Comedians' True Acid Stories from "Tales From the Trip"

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- [Joel] Try and imagine the best thing you've ever tasted, and then imagine that it is dangerous. And that is pineapple on acid. (funky music) Hi I'm Joel Kim Booster and this is the story of the time I tripped acid and experienced the flavor of danger. Fire Island, if you're not in the know is sort of an iconic gay vacation destination. It's a very teeny, tiny island connected to New York, completely without cars, and completely full of gay men in various states of undress. And every year me and my friends try and stuff as many bored gay men into one giant house as possible. My friend busts out his LSD, which in this case is in the form of Oreos. We pop a few Oreos, and we're like, "Let's head to the beach. "It's our last day. "Let's enjoy it while we can." And then I noticed my hands, next to my hands all of this sand is starting to sort of, float. I was like, "Oh. I think this is it. "I think I'm tripping." And the thing about LSD is it turns your entire world into a video game. We would sit there and we'd be like, "Someone's missing." And they would be like, "No. Time to count. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven." And then we'd be like, "Okay, shh. We're all here." And then one idiot would be like, "But what if numbers aren't real?" And that is a whole other thing. We had to be like, "No no no no no no. "We can't follow that. "We can't follow that logic "because then it would be a full disaster." Moving from the beach to the boardwalk, from the boardwalk, back to the house, felt like a herculean effort. We get back into the house. We decided that we needed to make snacks and one of my friends decided that the only thing we could do was take a giant pineapple and cut it into slices. We were down on our hunches watching as my friend slowly, for what seemed like maybe three hours, cut a pineapple using a real goddamn knife all the while screaming at him, "Be careful! Be careful! "No this is a mistake! "This is a mistake, we have to stop doing this! "We can't, it's not worth it. "The pineapple isn't worth it!" It turns out the pineapple was absolutely worth it. It was the best pineapple I've ever tasted in my life. Try and imagine the best thing you've ever tasted, and then imagine that it is dangerous. And that is pineapple on acid. I decided to make the mistake of sneaking away from the group and sort of going off on my own adventure. And this had happened a couple times throughout the day, and I've decided to turn on a little bit of music and just stare at myself in the mirror. And the thing is, is like, my entire life, I've also had a lot of issues with how I looked. Of course, all of the things you'd expect would happen on LSD happened. My face started to melt. I started to look old. I started to see myself as a baby, but I was looking at my body, and I was like looking at myself with the eyes of fucking God. And I was like, that dude is dope. This guy is killing it. Then it would go away and would suddenly have a flash of looking like Larry King, but those moments when I was looking at my full nude-ass body and I was like hell yeah and I walked out of that bathroom and life changed. This is how I am going to look at myself forever. - [Woman] Tales from the (electronic effects) Trip. - [Akilah] It was like "Ren and Stimpy". I could see every hair follicle, every pore. It was harrowing. (funky music) Hi, my name is Akilah Hughes and this is the story of when I dropped acid and watched "Freaks and Geeks". (laughs) The Postal Service's album, "Give Up", which had been out for 10 years, was touring and so we decided to go. We went, it was dead. Pitchfork gave it a perfect score like everyone likes this album but for some reason no one was at the concert. But we wanted the night to keep going. We wanted to have a good time. And so my friend, Tim was like, (male voice) "You guys wanna do some acid?" And I was like, "All right." We went back to Linsberg, Tim's apartment, and we dropped acid. I was on the roof of the building, and I just started ugly crying, it was like Kim Kardashian, just like her diamond earrings were falling in the ocean. Some other people who lived in the building got upstairs. They were a little freaked out. They were like, "What's goin' on with your friend?" And I'm like, "Cool, let's just get back in the elevator." We decide that we're gonna watch "Freaks and Geeks". So I was like, "I don't know how you're gonna find it. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I was in the bathroom for an hour. I stared at the toilet paper thinking if I was going to start unrolling it it might unroll forever. I didn't think that I had the ability, the strength in my body to stop it. So I just sat there drippin' in the toilet and waiting to find the courage. I eventually wiped. After I was done washing my hands, which I assume took 25 minutes, I looked in the mirror. And I swear to you, I looked 200 years old. It was like "Ren and Stimpy" where they did those crazy hyper-realistic drawings. It was like I could see ever hair folicle, the one weird chin hair, every pore. It was harrowing. It was bad. I looked haggard. So I started crying again. I cried looking in the mirror, I touched the mirror like it was a jail, I was just holding my hand there like, "Oh no you're so old you're gonna die." I went and sat on the couch, and so my friend was like, "I've got a bunch of oranges." And I heard that oranges taste amazing when you're tripping. And I'm like, "What is it about then?" He was preparing the oranges, slicing them and making them good for us. Wwe were like, "Why don't we draw what we're feeling?" And I just started drawing circles. And then it started to get really intense, like a kid in a horror movie, like you know those unhinged kids who are and for some reason always drawing a circle? I look at my boyfriend and I'm like, "You're not even hot." "You guys are all pretending." And he picked up (laughing) what he was drawing. And it was the ugliest drawing of a cow! It looked like a little kid who had never seen a cow. But