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all right now that i've burnt all your signs up and no one knows where the bathroom is anymore or what room we're standing in i think that anything that feels too kitschy or cute doesn't have a place in this style christmas is coming you need something in the old fire jack hello and welcome to the house of valentina i'm valentina and my husband jack and i we are busily working in the office we're actually sitting here working together and talking about some of our upcoming projects we have a bunch of farmhouse homes but people were asking for something new and i think it's really interesting this was such an interesting conversation that we were having so we thought let's have this chat with everybody and let's talk through this with everyone because it's really interesting how so many people and we may be guilty of it as well i'm saying that farmhouse is dead rusted it goes out to pasture but that's that's wrong for farmhouse people are asking what's the next thing what's the next thing that's coming if i'm not supposed to be doing farmhouse if or if i'm tired of farmhouse what am i supposed to be doing next what's the thing that i'm supposed to be doing in my home that's gonna make me feel happy and cozy and warm and all these things that we hope to feel in our space that's how we've come up with this idea of rustic luxury and we think that you're going to love this style so we're going to take you through some of the things that you might want to get rid of that might be keeping you from the style some of the things to be looking out for some of the key elements we've literally pulled marble we've got books for you today we've got actual suggestions for things that you can do if you want to create this style things that you can actually do it with hey by the way if you love these types of videos and we have a lot of solid stuff coming up trust me with christmas and the holidays and winter and 2022 right around the corner we have some great content so if you love that make sure you hit subscribe give us a thumbs up leave a comment down below which part of today's video you are most excited about and i cannot wait to unpack this today yeah and if you love trend videos we even have a playlist that we've created for you so you can totally binge the playlist on the trends so you can figure out if this isn't the style that you're gonna love then maybe there's gonna be something else but i will also say that this is not necessarily our personal style specifically it's not specific to our own house and i'm also going to share with you how you can bring this style into your home even if maybe you have a traditional home maybe if you're living in a city so don't think that this isn't for you i think there's a little bit of this in every single one of us and i think you're gonna love it so let's jump in i'm so excited sitting down in front of us we have a coffee table full of elements that we think will definitely go with this style but before we jump into that let's talk about why do we even need this style where is it coming from why are people suddenly wanting this i think it's really fun because like we said before we did touch on that that farmhouse is dead it's not really dead we're just reinventing it into something that's a little bit more forward-facing i think it's something that's new and fresh and i think it's a lot of fun i think it's a lot of fun it's a great style i mean you look back at farmhouse it was magical because it really i mean it's apple pie right it's like everything that feels good it's warm it's like a great big hug but over time we just saw it everywhere and it went i think from being very authentic to kind of like designing a box was like here's the elements you need but i still think we want elements of that in our home but maybe just not as themey i think we're just looking for something that's maybe just a little bit more sophisticated wanting something that feels just a little bit more grown up so unfortunately if you have a huge stash of signage if we didn't already convince you to get rid of it in our last few trend videos christmas is coming you need something in the old fire jack baby that's not nice santa will love it no no no no anyways you may just want to donate those maybe you can paint them re use them for something else but i think that anything that feels too kitschy or cute doesn't have a place in this style this style is all about it's a little bit of the yolo concept you only live once yes we talked about that when we were talking about things trends that were coming out of the pandemic things that we would expect afterwards and i think that's where this is coming from is that we have this sort of idea that we all recognize you only live once so let's live it up let's have a great time let's make it something epic let's make it something memorable and i think that that leads us to wanting to celebrate a little bit more we want something more luxurious we want something a little bit sophisticated feeling like it's just special and i think that that's really i think is really beautiful it doesn't have to be expensive this isn't about cost i think that's something that most people do not understand about luxury is that it doesn't have a price tag it's not about how expensive it is it's about the elements it's about this sort of style and we're going to take you through all of it all right now that i've burnt all your signs up and no one knows where the bathroom is anymore or what room we're standing in now that we burn all that up i do think we do want parts of that coziness still there we do want something that feels just natural organic a little more relaxed and so i think that's something we will take with us into the future for sure we wanted to take just a moment and invite you guys to something really really fun this guy has been helping me set up a patreon for our channel patreon is