Color Aware: The Rambling Tutorial (HueForge v0.7.2)

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all right guys it's been a long time since I've made a video and a lot of you have been asking for this video so I thought I'd walk you through my thought process and how I work with color aware so this tripti image is in your Project's folder um but it doesn't necessarily make a lot of sense uh when you look at it the first time so I thought I would go over um in version 7.2 how would go about doing uh color aware now color aware in 72 Works basically the same way 72 is just bug fixes but there's one little functional piece of difference that is still a bug fix but you can now see what's on the side of your print it doesn't have that uh Jagged triangle met uh blending that it wasn't really clear so we'll have this here so this is a very nice update for you to see what your print will actually look like let me reset this view okay so let's look at this uh image and then let's look on left and figure out what we did so or what we want to do so color aware let me go to color aware right now color aware is a system that splits the image into multiple color spaces now I can tell you right now I always work in 0.004 so I'm going to switch to 04 right away um but it swiitch into color spaces and the color spaces are shown here there's a blue color space a red color space and a green color space now what does that mean what's the blue color space well as you might think it's it's it's a color space for things that are basically blue well what's the red color space the red color space is much more inclusive it's going to have your Browns your Reds your oranges your yellows and it may or may not have your um magentas or purples depending on which side of the blue red divide they fall on and then green color space is is just that it's your greens um you might get some teals or turquoises in there depending again on which side of the blue green divide they fall on now how does it tell well all it's doing and it's very simple is saying what color channel of the red green and blue color channels is the highest which one is the highest for this particular uh image or this particular pixel so it looks at every single Pixel in here and says for this pixel which which one's the highest and if you look at this popup you see that red is the highest FC and if we come over here into the blue we can see that look the blue is F9 that's the highest if we go to the darker areas you'll see that the other ones are much lower and then the blue is 67 so again it's the highest so that's all it's doing it's checking to see which one is the highest now there's a couple of special cases one ties go to Red almost always um just because red is the first one to be checked so ties go to Red so that's why yellow is with red and not green that's why magenta is generally with red and not green only when the blue is actually higher will magenta be with blue uh and then gray scale as long as we have set tolerance properly gray scale will go to Blue but we have control over that in this version okay so what do I mean well if you when I switched to colorware you may have noticed that the preview immediately changed colors right the green became very bright why is that well that's because the green is up here at the top of our range right if I took green and I drop it over here and then I bring it up you'll see that we don't see any the green goes through each section right so here's the Green in the blue section here's the Green in the red section and then here's the green where we want it in the actual green section section okay so literally the hu for has been split up into three independent regions that are on top of each other they're stacked on top of each other so how do we populate this well the easiest thing to do really is to go over to your color um your color sets your filament sets over here um and pick a filament set that's color aware so the bamboo lab color aware now this doesn't mean the filament itself set itself understands the color but it means that it's set up in general for color aware to make make your life easier now this load with defaults button is on there's a lot of questions about what load with defaults means what it means is when it loads it's going to space the sliders evenly from minimum depth 48 so this is one layer above minimum depth all the way up to the very top and they're all going to be evenly spaced that means that it's not paying attention to where in the color space where in this red green blue it goes it's just putting them basically in the right place so the first thing we want to do is make our whites line up with the tops of each section so if we come over here we can move this white up until it might lines the top of this section and we take this white we can move it up until it reaches the top of the white section there we might want to move that black down one okay so what that means now we have our sections divided and we have a red section a blue section and a green section now there's a couple things we still need to do generally speaking in color pop you push your tolerance up to claim all of the near gray scale that you want to call gray in color aware we want to go the other way we want if possible to go all the way down to zero tolerance U and that's because the way colorware deals with Grays scale it's not a range in here grayscale isn't a range so there's two things I can do with grayscale one I can put grayscale within another range like I could stick grayscale in the blue or in the red or in the green or I can spread the grayscale all the way from bottom to top if your tolerance is zero it gets stuffed into a bin and the default bin it gets stuffed into the range is blue and often times that's a great place for it to be because we often blue is very perceptually uh low hanging fruit we don't see very much blue human Vision doesn't see blue very well and as a result um there's a lot of room for blues and Grays and things like that to coexist and we have a lot of images with very very weak blue in them um but we can move it if necessary we can move it into a different range that's perfectly fine now you'll notice let me bring it back up this eight that it was at Eight's a default it's kind of a a good catch all notice that the whites are here they're showing green and if I look at the luminance mode and now in uh version 72 you can middle click maybe you could do this in 71 middle click and see the luminance image or you come down