords so you can incorporate these audiences as well and choose to either Target them or observe them so if I choose to observe an affinity audience all I'm saying is I want to see how this Affinity audience performs for my targeted keywords and then you can actually adjust bids up or down for your search campaigns for people who are in those audiences so it can be very useful for in-market segments it can be very useful for your data segments you can for example increase your bids by 25 percent for somebody who has visited your website over the last 30 days so keep that in mind as you're running search campaigns you can incorporate your audience segments as well and then what you can also do is say I want to Target people who are searching my keywords and make sure they have to be in this specific Affinity audience so you can do that as well for search campaigns if you want to keep things very very targeted that's one option that you have now for video it's opened up to pretty much everything as well Affinity custom segments detailed demographics in market and your data segments so as you're running these different campaigns just keep that in mind you can incorporate all these audiences and try to get the most out of your campaigns by finding the audience segments that perform the best for your business now that you've watched the portion on audience targeting one of the best audiences to Target are people that have already engaged with your business so the next portion of the video will go over Google display ads remarketing specifically to people who have visited your website and there's going to be a little bit more insight into people who have watched some of your YouTube videos but I'm going to go over remarketing in the next portion of this video today I'm going to be creating a Google display ads remarketing campaign and I'm going to show you how to do it from start to finish so you're here in your Google ads account and what you need to do first is you need to make sure that you have an active Google ads account and you also need a Google analytics 4 account for your website so this is where you need to start in order to have the ability to even create remarketing audiences so that you can Target them in your Google ads campaign so if we come over here here's the step-by-step process that we're going to go through today so first you need a Google ads Google analytics 4 account you need to enable Google signals data collection in Google analytics 4. so that's what we're going to do now so we're going to come back over here to our Google analytics 4 account so I'm in here for beachfront decor and what you want to do is come to the admin screen for your Google analytics 4 account you want to go to data settings and you want to go to data collection so under data collection you're going to see Google signals data collection and you need to make sure you have this checked on so you may need to click this here if you haven't already it will come over here show the check mark then the other thing you need to do is come to the bottom and make sure you acknowledge the user data collection acknowledgment down here at the bottom I acknowledge that I have the necessary privacy disclosures and rights for my end users for the collection and processing of their data including the association of such data with visitation information Google analytics collects from my site and or app property so that's where you need to start that's going to be the first two things create your Google ads account create your Google analytics 4 account make sure you enable Google signals data collection in your Google analytics 4 account and then what you want to do is link your two accounts together so my accounts are already linked it's very easy to do especially if you're using the same exact Google account for both so if we come over here to Google ads we go to tools and settings under setup you're going to see linked accounts so you can see my linked accounts here you can see Google analytics ga4 and Firebase and I also have my YouTube channel linked as well so I'm really going to focus this Google display ads remarketing on more website remarketing but I'll show you the different options you have as far as YouTube and other things you can actually upload a customer match list so you could also incorporate an app if you want to so there's different ways to actually remarket to anybody who's interacted with your business in really any way shape or form so with YouTube here I have that linked with Google analytics four I have that linked if we come over here to manage and Link if you haven't linked already you're going to see a details link so you want to click on details and when you go into details it will automatically usually pull up whatever Google analytics account that you have so I have Google analytics the old version The Universal analytics here and because I have different Universal analytics accounts for beachfront Decor you could see these are not linked so all I really need to do to link my account is click on the link button over here so it's really that simple to link an account so if we come back over to linked accounts for ga4 we have our linked account here we come to manage and Link and you're going to see it is these both are linked together so that's all you need to do next so if we come back over here number three link your Google ads and Google analytics for account this is important because we enabled Google signals data collection in Google analytics 4. so now we can actually create audiences in Google analytics for but if we don't have our ga4 account linked to our Google ads account then they really can't communicate they don't know what audiences we've created so once you link them you're able to import those audiences directly into your Google ads account automatically every time you create one so what we can do is next create your data which remarketing has also been rebranded to your data segments so if you see your data that just means you're interacting with people who have already interacted with your business so we're going to create your data segments or audiences in Google ads or you can do it in Google analytics for so let's come back over here we're in Google ads already so let's come over to tools and settings under shared Library you're going to see audience manager so you can see some of my different segment names here so all users of beachfront Decor all visitors over the last 30 days so the all users of beachfront Decor is automatically created when we link our Google analytics for and Google ads account and we set up Google signals data collection so I'll show you that in a minute but what we can do when we're in our audience manager you're going to see segments here and what you're going to see is your data segments which essentially is just another way of saying remarketing audiences so where you see your data segments that means people who have either interacted with your YouTube channel your website if we click on the plus sign here we can upload a customer list so that's another option that