Comedian Caught Redhanded: Dapper Laughs

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tell me how the strength of cancell culture what that did to you personally it's horrific I said all this dumb stuff and then the Press had taken a video pieced it together I put it out and that was it it was over overnight I woke up and it was going viral I was training for days on Twitter then the announcement come out he's canceled he's not coming back on the comedy industry hated me bookings dropped obviously no more Pas I said I'm sorry dapp laughs is wrong I don't want to do it no more I quit and I was just like please stop leave me alone and then my dad died just couldn't handle it okay I'd already worked out how much money I had how long that would last me I just wanted to drink and use drugs and then die when did Big Brother come about in 2018 how did that come about and they said look it's you and a woman we need a villain that the Press are going to go mad for I said 100 Grand and I'll do it they came back with 80 and I said let's go where does Dappa laughs come from it's Dappa cuz I'm goodlooking and laughs cuz I'm funny end off and this has been a right laugh man it reminds me that I'm a funny you are oh can I say that [Music] Dan welcome to the show mate thanks for having me very much looking forward to this one me too let's uh let's roll the way back where did you grow up and how did you become one of Britain's funniest comedians oh wow that's that's a great intro I'm not used to getting an intro like that on an interview no real like why' you say that though um mate thank you very much for that um I don't know M I'll I grew up um I grew up in s i down in uh like waybridge uh on a council state there's not many Council states around there like waybridge woken way um Council kid uh come from um yeah Council estate you know I was naughty I was a naughty boy um growing up and yeah man I just I just enjoyed being naughty and then F discovered comedy and had a had like sort of a a natural creative outlet for my mischief and uh and yeah just turned it I you've got to be obsessed with comedy uh to to get anywhere in in the comedy world and I am yeah I love it what were you like actually at school then you said you were not you always mucking about getting kicked out classes taking the Mickey what was what was the movement yeah I mean I've got ADHD and I know it sort of it sort of frowned upon people are just like man ADHD is just you know bad parenting or whatever but I got it in the true sense of the word I've got a wild mind I wasn't diagnosed when I was a child I was diagnosed like actually only recently only only about a year ago but I'm also um dyslexic I struggled very with um writing reading learning concentrating so you know School weren't for me man the only part of school that I liked was anything that involved expressing was showing off right so like drama you know I love drama and I love performing in the class and and messing around and I was really bad for it I done some crazy [ __ ] got expelled from one school when I was about 13 or 14 had to go and join another school and uh managed to get my GCS went went to perform in art school uh but got yeah I was it was I getting arrested [ __ ] around I enjoyed life yeah mate it sounds it what uh what did you get expelled for I got expelled for when I was multiple things like building up but the the actual thing that got me expelled uh I went to celian which is like a Catholic School right so that they had like um they actually had priests and nuns and we had a priest called brother John that used to walk around the playground and we I used to sh NS and [ __ ] wind him up and everything and he used to he used to say weird [ __ ] to us like you know if you keep running in the corridor you're I'm going to get my smacking hand out and I to be like [ __ ] off you non he hated me um and uh he I had like my ear pierced up at the top I'd get the undercuts and I'd always be getting suspended for that but also like fighting with other kids and nicking stuff and whatever I was just a bit of a nuisance but the actual thing that got me expelled was I um it was break time and I don't know why I've done this it's like again just performing just like uh creatively expressing myself but um the bell went for lunch uh for at the end of like lunch we had to go into our next lesson and I waited till the lesson started it was maths or something like that and I waited like five or five or six minutes till the class had started I hid in the toilets and then I come out and I burst through the door I was like I'm sorry I'm late I'm sorry I'm late and I ran all the way through the class and pretended to knock myself out on the Whiteboard like smacked my head and fell on the floor and the [ __ ] I know right and the and the teachers knew what I was like so the teacher was like okay Daniel if you want to play Tom fery you can stay there on the floor and I lied there the whole lesson for like an hour pretending to be knocked out and the teacher just done the thing done the class and then when the bell went I up I was like yeah thank you very much thank you and I got sent straight to the Head Master's office and he hated me the head master and he had had enough and he sort of said right that's it you're out and my my mom lived quite close to the school so she he went out to call my mom to wait for my mom to come and I knew I was a goner so when he was out I when sat in his chair the head Master's chair he had a cup of like a tea and a I filled up the kettle and I made made put the kettle on made a cup of tea got a biscuit out and I took my shoes and socks off and I put my feet up just my feet and I was like that when my mom walked in through the door I had a cup of tea and I was dipping a biscuit and he went [ __ ] mental and started smashing his own office up and my mom had to like calm him down and he was he was mental he was mental but on the way out my mom was like that was good do you know what I mean so I was [ __ ] anyway I was always [ __ ] cuz my mom never give a [ __ ] she was like all right that was good but we got to find to a new school and where was where was what was what was your old man like when you knew he got expelled my old man was my I didn't see my dad it is funny when you look back I think what was wrong with me but then yeah I turned it into see kids whatever's up with you whatever your problem is just turn it if you can make money out of it you're right fun yeah un it's ain't bad you know what I mean um but my my my mom and dad split up when I was younger you're picturing it you I I can't get out my I I see I I I saw my this no word of a lie there's no word of a lie I was walking around tesos a couple years ago and I saw my old head Master he looked at me I went hello so he went [ __ ] off I thought I thought You' been waiting years to say that a you he must have seen he must have seen me on TV and everything Big Brother you [ __ ] [Music] wanker teachers man M he must have been building up for 20 years in his mind [ __ ] up I barely oh mate mate where were we your old man so about your old man what was he like was he a father was he a role model father yeah it was it's my old man was like a a comedian as well in a true sense of the way you're still laughing he's gone go on guys um you need a wet FL sign over here no um yeah my old man was funny as well he [Music] you can't stop one of them ones oh M that's quality I'm just pict to you it's the sort of thing I would do as a kid though I didn't give a [ __ ] I got suspended I was the same doing it you know what the weird thing is I always knew I kind of sat there I knew back then that I weren't going to get any decent jobs you know what I mean cuz I thought I was Fick so I was like it's weird I I was school I was at school going this is [ __ ] I this a't this ain't going to work out for me so I might as well [ __ ] about because I might as well have some good stories to tell do you know what I mean it's like I'll tell you what else I related to going to school uh fighting when I was growing up as well with kids I was never a very good fighter right and my old man actually cuz my old man used to teach karate and everything yeah he he had a dojo a lot right and he used to teach karate and I say you're going to teach me karate i' done one lesson with him and he was like no man it ain't for you because like I just I was like how' you knock someone out you know what I mean I didn't want to learn all the he was I can't do it with you and um he always said to me look listen you ain't much of a fighter but it's all about the stories in life that's what he used to say to me he say it's about the stories so if you're in a ever in a situation where you're going to get beaten up and someone's starting on you just before they [ __ ] hit you or it's going to kick off make sure you rip the absolute granny out of him because you're you're good at that right and then whenever that if if you say sank really [ __ ] funny if you really nail him whenever that GE is telling the story about when he beat you up his mates would be like yeah do you hear what he say and I [ __ ] I've had that I had that I had that a couple of years ago I started boxing I don't know if you've seen on my socials I can have a scrap now so I don't mind too much but I when I started boxing I was putting loads of videos I speeding it up a little bit on the punch bag and that's I look [ __ ] [ __ ] hard ninja yeah yeah getting people to come to the gym going let me just film Me Knocking you out come on mate and all this stuff but so I looked hard online uh but geers were putting it on me when I was going out right okay this is when I was still drinking so that mentality has always been the same with me if if my mates and there's other Lads there it's going to kick off I've always been like yeah but I'll just get S good in first before I get sparked and uh if this one lad come up to me and he was like it's a good gang and he he said I'm actually putting it in my tour he come up to me and he was like you're doing a bit of [ __ ] boxing a you and I was like yeah yeah yeah and he's like oh yeah he's just trying to make conversation with me and he's like yeah I'm looking for for a gym for my son actually do a bit of boxing you couldn't recommend a Jim cach I went yeah Jimmy savle you knock me out you can say sorry but he knocked me cl [ __ ] out how old were you what this was only a few years ago still drinking you still boozing and partying I've been get I've got I've been knocked out on stage on doing standup knocked clean out where that was in Cyprus I was doing the open mic nights uh and no not the open mic nights the um allinclusive yeah hotels so I was doing an all-inclusive and again my old man he used got me in a lot of trouble over the years terrible parenting but no he used to say to me as well when I started doing standup cuz he loved comedy and he he kind of come on my whole journey with me since I was since I've come out of school I was like I want to be an actor or comedian um but he always used to say look if you're no actually it was it was an older comedian that first said this to me and I started doing it and my dad was like yeah that's your thing heckling right dealing with heckling and he was like you've really got to deal with heckling that can be your thing like go brutal on him and uh this old comedian had said to me if if someone heckles you go for their um go for their wives if they're with their wives right and the wives normally say to the because the husband like shut up whatever and the wife be like shut up stop it cuz he's you know cuz I'll go on to the wife and the wife will shut him up and uh I can remember telling my dad that and my dad was like right well you've got to write some [ __ ] gags about the wives this whole comedian in Cypress had told me because he'd seen me getting heckled and sort of dying on my ass not being a to deal with it so me and my dad sat and wrote some jokes and we wrote one and and it got one of them got me knocked out this Geer was as soon as I come on because I don't like the the Northerners don't like the southern well it's not that they don't like the southern comedians it's like they think they're cocky and especially when it's all like all inclusive they're [ __ ] yeah so you've got to be brutal uh especially with with the northern audiences like the scousers or whatever other Ms you've got to be brutal and then they're like yeah he's we'll let him cuz he's brutal you know what I mean if you if they sense blood they'll be at you yeah they'll be at you down south if I'm doing gigs down here in London and stuff like that with you you know what I mean bit more but yeah this guy shouted out your [ __ ] get off and I just said to him is that your wife and he was at the front I was like is that your wife you with and he said yeah I said is it your first wife he said no this is my second wife I said she wouldn't have been my first choice even a f did you say that to him yeah and he got past security jimy yeah he chin you on stage yeah yeah yeah how many people in the crowd roughly uh it wasn't a big was a hotel jobel a hotel job what happened after that were you like I'm stopping throw the mic there out mate so yeah it spark me clean out yeah yeah yeah there's a video of it got there's a video somewhere of of yeah it's I love I I personally myself I love were you using at that time Coke yeah yeah yeah and booze when he come and knock you out uh I wouldn't have been off I wouldn't have been there I couldn't sniff Coke and do stand up but I'd be drunk i' I'd use alcohol um to settle my nerves uh for stand up back in the day just going back there so you got expelled from that school your next school what was that like for you that was really difficult actually because the where was it so I got expelled from celian which was in chy yeah and then uh I joined Fullbrook which was in Newall which was uh it's not far it's it's in sorry but one of my pals big this big lump of a gizar called Luke Redfern he had been expelled as well like before me a few months before and he'd gone to that school it's like a school for reject sorry if anyone went there but you know you got like the nice schools and then yeah it was like one of them ones and um when I went there they didn't really want me cuz like my record my school record had come through Master school yeah the head Master must have rang him and gone [ __ ] get rid of the kettle but no um he uh uh they they they said I could join right and this is no word of a lie this is 100% true they said I could join the school but for the first week I had to wear