here and change it to luminance right so we're going to change look at the luminance image you see that these are green and that's because with the Tolerance on it saying this is white and that white should be all the way at the top because it's going to cover that whole range right rather than being in the blue bin so I'm going to move the tolerance down to zero that shifts all of those down right now these aren't in the blue bin which tells me that these are probably actually pretty close to being uh they're just slightly red yeah fa f8 F6 so that's slightly red uh and this is why I have a tolerance because this is very slightly red but perceptually to us it's white so in some cases you might want to tell it that this is white and give yourself some tolerance certainly in colourpop you would want that to be treated as white and not as red so in this case though it's actually probably good for us that these are effectively in the bins that they belong in do these these whites look green these whites look red and these whites look blue so that's actually pretty good for us okay so now the question is how do we get the colors we want well we're pretty close to there already on the blue right maybe we want a little bit more white we could we could bring the blue down a little bit to to make the white pop out a little bit notice the moon is red why is the moon red well if you look here the moon has a yellow tint to it pretty much all around that yellow tint is pushing it into the red bin remember I said that red gets yellow gets yellow and orange so how do we deal with that well we deal with this by giving red some yellow right we get put some yellow into red so let's grab a yellow and move it into the red bin no okay so we now have some yellow and red red in this bin and you'll notice that our little um reindeer and Hunter over here have also started changing colors because again they are in the red bin they're Browns which are in the red bin if we if we come here and tilt you can see first of all now we can see that how the colors stack on top of each other but we can also see how those are ins set from here and then over in the blue we can see how this is raised relative to the blue because they're in different regions stacked on top of each other we have blue on the bottom the red in the middle and the green on top now one of the things you'll find out though in color aware we can make this taller but it's already pretty tall when you're looking at it close up when we look at this close up we already see that these shapes are kind of um sticking out so we can it's already a little bit tall right so we want to avoid making it too tall because then the features start when you get close they start to fall apart also I didn't I kind of went over this without really talking about it but you'll notice I think that I have black in here multiple times and I have white in here multiple times and that's because again each one of these is their own Hue Forge basically stacked on top of each other in independent ranges now sometimes you can bleed across the range a little bit um like me going into the the red range here doesn't really break things but often times it does so often times going into going up into a range will change the way that range looks not for the better so generally speaking you want to keep these right around these edges um these edges are pretty good they're not 100% perfect so if you are off by a layer and that's what looks right to you it should be off by a layer it's fine um also generally speaking up until now you should have smoothing off for colorware but in the new version smoothing works fine with colorware and won't cause you any problems there was a bug in in smoothing that was causing it to erode the mesh and make it shorter and it was breaking your boundaries these boundaries were never in the right place when you did smoothing now smoothing is fixed uh and so you can use smoothing in here safely so G okay so again color aware we want to put um the tolerance as close to zero as we can sometimes you have to force the black and the red to be at the top of the or the sorry the black and the white to be at the top and the bottom but most of the time we want it as close to zero as we can go now here's a little issue here I want to show you we have a couple of Green Dots here all right what's going on here well these are probably showing up as being slightly green they're either very white or slightly Green in here the green is just slightly higher there you see it's fbfb so they're equal and I bet you somewhere that it's it's a little bit higher and so they're actually kind of green but very bright green so white green how do we solve this well there's two ways we can solve this um they're basically the same idea in here you'll see these new controls these new controls were added in 71 with no explanation here's how you use them each one of these is a global color shift they're it's like putting a low transparency red green or blue over the whole image so we can increment this up by one and you'll see that they just disappear right away because we just made everything one Higher in red and remember red captures ties tie goes to Red for for yellow so it'll take green right away so just one chain of red over the whole drawing makes that go that little Spike go away we can go negative as well so we could have instead of doing one positive red we could go a negative green that would have done the same thing you see I don't know if you noticed it disappeared as well I bring that in so positive green it's there one negative green it's not there sometimes you do a combination of them sometimes you'll do both so that's a new feature that is you know not well understood you can also turn off the color channels these indicators are also controls if I wanted to I could turn off blue now you see all the blue went away which means what happens well anything that was blue is going to the blue it doesn't take away the space the vertical space it's taking but it turns off that color channel so here even though it says it's 4374 c that CE in terms of hue Forge when it's calculating goes to zero and so now it's a 4374 74 being bigger than 43 hex these are all hex values so it's green now so everything that was Green in here but or blue in here but had a higher green value is now green and then everything else is now red so that's how turning these channels off U works all right you'll notice that my background is a dark blue but it is not and it is