you have now keep in mind there are certain thresholds that you need to meet in your account in order to Target a customer list the main one being you need at least fifty thousand dollars in spend so if you don't have that then you may not even want to bother uploading a customer list but if you do have a customer list an email list or anything like that you might as well upload it here Here YouTube users so if you have an active YouTube channel you can Target people have interacted with your YouTube channel or videos so for example for Surfside PPC I could Target anybody who watches this video with advertisements I can Target anybody who subscribes to my channel I can Target anybody who views any video so you can Target all of these different visitors and viewers as they are either going to your website as they are giving you some of their information or as they're watching your videos on YouTube so the other thing is app users so people who have downloaded your mobile app you can Target them with your advertisements but what I'm really going to focus on today are website visitors people who visited your website or landing pages so if we click on the plus sign here what we could do is create a new audience segment website visitors you can name your segment here and segment members will be visitors of a page or you could do visitors of a page who've also visited another page visitors of a page who did not visit another page and visitors of a page with specific tags so you have different options here as far as your segment so what we could do is a visitors of a page that where the page URL contains and enter any word here that would be useful for your business so I'm starting to get more towards Christmas with beachfront Decor so people who are actively looking up Beach Christmas decorations so what I can say is if my page URL contains Christmas or I could say page URL contains ornaments or page URL contains and come up with every single Christmas word I can possibly think of related to the different types of products that I'm selling so it may be Christmas trees so since I already have Christmas here that would account for that we have ornaments here I could do something like garlands I can do or and we could do something like wreaths could also just keep it as wreath and Garland and ornament and we could do ore we could do holiday so we can create this audience and what it's going to allow me to do is actually Target people who visit my Christmas pages with a specific Christmas message so I can take the page URL contains and use all these different words here try to find more and more words as well I know there's I could do stockings and tree topper and all sorts of different things but for right now we'll just keep these different page URL contains and a word now if we click here you can also see refer URL we could do page URL equals starts with ends with does not contain does not equal does not start with so you have a ton of different options now the more traffic you drive to your website over honestly the better your audiences are going to be I worked with a client that got millions and millions of visitors a month and we were able to create all sorts of different data segments based on the website visitors because they're visiting so many different pages and categories of pages you're able to put people in all these different buckets kits and that's ultimately what you want to do to understand what people are looking at on your website so we have these different page URL contains different holiday words let's just add stockings why not we'll just do stocking because it'll match both of them we'll do Garland because it'll match both we'll do ornament okay with Christmas ornament garland wreath holiday stocking okay pre-fill options we can pre-fill the segment with people who match rules within the past 30 days I generally keep them pre-filled because we might as well start getting people in our audience immediately people stay in this segment and let's just say for 90 days so anybody who's looking up Beach Christmas decorations over you know in the past 30 days over the next 30 days over the next 60 days the next 90 days I want to Target them with my ads so we're going to give it a longer membership duration of 90 days and then we can enter a description here if we want to let's make sure I name my segment [Music] okay so Christmas pages and we could do page URL okay so we'll scroll down here and we'll click on create segment so that's one option as far as creating an audience and now you can see Christmas Pages page URL this is populating now it's a website visitors rule-based audience so they're able to use the data that I've given them from my Google analytics 4 account to create this audience now let's come back over here to Google analytics 4 and the one thing I want to go over now and if you come to configure and you go to audiences this is where you can create your audiences and these audiences will automatically go into your Google ads account so you can see here I have all users and I have purchasers so two different audiences here they're both created on October 28 2020 so as soon as I enabled Google signals data collection those audiences were created now if we come over here to my audience manager you're going to see all visitors Google ads purchasers of beachfront Decor but the other one is actually all users of beachfront to core so this is my Google Analytics for property users right now on search display I have a nine thousand people or search on YouTube I have 9000 display at 5900 so it's a large enough audience that I can start targeting them with my ads and the other thing that's going to happen once you have eligible audiences so right here my YouTube viewers too small to serve because I don't really get a lot of YouTube views on my beachfront Decor channel so my website visitors audience once you have an eligible audience here we scroll down you're going to see similar to all users of beachfront Decor on display one million to 2 million people that are similar to the people in my audience and this is going to automatically update over time so it's your similar segments are automatically created based on your data segments so this website visitors segment that we have right here the similar audiences or similar segments are automatically going to be created once those are eligible and then you can start targeting them across search YouTube display and discover campaigns so if we come back over here let's come back over to Google analytics for what you can do here is you can create audiences directly in Google analytics 4 and what they're going to do is they're automatically going to go into your Google ads account but let's just come back over to Google analytics they have some suggested audiences so purchasers seven day lapse purchasers they have little descriptions here for each of them non-purchasers recently active seven day lapsed users we come over here to templates they have demographics technology acquisition so if we click on demographics I can say include users where and just say age