New Garage Floors for $100 dollars Eagle Gloss Sealer

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hey guys and welcome back today I'm actually gonna talk about a product that I absolutely love I think it's a great value and does the job it's supposed to where there's so many products out there today that kind of let you down and they don't give you your money's worth kind of like the door stain that I had bought and that's beside the point today we're gonna talk about the Eagle gloss coat and I absolutely love this product let's get started [Music] [Music] okay I've used this product twice before in my basement and also my garage now for five gallons of this through Home Depot which I had to order they don't have this in stock is $100 I did my basement and my garage with less than 10 gallons we're going to do my 30 by 50 with five gallons of it and that should take care of the 1,500 square feet in there now it does recommend that you do two coats of this in the basement I did two coats in my upstairs garage I did one coat down here in the separated garage we're gonna do one coat and see how it looks I think the first thing that we need to do is kind of get everything prepped ready to go and let's get started well the garage is open so that's good we can start working the first thing I'm going to do is I've got a bucket I'll fill this with water and put Dawn dish detergent in there and I will use a mop now this mop is old and I've used it when I first did my garage so the spiderwebs don't help but this little scrub brush really does and does a good job so I'm just going to mop the entire floor scrub it make sure that's absolutely clean once I do that and I will show you a little more about this but this is the Eagle gloss coat for $100 you get five gallons of this and for five gallons it will do the 30 by 50 it says to do two coats on there now I'm not a big fan of two coats I did two coats in my basement and it looks exactly the same as my garage which I did one coat so most likely what we'll do is we'll start with one see how it looks if it looks good I'm just gonna let it cure and then I'll be able to drive cars on it so tonight we're going to wash scrub make sure that it's clean concrete and then tomorrow morning we should be able to apply this it's not a hard process it's just time-consuming and it's one thing when you have a baby you don't have a lot of all right it's not gonna do itself well as you can tell I went ahead and change because we get hot and sweaty I took glasses put some contacts in because I don't need my glasses slipping but now I'm actually gonna blow this whole place out with the leaf blower not like that damn alright I've blown out everything in the garage and now it's ready to be mopped however don't be like me use a mask or just something to cover your face when you start blowing up all the concrete dust and breathing it in probably not the best thing for you however I never said that I was an expert or really good at what I'm doing so top tip for you well not even a top tip just really think about it you shouldn't breathe in concrete dust sorry really that's that's legit don't do that what you may not realize is it's crucial we get this next step right so we obviously have to add water all right we have added exactly 1.5 gallons of water to this bucket and now we must measure out the exact amount of this magic concoction so what we do is we just kind of look at it whoo that's pretty okay that's it that's it that is exactly three milliliters of that and now we add only 0.5 more once we see the suds like this you know that it's perfect you put the nozzle down in the bottom and spray and watch just watch just keep waiting just like my wife just keep waiting see like ice cream perfect no one's gonna believe I measured any of that alright now that we've got our mop our bucket we are ready to get started I'm gonna start in the far back corner and work my way forward just like I was going to do the painting and this will get me in a good repetitive motion so when I do the painting I don't box myself into a corner so here we go all right I don't know if you could see any of that one square out of 12 is done that's a lot more work than you think so I better get back to this I'm going to shut the camera off all right hour and a half later it's all mopped up ready for tomorrow as you can tell it's almost dark and really it's dark I can't see anything in there I'm going to leave the doors open for now let it dry out as much as possible we'll start back up tomorrow morning hopefully the weather is going to hold out they're predicting rain great so anyway super hot super exhausted ready to go inside take a nice cold shower grab a beer something just to get my mind off of mopping 1,500 square foot that sucked all right it's the morning and it's time to put down the sealer as you can see I've got JJ behind me and he's putting down the perimeter and he's already done through here the hardest thing that we're dealing with today is the wind outside is blowing stuff in and we have to keep the garage doors open one so we have light into so that we don't fixate on the smell of this stuff now I've got everything that I need right here I've got the gloss coat and I've got the actual brush that's an 18-inch verse and it makes things wonderful I've used this one before and as you can see it does become plastic so when you do this you want to clean this thoroughly I had to use a dremel to clean this off so it would work again but it is ready to go put it into a bucket that's an 18 inch roller bucket I don't have one of those so I think I'm gonna try to just pour this out on the concrete and then roll it and see how that goes all right so I'm gonna go ahead and start doing this as you notice I'm wearing socks and you can use shoots that have spikes on them I find socks are easy because if it gets on them you can just throw them away after I use all the pair of socks to do this I'm gonna start pulling it out and see how this goes all right so this is where I just poured it over and then kind of spread it out I think that's gonna work out fine you just need to make sure that if there's any low spots in the concrete which there shouldn't be but always are that you get that and kind of squeegee it out to make sure that's even coat but this is gonna work out just fine I believe now we just have to do the rest of it oh sweet baby Jesus all right so this is the moment we've been waiting for I sealed up everything yesterday and today it should be dry enough for us to walk on we're gonna open up that door and take a look at how it actually looks all right guys so here is the finished product I absolutely love this it is amazing what one hundred dollars can get you now this is not going to be as protective as an epoxy coat however it's almost there really the only difference is if you get gas on this floor it will create some stickiness but oil transmission fluid all other types of fluid just wipes right up and makes it super easy to clean up there's a leaf in there but look at the difference it makes I mean this is such an improvement for 100 dollars 1,500 square feet I cannot say enough about this product I absolutely love it it's going to allow me to drive all my cars in here without worrying about having stains that set into the concrete and not having to worry about anything I can just wipe it up and keep going now it's only been 24 hours since I actually put this coat down I don't think that I'm going to do a second coat I'm going to leave it like this and then in 48 hours I can drive some cars on here here's a good example of the before and then the after and it just makes it look like a gloss wet finish you can see the shine on it when the light shines in it makes it so so nice I absolutely love the finished product it's gonna perform just like I need it to it's going to keep all oils and stains off the floor plus it gives it a much much more elegant look so nice alright guys hopefully you've enjoyed the video I wanted to share a product with you that I think is absolutely worth every penny that I spend on it that creates such a difference when you do apply it this is definitely the one eagle gloss coat is my favorite product five gallons hundred bucks for the difference it makes it's worth it to anyone that has a bare concrete floor to do it now if your concrete floor has been down for a long time and it does have oils and stuff already in it you will have to do a lot more of the prep work but if you're putting down a garage or a concrete slab I would suggest to do this right away and then as time goes on if you ever need you can just reapply it is a great product hopefully you've liked this if you have make sure that you hit the subscribe button and leave me some comments I'll catch you next time [Music]
Channel: John Engel
Views: 852,955
Rating: 4.7444854 out of 5
Keywords: concrete floors sealant, sealant, eagle, engel group, john engel, cars, car, garage, Concrete (Collection Category), Sealant, Do It Yourself (Website Category), DIY, Shiny Floor, Tutorial, How-to (Media Genre), Eagle Sealer, How-to (Website Category), Concrete Sealer, Do It Yourself (Hobby), Behr (Business Operation), cheap floor, clear coat, glossy, glass floors, stained, concrete, floors, floor, flooring, staining, sealer, sealed, gloss, finished, brown, water based, green, creto dps, color mist
Id: aLCLn_vYAa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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