Most Feared 20 Year Old London Gangster: Ghost

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180 Grand now lone shark woman four Sons edes messaged me through his burner phone straight onto my burn phone as we're driving into South London Who Sat by the traffic lights armed coppers so I take a chase in central London who crashed the car running running I don't know where I'm going end up by the pier I'm looking at them they're looking at me I've looked at them I said jump from there a full-fledged robber armed robberies guns yeah was there any nerves from you going into do any of these jobs no because I convinced myself what's in there it's mine I'm not doing anything wrong yeah I was in a situation where I shot someone in the neck with a shotgun he looked at me as though I was a monster despite the fact that we've grown up together as kids I have the coke I have the weed I got the shotgun stored next thing I hit a helicopter above the roof of the house the door fles open oh pleas I'm in my boxes I'm thinking [ __ ] I got laser beams on my chest zip timey pitch black whack whack whack blood leaking out of me dashed me into the back of the car that was the first time I went to prison and how long did you get do you know that there was a bounty on your head at that time I didn't know how much until I got older how much was on your [Music] head ghost welcome to the show mate thanks for having me brother yeah I'm very much looking forward to this this roll all the way back where did you grow up and how did you end up having a Hitman when he's take you out uh I grew up in Canning Town uh new little place called um cing town and um I ended up actually having uh money put on me uh when I was 17 it was due to a stupid decision that I made rational decision that I made when I was very young uh that had serious repercussions I wasn't aware of how deep or how serious the repercussions were until it was too late um yeah until I found out you know the whole you know Barrow the whole area was on me I had no idea no one even said a single word so um by the time I found out it was already too late you know so that was when you were 17 what was life where were you born what was life like growing up okay so I was I was actually born in Uganda um I was born in Uganda uh went to school came here when I was like six so I went to school um in Canning Town there's a school called Ravens Croft Primary School um so actually some of the guys I came with I went to school with um and then from there there's a school called cand I I don't know if you're aware of cumin from around so yeah there was a secondary school called called Cumberland so I went to school and I was raised up in new kenning toown okay and coming from Uganda what was that what was that feeling like coming from Uganda going straight into East London do you know what to be honest with you it was a um it was a change obviously um but I don't really have too much memories of that cuz I was too young um my mom back in Uganda she was well off so she owned several properties she had married into like a army General um everyone knows you know there's certain parts in Africa you know corrupt or certain people end up well of certain people end up bad of so not to say not to say he was corrupt or whatever but he had uh wealth so I say like my Mom married into this this this wealth so not too long after they had been married uh he passed away and she inherited you know the houses and the land that he had yeah um and then from there cuz he wasn't my biological father my biological father was already in the UK so he just wanted me to be with him my mom had uh other kids so I went I went to be with my father okay and was it just yourself who got uh flew over from Uganda was it yeah it was just me and because your mom wanted you to be with your biological dad yeah my um my dad my mom had four other kids and uh I think I was a handful from a young age yeah I was a handful from young age so she kind of needed you know I would't say a little break but I think she thought it would be better for me to maybe if I had a a male role model in my life to come and you know and um you know spend some time with my Dad yeah yeah what age were you when you started getting when you realized you were actually getting into naughty stuff uh that was in secondary school okay yeah that was in secondary school I find it that in secondary school people try to find themselves yeah so even just get from primary school to Secondary School believe it or not that's a big shock it's a change of environment you know uh there's older kids much older from like you know from primary school to secondary school you know you got a year s to year 11 so you can imagine someone has a year what age is that uh what's that like 13 13 okay something like that so you can imagine 12 or 13 now you with 16 year olds that about to leave school so you tend to look around and find yourself within that you know um but if I'm going to be honest with you I've always been a little [ __ ] from Young I I try to uh I've always been getting in trouble man my whole life has just been a a bit of trouble you know so do you remember your first bit of trouble um I'll share something with you that I haven't really shared with anyone my first bit of serious trouble that I got into was my mom's was with my mom so um uh we used to have house cleaners uh in Uganda cuz we had a lot of properties and my mom needed these properties cleaned and we used to like rent out houses and stuff like that so um um I remember I had a dog cuz I used to love dogs as a kid um it was a German shepherd and the cleaner had uh cleaned the patio and uh my dog came onto the patio with like Maddy Paws and um the cleaner hit my dog so I think I absolutely lost it this is like the very earliest bit of trouble I got into and uh I just I just went into a rage and I picked up stones and I started throwing them at the cleaner for hitting my dog so as was a punishment my mom locked me into locked me in one of these houses um every day right as a punishment uh for 3 weeks from sunrise to sunset empty house so you can imagine as a young kid the mind frame the Mind state that that does to you you know so every time I would wake up she would say right and I think this must have been during like school holidays or something like that right empty house it was a very empty massive house so I can see kids playing out and you know it's like hard bit of porridge at a young age you know what I mean so um it's only now that I've become a man that I've realized that these things have a detrimental effect you know up upon you you know um yeah so what age was it when trouble really come about in this London at time were you talking in 15 16 17 18 what was what was that those years so this for me this was in year 10 which is what age uh 14 15 okay year 10 14 15 um I had been hanging around um with some boys so look in school you got you got a school life outside school there's the the area boys the local boys that roll around in a ped bik small splits and this happens in every Community uh uh I uh started hanging around with the boys outside school um the local boys and they used to smoke a bit of weed and I could see that they used to do a little bit of hustle selling paffen selling other other things so for me at the time I tried to bit of cannabis I got into the habit of smoking cannabis and uh I needed to fund that habit right so um what I did obviously you're not going to be asking your mom for money every day you know so you can buy a puff and at this time when I went to move my dad he had uh he was with someone else so stepmother on manine and um so she was like a mother figure for me growing up obviously I couldn't go to her and ask her for money um so I got uh a quarter of anounce you know at that age to start off hustling yeah at the time the prophet said man ain't there's basically no profit in it it's just to keep your habit ticking over um I took drugs into a school and um I remember you know I remember selling a bit of puff to some kids that were younger than me um they reached out to me and asked me you know um can you sell us some some weed morally I knew it was wrong but they were pushing for it and they had some money on them as well I think they must have been at the time if I was in year 10 they must have been in like year eight year n um I give them a bit of weed giving them a bit of weed um they took the weed to the back of the the the uh the back of the field cuz we had like a massive Sports field and they smoked uh that weed when they smoked that weed I think one of them couldn't take take the weed he started he started having like a a episode so the kid started rolling around on the floor his little po that he's smoking with didn't know what to do so he freaked out went running down the field looking for any anyone in charge know like a sports teacher or any type of teacher to help him so he can bring awareness to what's happening at the end of the field so upon doing that he got a teacher the teacher came the kids still having an episode I think it's like you know too much sun mixed with a bit of THC no so the teacher came and asked what just happened here you know the kid Gras rightfully you know if your friend's in trouble and you know you took a bit of puth and ask you what's wrong you don't really want to be held accountable by making up lies they need to get the right you know help to help this kid so he said uh you know smoked a bit a puff so the teachers want to know where' you got where where did you get that weed from he said a guy in year 10 called Adam right I'm sitting in a classroom and I remember as I'm sitting there a a friend of mine um over so saw the police had come came in cuz obviously the teachers called the police straight away you know I think they must have asked the kids did you know more time when you're selling it you Tred to give people options especially if your bags are [ __ ] you tried to show that hey like you know they're all the same type of bags a special one yeah this this one's for you speci for you so he must have passed this information on and uh yeah the police got called into the school the school the police came into the school I'm starting class none the wise of what's Happening downstairs one of my friends come up into the class and it goes woof he goes I just heard the police are downstairs I've heard your name you know the teacher passing information to the police so uh the teacher came upstairs with the police obviously the police don't know what it look like he needs to identify who you know Adam McKenzie is from 10B or whatever and uh the teacher came up pointed at me but but before the teacher came up the uh my friend alerted me and said to me you know yo you know there's police outside and I panicked and to be honest with you I was a bit of a dick in school you know you make fun of other people's expenses so in that situation you look around and you see the the whole classroom's looking at you and I'm I'm thinking well who do I give this bag to you know I need to give this B to someone CU they take me away I don't want to say I got a bag you know I don't want to own up to anything so there's one kid that used to let wedgie and you know give him a hard time so out of everyone everyone in a classroom everyone put their head down the kid put his hand up he goes that'll help you in that precise moment of time I felt so much guilt for everything I'd put him through cuz now everyone that you f were friends with you no one wants to help you and this kid that you've been wedging for years for the past 4 years he's looking to help you right so uh the teachers came up with the coppers and they asked uh Adam I put my hand up I said yes that's me they said can you come out please so they've took me to a separate room to interview to ask me because obviously they can't interview me I need a like a adult with me so they're asking me did you so weed blah blah blah they're asking me about a bag it was a black Knik bag they said did you come with bag I said I didn't come with no bag I ain't got no bag I said these are lies I didn't sell anyone in weed so as we're in there right I hear knock knock knock right the door opens as the door opens guess who hands in the bag the same kid have been wedgieing for the past four years and he had a smirk on his face I never forget his name hey I don't hold no feelings but what's his name his name is Robert you know he's probably going to be watching this that was like a payback I remember his first set but I won't give his first set his name is Robert he handed in the bag and he had a little smirk on his face I'll get you back yeah take that right I was permanently excluded uh so you expelled from that school permanently okay and that was at the age of what age uh 14 15 15 14 15 between that age and then after that what was your journey after that so my journey after that from from um from school especially not proper school they take you into a uh a center so now you're Pro you know you're attend a center you don't go to school cuz you got to finish your is it sets yeah GC GC you got to finish your GC and some of these centers don't have all the subjects that that you'd have in a normal school so in there you meet all types of kids kids that have been kicked out of school so now the company that you're keeping is just like you do