a members only group just for you like it is the coolest thing ever it gives us a place where we can share content directly with you but we love interacting with you on youtube and instagram and on the website and this just gives us one more place to hang out this will be a small limited member group that would be more intimate and you'll get early access to some of the things that maybe for example one of the things that we've heard people saying is that things sell out before they can get to it so we thought how do we make this to where it could be a little bit of fun maybe we could release a specific video every month that shares some of our personal favorite things so that's we we kind of brewed over it and thought about it and i think that we're just kind of at the beginning and there will be different tiers right different tiers and as you move up you get more access so for those if you whether you're wanting to shop first or whether you even want some access around design you want to be able to ask some questions we're going to create those spaces where you can have access eventually we'll even be able to look at like physical gatherings and some of those fun things but we thought we'd start with a couple tears now and then if you guys are enjoying it then maybe we can add an extra tear we want it to be something that you really look forward to something that you just you just have a lot of fun being a part of and so we are gonna start that you can go ahead i'm gonna leave a link down in the description box so that you can find it today you can actually join today by joining you'll let us know that this is something that you really want and you'll also get that early access i love that so yeah come come join the club and we'll see you over on the patreon all right now back to today's video let's go back we have some elements that you're definitely going to want to include if you are into this style and one of them is these sort of natural materials something like stone now we get the lava rocks i'll just pop it up on the screen the other things that i think you'll be looking for are materials like lava rocks and this sort of raw iron it's materials like this we also have how about some of the marble okay i had to put them to work you didn't work out this morning so what happened to the pool boy feeling the power i'm feeling the burn from my samples also some beautiful marbles we've got these from cambria we've got the buxton and it's got this sort of beautiful raw natural just warm it feels like it could just be plucked from the norwegian hills or something it's just got that that's cool it's just gorgeous you've also got look at this one creamy smoky cloud-like material it's it's just the depth of the color inside of it is just utterly beautiful and so i think that you can take materials like these what's so fun about it is that you could very easily use these polished if you have a ton of rustic elements in your space i also think that the mammoth cave is another really great option because it brings a little bit of balance and when you look at nature there's always balance of light and dark there's day there's night there's shadows shadows brightness yes the next thing that you're going to want to include are the sophisticated elements these are the things that are going to really elevate your entire style and this again it's not about expensive it's about really appreciating something that feels artisanal something that feels a little bit special something that feels soft underneath your skin so i pulled some samples from a couple companies that you can definitely shop for online and they do tend to have more affordable options for you so one of the two actually i've pulled some leathers oh they're chalk from west elm and their cinder are so natural feeling and it's so soft and doesn't that just feel so luxurious that's amazing but i would definitely pair that with the luga bone color this is from cb2 and it just has a little bit of that sort of blush kind of color and it's just it feels really soft it feels really good it's like this cushion even behind us having a little bit of this sort of velvet you're allowed to mix velvets in these books are some that you might have sitting on your sophisticated coffee table we've got el country haley literally just found this yesterday for me this is a volume 15. i've been buying these for years and i absolutely love this magazine so this is really fun because it's from the uk and they actually will take you all over europe they'll take you to places in the us australia all over the world really and my favorites are always when they go to norway because i love the scandinavian aesthetic and that's what i want to show you is that it is modern it is contemporary and yet we're bringing in this sort of organic natural feel it's very interesting it's a very it is very luxurious and yet it's so rustic it's so cool so you may also want houses atelier a.m i love this book it's really it really will inspire you to think about the architecture of your space and those sort of natural ways of taking the entire space instead of only looking at the stuff that you put in also about the walls itself amber lewis is made for living if you don't already know who she is like just go follow her she's so talented and amazing her book is really inspiring this is definitely the forerunner it really does fill that gap between farmhouse and sort of this rustic luxury style definitely has more of a california bend to it but that's what's so fun is that you can take from anywhere that you want when you're doing this style and then of course i think perfectly imperfect i love this book and it's hilarious that it has like a leaf stuff to it um but this idea of not things not being perfect is i think a key element of this style it's really important to realize that this style is not about being perfect it's not about you being perfect or your home being