CWC Featuring Dr. Abraham J. Jules - "Praying With Purpose"

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the last angel's message says if any man in other words you don't want to get god angry all done through the animals of history god has always tempered his justice with mercy but in this case no mercy is left he says if any man worship the beast and his image you are going to incur the wrath of god which is poured out without mixture in the cup of this indignation we don't want to do that do we so i submit to you this morning before god destroys he warns isn't it before god destroys he warns and so this message that is entrusted to us as a people we must herald this gospel to the ends of the earth and that must be done with speed and with power what is the purpose then what is the purpose of the three angels message anybody here have an idea what's the purpose the purpose is to get his people ready for his coming god wants us to get ready and to get the world ready also for jesus is coming isn't it all right and the question is is jesus really coming is he really coming jesus has to come because you pointed out earlier in the um the lesson that he's gone to prepare a place for us and the fact that he's preparing a place it's a big place as you describe it's a mansion and like my parents whenever they want me to be on my best behavior when they go somewhere they'll tell me if you be good if you're on your best behavior if you don't give any trouble i'll bring something for you well jesus is not just bringing something for us he's taking us there so we can enjoy so yes he's coming oh yes jesus is coming well he tells he says of the day and our knoweth no man but some things you will see you just need to read that in matthew chapter 24 that entire passage jesus says when these things begin to come to pass you know that my coming is just around the corner and aren't we seeing those signs today living in a world that is upside down and that tells us that soon and very soon our lord when he comes jesus is coming to bring with him an end to injustice it's a lot of injustice in our world today and it will cease when our blessed lord returns to us oh i can't wait great controversy will soon be ended sin and sinners will be no more the servant of the lord says when it's over one pulse of and harmony and gladness will beat through the vast creation from him who created all will flow life and light and gladness to the realms of illimitable space from the minutest world end of the universe all things animate and inanimate in their unshadowed beauty says the servant of god will declare that god is love so the lord wants to save all of us and he has entrusted to this church the three angels messages we must be up and be about our father's business the hour is late all right elder you have uh on tuesday so you you talked about the three angels message one of the things that we tend not to do when it comes on to messages is that we tend to stop at the three angel message but if you read the entire revelation it's not three message but it continues because there was a third angel and a four a fourth angel and fifth angel and those angels after they talk about the preaching of the gospel after they talk about there is a judgment and there's something coming jesus is gonna come for us it goes into the whole reaping the earth harvest and we we have an understanding of what harvest is it means that it is that time when the farmer is coming to put now into place what has been growing what has been prepared what has been watered and since we're already watered with the gospel and we know what it is he's going to reap and we shouldn't just stop with the three angels message but we should talk a lot more about the fourth and the fifth angel message because that's where the real glory is that's that's where the real shout is when we are reaped and ready and we are sitting with jesus another thing that we tend to do with the book of revelation is that when we hear the book of revelation you we tend to think that it is a dangerous book it's a dark book it's a depressing book but but that's not the reality of it if if you want to understand the truth of revelation just just read the first five five words it says it is about the revelation of jesus christ and what we see running through the theme through revelation is that jesus is coming back again and while there are some things that are dangerous in the book while there are some things that seems to be dark and depressing in the end what we should see is that he is coming back and once we heed the message and once we are ready and prepared then we shouldn't have anything to worry about when you go into wednesday's lesson it talks about understanding god's message more fully now what does the message mean to us see satan is not just attacking christians he's attacked in the very sabbath the very thing that god put in place the very thing that we will know inspiration tells us that it will be a distinction in the end it will show whose are really god's people and satan is not just attacking christian he's attacking the day the sabbath day and that's why it's very important for us to worship and to give god praise because we are showing that listen we are worshiping god who is worthy to be praised now we shouldn't get disturbed or distracted when satan is attacking us because satan is not trying to mess with people who aren't doing anything so if if i feel like every day satan is showing up in my life if i feel like every day it's a struggle feel like satan is on my heels it it therefore means pastor goff i'm i'm probably doing something right i'm probably on the right track because i don't think satan is really trying to get people who he believes is already lost and while god is here to save all people the very fact that satan is showing up daily in our lives it means i'm doing something right and here's what he's trying to take from from god is that he's trying to take the very day the sabbath day that we know we should worship but we don't have to worry we don't have to fear because like any good movie we already know how the story end how does the story end you might ask the story end god will come and and john depicts he talks about the the the things that he saw he said there were 24 elders pastor goff i always say that's a very small number the board of elders here and leaders at cwc it's more than 12. i i might not get in that number he talks about the 144 000 there's more people in queens who could fill up that number i i get scared sometimes but i if you keep on reading you see john talks about there was something else a number no one could number and he he didn't just hear about that number he saw that number and can you imagine i have to be in that number because it tells me that hey you don't have to get in the 12 you don't have to get in the 144 000 but get into that number which no one could number tells me he is not just truly coming back but he's taking us to a place and that's what when john was writing it's it's it's almost an extension of the gospel and he was saying this is what jesus will do why should we worry why should we fear the book is really telling us jesus is coming we just need to get ready jesus is coming we just need to get ready now if you look back revelation 14 and verse 6 that first angel's message very significant it says worship him who created the heavens and the earth the first angel is calling men back to the worship of the true god isn't it that revelation and exodus 20 holds for us god's commandment god's ten commandments verse eight says remember the sabbath day to keep it holy sixth day shall thou labor and do all thy work and it said why because in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth and john's angel says worship him who created the heavens and the earth in other words god is calling us back to the keeping of his commandment including the seventh-day sabbath not sunday saturday sabbath the seventh day of the week that's the call the first angels message and it is wonderful to know that god wants us to dwell with him god is suspending time every sabbath god is a is just simply stopping along staying a little longer with his people he wants to fellowship with us so that's a privilege we do not want lutheran that's the call of the first angel come back to the worship of the true god all right elder michelle you have something yes sir so speaking of about babylon the book of revelation uh uses the term babylon which represents a false system of religion based on human works man-made traditions and false doctrines now if you think back of back about back in ancient babylon ancient babylon was full of rich riches culture it it attracted many many people because of its of its vast nature and vast vast loveliness at the same time though babylon was both an evil city and an immoral empire a world center for idol worship babylon ancient babylon ransacked jerusalem and carried the people of judah into captivity and just as babylon was the jews worst enemy the roman empire was the worst enemy of the early christians so where where are we now today what compares to ancient babylon i think i think through the world that we live in we we're full of luxury and lavishness we we attain the the most um uh extravagance each and every day and that's what most people uh attempt to attain so think about the times that we're living in now and think about ancient babylon so if you think about the old story of daniel daniel represents perfectly exact exactly what we what we expect to face with the coming days daniel and and uh and his three friends were were challenged by king nebuchadnezzar to to worship either either worship the beast worship the statue or die so moving forward this is something that we and and and what we consider to be modern babylon we expect to face the same thing that we expect that one day we too will have to to make a decision or we're going to continue to to to live the life that we live in uh which will eventually end when jesus returns obviously but what are we going when we're faced with a challenge of choosing life the current life are we going to choose life as we know it but and is that based upon that that's going to be based upon the the challenges that are given by the governments of this world so um just as nebuchadnezzar challenged daniel and and and the others we too will be faced by the governments of of this nation to make a choice make a choice between in in our case in our case it will be make a choice of believing and honoring the true sabbath which was established by god or or honoring the the the the false worship of sunday just as keeping in mind that that the devil satan counterfeits everything that god has put on earth god has angels the devil has demons we have sabbath to true saturday and and the devil has sunday which which unfortunately many of the protestant churches have followed he although as pastor goff mentioned they are protesting but that's one thing that they failed to protest so coming coming moving forward to that great day what day will we choose sabbath the true sabbath saturday or the first worship or false worship of sunday yeah okay so um throughout this week's lesson we see some key things being brought out and um we have many questions from viewers and people who have discussed the question so back to past the gov for in our sabbath