you know what I mean so um from then uh my my my interest in school just went out window um just went out the window so I just started focusing more on selling drugs um within the community uh so I went into selling weed sold a bit of uh weed and then the more money you make from selling weed you Branch out into that stuff like Coke you know um you sell a bit of coke on the weekends you know Friday Saturday and Sunday and then what comes with that as well is uh you know patches when people sell drugs in local areas most of the times when there's drugs involved there's going to be territorial Post Yeah situations um and then from those situations to be honest with you we um bypassed the knife carrying you nowadays is like a fashion to carry knives what year we talking here roughly we're talking 25 26 200 2005 2006 okay okay um so we went straight into guns we didn't carry knives you know um if I'm going to be honest with you I've never really knives are a bit messy so it's not my preferred weapon of choice I've never really you know done anything with knives went straight to guns um and we're talking about high powered you know handguns yeah at what age was this that was at 16 16 what sort of guns you get your hands on uh my first gun was actually 44 uh um caliber handgun um 6in Barrel nose that was a uh that was a weapon you know um it was very intimidating cuz uh I think the bullets bullets were about this big you know and it's one of those guns that if you do fire it um car alarms tend to go off and it's it's it packs a kick um my mom found that actually the first gun that my mom found was a shotgun and um she threw that shotgun in the bin and the bin man took that I was very very upset times you know farmer Farmer shotguns you get them for500 and I was very upset she found it she didn't say anything she threw it in the bin so I didn't approach her about it the second time around she F this um 44 snab nose that I had and we I had spent a couple thousand on that so as a 16 17 year old if you're spending 3 and a half th000 you're doing all right selling drugs yeah that yeah exactly but um if that gets taken you have to address the situation and my mom took that but she hadn't thrown it away so my sister come to me cuz uh funny enough cuz it's small and it's uh it's uh concealable you tend to leave it in loose placees not like a s off shotgun you got to find this particular place to hide it you know you can I remember I left it in a in a drawer as a one off my mom went in there open it I used to keep it in a sock she went in there opened the drawer when she's opened the drawer she just took it every time I go out I have to have it on me just in case were you carrying everywhere you went everywhere I went right everywhere listen every prior to get a prison you will never see me apart from the leading up to the time right um that's the one time that I didn't have it but we'll get to that so before I've gone out my sister told me m your mom's F mom's F you're gone so I'm like oh [ __ ] I got to say something now right so I pulled her you know for a conversation I said Mom um you you found something in in in my room and uh she looked at me she I sensed the for know sense of you know um disappointment she said yeah I did so now I'm thinking [ __ ] man How am I'm going to get out of this situation I said that Mom I need that back she said to me no why so now I'm thinking to myself I got come up a good reason to why I need this gun back right I can't say just I need to shoot people exactly so uh I said to her it's not mine right it's someone else's and I can get in a lot of trouble for this you know I was doing it as a favor stupid favor but I got to return it back today I need it back so my mom gave me an option she said listen um you got to choose the gun or the house um so I chose the gun gun or to live in this house yes you choose you take the gun and you leave or I keep it and throw it away and you can stay in the house and at the time to be honest with you I was a bad influence towards my siblings I come into the house smelling on weed you know um she knows me to be doing things that ain't so legitimate um I'll come in the house high I never eat with a house I come in high go straight upstairs um but so when she did kick me out of the house when I chose the gun and left the house um I had to apply for um accommodation through the council cuz you know I'm still under 18 I'm like approaching 16 17 18 sorry 17 16 to 17 so it falls upon the duty of the council to try and house me so they have you in uh they have you in in how um what you call it hosts and stuff like that right I'm still running around in the street to my friends um so one day we got into a situation where a friend of mine who's now dead um he got into a situation where he had been beaten up by a group of boys whereabouts uh this happened in kenning Town beaten up by a group of boys and coincidently says though it was meant to be I was outside the house of one of my other friends when this friend of mine who wasn't actually really friends with me we just said hello and bye for someone else he came to me and he had asked me you know you know he said to me listen I just been beaten up by a group of boys I need you to help me you know um I want to like a a one-on-one type of situation with the boys so I came there as a form sense of like a security just to ensure that no one else jumps in but when we've got there um to these group of boys and we've confronted them um we ended up rushing the main corporate so in this situation the main corporate end up getting stabbed which if I'm going to be honest I didn't know about right but I had a dog with me cuz I love dogs like I said earlier the dog done whatever it done what dog what type of dog uh I had a English Bo Tero yes nauy uh done what it done and um yeah we left the vicinity how many how many Lads were there that day on your side and on side on my side there probably about three there's about three of us in total and then uh probably about six seven of them and then when you saw them one of one of you they froze okay froze um were they carrying uh where we caught them we caugh them in a vulnerable position okay where they weren't able to retaliate okay um and then when you say caught them in a vulnerable position what you mean by that uh in in a certain area where they couldn't run or they couldn't we caught him in an area in a you know and we actually brazenly done this in in a presence of cameras yeah you know but we caught them in a very very vulnerable um uh situation one of them ended up getting stabbed there was blood everywhere clar everywhere I didn't think nothing of it you know until you know I found out that he was related the kid was related to like a drag Baron's uh brother little brother he was a drug Baron's drug Baron that was his little brother yeah okay wow um at the time I was still running around you know we're still doing what we do what what you do at age of 16 17 so from there you know gloves were all off cuz a kid had his forehead blood coming from his forehead he's been stabbed the the dog was lock drawing him or stamping him out the whole thing so I remember the shouted my name as we were leaving I didn't think nothing of it you know a couple weeks ago by I don't think nothing of it I'm into mle Peds by m Peds and I've heard something Rumors in the air yo you know you know uh you're a wanted man so you know you tend to take that a pinch of SW you know want it for what and uh yeah it actually came into fruition you know the uh the attempt was made on me brazenly you know in in front of a a secondary school broad daylight at lunchtime did you know that there was a bounty on your head at that time yeah but I didn't I didn't know how much until I got older I found out exactly how much was was how much was on your head at that £100,000 so I H £1,000 dead yeah to get rid of you get rid of this cuz obviously you know it's sometimes it's the passion it it may not be the uh caliber of the person yeah but it's the violation that the person's took cuz they don't they don't really care the caliber of the person they're like listen rub this kid out yeah whoever rubs this kid out you know whether you get nicked or you get away with it this is what's basically replace your life with this yeah and uh I remember that precise day when I I got stabbed I was actually in the process of picking up drugs hold on that was the same day you got stabbed or this is another day no this is another time another day you got stabbed yeah so my picture actually got I don't know if you remember Myspace you remember Myspace yeah yeah so in that process even though I used to like doing like you know um uh extracurricular activity at the household them or whatever I I used to I love the music you know so I thought I was going to be like a rapper like yeah I'll try I'll try my luck in this so in that process you know you got to put your your pictures out there and Myspace these guys went in mypace took my picture off mypace there he is you know so you can't really be that's when I think it actually dawned on me at 16 17 you can't actually be a rapper and be doing the criminal activities that you claim to be rapping about because if the police don't get you the actual gangsters will get you you know you got shows to attend to they will just come there and catch you you know they printed my picture off mypace and handed it around from you know kids that ped a bike to guys that ride bags the guys that ride cars if you see this kid walking around make the call and I went to go uh meet a a dealer who used to sell like you know big bits of drugs and a kid saw me on a pedal bike um waiting for the dealer to pull up so the call was made in the process of the call being made um some of them boys that were there when we caught them they were the first batch to turn up and I remember looking at these boys and I'm thinking I had you in a compromising position I'm not going to run from I didn't think there was more to come all of a sudden motorbikes are pulled up um cars are pulled up and that's when the initial beating started for me you know um bike helmets you know the the chains that you used to lock your bike stomped out the whole shebang my memory went blank I don't remember anything all I remember is being put on a stretcher but in that process I'm hearing there's a a dude that came with like a hand samurai or whatever he had sunk it into my stomach so if I if you're unconscious so if you're asleep and someone slaps you or does something to you and you wake up out your sleep that was the initial stage that I underwent you know so he sunk it into my stomach a couple times I remember being put on a stretcher with blood coming out of my mouth um they cut your clothes off cuz they don't know where else you've been stabbed a broad daylight I remember seeing some little Chinese kid looking at me like that little girl crying dropped a box of chicken chicken and chips that she had as I'm being put on a stretcher next think I wake up uh 3 two weeks later you know with black you know you wake up with tubes in your throat um tubes running down your you know your private parts to help you go you know go to it and stuff like that and that's that one time I got caught I got caught about it yeah you know um that's one time you weren't carrying a gun that's that one time that is that a God send is that a good thing you weren't carrying that day looking back now as an adult looking back again if I was carrying end up shooting loads of people do you know what yes but that all doesn't matter because when I when as I got older this is something that I've gone into yeah you know um so it was kind of a godsend because I would have shot multiple people and I probably won't even be sitting here because uh probably just got you know either attempted murders or murder times two or you know so in that situation that that's what led after I got a hospital cuz they they gave me a zipper and it staple all your guts inside put your guts inside and it staple you back together um after I got at hospital that's when now my life took the turn for the worst now I've gone into you know doved into guns even deeper you know what was your when you in hospital what was your attitude at the time were your attitude right I'm going to go and get them Revenge space be honest to be honest with me I was in the process of trying to heal because I was thinking [ __ ] man I need to get out this position cuz I I'm not going to lie I was in a such a vulnerable position that I've never really told anyone this I was actually paranoid that they could come and finish the job while I was that's what I mean that's sitting there in your bed there was no old Bill there no so I was just laying there I remember I used to press that is that morphing I used to press that so much so that it stopped working you know the pain normally so when you get stabbed what the initial stabbing doesn't hurt because your adrenaline is rushing you know you feel like you're being punched but the healing process is that's where the pain is you know cuz it felt like my belly had Co inside it at night time when everyone's falling asleep I'm rolling around in my bed I remember pressing up the uh hospital bed and it sits you up you know just to try and help ease the pain so you move around in all types of angles and I had to move around in the