Make $200 Per Day On ClickBank With This Trick (Step By Step Tutorial)

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what's going on fellas your boy ross is back in the house and today i have another special clickbank tutorial in which i'm going to show you how to generate 200 or more per day on the clickbank platform as a complete beginner the strategy you are about to see is very very underground and probably you have not seen this before because i have developed the system myself and i'm actually still using it in my day-to-day business so the system works worldwide and you don't have to have any experience like i said it's very beginners friendly and also it takes three steps to start making money on clickbank and in fact you can make money literally as soon as you finish watching this video this is how powerful this strategy really is so this is not a clickbait i'm going to show you actually right now the first step of the three steps you need to take in order to start making money first step is to find a product or offer to promote as always this is why we use clickbank to find other people's products and offers that we promote and we make money with them so click the marketplace here at top and in the find product box right here i'm going to go with a product about a diet now i have other videos where i explain how to find the best performing offers the offers that are going to make you the most money i'm going to link these videos down in the description below but for the sake of this video because we have a lot to cover because the strategy takes some time to set up i'm going to go with a product called keto diet in the keto diet niche and probably you've seen this in my other videos it is called the custom kiro diet right here and this product pays 55 dollars per conversion so you literally need four conversions per day to make 200 if you make one conversion per day it's 50 bucks which is pretty pretty cool the offer has gravity of 200 which is above the recommended 50 usually this is what i recommend gravity of 50 gravity is a score that tells you how good a certain offer performs on the clickbank platform if you've seen my other videos where i promote this custom kirodite offer this video is going to be a completely different one because like i said i'm going to show you something that probably you have not seen anywhere else because i'm going to show you one of my most underground systems that i have never shown before and so what we need from here is to click on this affiliate page right here open this on a new tab because we're going to be using the affiliate resources provided to us from the actual affiliate vendor once you open this sign up here with your real name and email to access the affiliate resource page and once you do that because i'm already signed up i ops not this one i'm already signed up right here and this is what you're going to see now if we go back to the offer and we click the actual offer or either click the promote button so let's click the promote button the system will generate the so-called hop link so click that and this is our affiliate hop link from clickbank and every time somebody signs up through this link we get paid 55 doors which is pretty pretty cool so let's see again i'm going to copy this link i'm going to paste this on a new tab so we can see how the offer actually looks like so paste that here this is the offer a video sales letter video that explains why the benefits of the keto diet this video is created by professional videographers and marketing experts and then there is a button to prompt people to complete a quiz so if you click this button people will have to fill out this quiz and then they're going to be sold into this offer now let's go back to clickbank because we have a lot of work today today today's video is a working video tutorial so we have a lot to cover and now let's jump to step number two which is building a pre-lender or a landing page for free so i'm gonna show you how to do that and why we need that actually on step number two i'm gonna show you some secret secret strategies that i use on a daily basis now what we need to do we need a page builder software i use this software called system data you're probably you've seen that if you haven't this is what i use on my day-to-day business in my day-to-day business uh if you want to sign up for free account i have an affiliate link down in my description when you use it you get access i mean you get lifetime access for free to these two of course with limited features but it should be enough to build your landing pages and it's pretty cool if you sign up for the paid version i use the paid version because give me more flexibilities and more features now once you sign up click the sign up button right here or use any page builder tool you have i don't mind you can use whatever page builder two you have if you have one if you don't have one this one is pretty cheap and pretty uh fast to work with so functionality is great once you sign up this is what you're going to see this is going to be your dashboard by the way don't forget to hit the like button for no reason and here what we need to do is navigate at the top menu click funnels and from the funnels go over to the right side where it says create so click the button create and here what we want to do we want to build an audience and you're going to see why this is very very important this audience is going to be our asset and this is what is going to be giving us passive income on a monthly basis so let's click this audience tab and then for the name name this kito or whatever offer you have found so in our case it's going to be kit to diet and this is going to be keto diet locker and you're going to see why locker so it's pretty cool way pretty cool marketing trick so click create and now for the squeeze page and we're going to be using a squeeze page what we need to do is use this one this template these are pre-made templates and we want to use that one in the middle right where you see it right here so click select and now go back to this pencil right here to the right and click edit the page i don't know if you're following along so what we're doing right now just to recap what we're doing uh if you feel lost on the