Armed in 1887

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peacock 45 here and the year is 1887 and i have a shotgun let me prove it how's that for proof yes i have a 12 gauge because the year is 1887. i could have a 12-gauge for a long time couldn't i anyway this is armed in 1887 and you know the drill we're going to select or show you three firearm choices from the year 1887 and that dollar right there might have been used to buy one of these perhaps okay because it was made in 1887. and actually a couple of these firearms are old we don't always have old guns you know but the the style of farm that was used back in the day could have been you birdie a replica or anything right but today we happen to have a couple of these are actually from that that era so again you know the drill these are not necessarily my choices john's choices or your choices okay but they would be three choices somebody probably made okay that would be you know fairly logical maybe less logical than you or me so yeah that's the drill and before i start i want to thank for all the help they give us just an incredible supporter as well as the sonoran desert institute distance learning become a gunsmith check them out and then federal premium we're gonna fire maybe some federal premium yeah some shotguns at least but uh some of these old guns i'm gonna fire some older lead lead rounds but man we get so much help from federal premium and we really appreciate their support and while i'm at it so i can get into this let me thank also the silencer central we're probably not going to put a suppressor on this or should be john yeah maybe we will i don't think so but we appreciate for all the help they give us and the suppressors they have furnished and done just the support so check them out and they'll help you help walk you through your suppressor purchase okay check them out and so three guns and many of you can already uh tell that or or many of you are already thinking oh man nice firearms some of you might not you know i joke sometimes about old guns like this someone go into a pawn shop and they're looking for a polymer pistol there's a little piece of junk well most of us know they're not pieces of junk right so i'm sure those caught your eye yeah 1887. gosh i can barely remember it i was pretty young and at grover cleveland i remember was the president of the united states it was the first year that groundhog day was observed i know okay i kind of remember a lot of people my family talking about groundhogs for some reason every spring and uh what else was going on uh buffalo bills uh first the wild west show it opened in london as i understand in 1887 i didn't get to london you know back then uh gosh i don't know what i'll see who had the the groundhog day i know that uh shoeless joe jackson was born in 1887 without shoes i'm sure and one of our favorite characters of the west doc holliday died in 1887. so doc holiday was was leaving the world that shoeless joe was coming in shoeless right so interesting year i'm sorry you all weren't there so i wanted to give you some data about that so yeah three three possible choices i don't know how many of the average joes had coach guns or sawed off their shotguns don't know how popular that was to do in general unless they knew it was going to be a self-defense shotgun because there were no laws back then you had to have a 18-inch shotgun barrel right but the shotgun is a mainstay and of the three firearms you know the drill uh check the playlist you know we've done three or four videos like this uh a shotgun rifle and handgun okay true enough if you were living then if you were living now in 2021 if you were alive today and you had to choose uh you know three firearms i don't know maybe one of them would not be a shotgun or maybe one of your choices of the three would not be a handgun you know i don't know we're a rifle yeah you want two different handguns and then a shotgun i don't know but what we're doing is a typical maybe or a sensible logical choice in each of the three types of firearms so i would say probably a lot of people would have had a longer barrel maybe they wouldn't have sawed it off but then some would so a good old double barrel shotgun not a bad choice let me and you've already seen it's not a bad choice let's shoot something different here uh i don't know if they had a lot of plastic shotgun shells back then but we do today and uh i think the uh you're the hammerless internal hammered shotgun double barrel those are a round or single barrel for a long time i i in doing some research learned i knew months ago that there were some of those actually invented in the early 1800s really but i think in america there weren't many of those in use with you know cartridge guns until 1870 late 1870s okay but anyway in 1887 they would have been around and it might have been his choice or her choice to have one that had internal hammers instead of the rabbit ear hammers right a little a little smoother maybe to operate and uh less likely to hang on the saddle or whatever so let's just shoot this thing again and let's put one on this target here or how about a well i'll put one right in the middle oh nice and uh let's just see if i can hit that pot without us don't do that sometimes we get buck shot back off that wood i'm gonna shoot that red two liter boom so a shotgun still even though it has a short barrel it will reach out and that's just bird shot so yeah you always have a reason a purpose for a shotgun you know if you're out in the wild bird hunting uh various types of game for hunting that you know you just the rifle is a little too much and are hard to hit with so a shotgun is just a mainstay it might have been in the wagon again i don't know how