Formaggio semi stagionato fatto in casa

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hello I'm david then today we are going to make a cheese a little more seasoned a nice tasty cheese then as you have seen from the initial images I went to a friend who has a stable a friend who comes to shop with me and I got myself give fresh milk I took a quantity I took 22 23 liters because my intention is to make a couple of cheeses with the same quantity of milk taken from the bottle that is on the market of whole milk the fattest one I managed to get two cheeses of about 1 kg and 9 with 20 liters of fresh milk I managed to keep 22 cheeses of this kind now let's see what happens with the whole non-skim milk there has not been removed not even the cream I will not go to pasteurize I go to pour the content of this technique if I can manage the three pots then I was able to find a pot only in aluminum and I told you that I was not using it but it's okay because I didn't find it anyway well alright aluminum bop perfect i managed it and even without doing much since then monica because she is my friend her name is monica who is sick the milk has guaranteed me that this milk here has an exaggerated casein because they too give it to a dairy that produces cheese and 15 to all the statistics of this milk is the art nothing has been done I repeat nothing has been done as soon as milked so hello to all its fats and see what happens I tell you this is because making cheese especially for a cheesemaker who is very hidden in the middle of his productions does not make it difficult to teach you something luckily I have some friends who are in the sector many of the process have given them to me from time to time at the temperature the acidity of the milk may be that the cheese has small differences so the mastery of the cheesemaker is to be able to make the same cheese all the same times that has the same taste ban on chia coachman I'm going to put on this time I 'll put it on the stove behind that the very heavy pot and when I put this milk on the fire there and you have to mix it always stir and I bring it 37 degrees the procedure is always the same one always starts from this way so I will not use the penalty of course a probe thermometer because I do not have the finger yet to decide if the temperature is so I am going to insert it within the already set at 37 degrees and now I put it there found mixing now when it arrives 37 I will show you what I do here is the important thing is that you reach 37 36 37 38 degrees with low heat just slowly the milk must not burn be careful thinking it is often mixed because otherwise it sticks under the milk and after 6 of burnt and the cheese is disgusting continue to mix then I have reached 37 degrees ok throw away thermometer brings me the milk in front just to show you but after we will have to put back on the fire then the rennet this here is a calf rennet here it speaks of 10 grams per ten liters of milk then pay close attention to the rennet because each brand at its dosage so it is not a spoon half a teaspoon take a look at it because based on the amount of rennet you put in the milk you will get a compactness a hardness is there the cheese changes a lot so if you are precise it seems little but it is enough if you are precise with the right change you will get a good cheese I recommend check the doses of the bottle well I go to pour heaven then this here was 23 liters of milk I put in it 23 23 g 23 large I weighed it with the scale it does not ring it because if you have the possibility or also used a syringe that measures milliliters it spoke of grams I weighed it and I put them there 23 grams nothing at this point we put the rennet we have to wait for the curd to form I give it a stir this way it is done and it takes to put its lid on then about forty minutes the curd and even there the times if you write them exactly the times you use to produce your cheese and you see that with that time you get a good cheese, always try to always use the same system because these five minutes more 5 minutes in the less they change a little in the cheese it's okay I would say that a bale has formed curds then the next step is to go and cut it then I go with a rather long knife because the pot is high I go to cut it first in two and then all into squares I will make some squares of approximately 2 cm 2 and a half centimeters of the strips at this distance 2 and a half centimeters from each other we must keep at the end a break of curd must have must be like a grain of rice then already now the first differences can be seen c 'it's just a firm curd I feel it with cultured theirs it seems almost Italian a perfect stracchino now I made myself a spino that is I bought the spino this here and there t rezza that cheesemakers use to make let's say the small pieces to make to reduce the curd I usually use the whisk so even for me the first time I use it because I just bought them and I'm going to see how it works nothing if it goes up and down is this this globe let's say this thorn to these strips that will cut the curd more finely I have always done it with a whisk so there are no problems if at home you want to do it quietly with a whisk then I go to sink it and with a movement up and down here to reduce the calabria into small pieces of rice then more than enough for me I see that more or less small pieces are formed quite small the next step unlike the first salt and at this point I would have pulled out the curd emitted already inshallah I have to put it back on the fire and bring everything to a temperature of 45 bar at 50 degrees in this temperature range and so that the curd goes from a little bit to firm up it will become a little more rubberiness I say it in my way it goes to put on the fire naturally mixed and because otherwise how to say it goes to