Jaw-Dropping September Garden Harvest 😮

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what's going on growers it's James Prigioni  coming to you live from jersey it's september and   we're just a few weeks away from fall here but  that doesn't mean me and tuck are slowing down   so today we want to take you along for an  amazing backyard garden harvest let's go let's start things off by grabbing a fresh  melon from the back corner of the food forest   this one's called the Charentais melon and before  i get into it too much i want to mention that i'm   in new jersey i'm in zone 7a here and the size  of my property people ask a lot the whole thing   is about one-third of an acre but i only grow on  about one-third of that so the total growing space   is about a ninth of an acre so it's not a lot of  space and basically anybody can be doing what i'm   doing in here as long as you have the opportunity  and as long as you have a loyal guy like tuck   this guy's the best i'll tell you right boy  so me and him are just like we're feeling   like crazy excited about this charente melon  because i know they're like either ripe or   overripe the smell on this thing is just  insane this is a cantaloupe and once i come   around this area i can just smell it it smells  incredible typically when melons like this are   ripe usually you could just pick it up and it'll  crack right off the stem that's not happening   like this but we're getting some cracking on the  stem which is a good sign of it being ripe another   sign of it being ripe is when the tendrils like  these would start to turn brown and die off but i   just think this thing's ripe because the smell is  just incredible so let's not let's not talk about   it too much anymore let's cut this baby off and  then taste it and see how delicious it actually is   so let's get these uh pruners right here i'm just  gonna cut it off i don't want to damage the plant   too much so let's cut this baby right here oh i  cannot wait to cut into this man this thing's so   beautiful i barely even want to cut into it but  we've got some squash back here that's ready too   some yellow squash look at this i've got to make  sure i harvest these so let's grab these babies   nice two big ones one big one one small one i  meant look at this look at the color man these   are just so striking and so beautiful this one's  definitely a little pass but this one is perfect   so i want to cut this open i'm going to show  you what it looks like inside and we're going   to taste it as well and look at right down below  you there's another one that's about ready too   so this is a productive kind of melon i cannot  wait to taste it i hear it's like one of the   best tasting melons supposed to be so sweet look  down right below us though look at look at this   the squirrel has been going around and burying  a bunch of seed because i give my chickens fresh   uh fresh wild bird seed just to snack  on along with their feet as well   so they stole a lot of that and just burned it in  sections in the garden so the squirrels are just   they're non-stop but i think i have a decent  solution for them that i'm going to get into   well you guys gave it to me in just a few minutes  but let's open this baby up let's not delay any   longer look at this thing it's like a like a mini  basketball or something really cool nice size to   it i'm very excited to open it so first thing  we're going to do is just cut off the one end cut off the other end give us a nice  flat plane oh then here's the moment of   truth this is what we've been waiting  for let's slice right into this baby oh yeah oh look at that oh my gosh look at that  this thing looks perfect oh my gosh it looks   perfect i gotta slice this off and taste it real  quick oh man just gonna slice one little slither and then we'll just get some of the seeds and stuff out oh man i want to get this top part no rind there it is if you've never grown your own food this might  seem silly like how excited i get it over these   little things but if you have grown your own food  if you've tasted this stuff from your own backyard   these are the varieties you can't get in  the store this is it's got the minerals   the flavor i mean it's it's tough  to describe let's taste it though thank god i don't have a bunch of these  because this thing would give you melon belly   i mean you're going to eat so much  of this that you get a stomach ache   so i'm going to leave the other one for just  like another day or so but man these things are   incredible look at look at how ripe it is and the  flavor this is why we grow food in our backyard   because we can go from asparagus to strawberries  to grapes to apples to peaches to cantaloupe to   watermelons it's it's all here time to grab some  fresh jersey tomatoes and we've got a lot to grab   let's start off with this russian variety right  here this is the mushroom basket variety these   things are some big tomatoes beautiful shape and  relatively mild flavor look at that though oh my   gosh let's get in the sun a little more it's like  this pinkish blush the ribs i mean it's just this   is like a picturesque tomato so beautiful let's  harvest this other one though grab it right here   another beautiful tomato love to see it we've got  a lot to harvest here here's one that looks really   cool look at this the pineapple bi-color tomato  look at the streaking and stuff on this that's   just it's supposed to be like that oh man it's  so beautiful it's why they call it the bi-color   we've got