clickbank we found an offer for this offer we can send traffic to the actual affiliate link but this is not how we make our most money and this is basically if we just send traffic to this link right here i show you this one when you click promote your affiliate link yes you can make money but you're not building an audience so we're trying to build owners we're trying to grab people in our funnel so we can remarket to them later on so we make even more and more money so that's why we built a pre-lender or so-called landing page in which we're going to do some action and also a lot of platforms such as facebook twitter and google does not allow you to advertise or to promote for free even for free links from clickbank like raw links because this is a raw link so let's go back to our editor after i build that it's going to make more sense so please bear with me and after i am done you're going to see that everything is going to come along together this is what we need right here we don't need this section as you can see this is a drag and drop builder and when i hover with my mouse we can see different sections so we don't need any of these sections we're going to click right here on the right delete and we're going to click ok then delete all the sections so this one delete okay i'm going to delete that one with the hover over delete and make sure you're deleting a section you see because the section is highlighted in green and when i hover over to the middle there is a blue section called a row we don't want to delete the row just the row we want to delete the entire section in green so delete this section as well and this one and that's it now what we have here is this empty space and it's pretty pretty cool so what we're going to do leave and delete that we don't need that and this title hit ok and this is what we are left with pretty pretty cool now the only thing you need to do here is go to the left side where it says media right here hover over an image click and hold and drag this image in between those two titles you see first title says stop procrastinating and then the second one is scheduled for 30 minutes blah blah blah so put this in the middle you see like that and hit the x because we don't want anything right now for now what we're going to be doing here we're going to be capturing people's emails and giving them free videos and you're going to see why and how we're going to be giving them free videos and no this is not youtube this is not free ebooks it's a very very unique way you're going to see in just a second so here is how it works we're going to inform people about the custom kiro diet but in order for them to be informed they have to leave their email address to access a special video and this special video will be provided to us from the actual vendor so if we go to custom keto diet and i scroll this is the affiliate place where i showed you how to sign up when you scroll down to the bottom somewhere we're going to see of course we're going to see demographics they give you different statistics about now which gender works better with this offer the age group the countries and then what we have here we have even landing pages but what we need is when you scroll even down we have this video section and the first video is how to start a ketu diet so we can download either this one or this video a guide to kiddo so basically people who are new to ketu they want to try kiro and this is a guide to keto so what i'm gonna do i'm going to click uh this button where it says click here to download this video i'm gonna click and i'm going to download it right here on my computer as you can see i already have one video here so i'm gonna click save so this is the psychology we're going to be providing these videos for free in exchange for people's emails and right now i know i know you're asking yourself or maybe you're asking me like hey ross how in the world people will leave their email for a free video where you have youtube and all the videos are free there so how we're going to make them leave their email well this is the secret sauce so let's go back to the editor from system io and this is how we're going to do that we're going to tell them that this video guide to kido is locked it's very private video and it's a special video and not everybody can access it so the only way to unlock this video is to leave your email so how we do that you're going to see it's pretty cool way go over to google and type video player png click images right here and now choose a video player that you think it's looking good so i don't know this one actually looks good let's see this one actually is with some watermark so i'm gonna choose the first one let's see the first one does he have watermark it does not so what i'm gonna do right click and then i'm going to hit save image as and save this image now go back to google i mean we're already in google delete the first two keywords leave the png and now type locker or lock let's let's type locker you're going to see this is on unlocker um lock png there we go so look at this i like this one in the middle with the chain so let's click that and of course if you're not getting what's going on right now don't worry in just a minute everything is going to clear out for you you're going to see the whole picture just bear with me because it's like like i said it's a very powerful marketing system and strategy so let's try this png right here make sure it doesn't have a background so this one let's see if it has a background okay this one might not have a background so pretty good let's click save image as and then save it next step what you need to do is use photoshop but i know you don't have photoshop and you don't have any photoshop skews that's fine i'm gonna show you how to use a free photoshop which is absolutely beginners friendly and you don't have to have any skills to use it and this is the software it's a free online photo editor so let's click on this link and boom there we go we basically have a photoshop for free to use online what we need to do now is click right here at the left um top corner click file and click open now what we want to do is take the first image that we downloaded the png with the video player click open and there we go we have this