is one of and let's just say we do 35 Plus audience so I can say Okay I want to make sure I'm targeting oh I didn't include it but we'll make sure we include it age is 35 Plus let's say membership duration will just set to maximum limit so is one of and we'll click on apply okay so now age they need to be 35 and up so what we're doing is we're saying anybody who is 35 and up we want them to add them to this audience we click on Save and now this audience will automatically go into our Google ads account again not immediately so it's going to take a little bit so we're not going to Target this one right away but let's click on new audience and show some different ideas as well so if we click on create a custom audience it's going to say include users when you can name your audience up here you can add a description you can add conditions and you can add sequences so again this does work the best for websites that get a ton of traffic because you can really add a bunch of different conditions to create the perfect audience depending on who you want to Target so if we do include users when and we can do events so anytime a user completes a specific event maybe they watch a video on our website you can set that as an event and you can Target people who have watched a video on your website we can come over here to custom they have link URL outbound clicks demographics so you can pick by several different demographics here e-commerce category product ID order coupon transaction ID so I'm not going to go through each of these but you can see there's a ton of different options that you have as far as who the user is whether they watched a video what type of device that they're using what pages they visited so if we do page and screen and we already did what we could do is Page title here and say page title contains and we could do the same thing that we did before you're going to see it's going to pull up some of our different pages here but we could do the same thing we did before where you see 25 plus Beach Christmas tree ideas so if we do page title contains and let's just say we do Christmas okay so we have 1.2 000 users in this audience a page title that contains Christmas now what we can do is create two different audiences so we have our one over here where the page URL contains all those different words in Google analytics 4 we could say page your page title contains Christmas or let's say again we'll go to page screen page title and we'll do the same thing contains and we'll just do ornament and it's going to pull up some different pages here that do contain that word so if we do ornament we can click on apply so we can keep doing this over and over again so let's create the same basic audience okay so if page title contains Christmas or ornament or tree or a wreath or Garland or stocking now you can also do end here so I could do page title contains Christmas and something else so I could also add holiday I could add a bunch of different titles here but we have 2K users in this audience let's just set our membership duration to the maximum limit we could Target this audience every single Christmas so we're just gonna say Christmas page titles okay and one thing you can do when you're making Google analytics for audiences just so you know the source of your audience is you could always do ga4 and then when it's imported here into Google ads you're going to have a little ga4 at the end of it so just one option to kind of keep things a little bit organized you can add a description here we can add exclusions so there's a lot that you can do with all of these different audiences so going through them I mean I can go through this for hours and hours but hopefully this makes sense some different audiences that you can create basically any action anyone takes on your website you can Target them with ads so right now we have ages 35 Plus all users purchasers so I don't actually have a purchase on my website so I don't have any users in this audience and then I have Christmas page titles so once this populates it's going to go into our Google ads account we can start targeting it but for now let's come back over to Google ads and what we can do is come here to our campaigns and we can create a new campaign okay let's make sure we're in our beachfront Decor account I'm in a manager account that has two different accounts in it so we're in beachfront decor we're going to create a new campaign now what you want to do is first choose your campaign objective now if you're running remarketing campaigns you really want to be doing sales or leads depending on what goal category you have so I have purchases here so we're going to remove our book appointments goal I just have purchases as my conversion but it's basically an affiliate click every time someone clicks out to an affiliate link so we have purchases we're going to run a display campaign we can enter our website here beachfront and we can also enter our Christmas landing page so if you want to enter your landing page here you can I'm just going to enter my home page for right now then you want to name your campaign so let's just say beachfront Decor Christmas sale okay so campaign settings you want to choose your location targeting so I'll just set mine to United States and Canada set your language targeting you can go into more settings if you want I'm not going to change any of the more settings so we have our location and language targeting we'll click on next is going to be your budget and your bidding strategy so since we're using the sales objective then what we want to do is we want to set our daily budget let's just say I want to spend 25 a day on this campaign we want to focus on conversions we want to automatically maximize conversions you can set a Target cost per action so obviously if every conversion is worth ten dollars for you then you want your target cost per action to be less than ten dollars so this here says three dollars and sixty cents a typical Target CPA for a display campaign let's just set hours at three dollars so we want to drive conversions at three dollars per conversion we'll click on next okay so first things first optimized targeting is set up for you so that's automatically set up it's going to use information like our landing page and all of our assets and it's also going to incorporate our targeting as well so when we come in here to add targeting what you want to do is go into audience segments this is where your remarketing audience is or your data segments will appear so if we come over here to browse we scroll down and we come to how they have interacted with your business your data and similar segments so we click you can see website visitors there's custom combination segments so you can combine people who have watched YouTube videos you can combine people who have visited your website I can say anybody who's watched my Beach Christmas videos and who's also been to my Beach Christmas pages and just create this massive Christmas audience of anybody who's interested in Christmas at the beach whatsoever and I can Target them with my ads