more to grab here though look at this  set i'm going to take this top one pretty nice   and this bottom one here then we'll grab  some of these lemon boys right next to us   the basket's already starting to get some color  get this lemon boy here this one up top here and as this season starts to move on you'll  notice that the hybrids really do well and   late into the season grab a couple of these super  sweet 100s i'm not going to grab too many because   it'll get a little monotonous and a little  repetitive but if you guys think that these   harvest videos are getting a little repetitive  that's kind of the idea i want to show how   much food i'm getting because throughout  the years people have always asked me to   you know display more of how much i'm harvesting  so i'm just doing this to kind of encourage you   to let you know how much you can get and you  should be harvesting a lot all the time that's   what happens if things are going well i guess  look at these honey drops man these are so cool the character of every tomato the the difference  in them it's what makes it so exciting to come   out here i think not only do they all look  different and have their own little different   uh you know characteristics and everything but  they have their own little unique flavors and just   unique things about them look at the rose that it  burns over here oh beautiful nice looking tomato   tuck's starting to get a little interested here's  more of the super sweet 100s this thing is just so   productive and then as we move to the right over  here we've got the honey gold cherries i mean   the sun gold cherries sorry about that this is my  favorite tasting tomato these things are so good   they split though so that's not the greatest  thing but that's okay let's keep moving along   over here another incredible late  season one this is the chef's   choice orange these ones are still a bit  yellow so we're only going to take these two   take this one this is a nice one here though  look at this one starting to get more of the   orange color really nice let's back up over here  though and grab some more eggplants before we get   more tomatoes because these ones definitely need  to be harvested look at these guys two beautiful   ones this is the rosa bianca look at this and when  they start to get that ripe they get that ribbing   too like you see in the mushroom basket so pretty  cool stuff we'll put that in people make fun of me   they say i need a bigger basket i've already said  though i don't want to carry too much food around   let's check these ones out this is my new favorite  looking eggplant these are the antigua eggplants   this is an italian variety this one not only does  it look beautiful it's got this nice nutty flavor   to it so a really good flavor as well so let's  get that in and then we'll keep moving along let's get a couple of ping tongue eggplants  right here or at least one pretty big one   you'll notice i grow a lot of the purple  eggplants i love the the shading of them   and uh they're just so beautiful and then  we've got some cubanelle semi sweet peppers   over here these peppers aren't ripe yet  but look how many are on here just insane   so we're gonna take just about the two of the  biggest ones just to let the plant continue to   produce more and when it comes to peppers if  you allow one really ripe pepper on the plant   then that pepper might focus on just producing  that seed so it's good to take some of the ripe   ones off early we'll let tuck grab that hide it  and play with it and we'll just keep moving around   and grabbing more stuff because we've got a lot  of tomatoes just right behind us over here let's   grab it well looks like the cubanelle semi sweet  peppers are tuck approved he seems to be enjoying   those a bit and then right next to him here we've  got more rows of the burns as we trail up so let's   grab a few of these one here and we'll go up  another one and let's move up to get even more pretty tomato i love these  ones and let's grab these sets so the bowl is definitely starting to fill  up we're gonna have to drop her off soon   i love doing this i love being out here i  mean what's more fun than just spending so   much time actually having to harvest  because there's so much stuff to get   i love it let's drop this stuff off though ah  now let's keep grabbing more actually forget it   let's get some stuff here here's the another one  of the pineapple bicol bi-color a little damage   right there but that's okay we'll cut that  out and then these fruits can get up to two   pounds insane here's one of the big  ones oh my gosh look at the size of it   it has a bunch of sun scald on the  top that's not really damaged to   that's not going to damage the flavor or anything  that's just basically sunburn so we need to leave   some more leaves at the top for that this one got  a little sunburned too but it's still we're still   going to take it and that that is striking that  is awesome i want to show you though because i   thought this tomato was cool looking so i grew  a bunch of them i have another one right here   let me show you look at this baby looking  nice oh that's a really pretty one too so   we love to see that and then behind us let's  just grab a couple of these smaller ones here splitting bad splitting on  these ones these aren't the uh   um yellow pear tomato this is a different  variety i'll put the name i think it's yes   a flaming burst that's the name of this  one i'm not gonna do it again it's not   particularly a great