COMPLETE DEHYA GUIDE! Best Dehya Builds - Artifacts, Weapons, Teams & Showcase | Genshin Impact

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what's up guys welcome to my complete Dia guide in this detailed video I'm going to be covering everything you need to know about Daya or Dia talking about our best builds play Styles teams constellations and so much more Diaz the newest standard Banner character who has her radar Banner right now but will be in the standard Banner starting next patch she's a character I've been high for since I first saw her and while in my last video I covered her power level and these sort of controversy surrounding her kit and why she can feel underwhelming at times in today's video while I will briefly touch on that I want to focus on how to get the most value out of this character if you like her and want to use her properly before we begin do you know that I had a lot of time to play Daya and try your best teams and play styles on a media server before she came out allowing me to make a very detailed guide as soon as possible last I also want you guys to know that I do stream both sides on Twitch Link in the description if you're interested in catching me live and with all that being said let's get into it alright now starting things off let's talk about Diaz talents and what she actually does well first things first her Elemental skill places this field on the ground that will do a few things simultaneously first of all it will deal AOE power damage when you use it and it has two casts you can use it once and use it again for a bit more damage the field you use will last for 12 seconds and will deal passive pyro damage alongside your active character's attacks this form of passive power damage can only happen one every 2.5 seconds which is in my opinion the biggest weakness of this ability while it's nice passive power application and damage the trigger rate of it is pretty slow especially when compared to some other characters which means it shouldn't be your only source of pyro in a team as it usually won't be enough but can be a decent form of extra pyro for certain team comps on top of that you gained a good amount of defensive utility with this field as will greatly increase your resistance Interruption as you can see my charge shotting on you will not even get interrupted by the geovision app as long as I have Dia skill protecting her on top of that you'll also gain damage mitigation with the exact amount scaling up based on your talent level do note though that how much damage you can actually mitigate will scale on your Diaz Max HP as after a certain point she will stop mitigating damage also worth mentioning that the damage mitigation you're getting isn't strictly reducing the damage you're taking but instead sending a portion of it to your Dia she's gonna be the one taking a bit of damage over time for your active character Duke in mind that your Dia however will have this damn introduction from her passive Talent 60 one is triggered which is their main form of defensive utility alongside the fact that you get good resistance Interruption through your skill and your passive for 9 seconds after using your skill allowing you to charge shot normal attack or do whatever while this isn't as tanky as a shield or the same as a Healer this means that she's a pretty tanky unit when paired with her other passive that will also heal her but do keep in mind that this healing will only happen when your Dia is under 40 HP and it can only be triggered once every 20 seconds so it's a bit weird how this passive works but it's basically just free healing on her if she is low something else to note is that her skill is a 12 second duration with a 20 second cooldown this means it has an 8 second downtime which is unfortunate and even if you recast your skill after waiting a bit as you do have a Long window to reuse your skill as you can see it will not actually reset the Field's duration but will keep the same initial 12 seconds from when you first used it moving on her Elemental burst is a very unique ability where Dia will enter a special State automatically punching enemies in front of her dealing a decent amount of pyro AOE damage now what I mean by this is even if you're not pressing anything your deal is going to automatically be punching as you can see I'll press q and I won't click any button on my mouse or keyboard and I'm automatically punching now you can do this Faster by clicking but even if you don't click like I did at the start of this clip while it was slower your deal was basically still forced to attack as that's what her burst does also be sure not to jump during your burst as it will just cancel it like literally let's say you're attacking you jump you are no longer in your burst I don't really know why that's a thing but it can be annoying just make sure you don't jump easy to play around just annoying if you get like frozen or something as jumping will instantly cancel your burst also worth noting that when you use your burst you pick up your field it'll pause its duration and your deal will be given a bunch of resistance Interruption when she's inside of her burst other things about this ability to note are that the cooldown is 18 seconds and the duration is 4 seconds now to be fair in practice the duration is a bit longer because your attacks have like hits on and there's animations of your bursts and stuff so you will be on field for a bit longer but still you're only gonna be on field for like six to eight seconds with a 12 second cooldown which gives this ability a lot of downtime this is like the biggest downside ever burst you have a decent amount of damage inside of your burst but it only lasts for 4 seconds which means you have a ton of downtime you have to swap to other characters use her in a different way maybe user has a more defensive support and then have her burst for 4 seconds of burst damage this means that there will be different ways to play Dia different ways to build her and while we'll cover all of them in this video they will typically revolve around either primarily