so if we come here to website visitors so you could see ages 35 Plus so they actually have these already created and imported so that's much quicker than it's happened for me in the past but what we can do here so we have two different options I can say Christmas page titles and I can say Christmas pages so this was the page titles we just created in Google analytics for so the size is still zero so may take a few days to actually show up in our audience manager let's see if it's in there already usually when I create an audience in Google analytics four it's not there instantly but maybe they change that and then we have the one we just created so our Christmas Pages page URL let's come over here to our audience manager real quick and okay so we have these here instantly actually so ages 35 Plus and we have our Christmas page titles ga4 so these were the two audiences that we just created in Google analytics for so generally in the past when I've done this I don't these don't appear here immediately so they must have uh they must have these come in quicker but they aren't populated yet if you look they're both size zero so it will take a little bit time to start getting people in these audiences but if we're targeting both of these then once these audience start to populate and they become eligible then we can actually start serving them our advertisements so we can select these two website visitor audiences those are our two targeted segments and we have optimized targeting set to on now you can turn optimize targeting off it it's gonna Target people who are not actually part of your your data segments if you're using optimized targeting it's going to go out and find other people based on all the information that Google has has about your campaign to try to Target other people who they believe are going to be as likely to convert as people in your data segments so it's up to you if you want to use optimized targeting I generally use it it's going to expand your audience who you're targeting and it's generally to improve your performance but if we just want to Target people who are visiting our Christmas pages on our website then we'll turn it off and we'll click on next so next what you want to do is create your responsive display ads now I just created a video where where I went over responsive display ads how to create them best practices so what I'm going to do is I'm going to actually recommend that video to you I put the link in the video description so that you can easily find it but this is how you create a remarketing Google display ads campaign from start to finish so coming back over here how to set up remarketing so one you need a Google ads account and a Google analytics 4 account now if you see ga4 that means Google analytics 4 you need to enable Google signals data collection in your Google analytics 4 account then link your two accounts create your data segments in Google ads or Google analytics 4 and then you want to Target your data segments with your Google display campaigns now keep in mind if you do turn display expansion on then that means that it's going to expand Beyond people in your remarketing audiences But ultimately what Google ads is trying to tell you is we're going to try to reach people who we think will convert at the same rate as people in those audiences so you could turn off optimize targeting especially if you have large audiences and you you don't want to expand them anymore now for me with smaller audiences where it said only about 2 000 people then what you might want to do is expand it to make sure that you're actually spending and reaching people with people who are going to be more likely to convert on our website okay so you've launched your campaign it's running for a little bit you're getting some activity now you need to optimize it so I'm going to go over six different Google display ads optimizations some of the things that I look at whether I'm taking over a client account or I'm running my own campaign so next is going to be optimization and that's going to finalize the course today I'm going to be going over six different Google display ads optimizations that you can make within your campaigns so I'm going to be using this old campaign that I ran and I ran this just as an example but it was a furniture sale that I ran in April so let's just say I want to get this campaign back live and we're running another furniture sale for the next month so I want to make the optimization to this campaign before I relaunch it so I'm going to go over some of the things that I would look at for one of my own campaigns or a client campaign when it's time to opt optimize your Google display ads so let's get started with my list of optimizations here and then we're going to go into each individual thing and kind of give you a little bit of insight into what you're optimizing so optimize your landing pages your display ads your targeting your bids and conversions you should be using smart bidding for your Google display ads the location that your ads are actually showing up and your offer so let's get into number one number one optimize your landing pages where is your traffic going what are people seeing after they click your ad so you want to make sure you're asking yourself some of these different questions at the bottom here where is my traffic going what are people seeing so in this case I am running a furniture sale so my ads are all geared around Farmhouse Furniture obviously people are seeing these as display ads but one of the things that I like to do is go to Google search and search the main keyword that you're kind of promoting with whatever it is you're trying to sell with your Google display ads essentially what we're looking for here are just some landing pages so I've gone through to some of the ads we have an Overstock ad right here oh Overstock actually had an organic option here as well so I clicked on both of them and then I scrolled all the way to the bottom of the page and I found this one more ad here for James and James Furniture so we have these three different landing pages I pulled up along with my own so I'm currently sending traffic to this landing page where you can see people can click through some different categories they scroll down there's some different products for sale here over on the left hand side the one thing I really need to refine here is Farmhouse products is make sure that this actually matches the category so this doesn't really perfectly match the category because I have some lighting here this is a RAID done product that I actually have to regenerate the image but what you can see here is this is my landing page so I could definitely make improvements to it there's really no offer on the landing page either so I need to make sure I put my offer on the landing page but let's look at overstock's landing page so further advertisement so at the very top of the page you can see they had the first advertisement here below the shopping ads so if we click this is what their landing pages so I come in extra 15 off select Furniture featured