image perfect now what we need we need a second image to put above this video player which is going to be actually i forgot so let's go back to png to google and now what we need is something related to keto because this is the the video player so people must see that is something related to diet and to keto the video that they're going to access so let's go back to google and in here we're going to type let's say diet png and even not png just diet video something like that so it's a wide screen image okay this one looks good balanced diet looks good or maybe even keto diet okay this one looks actually pretty good how to start keto diet but this is uh not this is a video but i think this is the thumbnail okay there you go so this one i'm going to click um save image as and i'm going to save this as well and of course uh make sure if you if you're wondering if this is copyright free go click tools right here and from the tools go to the usage rights and you can see all the creative common license and the commercial and other licenses so if you go to commercial and other licenses these should be copyright free and the other one should be free if you provide credit to the owner you can provide the credit like a link to their website at the bottom of your website so actually these are looking pretty good the keto diet yeah these are these are looking pretty good but i already downloaded one so let's go back to photop right here click file again click open now download this image right here the one we just downloaded this one so what we need to do hold down command or control a and then command or control c to copy this image go back to the video player and now right here just hold down command or control and v to paste your image okay click control command t to see this um borders and what they're going to allow us to do is to shrink the image so what we want to do we want to shrink this image so i'm going to hover my mouse over the edge of the image or by in the corner right here and i'm going to hold down and as you can see i'm going to make this smaller uh if you hold shift this image will rasterize uh in the same size uh as the original one so the the the bottom and the sides will rasterize the same but if i remove my finger from the shift button you see i can move it like that but this is going to mess up the actual image quality so hold down shift to rasterize it equally and now shrink it back to right here and i'm actually going to zoom it zoom in a little bit so let's shrink this more so what we want to do we want to fit it right here in the video player so now i can use um to rasterize it like that i might even leave some borders because it looks cool with the borders like that oops hold on doom there you go and then click this at the top this approve sign boom there we go now we have a video player we just made a video player about how to start a kiro diet this is going to be our guide and now it comes the very powerful marketing secret and trick i've been telling you about click file click open and now we're going to open our locker so click the locker right here and hold down and move oh you see it's not png you see like this is not png because it seems like yeah it's not png so what we want to do we want to go back to google and we want to go back here and type lock png this time please hopefully not equals png and let's hope that this one let's see let's find a png locker is this a png or just a trick what about this one this one looks png so let's try save image as same procedure click save and now i'm going to drag let's try let's delete this i'm going to click this x right here and i'm going to click file open new let's try the new locker a lock see if that's a png so it's not a png you see when i hover over and i move it moves with the background it should not move with the background so let's go back to google and hopefully this time we have to find a lock locker that is or lock that is png please can we find a png this one is not a png then let's see this one not a png this one now the png basically the png's are with these squares behind it so when you see these squares behind the image are pngs but not all the time because we must avoid white backgrounds we don't want this white background and you're going to see why it's very very important so i might pause the video to find a decent one so i don't lose your time okay so i found a pretty good locker or lock with a chain so i'm going to click file open again and here it is pretty good now this one as you can see i move it around and it doesn't have the background moving with it so what we want to do is here at the first layer this is our video this is the first as you can see right here at the top flat video player what we want to do is go over to the lock click and hold and move that drag it to the first layer right here as you can see and boom put it right here and now click ctrl and t again to shrink that as well and i have to shrink it like this okay i have to move it over the video so let's do that and boom there we go maybe a little bit more hold on like that looks pretty cool actually let's make this a big bigger is it okay yes i think it is oh yeah it is look at that so click boom look at this now this video uh you can play around with the image here on the background so because it's kind of light so what i'm gonna do i'm gonna right click on this layer right here this is our image right click and then i'm going to click uh blending options and i'm going to say you know what uh color overlay and right here from the color overlay i'm going to click this red and i'm going to click black click ok and then i'm going to reduce the opacity right like that so as you can see i make it a bit darker so the locker the lock is visible better because otherwise you see it's kind of distracted you you must see the lock more than the image behind so something like that good click ok boom and final step is click file right here at the top and click export this as png now click save click save right here and my friends this is one of the best marketing streaks i have shown on my channel so let's go back to system io and you're going to see what we just did so click over this image i know it's kind of intense but i'm trying to combine everything in