Garage Makeover with Rock Solid Floor Paint

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hi everyone welcome back it's charlotte from at charlotte's house that echo can only mean one thing i am standing in an empty garage i am looking at a pile of stuff that i have moved out of the garage and i am finally ready to tackle my garage floor i live in connecticut and this floor treatment that i am going to put down by rust-oleum needs to be done in warmer temperatures so i have been waiting all winter for a few days in a row when i can begin this project and i am super excited the day has come preparation is key i am working with rustoleum i am using their rock solid garage floor paint and i couldn't be more excited that there are a few steps that i need to do to prepare for the paint i've been dying to try this rock solid garage floor paint for years and ever since we closed on our current house last fall i've been waiting for the temperature to get warm enough that i could tackle the floor before i start note that our garage floor needed a lot of prep like a lot a lot yours may not require all of these steps if you're lucky also note that each step of this makeover was basically simple but there are definitely a lot of steps try not to get overwhelmed and just take it one step at a time no surprise here before i could start i had to take everything out of the garage i tried to organize everything first so it wasn't too hard to unload it all into the driveway but i was working on the floor for about a week so i definitely had to plan accordingly so i purchased some tarps and i made sure that everything was safe from the weather before i started on the project with the garage empty i started by sweeping up any debris and then i used my leaf blower to blow out any sawdust or dirt and i finished by power washing the floor just to get up any visible stains grime or caked on dirt there was obvious staining and evidence of oil on the floor from when cars had been parked in there it's a little bit later than i'd love to be working but i want to get this cleaner and degreaser down on the floor so that i can scrub it and let it sit for 20 minutes and rinse it before bed so that i have 24 hours for it to dry so that's what i'm working on follow the directions on the package which are essentially to shake the product scrub it and then let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing i used a squeegee to help get rid of excess water and then i also set up heaters to try and accelerate the drying process between steps while i was waiting for the floor to dry i took the opportunity to quickly tape off the exposed concrete sections and give them a coat of paint i used a paint sprayer and masonry paint and it only took a couple of hours but it makes such a difference our floor is concrete the directions say that i needed to etch it first etching essentially opens up the concrete pores so that it's ready for the paint the etching powder comes with the rock solid kit and it's a fine powder that you mix with water and then you scrub onto the concrete and let it sit once you've scrubbed it onto the floor you need to rinse it off a few times and let it dry out again next step for the floor was to apply the moisture stop your floor may not need this but it looked like the cracks in our floor were allowing moisture to come up through the concrete it's suggested that you can test your concrete floor for moisture by taping a piece of plastic onto the floor and if after a while condensation or moisture build up under the plastic then you know that your concrete needs to be sealed the moisture stop is applied much like the etching solution except for you need to let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing once again i had to wait for the floor to dry out before moving on to the next step patching the cracks in the floor again your floor may not have any cracks that need patching so you may be able to skip this step i used rust-oleum's concrete patch and repair and it couldn't have been easier this patch is made to support the weight of a car so it is heavy duty stuff the directions say to mix two parts from container a with one part from container b i followed the video and just eyeballed it with the paint stirrer and mixed them together on a scrap piece of cardboard once the patch is mixed you only have about 30 minutes to work with it so i mixed and worked with smaller amounts at a time using a paint scraper i smoothed the epoxy into the cracks just the way you would fill a nail hole drag your scraper across the crack filler to smooth it out as well as you can i didn't need to but you can add a second layer if you have deeper cracks that need more fill i let my patches cure overnight before moving on to painting finally after so much prep i'm not gonna lie i was a little nervous to paint the paint comes in two separate parts that are in a special pouch that keeps the two parts separate until you roll one end towards the other like a tube of toothpaste the pressure from rolling one side into the other pops a center compartment and voila they combine together shake the envelope for a few minutes to mix the two parts thoroughly a bunch of you told me that once it's painted this floor can be a little bit slippery if it gets wet there's an anti-skid powder sold separately that you can mix in with your paint to give it the tiniest bit of texture so i figured why not i mixed my anti-skid with the paint in a bucket if you're not adding the anti-skid you can simply pour the paint directly from your pouch onto the floor there are lots of great videos on rust-oleum site and one i watched said to work in four by four sections and to drizzle the paint directly onto the floor before rolling it around the edges i used a paintbrush to cut in first before going back with my roller attach your paint roller to a pole so that it's easier to reach the whole area this next step is optional but i'm really glad i did it all those colorful chips they come in the rock solid box and they have different colors that you can choose from but ultimately they add a little bit of fun pattern and texture to the floor i decided to add them because i wasn't sure whether the texture of the patched cracks would show up through the paint and i figured the flex might help camouflage it to apply the flex take a small pinch of the chips in your fingers and throw them up in the air so that they land gently onto the surface of the wet paint one of my followers said it was like feeding chickens and i think that's about right i wasn't sure how well they'd adhere but trust me they are solidly in place i ended up using a few extra bags of chips so if you like the pattern and density of the chips on my floor you might need to add more chips than the ones provided in the rock solid floor kit this floor paint is super strong and it can hold up to a car obviously but it does not require a top coat there is a top coat you can purchase but for me personally i was ready to wrap this project up so i skipped it i let the floor sit for 48 hours before moving everything back in and i couldn't be happier with it i suppose time will tell but for now it's perfect the paint makes the whole space feel more organized and pulled together but i'm also hopeful that it will protect the floor from further cracking or weather damage i think sometimes we underestimate how a makeover in a utilitarian space like this feels but trust me it's amazing and it feels great i know i've said this a lot this video but each step of this project was very very simple scrub the floor rinse the floor patch the cracks yes the entire process definitely was a lot of work and it took some time but it was a series of smaller projects that made up this overall big project once i took it step by step it didn't feel nearly as overwhelming and i am beyond thrilled with the results thank you so much to rustoleum for partnering with me on this project everything i purchased is readily available at the home depot and for a full materials list you can check out my website thank you so much for watching don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel if you click that little bell icon you will get notified of videos i share in the future have a great day everyone you
Channel: At Charlotte's House
Views: 379,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rustoleum, rock solid, garage floor paint, rock solid garage floor coating, rock solid garage floor kit, rock solid garage floor, rock solid garage floor paint, rock solid garage floor coating kit, rock solid garage floor epoxy, rock solid garage floor kit home depot, rock solid garage epoxy, rock solid garage paint, rock solid garage coating, rock solid garage floor instructions, garage makeover, garage organization
Id: bUPh9Iaf3ng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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