my old school uniform so I had to wear my I think it was like a purple or a Bluey type uniform from soltions and their uniform was around I had to wear that for a week and keep myself myself out of trouble for a week no fighting no arguing anything like that and if I could survive a week there as like this odd one out there then I could stay and then I had a big list of things that if I done I'd have to leave so when I joined that school it was a bit different it was like my mom was like if you more disciplined yeah you can't you can't and how did you respond to that discipline um did it make you more disciplined you knowing that craftier craftier just you know any that there was it was more a bit rougher in that school um and for some [ __ ] stupid reason my mate my Big Mate that had gone and told everyone I can have a scrap he's like he's only small but he's a Nutter and all that which I wasn't so he' beat me up so a few people wanted to have it with me when I first joined there and it was different areas as well so different groups of lads outside of school so I got in trouble I had a um few bits of trouble that week but outside of school not in the school and then I managed to keep my head down really I did get in trouble there but I managed to get my gcsc so I calmed it down a little bit and what was your movement after that got your GC didn't fany going 64 anything like that no well I was I fell in love with drama when I when I moved to for they had a brilliant drama department and a great Drama teacher and what was his name uh Mr Boon I think his name was and um they um they uh they understood a little bit more about neai Divergence in there they understood that you know I'm not just naughty like do you know what I mean I felt like I was pushed more into they were like right we'll push you more into drama you should focus if if you like this you should F not just stay away from everyone yeah do you know what I mean so fair play them spotting that because you got a talent they homing in on it yeah yeah and and I I started learning uh performance and then they said you know and that's really to be honest with you that's what saved me knuckling down to get gcscs I mean I scraped through with the gcc's I had to get I don't know if it was four a to C's or or four A B C D E I don't even know but I had to get a certain amount to get into college to do drama so then I had a reason to down because I was like well maybe I'm going to be an actor maybe maybe this is what I'm going to do so if I work hard I had a reason to you know did you know you were different did you know you were a piss taker did you know that you were something not right in your in your mind did you know the same or were you like do you know what there's more to sitting there listening to someone talked to me about physics and chemistry and algebra uh I don't know I just felt free really I felt I felt a little bit more I always felt like uh I guess it was it's going to be all right in the end whatever it is so I'm just going to have fun with it I didn't care about getting told off and I didn't think I I don't know really I I don't think I felt different at the time I just felt like I was having fun you know so where did the comedy go then were you going for drama did you want to be an actor you you know what I actually want to go in the comedy or did you fall into the comedy well what happened was I I went the the acting turned into musical theater for me so I started doing musical theater like plays and stuff and being on stage in front of an audience I was like this is me that's and when and what was that feeling like when you were on stage oh it was amazing it was like suddenly it was suddenly it was like I was good not not like um not good as in like you felt you felt at home yeah I felt I felt like I was a good boy you know I mean not like a naughty boy I was a I was being a good boy and being praised for something you know that's really good that's hard work that's great which felt good but also I I felt like I was the best at it do you know what I mean I was suddenly like I was in there I was doing auditions I I got in a little film um funny enough called the bottle that they auditioned everyone in the in the um btech diploma course there was like a few hundred kids they auditioned everyone and they there was like two or three parts and I got a part in that and it sort of solidified that I was better than well what I thought I was I was good at something you know what I mean I was better than other people at something and then that was it I was like it's performing that's that's that's me that's what I'm going to do and um uh I done it done the acting done everything but my mom had moved away when I was about um 15 or 16 just when I was going through the trans school to college my mom up and left she bought the council house a few years before CU you could buy them cheaper and she she' sold it she'd done something to it and sold it made some money and she wanted to go and buy a hotel in uh a little five bed Hotel up in Cornell which she ended up losing in the end uh with her fell but my her and my stepdad moved out moved away and I moved out when I was like 15 16 so I was working on the side um and very quickly I realized that you know I got a graft I got to work cuz I was renting um a place off my uncle um and then as soon as College finished it was like real life for me it was graft what what what rough year was this what' you mean what year was when you finished College late 90s early 2000 200000 2000 yeah early 2000s okay um and uh yeah I was auditioning but getting nowhere I became an estate agent I done like Car Sales some other sales stuff and that I I got Addicted to Money I started liking money um I got a company car and I became an estate agent and I was auditioning less and less um and then I discovered I can remember I was at a house party and everyone was getting off their nut and I um I saw a DVD case on the on the floor of Lee Evans and I looked I was looking at it and I was like can I put this on and everyone was like you know it's a bit weird in here but I was like [ __ ] hyper focused on it and I put it on and I sat and watched it and it and Lee Evans I've seen comedians before but Lee Evans is like an actor he's like an actor comedian he's another level he's another level yeah and I fell in love with the way that he portrayed his comedy like standup comedians normally sit and tell you know there's way to set up jokes you know word play and deliver comedy but Lee Evans would act it out he'd become the characters do you know what I mean if he's talking about his wife you know there's one where he talks about his wife coming out of the shower where she's got she's got you know where women wrap the tow around she it's like this mysterious woman that's come from Africa or something and like coming out and he's acting it out and I was and suddenly you're visualizing it all and then the punch line come you laugh your ass off and then he's on to the next one and I looked at I was like that's funny he's performing he's acting it's comedy uh and then that was it I was like that's what I want to do yeah I that's what I want to do and um I started doing comedy clubs and stuff but I was losing myself with the career like I was like getting into the money and that and when I was about 18 I was like n stop I'm going to end up just being an estate agent yeah uh there's nothing wrong with you are one out there but um uh I've got to perform I want to be on stage in front of people so got a job I try and keep this short but I got a job and went over to Cyprus to do hotel entertainment when I was about 21 or maybe about 20 I think it was my 20th birthday just so 1920 around that sort of age I went to Cyprus irappa and uh and I was doing Hotel entertainment Bingo Who Wants To Be A Millionaire all of that jazz and I started putting my jokes in writing jokes and then I had my own Comedy Night by like a few months in I was doing my own com going around the swimming pool going do you want to come and watch my comedy show tonight doing my comedy show and I got spotted there by someone that ran cruise ship entertainment yeah and uh went back home and auditioned he he said I want you to come and audition to be our host on the cruise ship and I've and then by the end of that year I was working on cruise ships and i' i' done two world cruises traveling around the world doing standup comedy and I stayed doing that for about four or five years traveling the world doing standup and then I come home and discovered social media M amazing mad is it yeah that's mad all from being a [ __ ] at school yeah but perfect you you honed it in you've H in what you're good at making people laugh having a laugh not taking life too seriously what was it like for you I want to know like you're going out of Cypress how did you know you were a comedian or not like were you testing the water while you were doing different stuff making people laugh were you testing a few gags to see if you that's how you do it that's how you do it I mean the the difference between someone becoming a successful stand-up comedian or a comedian like whether it's online making videos or whatever but truly in the truly in the art form of stand-up comedy the the main difference is who between someone that's successful that makes it or that makes a living out of it and someone that doesn't is who can die on their ass for the longest die die on your ass how long you can sustain dying on your ass Give an example or just telling jokes going up on stage having an idea writing writing a set yeah going up on stage and none of it working n they're not laughing and it getting awkwarder and awkwarder and awkwarder uh but you know when you go you got to do five minutes that's how you get paid 10es so oh you just go on and do 5 minutes set you can't you can do but all for me what I was doing was I was doing it before the game show so I go here's Who Wants To Be A Millionaire but first and then do but what you but the the main difference with me I believe and a lot of comedians out there is cuz what you do is you do five or 10 minutes and it's the same with the comedy clubs when you go to comedy clubs but one of the jokes might work and you go right I got that I saved that a bank yeah bank and then you go again and then next thing you got next thing you got up and all five minutes of it worked and then you nail that 5 minutes for a bit and you take the whole five and then you put that in the bank and you keep doing that till you got an hour and then you just keep doing that and doing that but the difference with me was whether they laughed or not I love to being on stage I didn't give a [ __ ] really yeah I was like so if you had D on your ass you care I didn't care I mean it was embarrassing but I I'd be like what the [ __ ] wrong with you L you know I mean turn it back not just that I could still walk down the pub walk around the corner and go excuse me m I'm a comedian whether I was dying they were whether they were laughing or not I could go I'm a comedian so you really believed in yourself was would be funny but not just that just having the label that's how much I loved it like that's how much I was like if I can call myself a comedian like I've got to get up and do the comedy whether it's funny or not it don't matter one day it will be so in that way so it's inevitable it was going to happen for me cuz I found the funny and and Stu What a wicked attitude to have then that's quality mate tell me about the cruise ships how long are you on a cruise ship for your contracts were normally if it was a world cruise for like four to 6 months so on a [ __ ] for 4 obviously you're getting off at Port and different stuff that's a massive part of my life I rarely talk about I haven't really spoken about it and people don't know a lot about that but it was a huge part of my life and also because to be honest with you my mom and dad broke up when I was very young uh and my old man was quite violent unfortunately um toward towards your mom or towards you well towards my mom um I mean it's he regretted it later on in life he was a very troubled man but um we come from a very sort of turmoil dysfunctional divorce and that went on for years my man lost his mind you know and uh he was fighting to see us and we couldn't see him and then my mom moved away when I was 15 so for me like the home environment was alien to me the stability was alien to me and um I think a lot of the reason why I was craving attention and lashing out or you know like doing performing know looking for love trying to get that validation that I was loved from through through whatever what I got from the cruise ships and what I got from working abroad was stability was a home do you know what I mean on the cruise ship I didn't have to worry about nothing I my my my food was there my [ __ ] you know I didn't pay rent my money was mine and I was doing what I loved so I actually loved being away from my family in a way and I loved being away from from I loved being self- sustained do you know what I mean I was like it was like that to me to to to everyone and I don't want to say my mom cuz I love my mom and you know she done the best she could but it's kind it was kind of like a [ __ ] you I can survive on my own do you know what I mean so I loved working on the cruise ships how old were you when you worked on the cruise sh you say four to five years you worked in the cruise ship 21 20 around 21 22 yeah I I went straight from Cyprus to uh working on the cruise ship so I went home for the audition saw my family and then I was gone for a good five or six give an example of the audition you had to do to get on the cruise ship I can remember it like it was yesterday they had 50 people in there and they had one roll and 50 people what 50 people going for that one yeah and the the the crazy thing was I worked for a company called onetop entertainment in Cypress and they held back 25% of your weekly or monthly wage why um so you didn't leave early okay uh the season so on the last day so cuz if you leave they got replaced you in the hotel and the audition was like four weeks or three weeks before the end of my [ __ ] four Monon contract I mean it was it wasn't massive money but it was enough when I was younger and I had to make that choice you know do I go back for the audition and lose the money that they've been retaining from me and I spoke to my mom my mom was always good like this my mom was like [ __ ] it go for it I was like it's one one in 50 do you know what I mean she's like [ __ ] it go for it if it's meant to be it's meant to be if