Ultralight Hiking Cook Kit & Why I Wont Change It | Toaks Titanium BRS 3000T

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it's good everybody Cruiser again Chris goes outdoors today in this video we're going to talk about my cook kit I have used this cook it on the entirety of the Appalachian Trail when I hiked it in 2017 I use it for a couple months before that and I still to this day use this exact same kit and I realized after getting some questions fairly recently about some of the stuff in here that I never did in actual review on any of this and I think I skipped it because literally everything worked perfect so if you're looking for the too long didn't watch version of this video everything in here worked perfect for me works perfect for the way I cook out on the trail not gonna not recommend it not going to recommend it take what you see here and make your assessments thanks for watching but if you want the longer version of how everything works so well for me the weights and stuff we're gonna go over that right now the first thing we'll we'll go over stove because this one I feel like I see so many stove reviews on YouTube like people doing like a new stove almost every week and it's so weird to me because I think I've owned two or three in the entirety of my backpacking whatever and this little guy right here has been incredible for me and it's the BRS 3000 T I realized that this is kind of a stove where some people love it some people hate it and some people have had issues with theirs I have been using this now and have over it's gotta be over a hundred fifty cooks on this thing at least water boils minimum and this thing still works 100% fine I've heard that some people have issues with these bending I've also heard maybe them melting never experienced that I think some of the issue may lie in buying them from like third party vendors on Amazon I'm not entirely sure but all I can say is my experience with the BRS 3000 T has been nothing but positive I know some people say it's not as efficient as other stoves or it doesn't do as well in the wind if the difference between boiling water like a cup of water in like a minute in like a minute and 20 seconds I'm okay with that I always have been I always used my pack or bear bag when cooking so if we pop this guy right here I would usually just put say the wins coming this from behind I would pop my food bag my sip pad or my backpack in front of it to me fuel efficiency of a stove and it's just not worth measuring to me as long as it heats my water and I can boil it relatively quickly it's cool by me and this thing weighs in at point nine ounces which is 25 grams for you metric folk and I still to this day do not want to change it I have no interest in changing it and I'm going to continue using this thing until it fails but again a hundred fifty plus nights probably of cooking possible lunches to during the day and this little under 1 ounce stove is still kicking and working for me it also came with this little stuff sack right here the out logo is far worn off it's covered in stains from past wrecks this thing had been my food bag for so long even washing it the stains don't come out the actual sack right here itself weighs point 1 ounce it measures in at 2 grams so I keep this around just because it's green bright green super easy to spot in your food bag when it's full of food and it fits the BRS stove right in there perfect as well as what we got here and mini bic this BIC believe it or not I have had since before the Appalachian Trail I used it on the entirety of the Appalachian Trail and it is still in my possession it still has fuel going and it's a good to roll so still like no way but Minnie Beck right now obviously I don't know how much of the fuel has been used but it weighs in at point 4 ounces or 11 grams the mini Bix worked well for me you know if you are ever in an emergency - could double as a fire starting tool which is why I don't just take something that would create a spark to light the stove but it's worked out well and it fits right into this sack tightens up nice just like that and then as far as pot and spoon go for spoon I stick with the tokes titanium this is the polished Bowl long handle titanium spoon from tokes weighs in at 0.7 once's or 20 grams long handle spoon great for digging into peanut butter jars I hate peanut butter all the time straight from the jar out on the Appalachian Trail but it's also great for reaching into packets and stuff so like tuna packets the mountain houses or backpacker meals backpacker pantry stuff like that so like to get deep down into those packages it's got a little hole there if you want to like clip it to your pack or something if you wanted the Polish bowl is nice in that it's smooth I know some people are kind of picky and don't really like this type of titanium feel when they're eating but I don't really know because I have the Polish bowl so again works perfect for me not going to change it and then last but not least is my toks titanium pot and I don't believe that they make this one anymore I could be wrong I think they make it in a slightly larger versions but I have the six hundred milliliter pot and that roughly equates to three cups so I can put three cups but that goes like right to the top in here two and a half is probably the best if you're