5 Big Mistakes Beginners Make with Resin 3D Printing

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hello i'm edward peak and in this video i'll be telling you five things that you need to know as a newcomer to resin 3d printing that's going to save you a lot of time and a lot of money these are things that i wish i knew at the start but even though i did a lot of video watching a lot of research these things didn't come up i had to discover them myself and when i did i felt like a massive idiot number one and this is probably the biggest one you don't need to clean your resin out every time a lot of people don't know that when i started doing i thought every time you do a print you have to clean up that resin tank and do it all over again and all that's going to do is eat up your fep sheets it's going to cloud them up it's going to waste your ipa if that's how you're doing it and you shouldn't be using ipa which is something i'll get onto in a minute but it wastes a lot of time a lot of resin and it just takes so much longer and it makes the process a lot more painful than it needs to be the only time you need to worry about cleaning up the tank is if a print has failed and there's going to be something left in there that might damage your screen when your plate next comes down and pushes it into the screen that's about it or unless maybe you've dropped something into the resin or something obvious like that apart from that if everything goes smoothly and it prints fine you don't need to worry about cleaning it up in addition to this don't worry about leaving it for a long period of time you can leave that resin in there for months maybe even years as long as you stir it up a little bit and heat it correctly before starting to print it'll be fine just the way you left it it's not going to go off and become bad it's resin not milk i guess that last one could have been his own point oh well still have four left number two you don't need to use ipa when cleaning up the feb sheet in fact when you do use ipa what you'll notice is it clouds up effect or hell making it slightly worse each time you have to do it i instead opt for a method i learned from slice print role play here on youtube where you get a simple microfiber towel cut it up into small chunks and he reckons you can do it in about three of them i always end up using more but you just gradually wipe down the fep and then do it until it's clear and clean and that's it there's no ipa needed and you don't fogger up the fep sheet number three sunlight you might not take this into account when you first start printing but you need to keep it away from sunlight any sunlight getting into that even though as a you feed screen over the printer if that gets into your reservoir it's gonna ruin prints and it's going to make that resin harden and sometimes make it nearly impossible to get it out of the vat but wasting you a lot of money and a lot of time and it's very frustrating to get it off pretend your 3d resin printer is a vampire and stick it in the corner a little coffin to keep it out of the way of any sunlight whatsoever because it will ruin everything and make your printing time living hell this also goes for clean up an issue i have at the moment is the only space that i have to do my cleaning up considering where the space i have in the garage is very small it's in front of a window so when i take my plate off i have to get all that resin off real quick before it hardens to it and as you can see here it's already kind of ruined but it still works all of that is just from me cleaning up in front of a window and also using really cheap shop cloths which just covered it in blue dust which is really annoying to get off number four temperature this is another really big one it will make the difference between a fail and a success and for me the way i've solved my problem of it being quite cold as i live in england you just wrap a fermentation belt around that vat and that would do the trick although saying that mine is metal so the heat conducts a lot better if you have yourself a plastic one then just finding another way to heat it is gonna solve a lot of problems i've seen some people online just use a space heater near their printer so if you do have a plastic vat on your printer then maybe that's an option for you number five and this is one that i messed up multiple times when i started doing printing leveling the plate there is an art to it it's a simple method but as soon as you crack it it makes things way easier 3d printing pro has an excellent tutorial to this and he has been my shiny headed lord and savior whilst i was learning to do all this stuff in his tutorial he will show you that when the plate has come down and you've tightened it you can check whether it's tightened properly or not by pulling at each corner of that paper and if it doesn't move then great it's tightened properly and if it does move that tells you it isn't leveled properly and you have to do it again it's so simple but it's really the only way of properly checking and like i mentioned at the start in point number one like emptying out the vat each time leveling the plate each time is another thing that you don't have to do which i was doing way too much of at the beginning once that is leveled properly you can leave it until it stops working unless you do something like you drop it on the floor or you hit it against something hard that level isn't going to change now this video might say i was going to mention five points but i'm dyslexic so point number six tightness of the fep in the vat now something i found with my one is if i quite literally just tighten it as tight as it will go on the vat that is the correct tightness i have a photon monox so if you have the same model as me chances are that will probably work as well now i imagine most printers have the same thing in mind but i don't know that all of the ones will work like that or if even other models of mine will work like that so another method is to get a spectrometer on your phone and then hit the vap with a very light item that isn't going to dent it and then that will tell you the frequency and from there you can adjust frequency you want might vary but for mine it's about 320 350 hertz this now be the end of the video so uh like the smash button and all that jazz and if you think i'm wrong on any of those points let me know in the comments below as it drives up engagement
Channel: Edward Peak
Views: 638,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resin printer time lapse, resin printer vs 3d printer, resin printer for beginners, resin printer how it works, resin printer review, resin printer basics, resin printer accessories, resin printer auto refill, resin printer anime figures, anycubic photon mono x 3d resin printer, resin printer beginner, 3d printing for beginners, 3d printing time lapse, 3d printing ideas, 3d printing metal, 3d printing warhammer 40k, 3d printing a house, 3d printing anime figures, 3d printing
Id: 6HeBpAnBPc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 14sec (314 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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