perfect um some of this stuff is maybe a little bit too traditional i feel like rustic luxury really is about the contemporary side of things but i still think that you can take inspiration from this and you might have a rustic bowl that goes into your home and it might be sitting on a contemporary cabinet i mean that's so cool isn't it yeah it's really really cool yeah and then the art of outdoor living is one of my favorites because it's showing you how you can i think looking outdoors for this style is really important looking at things that you might normally put out in the garden and then bringing them into your house so i really love this one think about rocks and iron and stone and things that would normally be sitting out in the garden or out doors and then bringing those kinds of things in like the like the stone ball that i literally got from our local i got from scottsdale if you watched our friday would be you saw us visit there um one of the other things is the sculpture and i think that this is really important because this is the artisanal side this is this is i don't know how do you describe this it's like it's i think what's beautiful about this is that it merges two different styles it feels handmade it feels hand crafted like something you would buy at a local a local craft shop or a fair or something like that but it's got the aesthetic of the luxury to it yeah so it's not you know it's not it doesn't feel like it was you know just made yesterday by you know someone just getting started it feels very elevated but the form feels more approachable it feels like somebody that literally lives in one of these homes yes that's something that they could create out in their little atelier like in their little barn house or something and we even found these look at these fun little pods that i found at trader joe's and i think that these sort of elements just make it feel chic but this isn't necessarily expensive either there's i got this one off of lulu and georgia and i'll leave a link for this one but there's also one on h m that's really affordable as well it's got texture to it it feels stupid it has that organic texture yes it's beautiful and you just feel that roughness to it yeah yeah i think it's really fun this style is also calm and i think that that's really important to this style it's about having a sense of space and calm and peace and so i've pulled some colors you're definitely wanting to look on the lighter side it's moving away from whites but you could still use something like a white dove or a dove wing i think pale oak is another color that goes really well it's really the sort of light palette and then you can include then you can give it pops with iron and different elements that would maybe be a little bit more natural that would bring in that contrast that black that you kind of need so that you actually see this because i think that sometimes it goes too far and it seems almost too thinny when everything in the room is all beige i think you just you need that sort of energy i do think that a boucle is also a really nice material that's very calm and it's soft this one is from west elm but they also sell a really nice one at cb2 yeah i think what's interesting with these is that again with modern farmhouse everything was that stark white like stark stark stark white and we're moving and even in the colors of the year that we saw a few weeks ago released we see so much of this warmer white coming out and it's you know some of the taupes and like taupe and white had a baby like that type of white where it just feels it feels more organic feels more approachable yeah it's not quite as like you just think about going out into nature and looking at a river with some river rocks and the calm color colors of actual nature yeah there's not a lot of pure white in nature besides flowers or you think about like the sky when it's it fades up to a white like i think of those kinds of colors um or like a cloudy day those colors are what i think of even for us we've got very pure white with a simply white from benjamin moore all the colors we've talked about today are benjamin moore but i think it's really fun because you can take these colors and just use them you don't have to paint your walls that way you could if you're getting ready to paint or even the exterior of your house but you can also use these as inspiration for other items that you bring into your home yeah you can also pair these with warm wood tones i think that that's really important removing a little bit away from the super gray colors we're looking for something with a little bit more wood a little bit more walnut showing that more natural color you can also do a blonde wood this whole palette just it just all sits so happily together one of the things that you picked up on was the fact that it was minimal i thought that was really interesting i definitely was not raised as a minimalist but what i've noticed over the years actually for me what you noticed over the years is that she would undecorate a room and i'd come in and be like oh my gosh i love this and she's like uh i was i just took everything everything out i cleared the room but we actually found i think part of it was from living in scandinavia and seeing so many people living in homes where they did focus on using white space not just on the walls but in the the in the way of the furniture arrangement and everything yeah that here in the us a lot of designers they live by the rule that you need to have a 36 inch walkway well some of them will even pack it like literally every there's only a 36 inch walkway you don't have you have to have at least that really but sometimes you can actually have a lot more you can have a lot more space in your room so that actually segues us to some of the pieces that we were talking about before where the the curvy s that side of things it's that sort of organic feeling and so you maybe you don't