Colion Noir: Gun Nuts | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

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He’s fantastic. Calm, reasonable, and effective. I wish he’d done two things: 1) Vocalize explicitly why AR15s LOOK scary because of black color etc but aren’t different than other rifles and 2) mention that nobody is suggesting that teachers should be forced to be armed only that they might have the option, right? Sure, they want to teach not be guards but should they be allowed the option with proper training? I’d say yes. Anti-gunners control that conversation by saying we want to force teachers to be armed guards.

👍︎︎ 116 👤︎︎ u/uninsane 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Every law will be used disproportionately against those with the least power.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Uncle_Bill 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Ugh, I don’t think he did a good enough job. That’s too bad. I like the guy but he was made to look stupid in front of everyone.

Edit: never mind, I initially based my opinion on the overtime segment. The starting interview is good.

👍︎︎ 53 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

I wish he had done a better job of explaining to people that the 2nd amendment had nothing at all to do with a slave revolt and everything to do with the birth of the standing army two years prior.

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/DragonTHC 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Colion did as well as he could, but these talking head debate shows are a guaranteed loss. Gun rights win if you can set the right emotional tone up front and then slowly, only once the emotions are right, get people to engage with your points positively.

These kinds of shows are fundamentally inhospitable to that. The structure makes it impossible by design, because they want to incentivize yelling and heat and “owning” and debate. It’s not an actual conversation. It’s kabuki in conversation’s clothing. It’s not supposed to make you think, it’s only supposed to get eyeballs. That’s the only purpose.

Gun rights folks should not walk into these traps. Long form podcasts are a much much better medium, and there are a ton out there with huge followings. Social media is a great platform too. And YouTube, for all it’s absurd censorship, is still an incredible vehicle to spread the message. On cable news and talking head shows, the only way to win is not to play.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/ursuslimbs 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

And the Overtime segment.

Neera Tanden sucks, BTW.

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/CarlTheRedditor 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

Sad that Maher derailed the gun show loop hole (myth) discussion with his "is it really a show?" bullshit just as Colion was about to talk about it.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/thetrueshyguy 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

By Bill Maher standards, that was surprisingly balanced. He's still a big douche though, and insisted on getting in his stupid rhetorical moves to appease the audience.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/skootchingdog 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies

