Communion, CONFESSIONS, Deliverance in LIFE

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good morning and happy Good Friday and what I want to do today if you could we're going to take communion after we finish our confessions and we're gonna make some confessions today we're going to share our great Scripture with you about recalling God's deliverance in your life and we're gonna set ourselves in Psalm 91 and then afterwards we're gonna receive communion so it doesn't matter what you get as far as water and it here's my cup I'm gonna use it as my communion this morning and I got a cracker for the body of the Lord Jesus Christ so if you can go ahead and and grab that that'll be great just say good morning everybody good morning Matthew and and good morning Mike good morning James Kathy Gary good morning to you and blessings upon all of you it's been a week of trusting God a week of holding on to the Word of God a week of you know strengthening our faith and a week of just declaring God's Word and I want to remind you that there is power in confession there's a power in confessing God's Word and it's a blessing of the Lord good morning Theresa good morning didi good morning Raymond god bless you guys thank you for taking time out every morning to establish your day and your way and we pray for people who are going through we're praying for people who has lost a loved one you know we just believe that God is is is good still in the blessing business and today we celebrate this Good Friday the the day when Jesus was crucified dead and buried it actually was on Thursday but we celebrated on Friday and then Sunday morning he rose from the dead and initiated the new covenant of grace through his blood and through his body that was shed for us and so you know I'm just so excited good morning Jamie for what we're celebrating today somebody says well I don't feel like you know I can celebrate because I can't go to church well this is even more significant that you take today and this weekend and make it personal you know this is an opportunity to realize the personal relationship you have with Jesus Christ is what counts is that you and your family can get together and really acknowledge what it means that because he died we now have a right to what he left behind we are the righteousness of God through the blood of Jesus we are redeemed through the blood of Jesus we have redemption through the blood of Jesus we are forgiven of our sins through the blood of Jesus and we celebrate all of the finished works of Jesus that was accomplished on the cross that's what this means we are celebrating and remembering the death a burial the resurrection of Jesus Christ and we are preaching this gospel of Jesus this gospel of grace a gospel that says that through the blood of Jesus and through his death we're made whole you know we're forgiven because of our trust and our belief in Jesus Christ and not just because we do good works but our faith in what Jesus has already done and I'm praising God because I don't even want to think about where I would be if it were not for the grace of God and I'm celebrating Jesus I'm celebrating grace today and all that has been accomplished and so once again we're taking communion this morning you can get a cup you can put water in it if you don't have anything water get you a piece of bread or cracker or or something and we're gonna take communion after we finish everything today so if you are ready let's go ahead and turn to the book of second Timothy chapter one and six I'm going to start off with this word good morning mode from the UK glory of the morning Deborah good morning and so we're gonna start off with second Timothy chapter one and verse six and here's what he says here he says Lord you have always been faithful and I thank you that even while holding it let me let you give the second Timothy 1 and 6 2nd Timothy 1 and 6 me back up for a moment I mean I'm excited man ah verse 6 says wherefore I could be in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of my hands 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and 6 now get yourself stirred up that's my word that gives yourself stirred up stir up the gift of God that's on the inside of you now I want you to say this prayer out loud with me this is a prayer let's pray over the description I just want you to repeat this prayer after me Lord you've always been faithful and I thank you that even in my present situation you're going to be faithful again please help me recall all the times in the past when you delivered and rescued me from other situations that also looked hopeless thank you for helping me keep those awesome experiences alive and fresh in my mind and my heart I thank you for always being faithful to me I pray this in Jesus name Amen praise God Amen now let's make this confession or what you just prayed say this out loud with me I confess that God has never failed me or let me down he has always delivered me from difficult times and he will rescue and deliver me now as well today I will dwell on those past moments when God did for me what everyone thought was impossible just as he intervened on my behalf in the past he will intervene on my behalf again I will not succumb to fear doubt or failure with God's help I will conquer what the enemy meant for my downfall and for my defeat I declare this by faith in Jesus name a man praise God you said you said now let's go ahead and declare and set our day in Psalms 91 let's keep doing this say I allow with me I declare that I will dwell in the most the shelter of the Most High I declare that I will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty I declare that God is my refuge and my fortress I declare that you are my God in whom I trust and with great confidence in whom I will rely I declare that God will rescue me from every trap and protect me from every disease I declare that I am covered and protected by his outstretched arms I declare that God's faithful promises are my armor and my protection I declare that I will not be afraid of the terror of the night nor of the arrows that fly in the day I declare that I will not dread any disease that stalks in the darkness nor any disaster that strikes and midday I declare that because God is my refuge and the Almighty God of my home no evil can be follow me and no player can come near my dwelling I declare that God has ordered his angels to guard defend and protect me and my house I declare that God's armies of heaven will keep me from falling I will walk unarmed and kick anything that is evil from my path I declare that because of God's love for me I will call upon him he will set me above my trouble he will deliver me from all my fears and he will honor me with his presence and power I declare that he will reward me with long life and he will show me his salvation in Jesus name so you are set and sums 91 praise God you are stirred up in the Word of God and when you release the Word of God out of your mouth you release power out of