Comparing Tesla, Ford, & VW's Electrical Architectures

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👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Uutuus-- 📅︎︎ May 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm a simple man. I see a Sandy Munro vid, I upvote.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/pointer_to_null 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sandy is the type of old guy very fun to watch on both technical specs and personality.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/TeslaFanBoy8 📅︎︎ May 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

Tesla is miles ahead of all the other "competitors".

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PixelatedMars 📅︎︎ May 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey boys and girls um today we've got a special treat uh we've got um 3is with us and what we're going to do is we're going to do a little bit of a comparison to talk about vehicle electric and electronic architecture so today what we're going to be looking at is the model y the maki and the in the vw id4 and you've probably heard enough about me so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna i'm gonna ask everybody to kind of give a quick introduction on themselves their background a little bit so i'm gonna start with dave and then dave will and then we'll we'll go around the table here so dave you wanna so hello i'm uh dave warner i'm one of the senior electrical uh engineers with sandy's team been with him for about 15 years and uh glad to be here for this discussion great hey guys i'm sam balestri um director of architecture and systems at 3is i've got about 30 over 35 years of experience in developing electrical systems components and architectures primarily at the oem level good day dale cook here um also with 3is and director of electrical electronics um i got a few more years and sam will just say 40 years or so of automotive electronics experience mostly at uh at what was known as chrysler and whatever else you want to call us um did not get this atlantis area i retired before that so i i always say i release just about everything but an alternator starter and battery and if you would have said that you released the alternator starter and battery i would have you know asked some questions about um about moses anyhow so what we want to do is just dive in here a little bit and the first thing uh the first thing that i in my ignorance um i had to ask about was the um the look of the uh the mox sorry the maki here and i said hey that doesn't look like a maki and uh i showed my ignorance because all i've been looking at is the lower end vehicle and you guys uh uh you guys are really attacking the uh the highest the highest possible um architectural um levels yeah so uh so for those who fall into the same category as uh sandy um that's uh that's the one that costs the most money i'm also a cheapskate so anyway let's dive right in and just for everybody everybody's knowledge this is a candid uh conversation so in many cases i'm seeing these slides for the first time and actually we decided to film because when i started looking at this and started asking questions tyler said hey this should be on film so now we're we're truly uh truly alive because this is the first slide i saw and the very first thing i saw was ecu's uh those are called electronic control units and uh if you look at the id4 you'll see 52. model y's got 25 or 26 i should say and and the mach e is sitting there at 51 and my first question was how come so why does why does the id and the machi have twice as many as what you've seen in model y yeah so i think it's it's the level of integration that the tesla provided in their architecture versus versus the volkswagen and the fort you know they've got the three large main controllers in the vehicle they've got the left controller the right controller and the front controller in which they've integrated a lot of the smaller ecu's into those boxes so that's why you see the significantly lower number of ecu's on the model y same architecture actually by the way is the model three where in the volkswagen and the ford they maintain using some of the older parts that they've still got on the shelf in in those smaller ecu's and again trying to reuse probably as much as possible existing parts where tesla doesn't have that park shelf right so they were able to go from the ground up and do a higher level of integration of those controllers into the three main controllers in the vehicle and when we were talking just a few minutes ago i said hey everything to me tells me that it's going to be less less quality when you've got double or triple the amount of connections connections for us when we do a design we know that every every connector is a potential failure and we know that boxes individually fail it's much better if two sister boards can be right next to each other and connected directly or a bigger board with all of the all the components on it so it can get the job done so to me just looking at the statistics just looking at the numbers i would say that the model y would probably have less failures than uh than the id4 or the marquee yeah i mean there's definitely trade-offs right i mean the with the model y you know you've eliminated a significant number of the inline