I knew it was a cow, because he wrote the word "moo" next to the drawing. Around this point, my friend, Tim, brought over the citrus. I was immediately transported to the 90s Fruit Gushers commercial where the heads turn into the fruit when they bite into the candy. So I'm eating six oranges. For some reason I'm going ham and cheese on these oranges. I can't get enough oranges. I don't know why I decided to do this, but I was like, "I am allergic to oranges." I'm not allergic to oranges. (laughing) Re-watching this, that's a lie. But I wanted the drama of everyone caring in that moment. (cheering) And no one cared! They're like, "Well you had six and you're fine!" (laughing) I'm like, "I could die at any moment!" They're like, "I don't know "how to be there for you right now." And my boyfriend was like, "I think we should probably go back to my apartment. "We gotta get out of here" And we went back to his apartment, and then eventually, I would say maybe two hours later, After just laying in bed and stariong in the ceiling and not talking to each other, we had sex. (funky music) And then we went to sleep. (laughing) - [Woman] Tales from the (electronic effects) Trip. - [Cody] Frikkin' swomp, shirt's off. Blamp, pants are off! Scoobity-doo, boxers come off, my wang dangler's all jangling with each other. (funky music) - Hi, my name is Cody Harrison Reiss, and this is the time that I shit-farted myself on acid. I'm in Brazil, right? I'm in a bar, and it's frikkin' bumpin' but it's completely empty except for me and this one lady. She's got a little tattoo on her arm that's, it's a 69, I was like, "Okay. "I feel you. Like, what's goin' on, dude?" So I'm talkin', I'm like, "Oh hell yeah dude. "This is about to be kissy town U.S.A." And we're chattin' it up and she's like, "Hey you seem pretty groovy. "Do you want to eat some acid with me?" And then she mentions that she's married. And I'm like, "Oh. Well if you're married, "probably not gonna be givin' kisses "to each other and stuff." So I was like, "Well, do you want to take that acid?" She reaches in her pocket, pulls out the papers and frikkin' bon appetit dude! We slammed those right into our gouches, and fuckin' chomped down on 'em. And we're walkin' around and whenever I'm in nature, on psychedelics, I really want to interact with the plants a lot. Their arms and their plant little arms are just extending and I find myself just kinda shaking little hands, and I'm like, "Lookin' beautiful today, my friend. "It's so good to see you!" So anyways, we're walkin' around, talkin' and I give a little heads up to plants, and eventually we make it down to the ocean. It's like huzah! Fucking water shores awesome. Put our little toesies in and oh my God! It's like a big ol' butter bath, my dude. Maybe we should freaking skimp off our little grizzlies and get in there. So we do. Frikkin'swomp, shirt's off! Blamp, pants are off! Scoobity-doo, boxers come off, my wang dangler's all wang jangling with each other, and we go, there's tiny little waves and we're body surfin' a little bit, and I don't know if anyone out there has ever body surfed when you're naked, but it's like having a big giant massage rug, fitting to your body as you like freaking roll around. And eventually we're like, layin'there on our backs, lookin' up at the stars, and it's this feeling of just serenity. You look up serenity in the dictionary, and right next to "on drugs" in the dictionary, and it's like (makes popping noises) And there's so many stars that it's kinda, they kind of combine into slooshes of white blinkiness in the sky. And I'm laying on her chest, and every breath she takes the world seems to breathe with her like (breathing deeply). But when the sun starts to rise. And it's like a fuvkig masterclass on sick colors, dude. Purple's there, it's like, "What's up dude? "I'm here!" And orange is like, "Hey dude. "You forgot about me, didn't you?" And I'm like, "Totally did, dude. "It's great to see you again." And anyways, somehow in frikkin' God's name, we fall asleep there, and we open our eyeballs and this guy's really slowly joggin', and goes, "Someone stole your bag." And we look down, her bag had been stolen. So we decided to make our way to the police station. And we get to the police station and they got freakin' beards on, and they got tank tops, and they got their fuckin' spaghetti straps, what are those called? The fuckin' business tutors that everybody's wears back in the day like, "Hey youie!" Suspenders! And the police chief is there, he's a very small guy, very big hat. He got really big eyebrows, no teeth. His nose turned a little to the side, I'm lookin' at him in the face and I'm like, "I'll give you a scramble." Obviously we're on drugs, so we're feelin' a little shifty in our boots. He turns to me and he's like, "So are you the husband?" And I'm like, "Oh, yeah! "This lady is married! "What have we been doin'?" We spent like, we just frolicked around naked for hours and at that point, I'm like, "Okay, well I probably should not be here." And I decided to see myself out. And I'm starting to feel relaxed. And at ease. And in this moment of complete lack of tension, my butt cheeks unclench, (wet squishing sound) and I shit my pants. And there I am. Tripping on acid, outside of a police station, on an island in Brazil chunking my shorts with monkey chowder. What was that? Did we kiss? Well. I'll never tell. - [Woman] Tales from the (electronic effect) Trip.
Channel: Animated
Views: 1,017,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tales from the trip, comedy central originals, comedy central, originals, comedy, tv comedy, web series, funny, funny videos, funny video, comedy videos, hilarious videos, comedian, comedians, storytelling, storytime, psychedelics, true story, acid, dropping acid, acid trip, akilah hughes, akilah hughes acid, akilah hughes youtube, joel kim booster, joel kim booster stand up, joel kim booster interview, cody reiss comedy, cody reiss comedy central, drugs, doing drugs, doing acid
Id: vceyeCWMMMA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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