tomato or anything so  i would not ever use something like this   to replace something like the cherry bomb  we have right here look at the cherry bomb look at the size of these it's almost like the  super sweet 100s but they're a little bigger   they don't taste as good but the plants just as  prolific as we trail up to the top it's insane oh   my gosh look at the apples right next to it it's  just it's beautiful this is such a fun time of   year because at this time of the year there are so  many different colors that come through the forest   and so many different flavors and everything like  that a few more tomatoes i want to grab right over   back here follow me along as we pass this pair  right here doing real well i've got some big   ideas for this section right here so follow along  going into the fall this isn't going to look like   this right now it's just wild tomatoes and we're  snacking them a little bit here and there but   i've got some plans here so stay tuned for that  come around on this side you've got to see these   roses to burn they're they look beautiful this  whole plant is loaded look at this look at this   you can't even see some of them in there there's  so many look down there oh my gosh let's grab it   oh this is the one of the doubles oh  look at that double tomato beautiful man   it looks like a butt or something  hilarious let's check this one out up here here it is that that's a nice frozen to burn oh  yeah and then let's trail back over here because   we have a beautiful soul docky back here  too love that variety let's check this out   oh pretty nice tuck this is one of  the nicer soldakies of the year man   wow beautiful i've got some fresh back  here too let me grab these tomatoes   i know i have some hidden in the  back you probably can't even like see   most people would not plant tomatoes back here but  me and tuck definitely like to go a little crazy oh my gosh look at this one this must be the  goldy yellow this is perfect absolutely beautiful   and there's a bunch of cucumbers back here  too just hidden everywhere here's a white one   and then right over here by by our feet look at  that we got these cucumbers here cucumbers here   it's hard to take too many steps  without grabbing something else we'd love to see it let's drop this off and  then we'll keep moving along because believe me   there's even more stuff to get i got so excited  and caught up what i was doing i forgot to get   some of the ox heart tomatoes sorry about that  here's the hungarian ox hearts look at this   beautiful some of this coloration will go up  to the top but this will ripen a little off   the vine too but man look at the size of this  definitely ox heart not a human heart imagine   this thing imagine this thing there it's a  monster but supposed to be great for canning   and also decent for fresh eating and not a lot of  seeds and stuff so a good tomato let's keep moving   though i got the bowl all emptied let's grab  some more stuff first thing i want to grab some   of these honey crisp apples but i'm not going to  spend too much time on it because i already have   a few fell to the ground so we're just  going to grab those good sized ones   and these things are delicious let's keep moving  though i've got some more annuals and stuff right   here these peppers are doing excellent this is  the jimmy nardello pepper the flavor on these   peppers are just so good i love the  jimmy noddles let's grab these three perfect they always get sweeter when  you let them get more color like this   some of these crayola de cocinas look ready i'll  grab a couple of these could get a little more   color but still i'm excited to eat them look at  the shape of those i mean look how unique it is so   cool i'm gonna grab one more pepper variety right  over here looks like tux into the peppers today   he's following the bowl all along he's gonna  try out the crayola de cocina now after this   i want to show you in a little bit where he  buried the other pepper it's still over there   right above him here is we've got the apple  sweet pepper i'm gonna grab another one of those   almost like the lipstick pepper but look at the  three different varieties three red peppers look   at the different shapes of it that's one of the  fun things about growing things on your own and   one of the things that i love about gardening so  much is that you don't get what you put in you   get a lot more than what you put in if you plant  one pepper plant seed you don't get one pepper   seed back you get countless pepper seeds back so  that's one of the reasons i love nature it's just   it's so giving and it loves compounding  everything is this idea of compounding and   gaining interest and paying dividends so let's  check out some of these flowers right over here   this is the echinacea this is one of my favorite  flowers um for permaculture and for a food forest   one reason i love it so much is because it brings  in the eastern goldfinches my state birds so they   come flying around all the time i've seen them  this year but i haven't got any on film they love   these seed so this is already right here just pull  that look at all those seeds sometimes i'll just   walk around and just spread the seed and let it  let it reseed itself like down here this is all   echinacea for the future so we love to see that  this thing is just multiplying and expanding next   two is the shiso we let that seed sometimes  but not too much because that thing can be a   bit invasive i just love it for the color and