and sunday lesson we see a key term in sabbath that speaks about the gospel now what is this gospel and why is it so important that we share it does it have a different meaning for you who are saved versus you who are unsaved yeah what is this gospel first of all that that gospel there is good news good news the gospel of jesus christ the disciples listened to jesus telling them that he was coming back but he said of the day and hour i don't know no one knows of the day and hour and that question never left the disciples mind one day three of them got to him jesus sitting on the mountainside mount of olives they said to him master you told us that you were coming but what what day what hour you come jesus says of the day and our knoweth no man but i'm going to tell you some things and when you see these things begin to come to pass you know that my coming is just around the corner and if you look at matthew 24 and verse 14 he says and this gospel t-h-i-s that's the pronoun a particular gospel this gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world not to convert men and women but for a witness now what a witness does in a court of law it either testify for you or against you so our job is to get the gospel out there so that oh if someone hear the gospel and by god's grace their heart is softened and given themselves to the lord and obey god it's going to be salvation to you but if you did not it's going to be a witness against you in god's court and so he says and this gospel of the kingdom must be preaching and then john in in the book of revelation says that the first angel messages i saw an angel flying in the midst of him having the everlasting gospel same gospel jesus spoke about in matthew chapter 24 he says i saw them flying in swiftly in the midst of heaven preaching the everlasting gospel so what is this gospel the good news you do not have to go to hell you can be saved in god's kingdom that's the good news of the gospel right and we saw the disciples the apostles they were obedient right to god's bidding jesus said go into all the world and we saw them right so when we jump over to sunday we saw peter declaring that he's an eyewitness right why was it important that he says i'm an eyewitness this is not just a story i'm an eyewitness i saw it why is that significant it's very significant because you don't want to hear about something from someone who heard from someone else who heard from someone else there there's this game they call chinese telephone and and and this is how it literally goes i tell pastor goff something and he shares with ella mitchell and he shares with you and you share with somebody else and by the time it gets around the room more often than not the person at the end normally hears something different than what i said now now that didn't happen in jesus day he he he was an eyewitness he was there he saw it and it was good for especially for the writing of the bible because in the bible it started to talk about oral tradition like persons start to talk about jesus and why it was important that we have the scripture is because they started to kill the original eyewitness they started to kill those who were there and then these men realized that the coming of jesus is not right now as we speak therefore they begin to start writing down so that when you and i read um thousands of years later we're not just reading about something that somebody heard they were there they saw and it's important for us because this gospel is continued amen so when we go to the book of revelation right we have it saying blessed is he who read it who hear it and do what is written within it right that's how it opens but embedded in the book of revelation there is this invitation that the savior gave us now mark he never said you must he said come right come he invites us to come why is it important that he invite us and what does it say about his governance oh that tells us how much god wants to save all of us hell was not made for any human being god's fire was for the devil and his angels not for us so god sends the message a message of warning to us human in other words i see in my sabbath school lesson here it says christ's atoning death was universal everybody in the far flung corners of the earth the death of christ was for you jesus died in your place so that you do not have to die the eternal death thank god for that you hear this message and you decide that you're not going to do anything about it then you are going to be punished yourself you're going to take on what jesus did already you're going to have to die for yourself the message of salvation is that you do not have to die and we must herald this message in a hurry because time is running out time is fast fleeting and then as we look on our world today the condition that our world is in it's telling us that it cannot be long now before jesus comes so my sister the message of salvation is for all of god's children in every corner of the world the uh the invitation also comes with uh with with the notion that it is given by choice or you're you're free to choose um from from the beginning of creation god gave god gave adam and eve a choice and and it continues to this day so going with what elder with pastor goff said also keep in mind that that that that order for salvation is not only is it free but is is a choice that we each have to make for ourselves right so that is one of our important freedoms right choice so i can choose i choose to worship i choose to obey and i choose the sabbath right but we're gonna see that during the test of time that's gonna be challenge where that will be tried to change to you must right so it's important that we pay attention to that language that god didn't say you must worship me he said come he invites you right and so going on further in our questions it says it spoke about our attitude of reverence and obedience to god right so what's the relationship between our attitude for god or our obedience to god and the final judgment all right that time i'm going to take that sis worship that word worship the lord that uh first angel's message and i saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth fair god is the first angel's message and fear god there is the terminology where you can be afraid of god that's not what the lord is talking about not being afraid of god it's talking about reverence to god reverence and worship that is the call god wants us to worship him and he wants to fellowship with us on sabbath he wants to spend extra time with us all day long so reverend fear god and give glory there is something about giving glory to god how do i give glory to god giving glory to god elder could you help me there what is it giving glory to god it simply means that we are worshiping him because it's when we look at the the great controversy it started our or was surrounded about worship who who should be adored who should get the praise and you look at the word it's it's coming from a word worth and ship it's literally telling us that god is the one who is worthy of all our prayers he is the one we should worship right and the bible says whatsoever they'll do it first corinthians 10 verse 31 whatsoever thou doest do it all to the glory of god my mighty into jack here and and worship here is we have to be very careful in how we say what is worship because in in for instance your pastor talked about it last week he said the way he worship he worship in his heart he's glad he's happy he might not jump up he might not wave his hand he might not do what i do but he's worshiping and it's important for us to understand that um pastor because there are some of us who worship a little bit more than others but there are others of us who are a little bit quiet it doesn't mean that one is more reverent than the other is this my style of worship is this how i choose to worship and it is indicative of what is happening with me you can keep quiet about something that you heard but i get excited because i understand what god has been doing for me amen amen amen so that brings us into our memory verse right revelation 14 verses 6 and verse 7. and let's take verse 7 fear god right it means respect him it's how you give thanks to him it's showing him your love it says give glory to him meaning honor him reverence him worship give him praise and thanksgiving and why should we do all of this the question is asked and this is sitting at the root of why we are seventh day adventist notice it says he created the heavens and the earth and therefore that leads into our final questions to each of you as a panelist why is revelation 14 the three angels message central to us as seventh-day adventist believers why is it central oh my god the lord has in 1844 the lord raised up this church and gave us this distinct message to be heralded to the ends of the earth no other denomination can or are preaching this three angels message because if you preach it you're going to have to keep the sabbath holy the jews still keep the seven their sabbath but they do not believe in the second coming of christ they do not believe in the first or second coming of christ so something is missing but then if we are to honor the lord god wants us to do all that he has commanded us and back to this point here of glorifying god it says it says we are bought with a price the price is the blood of christ on calvary's cross therefore glorify god in your body glorify the lord in the things you eat how you the things you do glorify god in our bodies because the lord took it for us and we do not have to take it ourselves unless you want to be lost it is central because it brings us back to the beginning brings us back to where it all started and which is in genesis and because of sin we couldn't go back into the garden that way you know we were closed out because of what happened but now we get to the end of the book and we would have an opportunity to go back to their garden not through adam but as paul tells us through the second adam what what adam did in disobedience god undo in his obedience so that we can live and so that that that last part is saying worship him who made the heaven and earth is telling us that's exactly where we're going back so that beautiful garden that place that we want we dream of we can get there we just have to worship and be obedient too all right so i have a question here the the the call the call to come out of babylon says come out of her my people who are my people anybody knows all people my people all people the people who who choose to obey the true sabbath which which we believe to be key in in in towards the end of the world my people god's redeemed people those who are sanctified daily by choosing him if you choose to kill self because if you go back into matthew jesus says my sheep they hear his voice and they know him right and if you go back to the garment and the person who tried to go into that marriage supper in the wrong garment you see by our daily following christ and choosing him daily we become more like him right and written right there in the three angels message if you continue to read right he promises to come back for his people right the right people he's going to reap the redeemed from the earth he's going to take us back and who are they those who fear god worship him do his will if you love him keep his commandment and then you truly know you are