one short video i mean this video probably is not going to be short but as you see that i'm trying to give you a lot of information at once because each of these little pieces make the whole picture and if you miss one even one small piece of this you're not going to be successful because for example i've tested a lot of stuff i've tested many buttons many images and even this shadow that i just showed you to make the background darker place a huge row this might increase your conversions with five percent but five percent where you are running a huge scale are a lot of money so each one of these small pieces plays a huge role into the entire picture to make you successful to make you start to get to start making money so right here click over the image this is system io the page builder then click right here where it says image file click this cloud icon and now we have to upload the file we just created on the photo p software click select and here it is so i'm going to click and hit open and boom click insert all you see the actual video player was not a png the background is still there you see okay i'm gonna pause the video i'm gonna remove this background and be right back with you all right there we go i just removed the background of this video player uh the next step we need to do is leave an email opt-in form and this is the purpose of this landing page again to so people when they land on this page they see a special video that is locked and the only way to unlock this special video is by your email the email is your key so this is actually a marketing kind of a psychological trick so let's go on the left side i'm going to show you how it works in just a second and again once we build it i'm already done pretty much done but once it's built you're going to see how it works and you're going to see the power in it and how easy is to make money with this so let's go on the left side and we're going to look for a form this is the form so i'm going to click hold and drag this somewhere below this title there we go click this field and on the left side where it says input type select email that's it and here in the placeholder i'm going to write your best or actually i'm going to type use your your actually let's type your best email here there we go and i'm going to zoom out and we can see it says your best email here and this button we have to change it to instead of book a call we have to type something very very powerful and different than this one so click this button go back to the left side scroll down and where it says a book a co we're going to type this highlight everything delete it and we're going to type unlock now exclamation mark so unlock now boom and there we go and i'm going to make this button i'm going to click i'm going to make the color of this button instead of blue i'm going to make it orange because orange is always good and i'm going to make it a bit orangish like that and if you scroll down at the bottom we can see shadows right here and i'm going to make this button with a shadow so it pops in people's eyes and i'm going to click blurry or far shadow so let's try far no blurry shadow oh it's looking pretty good okay like i said each of these small details plays some row into the end result and the end result should be or the end goal in mind and the end goal in mind should be making money right so that's the whole purpose of we doing these intense tutorials now we're almost done with this landing page the last thing which is the most important thing i mean everything is important but very important thing is to change the title and the sub title so that that to change the title this video is something about keru diet right so how to find materials or inspiration to write a title well you can go back to the custom keto diet affiliate page right here scroll up and where it says email swipes download the email swipes these are professionally written emails from professional copywriters so you can take some inspiration or even copy and paste the email titles or headlines onto your landing page i'm not gonna do that because i have something in mind so i'm going to delete this entire sentence actually the entire thing and what i'm gonna say i'm going to say get fit in one month in one month or less and then i'm going to say doing keto diet there we go or watch get fit in one month or less with keto let's say with keto diet there we go this is the video and i'm going to actually put some parentheses or curly brackets and i'm going to say uh vip or no no vip let's do a secret video or video or special video special special video boom there we go all right and so what i'm giving you right here is the actual blueprint on how to generate hundreds of dollars per day this is uh there is a lot more to cover today on this video but just for the record this is almost the same system that my students and i are using to generate hundreds of doors obviously i cannot show you the exact landing page and the exact offers that we're running because we're going to put our own campaigns at risk but i can assure you that this is very very similar example of what we have um as a community uh your only job right here after we we're done building because we have some more stuff to build here this is just the beginning but after we're done you have to probably test different traffic sources test different landing pages and test different offers to see which one will convert and on the other hand if you don't want to spend a lot of money testing different traffic sources and if you don't want to spend time and money again testing offers landing pages traffic sources um you can sign up to become a student of mine using my website it's called i just go over here i'm going to put a link down in the description below so go ahead here sign up and join the community and that's about it but like i said uh you're not required to i'm giving you the the roadmap i'm giving you the blueprint right here so the only difference is here you have to spend time and money testing and here with my training you cut the learning curve and the time and the money by probably 80 to 90 because here i have given you everything so basically you just press a bunch of buttons and you're ready to go and here you have to test on your own which