categories need inspiration virtual showroom beautiful desks and then they have a bunch of categories here if we keep coming down how to style the curved Furniture Trend furniture by Price fluted Furniture Trends so they have some different Trends here they have some pricing they have some categories so it's a good landing page to try to get people in who are looking for a broad category of Farmhouse furniture and then they can click through and choose what they actually want to buy now the one thing is it just shows Furniture here so there's nothing geared around Farmhouse Furniture so that's the only real downside I see with this landing page it's not really geared towards Farmhouse it's just Furniture in general now the organic listing is actual Farmhouse Furniture basically they just have their Farmhouse filter here so any product that they have as a farmhouse style is on this page so this isn't the greatest landing page truthfully because you don't have categories of products you're just kind of showing different random products here and to me they're not all completely Farmhouse related so not the greatest page but organically it ranks really well but that's because it's Overstock so let's look at James and James I actually really like this landing page now you come here and essentially at the very top is a storytelling video so they're showing buy our furniture you can see it's not some large manufacturer that's making thousands and millions of pieces they're showing this garage where somebody's make putting together actual Furniture you could see all these different Furniture pieces here like a showroom so if we come down we can click through to some of these different categories why our customers love J and J built furniture along with some testimonials watch from James garage so they have a lot of different things here and I like this landing page overall so number one make sure you're optimizing your landing pages and one of the things that you can do is let's say you you have your responsive display ad here now I'm going to go into a couple different things here but if you're running one or two responsive display ads let's just say you are running two responsive display ads that's going to be another one of my optimizations in a second so let's say you have two different ads here what you can do is duplicate your ads in your ad group so we come here we take the existing advertisement we edit we copy it and then we paste it so we're going to paste it right into this ad group now okay and what you're going to see is we have our one original advertisement here and all you need to do is duplicate this ad and then we can a B test our landing page so we have the same advertisement running you come into this new advertisement and just upload your landing page so what I would probably do is create a brand new landing page on my website so if we come back over here here's my current landing page I'd probably create a different landing page maybe feature some of the categories more put some testimonials in there make sure I have an offer at the top of the page maybe some different featured Farmhouse Furniture products so all these different things could really help my landing page so what you want to do is just do a couple different designs on your landing page and see if you're able to see a lift in your conversion rate so you can improve your cost per conversion so we come back over here to Google ads all you need to do is come to the top of your responsive display ad and just change your final URL here so we update our final URL keep everything exactly the same click on Save and now we're testing our landing pages so that helps us optimize our landing pages so this might be something you want to do monthly so every month create a new landing page duplicate your ads remove whichever landing page isn't performing as well and then start testing the new landing page because what you're looking for is Lyft so if you test this for a couple of different months you can figure out okay this is my top performing landing page this is the landing page that is the winner between all of them so this is the one we're going to run moving forward so it really helps with your conversion rate optimization to actually optimize your landing pages and a lot of people don't think about it when you're looking at your display ads campaign to understand where is the traffic going what are people seeing after they click your ad the conversion happens on your landing page so you need good landing pages so I'm going to spend the most time on this one so let's bring us to number two optimize your display ads so I broke my own rule here here do you have at least two responsive display ads and have you tested standard display ads so let's come back over and the first thing I want to go over are standard uploaded display ads so some of the different file types you can use GIF jpeg PNG so you can use all three of these different formats here and then these are all the different ad sizes you can create now it's a ton of different ad sizes and if you're not working with a graphic designer and you're creating your own display ads you can see this can be a daunting task so what I would do is I would create these two sizes so 160 by 600 300 by 600 I would create 728 by 90 the leaderboard I would create a 970 by 250 and then I would create all three of the different mobile ads here and the main size you really want to focus on is 300 by 250 which you could also essentially expand and create a 336 by 280. so when we're looking at advertisements to create 300 by 250 336 by 280 160 by 600 300 by 600 7 28 by 90 970 by 250 and then the mobile sizes so that's what I would recommend as far as display ads you don't need to create every single size but if you are creating for example a 300 by 600 it's generally not that hard to kind of resize your advertisement and create some of these different sizes as well so the more display ads it helps and what you want to do is make sure you're running standard display ads you might want to run two variations so that the better performing display ads are actually showing up more often but more importantly create at least two responsive display ads my strategy that I've been using with display ads is we're going to come back here we'll click on Save if we scroll down generally what I'll do is I'll create one responsive display ad and then I will take this responsive display ad and duplicate it and I will test the images and the videos against each other so I will have one responsive display ad with 14 images three videos create a second responsive display ad keep the ad copy exactly the same the final URL exactly the same and all I'm doing is updating the images and the videos so we're just looking for different visual assets to see what's performing better when people are seeing our responsive display ads we're going to keep our ad copy exactly the same our final URL is exactly the same for these two advertisements the only difference is the visual assets so what you would do is you would take these two advertisements so we