it ain't it ain't so I just believed I was going to get it mate I just believed I had charismo and I also it wasn't it wasn't about being able to see being a host like a game show host he'd already seen me so I had the edge he'd stayed in the hotel who the Giza the the the you got a cruise director and then you've got an assistant uh it's like assistant director and the cruise director runs everything in the entertainment uh like the everything to the security drills like you know getting and the daytime uh Sports you know everything from ping pong and your whole thing but also the evening entertainment and he'd be responsible for picking the the shows that are coming on you know the dancers for the shows and then booking the acts and also the uh the host and the host is the assistant Cruise director um and it my job would be like the face of the [ __ ] so when you're walking on the ship i' be the first hello Madam hello sir how you doing welcome how was ja brought crazy out there that's what I was like are you coming to the show tonight and I used to flirt with the old ladies and all that you know love Mom but um I look like Barry Manalo I had big long spiky [ __ ] blond hair I used to straighten it and I had [ __ ] they love me do you know what I mean and um but I um but he had already seen me perform so I thought I had the edge because I entertained him for his holiday I had him laughing do you know what I mean I was [ __ ] to my belly laughing I had laughing yeah you know cuz I was naughty I nailed Hotel entertainment the C the cruise ship stuff was so unique because you've got to be able to make um like children laugh okay old people laugh and adults laugh at the same time without being too crude so it's like all inuendo based naughty cheeky stuff that the kids don't get you know what I mean but the parents get it's like pet K it's [ __ ] good it's a skill there's a skill there's a massive skill with that yeah you know you have to be like all right I'm just going to split the audience up into two down the the middle Madam close your legs for all like that you know what I mean lovely teeth lovely teeth darling do they come out at night like the stars all that you know it's like real Chey stuff um cheesy [ __ ] stuff but I loved it right but so I thought I had an edge anyway but it's all about having a sparker twinkle in your eye so when you come do you imagine me on stage a you I mean I was doing the chick but I was also shagging the old ladies as well I was I was like you know I mean there's extra money to be made here you know what I mean I'll be going to and they'd be like oh L for a tener but no uh you know I used have the best gags mate you know let's not go overboard anyway but um I uh they gave you game shows to do at this audition so that you took it in turns but they had everyone else there because you had like 50 old people in there yeah and you'd have to do go the Bingo or do game shows and all of that stuff and I was making the other people that were auditioning there I thought I'm just going to make them all look like like you know that they're [ __ ] and I'm good and I'm just going to make them all laugh you know so when it was my turn I got right into the other people they didn't even they forgot there at an audition yeah you know what I mean and they became part of the show I was like come on get up here doing all this stuff with them and I just believe you got to have a twinkle in your eye you're kind of like you know you got to believe you're you're supposed to be up there you know like always like have like a like a you know I mean you know like you're supposed to be there and and believe that you're funny but my my skill was always audience interaction if you come to one of my shows now I'm doing warm-up gigs for my tour and I always I always if I've do an hour I'll always only write like 40 minutes and I'll give myself a 20 minutes 20 minute buffer where I've got to get into the audience and audience and and that's I think that's the heart of Comedy do you know what I mean where it's gr so do you remember how much money though you were being paid to do that on the on the ships 2 I think it's about I probably started off at about 14 13,400 a month and then when I when I was getting flown on and off as a comedian when I was actually doing my full shows it was probably couple of grand a a week towards the end but when I first started and I was just like a crew like a host a compare probably I think PE probably Peak at about 1,500 a month 15 16 you had all your accommodation you come back with it you you'd spend a bit in The Crew Bar getting pissed yeah and what was it when we when did you start boozing when did what age were you start boozing what age did you start tucking into the gear I started drinking I started drinking when I was [ __ ] 14 15 you know uh I think the first time I got pissed was at probably at a family party something like that you know drinking alcohol my family are heavy drinkers um and then just the same as everyone else at school you know everyone be like what you doing at the weekend who can get booze you know so getting smashed down the local park and then mate I start I think I probably done my first line of gear when I was 17 yeah something like that maybe even younger 16 17 just definitely probably at college so when you were on the cruise ships from 21 to 25 say smashed were you were you addicted to gear before you jumped onto the cruise ships mate do you know what the crazy thing is I don't I don't I didn't think I was addicted to cocaine up until about a year ago when I tried to stop and this is the crazy thing that I've learned through my journey of sobriety which tomorrow I'm a Year by the way a year tomorrow tomorrow I'm a year mate yeah Fu happy days so tonight today I'm can you tell I'm feel I'm [ __ ] buzzing me massive respect thank you being clean for a year yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not easy no it's hard but but one thing that I cuz I always believe that an addict being an addict was you woke up in the morning and you reach for a bottle of vka or brown paper bag in the park or you're eting heroin or you can't go a day without sniffing cocaine right but that wasn't me I didn't drink Monday Tuesday Wednesday I was recovering Monday Tuesday Wednesday I didn't drink and you know I got my work done I I I managed through through heavy drinking over the last 25 years I managed to achieve quite a lot right um but whenever I did drink I drank like a [ __ ] Maniac I loved it too much it was like Mayhem to me right pure escapism and I believe it goes back to my childhood you know things I saw stuff that happened you have a way of um blocking it out blocking it out and escaping and uh escapism escaping life when things get hard so you build up this want and need for something else to escape when things are hard and drink and drugs gave that to me but I was like a seser right so the weekends I'd drink and I'd Sniff and you know some weekends it was all right some weekends give me an example you go out like most Lads would go out on a Thursday Friday Saturday I mean h five six points and then call up the local yeah sometimes it was all right sometimes it was just just with my pal and we'll have a few lines when we out and I'll get back at 12 1:00 and that' be it sometimes but sometimes it wasn't sometimes it was I'd go out and I'd take the bag of gear on with me and I'd sniff all the way until the [ __ ] morning and my misses and kids are waking up and then I was [ __ ] the whole weekend I was like stay away for me do you know what I mean there's an iPad just do you know what I mean and then my m is going look at the St I'm like [ __ ] can't I enjoy myself look at your life look look at the house look at the money you know I was that guy you know um but I didn't see it as a problem right because I didn't drink and use drugs Monday Tuesday Wednesday right but I could not pick up a drink and have one or two uh alcohol once I had one I was getting smashed I love and I thought it was the best thing ever come on and and the weird thing is now when I see people around me my friends and family and like certain makes there some people that I just can't see anymore but when I see some of my friends and I see them drinking that I'm like how come none of you are getting smashed and they're like because you're sober yeah we don't drink we don't normally drink like that respect yeah no no no no is it is it respect no no it's respect but what I mean is they drink differently now that I don't drink with them yeah okay do you know what I mean like I see them I see them out or if I see them I'm like they'll be back on the track on the way home and some of them just be having normal conversations it's not Annihilation it's not [ __ ] hell problem because I used to drink at that level and then bring them with me how many Lads in the country do that yeah and this is this is the whole point about my journey and why I've shared it so much because it got to the point where uh the comedowns and the hangovers right something to do with I don't know if it's my ADHD uh or what was going on with my mental health but I thought I was bipolar right because the come downs and the next days i' turn like [ __ ] angry really [ __ ] angry and the world was against me I used to think that like um psychosis or uh paranoia was oh there's someone in the loft or the police are coming through the door for me it weren't like that it was like my Ms is cheating or my mates don't like me or [ __ ] what's going on everything's [ __ ] wrong and the slightest little thing from her I'd be like oh well [ __ ] [ __ ] and then I'd explode and go back to the pub and and it'd be an excuse for me and bless her she she stuck with it for a long time we were arguing constantly for years and years and years every other weekend it was like you know and the massive risk that you run when you can't control your drinking right and I and this is a big thing that really upsets me when I look back on my life is if you can't control your drinking when you drink every time there's an occasion a special occasion to celebrate you run the risk of ruining that memory and that's what happened to me the CH my children were born and I wet in the baby's head and then I've gone and then she's there with a baby both times my kids were born it breaks my heart looking back how I behaved my wedding day you know all these beautiful memories but it's that pain that you got to sit with to to keep you sober so yeah and and my message is to to the lads out there if if if you're [ __ ] if your M if your relationship is failing you know what I mean and you feel like [ __ ] and your mental health is down you got anxiety and depression and you're drinking and using drugs that's your answer on it yeah take that out the equation and tell me how you feel in six months tell me how your relationship is us men we feel like we deserve to get off our nut and we deserve to get smashed and we deserve to [ __ ] go on a bender because we're working so hard that's that's all well and good but your misses and your kids deserve you present at the weekends cuz it's the only time they get with you yeah and women don't find it attractive when you're [ __ ] so you know so tough tough lessons how long have you been with your M for 10 years on and off on and off i' say on and off like but for only very short periods of time when you know and how old are your two daughters five and seven uh in December quality mate so I'm so happy mate yeah mate you look it you know when we hooked up to that I was like God you look clean you look well you look healthy I'm fit mate and I feel good and you look fresh yeah I'm firing on all cylinders uh More's happened for me in the last year uh career-wise than has in the last 10 years since I got cancelled more like I haven't had a tour in 10 years I've done comedy shows but I couldn't even [ __ ] perform at a comedy club for a good seven years they wouldn't have me yeah um and now I've got a 30-day tour coming up I box every day apart from Sunday and I Spa twice a week and my wife is happy and proud there is no drama don't get me wrong it's boring but I like I prefer to Bard him I've got Serenity I've got peace yeah um and I just I don't know I just feel like for anyone out there that's struggling it is hell for the first I mean I went sober first time around for three or four months and then I come to Christmas and I was like I ain't even got a problem yeah cuz that was easy yeah but the reason why it was easy for me was because I was doing it for her I was like all right I'll stop drinking and I'll prove to everyone I ain't got a problem so all right look bang there's the drink I'm good woo and then I went online I ain't drinking no more and I got and then Christmas come and then some things happened in my life that weren't great and I was [ __ ] like itching and I was like Christmas how am I going to get through Christmas and I was like you know what babe I'm going to I'm going to come out of retirement I said to her I'm going to have a c couple of drinks over Christmas but I ain't doing packet no more no more gear and I ain't getting smashed I ain't going out with that crowd and d and the first time I drank three or four pints was fine and I can remember going on that was all right yesterday and then the second time I drank was all right third time I drank I called it on yeah and then I couldn't stop drinking for I don't know how long it was it breaks my heart because it was just before my wedding and I drank all the way through it through the honeymoon until massive massive uh Rock Bottom I got um kicked out of the house and couldn't see my kids this is this is only a year ago is this right yeah cuz we went we went to my baay for it was my it was I had a film coming out that I'd produced with Terry stone called the last Heist and I stared in it and produced it I'd raised the money shot it through coid and it was coming out and we done a premere over in myb but I was so excited about it the night before the premiere like the day before the premier I went out of my pal come back off me up had a massive argument with her and uh she kicked me out basically and you know we had it busted up and then I come back I said can I come back and I get some bits and we spoke and um she was meant to be coming to my Bay with me the next day and I begged her and said police come my Bayer you know if you you know everyone's expecting you to be there people see there's a problem the Press going be there and all that and she said but don't drink and don't do drugs this weekend I was like it's [ __ ] it's my film