Out of Your Hands - Short Film

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for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so as I was saying why don't we get to know each other other a little bit and don't don't you say your name tell us your major and perhaps a favorite hobby you may have and let's start with this young lady right here hi my name is Amelia I'm studying biology and my current hobby is stargazing thank you Alia how about you how does that work with the Stars what I mean it gets pretty bright on campus right how many stars are you seeing at night not many 20 or so really bright ones sounds like kind of a dumb hobby listen it sounds like somebody here has a lot to say young man do you want to take all that practice jabbering and share a little bit about yourself hey guys my name's Joel I'm a music Major and I guess you could say my hobby is playing the piano I've been doing it for like 15 years and I'm working to turn it into a career music Major imagine that I guess I thought you might have been majoring in Yap I'm [Music] [Applause] minoring is this that dumb hobby you were talking about yeah you should probably close that people in the hall get real mad when we play with the doors open so don't play why are you in here now you scared me all right I'm sensing some weird tension here that I think needs breaking up before things get weirder I'm sorry I said that about your space stuff that was out of pocket it's no worries I'm sorry I barged in on your practice time what was that piece you were playing one of Chopin's ites I've been struggling to do it justice it sounded good I guess 15 years of playing pays off thanks you have a good memory that must come in handy when you're stargazing right a little names positions constellations all that it also helps that I waste so much sleep getting more practice every night sounds like fun though I'd love to learn more about it would you want to get coffee later I mean I've got class in a minute here but oh I knew I was on my way to something uh yeah that that sounds good do you have something after this class nope I'm free great see you later why why do you drag me to this stuff the accents the the accents that mlen guy gave up on the accent after like two minutes look I'm sorry I walked I know how bad you want to see it tonight not really I saw it last week you walked out about 10 minutes before I did you made me think you were going to die if we didn't see it tonight do you want to know what happens next [Music] no yeah I I I I think so is that looking more like a sure thing you did that's amazing man the fifth you're saying all right I'll be ready thanks again Rich it's going to be a busy week what is that mean hi uh sorry I'm late oh it's no worries uh here I got yours already it might be kind of cold though yeah a little bit uh so how's it going with that piece you're working on uh I've got a long way to go [Music] hey how's it going um not great at the minute this section is killing me do you think you could use a break or no I just need to push through it and that's not something a break's going to fix oh okay um the forecast is saying it should be pretty clear tonight do you want to come do some staring with me sure yeah what time were were you thinking hey Ames hey it looks like the clouds aren't going anywhere I don't think we'll be able to see much tonight A that sucks yeah I know hopefully they clear up before the moon starts getting too high again yeah hope hopefully all right well I've got some biow work that needs finishing see you tomorrow yep see you bye bye [Music] you could try to get some sleep if you want it's going to be a while I'm okay uh you sure I brought some blankets I brought pillows no I'm fine I'm not tired all right how do you feel about the piece are you ready for the performance tomorrow um yeah I feel way better about it than I did earlier in the week that's good hey Joel can I ask you something sure what's on your mind how how often do you play throughout the year it depends I'd love to do it as much as I can but it takes a lot out of me I've got other obligations I need to balance school and stuff yeah and stuff okay I'm picking up a weird vibe here what's wrong by an stuff do you mean me I okay Joel this week has been awful and we've barely had time to hang out I know look I'm sorry it takes a lot of time and energy to stay on top of my practice ases this is how I make a living but you have to understand there has to be a balance I know this is your career but for both of our sakes you can't keep killing yourself like this look I don't like it either it's completely exhausting I don't get to spend that much time with you and I love spending time with you but at the end of the day it takes that sort of dedication to even dream about making it in music but it's not sustainable you have to be thinking about the relationships with the people around you who care about you and how much sleep have you gotten this past week five 6 hours every night that's not something you can keep up it's something I have to keep up Joel please what do you actually want we both know it's more than just a successful music career otherwise I wouldn't be here what are you doing what's wrong with I don't know it just started shaking out of nowhere that's not good H um hi yeah I'm out in the middle of nowhere and my car's just broken down oh yeah we could we could do that one moment uh let's see it looks like about halfway from Centennial to New Hope you do that oh my God yes that that would be great 2 hours thank you yeah we're fine we'll hang tight byebye now we're not going to make it no don't say that it's 1:00 in the the morning now let's say at least 3 hours to get back on the road 5 hours to La we're not going to make it TR I'm so sorry it sucks how sometimes there isn't a single thing you can do to change the outcome of a situation believe me I know the feeling but stargazing isn't my only source of joy we might not make it and there isn't a single thing in the world that we can do right now to change that so what else can we do what do we have who do we have well if it's going to be another two hours I might as well stret my [Applause] legs how many stars did you say you could see at night from campus from the first day in English I think I said like 20 well now is your chance to see a few more than that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Alex Britton
Views: 325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: YfySjXJBsfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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