connections between the main harnesses right that typically there are large you know connectors sometimes difficult to see um you know those are still in the architectures of the of the volkswagen and and the ford where on the model y tesla's taking the approach those connections are made at those large controllers right so the harness coming from the door for example plugs into that left controller the seat harness plugs into that left control of the driver's seat so while you've got still the same number typically the same number similar number of circuits you're just changing the way you're interconnecting them right you're connecting into the box but you know a flip side that large controller is a lot more expensive than those smaller controllers cost of service standpoint if something does fail in that large controller now you're looking at probably replacing a part that is hundreds of dollars versus if a failure occurred in a smaller door module maybe that's a 50 part so there's always a trade-off for me i i'm a big fan of integration so going to the little teeny boxes all over the place to me um it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense and to say well i'm i'm planning for failure basically that's what you're doing is that the right thing to do or is it better to say i'm going to take a clean sheet and do what i need to do and that's you know we've we've analyzed plenty of and redesigned plenty of circuit systems and for the military uh they want everything compressed because they want to have everything fast there's very little trouble shooting when you have to you pull out this controller and put that controller in uh it it's quick and that's that's kind of what i was looking at yeah so we beat that one did you let's go down to the can bus and uh and there i i see that uh that tesla is um basically what three times or sorry twice as much as they're maybe they're all pretty close together sorry yeah you really have a total of 13 on the id4 and yeah 10 on the tesla and 9 on the maquis so they're in the range we got a slide that will show a little bit more that we'll get to after the summary okay great so and then we've got the um can bus that's like for uh for uh it's a faster can bus how much faster is that uh fd up up to four times four times faster up to four times faster depending on what speed you're running usually the normal ones are running 500 kilobit and the the fd can go two megabit so some uh some can bus is fd capable but you didn't see what they were what they were doing yeah we've they don't tesla didn't publish their their bus speeds and you know we have yet to be able to find that anywhere but we did take some measurements um on a vehicle and although it was they were static measurements so yeah we weren't monitoring while you know during an over-the-air update for example or you know vehicles just static so we didn't see the bus speeds running higher than 500 kilobits but they are certainly capable of doing that and we expect that they probably are uh when they are doing it over the air flash just to take advantage of you know reducing that time the next one is kind of interesting as well ethernet um i uh i was kind of shocked on that one as well especially with the id4 i i don't understand why i would want to use something that's heavier and awkward um uh so can you comment a little bit on that yeah we're not sure either you know to be honest it's primarily it's it's the they use ethernet for their camera system or for their cameras connections to the cameras and we were discussing that earlier in terms of you know why you would do that and we it's hard for us to say i don't know why you couldn't do the same thing with lbds you still use a similar cable right it's still a twisted pair still sometimes it's yielded sometimes not but the fundamentally and they've connected a whole bunch of modules also from the gateway to other boxes that they've added the ethernet the thing it would give them is if you're doing a flash and you've got a lot of memory that you're updating it can take you know a ten third of the time that it would take trying to do it over can because you've got the higher speeds and on the case of the the volkswagen they're running 100 megabit or yes 100 megabits ethernet so compared to can it's even if you use fd it's 50 times faster yeah yeah wow even did the math wow that's that's good that means that means you don't have kobe oh yeah i should i should have said this um we're all old folks here and um and uh we've all had our shots and um so please don't send me a little note about how i'm uh i'm i'm being bad we also went through the screening at the front door nobody's been sick and we all stay home at night none of us go to the bars so area here you are so don't worry about us uh getting uh ill so let's go to lynn um i uh i i looked at the uh the numbers here that kind of correspond to the ecu's uh want to drop us into the uh knowledge uh uh on that i think a lot of that one's historical yeah yeah in the case of ford and volkswagen they had lynn buses that they've been using and so when they're using the carryover modules the lin buses come along it's carryover um they have a they it was really you know some of them have common some of the same features are they're using the same thing the wiper motor and and rain light