Colt Model 1903 Pocket Hammerless

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I can tell who this is just based on the surface the gun is on.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hungryColumbite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 22 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hickok 45 here what's that look like looks like granddaddy 1911 and maybe baby or grandchild 1911 kind of does doesn't it except for the grips there's a little different a little rounded off there on the Pocket rope pistol that's what I got I got the 1903 Colt pocket hammerless we've had so many requests for this never did really run across one so I finally found one and purchased it myself and it's not you know collector's grade or anything but it seems to work and it's pretty cool pretty cool so glad to be able to bring you a Colt 1903 pocket hammerless all right not to be confused with some other semi automatics made at the time even by Colt this is the pocket hammerless because you don't see a hammer doesn't mean there's not a hammer but you don't see it right you might see it before the days out okay so yeah we're going to shoot that thing and actually fires I just want to compare with the 1911 because it looks like John Browning minor design both of these and I think he did yes even the cartridges so pretty cool let's put the 1911 over here and again this didn't come from buds but we appreciate all the help we get from buds gun shop comm brings a lot of firearms to the table so check out Bud's gun shop comm and look at all the cool things they have at their website please support the people who helped us and don't forget if you're not a member of the NRA look at the link and you can join at a discount right down in the description okay it's a NRA org slash Hickok 45 please go there and get the discount become a member and help fight for the gun rights ok NRA it's not perfect no organization is I've been a member for ever and I intend to stay a member even if I don't like something that maybe they do at some point along the way there's no big organization I can think of that I like everything about is this not likely to happen on this planet right so but anyway the NRA has done a lot for us and it's the reason we can bring you a lot of these kinds of things and were able to shoot one one two so anyway just please please consider that seriously 1903 a long time ago this particular firearm was it was designed you know 1900 1901 1902 whenever whenever John Browning was hammering it out in his workshop right and in 1903 it was completed I guess the prototypes at least and this one was made in 1916 okay so it's pretty old this individual piece it's a 32 he came out with this in 32 ACP there's the cartridge it's not very big people might want to laugh at it but guess what it's a bullet and it's nothing you want to see coming at you okay our bodies were not designed to have a bullet piercing them no matter what the size is so the old 32 a classic in so many ways so many firearms were chambered in this you know the PPK you know think of James Bond it was just extremely he came up with this cartridge he needed he wanted a straight walled cartridge that had a small rim on it you know so would feed well in his blowback you know situation with a box magazine so being John Browning he came up with one himself not bad is it so this is iconic I mean these things you see these in the movies all the time the old classic movies of The Maltese Falcon the Casablanca whatever you're gonna see these things pop up Patton I think he actually had one but in the movies he carries one the movie Patton George he's got and then real bad guys real good guys carried these things they were very popular among cops backup gun and but the military actually issued some of these they're kind of parkerized and the Colts actually brought that model back out in in 380 so widespread use all across Europe everywhere that cartridge this firearm yeah John Dillinger supposedly had one in his pocket when he goes you know killed outside the Biograph theater and Chicago nineteen thirty's 34 whatever it was supposedly he had one at the time Al Capone's known to have had one in his coat pocket all the time they found one a Willie Sutton when he was yeah I mean they're just there we'll think about it why would that be popular back in the early 1900s we have a wide array of carry guns now pocket guns I got the little LCP too out here just the size comparison everything but back then there were not that many cool choices and this was not bad this is a look how round that it is and melted it is it's like someone would designed today for a carry revolt or carry pistol you know it's what most of us like in a carry revolver or pistol no sharp edges not a lot of controls to gouge or hang up on this thing is really rounded and melded it's just it's just like ideal in so many ways and there you are in 1919 15 so pretty cool that was available and that's why it was so popular let's go ahead take a shot with the thing okay it I'm going to I've already done that this is the original magazine it works okay I think maybe it hang it hung up on the last round time to I'm not sure I'm gonna take care of that and I found some aftermarket magazines and so and they seem to work so let's sling soon something big 32 ACP rounds downrange what let's see if they'll smoke pot I'm on the road I wonder if Joe and your did any of that not bad not bad there's a bad spray can yeah painted that target it needed it well thank you let's try that again he didn't put on quite the show we might have another round the the slide does not lock back we'll see if we can smoke a little more here all right click yeah so it's probably empty it's not clicked when it wasn't empty yet so we'll assume it's empty but will still stay pointed downrange all right so yeah that works man this thing was made this particular one I looked up the serial number and everything it's a type 3 made 1916 and type 3 there were more of those I think than any other these