his child the reason why i say all people pastor goff is because in essence when when god went to when jesus rather went to the cross it was not for his people it was for all people in other words even the people we don't like he died for them he said john for god so loved the world that whosoever anybody is included in that even even this this current person that is sitting in the white house he died for everyone but it gets down when you get now into revelation who is his people then it's going to be the distinction of who really choose the choice that they make to live with him yes so the first angel's message announced the judgment the second angel of revelation 14 6-12 says come out of her because babylon is fallen and the last angel's message says if any man worship the beast in his image you are going to incur the wrath of god beloved no human being has to experience the wrath of god jesus's death on the cross was for all humankind we have a responsibility to herald the three angels messages to the ends of the earth with speed god will give power to its presentation so as we look forward to the years ahead we do not know the coming of christ is dependent on jesus and he knows exactly when he's coming but the evidences of time are telling us that soon and very soon he that shall come will come and will not tarry god bless you our time is up and our father there we thank you so much for entrusting us with your words we ask lord that you will bless your people those who are watching at home we ask your blessings upon them now lord keep us faithful and save us when the work is finished we ask in jesus name amen amen all bless you see you next time next sabbath same time same place god bless you absolutely [Music] that i am yours i am yours here i am [Music] is [Music] whatever [Music] is with my soul [Music] [Laughter] is [Music] when my faith [Music] us [Music] [Music] true [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is my soul [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] about [Music] [Applause] from [Music] me [Music] with love [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] is [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] up [Music] is [Music] oh come let us sing unto the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come before his presence with thanksgiving and make a joyful noise unto him with psalms for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods oh come let us worship and bow down let us kneel before the lord our maker for he is our god and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand today if you will hear his voice hard not your heart [Music] [Music] amen [Music] and [Music] is [Music] heavenly father as we stand in awe of your goodness and your mercy we invite you here among us today we declare today that we love you and we thank you for showing true love to us through your son jesus christ lord we ask that you lead out in this service and all the services around the world where your people have gathered to worship you may our hearts be filled with praise and our mouths with thanksgiving in the precious name of jesus i pray [Music] amen [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] happy sabbath it is a privilege to be worshiping with you on this holy sabbath truly this is the day that the lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it on behalf of on behalf of our pastor dr abraham jules our elders and the cw in the cwc church family we'd like to welcome you to our virtual divine worship to all our viewers and listeners welcome may your experience the love of our lord jesus christ and the fellowship of the holy spirit i pray that you receive a special blessing on this holy sabbath day please tune in soon and to our cwc divine worship service every saturday at 11 am for a special blessing from our god our savior have a wonderful wonderful sabbath [Music] he has hallelujah great things for me [Music] hallelujah praise the lord he has done great things [Music] praise the lord he has done great things [Music] i will offer praise unto the lord all my despair and gave me the victory oh hallelujah has done great things for me hallelujah [Music] [Applause] and when my heart is filled with fear and my spirit was dark [Music] and my darkness praise the lord oh church he has done great things for me yes he hears hallelujah [Music] hallelujah praise the lord oh church he has done great things [Music] hallelujah he's done great things hallelujah praise the lord he has done great things [Music] hallelujah thank you jesus he has done great things [Music] thank you so very much kay for blessing our worship experience here we are grateful that god has given to us each of us another day of life and on this blessed sabbath day these 24 hours of on blemish time given to us for worship and fellowship we praise god for that gift gift of rest the gift of coming together to honor our god for his marvelous blessings in our lives i want to join with dorothy who welcomed all of you who have joined us for worship today uh those of you especially online who have come by this is a difficult season for all of us but it is one that is made easier because of the medium that we use to get the word of god out and i want to take the time out today during this worship service to express my profound thanks and appreciation to the leader of our i.t team brother charles mirage again for the many and the multiplied sacrifices he makes every day for our church we want to thank alfres raul alana aquila odessa gabrielle tariq and camille those who have come by today to help us in the promulgation of the gospel through the medium of the internet and the facebook and youtube and our streaming service this is made possible for the thousands who listen to our service who are blessed by the service we praise god that in this age where we are restricted from coming into the house of god somebody says the church has left the building well the church may have left the building but the gospel continues to go forth and we praise god for that i do want to share with you a number of announcements that are critical for us please remember that all of our services that we offer here at community worship center are listed on our website the times of those services and the access information to be able to join each and every one of those services i am bringing to your attention today that our social justice ministry that is a brand new ministry in our church they will be having a voter registration census completion and the ppe materials drive on september the 27th right here in our parking lot from 11am to 2pm plan to be here bring your friends and loved ones let them register to vote this is a critical election it is one that we must make our voice and our vote count so please if you have not yet registered you can do it on the 27th right here in our parking lot all right i want to share with you that um the uh singles ministry and our church had a wonderful event our financial peace university seminar and many have been blessed by it no one in this age and time should have problems managing their money i've often said it's not doesn't matter how much money you make it's how you manage what you make and so our financial peace university seminar was a tremendous success and blessing and i'm going to ask them now if they can play this clip for all of you to see and we want to thank sister lisa mitchell and her team for the fine job they did all right we'll play that clip at this time city worship center of seventh day adventists under the leadership of pastor dr abraham j jules this summer we had our first financial peace university class and it went well it started june 21st 2020 and it went to august 16th it's a nine-week program we had about 37 participants from all over the world from texas we had a couple in texas we had a couple in new mexico we had someone from north carolina georgia new jersey and of course new york and i'm gonna let you listen to some of the participants who experienced the class hear what they had to say and then i'll come back and tell you how you can sign up for our next session which is going to happen very soon so i've heard of dave ramsey's financial peace university about two years or like a year or two before actually joining and i have the tools to help someone else get there particularly my son you know gotta gotta fix my house first before i help other people and i feel empowered to do that so i'm really grateful i'm so grateful for this program the financial peace university course was extraordinary financial university class hosted by lisa mitchu and i found it very helpful but because we were in a coveted season we still are and it was being done virtually i said you know what let me try it at the time i was furloughed from my company on a very very very tight fixed income i said you know what let me try it so i tried it we need to crush debt debt is not something that you want to have was able to pay off my vehicle boy did that feel good one of the things i liked about lisa is how she shared her own personal experiences and allowed us to be able to ask questions and she really kept it real well i used the skills from this program and i was able to remove my pmi wow when financial peace university was introduced to me i said no way i had no expectation of this class i only tried it because my friends were doing it but was i surprised it was so good i've learned so much it opened up my eyes to a brand new world wasn't the stories that you heard of the participants amazing so this class i mean i'm so proud of the people who committed the nine weeks to taking this class they sacrifice nine weeks and i can't there's not one person who came from this class and said that they didn't learn anything there was so many different people different walks of life some had financial background some did not and some were unemployed some were furloughed and they made the sacrifice and they joined the class and i just wanted to say congratulations to the first session and everyone is going to get a certificate very soon what is financial peace university financial peace university is a complete money um makeover how you look at your finances how you spend your money it's just a concise comprehensive program that would teach you and educate you how to to manage your money effectively i'm in a much better place now than before the pandemic started and you can also be at the same place that you know be in a better place than where you are now if you're looking to buy a home this is an excellent program that would guide you and educate you you're going to get a lot of personal stories from me and other participants in the class and i'm going to show you how you can win following the principles that learned from financial peace university so when is this class going to be offered this class is going to be offered sunday september 27th at 4 pm over zoom and it's gonna continue every single week we're gonna meet until sunday november 22nd and it's gonna be done before thanksgiving so don't worry but the point is it's a sacrifice and you're gonna gain a lot of information there's so many people when sunday comes you're looking forward to the time of getting together and having that conversation with us as a group so if you're interested look for the flyer which is posted on social media my name and number is there feel