sensors on lin for the ford and for the model y um so it's it's a tool it's a way to save a few circuits a lot of cases for switches you can do the same thing just with a resistive multiplexer yes which is each switch in and out a resistor and you just read it with an analog port yeah so it's i think it's just mainly the historical side of it and in tesla's case they use it when they need it so let's jump back up to the lynn and we we just talked about that a little bit um now we can i guess we can go down to lvds that and um and again we notice that uh the model these guys always seem to be opposite to each other what what what do you think uh what do you think is going on there then different cameras cameras yeah just the number of cameras well the fact that they're using lvds to connect to their cameras there's nine cameras on right model y so that's nine lvds channels and i look at this slide the maki has more lvds than the three the three are there for the displays but the cameras are most likely running lvds on the on the ford we did not find confirmation of that but they've got four actually five cameras and they're probably all running some form of lvds but that's why you see the inversion between the id4 and the model y right so that ethernet on the volt on the id4 is uh these we set for their camera system so that's why they've got 12 and then that's why it's only three ldds because that's primarily just for their telematics so we jump down to a to b um how come there's nothing on eid4 they're still running old school left and right channel audio from the receiver to the amplifier and analog from there out okay it's it's not my uh you know my forte electronics and why not but it seems to me that most of the new cars that are out there are a to b i don't i don't quite get why they would want to go back to something old-fashioned may have been what they had on the shelf you know what i think that one of the biggest detriments that uh that that any oem has is is the the parts bin and for those who don't know what a parts bin is that's the enormous uh amount of uh of product usually modules and things like that that are sitting on the shelf that um usually either finance or purchasing wants you to use so they can get the economy at a scale and shrink uh shrink the the number of things that they have to buy what winds up happening is you get stuck in um in a pit and that uh that basically is what the um that's what what i look at when when people are what i think about when i think about um the uh the sacrifices you have to make in design in order to utilize some of these parts in this in the it's not just one it's typically not one small impact right one one decision on a part has so many legs right right that you don't that a lot of people don't even realize right you make a decision to say i'm gonna i'm locked in i've got to reuse this component that has you know huge ramifications across so many different components that because of the connector system that was used 10 years ago you can't go to a smaller gauge wire so you can't say save the weight of the harness even though the signal is minuscule current wise that a 24 gauge wire would handle it you're still running an 18 gauge wire because that's all you can bring yeah well and that when i went to uh when i talked to uh elon well i shouldn't call him elon i i feel somehow that uh mr musk is improv is appropriate if he's the richest guy in the world i thought anyway so anyways um um when i talked to him i said you know i was disappointed that he didn't go to 48 volt uh systems dropped the and he said i can't buy the parts i can't buy the i can't buy the bits and pieces everything's 12 volt what am i going to do sooner or later the uh the tier 2 suppliers will catch on that maybe there's a market here and maybe start making a switch but for right now we're all stuck with 12 volt and right which means that i've got heavier cable than i really need so anyway we've beaten that to death let's uh let's try the next uh the next thing here um which is okay so now we can see the slide that sandy hasn't seen before and i cannot believe my eyes holy mackerel yeah zero zero zero okay so yeah let's see are you explaining this one so what's the justification for fuses when model y doesn't have any well these are replaceable fuses we should tell you that yeah correct there are some uses inside the model y but they um uh they uh they're more like a breaker box um application in your home where you know something blows you go and click and now it works again they can do that ota over the air and they can also they can also resequence because of their software and whatnot if something doesn't work it figures out why it didn't work it'll either isolate something and then and then it'll switch the switch that uh fuse um what do they call that type of a fuse but as you can see um this is a good case or a good example i should say what happens when you use all those rugged manly old giant boxes that we can glue in everywhere um this is uh this is what happens um and and quite frankly i we haven't we haven't uh taken apart the the maki um and i i don't know if i mentioned but i was impressed with the maki i'm very impressed um i think that's a real competitor to tesla i agree the proof will be in when you look at we look at dive in deeper and