Communication Skills for Women at Work: 3 Phrases that Make You Look Stupid

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in today's communication skills for women training video you're going to learn three phrases to eliminate from your professional verbal repertoire these phrases that i'm going to give you today are much more commonly used by women and changing them will change the relationship you have with everybody including yourself you ready phrase number one literally literally literally lit literally remember that the word literally has only one purpose and one meaning and that is to alert the listener the reader or the recipient of this message that the words that i'm about to say i'm saying it in a literal sense as opposed to the way people normally use it if that's not what you're doing if you're not telling somebody oh just so you know i'm you know this the phrase green with envy you know marcia was literally green with envy today the only way i could be saying that correctly is if i'm saying number one that marcia is so jealous of me and my word skills that she spontaneously transformed the pigmentation in her skin to reflect only green and now she looks like the wicked witch of the west that's one way or let's say that marsha has a friend named envy and it was bring your friend to work today and on the way to work they passed by a chalkboard factory and got too close got some overspray on them i could then say [Music] what's the did you see marcia today she literally came in green with envy that's the only way otherwise remember this is commonly misused in a couple of different ways number one people will use it for emphasis that's not the way we use literally if you want to emphasize something know how to emphasize something correctly and to say for example i was horrible in today's meeting when mark got the news he literally exploded in front of everybody hi i'm mark today i'm going to be what yeah thanks what news is what what's going on hold on some news [Music] is exploding on everybody today and losing control like that really showed how much it impacted him when he received today's news when people stop to concentrate and hang on your every word it is because you have taken the time to craft messages that are worthy of people's attention and the way you do that is structure your sentences for impact and the more you practice it and have your visual cues around the more it will flow out so that i can instead of saying something like the average person he literally exploded in today's meeting when he got that news did you see that no one is picking them for next in line as the company spokesperson manager leader ceo not happening structural changes that you can on the fly incorporate into your messages make the difference those are the details that make people go geez because you know when we watch people communicate there are some people as they speak we're just transfixed and we think what where did you learn how to communicate wha how how can i talk more like you but we can't put our finger on it because we don't really know what those little nuances are those things that are making that message so powerful the structuring of sentences that is a huge deal you want to focus on that that's not for this lesson okay so i don't want to distract from my message by making common mistakes that people make when they don't honor the people with whom they communicate by investing in the quality of the message that they deliver to them when people do that when people invest in the communication training and their communication skills what that overall says to the listener is i honor you so much that i've invested even before i knew who you were in this conversation and that's how important i believe these words i'm speaking to you are and you'll notice that when i speak them to you not only do i do it correctly i'm going to be compassionate with you as well and mindful and loving as i do that that is what's going to separate you from everybody else if you can infuse your communication with that and if you have been struggling your whole life with communication and you don't want to make some changes but you want to be a new communicator check out my vip package at and i will help you do that no matter what your budget is if you have any challenges getting something that i'm offering but you need it let me know and i will make sure that you get it and stop using words like stupid okay stupid is word number two especially at work remember if i'm going to be saying i think it'd be a stupid idea oh that was a stupid thing to do don't make these stupid mistakes if i'm communicating something at work it should be with the final intention or the final result of benefiting me my team this company it's image it's professional development and when i use words like stupid not only is that not doing any of those things it's not constructive or loving or compassionate to the people around me who are all struggling living every single day of their lives especially my personal life there are very rare cases where i want to use the word stupid instead what do i really mean you know instead of saying i think that was a really stupid thing to say the message not only is changed but has value and is more precise if i were to say something such as i think that was a hurtful thing to say i think that would be a reckless path to take i think that would be a short-sighted decision if you made it i think that would be a thoughtless thing to do that was a careless thing to do that was a poor choice of words and i believe that it really projects a careless reckless attitude of somebody who is ill-informed on the issues and insensitive to the people around him when you say that you look very exclusionary rather than inclusive you might want to consider that so eliminate that word stupid and you'll look less dumb okay remember the moment you found value in this video hit that subscribe button and the notification bell and the last word is so so so good so very very and really really those words so very really remember that women say those infinitely more than men do and men we have i believe many more in quantity and gravity communication challenges that women do these that i'm talking about today simply happen to be things that are mistakes women make more than men and you need to stop instead of saying so or really or very try this the next time you want to emphasize something put what the evidence is that you're using to emphasize what it is that you're emphasizing first and then put what it is you're emphasizing last instead of saying oh these meetings are so boring we never get anything done that this is such a waste of time okay well i believe that the what appear to be scars or maybe folds but are actually a testament to or maybe one might call them a stigmata that reflects the depth of suffering that i have to endure week after week when i sit through and have to put toothpicks in my eyes to hold them up which is where those scars come from because i have to sit through and endure these boring meetings right there you go or i could say these meetings are so boring so boring meetings are so boring you know if i were to say these meetings are so boring that structure is just horrible people are like really taken away with your messages when you know how to structure them correctly okay for everyone here at downer content training this is dan o'connor signing off
Channel: The Wizard of Words
Views: 26,266
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Keywords: communication skills for women at work, communication training, communication trainer, dan o'connor communication, communication training courses online, communication training classes online, free online communication skills books, communication skills classes online, free online communication skills courses, Communication Skills Training for Women, phrases to stop saying, three phrases, communication skills for women, Comminication skills for women
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 09 2021
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