i think it's a very fair deal but anyways let's go back to building the actual landing pages and now the subtitle is right here i'm going to highlight and this is again very important marketing kind of copywriting trick is i'm going to say the video video is is locked for the public because it shows very controversial ways of losing rapid fat from your body and it can help you lose weight faster faster than let's say then any diet out there then i'm going to hit a comma and i'm going to say to unlock the video to unlock the video use your best email and then your best email below and then what i'm going to do i'm going to say act fast because we may take this video down anytime and without a notice boom so this without a notice what any time and with without a notice there you go why it's hi without notice okay it says this is grammarly by the way i'm using grammarly to correct my grammar but i don't know why it's anytime and without a notice without notice i like without a notice better so i'm not going to listen to grammarly then and wrap it yes this is good boom here we go fellas uh then click save changes right here at the top and this is our landing page this is our free landing page let's uh hit this eye icon to see how it looks like in reality all right boom there we go this is one of the most powerful landing pages that we have ever built and we've built it in like under an hour and like under 30 minutes very simple but each of these pieces the titles the actual video and the subtitle plays huge role into people signing up so what is the purpose of this landing page the first purpose is for us to collect people's email addresses because as you know the cost of online advertising is always rising and it has reached a point where is very very expensive on the other hand is if we just send people to the affiliate links from clickbank like these links right here we might get banned from facebook from google they don't like affiliate links at all so this is another way to protect us to create this type of landing pages um and to hide the actual affiliate link on the back end so now what people do here is people land on this landing page and we tell them hey there is a secret video you can use different copyright inspirations right you can use your imagination or like i said the email swipes or just read or watch the entire vsl this one right here you can get some ideas and actually some keywords and sentences on what to write on to here onto your landing page so the idea here is when people land on this landing page they see that there is a very special video that is not available for the public and we tell them hey the only way to unlock this video is to enter your email and it only you can watch this you can even include this in your subtitle it can be like very inclusive to you to make people feel that it's a very special offer that they can only get now of course there's there are a lot of free videos on youtube but if i just tell them hey enter your email address here and watch this video who's going to sign up nobody that's the answer so now by using this marketing tricks we tell them hey it's not just any video it's a very special video that very few people have given access to see do you want to be a special one sign up right here do you want to be one of these special people who had been given access to this video sign up here you see i hope you see how powerful this kind of marketing psychological strategy is so our job is not done yet this is half the work we had to do now the second part is after you have created this landing page and when they sign up with their email they have to land on another page where they're actually going to see the video and if you remember we just downloaded a video from the actual offer so they have to see this video but also we have to give them a chance to buy the product so we can make actually money on the front end this is uh the strategy that makes you money on the front end the front end is why all people are here on this page or the next page and the back end you're going to see in just a second what it is and how you make even more money with a back-end system so let's go to the editor click again save changes if you haven't and then click this exit icon so on the left side as we can see we have two pages the first one is the squeeze page this is the one we've been working on this is the one with the locker with the lock where the video is locked until you unlock it to you with your email and the second page is the actual thank you page so on this one we're going to upload our video and we're going to give them a chance to watch the video and to buy the affiliate offer from clickbank so we make money that's the entire purpose of this system right from his this template templates right here use this one the bottom one click select and now click the edit pencil right here so what we want to do this is how it looks like but instead of this image right here at the top what we want to do is you can see on the left side we want to go again to media but this time instead of image we want to drag a video so let's click hold and drag this video right before this image like that hover over the image and click delete we don't need that and in this video click the video somewhere right here go back to the left side where it says youtube this is what type of video this is and click this arrow the drop down menu and click upload file and where it says video right here click this cloud icon and now we want to upload upload where is it click select files right here we want to upload the video we downloaded in the beginning of this video tutorial which is this one or this one in the zip file if it's in a zip folder unzip it i'm going to upload just this video right here i'm going to click open as we can see the video is now uploading all right our video is ready so scroll down and click this button where it says insert so we want to insert it on the page let's zoom out and voila you see how beautiful this looks like now this is the video people will get after they sign up this is the video they will unlock when they use their email next thing and this is the last thing you need to do is delete um this title this text right here and in here what we want to do this button