Premier I've got to drink but I won't do drugs again like trying to I still couldn't see it right and as soon as we landed I started drinking then I started doing drugs yeah and that was it she flew back we had a massive R in front of everyone out there I said loads of awful stuff cuz I was off me up and uh she she flew back and uh I wasn't welcome back and uh she she was worried you know cuz I stayed there on a bender I stayed there for days I was like I I you know once you start and all that and your world's falling apart mate and there's people out there like don't worry about it's only your kids let's [ __ ] get another one in go tell us another's fight story could you want to could you want to put you're coming up with business plans in someone's [ __ ] hotel room 5 in the morning talking about conspiracy theories my misses and kids are [ __ ] back home you know but [ __ ] it hit me like a a train you know when I when I when when did it hit you was it when you on your cown oh I got well I had to go I'm in the end um and what year we talking 22 yeah this was well this was literally a year ago yeah and I had to go home and um uh I couldn't go home she would talk she was scared man that that's the truth of it you know she was I was I like if you saw me and my Ms now like or how I normally am I'm like I'm playful I love her I would never shout do you know what I mean um uh you know what I mean I'm kind considerate caring you know I'm like loving I'm very like um I'm very uh what's the word like you know I show my affection a lot yeah so when I shout and when I'm angry and when I'm like losing control cuz I'm on drink or drugs it it's it's it must be really scary for her cuz she's like you're losing your mind you need help right and that's where she was you need help I don't want you around me and the kids but as an addict When someone tells you you need help enjoy myself yeah you're going to turn it into a pot I'm just having fun yeah oh you're the problem why can't you you don't appreciate your life provided did it always come back to money that I provided it exactly ego it's all ego and uh and and that's that that and I it breaks we go into that in a minute but um you know she was it was when I was sobering up and coming back and she was like you know I'm worried about through other people I'm worried about you being around the kids I'm like what yeah Jesus what me and then I and then I had to go and stay somewhere else so I I stayed um in uh in my Grandma and Granddad had passed away through Co both of them unfortunately and we were selling their house and I said just randomly said well I'll go there didn't realize they cleared the whole [ __ ] house out of all the furniture and I just I got a BL bed and wedes sted there in this [ __ ] empty cold house where my grandma got and do you know what the Mad thing is I [ __ ] didn't even realize I sudden I hadn't even [ __ ] realized really that they had died I'd been in such a drunk and stupid for so long that I was like oh yeah you two are dead as well and and it was just the worst rock bottle mate I was like for days I couldn't drink think I couldn't sniff because I made a pledge I'm I'm getting my family back and I'm going soar and um I couldn't speak to certain people because what they wanted to do was sesh I couldn't go on my phone and work because I was broken um and you were broken spiritually and mentally I was crying my eyes out for days mate I was crying my I don't know if it was the come down or what and then uh I had to show her that I was serious so I went to rehab and um I don't really want to talk too much about that stuff just because I I find that um a lot of the like AA stuff and it's all Qui I don't know it's like um I it's not for you no no have you tried doing the 12 steps I haven't done the 12 Steps but I've done the meetings and the r but I feel like it's such a so personal and it's so out of respect for other people that were there I don't want to go too much into it but uh being out of the environment yeah right and finally sitting there and going mate you're [ __ ] yeah uh was the best thing that could have happened to me and and L luckily um she let me back after a certain amount of time and she I don't know how because it had happened so many times and she trusted me this time and now she's she's happy she sounds like an angel mate yeah she when I met her she was a glamour model and I was [ __ ] I was on TV and she stayed with me when I lost it all and I couldn't work and I was firing off TV I was suicidal when my father passed away she got me through all of that then I [ __ ] turned into an alcoholic and she stayed with me through that and now she's now she's with me a year a year so and honestly Shell Shell massive shout out to sh love you yeah Wicked and your two daughters yeah yeah NE R and I've got I've got to say I've got to say that you know anyone out there that's got kids that that that that drinks and uses drugs still and they're getting later on in their life the kids can tell yeah um and if you're struggling just this is what I do what do I want to imagine them remembering when they're 16 when they're 16 17 someone goes what's your dad like or when they're 20 what's your dad like I don't want him to go well yeah he's good fun when he drinks and but he's he didn't really do much at the weekends they'll never know me like that you know they may have seen a few arguments but I I I'll will always be sober now um do you know what I mean so all they all they see is um positivity Wicked mate tell me how your life changed when social media come about yeah 2008 really Facebook Instagram come about a little bit later I think I was one of the first uh big social media uh it was Vine first you remember Vine yeah Vine six second sex Secrets what it was was I was working I'd come back from the cruise ships had a little bit of money and I set up my own estate agency a little like Lettin firm out of a service office and I was blagging on Gun Tree the properties and then renting them out advertising them and I was making money I thought I was you know I thought I'll do the comedy clubs and if it works it works but if not I'm going to build a business and um then I discovered V and I could take the jokes that I was writing to do on stage and I could do them while I was working and then I started collecting followers and I was like [ __ ] hell a thousand people yeah do you know what I mean it was it was it was crazy to me and then I it's another addiction I just got addicted to it I was like let's see how [ __ ] far we can push this to see how quickly we can grow it uh and I was one of the first in the UK to I think when I got like a million followers on Facebook the only other Pages really that had a million on Facebook were like Disney or Sony do I mean there wasn't um so that era when all my Vines were going viral on Facebook and and stuff I think nobody had really seen anything like that before so it sort of and it was full on lad culture chat was it I remember I remember seeing something years ago I didn't know it was you in fact until I've still got it on there like you're talking about having a day in a session that 24 hours and whatever you that went viral around WhatsApp and yeah well I want know which one was it Friday night going out for a couple yeah a couple turns into this and yeah you go for a Cutler beers and it turns into the tequilas then the tequila is turned into your mate saying should we make the call then you get a gram in Graham turns to two grams next thing you're chewing the bounces ear off about fights you never add then you get horny so you go to a strip club drop £130 down some [ __ ] Doris called candies who she telling you about why she when she moved over from the island white to suck dick for money for the first time right and you run out of money so you go home and you order a brass on your credit card do more coke she turns up and you can't get a boner you wake up with friction Burns around your Coke from wanking yourself all night 50 note up your nose yeah friction burns on your [ __ ] whatever G out no I think I'll stay in that's the one and you know what yeah and you know what the craziest thing about that is all my comedy a certain amount off the it's it's off the cuff yeah but a certain amount of it it's exaggerated truth yeah you know hope my M ain't watching but I mean you know maybe not the brasses you know what I mean you won't call candies um but it's exaggerated Tru so even the stuff that was uh caused a lot of Mayhem and was truly offensive what really callus what really calls Mayhem for you on social media and we can go into what callus Mayhem when you got filmed live doing your show which caus a problem but what was the bit where you thought oh I'm I'm overstepping the market and it's going viral well the thing is right I'm like overstepping the Mark is a different thing lad's culture was listening to it found it propably funny yeah but then there's a whole load of other people might not find it funny yeah it's difficult because uh I'm a businessman really yeah right I've like even now I've got multiple businesses and I I I look at things from a business perspective and I did then yeah and I simply just [ __ ] honed in on what was working and and really pushed it and so I'm like a social media Guru I [ __ ] I know the ins and outs I know how the interactions help the reach and you know I know I know how to you know buzzwords Trends all of that [ __ ] and for me whether the whether the response initially was good or bad it went viral yeah do you know what I mean it was back in the day on Facebook if you wrote on there I hate this this guy's a [ __ ] all your followers on all your friends see it right so I I worked out very quick that the most powerful way to grow and to to be successful was by being my might straight down the middle you have to have just as many people who dislike your work that like your work if everyone loves your work it'll only go so far the people that dislike it interact on social media more than the people that like it yeah it's just a negative world um so you got to find a niche that's controversial and for me the most controversial thing that I that that I knew about back then was going out drinking doing drugs and shagging girls because that's what I was doing right so in my thinking let's just really exaggerate that you know but to me the funny thing about daas was he always lost yeah he that's what I could never get it's like you know this is a character that always lost I'm showing you how stupid lad culture is I'm showing you how ridiculous us men think but the problem that the media and uh and rightly so I think now that I've got daughters I look at in a completely different light is that it does influence people so a sketch uh like I'll give you an example I always use this example a sketch of me you know with an even it's an actress walking down the street and go excuse me sweetheart can I smell your fanny and she's like no you can't I'm like well it must be your feet then it's a joke right yeah yeah yeah but it may encourage men to guard the women can I smell your fanny right and back then I was like well no one's stupid enough do that people are right and now that I've got daughters I'm like well is that the sort of [ __ ] I want lad's her age when she's in school seeing and doing no it isn't so I've got to look back and go yeah but I didn't give a [ __ ] at the time yeah I didn't and you were mid 20s 25 26 27 10 10 10 10 11 12 years ago I was a [ __ ] it's as simple as that I didn't ever a care in the world so by being that how did you get a show on ITV uh it was simply because of the numbers really and and you know you got a million followers here you got you know a million on Snapchat you got a million they're like right they're viewers yeah and um I didn't actually come up with the concept for uh the the TV show what year was the TV show 2014 14 okay and um and it the same producers that produced um what's his name Lee francis's show uh can't remember what it's called now but you know and you know they took what my character was what it was and was like right what do people like the most viral videos were like the sixc sex Secrets the sex tips the pulling bird tips you know my catchphrases proper Mo she knows it was all like women orientated teaching men how to Shag girls and pool girls and that's how they come up with the concept for dapp Laughs on the pool so ITV even backed that ITV I TV2 um got essentially the the production team of their top show yeah yeah they kind of said yeah if you produce it we'll make it and then the production team went away and made it wow and produced it yeah so they they even backed you with that with that culture back then they even backed me when it was going wrong I mean you know itv2 when when the um when the when the it's like it's a bit like Russell Brand you know back in the day you know he was shagger the Year everyone loved it at the beginning when we were getting negative feedback from the thing up they're like whatever man it's trending yeah you what I mean whatever but bad publicity good all about eyeballs on the until one day n [ __ ] it you know 60,000 people signed a petition to cancel the show that's when they've got to go like we ain't we ain't we ain't redoing it and um it it was tough it it was crazy but how long was that how long was when you got the call from ITV I didn't get a call it how did it work it it done a season and then they just put a tweet out no what I'm saying is how did you get the call to go like we want we want you now on TV we've seen you all over socials we want you to be a face now on tell you my no my manager uh it starts off with uh we're going to talk to ITV yeah we we think we can my manager saying we think we can get you on ITV uh I you know my manager had an in there uh and then pitched me and said look this is the guy this is the St stats you know and then and then uh they looked at my stuff and then come back and said right if you can come up with a good concept we'll take it then they they got the that we had to get a production team to come up with a concept and they said don't worry we know a production team yeah so ITV basically lined it up and then the production team uh came up with a idea of a concept that they signed off and then the production team goes into it writes each episode finds the guests writes each episode writes the sketches in each episode and I just performed them like they gave me scripts quality and how long did that last for was that a week one season what's one season one six episodes six episodes and during that time how did your