Complete Drywall Installation Guide Part 10 Final Coat

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[Music] we're at the final phase now last day of taping if you have issues that haven't been corrected fast enough and you need an extra day don't try to do the last coat until you're absolutely ready it will drive you nuts and you'll end up wasting time going backwards so save your final coat until your wall is ready for it I want to show you is a little bit of science of what we're doing here here's a straight wall nobody would look at that wall is that whoo there's a bulge in it right but when I put my level up against it it's got some comings and goings little shadows 1/8 of an inch here an eighth of an inch there that's because we're building with wood folks now here is my butt joint ok hate the finish there but it has a little bit more movement all right so just a little bit the fact that it opens up to about a quarter of an inch if I push it hard on one side or the other this is why we have to make it nice and wide when you look at a wall you can only focus in about a three to four foot diameter if your bump goes from zero to the height of the bump back to zero again you'll notice that Ridge because you are able to focus on that Ridge inside that area if I stretch that same depth over a larger area now you can't focus on the change because you have to look left and then right to see where it went from zero to Ridge and back again so all we're doing is we're just stretching the light over a larger surface area for the same Ridge depth so that it's invisible to the eye still going to be there it's still going to be a bump you just won't be able to see it so here's how we do it we started off by putting mud down the middle right in getting our little ridges we took off the ridges and we stretched it out now we're going to stretch it out one more time okay over here and over here that's how wide we're going to make our joint okay we have plugs and everything in the middle that can be an irritation all we're going to do is just put mud everywhere because it's final coat now we're going to start where our tape joint is and using a really good pressure we're going to clean that mud off okay and now I'm going to use a little bit outward pressure but I'm not pretty consistent and we're going to just clean that off if that's been filled up and raised now we're going to start over here we clean that off I'm outside pressure I'm going to clean that off so now we come over here again we're going to just clean it all out your secret here is to make sure that you have nice clean mud okay no dirt enough you won't get any scratches anyone have to come back and fill up anything when you're done okay so here we go I want to keep my Hawk nice and clean I don't want to have the mud on the outside of it because it will start to dry even while it's sitting here now I have got this string here hooked up this is the TV wall so we got a channel built up here where we can actually pull cables from entertainment center to the TV that we mount on the wall about now the reason we're going to fill down here is so that the surface of the wall is the same all the way around these plugs when you're done and you go to put your cover plates on you don't want to have mud here here and here because they know the way y'all rockin all over the place and they will be obviously ugly take your knife fill up these gaps okay you really want to have that mud depth pretty consistent all around your plugs it's going to be a little bit messy but that's what sanding is for start near the top really slow work that water through all right and then just kind of finish whipping it up okay okay back I'm doing finishing coat here and I noticed some dirt in my mud from when I was bent down by the floor so I had to change my butt I do not want to have junk in my bud when I'm doing my walls so same thing we're going to fill the wall up I'm just putting mud on so that I can take it off this is one of the benefits of using the hawk now I clean the middle put enough pressure just a little bit towards the outside we got hairs and make it nice and smooth now I got some more mud now that I've takes it up I can stretch this joint out a little bit here right now this is a really wide joint now if you're on a ladder you're going to get them down the ladder you're not going to be able to do it very fast you may not be able to do this nice the job that's why having this bench is so handy highly recommend them this is from gorilla it could cost me like $80 such a good investment good to go because it's final coat we're going to take advantage of the fact that we're just going to have this thinner mud that we made for the final coat we're going to apply it over our horizontal joint now this horizontal joint doesn't need any more mother it's already filled everything is fine okay what I am doing because I'm making sure that this whole wall surface is nice and smooth and uniform so that when I'm standing I'm getting an amazing result so we'll come back into this corner alright now we're going to go with some pretty significant pressure you put it on we're just taking about and we're going to get a lot of pressure on the drywall side you can see how large of an area is kind of foggy right that's very very thin mud all right now when that's dry you'll be able to sand that just by passing the block it is done you don't have to fight with it you don't need a huge dust cloud you don't have to wear okay I have seen people standing drywall they should be wearing a hazmat suit this is a toxic material and the last thing you want to do is create a lot of dust so by all means take your time and stretch it tight now we're going to finish towards the finish again so we're going to start here in the middle pushing hard all right here we go I see a scratch there I'm going to come through both and flatten that scratch it done pass all of my finish well so at the end of every day make sure you wipe down your tools you don't want to leave mud sitting on them it'll just build up over time it'll really really affect the performance of your tools all right now your mud is in your pail take that sponge we talked about earlier wipe around the pail and then put good little dribble of water in here here we go here's your lid and that's all you need to know about taping a basement or any other part of your house if you like the information on here subscribe to the channel coming up soon we're going to be showing you how to do the finish flooring to finish carpentry hanging doors how to sand this bad boy and how easy it is when you do the mud right thanks for joining us if you're enjoying these videos please don't send us money but send us their level subscribe to the channel hit the like button most important comments on videos not about what you see in the videos more than that I want you to leave a comment about what's going on in your life I personally think carrot in it but every one of the comments that comes through the channel so you have a 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Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 798,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jeff thorman, renovation, bathroom, drywall, finishing basement, installing drywall, final coat drywall mud, final coat drywall, finish coat drywall mud, skim coat finish drywall, skim coating drywall, skim coat ceiling, skim coating walls, drywall taping and mudding, drywall finishing, finishing basement walls, finishing basement ceiling, final coat drywall compound, final skim coat drywall, final coat drywall corners, drywall taping final coat
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2017
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