need as much you may just have like maybe one or two curved sofas you have a curved uh coffee table and you're actually creating flow around the space with these sort of rounded back oh yeah furniture and it's it can be you can do it in a very minimal way and so if you're wanting to get onto this trend you don't necessarily have to go buy all new furniture maybe you just have a sectional that you already have but you add a curvy back chair that's something that we have just recently gotten if you check out our last oh yeah video that we did we show how we just got a curvy chair in for our own family room and i think that it's fun you don't have to just throw everything out and start over i mean it's obviously that's kind of what we do for our job is that we help people when they're ready to do that but if you're not there yet you can actually add these elements in to what you already have yeah so basically you could actually just get on this trend by just clearing out the room yeah it'll help you to appreciate the architecture of your space which i think is another key element of the style is that it's really focused on the architecture of the space yeah and i think this is a i think this is where it departs from farmhouse probably the most dramatically because you had like stuff everywhere whether you had shiplap on the wall so you had the lines everywhere they were saying and i'm not saying early farmhouse i'm saying kind of the last iteration of it that we kind of saw everywhere is there was stuff everywhere every wall was covered and there was so much of this a lot of movement like lines and that subway tile there's a lot of movement in the in the um ship lap it's there's a lot of visual movement and this style is all about pairing it back yeah it's about lime washed walls soft boucle warm velvets but it's still approachable i think that's the beauty is we're not saying trade that in for like slick glossy you know what tiles or whatever but it's like no you still keep the warmth and the like the tactile and it feels as comfy and cozy it feels like italian countryside yeah but it's more it's more paired yeah elevated and yet paired back it's really funny i i think it's really amazing we're enjoying the homes that we're helping our clients well design them and help them choose the furnishings and stuff it's fun because some want color infused into this style which is something that i haven't seen as much places like zara home h m home uh amber interiors these are great places you can shop online for the style lulu and georgia is another one that's really really good i'll leave links for everything that we've talked about as much as i can down in the description box if you are interested in looking these things up you can find them but these are places you can go and look and find by objects and furniture furnishings and stuff like that some of them are doing more color than others some of our clients crave color still and some of them want like no color and i think that's where you really need to infuse your personality into the style and make it your own and have a lot of fun figuring out what you like for us we definitely live in a more modern i'm making it a little bit more contemporary than i was but i realize like i don't like it when it feels too themey and i don't want it to feel too contemporary i like those natural elements so for us we bought the dishes i think just watch the last video honestly because that one had a lot of these things in it you'll see how i was bringing it into our home how it's these sort of rustic uh plates dishwares uh wood cutting boards all that kind of stuff watch that video it'll show you what i'm talking about because because you really are doing that and i think that's what's interesting about this is we have an our own aesthetic that is what we we love in our own home but what i'm seeing you do right now is bringing in this this rustic luxury into our house through these elements some of the rounded back chairs some of the the more texturey type of things even some of the rugs that we're changing out and we're going with things that you can feel a little bit more and i just think it's interesting because this style lends itself to be able to kind of fit in to so many different other styles already absolutely we definitely need we definitely need to get back to work and uh i need to sip a few more sips of coffee and then go but yeah we've got some farmhouses some rustic luxury homes that we are designing so make sure you hit subscribe because hopefully we'll get to share that with you thank you guys again for stopping by we love when you guys visit and we will see you in the next one bye bye we have established that no a thing no no you have to in the video i'm not with a clink no you get a choice clink or a kiss much better than a clink much less dangerous yes people like us would never we want to live out in the countryside but we didn't we don't have time to farm hit like with animals no i can barely keep the fish alive i don't want a bunch of goats depended upon me these videos always take so much longer because i have to literally edit 90 of what you say i know okay so anyway yeah they don't even make a hairspray for the farm like there's nothing that's like
Channel: House of Valentina
Views: 36,390
Rating: 4.8942652 out of 5
Keywords: home trends 2022, interior design trends 2022, common interior design mistakes, common design mistakes, common home decor mistakes, home decor mistakes, interior design 101, most common design mistakes by non designers, interior design tips, how to fix design mistakes, interior design mistakes, top interior design mistakes, home decor trends 2022, 2022 home decor trends, house of valentina, modern farmhouse ideas, rustic luxury, luxury home, luxury home trends, luxury homes
Id: 33AzG2P_HMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 24 2021
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