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well hello and welcome to the house of valentina i'm valentina and my husband jack and i are hanging out with our cups of coffee and we are sitting and chatting about this i'm getting can you tell she's like oh my gosh i love this video you look forward to this video every single year i really love this video i really love talking about color i love what's coming out and what's going away and oh my gosh talking about the color of the year has to be one of the most exciting things that happens the whole year it's such a big deal when the color of the year comes out and not only are we going to share with you the color of the year in the u.s but we're going to talk about the color of the year for some of the paint companies in europe as well and as a bonus i'm so excited about this you're actually going to release the house of valentina color palette of the year yes and i'm going to share with you the colors that you can expect to see at the house of valentina in the coming year so that if you're thinking about making a change and you want to know what we're going to be doing in our own house you'll be able to follow right along if you love these types of videos and you want to see more make sure you hit subscribe give us a thumbs up and leave us a comment down below which one of these colors you are most excited about yes oh my gosh you guys i'm i'm so excited i can't stand it i know well it's dying i'm using the high pitched voice we better start better it's going to take off all right which one should we start with should we start with the american ones let's start with the american one okay [Music] so what does sherwin williams what are they predicting okay i did not plan this i promise you i did not plan this i'm gonna show you what the color of the year for sherwin-williams is sherwin-williams has come out with evergreen frog fog wow i should present for a living oh my gosh look at this guys evergreen fog i did not plan this but sure williams color of the year is this gorgeous like muted mossy foggy grayish green color that clearly i i ordered this before the color of the year came out yeah you did this is from massimo duty in case you're wondering we always put that down in the show notes if you ever want to shop whatever we're wearing we we don't always talk about it but we usually have it down in the show now definitely um and we will also put the links for these colors for you as well if you want to go shop them because we're going to talk about european colors in a minute and you may not know those companies so we're going to put all that down in the description box but back to this color i am so excited about this color i love green now i know that we have a very monochromatic house everybody kind of knows us that we're the black and white people but i always always have green in my rooms i i mean this entire room if you just look at it all around us is green it's green yeah everywhere part of that's part of how i design a space i believe that every single home needs to have some green in it what i think is interesting about this color too though is that it really does feel like the return of the 90s because we were mighty close to this color in our very first house we were very close to this and i think your sister had like a bathroom painted this color like this this was really the 90s you're right oh my gosh so i i love i was a little bit hesitant about the 90s coming back to be totally honest i was like oh i don't know i've already worn that once and now i'm like sweater vest oh my gosh bring them on and bring on the colors because i love it so we know that color in general is just making a huge comeback you're going to be seeing more color everywhere for people like us that like to live in neutrals it's a little bit nerve-wracking right but the fact that the first one they come out with is a green color like this that's so soft and muted it's just effortless to bring this into even a neutral home yeah and i think you could also use this like an artwork you can use it i mean how great would this pillows just leaning on that wouldn't be good it's gorgeous well the nice thing about it is it's not a primary color or really like saturated it's it's a little more muted it's definitely i think a little more more of an elegant sexy type of color well thank you no but this color works really well regardless of what your palette is even for us with a more monochromatic palette it works really well because it's just it's more muted it's not so like ah it's very it's i don't know if that's an official oh no you can quote me on that we'll put it on all the t-shirts no but it is a great color and i think it's really fun because if you are thinking about wanting to put some color in this is an easy way to do it that it won't feel forced it is a very natural color i do think that that is a reaction for sure to all that we have been through yeah in these last few months let's just call it that so i think this is definitely nature coming in and not it's very peaceful it is it's so peaceful and what i also thought was really fun and i talked about this in our last one our last video is that they sherman williams also breaks down their most popular colors and i think that that is really when you start seeing alabaster pure white agreeable gray proposed gray snowbound sea salt but you're seeing all these like really warm neutrals are gorgeous the whole palette is just calm it's very calming i think that we just all even i would say that i am generally