using her skill and ignoring her burst or using her burst for these 4 seconds of pretty good damage and then using other characters like shangling in the downtime disability does the energy cost of 70 and its damage will scale both on your attack and Max HP and so will your skills damage because of that while attacking HP are both viable on her attack percent is typically going to be better but I will go into more detail on this in the artifact section a bit later in the video so do stay tuned for that other things to note are that inside of her burst her burst damage is considered while burst damage all of her punches aren't normal attacks but are burst damage and since they're not normal attacks even if you are punching this means that triggering all field supports that trigger off of your normal attacks like sincho yilon or Beto won't work inside of your burst it's very annoying as characters like xinjiangular are broken and some of the strongest in the game and they just won't work with Dia as her burst won't proc rain swords at all as you can see from the footage and so because of that her kit overall is pretty unique she has a birth that deals decent damage but only lasts for 4 seconds and a field which has 8 Seconds of downtime but still okay uptime that gives you defensive utility and passive power damage although the rate of power application is once every 2.5 seconds which is not that fast because of that I now want to give you guys my honest thoughts on Dia her best playstyles and how strong I believe she is starting things off for her playstyles there are usually going to be three the first more standard one is one where you use her for her burst use your skill use your burst and then deal 4 seconds of decent damage on field during this duration in for example a mono Pyro Team where you're going to be bought by your animal support your Bennett and then also have a shangling there to help deal damage and while yes in a team like this I'm gonna be honest and say that shangling Bennett and kazuo will be carrying and will be doing most of it Dia does have some Synergy with an okay amount of power damage some pyro particles and she will make for an okay option in a mono Pyro Team you can also run her as a hyper carry in a team that I will cover later although I personally recommend this one less now the other playstyles involve using her more for her skill as a utility support for Elemental skill while the power application is not that fast it can be enough for something like a melt on your team as a second pyro option for example if you're running a ganyu burn mail team which I mentioned previously but we'll cover more in the team Tom section during ahita and your Bennett will be frogging burning leaving power on the enemy and allowing your gani to melt her charge shots on top of that the defensive utility of her skill giving you resistance Interruption and damage reduction can make it to where you can charge out for free as if you were shielded without being interrupted lastly before addressing your power level I do want to say that you can't technically use her for Virgin but I don't recommend it because her pyro application is very slow especially when compared to someone like Toma who applies pyro once every second from off field slow power application is even worse than it seems in a virgin team as if you accumulate too many dendro cores and then pop them all at once only two of them will deal damage to a specific enemy because of the way virgin works with that said you can still use her for Virgin in for example a hyperloom team she can clear up the excess cores and still do passive version damage so it's a playstyle that I will cover I will cover all three builds although this last one is a bit more Niche also something interesting I noticed while streaming is that your skill still won't trigger virgin sometimes if the enemies are too big and their hitbox is kind of weird like in this clip where I'm fighting this Rune guard even though he's entirely in the circle and is taking pyro damage the AOE of the power damage is like all inside of his hitbox I think it's not hitting the cores it's not burgeoning anything so you really have to like get close to him or work around it as his consistency will vary based on the enemies you're fighting which can make burgeoning very inconsistent alongside your very slow power application which is why virgin isn't my preferred team but still one I'm gonna cover nonetheless before moving on I want to say that regarding your power level I made a video addressing that so go watch that if you want more information but what you need to know through my you know day one of testing and using her before she came out is that there are teams that are functional for her but she's definitely not a strong or meta character by any means what this means is that as a limited character if you care about efficiency you shouldn't pull for her and as a standard character there are usually better options now this doesn't mean she's not usable this entire guide will be dedicated to giving you guys her best situations her most functional teams as there are some of them like genuinely there are ways to make use of her like putting her in team with characters like Bennett and kazua and Shang Ling who are all broken or for her defensive utility if that is something you value alongside his power application so while meta wise she is underwhelming at least as of right now obviously she may get buffed to the new artifact set or support characters that work with her there are ways to make sure functional and work if she's a character you like and want to use which is what I will be focusing this video around as personally she is one of the characters who I really do like at least design wise now lastly before moving on your talent priority will depend on how user views are primarily for a skill level that if used her primarily for her burst level that and you can usually ignore her normal attacks unless you play her with a C6 Bennett alright now with all that out of the way let's actually get into how you want to build your DIA