Zuma frame Zuma frame like a old person cuz I stitched together how long did it take how long you walking around like this for in a really vulnerable position uh probably about a month right okay yeah that's after I got out of coma yeah cuz I was in the coma um you were yeah yeah yeah I was in the I woke up two weeks later yeah I woke up two weeks later um you know that was a situation um for me and I'm not going to lie that's one of the times I F vul if if you was to ask me any moments in your life you thought vulnerable that was the moment in my life felt vable you know because I was in a position to defend myself if if anyone comes in you know what the go you just push me over what was the what was the movements you come out of there then what was going through your mind when you came out of H Hospital you said it it took a turn for the worst what happened there I I started um you know I started applying pressure on people um so as soon as I got a hospital I invested in another gun you said you applying pressure on home uh I I went into like robberies uh robberies um shootings and and any any type of trade you know so I was out for Revenge to be honest but that didn't even really last long because um the police were on me straight away because of the uh type of pressure I was applying so you know I'm the type of guy that you find in in your Alleyway dark at night you know I'll just pop out from the the darkest part of the alleyway and you know slide on you you know um yeah that didn't last long because is that where the nickname ghost come from yeah yeah my name my name we'll get into that a bit more as it goes along um I you know I thrive off of catching you by surprise I'm not I'm not the type of guy that will see you in the High Street and just jump out no I I'm an opportunist you know I take my time you know I treat every you know opportunity like it's you know you got one time to do this so I don't leave you with enough space to wiggle out the situation you know um calculated yeah very very something that I've realized as I've gone on and I've done the huge amount of time that I've done in prison I'm I'm not an irrational erratic person yeah you know I I want you know when I get you I want you to know that listen this is it you know there is no you know there's no going back you know I'm not here to talk and I never really been the type of person that talks up you know I walk up and I put in a bad position I don't talk I do what I do and I just carry on walking like nothing's happen um the kind of mind frame that I developed that it's already happened you know even when I did used to do the robberies that I used to do um the armed robberies in my head as psychotic as it sounds what I'm about to do right now has already took place yeah like that's how I get into that mind frame cuz I don't do drugs I don't you know I didn't you know um need drugs or anything like that to boost boost me up on my self-confidence I was very confident you know um uh type of person I would shake down a room of 30 people me and another person I just need someone else to carry um what do you mean you Shak down a room with 30 people you know uh type of person that have the whole party Under Siege just me and another person you know um and I don't use the whole aggressive aggressive demeanor you know I don't come in there shouting I come in there very calm Soul calm is chilling you know um and my words are very clear it's not you know I'm not mixing them up the whole situation is I don't you know I'm not if I don't if I don't need to kick the door in if the entry needs to be smooth when the entry is smooth you're [ __ ] sorry I don't know ENT you're [ __ ] because the neighbors Going To Hear You by time they hear something you're [ __ ] you know I'm in here right now and this is what's happening most of the times people comply by that so you're what 6'4 18 19 Stone 20 stone yeah I'm 6 17 and a half 17 half Stone so you've always been a big lump or growing up or this happening skinny I uh I was skinny so when I started applying pressure at the age of 17 uh people started uh calling uh the police on me you know no you know this a [ __ ] maniacs got G and he's robbing the whole community and he's doing this this and that so I uh um I remember once the first the second time I actually got into not second time I I don't even know what time this is but it's like down the line I got into a situation with some kids in college where uh some kids rushed me in college that was a wrong mistake you know you know so what I did at the time I wasn't driving I got on a bus from the college that I was at went home and got my gun and come back into the college with so you got rushed you went home on a bus come back got gun and went back into the college to find them yes and I and I did find them but the crazy thing is I got rushed in front of a bird that makes everything tenfolds worse do you know what I mean if I get beat up in front of my mates you know someone can conso you but you know when you get beat up in front of a bird you're thinking well like if anything happens to you in front of your message you're thinking listen I got to [ __ ] get on this I mean it's not the same as getting beat up in front of your pal like just this is normal guys witnessed this but women are so dramatic that they taking my new little situation and just magnify yeah and then on top of that as well you know man you know you got be by some boys down the road you know what I mean your pride kicks into play I remember getting getting on the bus and when I got my shotgun come back to the college and I see one of the boys that was part of the group that uh jumped me and um yeah I caught him in an estate I chased him down in the estate he he was a bit quick so I knew I wasn't going to catch him and what I wasn't going to do is shoot him right outside the uh college so I whacked him uh with the gun um like it was a base like a baseball bat and clamped him over the head and um blood started pouring out of him he started screaming got up off his feet run straight into the car college entrance and he told the security you know he's got a gun so I see him grasing me up I'm thinking mate where was that energy half an hour 20 minutes you know 45 minutes ago you and your PO or applying pressure on me I've come back by myself you're not with your powers now you're grassing me so I stashed the shotgun went into class I remember I used to do art and design in this college as I'm sat in a class remember the story I told you about when the uh Professor this time it's the lecturer gets called out he comes in I'm s in the class I'm carrying a big art folder like nothing's happened all of a sudden arm police Rush the classroom oh please you know how they're com in they're coming with shock Factor yeah they should try and stop you from I feel sorry for the students that were in there you know Little Hippie art you know kids that do art they [ __ ] themselves man I guarantee they were never going to forget anything like that yeah arm police come in throw me over the table they zip tie me right take drag me out your car take me into a holding room they're like you know where's the gun I'm looking at I'm thinking sh I like what what gun but I already anticipated something like this happening what I didn't want to do is whack the kid leave the vicinity leave the you know window of opportunity for police to come to my house so it's a situation if you're going to deal with it even though college is a bad place let's deal with it now you know so they've asked me where's the gun I said what gun I said the gun that you assaulted Mr so and so with I said I didn't have no gun right they said what was it I said first and foremost I didn't assault him I went to hit him right I said what did you have I said I had a scaffolding pole that's what he saw right and he tripped up yeah and cracked his head in the processor trying to run away from me right so the police actually bought that story they um they bought the story they actually went nuts on the kid that had them called cuz you know calling in special units cost money you know every time they come in they want to make sure that they've got something there so they let me go you know nothing happened they couldn't prove anything it's his word against man they're even more pissed that they've been called in and nothing has occurred I thought I was smooth I thought I was calm uh I moved into a flat right two two three months later I thought I was in the clear like I said I have my gun with me all the time I'm sleeping with it on the Wind sill my flat I had scaffolding around the flat um I remember right I got a I got a plastic door right I've seen these swap I've seen the big red key you know when they come into your drug dealers houses they do the big red key I've seen that the wooden doors pave in so quick but it's the thick plastic doors that throw the shock back to the uh key so it gives you time gives me time to flash the coke get rid of the weed Dash the gun out you know if the D come in so I got the flat cuz remember I told you I went for the whole hostle process so I end up getting a flat by the council so they've come on my sleep I said I've come um sorry let me rewind it back I'm at my mom's house cuz I managed to send my mom abroad this is this is the second time they've come from the college I'm at my mom's house I'm asleep right so we live in uh the houses are all attached right they're not semi detached or whatever they would have to jump over six Gardens to get to my mom's house at that time I got a shotgun in the back Garden in the fence neighboring just about edging into the ne next door neighbor's fence right so I have the coke I have the weed you know um I got the shotgun stored next thing I hear a helicopter above the the roof of the house so upon hearing that I wake up I'm thinking what the hell I remember I was in my boxes so the helicopter is covering the back of the house I'm going to have six armed officers jumping over the fences and they're at in front they open the door I I come running down the stairs in my boxes frantic the door flies open OH police I'm in my boxes I'm thinking [ __ ] luckily I'd sent my mom abroad at this age I was I was 17 remember from weed so I've had money I've sent my mom abroad I said I'm sorry Mom so I've occupied her house and the drug land I had was in that locality cuz that's where I'm from right police have paved in the door caught me at the bottom of the stairs in my boxes I don't know where I was running right but um screaming six different instructions hands behind your head so I'm thinking to myself sh [ __ ] man this is bad my older sister was in the house at the time I got laser beams on my chest and uh oh shotguns on you no no no like come MP5 yeah I got lace beams on me like St like this sorry I'm like this they got Shields you can't even see who it is they got black masks on so I get on my knees hands behind my head so they come into the house chop me into the back of the car I'm in the back of the car I remember see I'm in my box I got foiler around me right I remember seeing my sister coming out walking past the car looking at me she's they they they're civilians they're you know taxpayers they're AB by the law did your sister know what was going on did she know what you were up to no no my sister me and my sister never really used to connect like that we just used to say hi and bye even though we lived down the same roof um she's looked at me as she's walking I'll never forget that look as she's walking past the car I'm thinking [ __ ] at time I'm more scared of her than what the police and in the back of my mind I'm thinking I hope please take me away cuz I don't know if I'm going to be able to deal with this situation here so they've gone in the house I'm thinking I'm gone mate I'm I'm going to jail they searched the house got into the backyard and ripped it apart they've let me go they didn't find the gun the drugs nothing they didn't arrest me I'm thinking what's happening come back after they've left search the back of the garden I found my shotgun there in the bag I used to carry in I'm find my my drugs a couple ansers of coke that I had I'm thinking May what what's happening how come they didn't find it Happy Days eventually my mom's come back fast forward mve into this flat yes into the flat yeah I'm asleep right I hear remember the scaffolding around the flat I hear oh police again I'm like oh my gosh get out this time now I'm thinking cuz the shotguns by the window seill next to my bed I open the back in the door throw the shotgun out the shotgun hits who hits the armed officer who had a Glock with a torch pointing at me he disappeared off the scaffolding I'm thinking [ __ ] I can't go I'm as guilty as can be yeah I wasn't me but the guy just disappeared at that time I swear to God I thought they were going to shoot me right cuz you know you got flare arms around you could just put something in you at the time I'm like 17 approaching 18 so they disappeared off the scaffolding theyve jumped off the scaffolding weigh me in cuz they got masks on they all just the same you can't see anything zip timy whack whack whack whack wh take me into my front gu front uh living room pitch black whack whack whack oh blood leaking out of me dashed me into the back of the car I'm in the back of the car man uh first time I