just see how much copper are they using with what they've done and what the weight to me on an electric vehicle weight is it is huge and if you're putting you know even if you only have a thousand meters of wire but you have 30 pounds of bus bar right you're still putting the same amount of copper in the same one fundamentally the same amount of weight in the vehicle that's where the to me saving a pound in the electrical system is is huge exactly and and quite frankly every time i've got a separate box let's just skip the price or the or the weight of that box that that extra ecu let's skip that and just look at the screws so how many screws did i get how much did they weigh i mean this is something that we were continuously looking at fasteners um to me are the uh are the the greatest crutch that a product design engineer has and uh i think it atrophies your brain i really think that what people have to focus on is how do i get this done oh scotch doesn't atrophy your brain no it doesn't no that kills off it preserves it it's an alcohol no that has nothing to do with it how do we get tangled up in this but at the end of the day that kills off those brain cells that you didn't need anymore okay it's like uh i look at it as uh like the gene pool kind of thing it kills off those things of the fitness exactly so we look at this and um i mean no relays um no fuse blocks so uh and i'm really surprised because this is the first time that the monkey has come up in second place um against the the id4 on the to the makis a lot of the relays are not serviceable there's really only two serviceable relays the rest of them are integrated into a body into a control room oh yeah they're on the circuit board but still they're mechanical electrical clackers yeah right yeah yeah subject to failure right and i can remember relay logic trust me careful okay so let me qualify here these guys are all double leaves i am not uh i i can spell electricity three times correctly out of five so so anyway uh but but i did have to take relay logic and i remember when i was an apprentice toolmaker apprentice and one not having to go over and trying to service things and looking for what's you know what's clicked and what hasn't and why not going absolutely nuts looking at those old schematics which uh went on forever and ever and everything was paper it seems to me that it's time to move from let's smoke let's let's move ourselves let's go into the next one otherwise we'll never get done so here we have a fabulous chart that um that um we need you to explain so yeah with that with that so this is um just the way that we've chosen to represent the at a high level um the electrical architecture this the first slide happens to be the id4 um and we'll see the others as we as we move through but this is the i guess we'll call it the 10 000 foot level uh we do much deeper analysis we have you know charts that go much deeper than this that have each of the ecu's you know in which specific can bus they're on and we get to that level of detail but we wanted to keep it fairly high level to do this this this comparison um at the top of the box or the top of the slide you see the gateway module in this case the volkswagen calls it the icast one which stands for in-car application server and remember you also see the inc icast 3 which is the infotainment box but there is an icast 2 just doesn't happen to be on the id4 i think it's on the ide it's not there yet oh it's not there yet because that's their uh their autonomous driving system so we know that it's coming it's just not on the vehicle yet but at the top of the chart you see the the gateway and you'll see this on all of the the vehicles this is basically the the means that the communication networks in the vehicle are isolated from the outside world uh through these boxes through the gateway you see the connection to the diagnostic connector which is where the service technicians and the dealership connect the diagnostic tool to you know diagnose and vehicle system issues um and then we have each of the the can buses the can fd ethernet just kind of showing what they're connected to again in general terms you know the ecu's the displays the sensors and actuators in case of lynn so um with this not having the icast 2 if you wanted uh if you wanted autopilot or later on uh full self driving you you got to buy another car this doesn't have the ability to upgrade we don't think so but it they may have it without seeing all the wire harnesses right if there's some connectors not used somewhere in the panel that aren't connected to something that you could plug in later [Music] such as we had that one block that was open it had a views in there loose yeah a big fuse as well what the hell was that thing i don't think it was a 40 amp yeah i thought it was even bigger than that it was huge training might be right but um even so it was in 80 80 amp yeah okay that's a big ass that's a big that's that's a lot of excuses yeah yeah i mean i had a whole bunch of people telling me you know oh there's a 80 amps right there that's what and actually if you go down you could ding ding ding it's not connected it's just it's just sitting there waiting for something to be plugged in but it's uh really not doing anything that was the only only thing but there was almost like another yeah well