many people who were strictly on horseback had a shotgun and a rifle maybe some did but just depending on how you're traveling so shotgun pretty cool that would that would have been a good choice you know a viable choice a shotgun like i say that was internal hammers that would be a pretty good choice and uh yeah just good old gun well let's look at the handgun you want to uh one obvious choice would be a colt single action of course and this is the uh the frontier model in 4440 and this person you know uh for whatever reason might have wanted the seven and a half inch barrel the longer version of it uh maybe something of a firearms aficionado look at that he has ivory or she has ivory grips on this firearm and even embedded a dime for the time of the the the year that they bought it you know 1887. pretty cool so they wanted to remember when they bought it maybe but a good old colt single action is hard to beat and this one's in you know 4440. so they might have had another rifle who knows or had owned one in the past that was chambered in 4440 and till match up now this one's 4570. so let's shoot this thing oh is this an act of love you know what i have to do here this thing was made in 1887 which means black powder and it's perfectly clean so look what i'm doing which one of you is coming over here tomorrow and cleaning this firearm for me inside and out i almost didn't do this but i decided y'all are worth it right okay good old 4440 black powder cartridge i haven't shot a good while i don't even remember where where to boom nice nice oh yeah black powder we have to try one on the cowboy right all right boom got him a little left i believe that was it let's test our flinch though wasn't it yeah there we go that was it good old black powder look at that thing see how dirty it gets right away yeah yeah i uh i bought this new in 1887. i didn't take good care of it did i let the finish just wear off because it started out blue and color case hardened and uh i don't know i put too much oil on that gas but uh it has worn quite a bit so uh yeah nothing like that i'll tell you 4440 uh becomes a mess so this would have been a pretty good choice we'll keep it watered down uh because 4440 while not quite as powerful as 45 cold there is nothing to sneeze at at all and very popular and also compatible with a number of rifles that the 45 colt was not compatible with even though the 45 colt was uh more common uh more common caliber on all the statistics and the numbers and everything so we won't get into that argument but uh really really nice uh a choice and of course it you know the cold single action is very very common in the day the ergonomics are just a wonderful the simplicity of it so it would have been a very logical choice not a tough choice to make right there are other handguns of course but this would have been a pretty good choice and i'd like to say it's all dressed up here in ivory so this person had good taste in firearms i think and uh this would uh take care of business with the seven half inch barrel half seven and a half inch barrel you tend to be able to shoot it better and more accurately and you know so apparently that was known all right now the coup de gras the choice here the rifle this person chose is in 1886. winchester so you know i like that choice i think he or she did a great job on this one 1886 a beautiful gun john browning's first lever lever gun and uh designed to be able to withstand the pressures and everything of a 4570 cartridge to compete with marlin at the time they had one was a model 1881 i think so winchester was a little bit behind on that even though they were you know wildly popular already but they didn't have one like this that would chamber the 4570 and just really beefy and strong and heavy so there you go that was a common caliber all right so let's load it up and take a couple shots whether you want to so yeah this is it's kind of a heavy gun again this person uh was very aware of the fine firearms that were out there and uh possibly was i don't know spending time out on the planes or some big game out there or in the mountains i don't know but with this you not only have capacity because they hold about nine rounds in the mag you know what i put in there but uh they held about nine rounds and you've got forty five seventy forty five seventy so let's take a couple shots with it and by the way again as i said this is a vintage rifle you've seen it i hope if you're new maybe i'll link to the videos on these three guns or a couple of them this one was made in 1886. okay literally okay let's shoot something do i remember where to hold with this one got him in the bottom let's hit a bowling pin oh yeah now we shoot well we already shot the target let's smoke some pot and speaking of big game let's try a buffalo over there got off on me boy it's got a great trigger those should have been low i popped him somewhere on the foot i guess these are kind of cowboy loads they're lighter lighter those i'll put a couple more so this would have been a great versatile choice if you have uh the means to pack it to carry it either on your person you're a nice uh healthy individual and not a weakling because it's heavy or you're on horseback or just whatever it's being carved around in the wagon all right mr buffalo let's try you again there we go let's take out a ram while we got the big game gun out yeah got another round here uh bowling pins nice yeah 1886 very powerful round uh for the times for any time and a big old heavy gun that would uh again be really really versatile uh negative would be it's heavy it's large but the positives at least for this old cowboy or whoever uh would be that it's uh you know it's worth it okay for for their needs so really