to bring your best builds for every type of playstyle now for the in particular I want to start with her artifacts stats actually before going into the sets because what stats you want does vary heavily based on you know what type of build you're going for starting things off for a generic Dia play style where you're trying to maximize her personal damage you are going to be using her for her burst and it's 4 or so seconds of decent damage in order to do that to maximize your DS personal damage this you're going to be looking for are the following first of all criterating crit damage are typically going to be optimal as it will just buff all of your damage by the most amount other good stats include energy recharge attack percent and HP with energy recharge being necessary until you have enough to use your burst on cooldown and then after that you don't really have to worry about it the exact amount you need highly highly varies but do keep in mind that Dia doesn't actually generate that much energy however pairing her with other power characters which is typically going to be part of her optimal teams anyways like in a mono pirate team which we'll cover later can greatly alleviate how much energy recharge your deal will need making it typically in a strong meta center team around 160 to 180 which is still a lot of energy charge but it is manageable with that said this can highly vary as your energy recharge needs can be much lower or also much higher so test out what works for you after that HP percent and attack percent are both nice but it's worth noting that attack percent will be better than HP generally speaking with the only exception being at C1 HP becomes comparable to attack percent to where both are viable but attack percent is what I recommend for a standard c0 Dia as a better substance and also wanted to mention that Elemental Mastery can be be viable as well if you are procking reactions such as vaporize melt or others in a DPS build how good the m is varies based on how often you're procking the reactions and the team you're running but it can be a good substant if you are spamming reactions because of that for your main stats is pretty straightforward if you don't have enough energy recharge you can go for ER in your Sans otherwise attack percent is the best with HP percent being okay if you have your first constellation but otherwise it's just worse than attack for your goblet you definitely want Power damage bonus and for your circulate crit damage or crit rate are going to be the best for your damage before moving on to other builds I do want to reiterate that you shouldn't feel bad to use an energy recharge sounds on Dia as we mentioned earlier she does need a lot of energy recharge especially in many different teams that you can run her in even in like mono pyro so an ER Sans if you don't have enough ER on your substance or weapon can definitely be a viable Choice with that said for other DL play Styles here are the builds you can go for for an off-field burst support build where you're using her skill for its passive pyro damage and power application attack percent will still be better than HP and you still want to Stack crit you just no longer need energy recharge as you can ignore your burst in a team like that you would want to go attack percent on the Sans or HP but it is worse powder on the Goblet and still crit on the circlet lastly if you want to play Dia in a virgin team although these teams can have their problems and aren't my personal favorite for her they can work and you would want to run Elemental Mastery on every single piece Sans goblet and circle it in order to maximize your version damage since it scales on Elemental Mastery now with that said which artifact sets are you actually going to be looking for on all of these Dia builds well starting things off for a DPS deal where you're using her burst I'm Louis certified fate and lava Walker are going to be the two best sets for her at lowest third fate is the general go-to as it's sufficient to farm and usually the best overall given how much energy recharge you need as we saw in the last section this is because on top of giving you 20 energy recharge on the two piece the four piece will convert your ER into Elemental burst damage and when you're using your Diaz burst all of the damage that you're doing all of the punches are considered burst damage making this set really really powerful because of that the emblem set is what I recommend generally speaking but there are other good options like the four piece lava Walker and since a lot of Dia's best teams involve her in like a mono Pyro Team where everything's going to be pyro affected you will have basically 100 uptime on on this sets effect buffing all of your damage other good sets include mix and matching two pieces like Crimson Witcher Flames no blast oblige or even any of the attack percent two pieces going for the best sub stats that you have two bees of millith for H3 can be viable as well and even the four piece technically can be viable and the reason I'm mentioning this is because while Milo this is better for a supportive playstyle which we'll talk about next even as a DPS while miloth won't give you the most damage the H3 is valuable and you'll buff your other party members which can oftentimes be the stars of your team anyways so I did want to mention the four pieces being viable but generally to maximize her personal damage emblem or lava Walker are better with that said for that off-field supportive playstyle the tenacity of the Millet is going to be your go-to the 2vs gives you 20 hp as we saw and the four piece will buff your party members giving them a free 20 attack every time your skill hits an opponent even if you are off field because of that I highly recommend this set in those teams but other supportive options exist notably four piece instructor to buff your em or even technically four piece deepwood if you're running a dendro team and can fit Dia in there for some reason it can actually be an okay option but it's typically not what I recommend as the Tennessee lamilla said is just