have two running we're going to copy these and paste them just like we did before so that's going to duplicate these two ads and then coming back over here I then optimize my landing pages by taking my other landing page variation and for my two new advertisements so for those two that I just duplicated these so for the two new ones that are that I just pasted I'm just updating the final URL for those two advertisements so we're running a total of four advertisements per ad group in our Google display ads campaigns so hopefully that makes sense you're essentially running two versions of your responsive display ads that are testing the visual assets and then you're also going to duplicate those and you're going to test the landing pages so you have four ads per ad group what Google ads is going to do is they're going to serve your top performing advertisements so if you're running one responsive display ad here there's no testing at all going on your your campaign is just all focused on that one responsive display ad if you're running four responsive display ads with different visual assets with different landing pages you're able to essentially test which landing pages performing better and which visual assets are performing better now what you might want to do is go into your settings and change your ad rotation to rotate evenly for a week or two depending on how much you're spending if you have a very high budget campaign your testing will happen very quickly but you want to make sure that all of your ads are getting data because let's just say all four ads spend a hundred dollars and let's say one of them drives 39 conversions one of them drives six conversions so obviously you have a clear winner here Google ads is going to stop serving the one with six conversions once you set your ads back to optimize so one and two optimize your landing pages optimize your display ads specifically your responsive display ads and then what you can do is upload standard display ads as well now to me it's not a necessary step to upload standard display ads at least create responsive display ads I think they're much easier to work with they create a bunch of different ad variations for you and what you're looking for is the top ad variation that's going to lift your campaign so that's going to bring us to number three number three is optimize your targeting now if I'm running One display ads campaign and let's say I have my ad groups here what I will generally do is separate my ad groups so that one of them is all of my data so using your data segments specifically if you can create buyer segments because then you have a bunch of people that have actually purchased from you before and you can Target these similar audiences that are based on your data segments that are built on buyers so hopefully that makes sense let's say you have a total of 5 000 sales over the last two months you can say Okay I want to take everybody who has purchased for me and I want to create that as a data segment what's going to happen is Google ads is going to create similar segments based on your buyers and you can actually Target people with your advertisements who are very very close lookalikes to people who are purchasing from you already the other thing to understand is are segments converting or not converting now you may want to separate out your data segment campaigns from campaigns that are running in Market segment custom segments similar segments so sometimes you can run two different Google display ads campaigns understanding that you're going to see the best data from your your data segments which is remarketing it's just another way to say remarketing so people who are visiting your website people who are on your customer list people downloading a mobile app people watching your YouTube videos if you're using all that data you're going to get the best possible targeting for your Google display ads so if we come over here I've done a ton of videos about Google display ads remarketing and all the different audience segments so I will put that in the video description so you can easily watch any of those videos if you have any questions now what I would recommend doing is if we come in here to my one ad group and we come over here to audience what you're going to see and this is why sometimes I will separate out my campaigns run a campaign a remarketing campaign and then run a campaign focused on other audience segments outside of my remarketing audiences so if we come over here to edit audience segments you can see I'm targeting an in-market audience Home Furnishing so people who are actively researching and purchasing home furniture sure and then I have a custom segment Farmhouse Furniture so people who are actually searching different Farmhouse Furniture keywords so you can create your own custom segments very easily down here at custom audience segments when you're building a campaign create a custom segment here choose people who search for any of these terms on Google and add a bunch of relevant Search terms based on whatever it is you're advertising so we're going to click on cancel here we're going to click on cancel again so I have these two audience segments along with a similar segment along with website visitors segment so if we do show table what you're going to see is most of my clicks are all coming in through the in-market segment and this custom segment so you're seeing most of my clicks there I'm getting some for my similar segment and some from my all user segment so what you may want to do is create two separate campaigns one baser on your data one base around other segments that are not people who have interacted with your business before with the understanding that your target CPA is going to be better for a remarketing campaign than it will be for another campaign now the other thing that you can do is do it just like I did here and then you go over to the settings for your ad group so I'm within my ad group right now you go to the settings for your ad group and then what you want to do is edit ad group targeting and you want to make sure you have optimized targeting turn on so if we scroll down here you want to make sure you turn optimize targeting on because what that's going to do is going to help you find more people beyond your targeting signals but what Google ads does is it uses your targeting signals such as your data segments such as similar segments such as custom segments your landing page and your assets to find people that are likely to convert that are outside of our actual targeting so some different options you have as far as targeting so a few different things you can do create separate campaigns you can also if within your campaign you can create different ad groups so create one ad group that is your custom segment click on Save and then all you need to do just like we do duplicated the advertisements take this ad group we have our forward responsive display ads running in this ad group already so that's when you want to duplicate your ad group copy it paste it and then look at different segments whether