free to reach out to me and i'll answer whatever questions you have and i hope to see you in our class starting sunday september 27th god bless and take care [Music] if you would observe i am an honorary graduate praise the lord for the past amen amen so whenever i speak on financial matters you all should listen all right okay listen folk i'm inviting and encouraging all of our parents at three o'clock i spoke to one of our parents this week last week rather and her concern was that we should really bring our children on at the three o'clock for our sam school i believe we're doing extremely well with our ay and all of the other services but we need as parents you need to take an active role in getting your children on being with them during the sabbath school we would all appreciate it your children will be blessed and you will be blessed for doing so please begin today by coming on at three o'clock for our sabbath school for our youth and our children let me take a moment to thank uh all those who have participated and will today in this divine hour we do not take for granted your sacrifice in being here and we appreciate it elder providence our call to worship uh sister diedri edwards uh invocation our welcome was brought to us by my sister-in-law dorothy just special music uh great uh singing evangelist and uh great uh singer in israel sister k frey um our scripture lesson will be brought to us by sister myrtle bose and her family and then we'll have special music from my friends from the mount vernon church determined we want to give them a special warm welcome today for driving over the bridge and coming to see us all right and then we'll have the office terry by pastor sylvan reed and then kay will sing for us again and our praise team and our musicians we want to thank you russell and your team guys for being here with us today and always blessing our worship may god bless you and our praise team uh we thank you all so much and then we'll have our benediction by sister esther charles barker we regret to announce today the passing of sister tracy our minister of music her grandmother in jamaica and we want to extend again not only our sympathies but we want you to know that we have prayed for you we know it's a difficult time death is never an easy uh part of life that we deal with but god is able and he will grant to you the comfort that you need in these times all right so let's remember sister tracy to pray for her and her family i also want to remind you that one of our senior members passed and her funeral service will be on monday uh i had deaconess gave me an idea she said pastor why can't we do the uh viewing in the parking lot on monday and then we can transition into the sanctuary this is our first funeral service we'll be having in the sanctuary since the pandemic hit us and since we've closed down but this is the way we're going to do it and i want you to be clear each and every one of you when you come into the parking lot and you come into the church you must see our head deacon our elder elder matthew smith who is responsible for everything that will happen on monday the funeral services on monday for sister bruce and we're praying for the family we extended sympathies to them and we've been working with them please reach out to the family and extend your hearts and hands to them but from 9 00 a.m to 11 a.m the funeral the viewing will be in the parking lot we'll have a lovely tent put up there so that the casket will uh be out there in a very dignified way and that goes from 1911 but at 11 o'clock we will transition into the sanctuary i have given to them a limited number of people who will be allowed to come to the sanctuary for the actual funeral service that begins at 11 o'clock everyone who comes into the building that they would authorize will have to wear a mask will be tested your temperature will be tested like we did today for those of you who came and then they'll be allowed to come in elder smith tells me that he will also be placing on on the pews where you can sit six feet apart both the balcony and the lower auditorium here all right please be reminded that this is primarily by invitation of the family the viewing is for everyone those who will come into the sanctuary will be brethren they're trying to get your attention somebody's trying to get your attention all right uh we also have our three-way scholarship that if you have children who are at our colleges or universities at venice colleges or universities that you will give to us that information and we will make certain they get a scholarship a three-way scholarship that the church matches with the conference and the institution of higher learning all right god bless you as we worship the lord today in the beauty of holiness we want to thank each and every one of you for all that you do sister allen our sounded technician our head deacon and the deacons of our church for your service our health ministries director sister grant for making certain that we are all healthy enough to come together and all the rest of you we appreciate your service week after week and we thank god for each and every one of you the scripture reading will be taken from matthew 5 1-16 in seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto him and he opened his mouth and taught him saying blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are they which you hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called children of god blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when men shall revile you and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake rejoice and be exceedingly glad for great is your reward in heaven for so persecuted day the prophets which were before you you are the salt of the earth but if the salt have lost its savior wherewit shall it be salted it is henceforth good for nothing but to be cast out and to be trodden on the foot of men you are the light of the world that city that is set on a hill cannot be hid neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it's give it light unto all that are in the house let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven may the lord add a blessing to the reading the hearing and doing of his word [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] do [Music] with an attitude i worship you and with an attitude [Music] with an attitude [Music] [Applause] [Music] i worship you of joy i give you with an attitude of thankfulness [Music] i come [Music] so many times i come to you [Music] let my mouth be filled with [Music] just to tell you thank you lord i come just to say i love you [Music] just to tell you just to say [Music] thank you [Music] anything always thank you thank you [Music] oh i [Music] come [Music] it's time for prayer my brothers and sisters the white says prayer is the opening of the heart to god as to a friend whatever our needs are god has promised to meet those needs we also use prayer as a medium to express our gratitude and our thanksgiving to god we're reminded that god is our great benefactor he's the reason why we live and move and have our being wherever you are whether you're in your living room or bedroom or standing somewhere in your kitchen i want each of you to join me in prayer this day if you would stop what you're doing and bow your heads and stand to your feet wherever you are in acknowledgement of god's great and majestic power and his presence in our lives we recognize him for his goodness and his care and his compassion as we approach the throne of grace today whatever your needs might be the lord has promised that he will answer our prayers he'll meet our needs he'll supply all of our needs according to his riches in glory every head is bowed and every eye is closed as pastor goth prays for us today gracious lord father of mankind for whom all angels veil their faces and cry daily holy holy holy lord god almighty you are the majesty of the universe was you who spake and it was done you commanded and it stood fast yes here we are today feeble mortal clay we have come to worship at your feet we worship you because you are god and god only by yourself we thank you lord for your blessings for inviting us to be part of your family throughout this week lord we have been fitter and young you have been with us as we slept at night you watched over us you put food on our tables you've given us a good measure of health and strength we are still clothed in our right minds lord we thank you for your goodness for your mercies thank you for the sabbath day of rest your children can come apart from the busy activities of life spend quality hours with you all day long thank you lord for the sabbath pray lord that you would forgive us of our transgressions yes we promised you lord that we were going to be faithful but somehow we fail but we cast ourselves upon your mercy again this morning once more lord we ask for forgiveness we ask for victory over our weaknesses strengthen us there lord in the areas where we are weak make us strong so that we might obey your command and live a life that is pleasing to you pray lord that you will be with us now as we pause for worship there are those who are sitting by the television screen just now unable to be together here in the sanctuary lord i lift them up before you bless your people dear lord wherever they are found today whatever the circumstances that has caused them to lift their hearts to you just now o lord we pray that you will turn your attention to your children pray lord that you would remember those who are suffering lost oh father help them to recognize that sorrow and weeping is just for a night yeah but sweet joy is coming in the morning soon and very soon he that shall come will come to put an end to sin and sorrow and death you said lord last enemy that you shall stamp out of existence is death oh lord we cannot wait until that day comfort those families in a special way pray now lord for those who have lift their hearts to you now and are asking you for help father i pray that you would remember your children you promised that you would beat back the powers of darkness you will not cause any of these diseases will to come upon your children oh god we pray that you would remember us keep the pandemic back from your children lord hide us their lord in these days our world today is troubled oh lord keep your children in the hollow of your hands be with us now bless your manservant dr jules as he lift the word for you from the bible oh lord we pray that you will hide him behind the long shadow of the cross may he be lost and jesus be glorified bless us now as we worship today in the wonderful name of jesus we pray amen amen [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] foreign amen amen [Music] [Music] do [Music] praise the lord church praise the lord we are determined praise god and in the season of pandemic we thought that this song was very befitting because i know that there are many of us have lost loved ones [Music] do [Music] on that great day [Music] when he cracks the sky when the world hears i wonder how it would be will i be walking down the street will it happen right in the middle of the day or at night when i'm asleep all i know is i want to be ready [Music] [Music] i just want you to say well done i can already see the signs each day the world is the days are getting shorter the years are passing by it's like