Coloring line art drawing with GIMP

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to show you how to color a liner drawing using um basically we need the tool uh the toolbar open we need as well the option tools below and then we need the layers if your layers are not open you just can click on windows dockable dialogues layers so coloring a line art is might be hard because it's quite time consuming especially if you want to stay within the lines and we are going to help ourselves using the selecting tools those we have at the very top and we will use for coloring the coloring tools the paint tools basically the gradient we will use the paint brush the pencil for closing the lines the paint packet and as well we will use the dutch burn tool to make shadow and light effect so one of the things we have to bear in mind is that if we are going to use the coloring tools like the paint bucket we need to have all the contours perfectly closed in mind in this situation you you want to color the hair and as you can see the background is selected at the same time i'm going to show you what might happen to you if the the shapes they are not well closed so here when we try to color um the hair at the same time we have the background colors and this leg it means that we have the shape opened at some point and is is quite good just to close all the lines so different possibilities to close the lines uh the most evident one is to choose black color and just take the pencil so this works quite good if you are if you have unsteady a quite a steady hand and if the gap is very small small like this one oops this is very big you can increase and decrease the size of the paint brush or the pencil in the option tool where it says your size okay now the shape is closed i think i have another gap here in the finger i'm not very satisfied with these lines in the fingers so with the white color in the background and the eraser tool i'm just going to clean them up a little bit so i'll go to the fringe which was opened another possibility to make contours is this one is to close the paths tool you put the beginning and the final point and then you say stroke to path you select the thickness and you say stroke all right you can modify the path a little bit even change direction and so on okay i think everything is closed right now i have the feeling when i look at the lines that some of them are not very neat so i'm going to go to colors threshold and sliding this black triangle to the right i will make the lines bolder all right so here right now we have all the lines closed uh most of them already i'm going to clean this a little bit as well and then we'll clean this light all right so if you try to color on top of the background this is what might happened that at some point you [Music] hide the line art which is not really a nice thing okay you try to color on top of this you will hide the contour so what we are going to do first is to duplicate this this line art how can you make this very easy you go to layers transparency add an alpha channel okay and using the select by color tool you will click on the black area all right see what happens you have already selected all the black contour of your drawing right so what you will do is to say edition copy edition paste as new layer all right and in the panel of layers you have already seen that we have a new layer all right which is this one is the contour of the drawing we're going to start coloring putting layers below this one which i'm going to rename as drawing line drawing all right so um this is the idea i'm going to start selecting the areas to color select none of course um and then we are going to put every single color on a new layer all right so i go to my background i take for example the falsies selecting tool okay i will click on the dress all right as you can see my dress is selected i will say edition copy edition pasters new layers again okay and what i'm going to do here is to select my color which is going to be for example green i would use to color the um paint brush maybe a slightly bigger would be better better okay so on top of the active layer which is this one i'm going to paint in green i will continue working a little bit on top of this this layer and some shadows so using a darker color i will make the shadows all right and it will make some highlights as well this is very nice okay so just to make sure we understand what we're doing in the in this layer i'm going to write that this is the dress all right select as you can see the area where i'm painting is selected because it's into a dashed line okay none all right i go back to my background i will continue working for example with my balloon all right so i go to the fussy selection tool i will select the balloon as you can see my button is selected and i will say again edition copy edition paste as new layer right and this is going to be by my balloon all right for this layer i'm going to use a different color for the shape okay i will use the gradient tool there are many possibilities for the gradient but the one i'm going to use is the one that we say custom that means that it's going to be the gradient created by these two colors the one we have in the foreground and the one we have in the background so i want like this color and maybe this one all right among those shapes we can get because we have linear bi-linear radial radial maybe is the one that fits better and with the balloon layer active i will just click and drag okay this is the second possibility for coloring um the gradient all right select none okay the next thing i'm going to color oh i have already realized that we forgot about this sleeve here so i go back to my background i select this leaf oh i have i have a line missing here closing the the neck so let's go back to this all right i go back to my background i will just close the neck here with a black color a stroke to path stroke all right so things to be done i'm going to select the sleeve right i will say ctrl c copy on top of the dress i will move it to the right position okay that's it and i will say two new layer right i will just connect them this is the one with the sleeve this is the other one i will select them both right and i will say merge foreign layers oh no it's not the one that we really need merge sound is the one with it okay here now we have the two shapes in one all right so i will take the shape and i will take my my paint brush and let's go to color okay all right let's continue working with maybe the skin okay so go back again to um to to my arena drawing zoom out okay so we have to select the arm the face the eyelash the ear the neck the arm and this one all of them already selected oh and the finger all right here we have okay so again edition copy edition pastels new layer okay this one is going to be skin all right and i will use this time for example the paint bracket to make the fill right so let's choose the color i'm working on the skin right okay and i will continue oh i forgot the neck all right i will continue working a little bit with this tool which is the dodge burn tool all right so to make the the shadows right so if you just click on burn you're going to make the darkest areas so just you can create some shadows here you all right all right and if you just click on dodge you can make some of the areas later i'd like to clean a little bit with the eye so i will just take the eraser and see if i can just rub this out to be better all right let's check all right we almost have it let's go back to the background let's select the hair i will use for example the paint packet as well so edition copy edition pasters new layer right this one is going to be the hair [Music] and i will use the paintbrush for example this to color all right let's lean a little bit oops here this one working with the burn too all right i still can see some some white contour around these ones so what i'm going to do here is to say that we want the threshold even thicker all right that's it once this is ready we just have to say file save us colored file dot xcf
Channel: monica rodrigo
Views: 3,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 56fTdLXL5Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 55sec (1195 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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