were made from 1903 about 1945 about 1908 they started making them in 380 also and the the type threes there's a serial number run open you can look it up pretty easily and then also the type threes were the ones that will see what was that they they have the barrel integral barrel lug that's part of the barrel and they do not have a magazine disconnect so it's one way to identify it also other than just a serial number so you can pull the trigger on these on this particular one without a magazine in it so it doesn't have the disconnect so they came in a variety of configurations I cut my leg a little bit so I got blood on me in paint red paint we have trouble with red paint cans out so we get we get we need to a video on paint we're experts in paint and it's hard to get red paint that that works well anyway this is a cool little gun 32 ACP and these are made they're offered by triple K by the way one of you the viewer wrote me on Facebook I may be posted a picture of this on Facebook when I got it and months ago and I don't know if I said something about had one magazine or or what but one of you mentioned this outfit and put me on to it and I went there and ordered some magazines so it's pretty cool they they work and they they have caliber 32 colt on the on the base that's kind of neat they look just like the originals you know and they work so I got several of them ok because let's go be my new carry gun don't you think like I say this is old but they they make they made like five hundred over five hundred seventy thousand of these things so you know there's a lot of math there it's one reason you see them in the movies they were very popular that's why they kept making them right it makes sense three and three-quarter inch barrel anything else on the specs in case you're looking for one for your carry gun it's a blowback action okay in most I guess most blowback action firearms when you wear the barrel doesn't drop the barrel doesn't move just to blowback the barrel is part of the frame now this one's a little different it locks into the frame and it doesn't move when you shoot but it it's not a piece of the frame it's not connected to it with a pen or welded or anything like that so let me go ahead and take apart port just too dirty too hot this is just a really interesting classic gun let's make double sure it's unloaded because the for me the easiest way to take it apart is gonna look dangerous okay everybody see that chamber there's nothing in it okay I'm gonna pull the trigger okay what I'm supposed to or not so we know it's clear triple-check okay I have discovered now John did it the other way you can you can get a hold of it and get this this back where it needs to be there's a little arrow right there in a little line you want to line that up basically right about there and then the barrel will turn and I like to do it that way too okay hey I did it look John I mean let go and it comes apart I I discovered an easier way but we'll do it this way for now as you're springing your mainspring and everything and then the barrel turns back round it'll come out ACC you got this lock-up ridges there so it grooves that match imagine that in the frame so it locks up right in those grooves and so it's not going to move it's like it is well that kind of got some of the PPK models and things it's a part of the barrel so that's pretty interesting and what you're doing is you're turning it like that so it'll move and come out I don't know who designed that it's pretty clever all john browning huh yeah pretty neat and like I said I didn't lie there is a hammer you see that hammer back there there's a little hammer it's just hidden okay concealed so to put it back together just put the barrel back in see if I remember how to do that and the mainspring back in there and you'll see you want the barrel lug same thing you want it turned up we put it back together here's what I was going to show you I believe we all know it's unloaded now I'll show you what I discovered if you have trouble if you ever end up with one of these and they actually make big ones Colt dust what I was doing this is a little harder because all this leather but I was catching it on the edge of something not like that and you could just sort of lean there and get it to the right point where the barrel will turn it's just a lot easier for me to do it that way there we go we're back together so you did all you had to do is use your your weight and muscle your body and just hold it there and just kind of like press checking and it does a great job obviously on a double double triple check I would feel a little nervous about pointing at the table and that kind of thing some things though you do and of course you see us do and videos it's part of the show so to speak that maybe I wouldn't do if I was just by myself shooting or at a shooting range where we're showing you things and we tend to point things in different directions just for the sake of the video for the instruction sometimes you know and then - there's always exceptions - you know - even a lot of the gun safety rules depending on the situation not many but for example there might be some people that I would never do that I would never point that gun at that table maybe you wouldn't but you know if if I'm not smart enough to really know a hundred percent one hundred and twenty percent this gun is unloaded you can't check it three times and do something like that if I'm not mentally stable enough to do that I probably should not be around firearms to begin with yes there's always that that argument just as a minor but by and large you can never air always err on the side of safety okay what else about it here you know there it is you can see the serial number it's really easy to look up these old guns it's just such a cool old gun it is so concealable and you can see why it was so popular among you know cops officers bad guys good guys yeah whoever and you can see why John Dillinger had one in his pocket yeah because it wasn't like packing around a big old 45 