not a person that craves a lot of calm in my house i actually like a lot of energy and obviously i painted my fireplace black like i like high contrast even for me i've noticed since this stuff has been happening i just needed more calm than ever before and i think that the paint companies have picked up on that i think they nailed this i think they 100 nailed this i'm i will probably go buy some and try to figure out what i can do with it because i really love this color i really hope that this color catches on because i'll buy it up i think it's great [Music] benjamin moore guys they haven't come out with their color yet so we debated shall we wait until the color comes out to talk to do this video but i'm impatient i'm going to talk about it now so if you go to benjamin moore's you can actually sign up they're giving you the option can you see that they're giving you the option of being able to to guess will it be purple yellow green blue or red which one will be the next big hue i would be really interested to hear your guesses which is why i wanted to do this now because i i would love to hear from you guys what you think will be the color and which one maybe you hope it will be because i think that would be such an so interesting to hear what you guys think oh that's really and then we'll chat about it maybe like on a friday with v when they actually release it but oh that's right they'll let you guess i'm on their email subscription list so if you fill out um which one you think it is they're gonna send you an email and you'll get to know what the color is before everybody else so i was like that's kind of fun that's cool i personally think they should have already released it but they didn't ask me so yeah so make sure down in the comments you leave us which one of those it is because we want to compare your thoughts to what they come up with yes [Music] all right so next up is bear what are they saying well they're also going green as well wow so they went with a very sea glass green and oh yeah they did i see and you're like oh i love that i don't feel this color like i like the one i like the first one better still i just like uh well i like grays i like muted colors yeah i feel like this is just we've literally had rooms painted this color this is the 90s this is what we painted our dining room in our first house it was this color you're right so we we've had this color in our house we've we really enjoy this color in fact i think our master bathroom was that color as well and our bedding so yeah i still have the bedding like i could show it to you this is what we were using in the late 90s and early 2000s so i can tell you this color has been in has this color really ever gone out i don't really think so if you've ever stayed at a if you've ever rented somewhere near the beach you've probably stayed in somewhere with this color it is a standard coastal color it's classic it's called breezeway i don't think we actually said that but yeah i mean it's it's literally like a coastal color yeah yeah but what i find most interesting is it's the second two out of two are now in this green family yeah which is really interesting what's really going to be interesting is what does benjamin moore come out with is it green i was thinking should i tell people what i think it will be no let him vote for okay okay i won't tell you i have a guess i'll tell him and then he can tell you later if i was right yeah and we'll do it well again we'll as soon as it comes out we'll do a friday with v and we'll talk about this yeah [Music] next up we are going all the way to europe we're heading to scandinavia we're gonna go to norway to look at what they are predicting yotan i don't even know if that's how they say it norway but this was one of our favorite paint companies so i thought it'd be really fun to introduce you guys not only to this brand but they didn't come out with the color of the year they came out with a palette of the year and the color that they're leading with let's see what do you guys think what do you think the color is that they're leading with for 2022 oh i know so evil okay the color that they are leading with is great they're leading with green it's three out of three so far yeah it's pretty crazy isn't it and i would say that this color is actually it actually feels like this is right down the middle like if you put the other two together you would have this color yes i agree the 2022 color card is called together it contains three unique palettes designed for rooms with an atmosphere where people like to spend time together oh yeah it's really nice actually and their color chart has 26 colors and 12 of them are new they have colors like palmetto wish slate lavender they've really created a really fun palette and they've really mixed things up and i think that it's really fun how they're showing all the different personalities of all the different people and how you could use those colors with each other they could play off of each other they are all based in that natural field they're all very soothing and very across the i mean you've got a little bit of red a little bit of orange a little bit yellow but they're all muted and a little more soft cozy and uh yeah it's really nice yeah it's really really nice i feel like you could take any of these colors and you could just take one of them and use it incorporate it into your house but you could also mix a couple of them [Music] well it was really fun taking a visit to norway so why don't we next go to england and look at what pharaoh