i see the lord preparing himself to come is to be ready and i want you to say well done i just want you to say well done all i know is [Music] we have a blueprint of our businesses and how we want our future to be and it's a good thing to have a plan it's a good thing to have a vision for without a vision a people would perish but let us keep in mind as we're pursuing our goals and we're pursuing our dreams that at the end of all of this the reality is i'm living my whole life just to hear two words and that's well done anybody want to hear well done and then i want to hear him say enter [Music] my joy servants enter into well done [Applause] my joy [Music] [Music] [Music] well hey wow oh [Music] [Music] praise be to god for the gift of music we need to sing songs of praise anytime you're depressed start singing the law will take you out of that thank you so much determined again for blessing us and contributing to our worship experience here today you're a blessing and we will always remember your contribution to our worship i want to just say to you my brothers and sisters we are blessed to be in this age in this day in this time to be alive that's number one but then to have a job to be able to provide for the needs of our family in these difficult times is a gift from god and the lord says i gave you opportunities so you can build intimacy with me so that you can bless my work i blessed you so you can be a blessing the tithing system was established the tithing system was established so that god can show i'm trusting you it's an issue of trust when god says return unto me ten percent of all that you have earned you're not giving to god you're returning to god ten percent it is already his and then he says when you give a free will offering then your giving has just begun so i want you my brothers and sisters to remember today to be faithful in your giving god says when you are faithful i will pour you out blessings you would not have enough room to receive it now if you say to yourself you know pastor says this to all to us all the time you know why pastor says this to you all the time because i live what i preach i believe this i will put god first and wait for god to take care of my needs i will be faithful in my tithes and offerings and wait for god to take care of my problems financially i will trust god that if i return unto him what is his he will provide for me and so today we want to remind you you can return through online giving wcwc online giving you can also go to um you can mail your uh ties and offerings to our po box it's on the screen there for you it will be on the screen you can put community worship center and the po box put your tithes and offerings please remember to not put cash in the mail and if you have tithes and offerings to be picked up our deacons are more than happy to come to your home and receive it from you many of you have called me even this week you've called and i've passed that information on to our deacons they will come by and pick it up soon we'll have a cash app and then we'll be able to get you to also send it through zell through your bank but may god bless you as you continue to be faithful and if you're faithful to god he will always be faithful to you if i will now open the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing there will not be room enough to receive it let us pray father god we thank you for today we thank you for the opportunity of life and with this life dear lord we will use it to return to you what is yours and give an offering bless us in your name i pray amen amen [Music] [Music] with [Music] in [Music] pray [Music] in the darkness i could not find my way oh but then a light came shining to lead me from despair all my sin forgiven and i was free from care i found the answer i've learned to pray [Music] with faith my way the sun is shining for me each day [Applause] [Music] keep your bible with you you ought to read it every day always count your blessings stop to pray try to learn to keep believing and you know faith will seem through seek to know contentment and it will come to you i've found the answer i've [Music] you see the sun is shining for me each day i've found the answer and i've learned [Music] see the sun is [Music] to berate [Music] [Music] cause everybody's moving everyone is going somewhere with everything they're trying just to make it to a place where i am not there and when the noise is over oh still a small voice you will hear [Music] just wait on me be still and know that i am not be still and know that i am [Music] [Music] oh [Music] chasing your ambitions try the best to be the next star [Music] if it's the attention [Music] that you really want i already know who you are and he loves you that way hey but when the noise is over [Music] still a small voice you will hear [Music] to get to where i'm calling you calling you calling you just give me a faith that was still wait [Music] just trust and know that i am god cause i'm in [Music] control [Music] yahweh is [Music] for i will be still cause you are with me i will be still for you are with me as i will be still cause you are with me i will be still i will be still i will be still but you are with me i will be still cause you are with me i will [Music] oh just be sure [Applause] he i will be still i will be still be still and know that i am god just be still and know that i am god just and know that i am gone cause he's in control i am still mr church what i can wash away my sin oh nothing but the blood of jesus and what can make me oh nothing but the blood one more time come on i don't want to hear sick [Music] and what can make me clean with this [Music] is [Music] nothing is is if there's a cross on the cross there is blood for me for me on the hill there's a cross on the cross there is blood for me sing church if you god is always there for me for me i love you jesus [Music] is [Music] so be still and know that i am god be still and know that i am just trust and know that i am god because i'm in control i am still churchill what can't wash away your sins nothing but the blood of jesus and what can make you all again nothing but the blood that is why we sing on the hill there's a cross on the cross and there is blood for me for you and me on the hill on a hill there's a cross on the cross there is blood for me [Music] me i am grateful for the ministry of our praise team and our musicians today we praise god for them lisa just pay attention to this for me just take it up a little bit for me give me a little more comfort i think there was some i don't know if this is my mic but is it did you all mix it up all right it doesn't sound the same but thank you thank you so very much then we want to thank sister k frey for always being a blessing to us where is she thank you kay what a wonderful ministry god has gifted you with and we thank god for you and for your blessing to the body of christ and then we want to thank mount vernon determined for coming to this house this day and lifting up jesus in such a powerful way as you always do we are grateful for your ministry over the years and we thank god for you and for your faithfulness cwc appreciates you today for coming and i certainly do i'm happy to see each and every one of you these are my members from my former church i was about to see my old members but these ladies don't like to hear old all right these are my former members and we praise god for them thank you all so very much i don't know about you but uh all week long i anticipate uh the sabbath and even more so now during this pandemic because the sabbath gives me an opportunity to feel very close to god and all week we are struggling and battling with various issues but when we come to the sabbath day there is a peace that should rest over the lives of every seventh-day adventist on the sabbath you don't worry about your bills on the sabbath nobody can get to you because you're insulated by god on the sabbath you've got joy unspeakable on the sabbath you smile for no reason whatsoever on the sabbath you just feel like something good is about to happen and i praise god for the sabbath day and for the worship that we have experienced over these months in spite of we have still enjoyed the blessings of god and experienced his peace well today we've got a word for you that comes to us out of the book of james chapter 5 verses 13 through 20. now during this week during our worship at home we've used the book of james and so while i was looking at the book of james i stumbled upon this word and i said i'll bring it to you i'll bring it to you today james 5 verses 13 through 20. it says is any among you afflicted let him pray is any merry let him sing psalms stop right there because you're going to learn something right here in the first verse if you're afflicted you should pray but if you're happy you should just sing i sing because i'm happy all right is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if he has committed sins they shall be forgiven him confess your falls one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much elias was a man subject to like passions as we are and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months and he prayed again and the heaven gave rain and the earth brought forth her fruit brethren if any of you do er from the truth and one convert him let him know that he which converted the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death and shall hide a multitude of sins let me bring to you a message today entitled praying with purpose now it may sound boring to you but this is a message packed with power let us pray father please in this moment grant us a small portion of your holy spirit just a little bit of your blessings so that we may be joined with you not only in prayer but in a relationship that will last for eternity grant us today your wisdom grant us the power of your spirit and grant to each of us a heavenly sitting in the name of jesus we pray amen in these verses of scripture that i just read to you the word prayer is mentioned seven times james the brother of jesus had a reputation for being a man of prayer as a matter of fact james had a nickname they called him james knees because he had such big knots on his knees from spending many hours in prayer listen to this statement if you get nothing else out of this entire sermon in every sermon there's what is called a thesis statement i'm about to give it to you which means if you don't hear anything else this is the sermon here it is anything that god can do can be done through prayer anything that god can do can be done through prayer james talks about three conditions under which we need to pray number one when i am emotionally troubled i should pray verse 13 says is any of you in trouble he should pray the greek word means to suffer misfortune to be in distress to be under stress and undetention it could be relational issues financial constraints or when your heart has been broken and when life is difficult and hard james says that's the time to pray david said in psalm 18 and verse 4 in my distress i called unto the lord and in verse 12 of james 5 james says above all my brothers do not swear when you're going through a difficult time there are some of us who swear james says i'm talking to you don't swear when you're under emotional trauma when you're having a difficult season in your life you'll be tempted