personal profile [ __ ] hell mate I was making loads of money going to clubs you got to imagine I was 29 years old I had a TV show on ITV 2 about pulling Birds yeah do you know what I mean I was all right looking I had a bit of dough and I was getting paid to go to nightclubs to for people to have selfies with me I was living in the [ __ ] dream yeah U but I was drinking hard to get through it it was surreal it had one minute I was running my estate agents and the next minute people were walking up to me in the street for selfies and then the next minute I mean I was getting selfies anyway from the viral videos but the next minute I was on TV now I sold my off of the estate agents to my business partner and I'm like I'm going to be famous I'll see you later and um and then I was planning out the rest of my career started doing tours um started doing tours and that's when you know all it like it was over as soon as it started wow so one season six weeks six shows you think you're going to smash everything I think I'm done now I'm on it they even had ITV even had me going and doing talks um for their brand you know in front of in front of you know big talks about how to write comedy and you know did anyone give you a tug in that in that period in those six week going hold on M you need a l time they were going push were they they were going push go for it yeah push more harder more especially in my management especially you know I'd put i' get I had a bird I started I started seeing my wife right so I was like wanted to put stuff on my social Med about oh no no s character push the shagging stuff right so yeah you know it's money how much do you remember how much money you went from that show yeah it wen't a great deal I couldn't like 50 Grand 30 grand something something like it was all right it was good money at the time but I mean I was making [ __ ] I was making two three grand a night doing personal appearances all the clubs around the the clubs and I was doing three of them a week um I was selling products I was selling like [ __ ] I was selling moist products you know moisture cards oer cards oyster cards I had [ __ ] everything I was I was making good money man I was making brand deals doing stuff on that i i t t you know a few hundred grand from tour tour stuff and all this so were you doing tour while you're on telly yeah yeah because so give me an example of a tour you'll go to a theater with old a thousand people 500 people and do a I was doing the the o2y at the time yeah okay yeah there's loads of them around the UK yeah yeah so they were they creating tools lining them up selling them who was creating them line you guaranteed your wedge then or you like I'll take the door Mone I'll do it myself or will you guarantee the feet to bit everyone yeah I didn't understand the industry then so um it I got skinned alive really with a lot of it not now knowing what I know but essentially what will happen is a big a big um promoter will come to you and say right there's there's 20 dates yeah say for instance I mean actually the tour that I'm doing in January is the biggest one I've ever done in my life back then it was like five to 10 five six seven dates eight dates I'm doing 30 in January so it's weird it's completely it's blowing my mind really but back then it would be like right say for instance there's 10,000 tickets and 10,000 tickets would equate to 150 Grand worth of Revenue the promoter will buy you out of that revenue for like 70 grand okay right and say here 70 grand so he's guaranteeing his do and there's your money it's guarante Hing it sells out so they get the profit right and back then it was selling out yeah do you know what I mean but for that they were organizing the venues putting the date together putting the tour together and and essentially promoting it but they weren't really promoting it I was selling it on social media yeah and I learned very quickly as soon as I as soon as I got dropped from my management and dropped by everyone the you know and then the manager would take 20% out of that and actually my manager when I was doing the the club PA bookings they were using a different company to book me that were taking 10% then my management was taking 20% Then they were taking travel out of it then I was getting taxed on it it was [ __ ] man so once I started having to do things on my own um start to realize everything my films are like myself you know I mean this time around the 30- DAT tour I had to get a promoter well I tried many times to to do big tours in the last 10 years by yourself by myself and I just couldn't do it no no why why did you find just when it's too it brand association with the venue your name because when when every when I got cancelled um all the all the people that were going mad about my [ __ ] online you know all the journalists like it was the news Publications they'd contact the venue are you really having this guy there are you really and then the venue started dropping and then anyone that would have me the other venues would be like and it was just mad it just fell so once they been burned and all of them had lost money the big ones and the and the promoters had lost money and everything you come back and go I want to do a show they're like sorry mate so I worked out very quick that none of the venues independently would take me for a long time so I just went to the I done like the troxy a few years ago two or three years ago but they're different they're like you give us [ __ ] 15 grand up front you can do what you want with it there's no risk the big ones but like for the small fre 400 seers it's not worth there is but so i' done a troxy one to see if anyone would come to my show and we sold that out then i' done a little uh o21 and funnily enough I went on GB news recently and it all it this all came about through my sobriety podcast so I truly H great podcast B anyone listening out there check out Dan sobriety podcast men toy yeah yeah and it it it truly is I owe everything to sobriety because through the sobriety the positive thing things have happened because through the sobriety I've been able to sort of Express you but but also like admit that I got a lot wrong you know admit that I was a [ __ ] partner for a lot of things admit that I was being a crap dad but more importantly admit that some of the comedy that I did back then because for years I thought to myself I was a scapegoat and hard done by and the industry [ __ ] me now you was a bit of a [ __ ] right you was a bit of so when you're looking back and seeing what you were saying on some the show hold on I mean that's below the belt yeah yeah I L wrong cuz there's two sides to me I'm like yeah [ __ ] it but there's another side to me like I get it now I get it I was immature and all I all I cared about back then was growth money Fame numbers numbers I thought it was happening this is how it happens push push push but there was no one there could guide you no and you were like the pioneer of it as well yeah and plus my mom was gone yeah you know what I mean my dad my relationship with my dad was on and off I didn't really see my old man much but when when he saw things blowing up he did try and get involved and did try and steer me yeah but I was I knew it all but I was immature I was a young lad right I did and I didn't give a [ __ ] about important issues like you know whatever they were saying do you know what I mean but um so I want to go about that 2014 then you've done that series there you're thinking oh I've made it everyone's want a piece of me tell me how the strength of cancell culture what that did to you personally it's horrific honestly it was horrific it was it all happened it uh I can't explain it it get I swear I must have like PTSD from it because like any headlines that come out about me now any little news articles and stuff like that it's like it [ __ ] hits me the anxiety but it uh it was overwhelming it's like no one it's like [ __ ] it went from the best being me yeah like it went from being like I didn't want to be anyone else I was like I'm the [ __ ] boy it was like the best thing being me to oh my God I just don't want to be me anymore how can I can't get out of this skin I can't get out of this body I can't get away from this and uh it was frustrating because because it was calculated I could see how calculated and orchestrated it was um and I and I fed into their hands did you feel it coming I could feel I I yeah because first off they were the journalists for a long time were moaning about my content yeah you know he this is dangerous he's dangerous the comedy industry hated me standup comedians were like he ain't a real comedian he's a social media influencer or not not even that he he makes videos online they didn't know what I but he kept I kept being called comedian D comedian and so standup comedians which by the way are the biggest [ __ ] on the planet it's like [ __ ] handbags at dawn a lot of them because they're all striving to when someone gets through it's like yeah and um you know they they didn't know that I'd done cruise ships they didn't you know I never spoke about that I didn't speak about the years I'd done the open mic circuit there's a handful of people that knew but the industry as a whole didn't and when I got my TV show that was it they were like [ __ ] him yeah how's he he's misogynistic he's that is everything we understand so it's slowly all turning against me but what really tipped me and I was arguing with a journalist as well which was which was bad if a online yeah if a because I had such power on Twitter I had like an army of people and if a journalist would put a piece up saying I'm misogynistic and I hate women I was so immature I'd be like how do I I but I used to rail them up so I be like how do I hate women I'm shagging loads of them or something like that but also I used to I didn't used to at the publication I'd find the journalist and then I'd add the journalist and be like you out the journalist online yeah if if they had said something that just wasn't true yeah you know if they paint but I I really took criticism really difficult back then because in my mind I'd created this Alter Ego that was pretty misogynistic and but I wasn't you know but they were saying I was but the truth what is probably I probably I was a bit back then I must have been to be to create the content and the hardest criticism to take is stuff that [ __ ] might be true right yeah um and my family has been affected by sexual violence as well which no one really knows about I'd never really spoken about what do you mean your family's been affected of sexual violence there's stuff that's happened in my family that uh I've never really spoken about it I don't know if I can or or I should but um bad things have happened not my immediate family but in my greater family with people in the family and uh what since you've been cancelled no while or before and stuff like that and it was apparent you know like dark stuff okay uh I don't really know if I it's that's sorry mate it's a tricky situation because it's my family right um but uh so the stuff you were talking about was going on in your family is that what was that a link in a different style kind of yeah it was like you know my family weird you know weird experience or with with certain people in the family were going through real you know sexual violence so to speak or you know um I'm sure I'm sure you can fill in ads with younger people in my family right um and um were they looking up to you well what who your family members looking up to you go well if he's given all that content we're allowed to do this or was it that kind of feel what you talking about about what happened with my family yeah well no it's not it's not were they listen into what you were saying if he can say it it's fine no it's not that it's I'll just say it's like you know one of my uncles in my family was doing inappropriate things with younger people in my family yeah okay right okay so um and the reason why there's the context of why that is relevant is because uh it's got nothing to do with the content I was doing but when the media started portraying me as Pro yeah and um uh you know anti- women yeah um and that was a big one they used Pro yeah um and that my show was an almanac for culture they were saying that my ITV 2 show was um teaching men out to go out and women yeah when it was it was teaching I mean it was stupid but it was teaching men how to talk to women through comedy and content it it upset me it really upset me and I was drinking a lot of the time and I was pretty angry and um there was a big piece that came out DA's new TV show almanac for culture and I went on stage that night and I was angry about it and they were saying that you know I'd created a guide for men to women and um that's why the word was even in in my vocabulary that night and I was talking about it and I went out stage and I was like I simply said you know if I wanted to if you know I'm angry about this piece if I wanted to make a guide for men to women I wouldn't have shot six 30 minute episodes and done all the comedy and the sketches and everything like that I would have done a won one minute episode and said go down the road get some duct tape some R whatever and I said all this dumb stuff and then the Press had taken a video of it and and got the beginning bit where I said go down the road get some duct tape and they off pieced it together and put it out and that was it it was over it was literally it was over overnight yeah I woke up and it was going viral and then all the Publications were asking up what ITV were going to do about it then I was I was doing charity work they the journalist there was like three or four Publications that one would do the story then the others would feed then another one would do a story then the others would do and it like boom boom and then it was and then I was trending on Twitter I was trending for days on Twitter then the announcement come out ITV well 60,000 people petition petition hits 10,000 petition hits 20,000 then when it got to 60,000 ITV to of jump Shi he's canceled he's not coming back on I was raising money for home for homeless charity at the time had a Christmas single out and uh I i' said i' done a joke about [ __ ] in it uh the journalist picked up on that contacted the homeless charity then the homeless charity done a thing saying saying we're not taking money from him um yeah and then the management said they other the artists on the on the rotar they had other famous people on the rotar they were getting targeted by the journalist journalist how do you feel about being