a staple for a skill deer build lastly if you're using her any virgin team to maximize her personal version damage you want to go for either the 4-Piece Guild of Dreams or the 4-Piece flower of Paradise Lost where the flower of Paradise Lost typically being better but gilded is a more efficient domain so usually people have gilded and not flower but both of these are good for Virgin or you can mix and match two pieces of yam sets or you can still use a supportive artifact set to buff your team and lose out on a bit of personal version damage with any of the supportive stats I mentioned previously being viable oh and last thing I wanted to add is that DMI get buffed in the future with her own artifact set if that ever comes out it's probably gonna be the best for personal damage but for now these are the best sets depending on your play style oh also I'm recording this a bit later I just wanted to mention that you can technically go a full tank ocean to the clan build deal a bit of damage from your passive that self heals you and then just have a bunch of HP so you'll never die by stacking HP on everything it's not a meta build I don't recommend it you won't have damage but you'll be a tank it can be fun if that's something you enjoy I thought I should mention it as a fun build but not the strongest one alright now hopefully that section wasn't too complicated as I know there are many different ways to build deal but with that said let's actually talk about what weapons you should use on her again for any playstyle first things first free damage dealing Dia a more standard damage focused playstyle the weapons that you want are the following first of all your best in slot will be the signature weapon the beacon of the Reed sea as it gives you a ton of attack HP if you're not shielded and a really good stat line of a pretty high base attack with 33 crit rate so just a really good Claymore overall while it's the best other 5 Stars aren't that far behind with red horn and Wolf's gravestone typically being the two others to go for but pretty much every 5 Star Claymore is viable although these are the best three alongside Skyward Pride if you need the energy so if you have a five-star Claymore usually just use it but if not there's some pretty good options as well first of all for some gotcha claimers you may have the akumaru is really good for burst damage and attack percent and the same can be said with the lithic blade especially if you have party members from leeway in your team such as shangling or others another option which is very similar in strength and also a free to play one if you did the event quite a while ago is going to be the fish Claymore the luxurious sealord which you could get and fully refine for free through an event this is is because it gives you burst damage and attack percent but I know the event is a bit old by now so you may not have it if you do though it is your best free to play option and if not as free to play options you'll either go for the Prototype archaic or for the inazumin blacksmith weapon which is usually a bit better if you can use all of the ER that it gives you whereas if not you can go for archaic for the attack percent other good options include energy recharge Claymores such as sacrificial Greatsword or one of my personal favorites being favonia's Greatsword for energy for your Dia and also for your other party members lastly another decent option to mention is The Blacklist slasher which is technically free to play if you have the star glitter as it gives you crit and also regarding serpent spine while this is usually like an amazing Claymore in any character if you get hit a single time Diaz passive will constantly tick and make you lose serpent spine stocks making it to where your stock up time is going to be really low like you're not really going to use its passive too much and while it is still viable for the crit rate and if you have like two or three stacks it's still a good weapon generally speaking it's hard to use consistently on this character but I at least wanted to mention it in case it's the only option or you just don't get hit one also if you're wondering if four star like the Bell can be viable now keep in mind attack is usually better than HP but HP is still fine it gives you damage when you're shielded and it also gets better when your C1 and HP becomes even better so finally this weapon is viable but it's still not the best option like there are better ones with that said I'll put a weapon ranking on screen now for both a mono Pyro Team on the left and a team with Mona and some vaporizers on the right do keep in mind that this weapon ranking will highly vary based on you your team's sub stats and all that so use it only to get a general idea also the free to play best and Slot that all weapons are being compared to is written as Joel as the Jeff refused to change it but that's just referencing the fish Claymore which is the name we gave to the fish now with that said for the other Dia play Styles here are the weapons you can go for for a pure support build where you're running tenacity the millith I believe it's essential to go for fevonious Greatsword if you have it as the amount of energy you're going to be giving to all your party members is honestly invaluable you can build a bit of crit rate on her Crockett's effect give your team energy and also attack percent through your artifact set and that is going to be her role in a lot of those teams if you just want to maximize your field damage though feel free to use any of the offensive clamors I mentioned previously and also a more Niche option is you can use the forest regalia in a dendro team getting a leaf that will increase the elemental Master if whoever picks it up but it's more Niche and not usually as recommended although it is viable for some energy recharge and an em buff lastly for a virgin Dia you can go for pretty much any Claymore that gives you Elemental Mastery while there are many options like mailed flowers or rain slasher and they are fine I think the best two are either the mykira aquamarine if you do have it