not black and there's a reason for that I avoided making it black um because it was causing some issues with how the mesh was built so I made it dark blue to force it down into the blue range and that solved the problem and I just color it black still I just make sure that it still it's colored black okay one other really important thing to keep in mind when dealing with colorware is again we don't want to make this too tall and so in order to help keep it from Making It Too Tall we actually want to start using lower TD colors for some of our blending this bamboo lab basic yellow is amazing on a normal Hue Forge but we probably want something more like a polya savannah yellow for this to get our our yellow faster and then this red we may very well want like a polymaker wine red red on top of our red sometimes we'll do two I'll do two of the same color low TD and then High TD and that lets us get to our red nicely see if I take this away we have we lose all blending and it's just bright bright red right but if I bring this red here and just St this one one above it we get a nice saturated red but we also get U the blending into the red so this is what I call Double red or double double color I have a video on double white um my H fors universe white where you use a lower TD White on top of a high TD White this is actually a really common technique I do all the time and it's one that you should have in Your Arsenal a low TD color on top of a high TD color the high TD has to go on the bottom because if it doesn't go on the bottom you won't see it the the low TD version will dominate the other thing that we might want to do here is actually a white so um I've been using I don't have the polymaker cold white but I do have um the 3D Max extreme white which actually I don't think I have in this Library so I'm just going to simulate it I have the extreme White and the extreme white is like a nanoil white and it is oh actually let's do it this way let's actually copy it we're going to copy this filament that's copy of white we'll make this the extrem white and then the extreme white has a TD of 0.8 so we now we have the three the extreme white we'll put that in here now why do we want the extreme white well some of these transitions to color are hard so we're going to bring this up some of these transitions to White are difficult to to hit so we're bring it up here right actually that's so that's below my white now we're going to bring this white down and we have control now over where this transition occurs um it's still a little harsh so we may want to adjust that a little bit um but that gives us some control over where that transition occurs um okay so obviously now you can make choices about your colors you can choose how red you want this CPE to be versus the brown Cape here you can change the greens you can change the white I mean there's a whole bunch of things you could change uh but um I actually really like where we're at right here you know I wouldn't mind this bottom maybe being a little bit paler um but for the most part I'm really happy with with how this looks so here we are so we're at a color aware that's been built up now this one is an obvious example right it's an obvious example because you can look at it and say there's red there's blue there's green and that's why I put it together this way and you can see the version I have in the library it's a little bit more subtle than this has a little bit more color few more colors uh or a few more colors reused I think I Reus the yellow I think I put the yellow up in the green range as well um to give it that that kind of yellow Hue that it has in the in the image um you have lots of options like that don't feel constrained but okay let's talk about the red the one of the things about color aware is that um you don't always have all of the colors or you don't have all the colors that need the same amount of range right you have each all of these in standard brightness compensation have equal amounts of the vertical space we took a little bit of extra with the white here um but they all have equal amounts of the vertical space basically and that's probably not what we want okay so one of the issues here right Reds often need more space now this is not the ideal way to do it but this is the way that works with hu Forge as it's written right now I am working on the beta as you all know for color match and other color updates and one of those updates will be but not at release time the ability to set exactly how big these are just arbitrarily without having to do it this way but we can come in here and we can do a midtone enhance and I like midtone enhance two a little bit better and just with the default power you see that it shrinks the blue range grows the red range and shrinks the green range now I think it's a little aggressive I think it did I did too much here this is more than I need so let's dial it back let's dial it back to like one and a half yeah that looks like a much better more reasonable amount so then we need to rearrange our sliders now to match up with these edges so anytime you do a brightness compensation ation you're going to need to adjust your sliders to match up with that new brightness compensation so let's bring this white down so now the white lines up it's easiest to line our whites up right um and then we bring the black down okay and then we can bring this black up because it's it's down a little bit too far and then bring the white up to match okay so now we have way more room in our white range but we have a lot less room in our green range and our blue range and so maybe we're going to end up needing a low TD White in general maybe we want to use the ivory white um or matte white matte whes can be really good for this so we can put a matte white here it's going to get a little bit brighter put a matte white here it'll get a little bit brighter um I always like to try to keep um as few whites as I can so in here I'd rather have the matte White and the extreme white than have you know one of each uh or then or then have a a third white in here but now we have some room to adjust exactly where we do our transitions here we can bring our red up a little bit more we can bring this one up a little bit more get that cloak more Brown uh one trick in here is sometimes full range in these is not actually helpful in fact in this this is one of those cases where I think full range isn't helpful I actually think this is a bug in full range to be totally honest I think there's