to swear don't do it when you're under stress that is when you're tempted to swear now ladies and gentlemen you only have two options when you are under stress verse 12 swear or verse 13 prayer you know i'm a born rapper i can put it together swear or prayer and he continues is anyone happy now he talked first about anyone under stress and now he's talking about is anyone happy let him sing songs of praise life is a series of highs and lows in the same day you'll be rejoicing and in the same day you'll be crying the bible says weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice i have literally in my time as a pastor gone from a funeral service to a wedding ceremony i've had to cry with those at three o'clock and at 5 30 had to smile and laugh with them life is a series of highs and lows so when you are down james says pray but when you're happy live life to the fullest and drain every drop of joy out of the moment some people are afraid to be happy afraid that god is going to yank it from beneath them they are afraid to become too excited about their joy because they are afraid the bottom is about to fall out james says when you're happy go ahead and be happy i think christians ought to have an infectious joy i've always thought that going to church and being around church folk was a lot of fun i believe what the bible says i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord i wasn't mad and i wasn't sad i remember when we were children and we were told we had to go to church it was sometimes we were sad i remember telling my mother once my stomach is hurting me i can't go to church today and my mother said son if you stay home it's gonna hurt and if you go to church it's gonna hurt so you might as well go to church to be honest with you that stomach ache ended immediately praise is used 550 times in the bible and it should be the way every christian lives his life i sing because i'm happy i sing because i'm free now i should not only pray when i'm emotionally troubled but i should pray when i'm physically challenged it's all in the text james 5 and verse 14 is any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the lord shall raise him up and if he has committed sins they shall be forgiven him the word sick in the greek language means without strength so it means you are bedridden unable to work you're going to call the elders of the church not just because you have an upstate upset stomach you don't need anointing for that you need malox for that you're gonna call the elves of the church not just for a headache that's when you need to open the bottle of aspirin not called the elders this is a greek word most frequently used for illness it's the same word to describe lazarus when lazarus got sick he died and the same word to describe darkest and she died by the way the fear of dying doesn't keep you from dying there are a lot of west indian people who don't make a will do you know why they don't make a will they're scared if they made a will they'll die the fear of dying doesn't keep you from dying it keeps you from living and this is the same word that describes the man at the pool of bethesda who had no energy to get up and get into the pool james is talking about a serious illness here and what he is saying is when you are beyond the help of the doctors the elders of the church are to come and pray over you and anoint you with oil the scripture teaches there are three kinds of sickness number one there's the sickness of death first john 5 16 says if any man sees his brother's sin a sin which is unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for them that sin not unto death there is a sickness unto death there's a sin unto death i do not say that he shall pray for it john 11 4 says when jesus heard that he said this sickness is not unto death but for the glory of god that the son of god might be glorified thereby there is a sickness that we will not be healed of that will lead to death there are illnesses that one will never recover from as a matter of fact i have a friend who says something got to take you out of here jewels it is a sickness unto death if every sickness could be healed by faith then anybody who had a lot of faith would never die then there is secondly the sickness for discipline the purpose for a sickness for discipline is covered in first corinthians 11 28-32 where paul is talking about the believers abusing the lord's supper and paul said hence the reason for your illness god wants to discipline you now there is a third kind of sickness and it is for the glory of god it's a sickness that god has allowed in your life simply because god has to heal you of it and to allow it to be a testimony to the world the disciples asked jesus on one occasion lord who sinned this man or his parents jesus said nobody sinned this is a sickness for the glory of god then he healed this guy and it brought glory to god three kinds of sickness sickness unto death sickness for discipline and sickness for god's glory you know there are guys on television in huge stadiums who advertise miracles and healing be careful be discerning jesus did the exact opposite in his healing they asked you to join them in front of the crowds so they can heal you jesus when you read the bible took people aside from the crowd healed them and then it was reported to the crowd jesus never manipulated people and never used them for a show he always cared about their needs more than he did about making an impression on the crowds he healed the people quietly by the way just because something is a miracle doesn't mean it's from god i'ma tell you this in the last days don't allow your eyes to deceive you god wants his people to be people of the world don't allow your eyes to deceive you by the way if you are alive when jesus comes and somebody says jesus is in california you need to get on american airlines and fly to l.a because that's where jesus is don't believe your eyes if you got enough light and you got to california and you saw jesus healing people don't believe your eyes you need to believe the word the word says when jesus comes the second time he will never touch the earth and in the last days your eyes can deceive you that's why we are a people of the word of god i tell my daughter when i drop off i says if anybody comes to you and say daddy sent me to get you don't believe them because daddy will always come to get you or somebody in the family will come and get you don't believe what you hear don't believe what you see but believe what you read what is revealed he healed the people quietly but every miracle is not from god and in these last days we are a people who love the spectacular and if there's a big splash we fall for it remember when moses laid down his stick and it became a serpent what did those priests do the exact same thing they performed the miracle and just because something is done in the name of the lord doesn't mean it is of the lord jesus said in matthew 7 many will come in that day and say lord didn't we do many miracles in your name jesus will then say unto them i don't even know you you know we also have a dangerous group around us you know who they are then name it and claim it group they say everybody would be healed if they had enough faith that's a lie that's unbiblical they say it's god's will for everyone to be healed and if you're not healed is because you lack faith don't allow people to put you on a guilt trip if you're not healed i'm a preacher and i take medication every day and i but believe are some things that god will not heal so false doctrine and false doctrines create guilt that's one of the problems with legalism when you make up all these rules and regulations it takes the joy out of knowing jesus as savior so a whole lot of adventists are good adventists but poor christians do you know the reason why they know the doctrines they're good sabbath keepers they don't eat pork for us to see they don't but they're horrible christians because they have lost the joy of salvation no joy when you're wrong around them no peace sometimes they're so holy you feel unholy around them and you know that's all a game right they've learned how to act it's nobody that holy i'm telling you that i'm gonna help you out nobody's that holy no not one you know where i got that from the bible the bible says nobody is that holy the bible says none is righteous don't be impressed with folk with bibles under your arms and quoting scripture many people who quote scripture don't know the scripture because they don't know the jesus of the scripture but i must confess most of our people most of our members are people who love the lord and are in relationship with him and they're not trying to impress you that they're holy most of them but they'll always be a little minority and i like to pick on them because i don't give a hoot the bible says where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty the problem with the name it and claim it group is that it makes god a genie all of a sudden god is serving me my needs rather than me serving him first peter 5 19 says those who suffer according to the will of god sometimes suffering is the will of god james says if you're sick you should call the elders of the church who's doing the calling the sick person and maybe this might help somebody out there just because i'm the pastor and pastor goff is the pastor and the elders we don't know everything we are not omniscient only god is so if you go to the hospital and you're sick and you see me or you call me say pastor i was in the hospital and you never came to see me it would be because i did not know and i did not know because you did not inform me james says you should call the elders of the church who's doing the calling the sick person if you're very sick call the spiritual leaders of the church to come to your house and you ask them to pray for you now this suggests that you belong to a local congregation in this age of the internet there are people who go surfing the net sab looking for the next spectacular thing who's preaching here i want this popular preacher or this great music and nothing is wrong with that but every believer should belong to a local congregation the early church every believer was associated and fellowshipped with a local body if you don't call the elders how would they know about your need call for the elders to pray over him the bible says the guy is probably in bed so they are praying over him and anointing him with oil oil is a symbol of the holy spirit the holy spirit was an aid to faith remember when jesus healed the blind man he spat in the dirt and made some mud cakes and put them on the man's eyes nobody believes the mud packs had curative powers even though my wife and other ladies they put some stuff all over their face and i'll be wondering lord have mercy it was this man's faith that caused his healing in this instance the emphasis is on prayer and not the power of the oil god is the healer in the name of the lord god is the healer not any person the name represents the character of the lord and all healing is based on god's character look at the results and the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well the lord will raise him up if he has sinned he will be forgiven over the years i've seen some miracles and at other times the person has gone on to his arrest you and i will never know when god will