went to jail first they were reluctant they definitely had an informant that was telling them list is still got it still got it and they came for and eventually they got it that was the first time I went to prison for and how long did you get I got three years for possession of a prohibited weapon uh three years obviously I span the whole I'm a victim type of story you know you know I was forced to hold it as long as you got guilty the feds don't need to turn up and give statement against you there's no trial now you got to give mitigating circumstances to why you've got the gun to begin with so I say yeah you're you know you're right a letter to the judge hoping that he buys it you know I didn't mean it and at the precise moment of time as you're going through trial you like to convince yourself that you know if I get out this I'm not going to do this no more only when I got worse cuz now now that I'm in prison it's like a supermax school where all the young boys are ranging from murder attempted murder Aron possessional firearm shootings you know all that type of stuff and at that time when I got my first taste of prison I was like do you know what this is actually not bad you know what prison what prison was that I was in uh I started off in chelsford and then I went to um Felton MH that was actually a bad experience cuz I experienced bullying going on it wasn't a bad experience for me but it was a bad experience for those around me and me having to witness it cuz I'm a person I can't stand Injustice I see any type of Injustice I have to say step up and say something but the type of bullying that happens that was happening in the prison at that time give me an example what sort of bullying was going on so everyone will get together and um they will call someone at the window and the person that the calling out the window is mentally unstable and they would encourage the person to commit suicide and you have about 10 15 people banging on the window with the same Rhythm and you hear them guy kill yourself and the guy underneath his mental health is so unstable he's on like act it's called like a you know Act is called a prevention for suicide type of thing you know there'll be beatings that regularly happen in the shower where you know someone regularly gets beaten up and me as a man having obviously as a young boy at the time but having to witness that that chips away at me you know and I'm thinking h I don't really know why it's getting beaten up but I know this a right you know what I mean but there was a lot of bad bullying that used to occur in there um so you did you got three years there what you do year and months yeah 18 year and a half when you come out did I went I went Rochester after that okay yeah hmp Rochester next did you 18 months you came out were you thinking I'm going clean now or were you thinking you know I'm going I was I need to make some money I I from there full fledged robber I I have't what sort of robberies uh Dam politicians hold on hold on armed robberies armed robberies guns yeah with politicians D politicians give me an example uh I'm not going to say the politicians no no no but what did you do to a politician oh we went inside his house and uh I think he had a lot of money in his house so believe it or not even though you know we're like the poster boys of you know criminality but the PO the actual real uh criminals some a lot of these politicians man they just have suits on they're dressed appealingly to the you know um they actually are the real real um politicians so we there was a politician and he was he had a mate of his that um had a Fallout over you know um so upon them having a Fallout we got the call you know Hey listen this guy has got so and so amount of money in the house I'll give you one of the safes you go into this information you act upon that information as though you know where the rest of the you know you know where this safe is um you get him to open the safe obviously you know is someone's got a huge amount of money in a house they're not going to store 3 million in one place they're store they going to have inbuilt saves within the uh you know the the premises and they're going to store you know 200 Grand in one safe so armed robbers ever do come through because what they're doing is not right you're in that field despite the fact that you got a suit you know and you got an expensive cars if someone ever does come through cuz someone within your circle set you up you P out 200 Grand and you know the robbers will take that and that'll be enough but anyone with common sense especially if you've been giv this inside information looking for more You' be looking for more cuz right that's one safe we know there's at least 3 million in here so um we done a politician that had a very very expensive massive home you know whereabouts whereabouts in London I can't say it wasn't even in London it wasn't no it wasn't even it was outside L where about it was more uh outside more towards uh you know like Essex Essex so the houses are huge um he was corrupts can be man they all are you know as did they make you feel better for doing it knowing that they're corrupt politicians going you know what I'm doing a job here but I know he's corrupt anyway of course cuz as I got out I I couldn't be bother to hustle anymore I'm not selling drugs no more I was like screw that it's too much information there's too much uh energy put into that you know you got to make sure this is to many moving parts confiscating cash and the thing is with me I was never too shy to shoot people during robberies you know I was always one of those guys if I do come I come in very politely you know I expect come you know I've caught you you know when someone's caught you up you I'm not here to and most of the times it's your closest friend that information's come from you know I won't let you know that you know but I've come for a b and c if you try to put up a resistance I'm going to put I'm going to you know retaliate with um Force which is going to be sometime you know it's going to be over the top I'm not here for that I'm here for for the cash and in those robberies there's been one or two people or three people that have actually tried to put up a fight and stuff's G left in that process um so we've done politicians we used to do drug dealers taxing drug dealers or just going knowing they got big loads of confiscating so with drug dealers the common mistake that they make is that once they start making a lot of money they start talking down to people okay that work with them or they start to sh cut you know if you and me are both dealing and we're in this 50/50 all of a sudden now I'm turning around cuz I've got the connect and you got the distribution you know I tell you what I'm saying to you listen I think you know the price is gone up and you find out I'm lying you know so it goes from 50/50 and it's 7030 or 6040 you're not happy with that you give me a call you know I always had phones uh that would take you know um calls you know uh drug dealers so they'll call me and they say listen 50/50 and the thing is with me and and my boys who were doing that were never part of a gang we were just opportunists you know never ever been part of a gang we're just opportunist um that will take up whatever makes sense we we'll be there we'll clean up you know if it's you know if we have to turn up and confiscate if we have to do someone if we whatever it is if it makes sense we've got a man for that would you normally take a price up front or would you go right if you go and get 300 grand out of a politicians house you take a 1050 and we take a t50 or would you say I want X am that front oh no do you know what that that 300 grand out of the politician house that would be most of the time would be spiked you know cuz the person that's put us on it doesn't even want the money yeah he just wants that person okay to experience yes so that would always be not always most of the times depending on what we taken out he'll be like you know he just wants to hear the story from his power the next day what happened yeah his [ __ ] come through and [ __ ] know he's [ __ ] done this and he's you know he's this you know so was there any nerves from you going into do any of these jobs no because I convinced myself before I came in to confiscate what I'm confiscating that it's mine what's in there is mine I'm not doing anything wrong yeah you know you know even if I pass by walk past I'm not doing anything wrong what I'm taking back already belongs to me so I've L it to someone and not giving it back to me yeah so that's the type of mentality that me and my friends had you know um so if so you would have all this set up in your mind if the old Bill coming or someone coming you got all the story straight straight away yeah the old will never catch us there yeah in and out remember I've done my hence that's the whole point of doing the homework you know knowing what time you finish with there been times with you know you stick a track on someone's car or you follow them back I watch you finishing work I know what time you leave work what time you finish work where what car you drive what car your wife drives where your kids go school all of that will take time cuz I'm trying to build a picture build a picture know who I'm robbing you always got to know who you're robbing cuz you got to expect retaliation right at some point even if it's a civilian you know someone that pays the tax he's going to have a relative that finds out about this and they're not going to be happy so you got to know how far am I going to push this if there's blowback on this you know and what I tend to do sorry with like drug dealers cuz I uh I had Coke links we had Vietnamese that used to grow uh cannabis uh we had uh people that used to do money laundering all types of stuff so my phone just like our dealer's phone ring off not just me me and my boys our phones will always ring off so we always have jobs you know hey 100 Grand hey 90 hey 150 140 you know lone sharks we always do Lan sharks um so what how I used to do or what I used to do is if I do do a big drug dealer if I do do a big drug dealer and it's come from his right hand man I would make sure um that when we do come through the vicinity we put it on the drug and the right man always say listen give him a coup of [ __ ] right HW left hwks bus his nose you know obviously I got to pop his nose as well you know cuz they're both in there and we got to Pretend We're searching but we know exactly where it is cuz we always get a text in here right now 200k 150k 180k address right now I'm in here that's how we function so then You' operate straight away straight away cuz we always had cars plated up yeah within the area we always had guns always guns are stashed up in the area we have cars with plates so what we do is get cars get plates clone them make sure that the plates are um the plates are matching to a car that's legal yeah so as soon as we get text I always be with the with the boys yeah um run it by them we're flying through there so we come through so while I was in prison what what I saw was a there was a a program called SWAT I don't know if you the SWAT they cleared doors with sledgehammers yeah Sledgehammer so it depends on forced entry especially if we got knowledge we'll come through there pretend where is it where is it pretend you're searching the cupboards but we know exactly where it is and we find it within we're in there 2 minutes max we find the stash to protect the fell who's giving you the heads up yeah but the guy that us the heads up will be in there yeah but still protecting him of course of course of course you got to cover him and we'll beat up the the guy yeah duct tape him beat up the other guy just pop his lip or whatever take 250 take quar M cash split wow but now what what would happen is if the guy that robbed finds out that it was us right it fools upon the guy that put us on in the first place to make sure that there's no retaliation um you got to talk him out of retaliating if the guy comes to you and he goes Dodge listen the guys that come into the house or Adam his main name Adam and you got to go oh [ __ ] I've done some research on these guys yeah leave we got to charge it the game is where it is to cour us we got to leave it alone if you fail on doing that you're liable to get shot cuz then I I I don't know if you've stabbed me in the back so as a retaliation if you fail doing that and I'll let it be known if you do fail doing that I'm going to shoot you and your friend so the responsibility falls upon you to make sure there is no retaliation and what age what age were you roughly here when you come out and started getting into this game how old are you today I'm 33 now 33 what age were you when you come out of Nick at first time you go right this is the game that I'm getting into uh 18 18 18 so after you're 18 months in Nick You' come out yeah I come out 18 what made you set upon this route just a quicker easier route Cas quick cash I got out I remember made the first 10 months made a quar of a mill so I was like yo you know what have I been doing just you know drug dealing and you know um wasting my time you know 20 minutes I'm up 80 grand up come into a place 80 grand comes you know I got 80 grand I always used to we always us to do in groups of freeze anyway so I'll be carrying a gun we