burn otherwise the curd will do very quickly because in any case we are still at a temperature of 37 degrees so getting to 50 is enough quickly keep it mixed as soon as you reach 47 48 it is fine to turn it off and then after we let it rest for a moment it will settle in the bottom of the pot and then go and collect well from this moment on we no longer need the fire now to go to form the cheese we will only need your hands and unless you then want to make ricotta with the whey that remains then now let it rest for five minutes because the whole curd mass is deposited pierce at the bottom it will form a 'only a single mass let's say that then after we will divide into the molds it will have a consistency a little more I say chewy than the first salt cheese then a since I do not have asbestos hands like year the cheesemakers I go to take a little bit of whey from the pot I put it in another pot then after I will go and put it back in here because I have to dip my hands inside the pot and the whey is really really hot and so I'm going to throw you a little lighten lighten the pot here it is non-tones I'm not going to remove everything it's because a little bit to go to work the curd mass I need to still have some heat to be able to shape the curd for now in the Parmigiano Reggiano dairies at this point they put down a cloth and pull the curd all over with the cloth but then we go hand in hand with the commitment on a little time I try to drain them as much as possible as you have seen that I have already prepared a small box with the fuscelle go and press well inside the fuscella to give shape to the cheese and that the curd goes from compacting everything you will have to press as much as possible to make get out the whey ok I put the whey back in the pot then now to be able to shape it it is also due to the seasoning re dipping the fuscella inside the hot whey for a few seconds it will help me to press it better in the fuscella now I have made a single band or you want I would like to make a fairly high-grade cheese because it will be a cheese of about 3 kg 83 kg and 9 it will become a nice cheese now we let it stew what it means to stew it should be put in a warm environment but I use I show you with an oven grill l 'support on the pot where there is still the hot whey this way and I go to place them so the vapors the heat of the thought go to make a light stewing of my cheese this will help in the seasoning period in the outer crust ok it will help to form a nice crust so now I'm going to cover naturally with a cloth so I will leave it at least at least half an hour then I come around the cheese or that it has compacted well and I'll leave it another straight in this studio with this stew here but if I don't leave even an hour on one side an hour from the top it's fine ok then let's go and see when I go to when I go to turn it we go to see the movement of the agira tura and then after at the end the salting then worker to help the dripping of the cheese in many many dairies have a press that they put the cheese under this press and it helps a lot to get the whey out faster from covered while he is stewing c support over a pot full of water just old fashioned a bit of weight in short so that it drips well even faster I will show you below that you can see that it drips ok see you later for the tour and then let's go and turn a wheel you see it has already formed as the size of the cheese has already reduced which has been appreciated a little however I see that it continues to drain but the cheese has become skated very well and now they are ready to turn it then before turning it I stand aside I go to save it on one side this here is one of the two cheese salting procedures I use this here because it is more convenient for me I do not have the space to make it brine so make a water with 30% salt and let it soak for a certain amount of time I use this salting system I put the salt I put it in abundance and because the cheese pulls as much as it needs as much as it needs it pulls it let's say to me in admiration teacher like this and I go to pull the form let's see if it came from the compact I would say yes look put salt on this side too this here is a first salting when I will go to take it out of the mold from the fascella and then put it in seasoning will give us a ' other salty so for good from all sides look how nice how compact it did a bit of tosone we said but now we insert it inside ciro i go bad how compact they do a nice cheese will drop a lot but it is always a satisfaction to make these preparations now I come around to put here in the neckline with his nice cloth on top and I leave it there for another hour no problem done this I will leave it later I will show you then I am spend a couple of hours shape already stewed twisted off all the weights that were there has dropped a lot now I show you or drained quite well and we are in this situation look now I'm going to turn it again look at the salt it was already absorbed, however, it melted because the shape was very wet now I'm going to make a second weld I'll show you look what a beautiful shape a beautiful then and I prepared a little bit of salt here in a pan I go to turn it over with the shape and wada wages what remains attached more than enough the woman put back in which she there I put it to drip another on another on another fruscella with a with a count cleaner underneath to contain any serum that comes out then in this situation here I will leave it 24 hours ok at room temperature so tomorrow now after 12 hours go and turn it again and for the remaining 12 hours it will remain out of the fridge so at room temperature then I am spend 24 hours what is the cheese that has been out of the fridge 24 hours I'll show you that already said it showed me what I'm doing with it nothing particular I extract it