What is Transmission Distance in 3D Printing?

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[Music] when you come to a rep rap Festival you see amazing things and this is definitely amazing I can't wait to show you this is my friend Ajax how you doing doing well thank you tell me about this incredible device so uh basically we uh we had all these ways of testing TD that were very intricate very tedious to print all these things TS I get T yeah yeah TDS yep and so um we wanted to be able to test directly off of the filament so I made this box started from scratch uh just used a bunch of Open Source Ada fruit sensors and uh RGB LEDs like uh in the voron the neopixels that you use so I just threw some of those in there to light up the filament from one side and te check the TD from the other side so capture TD and color and you know it saves us a lot of time where we don't have to print these oh I bet now you keep saying TD and just to make sure everybody understands at home we're talking about transmission distance correct and that is how much light passes through a filament yep yep when we talk about transmission distance though don't we talk about the layer height at which you are printing it yeah so TD is directly correlating to like that number is how far in millim the light will travel before it no longer blends with the color below it now we're sticking a 1.75 mm piece of filament in here is the TD for this the same as the TD for say a 0 08 mm layer yeah yeah so the reason why it's the same is we're just measuring an intensity of light on the other side and so it's it's basically just taking a calculation of if only 10% of the light gets through then that correlates to a certain TD value right a certain distance that it can go through with something like this though and you said it saves time beforehand to get the transmission distance of a material yeah you had to print it correct and shine a light through it and then print another material and shine a light through it and just see which one was a little bit brighter yeah exactly and then have either the tools or the means of measuring it so to put a number in yep and a lot of that was kind of uh subjective right because you could check with the old way of one of the old ways of doing it oh you made that too huh well this one was actually Steve and I both kind of worked together on this one but it still took time right and if if it was more than four then you'd have to print these little in the same color you'd print these little plus fours and stick under it and then you'd have like if it's like a 27 you have a bunch of these stacking up right and it gets crazy like look at it just really got really complicated all this yeah exactly exactly and so B and not only that but there's like a little bit of subjectivity to it right because you're you're like checking it like whether you're under light or no light for like for room light right and so it looks different if you cover it this kind of takes that guesswork out of it as well by having it all inclosed in one system that's consistent every time when we talk about the transmission distance to and and Hue Forge we're already talking about an application that I'm going to be honest with you is a little bit complex sure yep and anything you can do to simplify the process for which someone is using it such as transmission distance of materials that's really just going to mean more people can use the software right absolutely yeah and that's another thing that we're trying to do to make it even simpler is I'm working directly with Steve to have these boxes integrate directly into hu Forge so that when you have this connected to your computer that's running hu Forge and you stick a filament in and it scans it it's going to automatically pop up the window to add a new filament to your to your hu Forge Library well now that's an interesting topic because like you said some Adafruit sensors a 3D printed case What's the total cost for you in this for me I can probably if I buy like 100 or 200 300 of these at a time I can probably build these for about $10 a piece $10 y That's incredibly reasonable for something like this so then does the future look like possibly you putting together kits for people to purchase yeah AB absolutely so one thing I did to make this process even easier is rather than having wires they have to solder to all these boards as I developed two two two pcbs through PCB way not not sponsored by the way not sponsored um but yeah so they helped me like I I printed or I built two boards and had them they're unpopulated so I have to populate those at the moment um but yeah so those boards go on here you solder headers onto them and it all just snaps together there's no wires to deal with so I'll be selling that as a kit um there will be an option to self Source you'll just have to get the software or the firmware that runs on it um as a license for like five or 10 bucks 15 bucks somewhere in there and then you can build your own with whatever as long as they're the same components cuz otherwise you're going to lose consistency right but yeah so you'd be able to Source it all yourself if you really want to that's amazing people are really going to take advantage of that I bet yeah yeah and I'll also I'll also be uh selling them probably pre-built just like this ready to go as well for transmission distance though one of the ways is to demonstrate it is visually and those butterflies are perfect right can we talk about that for a moment yeah for sure so these butterflies were uh printed the exact same settings so this butterfly here I I set it up with a a white TD filament of four uh hatchbox purple these are both ABS um and black and the black on the back so it's only three colors and the only difference between the two is I swapped out the white and hit reprint and so like this white this white filament here has a TD of of around four and this one has a TD of about 25 and so like you're just getting Pure Color blending because of that property of the filament so with this being for in means that the the light can get through more less less less yeah yeah yeah so you're getting more of that white because it's it's transitioning to that color sooner there we go okay yeah just takes a little while for the brain to wrap around it you know for sure this has been quite an education because this is almost a brand new science within additive I don't want to I mean not that it didn't exist before but being used for additive and filament painting like these are extraordinary oh absolutely yeah before now nobody needed this value right nobody needs to know whether light went through a filament or not really right yeah right not at all it's a whole new world okay well so kind we're kind of at the end here and I want to make sure people know more about this because they're going to want to look it up so sure look at the camera right there tell the audience where they can go to find out more about what we just talked about so I don't have anything set up currently for like myself for this but most of this has been done on the hu Forge Discord so if you already and it is private but if you already have hu Forge you can by all means come in there there will be announcement made there um polymaker may be so gracious as to let us announce it there as well um but it'll also be all over my uh Twitter I do like to offer my audience a high five at the end you have for it yeah for sure okay thanks for watching you made far awesome don't forget to hug each other more fight for a cause you believe in print all the things and as always high five yeah
Channel: 3D Printing Nerd
Views: 19,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing nerd, joel telling, joeltelling, 3d printing, 3dpn, hueforge, transmission distance, td-1, ajax, errf, 3dprintopia
Id: XqkNh08HW1o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 36sec (396 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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