5 Tips To Sell T-Shirts Fast

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In today's video I'm going to share with you my five best tips for selling t-shirts fast Hi everyone, and welcome back to another video if you're new here My name is Greg and I like to talk about online entrepreneurship and share the resources that I wish I had along my journey so if you're interested in making money online or print on demand Feel free to look around the channel and consider subscribing Now today's video is going to be straight to the point and is going to be 5 very good tips to help you sell t-shirts fast as you guys have likely seen there are a lot of videos on this channel that go through my best strategies for selling t-shirts online However, one of the biggest problems I've been seeing is people starting out doing everything. Exactly, correct But not getting t-shirt sales yet. The main strategies that I talk about on this channel. They are long term strategies Yes, I do think they're the best strategies But they take time so this video is going to be specifically for those of you who are looking to get quick t-shirt sales So that you can see that these strategies really do work Now as you guys know my style in these videos is to get straight to the point But I want to make one quick announcement before we get started for all of you guys who have been subscribed to this channel I want to give you a very big thank you. The channel has just passed 100,000 subscribers, which is absolutely insane, and then it's all thanks to you guys So for all of you guys who have been subscribed for a while now leaving comments and likes Thank you guys so much from the bottom of my heart It means a lot to see this channel growing that big and as always if you guys need anything at all or have video Suggestions leave them down in the comments and I'll help you out with that being said Let's go ahead and get started with the first tip on how to sell t-shirts fast The first tip here that has worked for me for years If you want to get quick t-shirt sales is to find and follow trends now There are a couple different ways that you can use to find trends The first one is probably easiest it's going to be when you're on social media. Whether that's Instagram Facebook Twitter Pinterest You see things that start to come up as a pattern now Yes, this is going to be a good way to find things that are going viral However, typically by the time you see it it may be a little bit too late to create t-shirt designs and actually profit from this so this brings us to the way that I personally like to use to find trends This is called Google Trends what Google Trends is going to allow you to do is see trends before they hit the masses Google Trends will show you based on Google searches. What is breaking out? what is becoming very popular very quickly and you can Instantly as it's happening what this allows you to do is find trends that look like they would be good for t-shirts and you could create designs on and Make designs about them before it goes viral Now this brings us right into the second tip and this is making sure that you are finding good niches now Yes in my experience over the last few years It definitely holds true that you can create great designs in any niche no matter how competitive and still get sales on that However, the more competitive niches typically take a long time for you to even break into them and start seeing sales So for those of you who are looking to get t-shirt sales fast You're going to have to find niches that are not very saturated Now what this means for you is you can create great designs and put them out there with only a few other competitors So when someone goes and looks for a design, if yours is a good design, you're only competing against a few other people So your odds of getting that sale are a lot higher now again there are going to be different tools out there that you can use to find good niches and tell you what the Competition is looking like however, the one that I personally use is called merchants former they have a Competition checker tool and they even offer a free trial so you can go try it for free and you can find your first few niches completely for free without paying The reason that I recommend merchants former for this is because it's specifically for print on men and t-shirts It's not taking the entire Google search engine search data. It's only taking print-on-demand search data additionally You don't have to read between any lines some of the other tools. You're going to get full search data So you have to kind of figure out what that means for t-shirts however With the competition checker on merchants former You just type in the niche that you are considering and it'll give you a score a or F if it's eight That means it's a good grade go forward with it. If it's an F. That means you should probably skip it It's too competitive and then to make it even better Once you find a niche that you like that has an a score you can scroll down and find the current top 10 best selling designs in that niche These will give you inspiration For creating your own designs and show you who you are competing against now The third tip I have for you is a really big tip and that is to hire Influencers if you're looking to sell t-shirts fast now typically I'm not one to recommend spending money on paid Advertising especially if it's paid Facebook ads or paid Instagram ads However, if you're looking to get sales fast, you may need to spend a little money on advertising now I definitely still stand behind not paying for Facebook ads or Instagram ads as a beginner However, if you are going to spend money on advertising in my experience the best way that you can spend it Especially as a beginner is on an influencer in your niche Briefly how this works is you go on to any social media platform? and you find people with big accounts in that niche that you are making your design in you can reach out to them in a Number of different ways. You may have to direct message them you may have to find their business email and contact them there or you can go to their website and find a contact form and Just know that when you reach out to these influencers, they get a ton of messages every day So you can expect somewhere around 10 percent of them to respond and it may take a few days until you get that response however the idea here is you ask them for their rates of how much it costs for them to feature one of your posts on their Page to their audience now if you're starting out as a beginner try not to spend anything over $20.00 I know it can be very tempting and very easy to find a really big page and they ask a high number because they have a huge following in your specific niche However, as a beginner as