I’m surprised they didn’t put “NRA Shill” on the lower third under his name. I guess Maher isn’t as bad as some pundits.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 23 2018 🗫︎ replies
but first up he's an attorney and the provocative gun rights enthusiast who hosts NRA TV's noir kolya Anwar I have seen your videos many times you're very good at what you do thank you I am I am NOT a gun lover okay now if I say the term gun nut I hope you realize that is not an insult I don't take it as much good I don't mean not like you're crazy yeah I mean like something you really love today I'm incredibly passionate advice I'm a drug nut not all drugs just the ones I can get my hands on okay but when I watch your videos you know I'm very often you know at the end you kind of have a smirk like I laid it out and you know what you kind of earn your smirk because people like me who don't really like guns we don't know much about guns and the theme with you really I think is like it's annoying isn't it that people like who talk about guns and don't know about guns yeah I'm not restrained by their lack of knowledge what are the misconceptions that bother you the most well there are two dynamics right there's the actual physical component of the gun and then the individuals as we've turned gun nuts right so there's that aspect of say for instance semi-automatic right yeah tell me about that vast majority of your guns almost all of them are semi-automatic almost all good right I didn't know that yeah I didn't know that and so that stuff you would learn after you follow the rabbit down the hole so to speak and semiotic meaning you have to pull the trigger and once you get one bullet right and that's almost all gun pretty much yes not just so there seem to be obsessed with the ar-15 yes so with the they are does not stand for assault rifle that's a common misconception right the a R stands for Armalite rifle which is the red actual rifle and it's a semiautomatic rifle in the sense that you pull trigger once you get one you get one round so why do people think liberals wouldn't be honest why did they think that getting rid of the ar-15 would go so far to solving this problem and tell me why it wouldn't um you know as the saying goes optics is everything right right there's a certain theatrics with guns in general right especially when you start thinking talking about things like they are 15 what they are 14 you see it it's big usually most people who aren't too familiar with guns they usually know about them by way of movies so you see the movies with all the bad guys spraying and praying doing all these crazy things with the firearms and then you see that in reality you're like oh my god I don't want those anywhere near me or on the streets and so ends up happening is they take that and then they see it and it's like well they don't know much the knowledge base is not very high so what they end up doing is they start feeling alright because it evokes a feeling this is the theatrics behind it they're loud there's a muzzle flash you know all of those things and it could be said we like their is a lot of hypocrisy there if guns weren't so popular why do they dominate movies as much as they do because there's there's a fascination there like yeah it's kind of like going to an amusement park right and that's why I say to gun nuts like just be honest and admit that you love guns and it's sort of a vice in that like you know gambling alcohol drugs and these are all things that have some collateral damage then I am willing to live with because you can't tell me that I can't smoke pot because some people will be hurt by it mm-hmm you know you can't organize society around what some people might do or be hurt by completely so you would admit that you just like guns you're like holding them you want to have sex with them it's multifaceted right so there's an element of recreation there there's an element of sport there there's an element of protection there right and then there's an element of philosophy with regard to what this country was founded on so it's incredibly multifaceted so winds up happen is just a lot of people who don't really know much about firearms have a very myopic view of them and the only lens that they see them through is that the are the bad things that are done by bad people I feel like it's self-reliance a lot - absolutely isn't that what you feel I get that from your videos well it's it's self-reliance based on reality right do you you don't trust the cops to show up it's not that I don't they do they might shoot you there's always there's a possibility for everything right right but that's not my main concern my main concern is that in the in the moment right whenever something arises where I may have to defend my life I wouldn't be in a position to do absolutely anything possible I can to make it out of there alive along with the people I love and anybody else who seems to be around that I care about right but I had killer Mike here mmm about a month ago who was on your show and got in a lot of trouble for talking about guns no he got a lot of trouble just being on my show just for just being on the show right but you guys made some interesting points about how it's very easy for people who live in safe neighborhoods to talk about gun control it's a whole different story for some other folks who don't have that luxury yeah I think one of the things that ends up happening when we start talking about some of the gun control measures that people are pushing is how they disproportionately affect people who are in lower economic environments and in environments that have a higher level of violence right and so like you stated before I can live in a gated community have a security guard outside I'm gonna be feel relatively safe even then something could still happen but if say for instance I'm a single parent mother and I live in an inner city somewhere and I'm working two jobs and I can't afford a car and I have to walk late at night and when I get off work at night and walk back home or if I'm at home with my kids in an environment where there are home invasions right I as a woman in that particular in that particular situation and just anyone I don't want me protecting my life to be a competition I want it to be as lopsided as possible because I'm not the one threatening someone's life I'm going about my life and someone shiny with that and so I'm gonna be in the best position possible to guard against that right and I am sympathetic to the argument that if you're in a horrible