your mouth and so your day is set in the name of Jesus you know we celebrate this day this is this is you know there there were no Christians before Jesus race was raised from the dead and when Jesus got up man he got up and he he executed and turned on if you will the inheritance that we enjoy today the blood of Jesus by his blood we've been made righteous by his blood we've been sanctified by his blood and we have been renewed and forgiven and by the blood of Jesus we have a blood ball right to have forgiveness of our sins and the Bible says that we overcome the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony about what the blood has accomplished and so all day today I'm just thinking God manna you know some of us could have been dead and inhale but because of what Jesus has done for us God Almighty has made a way through his blood and his body and so you know we're doing this we're gonna take communion if you're ready to receive your communion we're doing this in remembrance of what Jesus has already done and what Jesus has already made available to us and so what matters is what what what this represents this this represents something this this bread I'm doing it in remembrance of his broke his body which was broken for me Jesus body was broken for me why so that whatever's broken in my life can be made whole Jesus body was broken for me so if I'm broken emotionally if I am broken you know in my physical body whatever is broken this represents wholeness another word for wholeness is peace another word for wholeness is prosperity wholeness and peace and prosperity to come from the same word Shalom Shalom and so take this bread or whatever you have in your hands just say this out loud this represents the body of Jesus and so from this point on this is not bread that you eat to satisfy hunger this is not bread that you eat you know you know to satisfy your taste this represents the body of Christ communion doesn't kill you it heals you somebody says well I can't take this commune builder dollar because I got seen in my life well who don't I mean come on the Bible says whatever's done out of faith is sin the Bible says that to know to do good and to do it not is sin and so you know that's why we need a Savior that's why we all need to save you thank God for the Holy Spirit's working in our lives every day and we're getting better and better and better but I want you to understand this communion doesn't kill it heals it heals wherever is broken it heals whatever is broken it makes hole right now in the name of Jesus so in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit we take this bread which represents the broken body of Jesus Christ and when we eat it everything that broken we command it to be made whole every area that's broken broken relationships broken in your body broken in your mind your spirit brokenhearted now I command and I call you to be whole in G nay we remember what Jesus has accomplished for us for as often as we eat of this bread we do so in remembrance of him you may eat oh praise God thank you Lord for wholeness just begin to praise God at your whole thank you lord then I'm whole thank you Lord that I'm healed thank you Lord that I'm sound thank you Lord that my relationships are right I'm no longer walking in strife in those areas I'm delivered because of the body of Jesus Christ and I remember that he's delivered me no more beating myself up no more condemnation no more shame I cast all that away right now in the name of Jesus now let's take the cup which represents now the blood of Jesus and I don't care if his water orange juice but it represents the blood of Jesus his blood was shed for us the Bible says there can be no remission of sins without the shedding of blood his blood was shed to deal with our sin to deal mostly with our sin nature the fact that now that you're born again that nature of sin has been excused out of your life and you now have a new creation on the inside of you you are born again Christian with a new creation on the inside of you and father because of the blood of Jesus we are forgiven of our sins past present and future now I know that shock some of you so I says well I believe he's forgiving me of my sins in the past and amen I believe he's forgiving me of mine you know futures my sins of today but brother dollar future sins what are you saying when I listen to me when Jesus did this it was 2,000 years ago so he died at one time to forgive you of your sins so all of our sins because we were not alive then all of our sins were in the future hmm so you can't say he doesn't forgive you of your future sins because every last one of you who are tuned in today Jesus forgave you of your sins in the future before you even were born that's a powerful thing and so I will not dishonor his blood his blood has forgiven me of my past sins my present sins and my future sins and I give him praise for that right now Thank You Laura I'm forgiven I believe I'm forgiven thank you Lord I'm redeemed I believe I'm redeemed thank you Lord in Jesus name that that I'm the righteousness of God hallelujah not by works but because of what Jesus has done because of my faith and what Jesus has done I have been made righteous and now I remember I take this cup which represents the blood of Jesus thank you for your blood thank you that for the blood that overcame my enemy thank you I complete the blood and give testimony what the blood has done it for us often as I drink of this cup I do so in the name of Jesus you may drink amen thank you lord thank you Lord in the name of Jesus I declare that this communion has released powerful things in your life I think of that if you're you're sick you're not hold behold I thank God that if you're confused that you're no longer confused be at peace I thank God that the relationships and strength that's amongst you I commend that strike to go right now in the name of Jesus no more strife in your home no more strife and in the marriage no more strife between you and your two children no more strife I rebuke strife I feed the blood of against strife and all is well grace grace grace I shouted over your life right now that every mountain will be reduced to a plateau in Jesus mighty name and amen well hey guys have a wonderful wonderful day today your day is set all is well with you today and join us Sunday at 10 o'clock as we stream our Easter celebration out and it's just gonna be amazing I love you guys so much you just have no idea I miss the members of our churches and and our partners you're you're amazing I love you guys I'm grateful I'm thankful I'm so thankful for God and I thank God that whatever is wrong God's making it right and tapping I love you we pray for you and no matter what's going on it is well in Jesus name god bless you have a wonderful day
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 22,179
Rating: 4.9667773 out of 5
Id: zrgHenwKTtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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