on the same rotor as daa l so then the manager went sorry the other artists don't like it you're out so I got dropped from that then I got sued because the dates were falling on the tour so a load of money that I hadn't even earned I had to pay it what refunds re yeah but also there's Clauses in the contracts all this Jazz I didn't understand it booking dropped obviously no more Pas um and then my dad died all within the space of like all in 2014 it was all in the space of like six months blood yeah that was it mate that was it how in Earth how in Earth do you deal with something like cocaine and drink okay but how do you deal with it you get waking up in the morning see your front pages of this front pages a blur mate it's a blur so were you just getting bang on it and trying to cut it all out yeah this is the problem with alcohol and uh drugs is if if you can't cope with life anyway through whatever's happening in your childhood and stuff like that if you can't cope with your emotions uh which I think I've always struggled with um and you use drink and drugs you know for fun and stuff like that but also it turns into instead of using it like sociably you start using it on your own or if you had a stressful week you use it or if something bad happens you use it and you get into that habit of using drink and drugs to sooe yourself it's a coping mechanism when massive [ __ ] goes wrong you hit you go I need my coping mechanism and that's all I need okay so that's when I started drinking in the day that's when I was sniffing Coke on my own that's why I was turning on the [ __ ] news and I was seeing 200 people on the Telly debate like it was like like Jeremy Carl setting like Channel 4 had like loads of people in there and they were debating dapp a ass my sistic all funny I'm sitting there doing lines of coke going I can't [ __ ] but I was only having a laugh you know what I mean it's mad and then my manager contacted me after and uh well no I contacted my manager cuz I was losing my mind my ex-manager and I said they won't stop you know the paps outside and paps outside yeah and it had been going on for months and uh you know uh I I just said you know what can we do I just need to stop this because I'm losing my mind like I don't want to [ __ ] be in this situation anymore surely it's going to stop right and he said well newsight want to talk to maybe if you talk to newsight and apologize they'll they'll hold back B one of the biggest regrets of my life really going on that with that woman on going on there yeah sort of like a lamb to slaughter I mean I needed to be held accountable for some of the stuff I said but I shouldn't have done it so early I was broken I was like completely broken you look broken yeah I was broken and and and the bad thing about it as well is there was a certain amount of my audience that still supporting you yeah so my audience were like look some of the stuff you said was across the line but we know you're not and that's what broke my heart it always broke my heart is Like There's No Malice there was no malice right I didn't want women to get I didn't want I didn't want men to be misogynistic of course I didn't I was just a [ __ ] right and um my audience knew that and you know 5 million people followed me online 60,000 signed a petition you know but in my mind all I saw was 60,000 people haed me the comedy industry haed me the TV industry didn't want me and I couldn't work I didn't see the 5 million people that were there when I went on the news I turned my back on them yeah I said I'm sorry dapp laughs is wrong I don't want to do it no more I quit I just and I was just like please stop leave me alone yeah you know how long did this go on for it went on for a year at least must have well no actually the it went on for five six years that I was the poster boy for misogyny yeah every time anything happened in the news or comes back to you they come back to me yeah but how long was this intensity but a good six month well for six well the initial [ __ ] Madness was about a month was like it was like hell like I mean surreal like even my friends didn't want to be around me yeah yeah [ __ ] M stayed with me through all of that yeah I better say I better bring him up say with I know um and uh yeah and uh but when my father died I checked out I was done I was done so that was like the that was kick it I was like the good the with my father my my dad was the only one so everyone else was going you're all right [ __ ] hell that's bad no you'll bounce back or you know [ __ ] H that's bad why have they done that [ __ ] [ __ ] you're all right or do you want to get on it he was the only one going give you a TV show anyway it's their fault this is just like you at school mate you what I mean he's like but look how look at what you did do yeah look at what you met you blagged it mate you got on there you know he had this great attitude with it and he was like what's next yeah what's your old man's name Patrick Patrick oilly Yeah and um he uh you know I loved my dad because he regretted how he was when he was younger he was trying to make a he made up for it is adult and he was really [ __ ] he was like my number one fan he was on the [ __ ] phone he even started doing his own videos and Vines and everything that but um so when he he had a stroke I got a phone call one day saying that he's for my stepmom saying he's had a stroke get over he lived in gery and I flew over and he come out of his stroke and I spoke to him when he come out and he was gone his mind was something was up with him he was talking he was cracking jokes yeah funny jokes you know he was like I had a stroke and I was like yeah I heard he's like yeah so would you have if you'd seen the [ __ ] nurse you know I mean all this he yeah and I was like you're all right he's like yeah but and then he was saying weird stuff to me you know look after your brother and uh I don't feel right and you know all this stuff and then he while I was while I was talking to him he went and then he never come back uh and then my stepmom and my brother couldn't um they were distraught they lived over there with him uh and I had to make the decision to turn the machine off with the doctor the three of us were in the room and I he I said you know I said what would you do to the doctor you know cuz they weren't making a decision and I said to doctor what would you do and he said well he it's called coning I think it is where the brain stem detaches from the brain he's alive technically but he'll never be able to do anything you know and he was an Entertainer so I said yeah just let him go and my brother never really forgive me for that we only just started speaking recently and that was in 2017 so that was hard um but I was angry at my dad for dying and I freaked out when they did turn the machine off CU I had to wait for his family to come over as well and then they turned the machine off and I lost my mind and from that point for uh uh oh and [ __ ] a couple of days later my my M she she was we were told that we couldn't have kids at the time she had polyic ovaries she told me that she was pregnant and uh I lost and that was even worse it wasn't a good thing that was why just couldn't handle it okay I'd already checked out I was like I'd already worked out how much money I had how long that would last me what I could do with it and I just wanted to drink and use drugs and then die to be honest I did and I knew that I thought I I I I kind of I was like I was like if you do that to me my career I don't know who I was speaking to the universe or God or whatever but I was like do that and then now you've done that you can [ __ ] off like I ain't even going to try and be nice you know what I mean I ain't even going to try and survive this so I left uh you know I just cut her off one another big regret in my life and I moved in with my [ __ ] coke dealer and uh I know it's Insanity that's bunkers it's Insanity yeah I lost months and month well I lost I don't know six weeks or something like that I'd lost all I'd gone through all my money by then and and uh had my one of my rock bottoms yeah I remember he had a big I was talking about this the other day had a big new he done up this room for me to stay in there white carpet and I was just through the night sniffing GE on my own on a BL bed and I was thinking about cutting my wrists but I didn't want to [ __ ] his carpet up cuz it was a new white carpet and then suddenly I snapped out of it and I was like what are you [ __ ] doing and I rang the Samaritans I legitimately rang the Samaritans I didn't want to speak to I couldn't speak to my misses I didn't want to worry my mom and my friends they weren't going to get it and luckily I spoke to the Samaritans and uh uh still couldn't really recognize it was drinking drugs or destroying me but I knew that I was suicidal and um and that was the beginning um of me sorting my [ __ ] out got back on my misses what year was this 2017 17 okay got back when my misses and uh moved moved uh we didn't have I didn't have anywhere to live didn't have no money so I moved up to Manchester and moved into a spare room of her mom's little she got a [ __ ] semi- detached house in Talley yeah and I moved into the spare room me my dog and a pregnant misses and that's that's where I started my life again wow that's some Journey mad is it and yeah and then tell me throughout that period Then when did Big Brother come about in 2018 how did that come about you obviously weren in the best mind state to be going on telly again what made you think I need to go on telly again they offered it to me when my dad died you know they're [ __ ] brutal like it's a it's a psychology like psychological test is it they look for [ __ ] up people they're like perfect yeah uh and uh but I didn't Fame and TV and notoriety and being noticed was the last [ __ ] thing on my mind I was I was losing the will to live right so I didn't even respond this was a different agent a different manager had come to me and said to me we got Big Brother you know it's 20 grand and even though I was broke I was like no way I was like I I didn't want to see another camera or Pap or anything and I was like no way they approached me a little while later when I had my my first daughter for the next season and said would you come and do it or another season and I said No and then uh uh we then money then you know we we wanted to move back to London and I didn't have no money man and um it was year with a woman and they come to me and they said look it's year with a woman we need a villain that the Press are going to go mad for uh I I was still broken but I needed the money and um I said 100 Grand and I'll do it and they came back with 80 and I said let's go so but it's brutal because if you don't survive it and you want to get out of it you don't get your money right okay about to say yeah okay and what was that experience like for you knowing you're going to have 100 cameras knowing the whole of the UK is going to be watching you knowing that the papers going to be writing and bringing up old stuff again it's really in the press and youve got no contact with the outside world it's horrible it was horrific I really really struggled the first week or so I like had multiple breakdowns like um my dad was really fresh in my mind and he died the January before so it was his birthday and it was like his birthday and you know the the the date of when he died as well and I was really conscious of remembering him on them days and they wouldn't tell me what the date was and I got all confused about that in the first week and I was upset and also I was worried about what the Press was saying and how shell and my daughter was coping and I kept on going to the die room and asking what are they saying about me because and then the first few times people got voted for you know I went in and I was being nice to everyone and then suddenly I was I was up for eviction so I couldn't work it out and I'm deeply insecure I was I was even more so insecure then but I was de I'm deeply insecure as I'm a people pleaser anyway been performing my old life for people to [ __ ] like me right and um I was like no they don't like me what have I said what have I done you know and I was drinking in there heavy so I was having you alled to booze in there yeah mate yeah they [ __ ] mate there comes a certain point in the day where they say the the store room is now open and you open the door and it's [ __ ] booze mate so I was like War you know just escaping so [ __ ] knows what I was doing the night before and then I was waking up and I was like [ __ ] and then they were they put me up for eviction and the doors were opening and they were reading out my name and know Daniel and he's like boo I was like [ __ ] man so I was like and I tell you how I got through it the first like week or so I was I was getting put up for eviction all the time but I was just naughty I was being I was still being naughty I was saying silly things and funny things I was just being myself right I was I'm a bit of a [ __ ] you know what I mean um if I think something's funny I say it so that was kind of rubbing some people up the wrong way and I just slowly it's like sobriety but in a different way um I slowly just had to sit with that rejection from the housemates or whatever and ride through it but I was doing laps of the garden with my dad in my in my mind I was going out to the Garden it's like it's like when you cage an animal right it goes mental I was going out and even big brother was calling me up going you're right you know with noce in certain behavior and I'm like yeah I'm just walking with my dad man I need to clear my head and I was walking and I was talking to my father in my mind as I was walking around and that was getting me through some days and then something clicked uh where I started to relax and I just sort of said just be yourself and the second week was a bit easier then I stopped getting put up for eviction and then um and then I was just I made it more or less to the end and and then and sort I came out to [ __ ] um cheers and Applause brilliant so I think what what it done for me giving you the confidence that people like you yeah and what it done for me was it showed the nation I mean there's still people out there that are going to hate me they always are but it showed the nation that I wasn't malice I was just a [ __ ] yeah do you know what I mean so 2018 you came out that brought your profile back again when you come out how are you looked at by the media how are you looked at by The Comedians how are you looked at by the Lo by people in the