get the guy that clear the door and we have the guy with the r sack yeah you know no more than three people you know um actually leading up to me get a prison cuz I went away to prison I got I got you know put away for 20 years so when so how long were you out for how long were you operating for before you got got nicked again I was operating for a good 2 3 years two three years every day at it every day every day every day we had a list of addresses every whoever puts me on something cuz I what we used to do not just robberies we do you know we used to have meetings so we have meetings envelopes get passed in a meeting an envelope gets passed pictures add dresses with a price you know I'm sure you know what that means yeah yeah so we get addresses you know if I'm not taking it I I put I round up me and a few of my friends you know within the circles and I'll offer that um whoever wants to take it they can take it would you want your split from it if you're offering it we go 50/50 no no or would you go right there's three LS On It Go thirds no always be if it's a hit it's one person one person okay it's one person we only three people you know um you do it how you want to do it just ensure that it's done because because some of the some of the hits that will come they will come from the guys that are giving out their people yeah you know so they'll be like I need a favor most of the times some of the people we knew who to charge and who not to charge so if you pass me an envelope I'll take out the the piece of paper with with a number in it so the cash that you're offering I'll give you back that piece of paper and they'll ask me why I say it's for a favor you owe me a favor no matter what it is when it is I need you to act upon that M and they'll be like oh okay you know cuz we're friends yeah friends so um this one's on me don't worry but the day that I need you I need you to act upon that you need to come through no matter what the situation is how many how many how many of you how many of your pals were there in a group where you could 100% trust every single one of them three so you plus three me plus three yeah and you could trust them with your life uh two 100% okay the other one why why why the other one yeah the other one because I got into a habit of um you know obvious I'm not by the way this is not a me glorifying violence or you know cuz I'm on a path of change or whatever I got into a habit of shooting people right so every time I used to take this guy with me right I always used to go into a robbery and he went wrong and I ended up pinging someone I would see his face his facial reactions would change yeah and I could see that he's not cut out for this so much so that every time I would come around him and would just chilling he was wary of me and for me that has my back up because I'm thinking listen despite whatever you see me doing we're in this together with friends all right cool you know if I get CAU I'll never roll you under the table we're in this together you know as we're both getting nicked hey you know you got yeah I put if I get nicked Hey listen do you reckon your man had fear that you were going over the top or you were in people going you know what Adam Adam's going over the top here did he have the fear G I need to get out of this because actually when you're in a gang or you're around gangsters you're in that that the Shadows yeah it's hard to get out yeah do you think he found it hard to get out yeah yeah he he he was where you know above his death I think he wanted to make money but he wasn't looking to go to the lengths that we were looking to do I remember one time um I got into a situation where um someone ended up getting it um very bad and uh when you say very bad what's very bad for you uh he I was in a situation where someone got I I'll give you an example I was in a situation where I shot someone in the neck with a shotgun in the neck in the neck with the shotgun so I done time for that the reason why I'm saying it now is cuz I done time for that I got I done to 20 practically um but his face all blood rushed to his face and he looked at me as though I was a monster despite the fact that we've grown up together as kids and that's when I knew you know our relationships changing the Dynamics have changed in this relationship you know um and he's his behaviors towards me started to change so for me my behavior towards him I was a bit wary yeah wary because everyone else if I do do things like that some of them was sick enough want to come AC I want to watch you know you know what I mean so uh he he's do you think he was in his right mind to be a bit weary did you think you were pushing boundaries pushing levels the whole time 100% yeah 100% I'm not going to lie every day I woke up so you know someone's day is ruined you know as soon as my eyes open even I knew it I was like oh gosh someone's life's just finished you know someone's days ruined we had R dresses you know we'll get together and when we get together oh you know um all of us you know that were together even though was a small group of us and only up until I went to prison no one need to know what that it was us that used to do these things really no one did you B Clover up every time no no reason be I'm 6'4 17 Stone yeah if I come walking on you you know it's already bad enough having a hoodie up yeah with a belly up cuz I prefer to walk upon people I'm not one of the people that jump you know I walk up on you and I press myself on you but with the gun jammed in your ribs I don't want you running off you know um I catch in your heading into your house with your car key house keys in there if you turn around and you see a guy with a belly entering your gate you're going to get in there and shut the door you know so you know we had different methods of calm and calculate very too cool that it's menacing it's a you wouldn't expect it you know we'll come dressed up as you know delivery drivers or surveyors or is that you you dress up in yeah of course we dress up I was on an operation um in a it was a million pound operation in u in Holland where we dressed up like police we had the whole police car thing we had this you know the jamama on top we had the uh security that getting get kidnapped put in the back big operations so we like dressing up you know dressing up put things Blends in you know so what was that then what was the operation in Holland so we asked to go and do a job in Holland yes my reputation started to get up so the older boys from ROM man you know the cotne geers they're like oh you know you know you always have friends your age and they go back to their dad in that type of Lifestyle dad there's this up and coming guy you know solid guy we need to get him on a job um this situation I got flown in uh to do an operation in um in Holland uh I was the youngest there by 30 years what age I was 20 20 youngest Day by 30 the next youngest one was 50 yeah you know there was X UFC fighters flown in there was um um uh Lorry drivers specific jobs you know those people you know dressed up as police you know cuz what it was it was a big lorry right they used to carry big computer chips computers so each box will go for like 25 to 30k cuz these these are not talking about small computers I'm talking about big computers um the plan was we had a snatch van we had two cars one of it will be that one of them the cars will be the fed you know when you put the the light on top um they have to pull the security cuz big lores when they come over the port they'll have security following them we got snatch van that will block the one way cuz we knew the route that they were going to take the snatch van will block the oneway entry stop the Lorry from going forward my job and someone else's job the Lorry driver is to literally intercept the Lorry before the Lorry driver snaps the key in there because if he snaps the key in there we can't then move the Lorry to a safe place and un unrack sorry not unrack unack gear out the gear out and put it in a snatch van So the plan to get in there te hmer the window open the Lorry drag the Lorry driver out L driver is gang in the back of the Lorry tied up zip tied up yeah I got a uh um I got a jamama to stop the satellite some of these lores have what's a Jammer a Jammer stop signal getting sent to the satellite some of these lores have got a a Tracker yeah yeah so wherever the Lorry goes you can block that yeah you can block it yeah we do that for fun you know um you know you have this Jammer on you you switch it on it cuts off the whole Road you know the whole Road anyone that's trying to use the phone they can't use the phone because there's something interfering with the signal so we take the Lorry to a safe place um the fake police will have to pull the security they pull the security zip TI security put him in the back of the car um we park off the security car take the Lorry unpack the Lorry put the stuff in the uh in in the snatch van Drive the snatch van with hundreds and thousands of pounds or a million pound minimum of gear in the back of the snatch van um put the security that we've kidnapped with the fake police that come to the meeting spot Dash them in the back of the Lorry Dash the glory driver in the back of the Lorry tie up the L um lock up the Lorry leave him there to be found cuz as soon as we leave with the jamama yeah uh and we get far enough the Lor will stay stationary and the Lor people will somehow find find it and that's how the rescu the people so um when you going onto that gig there onto the operation did you know the other fellas or you brought in you were brought in to go do a job this is your job then we all leave each other we never see each other again okay so it's was a meeting so the guy that how did you get paid up then uh so how we get paid is that when I get back the guy that's put us on all right he will value obviously what's in the we give him a week right he values what's in the Lorry they do the estimations of how much his gear is getting sold um and then he would have what he would have a buy already set up cuz before we go into jobs you go where it's getting distributed to and um after that we all get calls he's got people in London Liverpool wherever we get met with a duffa bag full of cash and we go about our own way cuz he's he he doesn't come back in here he gets the value he sells it the money gets sent to him he's already got people in the UK how do you know he's telling you the truth when you come back after Europe up you're going right I'm getting weighed in here where's the bag where I meeting hurry up I want my money cuz I done a yeah no do you know what the people that's put me on there trustable people okay they trustable so they'll say for a job L they'll say I'm guaranteeing you 100 G's yeah 100 guaranteed okay guaranteed you know cuz they knew that at guy price they probably sh short changes a little bit but you know I'm young I'll take that given um plus not just that as well my reputation preceded me as well so you know what did you enjoy more at this time earning a pound note like this or the reputation getting stronger and stronger in the criminal underworld to be honest with you earning the pound note comes with your reputation you know but the thing is with me and my Affiliates um we will stand up guys you know we will stand up guys if we uh go to do a job and we promise you it's 50/50 you're going to get your split not if but maybe because I see you as an insurance policy if we deal with you correctly there's always going to be things to come around not about severing ties as soon as we take 200 Grand 300 Grand you never hear from us again and you're like listen where's my money now they don't work like that we would always come straight and come correct to ensure that the business keeps flowing you know same thing alos BOS that will give each other up man yeah the Vietnamese people that were working with they used to grow cannabis factories they'll give each other up the captains will give up you know where obviously once the drugs are sold the money gets given to the captains the captains have to give it to the lone sharks there always be like a boss yeah who sends the money back in Vietnam and it's like a major boss back in Vietnam so the captains after the drugs are sold if we if we don't hit the factories and he goes and drops the money off to your safe house you always give us a safe house say I'm in the safe house you know 180 in the safe house now you know four kids now four Sons woman 180 I'm there now you know you'll be there in a sh we'll be there rapid rapid I say you man 200 Grand 100 Grand 180 80 grand who wants that you know and we just fly through there so this went on for what two years when you first come out every day every day for two years when did it come to an end it came to an end how old were you um when I was touching 21 actually went on for about 3 years to be honest with you yeah every day um so when it came to an end it was a it was a night where uh we went to do a a drug a drug dealer as we went to go and do a drug dealer um I went and picked up some boys from an area so what I used to do is that I used to rotate characters you know cuz I like to make sure that everyone gets a little you know some money from me now with jealousy comes people snitching you know this guy in that area that just robs people and has guns so I