actually the fuse box itself was uh only populated i would say one-third populated yeah and again if we get back to you know extra weight why i mean look at the size of that thing oh it's cheap it but it weighs something and and again um it's not uh it just doesn't come for free that thing has to be bolted down as well on and on and on bracket structure it all adds up it does and and quite frankly we don't do it here but i do know in china they're paying two bucks a pound if you can in fact one of the things that i i started talking about when i was in china talking to the car companies over there nobody was the highest on this side but but uh when i was talking to him there we had a whole bunch of things that monroe does for for weight reduction and one of them is every engineer one gram every day it doesn't sound like much to take one gram out but you know what uh when we were done with one of these projects we were looking at kilos a gram at a time anyway i i interrupted we we that's that's pretty much the idea for from right from a standpoint we certainly can go into a lot more detail yeah but to show what's there all right well now we're looking at the model y i guess yes okay so uh we pop that up and um your map looks simpler somehow so it is yeah i mean you see here the the gateway excuse me the gateway and the autopilot you see those as they are actually separate boards uh separate pc boards but they are housed in the same uh box if you will and that's why you see the ethernet connection is actually just between those two boxes in that case they do bring it out for diagnostics as you see here you know it's interesting we show on the model y the this this small diagnostic connector ethernet when when we were able to look at the the vehicle you tore down the model 3 yeah we saw the same thing um and we're kind of confused that we didn't see the standard 16-way obd diagnostic connector well of course this thing doesn't emit anything so it doesn't fall into the requirements to under carb to have the obd connector apparently but it's interestingly enough the model 3 did add it later so we were able to confirm that so we suspect i don't know maybe that the test the model y will also add it later but we're not sure it's got the can the there was a can driver on the autopilot module that could talk on the diagnostics it just wasn't it wasn't wired yeah and you see the a2b and the ethernet coming out of the the gateway module mcu and that's talking to the amplifier and the the uh goes back to the receiver yeah yeah yeah so it's pretty pretty straightforward and you're right it is simple it is something i mean when you look at the number of modules and the number of buses right yeah absolutely and simple is good i'm a simple guy um so let's pop to the next one here and then we've got the maki this looks a little more like the the volkswagen id4 right as far as the the structure um the you've got as we should give you in the summary the the various buses are there mainly lvds for the displays you've got the two versions of can they have an isolated can fd bus that is there for some of the the control modules the primarily the electron probably primarily in the electric side they have a separate electric can bus and you see the old buses that were there on the prior fords the yeah the prior version of the mustang the low speed 125k bus and then their four 500k can busses that they've had for years can we can you do me a favor can you uh pop up to the one we just looked at i'm just looking at the diagnostics so the diagnostics look the the symbols that you've got look similar but not quite the same in that so the ford and the the volkswagen are both using the 16-way j1962 yeah sae j diagnostic connector yeah all right 62 or 69 62. you're right you have the diagnostic guide where as i said the tesla does not yeah tesla's got this little five pin connector buried in the instrument panel that looks like that connector on your laptop yeah you know yeah and as sam said the the fundamental reason is being all electric there's no obd or epa regulations that drive that connector that standard connector so since there's no onboard you know no emissions they don't really need to put the 16 the standard 16 way on but i think there may have been some customer comments that say wait you know why can't i hook up my standard tool and at least see what a little bit of what's going on yeah you're after market to the aftermarket tool guys but so again we get back to weight and cost and it just seems over and over again that that i mean if you if you were given two bucks a pound or something along those lines to reduce cost again the chinese are not going to be putting this stuff out and as i recall i i don't pay much attention or i didn't well this is going to sound bad i don't pay as much attention to the to the electrics electronics in these cars but i do know that um during some of the discussions because everything's in english when you work with these guys um when when we were having the discussions they were saying things like why do we need this why do we need that why can't we use this and again they're always gyrating to um to uh connections that you'd find there and you know they use huawei a lot but everything is cell phone how do we make it like the cell phone how do we do this like our cell