heal and when he will not we accept the sovereign will of god man finally number one i should pray when i'm emotionally troubled it's all in the text i'm following the passage here number two i should pray when i am physically challenged and number three i should pray thirdly when i am spiritually defeated this is what it says therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed i want to teach you all something here today jesus taught that we live in a fallen world and as a result we will experience sickness and ultimate death i was conducting a week of revival at andrews university and they set up every day for me to talk with the students so i would go into the chaplain's office and sit down they had a line of students waiting to talk with me this young lady i never forgotten came into my off that into the office and said to me pastor i want to make a confession to you i said are you sure you want to confess it to me and she went ahead and confessed about some things she had done and here i was but i'm about to teach you about confessing i'm about to teach you listen to me folk jesus did teach that a lot of the sickness we bring in our lives we do bring it upon ourselves he taught that we live in this fallen world will experience sickness and ultimate death if i don't follow god's principles my body is gonna find out about it if i don't take care of my body if i don't eat right sleep right exercise right then all kinds of ailments will come upon me if i don't listen to god's word that says don't be anxious about anything but pray about everything and i worry i fret i get anxious and i get heart disease and ulcers who should i blame now what's the condition for healing it's in the text confess we would rather conceal and camouflage our sins than confess them the bible says confess to each other now does that mean i should get up and confess to the whole church i'm about to give it to you straight out of the world i was pastoring a church many years ago and this young lady who the holy spirit must have hit her in church somebody preached and she got up and says i want to testify and she testified about an affair she was having with one of the young men in the church and he was sitting right there all right i'mma tell you what confession is not y'all listen to me so that you don't make a wreck of your life listen to this folk there are some things other people should never know about you it's none of their business their gossips and i'm not talking about people in the world i'm a church folk church folk will call another church a member and says we need to pray for pastor so what we need to pray for pastor about well you you know i heard but you know i love my pastor yeah i love me you love to gossip you're just using prayer as a medium to gossip so i'm gonna teach you listen to me and teach your children so they'll grow up to be young men and young women who will know when the spirit of god hits them what they should do and what they shouldn't do okay confess to each other does that mean that i get up and tell everybody i'm about to give you a principle concerning confession here it is only confess as widely as it involves other people you didn't get it so let me explain it if i have a private sin between the lord and i then i should confess only to the lord amen but if it's a personal sin between me and you then i need to come to you and confess i'm about to give it to you if it's a public sin then i need to apologize to the entire church he says confess your sins not broadcast your sins now i have some preacher friends and you know i can't tell people how to preach but sometimes they get up and just magnify all the sins they had before they became preachers and i always ask myself is that redemptive is that helping anybody and some of you like it because you say he's real y'all ain't never going to hear me get up and confess my sins i'ma tell it to jesus jesus and i alone not you you can't do nothing about my sins except spread it that's all you can do about my sins you can't forgive me you can't restore me you can't elevate me you can't lift me up all you can do is tell somebody else if it involves someone go to that person a wise person i'ma give you some counsel here a wise person will always have in reserve someone at least one person a husband a wife a pastor a friend an elder that you can share everything with and know you'll be loved and accepted unconditionally who can pray i'm about to bring this too close stay with me many christians feel inferior especially after you've sinned james uses elijah as an illustration he says elijah was a man just like us he prayed earnestly that it wouldn't rain and it didn't rain on the land for three and a half years he prayed again this is in the text and the heavens gave rain and the earth produced its crops first kings 19 tells us that this is after the contest on carmel and elijah runs to the other side of the desert and goes through a fit of depression and praise god kill me i'm so depressed god i realize he wasn't afraid of 400 prophets of baal but he runs from a woman named jezebel in that passage in the first 10 verses elijah demonstrated fear resentment guilt anger loneliness and worry now you know why it says elijah was a man just like us because we experience fear anger guilt loneliness and worry we are just like elijah the lesson of elijah's life is you don't have to be perfect to pray somebody say amen you don't have to be perfect to see answers to your prayers first kings 18 elijah got alone with god and humbled himself praying for rain it said he prayed seven times one day a little cloud formed in the sky and the rain came god uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things through prayer let me give you the last part of this and i'm done how to pray effectively four conditions james gives us number one james 4 2 says i must ask you have not because you asked not number two ask with the right motive james 4 3 when you ask you do not receive because you ask with the wrong motives that you may spend what you get on your pleasures your motives must be right when you pray not for selfishness but for the glory of god it's like the woman who told me once and listen i'm not making this stuff up it's outlandish but a woman did tell me pastor i'm praying that god will kill him now how did god answer that prayer you got to ask all right because he offended her she wanted him dead and i said to her sweetheart you know god didn't hear that prayer that's an abomination your motives must be right number three i must live a clean life i did not say a perfect life because if we're all waiting listen the prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective james 5 16. we're not talking about perfection here we're talking about direction we're talking about righteousness which is your standing before god when you become a believer if god only answered the prayers of perfect people how many prayers would god answer psalm 66 and verse 18 david says if i hide iniquity in my heart then the lord will not hear proverbs 28 and verse 9 says he that turneth his back from the hearing of the law even his prayers are an abomination and isaiah 59 and verse 2 your sins have separated you from me your god has hidden his face so he cannot hear and finally i must walk in faith if i want my prayers answered expect an answer james 1 6 but when you ask you must believe and not doubt when you come to god believe that he wants to answer your prayers expect him to answer your prayers anticipate that god will hear i gave to you a very rudimentary message today that i pray will help you in your prayer life because most of us are not satisfied with our prayer lives i want you today to believe that god loves you he's not expecting perfection of you he'll hear your prayers when you call on him from a sincere heart you know my brothers and sisters there might be those of you who want me to pray for you in your living rooms in your car wherever you are today and i will pray for you but before i do that i want to ask those of you who many of you have already indicated that you want to be baptized in our next baptism i've been saying the second sabbath it was just corrected it's the third sabbath of october we're going to have a big baptism here for all those of you who've been asking us for that great service of baptism where your sins will be washed away and god will give to you a brand new life and a brand new beginning you can identify your concerns in the chat on that platform that you watching us right now or you can call the number that you'll see on your screen and let us know that you want to be baptized today i believe that god has given to us the medium of prayer to not only ask of him for what we desire but to build a relationship with him through communication and i want my prayer life to be much better than it is i am totally dissatisfied with my prayer life i'm totally unhappy with the way i pray and how i pray and how often i pray i want god today after i've preached this message to do something for me to help me to build intimacy with him through prayer i want to be able to trust him to ask him for whatever i desire my son my daughter they come to me whatever they want they just ask they don't ever ask acting as though i'll say no they act in confidence they believe that i'll do it if i'm a sinful man and my children can believe that about me what about the great god who has loved us with an everlasting love i want to pray for you there might be somebody who's sick we want to pray for your healing somebody who's emotionally troubled somebody who is physically challenged and someone today who needs to be in a relationship with god while every head is bowed and every eye is closed i want you to identify your decision today if you need prayer special prayer you can identify that in the chat or call that number leave a message our administrative assistant will pass that along to us would you bow your heads with me as we pray loving father thank you today for the word of god that was made plain to our hearts thank you for the truth of your holy word thank you for the way you have loved us over the years we have not always been in the right relationship with you but you have never turned your back on us forgive us of every sin we have committed heal us from our backslidings us physically this day heal us emotionally oh god change us from the inside out and put a new heart in us help us god that whenever we pray we will not only receive emotional healing and physical healing but most of all god will receive spiritual healing touch us give us strength give us overcoming power give us the aid of your holy spirit who will help us in our journey here on earth bless our loved ones those who are sick even now there may be somebody on their bed of affliction who's listening to us even right now god you said if we pray a prayer of faith it shall restore the sick heal the sick and raise them up heal somebody this day touch them from the crown of their heads to the souls of defeat then god we pray for someone who's hurting who's emotionally traumatized whose hearts has been broken whose mind is worried who's anxious and who is petrified and horrified and not willing to embrace the future and the days ahead someone who has pulled the covers over his head and is in a fetal position in the bed or in a room somewhere god i pray god that you