really uh viable choice there the 1886 this person with these three firearms would have been you know the envy of a lot of other folks at the time in 1887 i would i would guess because how do you do better than a colt single action even though there's other choices how do you definitely do better than a an 1886 winchester any time in history and then a good old double barrel shotgun the simplicity of it they just work and the power you have along you know with that so that's that's hard to beat isn't it and uh i think as a bonus before i let you go we'll probably shoot one of them again but again the 1887 think of the time period uh and it's always interesting to think about this i know we mentioned this uh before how the people building this firearm and this firearm and that coin building that coin uh you know they rode to work on a street car i don't know they rode to work on a horse probably and rode home on a horse or horse and buggy where they walked depending where they were hartford connecticut and of course where was this one made new haven connecticut so the folks living in connecticut at that time uh new haven or hartford uh i don't know 87 did they have now that mean public transportation what they might have at the time but they very likely rode a horse you know to work uh and there used a horse for transportation in 87 i don't think there were a lot of buicks around rose mobiles quite yet and uh you know didn't have a lot of bright fluorescent lights you know shiny led lights shining down on them as they were fitting these things together you know they weren't uh their manager in the in the factory wasn't having to keep an eye on people to keep them from grabbing their cell phone and texting you know when they should be working so just a totally different environment they weren't thinking about what they were going to watch on tv when they got home you know or uh their favorite internet sites or anything so that's pretty brilliant right brilliant observation on my part yeah but anyway it's just interesting thing about how different the times were and these days they seem kind of inviting don't they and so in some ways even with the disadvantages but these would be three possible choices right here as i mean i'll say as good as any others maybe you might disagree what would you have chosen do you think you would have chosen if you were alive in 1887 okay uh what would have been your choices and it would depend again on what your livelihood is what your job is if you're a buffalo hunter you know you might have chosen this not even consider anything else okay or if you're in the mountains or whatever it is a lot of would depend on where you live what part of the country you're in and your occupation your avocation just what what you like to do what you needed what your needs were if you were riding a shotgun on a stagecoach you know that would have been a good choice wouldn't it so yeah what would you have chosen especially those of you who know a little bit about the history and the firearms that were available back then don't say now like john wayne i would have had a model 92 winchester just because they do in the movies right so i'll i'll shut up and uh you know what i got this dirty can i shoot it five more times before i let you go let's do it don't i gotta clean it anyway so let's let let's let's shoot this last we load five remember okay skip around you gotta follow your habit the pattern and uh it just keeps you safe okay even though we're on the range all right what do we got here let's put a few on that uh oh that tombstone can easily count my rounds on that can i pretty nice and i got five empty brass in there and you know what before i let you go i lied i'm gonna do something else because i realized something we haven't done we have not put around on the gong yet how do i not put a round on the gong with these beautiful firearms let's put two on it yeah just had to do that i just realized oh it was negligent negligent now i didn't fire black powder in this i i could do that but you know the cleanup wouldn't it's enough that i fired that six shooter for you okay so anyway guns of 1887 armed in 1887. three possible choices uh what would you choose something like this something lighter something smarter uh you know i'm sure you wouldn't choose exactly what i would choose because you're a lot smarter than i am right so anyway uh share share life is good alright it's a long walk from where i had to shoot that oh man oh hey didn't see you guys there since you're here i want to let you know about our friends over at talon grips and ballistol check out everything they have over there you can get lots of different grips the stick on grip textures for your handguns and rifle grips so go check them out also ballistol they're a firearms lubricant or anything else you might need lubricating it's water soluble and non-toxic been using it on the compound and cleaning all of our guns it's a cleaner and a lube for over 10 years so ballistal talon grips definitely check both of those companies out and also while you're on the internet don't forget to go to you can also find us on facebook hiccup 45 twitter hickok45 instagram the real hiccup 45 and also i have an instagram page where i post behind the scenes stuff and different things like that john john underscore hickok45 on instagram and the next thing you have to do is watch more videos
Channel: hickok45
Views: 2,833,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hickok45, shooting range, steel targets, gun safety, second amendment, Federal Premium, Budsgunshop, SDI, Ballistol, Talon Grips
Id: IZ93Iwdx9KQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Wed May 19 2021
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