you know on his hip or whatever he's doing and speaking of that I wanted to show you just lined up with these others here just to give you an idea the size of you saw it compared with the 1911 there's one LCP too so it's bigger than that isn't but just to give you an idea how how it sizes up there okay LCP - and here's a shield a couple of really common firearms aren't you please I didn't bring blocks out for a change the shield's a little thicker but you can just see cuz a lot of people think of shield is just the coolest little gun and it is and this thing is thinner and you know it's just it's just so cool oh it really is when you pick this thing up if you've ever held one you know what I'm talking about it is isn't he got your your grip safety and if you notice that that's a you know kind of the early grip safety it's like a 1911 right here now in my large hand I have to kind of focus on squeezing that my neighbors are shooting over there because she tall police complain about the noise alright the height of irony let's shoot something now I don't know how well I can shoot this thing but we'll shoot a couple things with it okay round in the chamber you know and it seems to function pretty well I I don't recall having many I think I had a one hang up with the original magazine I even tried some hollow points in it and they seem to work although I have read that they're really not good with hollow points so you know I mean why would you want to maybe have hollow points anyway I don't know you don't have a lot of velocity you got a thirty-two oh did we shoot this target no well why don't we shoot one hand here all right most of them a little off to the left that was just me there we go I focused on that one yeah I put my thumb against the frame unable to keep it more on target here okay it's great to be able to shoot this old thing well 1916 that's almost a hundred years old I don't know if I can hit those two leaders or not we'll try oh hi I'm pleased I am pleased a pocket pistol let's hit the stop sign what oh I can see why people like these I would have liked it I mean you know in nineteen in fact I remember when Dillinger was shot I remember sitting in the theater and hearing gunfire outside on the street didn't know what it was all about but I'm not surprised he was carrying one of these really let's go over the hill he might say why not I mean so what if it's a pocket pistol let's let's see if we can ring the gong with one did I put one in did okay uh if I shot it over there yet I don't recall what I have or not just try that thing though I'll be darned I heard that I hear that I hear that oh man big thirty-two I'm surprised didn't knock it off the hanger Oh mr. cowboy I'm sorry but there might have been some Cowboys in 1903 I've been some Cowboys carrying these things right let's back up hey that's something I haven't done I was just thinking there while I was shooting let's see if it'll shoot rapid fire yeah hey this is my new carry gun feels pretty good it's perfect if it okay well my not told you about it aren't those grips priceless I mean those are original you know to see olt on them and everything yeah a rapid colt there it's pretty neat this is a again this 32 is a very very popular round back then it's a you know in the PP case James Bond it's supposedly the round that Hitler shot himself in the head with and as he was biting down on a cyanide capsule you know of course a lot of this we don't know for sure you know in terms of people who carried what back in the day who knows how much of its legend and how much of it happened but it's pretty easy to believe if it's a very common you know pistol and in one especially during that time period now today wow if we if we stopped interviewed a hundred carry permit holders and say they're all carrying a pocket gun today in the hot weather or something in Tennessee we might get a hundred different firearms I mean we really might could probably get at least 50 different firearms if we interviewed a hundred people if they would tell us right because there are so many choices so many great choices but not as many back then and so when good old John Browning came out with this bad and he had a smaller one what was it a year or two later was they called the best pocket that kind of thing in any chamber the 32 and I think this was not the very first guy that was another FN model that was first chambered I believe in the 32 ACP but he came up with this Carter's nifty cartridge not bad and in this guy I think I even have another round here somewhere the magazine I was happy to find these magazines not that I'm gonna go out and fire you know this thing a lot Oh she saw him John will shoot her son he really likes it and he's wondering one of these for a long time we've talked about them and they're really not all that expensive there were so many of them made that you can find one in just reasonable condition that's just not that not that that's not crazy expensive okay I mean you know I find this gun for like six hundred bucks or something that's not cheap but it's not like there are two thousand dollars because they're antiques and everything and the cool thing is it it still works and you can find magazines for them how's that that's for amazing should I push my luck a little more and try to hit the red plate make John Browning proud alright got it okay I want to hit it once for John Browning yeah I really did and I think he'd like it if I owe a cinderblock I'll bet it'll just mow it down well they did we'll try with something else like maybe a slug in a little haha a pretty cool gun I don't know what else to to tell you about it I don't really know any other lies about it other than it's it's it's definitely iconic you'll see it in the movies if you haven't yet and a couple of negatives on the thing I guess would be you know that you notice it has the heel type mag release so I wouldn't take it to an IPSC match you know USP same and expect to do really well with it maybe because you don't have the thumb release you gotta grab it down