population here in the UK it's not as big as you think it is Big Brother no you know it was like a dying program so it's not that big a deal I came out and it was like all right he's done Big Brother well did what it do for your profile nothing it was like you can still [ __ ] off we ain't giving him a TV shot you know what I mean it just kind of It kind of [ __ ] it just kind of it's like I'm not it's it wasn't even like I'm back it was like I just come out I done loose women as well straight they said they want you on loose women so I went on I thought I show face that that's the worst thing that I could go on loose women I went on show face I was like yeah you know i' done that and i' done this but on me and uh it kind of just I think it just kind of set the thing that like he ain't going nowhere yeah you know you you haven't got rid of him uh and that was it it was then then it was like then but then I was ready to graft again I come back I was like right let's go I'm back to work so how are you thinking about earning a pound note when you come out there business outside of I was like how can I monetize the following how can I turn how can I uh it was straight up business for me then I was like I kind of thought maybe the comedy was over because when I was doing comedy I was still getting a lot of negativity there was still every if like it was too it was hard to do comedy and see [ __ ] Pro R all the comments below for years it was like that now if you go on my Instagram it's all positive I mean you get the occasional [ __ ] but back then it was all negative and you get the occasional positivity okay and um so I was like that's OD so I just every basically what I did mate it's not rocket science was every my demographic was mainly men and there's certain products and things that men consume yeah and there's certain businesses out there uh that would regularly come to me to promote and I started saying no to the promotion and trying to negotiate small percentages of their company and their businesses um and I I got a few deals like that and I helped build a couple of brands that blew up um and still retain some some of it now uh some of them said no so I started my own uh Brands and my own products you know give an example what you said I selling I was selling through lockdown for instance I was selling beer laughs beer it was uh ironically uh [ __ ] me through lock down I'm just promote I'm promoting I'm promoting do you know what I mean [ __ ] could have so cocaine [ __ ] me um but yeah like like anything you think of all the different industries that men consume sex gambling uh [ __ ] alcohol um or you know I've got a nightclub um where's the club that's in clap I'm turning it into a comedy club now um clap my street clap Junction uh clap North CL North is it I live there yeah did you you know the railway arches yeah yeah one of them is it there is yeah um but you know morally uh anything to do with addiction I've sold or dropped or St like the beer I just stopped it uh made great money from it and loads of other little things loads of other like apps and bits and Bobs but I created a lot of my own businesses as well I created my own sort of things uh and events and all all stuff like that but I managed to make a lot of money mate good for you good for you yeah what was the point when you said we spoke about earlier it was a year ago you're going right I am stopping booze yeah I'm stopping drugs I'm sto I want to be the best dad I can be and the best husband I can be yeah and that was 12 months a ago how many years you've been smashing the backside out of it in total do you reckon until you said well I am stopping for life now I'd probably how old are you today I'm 39 and I I'll probably started hitting it really hard when I was in Cyprus had never stopped what age 20 21 20 20 so what's that 19 years you've had a good 20 years didn't and yeah every weekend yeah every weekend I'd find but that weekend and then creep into a Thursday or you want to celebr Tuesday I was [ __ ] I was [ __ ] and and if you're out there doing it now just at the weekend you got to remember by the time you recover you're back straight back on it and people you know I thought I was bipolar I thought I suffered with anxiety and depression yeah but that had nothing to do with my drinking I was like my drinking is my life right I go and enjoy myself with my mes but why have I got anxiety all the time why don't I why have I got depression the anxiety was give me an example of anxiety like waking up with worry and not you know waking up with worry and not KN having moments in the day where you're nervous and worried but not knowing why but now I know what it is withdraw from alcohol yeah it's withdrawal symptoms from alcohol and cocaine and also what I've learned through my sobriety is when you smash the granny out of your dopamine receptors all weekend cocaine if you have one sip of beer you get of dopamine right you have a whole pint you get more dopamine right the body releases dopamine it's like you sway that way with the dopamine and then you've got to sway back right and the normal your normal go-to feeling will not be your Baseline will not be happiness right how I feel now in life I'm like feels weird I'm like wandering around going [ __ ] hell this is weird I'm just happy in general yeah but I was never like that because when your body is depleted of your [ __ ] serotonin and your dopamine and you've got alcohol running through your brains and drugs guilt fear but what what that guilt fear and anxiety and depression is right is because you're not at Baseline you're lower than it everything's depleted you are you're naturally in a state of like depression naturally because of all the chemicals and stuff like that your brain is going what's the [ __ ] problem what's the threat what's the threat where's the [ __ ] tiger where's the [ __ ] dinosaur whatever what it used to be yeah where's the threet where's the threet and you're like worried but you don't that's anxiety you don't know why you take away the drink and the drugs mate you just like you like wake up in the morning and if you had exercise like I do I wake up in the morning get my exercise I'm like wo yeah amazing W I'm like and then my Baseline is Just Happening yeah but the key to it is training yeah the Train the training training is the key and the food yeah I mean you cut out the drink and drugs I mean it's [ __ ] at first yeah but if you can get through a few months it becomes good you get through like six months it becomes better seven eight months you start cutting [ __ ] me it's amazing you get to a year and you're like mate I want to tell everyone about it that's why I'm one of them sober [ __ ] influencers now because I want to tell everyone about it's the best and the best thing about it is you swap guilt and shame for Pride right people see you like you said people go [ __ ] me you look fresh [ __ ] hell you're right lovely feeling right when someone tells you that or your wife and it's C my eyes out the first time my wife said it to her I'm proud of you yeah amazing I cried my eyes out and she doesn't even and she's like I'm taking you out for dinner on Saturday for the only bad thing about hitting a year cyber is how you celebrate me yeah that a good point I'm like what we doing want to get a bag in B bed by nine yeah fair play mate and moving forwards then moving forwards from after 2022 been clean this year tell me about your life and how it's improved so much and the world you're in right now and the tours you're doing and what you got coming up I feel like I've just got value now uh you know I feel like I've got like I'm here talking to you I've got something to say do you know what I mean instead of just trying to be funny and uh and trying to manipulate my audience into you know loving me and and whatever do you know what I mean or social media in general I feel like I've got a Genuine s positive so I love that I think anyone out there that's going through something hard or being through something hard the best thing you can take of it is once you survive it or you get out of it or you find a way to cope with it because I've got to remember that I could pick up a drink and it could all go [ __ ] West you know it's constant work but I have something to offer so so yeah just keep spreading that message and I just feel like it's just good man I just like Serenity just peace you know no no drama um that's the big one right it's peace yeah it's like life is different for me now you know and what's important to me is like I always used to be especially when I lost my TV show and everything I just had so much to prove like I'm still here you know you can't get rid of me or I'm still I'm still that guy you know I'm still famous or you know I'm not and you know what people say online is is it's hurtful you're trying to stay relevant and that because it's true you know so when you're touring now then have you toned it down you're still with a cheeky chapy but have you toned C subjects down more intell just more intelligent okay but in an answer to what you're saying it's like ego is the biggest thing that you learn about food sobriety because you got to sit with yourself right I can't escape how I feel with drinking drugs so the biggest thing for me now is ego I don't think what else can I get I think how can I hold on to what I got agree how can I hold business M that's the key of business how many how many entrepreneurs out there build it build it build it lose everything and go again cuz they want that buzz yeah but the good entrepreneurs will hold on to what they got and protected every angle I've lost I've [ __ ] up many things from going I want s else as well yeah shiny object syndrome yeah mate but how have your mates been that's a how are your mates been we're all on WhatsApp groups with 15 20 30 Lads bouncing piss take how have they been towards you knowing you're now clean because some people will take it in a way of going ah the boring bastard what's he doing that for and some people will be jealous that you are clean and happy and got so bright in your life and and everything's calm and peaceful where maybe their life isn't how's it been for you well the truth is that we all have we have friends uh we have sesh friends right um and my my oldest friends from when I was like at school all close friends um we all drank and use drugs together and it's kind of like unfortunately one of the only things that we've kind of got in common so on it getting on it so my my friendship my my daytoday conversations in regards to who I talk to and who my day-to-day friends are has changed completely you know that I'm not saying they're not my friends they're in fact they all getting together for someone's 40th birthday on Friday this week uh but I won't be going and um you won't be going because you know what will happen at that party everyone be getting on it drinking boozy sleeping 4:00 in the morning in the kitchen chatting [ __ ] and then feeling [ __ ] for the next three four days yeah yeah okay and I just I won't it's not because I I don't trust myself around it it's not even that it's it's just that I [ __ ] like don't interest me yeah like you know I'm in a different place in my life now if you know I don't I want to be with my family mate you know uh I don't want to be sat in the pub talk chatting [ __ ] to people that are drunk it's just the way I am people can call me arrogant I don't mind it's not mate it's not arrogant at all I think it's mature yeah well you're coming in the 40s now yeah exactly you found you finally found that you have to live in the present and when you're living in the present present brings you happiness because there's no fear it's so powerful right powerful mate being in the present and being clean and fresh and training and then you'll start working out right who my pounds who my tight mates you'll have 51 end where before we've all got hundreds of mates cuz being the scene I was in the nightclub game for 10 years now F everyone everyone loves you everyone loves you I had 12 nightclubs every week for 10 years all around the country everyone wanted a PC and stuff but so I get it yeah it's like that and look it look that's any advice I'd give to anyone that's scared of sobriety because I was I was like I didn't want to be sober because I'm like I love drinking I love doing drugs I love my friends my friends my friends my friends I want to see my friends friends that's the only thing I've got but it weren't it was the drink and drugs that I wanted um the only advice I give you is if you want to go sober you have to change your whole lifestyle embrace it start a new you it's [ __ ] brilliant they're still my pals but I don't talk to them every day and the people I do talk to like I recently like a couple of weekends ago went away on a golfing trip and the lads are went away with drink yeah but they don't get off their nut they don't get it's respectful they they come they're like we're going we're going to stay up and have a CP we're going to stay up and have a couple what you doing I'm like I'm going to bed they're like wa Wicked they're not going oh [ __ ] do you know what I mean or they're not [ __ ] missing gol cuz they're off their I don't want to be around it do you know what I mean so it's crazy powerful mate do you feel powerful oh mate yeah I do I can see it I can see the energy yeah I do and because I box as well now I'm like my body's changed I used to be a if you'd seen a picture of me a [ __ ] year ago like at my wedding even I was like [ __ ] after my honeymoon mate oh my God I had a big belly like out my face I've lost like two and a half Stone yeah uh and now I'm like [ __ ] we do hardcore training I'm sparring twice a week I'm like I feel like a [ __ ] beast do you know what I mean but also just I didn't used to like sitting at home man I didn't I didn't used to like sitting in your own you weren't happy in yourself no of course hated yourself that's what that's what alcoholism is about and and Escape drinking drugs or escapism from yourself and I [ __ ] hated unless I was getting attention on stage or I was getting love on social media or I was getting off me nut or I was getting getting getting if I was just sat like that and my Ms was there and my kids was playing I'm like [ __ ] what am I getting out of this it's weird and what it was I was longing for the drink or the excitement or the buzz or the uh now when I sit home I'm like great this is great is it this is great yeah mate have you got nature around you um no yeah yeah I mean yeah I'm in Sor so there s boy there some there's a few treats I'm on