as it will convert the elemental Master you have to attack percent for your other party members buffing the hyper carriers or the damage dealing characters you're running alongside your Dia while also giving her em for Virgin making it the best option overall with that said if you don't have this weapon the other go-to I would recommend for a virgin build is going to be the blood tainted Greatsword as this one will give you more Elemental Mastery than any other Claymore despite it being a three-star weapon since all you care about is your em for Virgin and obviously your character level and stuff the low base stack doesn't matter and the EMS that you gain here is very nice lastly in a team like this you can still use fav if you just want energy for your team but typically I do recommend the EM Claymores that I mentioned overall depending on your DF play style you're either going to go for a crit weapon aphavonius or an em weapon whichever one fits the playstyle that you chose the best alright our next up let's talk about Diaz constellations and since you is a standard Banner character you might be getting some of these passively just by playing the game and losing 50 50s and so they are pretty important to keep track of as some of them can give you pretty significant increases in damage first of all your first constellation is one of your better ones as will give you additional scalings to both your skill and your burst based on your max HP this will make HP percent very similar in strength to attack percent for her making it to wear an HP Sands and HP sub stats are more viable and pretty close in strength to attack percent also note that you gain bonus HP through this constellation and since building HP will become similar to attack that means you can be tankier if you do build HP allowing her to have an easier time tanking damage next up your second constellation will increase the duration of your Elemental skill the second time you use it increasing the duration of your field by 6 seconds on top of that it will give you a slight increase in damage to your skill passively when your active character is attacked and so this constellation is nice for the extended duration whereas C1 will be like the main damage increase for an early constellation moving on your C3 and 5 increased return levels and your fourth constellation will passively give you energy and HP while you are inside of your burst this will therefore decrease how much ER you need and will also heal you making it a bit easier to run a team without a Healer given Diaz defensive utility and lastly your six constellation is going to be pretty big damage increase that makes for a much better character in my opinion as it will extend the duration of your burst and increase your crit damage and criterate while you are inside of it in fact your criter is increased by 10 inside of your burst and then every time you crit inside of your burst you will increase the screw damage by 15 and extend its duration by 0.5 seconds up to a maximum of a bonus 60 crit damage and 2 seconds of an extended burst time because of that you have more up time on your burst and more damage so it is definitely a pretty decent constellation but not as strong as like a limited Banner character C6 in case that's what you're wondering overall these consolations are nice to get passively on a standard Banner with C1 and 2 especially C1 being nice for a bit more damage and quality of life although it isn't the biggest increase all right next up let's talk about one of the most important sections of this video which is regarding Diaz best teams this can be split into three sections as with the rest of the video depending on which play style you want to use starting things off we'll talk about how to get the most value out of your DS damage in a more hyper carry damage dealing role for this the go-to teams are the following first of all mono pyro is going to be usually the best place to use a Dia this is because she has decent Synergy with other pyro characters can give them energy and use her burst to attack on field for its entire duration while your shanglings pyronado spins and you also get the Buffs from your other characters like Bennett and your Animo support who will typically be kazua but you could use another one if you don't have them in fact the sloths in this team are relatively flexible like you can use pretty much any Nemo character but Kazo gives you the most damage with the verdescent vendora set and his passive talents for the other characters I do highly recommend going shangling and Bennett and while yes shangling Bennett kazua are broken characters who can carry any team Dia can be the last slot and have some value as I said as she will be able to attack from on field and support you as well through her skill giving you damage reduction and some passive pyro energy because of that and the strength of the other characters this is typically going to be regarded as Dia's best team for the team's damage overall now with that said if you want to make your DF vaporize you can actually play this team right here where you're using a Hydra character usually someone like Mona to allow you to vaporize a few hits on your burst in a team like this you can still swirl pyro with your kazua buff your team with Bennett and kazua as well and then just apply Mona's Omen which will give you a few bits of hydro for your Diaz burst damage a pretty fun team although not the strongest overall in my opinion if you're wondering why I'm not recommending Dia with sincho or yilon do keep in mind as we saw earlier in the video it doesn't work when you use Diaz burst Elon and synchro's burst will stop working and won't fire any Hydro arrows or rain swords you want to play her in a melt team again not the most optimal but it can work you can use Kaya and kazua swirl both cryo and Pyro and use Dia as your on-field auto attacker and it's also worth noting that you can use a second crowd character instead of kazua and have a two pyro 2 cryo team that is a bit more quick swappy keep in mind while Kazo is the best option in all of these