trying to get it to a nice boil this has been perfect I have never found myself needing anything more than two and a half cups ever all of the mountain house meals at backpacker meals I don't think any of them that I've seen go over to two and a half cups most of them at most are like two and a quarter it has the lines inside I think the point three and point five are four liters but the ones in between our actual cups so it's one cup two cups it has the holding handles so they are covered in some sort of rubber so it's nice it's away from the flame so you can just grab it pick it up super easy tuck them away when you don't need them you can cook in here at least one pack of ramen some people might be like that's impossible you can't just eat one pack of ramen you need to get at least two so what I found I'll cook one in here with the water eat the ramen no problem then after the water is still hot enough that I can literally put in another pack of ramen and just cook it in the water before so it gets more that super sodium flavor but it also kind of conserves water can cook one serving of the mashed potatoes in here no problem nor spots the sides and stuff like that I've never had an issue cooking them in here and that's essentially all I actually cook out on the trail I don't really ever bring out you know like mac and cheese or anything else that would really need actual cooking and I usually steer clear of the pasta sides even most of the time now just because I would rather just boil the water and pour it in something and the pasta sides just don't clean up as well I found that the potatoes the Idahoan and the ramen after I'm done eating I can either rinse it out with water shake it around it cleans it out pretty good or I'll put a little water in here put it back on the stove boil a little water shake it around and it's clean enough I did that on the 80 in yeah it worked out really really well you can see again this is over a hundred something nice abuse I do say that I take pretty good care of my cook kit anyway I mean I still have the lighter from before the eighty you can see a little bit of a burn I know on the BRS though of the burn radius I guess you'd call it is kind of like centered a little bit and I know some stoves it kind of evens it out a little more again I've had no issue with the stove so but the pot itself great conditions got some marks and stuff on it I never really cook with it in camp fires because I never do camp fires because I am exceptionally lazy in regards to that and you can see even on the inside still pretty clean pot itself has been great cooks up stuff super fast and I've never found it limiting for my knees personally and then the lid the lid is is a lid okay it just helps things heat up quicker so pop it on when I'm heating up water and that's it and with the topes lids has just got this little triangle doublet here which you can kind of see it's got that little slide out point so if you slide it out over there it keeps the little triangle up like that so you can Dairy take your spoon and pick up the lid like that but it all works and the pot itself is three point zero five ounces or 86 grams the lid is point six ounces or 17 grams which brings the total weight of this entire kit right here to five point seven ounces or 162 grams this kit works perfect for me and I don't know why I didn't review it before I have literally no complaints about any of this stuff right here nothing at all and that kind of brings me to I guess essentially the entire point of this video if you find something that works completely perfect for you stop looking for something better I have never even like looked at other stoves since like I've seen people use what this Soto the amicus I think it is the pocket rocket one and two and like to me it's just not worth it well for three seasons I should say I do have another stove for winter but that's because winter up here gas canisters become significantly less reliable but for three season use this thing is perfect and I intend to keep continue on using it if you are cooking for say two I would not recommend this probably I feel like it would be a significant pain in the rear end the stove itself will probably work well the pot I would definitely go for the bigger pot so for the majority of hikers that are just cooking for themselves I think that this setup would probably work pretty well for you but again I'm not recommending anything do your own research and just find out what works best for you alright and that's gonna do it everyone hope the video was helpful gonna be back out on the trail hopefully very soon possible major summer plans coming up I'll keep you posted on that and until next time we'll catch you in the next one take care
Channel: ChrisGoesOutdoors
Views: 133,993
Rating: 4.8900633 out of 5
Keywords: ultralight cook kit, ultralight cookset, brs 3000t, brs 3000t stove, brs 3000t review, brs 3000t stove review, toaks titanium review, toaks titanium pot, toaks long handle spoon, toaks titanium spoon, ultralight cooking system, hiking cook kit, lightweight cook kit, hiking cook set, best backpacking stove, best hiking stove, best hiking spoon, best backpacking spoon, best hiking cooking set
Id: BN0at2daeus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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