situation it would be a good thing if a good guy had a gun absolutely and we've seen many times and I know you think that they don't report it I don't think they reported enough in comparison to right but my question is where does that lead we can't go back to the Old West where we're all strapped all the time oh we are well I'm not I'm sorry there a gun somewhere around here I hope so you're right yeah but not everybody because everybody can't do it I mean you don't really want teachers themselves to have guns do you I only don't have a problem with arming teachers but teachers aren't there's a contingency there's a contingency this is where the NRA loses me I mean they lose me a lot of places but but a place like that that that does seem unreasonable I I can't understand a guarded a school and I think if the parkland guard who didn't do his job had done his job we would be having a different debate absolutely not teachers but see here's the thing about that with respect to this conversation one of the biggest issues that I've seen is that we've all kind of separated into our separate corners and kind of just lob attacks at each other we all agree that we want to find a solution to these issues that's we all agree with that we just differ about how we go about it so Irish I can respect your position and not wanting to arm teachers the way I look at it is when I look at some of these these mass shootings that have happened in the past a lot of these teachers had to sacrifice themselves to protect their students and so my mind goes well why not put them in the best position to fight back against the evil person that comes into the class so instead of making them instead of being sacrificial lambs the fighters now and they're willing to die for these students so why not put them in the position to fight for because their teachers they don't want it they don't want to have that job anymore anyone whom the guard wants to teach physics you're absolutely right but the moment somebody walks into that classroom with the gun and starts shooting at kids well they don't have an option okay so the only options they have is either sacrifice them so fight what about background checks no twenty percent of the people in this country get their guns without having to pass any sort of criminal check and when you say that would give me some some basis behind that well that if you're talking about private cells yeah I mean they get them from a relative gives up to them or you know it gets passed down or a gun show or something like that and the NR I used to be for closing all those loopholes yeah Wayne Wayne LaPierre loopholes loopholes well when you say loopholes what do you mean well here's what Wayne I'm gonna ask you for this cuz it's funny because when most people think of an NRA spokesman they don't think of you okay fair enough did they give away in LaPierre okay when I like to with people's minds Wayne LaPierre in 1999 we think it's reasonable provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show no loopholes anywhere for anyone what changed yeah but when you go to a gun show and you purchase a firearm is it really a show I don't know cuz there never been masturbation no I'm I'm good with regular masturbation but but a show it sounds like Annie Oakley it sounds like you know still the show nonetheless alright but it's really a sale right isn't that what a gun show is yeah oh then you can buy guns but why do they call it a show well because I when I first went to a gun show I treat it as such really you went there because what it is it's an aggregation of a bunch of guns that you normally like yeah but wouldn't it be good if it we had a hundred percent of people who got it but background jag wouldn't it wouldn't that be good sure but how do you go about doing that from private self standpoint well I don't know I mean I know you're against any sort of registry because you think that leads to confiscation but well it has before though in America no in America that's what we're trying to prevent but it has happened in places where people use as examples of shining beacons of what we should do gun control wise here in America I can't imagine a country that loves its guns as much as this country I mean we have almost half the gun in the world with 4% of the population I can't imagine anyone ever tried to take away people's guns and if the people who were taking away the guns we're doing it they're usually the people who like guns they're law enforcement you know and argue with that yeah I'm look I'm I'm a little more gun reasonable these days now the Trump is the president but I still think if people came after me to get even if I fired back then they could come back with always superior fire prep the government is always going to outgun you okay so why fear well so if ii maybe understand the second amendment was written right to protect us and be in a position to fight off a tyrannical government so then why not provide us with the same weapons if what the guns that i have now are not gonna be enough actually Gary Wilson he says the Second Amendment listen to this I want to get to reaction shows us just how far the poison of slavery pervaded the Constitution he says the second meant was not meant to land let individuals prevent federal tyranny how could it but by training our rifles or handguns on the Army Navy and Air Force it was meant to guarantee militia to handle the state's internal problems essentially the problems of a large slave population that's a big reason why we have the Second Amendment because I really needed to keep the slaves here's the irony behind that we actually use the concept of the Second Amendment to revolt against a country that was oppressing us right right and then in the same breath because of the purity of the language of that Second Amendment I now sit before you as a gun advocate with the ability to carry a gun I don't want to make you mad now you're ready talking about this I appreciate your coming on [Applause]
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
Views: 4,202,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colion Noir, NRA TV, Noir, Michael Pollan, Author of How to Change Your Mind, Josh Barro, Business Insider, MSNBC, NBC, KCRW, Left, Right & Center, Podcast, Michael Smerconish, SiriusXM Radio, Clowns to the Left of Me, Jokers to the Right, American Life in Columns, Neera Tanden, President and CEO, Center for American Progress
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 22 2018
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