something wrong with it I spent a lot of time looking at it and I can't quite figure out what's going on but see now this Moon looks a lot better it actually has a lot more of the same of the look because we had more space to play with and get it to be you know we have more vertical room for the red if we tilt our image now you'll see that the red has this whole Brown range then a red a yellow and a white and it's much taller than the green or the blue but we didn't lose very much in the green of the blue the green and the blue still look pretty good we can tweak them a little bit by adjusting their their heights of the different sliders maybe bring the black down a little bit see if we bring the black down here the problem is it now starts blending with the blue and that may not what we want though tends to that's kind of a nice match up with our background but that's not in real life what it's going to look like but we can bring this blue down or maybe we could use a a brighter blue um or honestly it's not too bad the way it is but if we wanted we could put a lighter blue up a little higher maybe we can get a light blue in here maybe we' do a um an ice blue I think we have bamboo ice blue here um there's a pastel ice be about the same um do this and then bring this glue down a little bit but we have we have some choices here what we want to do but I just wanted to show you this is how color aware works it really sees a hue Forge that's color aware has three distinct Hue forges the problem being where in the range things are um and you can shift them here but that should tell you that you can also shift them in an image editor so let me load up this image in an image editor okay so I've loaded this image in an image editor and I'm using Affinity uh photo here it's a really good tool and it's not too expensive I'm going to do a quick this is going to be quick and dirty but I just want to show you what I'm talking about I can grab all of this stuff and in fact I can tell you that I did this with this image this image was actually a problem earlier and I had to come in here and do some of this um so let's just say that we're having trouble getting those clouds to be green right um again I'm doing this fairly quick this is a great smart selection tool that works really well so let's just say that we were have we're having trouble getting the clouds to select just the clouds okay so here we've got a selection here oh we got that in there we don't want that in there maybe we do U okay so we got this area selected so what we want to do is we want to in add a add a layer and uh a little bit more up here okay so we're add this layer here and then what we can do let's just say that these clouds are too white and so they're showing up in the blue layer and we don't want them sunk in in the blue layer so what we can do is we can come over here to our flood fill tool which I'm flood fill tool and we can change our color that colorer came over here change our color to Green make a green doesn't really matter exactly what green it is we just want it to be almost all green and not other colors you can see what color it is at the top there um so we'll just get rid of any red okay and then we just flood fill this region now oh where' it go it's all you know it's all bad right we can come in here and lower the opacity here we can just make this like 10% more green or 15% more green and then we can save it and go back into Hue Forge and all of our clouds that were white before will now be green and um and that will make it so they they stay in the Green Layer where we want them to be I could do the same thing here with this Moon if I wanted the moon to be a cold white moon for this one and I didn't want it to be a separate so I could come here again there we go let's get rid of all this real quick okay let's grab it now there we go that's selecting properly all right so another example is I've just selected this Moon and what I want to do I'm actually going to grow this selection a little bit just to make sure that I have the whole thing and don't have a white bord so I'll grow it by a pixel and a half there now I've gotten into the blue a little bit that's okay and then I'm going to add a new layer make sure you're back in the base layer when you're doing these selections otherwise it doesn't work don't ask me how I know and then we can take this and just tint it blue we have two options here actually we could have tinted that selection we could come in here and make that selection grayscale um but I kind of don't like what happened there when we did that gray scale so um actually it looks like with our picker maybe we can yeah we can do this and get the yellows to be a little bit darker uh then our gray scale is okay and then we can just come here now that we've done that we can we can die of blue what just happened oh in here blue and then we'll add another like 10% 10% tends to be about about right and then we save that that Moon let's just go ahead and do it I'll save this off export it has a PNG there we go and I'll just save it into my downloads okay um we'll load this into Hue Forge so I'll bring up my Hue Forge and I'm just going to drag and drop it in you won't be able to see it coming but I'll drag and drop it in now you'll see the shift and there now this part's Greener and the moon just became a cold winter Moon which actually kind of is cool and now it's in the blue section you see it's coherent with the blue section right so those are some options of ways you can control it now that you know that each channel is or each color section is just defined by which channel is the highest value you have control pretty easily with some very minor tools to how it's going to appear um in hu Forge when it's done so hopefully this is a helpful demonstration of how color aware works and the general idea behind color aware there are other Avenues and parts about color aware that are just would make this video too long hopefully I'll get into those soon especially the presets and the various other brightness compensations and how they can affect color aware but hopefully this can get you started on how you want to think about and look at color aware
Channel: HueForging
Views: 2,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HueForge, 3D Printing, BambuLab, Polymaker, Filament Painting, mesh height
Id: syWcvZ2pxIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 15sec (1575 seconds)
Published: Fri May 24 2024
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