the  texture mainly of it but now let's grab some fresh   niagara grapes i i can't even wait any longer  because i'm telling you once you get in about   five feet vicinity of this thing the  smell just knocks you on your feet   so this like past week it's just been the smells  i walked back in the corner and the charente melon   those things smelled incredible and then  i come over here and these grapes smell   amazing so let's just get a couple we're not going  to harvest all of them we're just going to harvest   enough to make some jelly and then i'm going to  get some purple grapes too but i'm in look at that   you love to see it and then even as i step back  you can see the light moving through some of   these grapes i think that's such a cool look and  we'll grab some of the fresh sets here oh yeah uh we love to see that so beautiful so like i said nature is always willing to  give back and one thing that i love is having   perennials as the foundation of my garden things  like the grapes and the asparagus and the apples   and the pears because those are like my harvest  insurance and then any of the annuals are just   like added bonuses so it's nice when you get  long-term investments that will continually   pay dividends over the years because when it comes  down to it in the beginning all you need to do is   take care of the perennials and then in the future  they'll help take care of you that's kind of the   design let's grab some of these pears though  this is the chijuro pear butterscotch so good   so sweet it's um someone asked if they're grainy  they're definitely not as grainy in my opinion as   the european pears and they're juicy it's like  it's hard to describe almost more like appley   flavor but really really good so we're gonna put  a couple of those in there and then i know i have   some decent sized ripe ones up here that i want  to grab like this one this has got good coloration   we're going to get that so we have a few to snack  on and then look at the size of this one look at   the size this this is this is what we want to see  i could have maybe given it another day or so but   look at the size of it absolutely beautiful  i want to show you the persimmons real quick   look at our buddy this is about hole number nine  or ten right tuck look at this guy he's digging   a hole it's so hot for him so he's gonna find  himself a little hole underneath the persimmon   tree we love this guy out here hit the like button  and throw some hearts in the comment if you love   seeing this guy in the garden his fresh haircut  digging up next to these echinaceas that are   just coming up on their own too but look at the  size of the persimmons they're getting big now   the fruit's starting to really swell and  this won't be ready till like october or late   into the season i want to show you something  that's pretty funny i talk a lot about about   um making sure you extend your season on both  sides so you want to extend your season late   with persimmons and you want to extend have your  season start early with asparagus so it's kind of   ironic that i have my earliest producing perennial  right next to my latest producing perennial so i   think there's just it's just kind of funny i don't  want to babble too much though before i move along   i have one other thing i want to mention and it's  it's my own you know big mistake you guys help   me with it so i want to thank you the big issue  was i said that i had a problem where where the   uh something was the squirrels were stealing  all my hazelnuts i said that that was the issue   but that wasn't the real problem i was a problem  because when it comes to permaculture i've talked   about it before a lot of times the problem is  the solution we just have to flip how we're   thinking about it so i realize that i don't have  a squirrel problem i instead have a cat deficiency   you know think about it for a second i got that  idea from jeff lawton where he said you don't   have a slug problem you have a duck deficiency so  that's probably my issue it's not that i have too   many squirrels that i don't have enough cats  let's grab some more grapes though we've got a   bunch of sets just incredible sets under  here best i've ever seen look at this   just look at this under here over there too put  over there oh my gosh as we lift up back here down   there too it's just an incredible amount of grapes  so let's get a set one that looks relatively ripe   oh my gosh and a good one relatively full  set let's get this one here and tuck does   not eat the grapes we keep them away the grapes  aren't good for them and we'll get one more set oh my gosh i just don't know i don't know which  one to pick let's get this one this is going to   be a hard one to get though because it's kind  of wrapped in the fence we get half of it   there we go i mean this isn't even like a  tenth of the grapes there's so many in there   so blessed to be able to have this much food and  thankful but we've got sorry i gotta tell you we   got a lot more tomatoes we got to grab in this  section in the old food forest let's swing over   there let's grab a few of these lemon boys right  here look at the fruit sets on this this is going   to be producing so well late into the season but  look at those three excellent tomatoes down there   let me grab this set this is one of the nicer  sets i think of the day look at this oh my gosh   these are usually split resistant you're almost  getting a little splitting here but that's   because we just had a big rain that