teams you can use someone like sucrose or another Animo option lastly worth mentioning that if you have a C6 Bennett while it isn't necessary for any other team by any means you can actually make a team where you use Dia for Bennett's pyro infusion and don't use her burst and then syncjo's rain swords are gonna work and you can just proc a bunch of reactions like vaporize and bird origin by just Auto attacking on your Dia do keep in mind though Diaz Auto attacks aren't the best so I don't recommend this playstyle but it's viable if you have a C6 Bennett and want to do it overall though I've tested a lot of different teams for a carry Dia build and I genuinely highly recommend a mono Pyro Team to maximize her and her team's damage now for Diaz other playstyles here are the teams that I would recommend first of all as I mentioned earlier in the video a ganyu burn melt team is going to be one of the teams where Dia actually has a good role while their defensive utility isn't as consistent as something like a zhangly shield and zhangly is a bit more optimal he can make this team a bit harder to play as the rotations are very tight what Dia does is give you a bit more power application which lets your ganyu actually use her abilities as any team like this you typically wouldn't be using your burst as it would not allow you to melt your charge shots with Dia you can oftentimes get away with bursting and still melting your charge shots due to the passive power application that your Dia gives you on top of that in a chart shotting team you really need a shield or some form of resistance Interruption which are Diaz Elemental skill will give you for more information on how this team works you can check out my nahita guide where I explain it in more detail but enjoy General you will presia nahida then apply pyro and Rocky burning reaction then use your abilities on your Dia and gonyu and spam melted Char trots this team can work and Dia is actually better than Tomah in a team like this as you don't want to be normal attacking on gonyu and Thomas Shield works with normal attacks so diax has a role here as a viable option if you want to play this with that said you can use Dia as this off-field support in pretty much any team where you just want a tank and damage mitigator someone to reduce your damage and be a sort of tank it's not that optimal it's not what I typically recommend as a playstyle but it can work for the reasons I mentioned earlier of having a supportive artifact set and weapon and having access to the Pyro resonance with another pyro character an example of a team like this that I want to mention is going to be using her for resistance Interruption for a Scaramouche team who's a character who could desperately use some form of resistance or a shield other teams like this include using Dio with yoemiya or hutao as a second power option ideally in a double Hydra team lastly for a virgin Dia build I would recommend using her alongside either another pyro or another Electro character I usually prefer hyper virgin like running an electro character like cookie two proc hyperloom but then you also get some passive virgins with your Dia collecting any of the cores that your cookies relatively slow Electro application may have missed and the same can be said in a Sino team do you mind that in a team like this yeah you can use someone like Tomah who has faster pyro but Dia does remain a viable option now if you want to use Dia as your only virgin option there are some issues with this as we saw earlier in the video some enemies hitboxes are like too big to burgeon and the Pyro app is very slow so while it is still viable and you can play it if you want I typically do prefer playing her alongside another character either Electro pyro or even anemo who can trigger the chords as well and so yeah while I do think Dia will have better Synergy with future characters that aren't out yet for now these are her best teams through my extensive amount of Team testing if there's any new teams we find it'll be in a pin comment but for now these are her best ones depending on your playstyle so with all that being said we're now going to get into a DPS Showcase of my idea uh any monopower team to keep in mind obviously the other characters will be doing a lot of damage too but we're gonna be using Dia uh c0 right now R1 of her signature weapon on A4 emblem at a pretty good ratio of ad182 with a a lot of energy recharge and also 8A talents with that said I really hope this guide was helpful and I hope you'll enjoy the Showcase let's go me [Music] there's one with wings [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] for it the attitude fallen leaves adorned lights or dead mate ah the curtain and so yeah that's about it I really hope this guide is helpful D is a character who I've been waiting for for so long and honestly power level wise you know that I'm a bit disappointed but there are usable teams there are ways to make her functional which I tried to show in this video the best ways to play and build her does anything you want to add it will be any pin comment as I do think she will get stronger in the future with new artifacts and characters and stuff so be on the lookout for that but yeah hope you enjoyed and as always I'll catch you guys in the next one peace okay what you want me to do this virgin yeah just don't use I know and try the version okay wait why am I not virgining the hitbox is too high
Channel: Zy0x
Views: 291,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, dehya, dehya genshin impact, genshin impact dehya, guide, build, dehya guide, dehya build, weapons, dehya burgeon, dehya dps, dehya support, mono pyro, vaporize, melt, genshin impact dehya guide, dehya build genshin impact, genshin, showcase, c0 dehya, dehya damage, dehya review, dehya showcase, zy0x, zyox, best dehya build, best dehya guide, dehya weapons, dehya artifacts, dehya teams, genshin impact 3.5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 21sec (1641 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2023
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