phone blah blah blah like the cell phone and this does an awful lot of stuff and it's in a really small package um i i personally i i don't know so let me ask you another question um do you think that uh that that either volkswagen or ford benchmarked the uh the tesla did you see anything that said ah this is just like tesla i would answer your first question is i don't know that if they looked at them they didn't apply a lot how's that um i think i think they were more in we have again you get back to the shelf they have parts and their their job in a lot of cases is to reuse or they've already had commitments that they're buying millions of door nodes so they want to keep buying those millions of door notes every year yeah the there is some integration i mean they've done some ford has put on the ford module i saw a fair amount of solid state drive now coming out of the body controller it's been there for a few years but even more on this version um so i think there's some come in there i did not see them you know we don't see them taking things like connect the door directly to the controller on the left and right side which saves you doesn't save a lot of necessary save wire a little bit but it's mainly that those two connectors that have to come together and then go to another connector so you get rid of the inlines or the in in circuit makes manufacturing a little more complicated and things have to be a little more open to be able to make that connection where the seat plugs directly into the controller well there's got to be a slit in the carpet to get the wire back down and tuck it and hide it but it's all it's things that could be worked out it's just that matter but did you see an example well i think it comes back to um constraints right we ask this a similar question all the time what's what's the best electrical system architecture well it depends depends on it depends on what your goals are when you're creating right certainly it's got a support all of the features and functions and it's got to have the communication protocols at the right speed so you can do all those things but the other elements are driven by a lot of different factors right in term you know am i am i constrained on investment right am i constrained on peace cost so that drives me to reuse a lot of things that i already have so it's tough to say um you know what is better and you know could you benchmark somebody else and and use part of what they've done it's difficult right what we did see though i think on the volkswagen is the similar approach to adding domain controllers right um the tesla we would consider that that gateway uh autopilot box to be a domain controller i think in from an architectural standpoint volkswagen if we flip back to the volkswagen um has the similar approach from adding the gate they have two two of those domain controllers in their icast modules and actually when they do add the autonomous system the icast two they will actually then have three so that is one element where we did see volkswagen moving their architecture towards implementing some of the things that tesla had done now they still maintained their more traditional architect elements of their architecture again as you see by the number of ecu's and didn't integrate them into large controllers but so they had to have looked at that i'm sure we're seeing that i think in general that's that's pretty much an industry-wide trend that there you've got the domain controller and you've got zone controllers and tesla's got a little bit of volt well you've got zone controllers because the left and right body controller one hand is everything on the right side one hand is pretty much everything on the left side and you've got the front controller so they've taken that created zones and then the autopilot module is just an uber domain controller i mean it's a server on steroids in the box right yeah and that's the key element of these right these servers are they call them application service for reason right they are actually communicating back to servers at the mothership right so what we found interesting is that in looking to do um smart fuse boards or you know electronic e-fuses when you start investigating with suppliers for like our little e-mobility vehicles you're talking two to four million dollars to develop basically a pdc where you can have no development costs if you just want to take their modular solution so you look at what volkswagen and ford are doing it's not necessarily bad from that perspective you don't have all that up front cost to develop that where with with tesla you know they're starting from a clean sheet uh they really only had the model three when they came up you know or the model s when they come up with model three so all of a sudden now you know the world's a royster what do we want to do let's do that right you know where the other guys are like well if we spend four million dollars to develop a fuse board and it takes two to three years but we really have all of this other infrastructure to spend money on and make it integrate with our old parts i mean you know it makes sense to me that they're going to do something like that they're going to just go with the simplest solution and again it gets back to what do you what what is your goal right i mean i'm sure someone at tesla maybe