came that came  through and that'll cause some splitting sometimes   i'm just going to grab a few of these superstreet  100s but i don't want to spend too much time this   is the third plant of me grabbing fruit from i  grow this plant a lot because it does so well and   it tastes so good so you want to do some things  that work i mean it makes sense it forms that   good foundation for and harvest insurance like i  talked about with the perennials i mean it just   makes sense in my opinion to put some perennials  in because they're going to take a little time to   produce so while you're waiting you can harvest  a bunch of annuals and then those perennials are   just going to be producing essentially forever  for you as long as you get the right ones   here we've got some beautiful  tomatoes some rosetta burns   moving next to us here this is the pink bumblebee  this is the one that we've been waiting for to   really see the beauty and its characteristics  let's see oh my gosh with the way the light hits   in everything it's just insane oh my gosh i love  to see it so that's enough of those and then we   have the sweet treats right here we'll grab some  of those look at these a beautiful little tomato and then some more of the honey  drop you already grabbed some of   those and come on this side we've got the rosella productive spot right here some of  these are splitting but that's okay   the majority of them are doing  real well pretty good tasting   tomato and as we trail up there's  even more sets we'd love to see it and then right here we've got even more i'll  harvest more of these i'm just not going to do   it all on camera it'd take too long look at these  things absolutely beautiful we'll drop those in   and just grab a couple more some down  here and then a few from up top here   you'd love to see it let's see beautiful   it's got a little marking on it or something  i'm not sure what that is but that's okay   and then we'll move over we've got some really  ripe ones down here some little cherry tomatoes nice color nice shape on them and one thing that  i i love bill nelson's talked about it before   and he said that when it comes to gardening the  more you know the more you realize that you don't   know so it's like it's kind of counter-intuitive  but i think it's more about a level of like   curiosity it's like when you learn so much about  gardening you realize how many things there   are that you don't know and that can either you  know demoralize you or get you super excited and   bill looks at it as something that's exciting and  so do i because it's like it gives you a level of   respect and like a level of childish curiosity  where you feel like you have to know more so he   said because he's the one that knows the most he  in turn knows the least which makes him know the   most so it's kind of a funny find a funny way to  put it but i thought it was pretty entertaining   that's today's video growers thanks for watching  i hope you enjoyed it i hope you got something out   of it look at this harvest i'm just so thankful  and i just feel so blessed to have all this food   and anyone could do this in their own backyard if  they had the space i'm not doing anything special   i mean we've got pears apples grapes tomatoes i  mean zucchini too many things to name cucumbers   in the back just excellent all organic and all  that i can just eat fresh right off the plants   right off the trees it's a it's a beautiful thing  in my opinion and i just uh i want to share these   videos because i want everyone to have the same  exact opportunity that i have and i get so much   joy out of growing the food i i don't really  like preserving it people ask what i do with   all the extra fruits and veggies most of the time  i just give it to my friends and family because i   don't enjoy the processing part the growing is  what i love to do my hand is in every single   thing here i plant every seed and i plant every  plant into the garden so it's like the garden is   is a part of me so i think there's something to  that before i let you go i wanted to say thank   sherry thrallson for your new channel membership  thanks for being a part of teamgrow it means a lot   and because of your support and everyone on the  super thanks and everything we get to you know   grow all this food and hopefully provide a little  bit of value for you a little bit of encouragement   maybe a little inspiration and just a picture  of of the reality of it that you can do this   and it's not that hard so i also want to say to  hit the like button hit the subscribe subscribe   button share with your friends don't  forget to check out the merch down below   and remember whenever you're on amazon start  your shopping with our amazon affiliate link   tuck wandering around here somewhere and James  will be back at to you again real soon we out!
Channel: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
Views: 667,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: garden harvest, gardening harvest, harvest, permaculture garden harvcest, organic gardening harvest, organic garden harvest, raised bed gardening harvest, raised bed garden harvest, raised bed gardening, cantaloupe, melon, tomatoes, tomato harvest, grapes, eggplants, apple, apple harvest, honeycrisp apple, James prigioni, garden answer, permaculture, epic gardening
Id: _LgGaqBkjwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 52sec (1552 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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