and ball is up to this year and when i popped over it's gonna be no surprise guess what it's uh breakfast room green is their main color of the year and i think that uh you know what it is it doesn't surprise me and this is why because we all went through these last few months all together and we've all gone through it and i think we're all united in this thing that we've all gone through and we all want something that we want something that feels fresh which i think green always smells fresh it reads healthy it's we know that if we eat our greens we're gonna be healthy and i think that it's calming and i think that's why we're seeing so much green i this is another one that's very 90s though it's not as muted as the other ones i think that it's actually gorgeous that color is so refreshing it's like a gorgeous drink and the way they've like paired it with that blue oh my gosh i love that they also have baboush which is a yellow color and i think that that just brings in sunshine and yes warmth and happiness they do have schoolhouse white which they're saying is one of their colors of the year we actually used that white it's very very similar to muskoka trail by benjamin moore and that's the color we used in your mom's room because we wanted to create calm for her and that was the color that was color matched for it they also have the stone blue which is what you were saying that one is i love that again just very soothing feels like like a robin's egg almost like that's that kind of like earthy blue yes and then they have this really interesting incarnatine which is their red color yeah it's like a spicy yeah for those of us that need a little spice put back in their lives it's like yes like all these soothing colors and then carnidine burst in the room yes it's like let's have some calm and a little bit of like punch to our days [Music] i want to hear from you what are the house of valentina colors of the year what's your palette yes so we've been working on quite a few of our rooms over the last few months and we've been in a pretty big transitional period where we've sold a lot of the stuff that we had and then we had empty spaces in a lot of the house um kind of a hodgepodge of things that were left and we're in the process of changing everything up and hopefully in the next few weeks you'll get to see everything delivered everything put in the rooms i've been holding out even showing you the kids rooms it's been like two months since we had the floors done yeah we've just been waiting for everything to arrive so we've been in a pretty big transitional time for our own house and really thinking about the future of what we wanted and this is the color palette that we've chosen for our own home and what you'll be seeing on our website you'll be seeing it on our social media with our instagram and everything else so of course it's going to be neutrals because that's what we really do um this is not like the only colors you'll be seeing but we did come up with a palette that we think is just it's soothing yeah it definitely is but it's also warm and cozy and that's kind of we we that's what we like we like a juxtaposition we like something that's powerful and yet calm we light something that's spicy and yet soothing so we we like the juxtaposition yeah we like that yeah that tension a little bit of the two opposing forces coming in and just a little bit like even pharaoh ball where they brought in that red that was so crazy you still kept a few darker tones which i think is really interesting because we've definitely moved towards soothing and peaceful but you've still got that punch of like fierce and passionate and i love that and for me i go a little bit further than just the colors i want to think about a little bit more than that when i'm thinking about my own home and i was hoping maybe this would be useful for you guys as well as you think about doing your own home i've come up with my colors so let me share those with you first so i've got black which you guys know of course that's just an obvious i really do love black i love midnight oil as well i think that's an off black those two colors just kind of like always with me i just love them yeah i find them energizing and i think that they're a little bit sexy to be honest they're sensual i think that that's just gorgeous and when you pair that with a color like cloud cover that's a white that we've used a lot and we just really like that it really is like a diffused white it's exactly what they say that it is yes cloud cover it is like and literally the color of the sky when it's cloudy and gray i've also been starting to include a ton more of a linen shade so of course i love these all for mine i've chose from benjamin moore um i love natural linen i think that that color is so soothing we've even got it behind us here on the sofa you can see i love to bring in that sort of creaminess that sort of a little bit of a beige tone it's got a brown still undertone too it's not too yellow i just think that that's just gorgeous then i also added a little bit of a classic caramel i think that it can be brought in through leathers it can be brought in through accessories this color on the wall would be amazing it's great inspiration if you think about brass kind of has this sort of undertone to it there's a lot of fun ways to bring this into your home the other one is northern cliffs which is like a it's more of like a taupe brown it's like a brownish gray kind of color it's almost like like a mouse brown oh that's pretty it's just really