may lift him up and heal him emotionally then god it is our prayer that having healed us spiritually we'll all be saved in your eternal kingdom this is our prayer in the name of jesus our lord and our soon coming king let everybody say amen and amen and sing this song praise [Music] all my him with all my soul i'll praise you lord praise my mouth and with my life everything i do i'll praise you lord that i praise you lord with all my souls [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh with all my soul and with all my souls [Music] i praise you everything i ever [Applause] come on come on everything [Applause] come on [Music] praise and praise [Applause] oh [Music] everyday thank you each week we wish to extend it to you as we leave our love our thoughts and our prayers are with you we are unable to be with you and to exchange hugs and experience good fellowship but we want to give to you a virtual hug we hope you receive it until we see you again on next sabbath god bless you each and every one of you let me give you that hug i hope you send one back to us amen sister barker will now bring to us our benediction we want to thank angela and the team for running our service so smoothly today again thank you very much let's bow our heads for our bed addiction let the word of christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to god and whatever you do in word or deed do everything in the name of the lord jesus giving thanks to god the father through him amen amen [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] family members you can stay together [Music] so [Music] so how's everybody this is braxton go ahead he was about to do it we have one baby to be blessed today braxton jace mascasio pascasio well we are delighted that you've come braxton brought everybody to church today huh yeah we're delighted you were here little braxton chase pascasio did i say it right all right and uh we do recognize that what we do here today is more service for the parents mom and dad and the adult family and friends were here more than it is for little braxton as a matter of fact you will remind braxton that on the day he was blessed he was fast asleep so he was oblivious of everything that we did you see he sleeps thank god he's sleeping right so this service is for you it's more importantly called it should be really parent dedication than it is child dedication it's parents dedicating themselves to the development and growth of their child spiritually physically socially and otherwise you know when jesus was just about six weeks old his parents took him to the temple and they placed them in the hands of the priests and they asked for the priest to bless him and to present him to god even jesus was dedicated and so today you come by faith as you present your little one to christ that god will take care of him and protect him and be with him all the days of his life upon this earth so this is an important service even jesus participated in that as a babe and so i want to challenge your parents to always remember to exemplify before little braxton love and sympathy and human kindness and tenderness and it begins in the home that he'll see how you treat each other and then speak often about jesus tell him about the story of creation about the flood about redemption about christ coming to this world and being born as a babe in a barn and living for us and dying on the cross and pray for him and take him to church don't send him to church don't send him with grandma unto you take him and sit beside him and worship god together and help him to always know that what you want for him is what you do for yourself it's important teach him that we must love human beings and we should be careful about human life and the value of trusting god and turning to him in times of need i often say during this service my parents gave me a lot of things in my lifetime and everything they gave me is in a junkyard somewhere in this world everything they bought me my first car at 16. they sent me to school bought me clothes everything except one thing there's one thing that remains with me what they taught me about jesus christ that will never leave me and what you teach him about christ and god and righteousness will never leave him so we want to pray for him today now this is the first baby i will hold and pray for i'm just searching a little bit we have not been holding the babies but i'll hold little braxton today we'll still keep our mask on and practice being safe as can be as we do that okay all right let us pray loving father we present in dedication to you this day little braxton we pray for him and for his life upon this earth we thank you that he had a safe passage to earth we thank you for mom and dad and family members who are present today as they stand by to train him and to teach him and to lead him and to guide him in this deformative years of his life we pray that they will be prompted by the spirit of god who knows how to lead us a right i pray for him that the home in which he will live and grow and be nurtured will be a home where the name of jesus is honored through worship through the singing of songs through the reading of scripture i pray for him that should protect his young intended body from the maladies that are common to infancy i pray for him god that you'll give him long life upon this earth i pray for the ministry of holy angels upon his life i pray that angels will walk beside him day and night 24 7. to keep him from hurt harm and danger to keep him from evil men who will seek to do him harm i pray for his parents i pray that you'll give them good health and employment so that they can provide for his necessities i pray god that angels will stand guard up at their home to keep out intruders i pray that they'll always be food upon their table and the roof over their heads i pray god each and every day that they'll turn to you and thank you for the blessings of life and little young braxton we commend him and commit him to you this day and we pray that you may bless him from the crown of his head to the very souls of his feet may the day come soon lord when we shall see you in peace little braxton along with mom and dad along with all those who have loved you and served you will be saved in your eternal kingdom we pray this prayer this day in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit amen thank you okay thank you so much thank god to see you all how you doing how are you nice to see you all hey buddy what's going on what's up cohen good to see i was wondering what brought you all to church today the baby brought you all no i'm coming next time just stand wherever you comfortable wherever you come pastor the final baby to be blessed today is malachi kenshin mitchell okay great thank you so much can we have it totally quiet for us please all right we'll be done shortly all right all right we have little malachi where's little malachi oh there's little malachi kenshin mitchell well we're glad to have how old is little malachi now oh he's a big man yeah he's big seven months yeah we're glad to see you all glad you all are here today and congratulations on malachi's birth and his presence in the home in the heart we thank god for you all and we just want to remind you today that what you're doing is you're following a biblical precedent that has been set by christ he too was dedicated as a baby and because he was dedicated as a baby he established for time and for eternity the dedication of our children and the dedication of our children released the dedication of mom and dad and grandparents and all the rest of you who are here today to train and nurture these little ones in the fear and in the admonition of the lord and so today we want to encourage you to not only talk about christ but demonstrate in your life the way you relate one to the other that's the most powerful testimony to your children about god the way you treat each other at home the way you talk about people the way you talk about christ the way you worship not only at church but at home and the way you demonstrate your kindness and tenderness and care and compassion for others our children learn from us if we are kind people if we're loving people if we are caring people they will pick up those qualities and it becomes a part of their lives and then you must bring little malachi to church sit with him in savage school and teach him that sabbath belongs to god and that god has some claims upon his life so that when he shall come to the age of accountability he will want to be baptized want to become a member of the church we want to be active in god's cause because he loves christ it is our prayer that malachi along with his family will experience eternal joy with jesus when he comes it is only made possible if the early years of his life are formed with some teachings and development that are scripturally and biblically based and so today we commit malachi to christ and we pray for him that he will grow up to be a young strong man who will make a great contribution to our world through his love for god and the development of his own life all right you think malachi is going to stay in my arms if i could lift loving father we pray for a little malachi today and we pray for your blessings to rest upon him from the very crown of his head's head to the soles of his feet we pray for your holy spirit to guide his heart and his mind all the days of his life we do pray today first of all for mom and dad that you will teach them as they teach little malachi that you will instruct them as they instruct little malachi help them each and every day to grow closer to you so that they in turn can be an example in godly and christian living i pray for them that you provide good health so that they can have employment to provide for the needs of little malachi i pray for their home that their home will be a little heaven here on earth where the name of jesus is uttered where peace and security reigns where malachi will feel at peace in his own home i pray that there'll always be food upon his table and a roof over his head and i pray that the peace that passeth all understanding will be in his heart and in his home i pray god this day that you will bless not only his parents but you'll bless malachi i pray god that holy angels will walk beside him day and night to keep him from hurt harm and danger i pray that you may protect his body from the maladies that are so common to infancy i ask god that you'll protect him from the evil that's in this world and you'll help that malachi would make great choices for you would your god grant that when he shall have come to the age of accountability having been taught at his mother and father's knees about jesus and his amazing grace will seek to know you better be baptized into your remnant church and prepare to meet you and please touch him even now i pray with your holy hands grant him your peace may the blessings be eternal in his life now and ever more we pray amen amen thank you all so much you
Channel: CWC SDA
Views: 6,578
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: CWC, SDA, Community, Worship, Center, community, worship, center, sda, Pastor, Abraham, J., Jules, Dare To Be Different
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 36sec (11196 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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