you want a different ad group with an in-market segment another ad group with similar segment another ad group with your data segments what you can do over time is choose to pause specific ad groups if you're noticing that they're getting the most clicks Impressions cost data if you're seeing one ad group is performing better than another if you're seeing one ad group isn't get enough clicks then pause some of the ad groups that are getting all the clicks because what you're trying to do is you're trying to give Google ads data because what's going to happen next is we're going to optimize our bids and conversions so we can optimize our bidding by giving Google ads data so if we have four different ad groups here with four different sets of targeting and Google ads knows okay the custom segment is outperforming every other AD group we're going to continue to focus on that targeting and that targeting group and we're going to keep running more of the campaign towards this ad group because that's what's driving conversions so number four is optimize your bids and your conversions so when I say optimize your conversions make sure you're properly measuring your kpis you may have multiple key performance indicators maybe you have a conversion for add to cart maybe you have a conversion for purchases maybe you have a conversion for somebody who signs up and books an appointment or somebody who fills out a lead form so make sure you're optimizing for the main conversions that you want to see happen for this campaign don't optimize for 10 different conversions but if you have an add to card conversion and let's say you give that a value of one dollar every time someone adds something to a cart that's a one dollar value and then you can also say okay let's use our purchases as well and we're going to actually import our value from every single purchase into Google ads so that's all really important and you're allowed to use different bid strategies specifically smart bidding strategies that optimize for your conversions now with a display campaign what I would recommend doing is go into your tools and settings and then under measurement go into your conversions make sure you're using data driven attribution for your conversions so if we come back over here you can see my conversion action right here an affiliate click we click on the details for this conversion you can edit your settings and use a data-driven attribution model which is actually going to take into account every single click from your campaign every single click from your Google ads campaigns to understand how conversions happen for you so is somebody clicking on a display ad once and then a search ad and then they're converting that gives you more data about every single click that somebody takes on a path to conversion on your website and and Google ads will actually give that display click some level of value so that they know okay these clicks aren't leading directly to conversions but they are the click before the next click that generally leads to a conversion so data driven gives you more data along the way you're not just looking at the very last click you're looking at all the clicks on the path now if we come back over here as well and we're looking at our campaign we go into our settings what you really need to do when you're creating a display campaign use a marketing objective of sales or leads so you're using conversion tracking you want to focus on sales or leads depending on what it is that you're driving then you have your goal here so your goals so you want to make sure you're using this campaign specific goal setting so you're optimizing for your main conversion here now last but not least you're bidding so I have a Target CPA bid strategy for this campaign if I just click on change bid strategy you should always be focused on conversions or conversion value so conversion value obviously if you actually are have a store you're selling products you're able to in import your price and your Revenue data into Google ads you can optimize for conversion value whereas leads you're going to optimize for conversions and then what you can do is focus to automatically maximize conversions or if we go to conversion value you can set a return on ad spend and say okay I want to return on ad spend of 300 percent click on Save and then what you're trying to do is just improve what you're getting out of your campaign so number four optimize bids and conversions so that's going to bring us to number five optimize where your ads appear our specific placements not converting are you targeting content and audience segments together so one of the things that you can do is once you start getting more and more data for your campaign is you can come over here to content so we're going to continue we're not going to save our changes come over here to content and you can actually Target topics or you can Target placements or you can Target display and video keywords now Google ads recommends choosing one of these three options as far as content targeting and what they're going to do is they're going to take your audience segments into account so if I'm targeting let's say for example a custom segment for people who are searching for Farmhouse Furniture I can incorporate topics and say I want people to only see my ads when they're on a page about home and garden so I like using topics or display in video keywords so if you're entering display keywords here they can very much match your Search keywords your SEO keywords you could click on the plus sign here and import your keyword list because what you're looking for are keywords that match specific websites or YouTube channels or mobile apps so that people are actually seeing things about the topic that you're advertising so it's similar to topics except what you're using are contextual display keywords so if for example I just enter a keyword here Sports then my ads may show on ESPN so you're trying to find similar websites to the display and video keywords you enter here and topics would be the same as well now you can Target individual placements but keep in mind if you start adding placements it's going to limit your campaign to the placements you set so if you have a list of 300 different websites that you want your ads to show up on then you can add placements here if you're going to put two different placements then you're probably not going to get enough data for your campaign so I generally focus on topics or display video keywords while I am layering in my audience targeting my demographic targeting all of that can be very important as you're optimizing your campaign now what you can also look at is see where your ads appeared that's where displacements can be much better see where your ads appeared now in this case this campaign ran a lot in mobile apps but it was driving conversions so I don't really see a huge issue with it Gmail Candy Crush Solitaire dominoes so you're seeing all these different mobile apps so I'll show you how to exclude mobile apps in a minute you really don't want your ads to only run