from the mold in this way you see it's still a bit give me anyway I'm going to put it on a wooden ax and untreated I recommend and wooden leaves must be untreated because if not if it has varnishes or treatments the cheese took the tastes then this one here now I put it in the refrigerator very normal at 4 degrees you put it inside and every day then for the first week you turn it over twice a day you open the fridge you see that you have the cheese wheel you turn it on the other side and turn it on one non-humid part of the wood so in the meantime it will have time to dry that stamp that will leave the cheese in theory it should no longer do yes I was after these 24 hours of scaling have passed nature has passed a week turn it over once a day it is enough always do so not to put it in the wet but leave it in an empty space then there are on the market that I found some mats just for the cheese I will then put the link in the description found a company here in Scandiano that sells all equipment to make cheese where then I also bought the thorn that he showed me before and this is a kind of mat with little packets underneath I hope you can see that it keeps the cheese slightly raised and so the circle area also underneath manages to ventilate even under the cheese in the refrigerator came with a sheet of this kind which you can then cut to size to put on your choice of wood and is very convenient for doing this. to this process, however, I put the link in the description this now we do not need it anymore now I want to show you why I am waiting 25 30 days for this cheese to have this result ok this here has been 35 days look at it also personalized that has put the my adhesive, however, look when used, the same procedure has obtained a mold that is 2 kilos and 100 grams this one here this one here at this moment you weigh two 450 kilos so more or less it will weigh so I will have a weight loss during the curing but I would go to cut them foresee how I will show you I will not wait 30 days anyway yes this one left it 30 35 days of seasoning in the fridge then you see the tin feel free if a moment the seasoning suits you if you want to go further you can always make it yours conscience then I would go and cut this cheese here now I pull off the sticker because I put it on as a joke we put it on the bed I really want to go to cut that I am very curious you know when someone does home-made things is never one hundred percent sure of the result this is not the first one that does good or bad the result I already know it is perfect for me look there is a few holes, however, there is neither one of them nor a slice because you have to taste it , I always cut it into a wedge and I recommend it seems when you are at the end all the tart remains then I go to throw you some crusts I do not eat it because during these 35 days that it has been in the fridge it made a joke even if you find that the cheese among a bit of mold outside you take it done with a dedicated sponge not the one you use with detergent with a drop of water give us a clean but there is no need to put vinegar oil salt nothing this is the result of seasoning in the fridge the important thing is that you go around every day then I would say that I can taste even without bread without anything I tell you how why it is a satisfaction that I is not indescribable you have to try because doing these things here and thinking about what you had before and what you produced after is exceptional for me but what makes me really happy very good or a taste then this here is made with the farmer's collar not correlated of the bottle with the art of the bottle of the shop must now I have almost shown that I have made some of my productions however exceptional I have made the boxes you see this when we still need a couple of days but they are fantastic here we are has already eaten them different Sometimes this is an experiment and I'm trying to make aged ricotta cheese to be grated then it is instead this seems another cow cheese god that I wanted to get this result but in reality he wanted me lower this is what was done I said with 13 liters of milk from the bottle so this and 2 molds which on this thing already done five days ago if I also show on the other side it was made five days ago it still shows a bit of humidity and it needs a little more seasoning maybe when we go to cut we give it the two differences of the cheeses I would say that the video can be concluded I hope I was useful and precise in all my explanations it is not my job I like to do it because they taught me and I have always done it for a thousand for my home so if you want to have fun I always say with the children it is something to do with the children at home they are amazed they too and then later they have an advantage when a school will do it and talking okay I don't get lost in chat thank you and remind you that if you want to write to the channel here my face comes out click on it like the video and if you need of comments put the questions in the comments do not ask me technical questions sim and why what I know I told you even if you then ask me for degrees or ph because in the middle of the recipes there is also a lot of ph sp question ecially in the recipes of the stracchino that I put here the link if you want to go see also that I made the stracchino the ph of the product obtained counts a lot however I stop here if you then want more information written in the comments I greet you to the next video recipe hello
Channel: Davide Fantinati
Views: 139,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: formaggio, pecorino, parmigiano, stagionato, tutorial, ricetta
Id: aKZhAe411jo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 33sec (1713 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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