always rotate people so I don't work with the same amount of boys so I've graduated to a level where I don't have to do the the messy work myself but I'm kind of sistic because I'll come along and watch you know um you know someone's getting it I like to be the guy that sits in the room and pretends I don't know what's going on but I know approximately in what 5 minutes three people are going to get shot this guy that guy and that guy you know and just come along and just play dummy how many people you a you shot oh I can't say obviously there's there's cases that ain't you know what I'm saying that that ain't uh I don't really want to egg the fedone but the police had me on 24 charges by the time they got me 24 24 charges I got a totality of 59 years in prison totality for you know I had shoot I had a I had a shooting where a guy got shot out of a house out of a house window he was on a little thing he was on a trying to deter these guys from coming inside the house and he got shot with a shotgun and he to fell out of a window and he had blood coming out of his ears and his mouth and his nose uh I was in a case where a guy got shot in the back um you know and in this case here I was in a case where a guy got shot in the neck with a shotgun as well um but only one of the case charges stuck so you know so you had 24 cases on you 24 cases and what age Were You There When They pulled on oh man they just kept on piling up I in belmarsh fighting a I was just fighting a simple possession charge cuz like I said the night that led to to to me getting arrested um with done a house I can say it now I find with done a house I didn't do the house though I took the guys to do the house and like a sick man I posted up around the corner to watch them do it because of how they were functioning they knew sign language robbers that talking sign language so you don't hear Dodge oh D grab the bag what I'm saying oh yeah the guy's name was Dodge so they they use hand gestures and they literally clear the door went in there with guns but they had hit the wrong house the house that they were looking for was next door and it's my fault read because I knew they were drunk the day that I picked them up I was so greedy I take full responsibility I still took them cuz I wanted to take the chance of of getting it I wanted that I wanted those drugs I wanted that money today um so they hit the wrong house but because I was impressed by the hand gestures and I was mesmerized after I took them away from the scene I got a call you know a friend of mine rang me says his name was Tony in China his name wasn't Tony yeah his name Tony uh he said to me uh he said 180 Grand now lone shark woman four Sons just like how I said earlier yeah add address cuz he sleeps up into the toilet the toilet messaged me through his burner phone straight onto my burner phone I said to these guys listen there's an opportunity you got [ __ ] up this opportunity there's another one right now we guy of South London um as we're driving into South London my fault again I shouldn't I shouldn't have been in that car to begin with but because there were Tipsy and they've messed up the first robbery I wanted to make sure that I don't give him the keys to drive there and they don't get there because they're drunk on the tips and mess everything up and this one I'm coming along right so I'm driving I do a dodgy U-turn Who Sat by the traffic lights armed coppers City police know City police have even tasers of guns and them patrolling that two M radius that they work with in they're like hey what's this right they start following us the car I had plated it was a clone of a car but the mistake that I had made is that it uh was a plate of a car that was in um that was in what's that was a car you know you know when they sell cars M what's that called like a comat yeah I know you me yeah it was it was car sells dealership yeah yeah it was insured cuz I went and act ask me you know you go and ask me to find out if it's insured and you go on you know and I got the plates printed off but it was insured but it had didn't have a registered owner so now the police want to pull me they were in the X5 they want to pull me and find out who's driving his car because he hasn't got a registered owner even though it's insured so I take a chase in central London more towards South London you know that South is it South k s yeah s yes D when you say take a chase you like right foot down come and get me yeah I always take chases really always we took 2hour police chases and everything always take chases but this time the advantage disadvantage because the roads will cut off you can't take a chase in London Bridge yeah you know near to Fargo Square near all those roads that zigzaggy we crashed the car as we've crashed the car um we've jumped out tourists taking pictures cuz they see Poli so now they're Gathering up evidence to give to the coppers so we've took a Chase as we took a Chase we ended up by the peer CU I remember I jumped out the car I said don't follow me you know as soon as the comes on tops every man for themselves remember everyone's trying to get away I don't know you you don't know me don't follow me the two guys are stuck by me they're following me why you following me but running running I don't know where I'm going end up by the pier as I end up by the pier I can't swim I'm looking at them they're looking at me I'm fuing [ __ ] idiot so follow you're all the reasons why the [ __ ] coppers are on me see the coppers coming I've looked at them I said jump they looked at me like that they said you jump I said jump jump one of them so close he sat by the PE look at the police coming I've looked at the water it's brown it's Mucky right M I'm [ __ ] I'm thinking I'm still on a license for my first gun charge that I done when I was 18 right I'm just about to come off license I'm like jump they're like they're like no you jump you jump if they jumped and floated I would have jumped in right but cuz no one took the dive I didn't take the dive police have come they've nicked us so when they've nicked us one of the guys you remember I told you about the friend yeah that always was Flash face my mistake was taking him along right his responsibility was to leave the gun and we all play roles yeah right remember you're strong as your weakest link M if some flops we all flop he left the gun in the car looking after himself shut off the police never picked up on him they've scooped us right um they' traced the gun back to robberies shootings as I'm in prison now I'm on my second gun charge charges started piling up man Poli so when you were in Nick the charges were coming up was in Bel Marsh I was in belmarsh the police have come in so now they arrested me right I'm in belmash the police have come in so I'm thinking they said ah there someone that needs to see you so I don't like like I said I don't like wondering who it is and what it is so I turn up to the reception to take me out one thing that I did learn is that the police cannot charge you or tell you why they're there for why you're in prison ground because they don't have jurisdiction within the prison ground for crimes that committed outside they have to take you outside take me to PL the police station the first Char the first charge popped up Mr McKenzie I said yeah what's up he says um on the 20 something of o October you enterer the man's home in a process of robbing him and you shot the man in the throat we believe it was you that shot a man in the throat with a shotgun I'm thinking oh [ __ ] in the back of my mind I'm thinking oh I said Okay carry on right so they're revealing this information and then they asked me for a permission for a ID parade so I give him the permission for ID parade and uh I didn't think nothing was going to come of it man I ended up getting Bell furthermore one of my parties at that time sorry I don't mean to take up too much time one of the people that I used to have it with my my uh Affiliates one of them ended up coming into prison one of them came into prison for positional free Firearms so the police swarmed his house he threw the guns out whatever so now I'm thinking [ __ ] as I'm in prison facing these charges he walks in I'm like [ __ ] you know what have they got you for he oh man they raid in my house and found free guns the want you know what I'm saying and then as I'm in prison there's another affiliate of mine that got arrested for shooting somebody in the face um he had mounted charges like you know um he got uh arrested and he got bailed he had shot someone close range in the face of a with a gun and um in the process of him G back for um to the police station the police actually parked up um um forced him into the car took him to a graveyard um because he was they were going to literally give him no further action but the last role of the dice was to wait for him before he gets to the police station get him in a Mot or take him to the graveyard and try and threaten him yeah you know um into giving information on on me so they can keep me in there for the rest of my life but none of that occurred you know he just played D he got no further charges um one of the pals uh that I was in there with I got Bell so as I've come out on Bell I'm out for 2 weeks custody time limit run out while I was in prison so the custody time limits the police or the prosecution have 6 months to produce the case coming forward in order to proceed with the charges if they fail in that process of that time it's no fault of mine that they're not ready to go to trial because I am they have to give me a baell now I'm in the uh interview room right pla police station I'm at the back there's a woman I've never seen before there's a officer that I've seen from belmarsh the one that interviewed me about shooting shooting the guy in the neck so this woman says to me um I'm waiting for a colleague of mine to walk in so I'm sitting I'm thinking okay I maybe some silly case or something that never mind the fact that every offense that we used to do was like a straight life life sentence you know what I'm saying or near enough you know we never used to do silly offenses you know we used to do proper organized stuff so this our officer walks in as soon as he walks in his got a smirk in his face W my gosh this him this guy's a dog I remember you investigating a case where Giza got shot in his in his home this woman say to me Mr McKenzie uh just want to question you interview R tape I'm like yes she goes uh Mr McKenzie um I just want to ask you a question where was you on this date so you [ __ ] know on this date oh my gosh where was I on that date I have no idea what she's talking about I'm like I don't know what happened because I told you where you were you know um you tried to force entry into someone's home you know um and the end process is you shot the person in the back you know so I'm like oh [ __ ] know what are they talking about oh gosh what and I go I'll give you another one Mr M you're going to love this right like oh gosh how about you try to force entry into someone's home on this particular day and you shot Mr so and so in the chest with a shotgun they now fracturing his rib cage and um in the process this was this was the damage that was done so I'm sitting there and the other one jumps in Mr I just want to ask you about the shooting of U Mr so and so on the 29th or 20 something of October where you know you shot the Mr Man in the throat cuz the first time when they saw me they were just trying to gain permission to for for identification yeah right they wer really they didn't weren't there to investigate to to interview me they were just going through the whole process of um investigating they weren't ready for an interview right I know I wasn't going to give him anything and they said to me Mr guys you not scrap all this we don't have the facilities to interview you here stop stop we're going to take you to forestgate police station so forestgate police station was a trident that Center at the time you know serious Tri uh Trident South and Trident North or Trident uh south or serious crimes and tried Norths for minor shootings so serious shootings like murders and stuff like that and tradent North O have way around for less serious CR so anyway they take me there in the process of them taking you to this tradent Center they uh get the UV light run it by by you to make sure that you haven't broken you haven't done no robberies you know like the cash boxes and stuff like that you haven't got any ink on you you know that could be an extra charge they could chuck in there and uh or you haven't got any gunpowder residue on you you know so they can just quickly brush that off and collect that or take your clothes so they take me in there and uh yeah they took me me to that police station I didn't see the road again until I was a grown man yeah I didn't see the road again this was 2010 I didn't come out until covid pandemic yeah so what did they actually how many years did you actually get so I've got 24 charges 24 charges how many years did you get for that I got so um 24 charges that they managed to convict me with yeah the totality was 59 years right so you get one year 3 years 5 years 10 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 16 years over I'm thinking how long am I doing but despite all that I um before I got before in 2012 I was serving 