click this button and you see what it says on the left side url so we want to swipe this url with our affiliate link from clickbank this is how you make money on the front end so let's go back to clickbank where it says custom kiro diet click the promote button again generate your hop link right here click generate hop link highlight the link or just click this icon right here to copy the link and now your hop link is has been copied go back to right here and now highlight the entire link this is the demo link delete this and paste your affiliate link boom this is from clickbank and now click save here at the top right to make sure everything is saved and final steps is we have to change the text right we have to change the text of the button and if you remember when you when people click this affiliate link right here they are redirected to a quiz remember they relate to this squeeze the get your custom kiru diet and this is the quiz and male female they click here let's say then the first question is a daily activity level are you active extremely active not couch potato this is pretty cool uh what kind of meat do you like beef pork etc so it's an interactive quiz and so that we know that this is a quiz interactive quiz and it's stay worked directly to a person's body type or food habits we know that it's a custom keto diet and it says it custom keto diet it's customized individually for each and every one so let's go back to our editor and right here what we can say is we can say get your customize customize keto keto diet diet plan like that below below or i can even say actually you know what let's copy this sentence i'm going to copy this i'm going to paste it right here at the black text the smaller one this is subheading sub a headline i'm going to paste it right here and this title actually came to my mind actually so let's delete this one and i'm going to highlight this and i'm going to say um is ketu right for you is key to right for you question mark and then i'm going to say find out find the c here find out by taking our our interactive interactive um survey or quiz quiz below there we go and then and get your customized keto diet plan like that and get your customized key to diet plan yeah there you go and i'm going to change the text of this button [Music] uh so let's click the button and on the left side of course this is the text button text and i'm going to say instead of click here to join our blah blah blah i'm going to say enter the quiz now or something like that or let's say click click for the quiz now actually now enter i like it enter the quiz now exclamation mark and and then i'm going to click save changes and boom there we go so let's go ahead and see what we've just did so i'm going to click exit this button right here and now what we need to do is this one url path this is your url so let's click the icon right here to copy the link so link is copied and now open a new tab and paste your link so i'm going to what happened paste and hit enter boom so there we go this is our landing page and let let's test it out so people enter this page they read everything about akito okay i wanna watch this video so i have to leave my email so let's try to leave our email i'm going to type something like a dummy email blah blah at let's say testing dot com just to see if it works and i'm going to click unlock now let's see if it redirects us to uh the other page and it did not and i know why is that because if we go back to our editor click edit we forgot to redirect this button to submit the form and redirects to the next step in the funnel so click the button on the left side instead of saying open a url click here and click next step url actually next step send form there we go send form right here and then do you want to redirect users after the contact registration and we want to redirect them to the next step in the funnel there we go and now i'm going to click save changes and let's try that again hit enter okay let's try it out people into this page they see oh i can learn about kiro and by the way i forgot to tell you that this sentence or less is very powerful as well this was used by dan kennedy dan kennedy is one of the old school hardcore marketers so what i tell people by this sentence is get fit in one month or less this or less is very powerful it can be applied to anything like uh cure your acne in four weeks or less or learn how to drive a truck in one year or less so when you say or less write in people's brains click something that hey i can even learn this or less meaning maybe five days three days but we never tell them the exact days because it's illegal i mean not every it's not universal some people might lose weight in five days but some might not so we just tell them or less to spark their curiosity okay so let's test this landing page i'm going to leave another email blah blah blah at uh testing dot testing and let's see if redirects us to the actual thank you page which is our video so click unlock oh yeah there we go so people click here okay so you've heard of keto and you're wondering what all the hype is about i mean looking pretty good so they can watch this video and now they see iski to write for you find out by taking our interactive quiz below so yeah i want to find out if ke2 is actually right for me can it help me lose weight enter the quiz now click this button and boya we are at the clickbank offer this is the entire process i know it looks kind of complicated and long but it's really not it's really not this is what makes people engaged with your landing page and with the offer they don't feel people don't feel like they're being sold or buy this product by this product we're actually trying to help them showing them different videos special angles special private videos that they have unlocked it's interactive okay that's the whole purpose of this process to make people engage and make them feel like good about themselves so now they can click to get the custom key to that one and fill out the quiz etc i hope you like what you see right now if you do so hit the like button if you haven't already it really means a lot to me and subscribe to the channel if you're new because i try to post a video every other week i'm posting about like two three videos