it was mr musk that said that shall not have any 12-volt fuses oh no no i mean i don't know i'm telling you i i had some of the back stories from some of the people that were at tesla in the in the beginning they couldn't find anybody to work with them i'm personally thinking that um i'm personally thinking that the luxury of adversity happened so that's that's what we had at ford in the 80s when we were going broke and um and that caused us to create the taurus which was definitely a clean sheet didn't have anything the same the transmission was different the engine was different so when you get into a situation and and the supply community um is just not there to help you out you have the luxury of adversity now you have to come up with the new way of getting the job done and and uh and i've seen that happen so many times okay so anyways first off let me thank you for coming down and giving us this brief description but can you can you tell us about the real report like these are are the overviews for the general public but um why don't you give us a little uh detail when we look at a vehicle and ideally it's one that's been torn down and we had a chance to really tear into the parts we'll go all the way down to the semiconductor level and the thing that we always look at with the expertise and the experience we have at 3is we can tell you what they did how they did it we also get into why they did it in other words why would you ever put you know why would you want this double protection on your fusing for the e-fuse where you've got them stacked it's basically you look at the failure modes effects if i got a short in one fet i want to be able to still control it so i can shut it off with secondary in most failure modes you look at a single failure only and but in some cases even with the tesla they've got cases where they can protect or even a double failure so we look at the redundancies especially when you start looking at at features it's okay i'm depending on this data what happens when i don't have that data what do i do how do i react to that if this camera goes out or if this radar unit goes out what am i now doing what am i allowing you to do in automated driving what i am i going to tell you you can't go into that mode because we can't tell what's there so it's like the why part of it is something that's that's hard to find today most people can you know break down the parts and go through that but to have the experience to explain they did this because in some cases you come back with they did this because they had a problem sometime before and somebody made one of those that'll never happen again folks so it's always in place and you can see that in a lot of electrical designs as you go around um that there's a module that's been there and it's like why is that still there well it's because back in 1974 they had this problem and this is how they corrected it so we we go through that and we get down to a you know even down to breaking down the semiconductor and telling you you know what's what those parts are doing and sometimes a little speculation of how they're handling the software uh maybe a feature how it's broken down what module incorporates this feature and you know process of elimination and looking at the logic we'll come down and say well that's being done in this box so let me ask you how do people get in touch with you well you can contact we have a website and i can give you i can give you my email address it's dale.koch at just drop me an email we're on linkedin you can find us there and if you ping us we'll we will get back to you we we like new customers and we really appreciate the opportunity to participate in your monroe live yeah well we're very happy that you came um i uh i think that our viewers are going to really enjoy this i love the comparison charts that you cranked out for us but i should tell everybody that your reports are quite a bit more detailed than this um and those reports uh you have to buy them so work price right yeah for a price you can get anything so anyways i'd like to thank you both i'd like to thank all of you folks out there who are watching i know this is a very long video but hopefully hopefully you'll get something out of it i'd like you to keep tipping those cashiers last night i went to the grocery store and i got a brand new cashier and she was shocked to death uh by getting a 10 10 bucks on a 30 dollar grocery bill so uh she was she was very excited and happy these people are really uh deserving so what you can do is uh is give what you can we're all in it together thank you very much we'll see you then bye-bye take care take care [Music] you
Channel: Munro Live
Views: 339,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EV, BEV, Sandy Munro, Munro, Electric Vehicle, Benchmarking, Electric, Insight, Lean Design, Design, Comparison, MunroLive,, ElectricCars, Review, Car Review, 2021, Automotive, Automotive Review, Ford, Mustang, Mache, Mustang Mach-E, Mach-E, Ford Performance, Electric Motor, Cars, Ford Mustang, 3is,, Tesla, Model Y, Elon Musk, Volkswagen, ID.4, VW ID.4, Electrical Systems, Deep Dive, Technical, Electrical Architecture, ECU, CAN BUS, CAN, LIN, Ethernet, A2B, LVDS, Infotainment
Id: ZRkm6-bBk4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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