on mobile apps but you're going to see there's websites here too now some of these websites only in your opening hours dot CA some of these are just like those websites that have a ton of different content about random things that mean absolutely nothing but they get a ton of traffic because opening hours is probably a website about what time certain things open so somebody might be researching you know what time the local IHOP opens and they're just going to go to this website to figure it out so you may want to come in here and look for segments that are driving clicks driving Impressions driving your costs up and not driving conversions because then what you can do is take some of these different placements edit and exclude them from your campaign now what you can also do is if you go into placements here or excuse me we're going into exclusions here and then we want to set placement exclusions if you do want to exclude mobile apps from your campaign what you do is you come to exclusions placement exclusions you click here and you're going to exclude placements you're gonna EX ad placement exclusion exclude from campaign and then you want to go into your app categories here and select every single app category so you want to select all of these different categories click on save you can see I already selected some of them go into all these different app categories click on Save and then your ads will no longer show on mobile apps so some different options as far as optimizing where your ads appear are certain placements not converting you want to make sure you're excluding them exclude mobile apps if they're not converting for you are you targeting content and audience segments together so I'd like to incorporate topics sometimes or display in video keywords along with the audience segments I'm targeting and then you can also layer in some demographic targeting as well so all of that is very important to make sure you're reaching the ideal customer now last but not least number six and this is going to be one that's really more up to you I'm not gonna have a ton of different ideas here but optimize your offer what's your unique selling point is your offer converting with other types of traffic so are you seeing good conversions overall with from your organic search traffic from your social media traffic maybe you're running other types of paid ads from Facebook ads or maybe you're running Google search ads so is your offer converting in general now when I look at mine and we come over here to Farmhouse Furniture there's no offer on this page at all when I originally ran the campaign I had it as a 20 off sale so if I'm actually running a sale where it's 10 20 off whatever it may be then what I need to do is make sure that the ads talk about the sale make sure that's what's highlighted in the advertisements here's what you're saving it's a limited time offer go get your furniture before the sale ends they come in here I want to do the same exact thing I want a big banner up at the top here maybe at the top of the page right here that says save x amount percent up until this date so you're trying to create some type of limited time offer some type of Reason somebody actually wants to purchase from you what is your unique selling proposition what are you selling to people that's better than your competitors so I did another example here so just search marketing software this is kind of my go-to search to look at some different ads and click on some landing pages so marketing software top 10 marketing software easy to use free tools and reviews easily find what you're looking for okay so I opened captera marketing software compare product features and ratings to find the marketing software for your organization so a really good landing page because they have top 10 marketing software for me to choose and they have a bunch of reviews for all of them it looks like they have some different reviews that they brought in here as well and so it's it's a really good landing page because they're trying to get me to click visit website for one of these pieces of marketing software specifically they probably want me to use Marketo engage since that's what they have at the top so these are some different landing page options and offers now I also click on this best marketing software click on it the unified marketing platform for marketing teams get started with your free trial so not a bad landing page overall to me I would probably highlight more increase the ROI of your marketing spend and optimize your team productivity because whether you're a boss or you're the person working for the boss you want to increase your Roi and you want to optimize your productivity so I would probably appear at the top put increase your Roi the unified marketing platform so that means that's the quick selling point right at the top increase your Roi that's what you're trying to get across also people so they have the unified marketing platform for marketing teams so they went more with the optimize your team productivity not a big deal now what they could do is run this landing page and then have another landing page and see which one performs better like we talked about earlier and hopefully you get people to sign up with their free trial so coming back over here for your Google display ads campaigns you want to optimize your landing pages you want to optimize the offer on your landing pages your display ads what people are seeing and clicking before they visit your landing pages and then what you really want to focus on is who you're targeting where they're seeing your ads and how Google ads is helping to optimize your campaign as well so all of these go hand in hand what you need to do is keep giving Google ads different things to test and what they're going to do is they're going to optimize your bids they're going to try to optimize to drive you more conversions thank you for watching my Google display ads course if you enjoyed the course please leave a comment please like it please share please subscribe to the channel anything you can do will help me grow my channel and help me create more courses like this one I do have courses on my Channel about keyword research about Google ads and about YouTube advertising right now if you are interested in other courses so thank you again for watching and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 21,032
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google ads, google ads tutorial, google adwords, google display, google display ads, google display advertising, google display network, google display course, google ads course, google display advertising course, google display ads course, google ads 2022, google ads 2023, google display ads 2022, google display ads 2023, google display ads tutorial, google display advertising tutorial, google display network course, google display ads tutorial 2022
Id: HvFm5kJiBXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 12sec (10932 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2022
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