soft it's really soothing i find myself really drawn to that color i've been buying bags and shirts and shoes and and then then it's like okay well once i've brought it in my fashion then i know it's going to translate immediately into my into my house i'll start bringing it in through accessories through paintings that's what's so fun about these colors and then finally and interestingly enough i put mountain moss as my green color which really is right in line with the greens of the year that was like my main color that i wanted to really accent with i just know that it's funny i was sitting at my desk and i was looking around the house and i'm like which green really sums up our our palette and i was like this is it it's this sort of mossy muted yeah it's gorgeous this palette is so what i love about it is it's still house of valentine it still has the dark sexy undertones to it but then it's got this comforting warm but rich like the that classic caramel it's just gorgeous and rich and it reminds me of the bag that you bought me years ago that leather bag that i have and it's just that rich leather so i love this palette yeah what else do you have that goes with this yeah so of course i don't always think i think also in pattern i think of texture it's for me it's really hard for me to only think of a color palette so i also included in this which you guys will get to see i'll put it up on the screen you'll see that i've got things like a light wood tone in here i've got a lot of texture brought in through the paintings we've got black leather we've got burnished brass there's some velvet i put the white croc it's like a creamy croc that's cool a couple marbles are in there zebra fur i've got the tumbled marble in there and like a black wood like that's what's so fun about a palette is that it doesn't mean that you have to paint your your walls that color it's also the elements that you bring in and it's an overall aesthetic that you're pulling together and i just i'm afraid that the video's gonna be nine years long because i geek out over this so bad i'm like i can talk about this all day long i love it so much and it's so much fun and i think that's what's so amazing it's literally like going to a candy shop and just you know it's but it's not bad for your teeth at least so it's really a lot of fun to be able to choose these i suggest if you're thinking about this this is what i do for my clients is that i come up with a palette for the entire house and i work from that palette for each of the rooms so that the whole house feels like it's all just tied together and you can just sense that it was all really thought out i'm excited to see what you do with these colors in our house and how they flow out across all the stuff that we do and how even how we export them into in the you know you have like so many projects going on right now with clients yeah i can't wait to see how these things are activated in people's homes yeah you've been helping me even redo the website and stuff and this is literally the palette for the website so it's just really funny i'm like well at least i like the same thing i know i can't wait to see it all come alive and if you want to see this look down below in the show notes there's a link where you can actually go and download this color palette from the house of valentina i hope that you had even have as much fun as we did talking about the colors of the year i am in such a blissed out state getting to talk about this it's so much fun i i hope that you enjoy it too and that you've gotten some inspiration out of it i think that's what's so fun about it all right so we have a few things for you to do here as we wrap up first of all guess on the color of the year you think benjamin moore is going to throw out are they going to go with green like the others are they going to throw us a curveball we're going to follow up with that on fridays with v and then download the color palette from here and then if you haven't subscribed yet if you're like hey this is my first time but i love these colors hit subscribe give us a thumbs up and again leave us a comment on which one you absolutely love yes and we just created a trends playlist so if you love trends and you're interested in seeing when if if we predicted things in the past and they've come to be true and things that we it's just you can go check it out and see if we were right or wrong but um yeah go check out that playlist too because it does have a ton of information about what's coming in and out and i think it's just a lot of fun we we have too much fun we have a lot of fun yeah so we hope you have too and we will see you guys in the next one cheers bye oh sorry let's do it again cheers cheers i failed one more time no you're gonna smell coffee on me cheers put your fingers in the way cheers we'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: House of Valentina
Views: 155,401
Rating: 4.8860435 out of 5
Keywords: Color Trends 2022, what color to paint your home, how to paint your home, common painting mistakes, choosing paint colors, what color should i paint my house, how to pick paint colors, best colors to paint, interior design paint colors, interior design style, interior designer tips, color of year, Top white paints, paint color tips, interior design ideas, interior design trends 2022, trends 2022, design trends 2022, 2022 color trends, color of the year 2022, color trends
Id: 6A7Mq9wFSG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 10 2021
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