a month that's i mean i'm busy i do other stuff as well but when i have inspiration and this is actually a video i was thinking about it yesterday i was like hey man i actually have to do a video about this trick because it's pretty cool people will actually really benefit from it anyways so let's click exit this button and this is your two page landing page or funnel the url path is a domain that is provided by system io if you sign up for the paid version i believe it's 27 bucks a month uh you can use your custom domain name i don't know if you can use custom domain name right now without signing up not quite sure you have to check that out but uh i highly recommend you uh put like a custom domain name something like now kitu or your domain name or your name dot com something that this dot com which looks much more legit than this one and now actually the final step is to start driving traffic to this unique landing page that you just built in under an hour and less than an hour we use a lot of free traffic sources but i use a lot of paid traffic sources as well so i have a lot of videos about free traffic sources and i'm going to link them down in the description below because if you use free traffic source it's going to take you a lot of time it's not going to happen overnight free and organic traffic takes months and sometimes years i have a video that explains how i built a facebook group and this facebook group actually took about a year to start actually getting traction so today i'm going to show you how i use facebook probably i've you've seen me a lot i use facebook a lot this is one of the main traffic sources that i use and i use facebook ads and i know a lot of you are complaining that your ad accounts are getting banned trust me my ad accounts got banned a lot i mean i've i'm advertising on facebook since 2014 15 something like that before that google search i had hundreds of ad accounts disabled and banned on facebook so you have to be careful of what you're saying on the facebook ad platform when you're careful what you're saying you'll be golden so don't try to do some very exaggerating claims to just oh lose weight in two days lose 50 pounds that's not gonna happen that's gonna get your account banned so click create right here and why we use facebook because on facebook we can see results literally within a day one day is enough to see results with your landing page and your offer so here always drive conversions convergence tells facebook hey i want to make some sales i want to make some money so find me people who want to buy this offer so click continue and from here one of the special parts about facebook is that i can literally target people interested in kiddo so i'm going to do here um i'm going to click right here next at the bottom and right here this is the ad set level what i'm gonna do i'm going to scroll down and this is the most important the detailed targeting so in the detail targeting what we're going to type is i'm going to type kiro and let's see if there is an interest and keto diet let's see weight loss fitness and wellness and what about ketos only keto ketone ketosis as you can see right here ketosis ketone keto adapted so these are all related to keto diet so if i go to ketone or ketosis because the ketosis is actual kiddo so after i have found a similar keyword to the my search terms i'm going to click suggestions hit suggestions and then i can start picking different interests so i have diet food i have ketone paleo diet actually i've been promoting paleo diet like a couple of years ago i was promoting paleo and it was converting pretty good then we have bulletproof coffee oh this is pretty strong this is pretty strong one yeah so yeah ketosis and this is how you do your targeting of course there is a lot more to cover about facebook ads i have an entire one hour tutorial that is only dedicated to facebook ads and nothing else i'm going to link this as well down in the description below if you want to see it again i can't show you everything in just one video because there there are a lot of parts a lot of moving parts that you have to combine together and everything takes time so again please go down in the description below and watch the other tutorials as well because they're very important and very valuable again i'm gonna link the free traffic tutorial that i have i'm going to link the facebook ads tutorial that i have as well so you can educate yourself and decide which one is best for you is it the free traffic source if you have time go with the free traffic source if you don't want to wait and if you want to see results go with the paid traffic source and if you don't want to lose a lot of money and you want to see results right away go to my training commission gym start and sign up to be one of my students because pretty much by signing up you're going to get a road map to a successful clickbank campaigns and i know you've heard that a lot from other online gurus and people that they promote their courses and yes i have signed up myself to many a numbers number of other trainings and coachings and masterminds and what i believe is that this training is one of the best out there that i have put together if you like my videos on youtube then you're going to be blown away by uh by this training the paid training okay well that's it about for today thank you so much for watching uh leave me a comment down below what do you think about this method and i will see you in the next video let's make some money cheers
Channel: Ross Minchev
Views: 22,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affiliate markeinig, how to make money with affiliate marketing, clickbank tutorial, clickbank for beginners, clickbank affiliate marketing, how to make money online, make money on clickbank, best clickbank strategy, clickbank, clickbank step by step, how to make money with clickbank, clickbank for beginners 2021, clickbank without website, make money online, passive income, make money online clickbank 2021, free traffic for affiliate marketing, how to make money on clickbank
Id: fD8KmeLVWI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 4sec (2944 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 19 2021
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