12 years in prison uh 2014 2013 came by that's changed said scrap the 12 years the two years that you've done out of the 12 you're doing a 16e sentence now so they were adding up as you're in there throwing more on top yeah yeah as I was in there um but the the thing is I had a ace up my my sleeve that not a lot of people knew I had a for the mom that's a judge CRT judge she didn't know I used to do all of this stuff as far as she's aware I was meant to go into drama school you know like I always like pick the easi subjects in life just to try and mask what I'm doing even though I had put uh intentions of doing good things but I also try to live the life of a you know like a double life but you try to do good but then also you love doing bad things um as far as she was concerned I was um even though I never used to live with her um cuz I at the time I'd moved out and done my own thing um I had to get her involved in the situation and bless her man she had to seek permission from the Crown Court that she works in come in and give a character reference you know when everything went tits up you know I was looking at a life sentence you know discretionary life sentence you know you got you got you got you got a mandatory life sentence for things like murder and you get discretionary life sness for M of things but even it's life s life sness right yeah um I ended up with nothing I end up of a straight sentence man um but even in that whole process of me being in prison you know being caught up in murders in prison as well a murder took place in prison while I was in their in prison yeah while I was in their serving time that was a bad situation whated murders what happened in what was prison life like for you personally you're a big man you can be quite imposing you're calculated did you feel comfortable in prison uh yeah yeah I I I felt comfortable in prison because despite you know your St or your size or how to you are treat you with respect I always find it that I I rather be respect and loved feared cuz the thing is when you're feared everyone has a common goal in mind to get rid of you um you know whe that would be stitching you up you know you know stabbing you hot watering you whatever but I was a bit of a dick where I needed to be you know in prison I chapped my way around if I need to uh Force officers to do things if I need to but other than that you know um they would always try to use me as well put me in like a responsible jobs and stuff like that to ensure you know that they keep me under the thumb got something to lose if misbehave as of me not having anything but at the beginning of my sentence I used to pressurize a lot of um people in prison but with that murder that murder was a naughty situation it end up on Sky News and a whole shebang that was a bad situation where was this what prison was this uh this was in codly prison I tell you what though this is fact I tell you you see when people kill people when people go out and they murder someone one thing because obviously I've been with murderers yeah you know one thing that I've realized and I come to terms with is when someone commits a murder they don't stick around to see the transformation or the metamorphosis or the the soul evening the body the whole process yeah taking place of that person dying yeah they commit the murder they're off ping you in the head off chiv you up off you know what I'm saying hit you with a bat off they don't stick around and go oh my gosh what's happening oh this is gruesome I when that murder took place I was with Killers I'm talking about double murderers you know that they're coming to the end of the sentences they're working through they you know people that have committed two murders three murders and they've come you know cuz the kids got chived in his chest you know um I'm not he got chived in his chest yeah even though the guy beat the murder right he got chied in the chest in front of 60 people right and some of the people stuck around to see what's happening with this kid cuz he the knife went straight into his heart and some of the murderers were shaken by that yeah they come back to me and they looked at me and they said yo they said did you see that as soon as that happened I was off yeah right I ain't sticking around right some of these people even though they've killed people they so I don't know was out of curiosity that they wanted to stick around and see what happens but when they saw the stiffening of the foot you know when them feet stiffen up and the eyes start pinging around the head it's pretty horrific no matter how you know it's not something that you you just you be quick to get over you know seeing the person take his his last breaths they've come back to me and they said yo you know what does it mean when his fo stiffens I said listen that kid's dead this is before he even been pronounced dead yeah cuz we were on our way to prayers he got killed in his way to prayers this this over what over a mobile phone over a mobile phone man crazy he was duw out in8 weeks eight weeks man how did you change when you went to prison how did you change did you still have the same mentality like you had before you went in there and you were in there from 2010 to 2020 2020 a 10 years St how did you personally change your lifestyle in there or your personality or the way you you The Vibes you're giving off to people uh obviously at the start when you start off you're uh you're a bit childish because of my environment not not just childish but you know I'm I'm quick to throw my toys out the pr cuz normally if I disagree with someone if I don't like what someone's doing we just get straight into it car the [ __ ] where we going with this you know um but in prison I've realized that there's there's some monsters in there man there's triple murderers in there you know what I'm saying like people that in for genocide have just been caught I'm talking about people that sent people to Villages and they massacred babies and these guys demeanor you know you be n the wise that these people are responsible doing things like that you know they're very nice like as in how they car themselves they present themselves how they dress how they speak they don't come across like these kids that you see running around on the streets these kids that running around in the streets are accidental murderers no one comes out the house um PL plotting to do the perfect murder and CH someone in the street thinking you're going to get away with it you ain't get way of [ __ ] murderers are the ones that carry themselves that blend in with Society they do [ __ ] for the community but if they're called upon to do the work you be n the wiser you be like oh my gosh you know did you hear Derek murdered six people you know he was such a nice guy I didn't see that coming that's the guy you need to watch out for not these silly kids that are running around in the street so um I came across some of these guys man like and I was taken back did you ever have the fear of anyone in there because I was very no no because I treated people with respect and there was guys with mental health in there there was murderers with mental health that slipped through the net um I remember once or twice I got into a situation with um people with mental health but one thing that I've got uh that I've got patience for as people mental health you know they can push and push because I know you're not in full control of your situation get people that are suffer from um what's that what's that um when you when you believe things that don't exist what's that called again uh psychosis is it psychos psychosis so these people believe things that don't take place or haven't happened cuz you're big they come up with issues in their head like got a problem with this guy so even when you do talk to them don't come across as condescending come across as respectful and be like a book you know they can see if they have to believe that they can see through you let it be play play like that just don't let them go away so how did you change cuz where you're today you've gone you've done 10 years in Nick yeah I've done a third of my life in prison to be honest yeah yeah a third but anyone listening out there any kids what advice would you give them right now the kids go around the streets killing people stabbing people do you know what I will tell you one thing right everyone that's in there for killing people or stabbing or of stupid moment of anger all the guys that I was with this is God's honest truth I don't want people to think oh no you know listen to him prison cracked him yeah you know he's fell off you know because of prison is Chang no the people that I've been in there with the the people that are in for murders that doing 30 years they think about suicide all the time yeah all the time cuz there's no way out listen I was was living that for 10 years right and every day for 10 years I used to think to myself there's a possibility I could die in here without getting out cuz 10 years is a long time right yeah that there's no guarantee I'm going to be here in 10 years no guarantee that anyone of us in this room is did you know when you were going to come out or were you thinking 2012 they've wed they wacked more on me they've whacked more me whacked more me do you know what I had a release date but in the back of my mind I was thinking it's a race against okay but the good thing is they um abolished gate arrest you know gate arrest go on so gate arrest is the thing where back in the day the police wait for you to finish your senters and as you come out thinking you're a free man at the gate say Mr Mani you know I mean we've got a a crime that took place we want to question you about so they can remind you or Chuck you straight in jail straight after doing your BD so they got rid of that I knew if I can make it to a release date it's illegal or it's not something that they can do cuz from when they first clock on that I've done in the fence they have to come and investigate ASAP so if there was no offenes coming forth um you know and I can make it out in time it's you're out I'm out I'm out was there anyone in there that you feared oh there was a I won't say fear but I say worry there was a guy in there that actually slit another guy's throat in belmarsh because the IRA were after him in his head everyone was wary of this guy I want say I was I don't say I was fearful of people but I was always wary when when there's weariness you tend to keep people at arms length communication is at a limit you know yes no type of conversations hey how are you doing you know sometimes even if you reach out and you extend your hand and you ask hey how's your day been whether you mean it or you don't means something to you do you know what I mean but I was always worried there was a lot of people Met Health in there that was serving life sentences that I was wory in there I was in there with some characters there's a guy that I used to have it in there with the one of the guys the done the 53 million uh pound robbery uh it was a training partner of mine poen I don't know if you come across poan yeah me and him were kind of like that there so yeah we're very tight in there is he out yeah he's out he's out right now he's doing uh he's doing um uh mental health awareness um and spinal injury awareness cuz I I don't know he got shot in his house yeah he got shot in his house in a wheelchair isn't yeah he's in a wheelchair so he's pushing positivity to you know through you know the best way of people learning is through stories do stuff he's doing very good stuff so me and him were kind of like that that situation I mentioned I was actually with him when this guy with mental health has beenz me and Paul used to train together we used to eat together right he still trains well now yeah he's still actually he's doing well right so me and him I sat on his table yeah and I said to him I P he says yeah he's probably going to laugh when he hears this I said uh did you hear he says what what about I said [ __ ] the skis over there there was a a Muslim brother yeah white guy big beard mental health lights around but there's no one home right he's about 25 stone he's been nipping into people's rooms cells right hanging over them going you know picking issues with them but I knew the brother had mental health yeah so I uh I said to Paul listen [ __ ] know man this [ __ ] gu paging people themselves me and him are talking about it and even all the bad boys at the time on the wing were getting paged by him what you saying you know wake up you know just hovering over your bed asking you what's the issue you're like what you talking about he's got a chi in his hand but what you're not going to do is go to the offices and grass yeah you just don't want to be the one that he takes his frustration out cuz them CS are small so as we're talking about it I hear ghost that's me I looked at po po looked at me it goes let's have a word the whole cuz we used to sit outside and eat you see like a we don't never used to eat in our room we used to sit outside on a landing and eat everyone turns around and looks at me like this cuz he's been paging the last 10 15 guys have been getting pop Tapp in so now he's chilling outside his cell like this so I've looked at poo po looked at me he gone so I stood up I've gone over said what's going on he said to me come in