you're just starting here I don't recommend swinging for the fences and spending a lot of money right at the start now with that said since the response rate From the influencers is generally going to be pretty low. You may need to reach out to quite a few So if you reach out to 10 or 20 different influencers that may yield just a few of them responding to you and that way you have a couple options to choose from Now once you've gone through these first three tips you found trends that you could potentially make designs on you've looked to find good niches And you found influencers in those niches now, it's time to move into tip number four The fourth tip is making sure that your designs are actually good the vast majority of sellers completely overlooked this one It's very easy to think that just at first glance. Your designs are good enough to be bought however When you look at the other designs you're competing against you have to make sure that your designs are as good or better than theirs This can easily become the hardest part because you have to be really honest with yourself You're the one creating the designs and if you ask family members or friends how it looks They're almost always going to say it looks good, because they don't want to say anything that could potentially hurt your feelings so you have to make sure that you are looking at your designs and analyzing them against the competitors to make sure that they are actually Good enough to be bought if you do all of these other tips, but you don't have good designs No one is going to buy them with that being said also make sure that you're not using any copyrighted content in your design So no brand logos, no song lyrics no We quotes and nothing that could potentially get you in trouble or get your design taken down again If you do all the other steps, but your design gets removed You won't be getting any sales now for those of you guys who watch other videos on this channel, you know I'm always talking about placeit dotnet That is my personal Primary design tool and that's the tool that I would recommend for all of you guys to use that is going to yield great designs That you can build off of their templates and the best part is everything that you create on There is fully commercially usable this way. You don't have to worry at all about copyright infringement and getting your design taken down now Yes place it is a paid tool. So you do have to pay to use it However, I'll leave a link down in the description They have free templates that you can choose from where you don't have to pay for your subscription So if you don't have one yet or you can't afford one You can choose from the free templates just know that it will be a lot more limited than having a full membership But if you don't have a big budget to spend and you need to hire an influencer That's the only thing you can afford then you can use the free templates on place it and that'll at least get you started now We're almost done here. We're down to the last tip. This is number 5 This is to make sure that you have good mock-up photos This is another thing that a lot of people overlook because they don't want to spend the money on place it Again, you can get free templates for mock-ups from placeit. I'll have a link to that down in the description However, these mock-ups are essential especially if you're going to be hiring an influencer If you're not familiar with what? mock-ups are essentially you create your t-shirt design whether that's created on place it or anywhere else and you can upload it onto a Model place it's software essentially photo shops that design onto the model shirt onto their mug onto the computer on to thousands of different mock-ups That you could choose from now the key here is that you take the photos of the mock-ups that look like real people Wearing your designs and that is the photo that you give to the influencer to post on their page This is where it comes full-circle when you hire that influencer. They're going to ask you for a post What is the picture in the caption that you want them to post on their page now? Most people will just screenshot the shirt that they have for sale and send that to the influencer However, that is going to be leaving so many t-shirt sales on the table the way you have to think about This is psychologically if you are an Instagram user and you're on Instagram Scrolling through and you see a post from someone that you follow but it's just a photo of a t-shirt You only have a split second for your mind to decide Do I want to stop and look at this or keep scrolling if it's just a photo of a t-shirt? You may not even look at who posted it and you'll just scroll right past it because you think it's an advertisement However, if that's a photo of a mock-up and it shows a person wearing a shirt with a caption Then it is far more likely to stop and look at that image see who the person is See if you recognize them see what they're wearing. See who posted it look at the caption as you can see this opens up a much larger time frame for someone to actually Analyze that photo and see if they like the shirt read the caption and actually click over and go buy that t-shirt So with that said if you are going to be hiring an influencer Please send them a mock-up photo where it's actually intriguing and you'll get a lot more sales in a much higher Conversion rate than just sending them a screenshot of the t-shirt. So guys. I hope this video helps Those are 5 tips to help you sell t-shirts fast For those of you who have been watching other videos on this channel you know that this is not the main strategy that I recommend the main strategy that I recommend works time and time again it just Takes time. I'll link that up at the end of this video and I'll also link a few helpful videos down in the description I hope you guys enjoyed this video. If you did, I would really appreciate the thumbs up Feel free to subscribe if you want more videos like this and I'll be seeing you guys all in the next video
Channel: Greg Gottfried
Views: 183,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: why arent my t-shirts selling, sell more t-shirts fast, 4 tips to sell more shirts, 5 tips to sell more shirts, how to sell more shirts, how to sell more t-shirts, 4 tips, 5 tips, 5 tips to sell sell t-shirts, entrepreneur (profession, t-shirt (garment), merch by amazon, printful, prinful and shopify, print on demand, redbubble, cafepress, tshirt help desk, how to design and sell t shirts online, how to make and sell t shirts online, teespring tutorial for beginners, gottfried09
Id: jA7D4yFzNxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 51sec (591 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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