there then also the safety is a little bit awkward to engage in disengage it acts also as your slide lock button that Safety's on I mean you can sort of wipe it off but yeah it's it's all awkward but it works and you know that's the main thing blowback action and it has a reputation for being reliable it really does and I can believe it because you know this is just a random when I picked up and it it just rarely misses a lick I do think as I recall the only problem I've had was maybe around with the original magazine the spring might be getting a little weak on it or something and I even tried hollow points and they worked I don't remember what kind they were I just picked them up a random box or something well since it's gonna be my carry gun maybe I will carry no it's not going to be my carry gun but I'll tell you what it shoots and it seems reliable so you know what more do you want go shoot one more magazines that okay that's the cool thing about again as I've talked about the firearms the hobby of firearms collecting shooting there aren't many other areas I can think of where you you know so many things are disposable or they they only last for a couple of years or something you know where there's cars where they Matthew we restored a firearm can be used moderately even fairly extensively in 50 a hundred years later it's still doing what it's always done and functions just fine yeah so that is one of the cool things about this sport and so many firearms have so much history associated with that you know it's just all ties into that as you all know you're into firearms so good old John Browning we've done without him so many great designs and other really bottles of mine almost it really does there's almost nobody in any industry period it's not just firearms that has the design and come up with so many classic designs and solve so many different problems like how to make a semi-automatic shotgun that works pistol you know machine guns lever guns you know the better lever guy he essentially figured out how to make the best lever gun the best shot gun levers lever shotgun yeah a pump shotgun you know machine guns just right down the line it's crazy I even had a pretty good semi-automatic pistol that was adopted by the military so he was he was an amazing fellow and doubt about it I'll shoot oh I loaded too I'm sorry you caught me all right now I'll show you the relative weakness of the 32 of course still going to penetrate right I'll shoot that on the tree I'll shoot the left one they usually go around you know with a nine-millimeter say so that's that's your power factor of course that's steel you know it's not gonna bounce off of a human or a zombie let's try a plate shooter good little shooter the only I guess the biggest negative is a cartridge and of course it came out in 380 later you had more recoil and I think held one less round and so and I was actually kind of looking for a 380 model couldn't find one they're generally more expensive harder to find and what the heck I was like I'm really gonna carry the thing let me get the original and 32 and that's what I did so really a neat classic it's just a special special pistol really is and again it actually shoots and it's reliable and you could go out and shoot the thing like we just did a hundred times you're probably not going to have any trouble just a matter of how much where you want to put on something like this but where it's not a museum piece not a not a big deal so the 1903 pocket hammerless wrong to you by John Browning originally so pretty neat and again no telling what the history is on this specific firearm made in 1916 it might have been carried as a backup by some federal agents local police Al Capone I don't know could have been anywhere and now it's here at the compound oh yeah so glad we could bring it to you remember to support the people that support us if you will we love you life is good well hope you guys enjoyed that because I know I sure did well I've got to here I wanted to let you guys know about our friends over SDI this an or desert Institute they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you can be certified and gunsmithing and you can also get an associates degree in firearms technology and they also do a lot of work with veterans they accept the GI bill they also have hands-on experience even though it's a distance learning program so it's one let you guys know about them also you can find them at SDI edu that's the Sonoran Desert Institute and also just wanna let you guys know we have merchandise now so if you want to buy any it got 45 merchandise you can go over to our store the link is in the description of every video and there's also a link kind of on the header of the main channel page that the main youtube channel and so we've got that and also if you want to find more of our content and other places it's everywhere you can go to full 30 com we have most or all of our videos over there you can also find us on Facebook Hickok 45 Facebook you can find Hickok 45 on Instagram I think it's the real he got 45 over there and then also on Twitter I got 45 and then me the son then son John Hickok you can find me at Hickok 45 and son on YouTube I also do a podcast called gun culture radio what you can find on that youtube channel and also on iTunes and there's also a John Hickok Facebook page which you'll find a link to on the Hickok 45 and Sun channel page there's a link over there and that's all I can think about for now it's a lot to digest so you're gonna want to think about that for a little bit and then watch one of these other videos it's like down there over there somewhere because some of these look pretty good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 632,772
Rating: 4.9209328 out of 5
Keywords: Colt, Pocket hammerless, 1903, John Browning, .32 ACP, 32 ACP, CCW, concealed carry
Id: P7qx5M9GzHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 57sec (1677 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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