a golf course as well business is good no but no uh no I'll go and play golf a bit and stuff like that yeah but I'm I am in I'm into my training I tried the cold dips and i' done a little Mount I've done everything you know as say you get off the gear and you start climbing mountains so I've done a little are you touring we got tour coming up tell me tell me about the tour so yeah I didn't even manage to get into it but through my sobriety with the podcast the producer that just randomly walked in that it was like a studio that you rent he randomly walked in nothing to do with sobriety but he was producing you know I started doing my podcast on sobri he worked he was a producer for GB news as well and he was like mate it's great to see and I big fan of your work why don't we get on GB news so I've done a few stints on there on their comedy program they got a comedy Headliners just like comedy news program and I was on there cracking jokes and taking the piss out of the news uh but feeling good about myself do you know what I mean not like on TV if you can call it TV but I mean not like on TV like I don't want to say anything wrong I was like I'm sober I'm proud I'm like I'm here you know what you're saying I know what I'm saying I'm present I'm present right and this um this [ __ ] uh what you call it this company there's a guy called Nigel clarfeld right I contacted him about 5 years ago I was like he's a he owns a massive um comedy um what's it called uh promotion company right it's called B B and G comedy and massive right and I was like trying to find who the biggest in the game was everyone was saying this is Nigel Gees are I was contacted him I was like do you know I am he's like yeah I was like I want to do an Edinburgh show you know I want to like cuz Edinburgh is like the [ __ ] it's the H yeah all the comedians I'm like I was like 5 years ago I was still on the piss and everything I was still angry I was like I want to be [ __ ] I want to show all the comedians I want to show them that I'm still here I want to show them I'm the best and he was like no mate no he was like you're toxic like no one no one likes you no one wants to see that name same fell yeah Nigel he said no one wants he's like I'm not putting my name next to you he's just brutal with me he was like the comedians don't like you the venues don't like you my my brand your at his best he saw me on um he saw me on GB news he done a bit of research watched the podcast and got in touch with me and he's like mate what a story like what a what a journey what a story he was like how' you feel about doing a tour and I was like he was like listen it's going to be hard he I've personally got to go to the I personally I've got a relationship with every venue in the country I've personally got to go around and see who will work with you but if you're up for it I'll back you I'm I believe it's your time you deserve it you know I believe 10 years is long enough you know you're not a bad person and he had this massive speech on the phone he said come meet me I sat down with him and I just could see it in his eyes he was like you deserve it and you know he just like you know and this is what he was like this is what comedy's about for me you know and I believe you're a talent as well you know that's the main thing what's what's his full name turn name Nigel clarfeld clarfeld yeah and and he was like and the main the bones of it is you're funny like I believe you should be seen by your audience you know and he's given you a second chance yeah so I said go massive shout out to [ __ ] that's quality bound and gay comedy and and and bound and gay comedy is it okay I know shut up shut up is there yeah it's on the poster [ __ ] hell some people out there going just gu for [ __ ] real yeah [ __ ] H so tell me the tour tell me some dates tell me some tour where you at everywhere he he he went out he he went out to venues and he like the first week he went out to it's 30 dates so it's everywhere right it's it's examp oh mate um well [ __ ] give me just give me an example London do London Birmingham um we're doing the Whirl we got like bur and Edmunds okay just 30 towns and cities 30 towns and cities yeah like Plymouth we've sold out about five or six dates we to buou uh I'm not sure I'll have we sold over 10,000 tickets already yeah but finally enough he come when he started going out to the venues I was really anxious you know waiting to see they're going to come back yes he come back and he's like yeah s so yes so so yes so so yes s yes he's like I got a know and he had a know from a couple of big ones which I won't call out because I'm doing like a thousand cers yeah and he had a so a big one is what size 1,000 to 2,000 okay that's a big theater yeah big theater they're not arenas yeah yeah next year year after but um and he uh but he he was like a dog with a bone so once he had some lined up he was going back to the ones that were saying no and he's going he's going there doing it and also you've got [ __ ] so and so coming that done this you know other comedians you know like there's one in America I can't remember what his name is but he was wanking himself off in front of girls in bedrooms he's a big American comedian but um and he's doing big tours you know but you know and uh and he was going back how come you can have him he done a joke he's been charged and D sudden they're going [ __ ] hell I got them all I'm brilliant obviously he's making money out it but I mean that's what I needed I needed someone to back you need someone to believe you believe in you and now because I'm selling them out now the industry is like all right so he's back he's back he's back and now people are like and also cancel culture has kind of done a bit of a U-turn where people are like cuz now you've got people getting canceled for [ __ ] real [ __ ] real [ __ ] you know I won't name any names but in the thing now people going back going well he only said that only said a yeah do you know what I mean so and it's a bit like you know 10 years ago he wasn't a [ __ ] so how do you how would you be nervous on that tour to think ah what's going to come out my mouth or you like well cuz I'm clean I've got no booze inside i' got no gear inside me I'm present I'm older I'm older I'm more mature I think I'm going to be funnier but I know there's a level uh yeah no I'm nervous no okay I'm always nervous because um there's some things that that that are going on in the world now that right or wrong you just can't have an opinion on yeah you know what I mean you know there's like you know well everyone's scared to speak up whe it's gender whether it's woke trans what everyone's scared to speak but to be honest with you my attitude is if it's the last toy it's the last toy it's going to be the bet it's going to be the best so I'm not s I'm not I'm not writing to censor do you know what I mean I'm not like oh I can't say that I'm like well plus I went I went I went go I went to go and see Ricky ja's work in progress show a few weeks ago I'm seeing a lot I'm looking at a lot of comedians just getting feel for the landscape and he does not give a [ __ ] yeah what Ricky J no but there is you you could say he's too big to cancel whereas you know he's not going to do a joke wrong and then [ __ ] the O2 is going to go a taking they're taking [ __ ] a few million quid right uh and I am just on my way back up it's a little bit easier for them to sort of say that but um I what I've learned from watching comedians is it's all a nothing man so okay I am I am conscious I'm nervous but I ain't going to sensor myself but you're not going to have anxiety now you're clean no you're not going to wake up in the morning and go have the fear of going what' I say last night you know what you're saying you know what's going to come out you know you're testing the water with X well I'm getting rid of that now I'm doing I'm doing work in progress shows on warm-up shows two three gigs a week now um which I never used to do before yeah um so you're testing the water now water testing and how's that feel for you brilliant I love it it's like I'm back and do you feel that the crowd you can tell a crowd straight away whether they're in or not yeah okay and and weirdly enough like I done a comedy club in voxal a couple of nights ago and there was 30 people in there and it was a small little Comedy Club they never would have had me before never and so being in there and as a real comedian amongst other comedians doing five or 10 minutes I was like that's how I felt I made it okay not when I'm doing [ __ ] Shepherd's Bush Empire and there's 2,000 I think it's about 2,000 of my fans in there that's like all right great then my followers being in there with 30 people with other Comedians and other comedians going [ __ ] hell you welcome back where does Dappa laughs come from um well it's Dappa cuz I'm good looking and laughs cuz I'm funny end of end of uh it was an AO ego that that when I really wanted to push the lad culture I just wanted to create I'm I'm a character guy you see have you seen kid Frankie yeah no I don't know why so if anyone that follows me and make sure you go and follow me on my Instagram Dapper's Instagram lightly Evans I'm a character I'm a character performer right so I I create many characters and and daa last was just is the most famous one I've also got like kid Frank he's a little kid that sell swees like he's a drug dealer I've got like oh I have seen that is that kid Frank is okay and the CES Gremlin uh he wears like cone on say he's like hello you little sausage CES Gremlin is my addiction and like I don't do them at the moment cuz I'm not sure how I feel about them but I used to do them every Friday where I I do them with my Ms where she'd be like baking a cake or something with some flour and and I'll be like all right babe and she's like yeah it's Friday and as soon as she says it's Friday I'm like and then he comes up like hello you little sauage are you ready to get on the bugle and I'm like whoa whoa whoa It's like that isn't flow that's cocaine and in one of the videos he's like sprinkle it on your Miss tits and try and sliff it off she'll love it she will and then the camera Cuts back to me and I'm going no no she's just like looking at me and I end up sprinkling on bers and trying to do a line get slapped and uh so so Dappa was just he was that he was that vent for that that that that type of humor Dan I've absolutely loved this episode mate yeah that's been good hasn't it yeah mate and you know what I just want to say I'm really happy because I've done I've done another I've been doing a lot of podcasts uh recently and they've all been about sort of depressing stuff and addiction and this has been a right laugh man it REM it reminds me that um I'm a funny you are oh can I say that I think they t- bombs have be getting beat bit but for those you at home you know I'm okay Dan it's a pleasure mate I think what you've gone through mate to where you are now you've gone through Helen Beck yeah like knowing that you're going to be this massive thing with no role model or no sort of figure around you to guide you and lead you you just gone and done it you've created an entrepreneur Spirit to go I've done it I've got all these followers I'm going to earn money from bang bang bang you said the wrong things you probably regret it because you were a young kid back there naive and on the gear and on the booze but seeing you today mate and hearing your whole story it's really powerful man and I really pray for you that you stay clean and sober the rest of your life yeah I will man yeah I will it's too good yeah it's too good and a massive shout out just before we finish have you got anything to say to Shel and your kids oh don't you'll make me cry man I I just you know shell knows the beautiful thing about sobriety is like I keep saying you can't avoid your shame and I got a lot of Shame about you know ruining parts of my wedding day and ruining the birth births of my kids um but through through learn through feeling that shame or communic it to her you know so she finally gets like awar she finally sees that I see you know which gives her closure not clo she never have closure but you know what I mean it gives her she's like oh thank you for [ __ ] seeing that because she holds on to that resentment so um all I want to say to Shell is thank you I don't you know um I don't know how you've managed to stay with me this long and and through staying through staying with me yeah just thank you I I I honestly believe I I would be probably dead I know that people say that but I think that if I didn't have the my kids and my Ms there's no way I'd go sober because I'd have no reason to yeah um so I just want to say a big thank you to Shel and um we got an exciting I can't say too much about it but we've got an exciting future coming up me and Ed if you can read between the lines on that we've got great things coming so amazing so I love you and uh yeah I mean she gets a good part of the deal as well I'm looking good you know what I mean so and you know there's a small period when you go sober as well the shagging gets weird you know I mean CU you've been drinking and you're done you still but now I back to so so it's for the SOB is for both of us baby no but I love her amazing thank you for giv me the opportunity to say that to her yeah mate pleasure it protects Shel and the kids of your life mate yeah you're a proper gentleman thank you m yeah I've really enjoyed it it's been fun yeah mate M that first bit made that whole section I didn't think we was going to get through it thought can I tell a story then or what mate you come to the tour yeah yeah mate 100% I'll be at the tour man front seats VIP at the back yeah we'll get you on stage yeah mate you're a good man cheers Che [Music] m
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 96,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DodgeWoodall, DodgePodcast, JamesEnglish, ShaunAtwood, EventfulLives, EventfulLivesPodcast, DodgeWoodallPodcast, Podcast, Entrepreneur, Rob Moore, Documentary, Crime, CrimeDrama, CriminalUnderworld, TrueCrimes, Boxing, IFLTV, Gangs, Criminals, CriminalGangs, TysonFury, EddieHearn, MentalHealth, Football, PhilCampion, DaveCourtney, TNTSports, SkySports, GaryNeville, DAZN, PremierLeague, CrimePodcast, KrayTwins, TheKrays, BritishGangsters, DeontayWilder, MichaelBisping, dapper laughs, Daniel O'Reilly, Simple Simon, KSI
Id: 5VnRi7BtZBQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 13sec (6253 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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