oh [ __ ] hell man what the [ __ ] I've gone in there it's pitch black it smells like wet dog there's no ventilation no air coming through the only lights coming from the Telly and he's walked in behind me and he shut the door so I've looked at him I thought oh this is a bad situation to be in so immediately cuz we're were the same same size remember he would just chiv you up and get ground of responsibility he was waiting to go Broadmore actually right yeah so and he's the one that was serving the life sentence and he slit someone's throat in a dinner queue in belmarsh because the IRA the voic has told him this guy's part of the IRA and they're trying to take you out this poor guy that was in front of him getting his dinner beans and rice had no idea that this guy's got thoughts in his in his head right so he's called me and I already knew about his situation he's doing a double life sentence right he's waiting to go hospital straight away as soon as I've looked at I situation I just sat down cuz I appear to be less threatening now if you're standing up looks like you're squaring with someone I've sat down I this can go to one or two ways I said down I said what's going on his name was Ted right he goes scratching his head he goes the other day I said hello to you and you blank to me do we have a problem he's blocking the exit now I'm looked at him I [ __ ] I what are you talking about now now I'm thinking to myself I actually thought I had a problem with this guy now he's making issues I I said but I didn't say that I'm thinking in my head I said the other day when he says by the gate I said hello to you right you didn't say anything to me do we have a problem I said to him no Ted I was rushing to the gym I said I ain't got no problems with you man come on bro and must heard you I was rushing to the gym The equipment's Limited I want need to get the equipment said n sorry my bro man it's nothing like that he came and sat right beside me took out this big [ __ ] off knife put it on the table and he grabbed his head like this and he goes I'm sorry man I'm not all right I haven't been taking my meds right so I stood up I said yeah man no problem patted him on the shoulder I said I'm going to go back and eat my food now yeah he goes yeah just sat there like that as I stood up went back sat down Paul said to me what's just happened I said oh you never guess what as it said What I Hear PA can I have a chat same Geer again Paul stood up he looked at me like that it's [ __ ] when I had a chat with this guy but he managed to patch things up with this guy but there's a lot of people in there that had their throat slit how did you change what what how different are you today than you were do you know if I'm going to be honest with you for me uh religion played a key role in me changing um uh mentally coping I had to Chanel my energy into other things you know Spiritual Development religion um and focusing on trying to get out and do positive things in my life cuz now I'm married won't believe it uh I lecture in a university you wouldn't believe that um you know I do pt and I'm an online coach you know so my life has somewhat properly turn your life around yeah somewhat definitely done a a UT and what I'm trying to do is um trying to prevent as many kids as we can and as I can to you know turn the lives around for the better cuz it's definitely not worth it man I've met life is in prison that said to me listen if I had a second chance to gross I would gross but you know your opportunity has been onone mate and they'll openly see this you know do you reckon there's a high percentage of people in there who have grassed yes yeah yes listen there's more grasses in prison than there is probably out here man you know there someone in there it all stems from hating do you know what I mean if you're doing something you know if you're bringing drugs into the the prison and the guy's not getting anything or you know oh this guy's looking at a life sentence it's it there's nothing new to that you know people this comes with the game and that's another reason why even while I was in prison my mind State started changing because the game is not what it was you know like back in the day you know you stand tall on your word and if you get caught you just keep your mouth shut and just go down and do the bid nowadays you get caught the guy that you with you trust in your life with this guy to keep might bubble you up to get yes as soon as they here C say like 30 y you looking at 30 years now it's not even 30s it's 35 Plus you know the other day I was um talking to a fellow that told me that apparently they thinking about introducing 50e wreck now a 50-year wreck or a 30y year wreck or 35 wreck how it goes is you have to do 30 years before you're considered for parole not after 30 years you get yeah right Dodge you know you could go out you're done right after 30 years they'll look at your paperwork yeah they'll knock you back just to see how you react yeah come back in 2 years time so you be like [ __ ] I've done do you not think do you not think that's a good thing what saying someone you're you're in for 30 years uh do you reckon that will prevent people it hasn't worked though has it the silly kids are running around that's my point that's my point it's like what what can prevent these kids going around stabbing each other and killing people what can prevent that do you think there should be something in place where if you are caught with a knife you are caught with the the big samurai the weapons you are guaranteed to get 10 do you know what I tell you I still don't think that would I think that all stems from people being scared yeah cuz these young kids are scared their friends are getting stabbed everyone scared carry scared a lot of people that are carrying are scared cuz reading truly if you think about it anyone that's out there to do damage don't won't be walking on a knife for no reason you come out you use it and you [ __ ] put it back and you keep quiet you you want to get caught with the knife but they're walking around with knives anticipating other people getting Knives Out on them and they they're thinking the bigger sword that I have the less chances that the person would attack me but then you you find someone that's dumb enough to Lunge forward fall on top of your sword right these knives are got Jagged edges and [ __ ] like that as well like the survival rates are very very low man do you know what I mean and now you know I was teaching some kid that got caught up in a murder where you know they were fighting and someone got chied and the guy that stabbed him you know ended up killing him and his other power didn't even know but he they got him on camera trying to get a knife out with two hands you know and this kid's never been in trouble before now was doing what 35 you know one stupid moment of anger and what it is is well kids didn't Channel energy into positive things have you got any regrets no no regrets no I I to take responsibility of my action my my you know my uh my crimes um you know I put my hands up to that everything that I've did you know and everything I've gotten I deserve it and I'm somewhat apologetic to the victims that I have cuz I've reached out to the victims and Tred to do the sort tree thing you know you meet up victims and you make him secure that listen if I do get out nothing's going to happen I do apologize for the stuff that I've done so they can just get her a get her bit of closure um but if I hadn't it would have I would have done worse you know if I if if I if I regret you can't regret your past you meant to learn from your past and move forward you know as long as you try your best to amend what you've done in the past you know everything that you have done good or bad is led to you being you today you are today you know removed anything from there you you know your life would have took a different direction how's your world today you come out in 2020 in covid yeah who's Adam today uh I'm a a Lector at Uni um um into fitness myself uh teach people uh you know personal training online coaching uh help people with confidence and uh physical well-being you know just to try and build them people confident so ping and just helping people pick up weights it's give and take it's like nutrition nutrition just mindset how you're thinking how's your day been you know you just help people tick over cuz everyone's got problems you know with what they got going not just that as well I'm teaching a lot of kids and I'm helping kids get qualifications in personal training I'm teaching personal trainers I'm helping kids get gym qualifications so they can get into work and not just people that I've never been in trouble I teach people that I've come out of prison to try and provide a way for them out of that lifestyle so they can have a qualification and go into something legitimate you know so I'm giving back this is my way of giving back to the community all the hurt I've done all the devastation I've done so for me it's a form of giving back you know even though I can never give back to and your spirituality how big how big how much that played in your in who you are today it's a key factor for I am um it's it's knowing and you know called being God conscious always aware that God's watching you know your the actions that you're doing and try to be a better person today than you were yesterday so every day so it's a journey upon trying to be a better person than you were the day before you know um putting other people first and stuff like that as well how do you think what effect you reckon you had on your mom being put away in prison and how you are today with her um to be honest with you that if I'm going to be honest with you that kind of um destroyed our relationship somewhat a little bit because she didn't see it she didn't come to see me for the whole time that I was in there and I take respons for that she didn't come to see okay were you were you like mom stay away I don't want you to he or want to see m m no no um to be honest it was partly like that I never said don't you know um don't come see me but if she came to see me I wouldn't have stopped her you know but I feel like um I've Grown Apart from a relationship grew apart 10 years of not seeing each other not communicating I think the first couple times that she'd ask me how long have you gotten there I used to tell her I'm coming out in 6 months yeah every 6 months I until she got tired of asking I going to tell her oh Mom I'm serving 12 years do not scrap that Mom I'm serving you know I'm doing a 20 now you know that would be too much so rather her keep her in suspense or let her give up than just settle with the fact that I'm doing 20 years and how is your relationship with her today uh it's getting better good it's getting better obviously time away people grow apart but it falls upon you to try and seal that and rebuild burn Bridges and stuff like that Adam you've some live some eventful life yeah it's uh do you know what it's it's also this this is giving back to the community and um uh you know through stories is the best way of teaching you know you might have some kid that's going through whatever I'm going through he's going to think well listen the end stories dead or prison yeah you know neither of them you know are going to be of of benefit to you do you understand what I'm saying like at this precise moment in the time for those kids that are watching what you got to remember is whatever you're going through right now as human beings will go from face to face example what you used to like when you was a kid skateboards music TV like soaps that you used to watch as you move along in your life you know you grow out of those things you know even what you used to be attracted to when you was a teenager to compare to what you're attracted to now it's not the same thing so this phase try and change yourself because from the age of 20 18 to say age of 18 to like 32 or something that's when you're most likely to die try and choose a better route cuzz by the time you get to 30 looking back at the stuff used to do when you was 19 if you're still out and you've managed to stay on a positive route and you're not in prison serving 30 years 40 years 35 or whatever you'd be grateful that you've stuck on a legit legit Adam I thank you for your honesty thank you thank coming down here yeah I thank you for your honesty thank you what your everything you're saying here is going to help anyone listening who's on that Journey yeah yeah thank you man good man cheers ghost good man a
Channel: Dodge Woodall
Views: 345,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DodgeWoodall, DodgePodcast, JamesEnglish, ShaunAtwood, EventfulLives, EventfulLivesPodcast, DodgeWoodallPodcast, Podcast, Entrepreneur, Documentary, Crime, CrimeDrama, CriminalUnderworld, TrueCrimes, Boxing, IFLTV, Gangs, Criminals, CriminalGangs, TysonFury, EddieHearn, MentalHealth, Football, PhilCampion, DaveCourtney, TNTSports, SkySports, BoxingSocial, GaryNeville, DAZN, PremierLeague, CrimePodcast, TrueGeordie, KrayTwins, TheKrays, LondonGangsters, BritishGangsters, DeontayWilder, MichaelBisping, SAS, SpecialForces, Commandos
Id: h3I5XSmTfL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 57sec (6357 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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