Colin Farrell on Graham Norton

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[Music] all you all met backstage yes just click here just now did you know the coach is this colors he's gonna be lemon ice limbs it's probably a reason why I mention them thank God were the only four people in London who weren't invited to the Harry Potter premiere somebody that knows I have a sensitive disposition obviously I wasn't every English Irish actors been in it we lost at all no moving on you are on my sofa device in a sort of Club Irish sandwich red meat soda bread yeah red meats pasty sandwich let's sit down very handsome Matt very hard but Colin Farrel beautiful right beautiful man yeah beautiful man thank you for recognizing the distinction to great music you fight your beauty and you often use the medium of hair to fight your fights over the worst hairdos and film to really know genuine like a vampire magazine did top 10 worst hairdos and film I'm definitely free of those like Horrible Bosses is intentional and that's one of the three homes talking about movie I love home at the end of the world thanks it's just such a good movie and you're so good in it however doubts having hampered like I mean that's a testament to autumn as I was at the time that I actually stood in front of a camera without a man to dinner with her this one in Alexander which there's worse pictures there laughs from Alexander that's actually not bad that was my Doris Day look you're so not a blonde I mean it did seem a big decision to make words Alexander famously blonde he was famously blondie a golden lock - golden lock child but I shouldn't have been he should have been brunette sure maybe she shouldn't have had an Irish accent from the 7000 reviews I read well it's um it's sci-fi but no spaceships or special effects it's certainly well that looks like hard well but there are different rules rules are you have to live in a couple if you don't live in a couple you get sent to a hotel we have 45 days to find a mate and if you don't find a mate you'll get turned into an animal of your choosing Colin his character David says he would be a lobster yeah into the woods where there are loners and I'm a loner and the rules of that Universal that you have to live alone you're not allowed to be in a couple but Colin's character David and myself we fall in love so it's a very romantic film because it's about love transcending obstacles of you know stuff getting the way of falling in love I mean you can interpret it any way you like I thought it was like an ad for being single well it I see what you mean but also it's very funny there's lots of kind of laugh out loud oh yes a comedy yeah but then yeah but then that's very dark yes very good where it is before you start all of this it sounded like it was going to be confusing let's pause for a clip so Colin has escaped the hotel yes gone into the woods met your character Rachel and you are trying to keep your relationship a secret because there were terrible consequences if they find out if you yeah if you're nursing you get the thing called the red kiss which your lips are slashed with a razor blade and you're made to kiss each other and see how really much funnier than that the comedic a peck no you just see somebody with a bandage on his lips and red blood coming to you and I said ask him asking what happened to him this is this is the two of you try to keep your relationship a secret by developing a sign language we've developed a code so that we can communicate with each other even in front of the others without them knowing what we are saying when we turn our heads to the left it means I love you more than anything in the world and when we turn our heads to the right it means watch out we're in danger we had to be very careful in the beginning not to mix up I love you more than anything in the world with watch out we're in danger when we raise our left arm it means I want to dance in your arms when we make a fist and put it behind our backs it means let's the code grew and grew as time went by and within a few weeks we could talk about almost anything without even opening our mouths [Applause] so can you explain why your character thought being a lobster was a good idea who a because lobsters lived to be a ripe old age and stay fertile for the rest of their lives and their have blue blood like aristocrats that believe was the line but I don't understand what any of that means they just said it as well yeah well I must say I didn't think so but us couple - they say oh he said he was good swimmer I think yeah what you would have been what would you be I would like to be a pony owned by a 13 year old girl in England actually by me when I was 13 I didn't have one but I would be loved and ridden a lot you know [Applause] not to clip that did you pick an animal well I know you like to be something surprised not every why do you know just choose to be monkeys because then you're so close to still being people no one's ever said that and we've asked this question a lot you're the first monkey cuz monkeys can drive cars they can play the piano yeah it's a no-brainer I believe it's the sequel to the lobster [Laughter] where do you live do you live in LA you live in Ireland where do you live I live in Los times you did you go back to double notch oh babe - or three times here at Christmas for two weeks and then fight yeah try and get have to go home for Christmas are you dad yeah yeah no yeah I can go I can stay in I can pretty much do anything no but it must be mental when you not really no I mean everyone's blooded especially at Christmas to me you know you've been famous for a while so maybe like everyone who wanted to say hello said oh look I've done all the autographs yeah I mean it's only a million and half people in the city so - cuz in Ireland I give a little child it said oh I want to be a movie star you just think I don't be stupid yeah you can't be but now there's you and because you were teaching line dancing in Limerick and then within a really short space of time Iren movies with you know Tom Cruise and and opportunies I've grown up Watson yeah yeah sure which that was I was 19 or 20 so yeah but four years ago the country have you know toured Ireland we had a little minivan were sponsored by CMT country music television and we had a name I can't remember what the name was but was something laughs but I wore a choker and cutoff Wrangler and Stetson the whole thing was good money and then one day I just looked at myself in the mirror and I does that happen because I mean not being part of it you look like a bit of a loser there how did you turn it around the guy in the middle bits and pieces yeah good stuff like that okay [Applause] I'll take that I'll take that throw that I'll take that for all the tops I didn't get over the years you are um you're a proper movie star now you've got two films being released even Italy the way back comes out on the 26th of December right but the movie that's out on the 24th of November November London Boulevard gray cast and Magic Carson are you Keira Knightley Ray Winstone right here's a taste for the movie this is a bit of the trailer just to give you a flavour of the movie I'm not going back inside really ever for now I might have a job for you how'd you get this number you leaving long illegible Freeman he's planning we said you home I don't know how many things you're looking stir you're part of my for them there are other things I can do and maybe I want to do them if I fell in love with you what would you do about it everything you're an accessory where it's a bit like being married you're nice for life you only could be great people will remember us you don't want me to be a gangster nobody wants me to be a gangster because I could not stop if I started you'll be the first to die [Applause] we've seen action comes before but is this the first time you've done the kind of that proper cut at London what we tried to do michelle phan and the lovely and esteemed Joan Washington who worked in is yeah dial echo time and friends we do more to kind of s3 sounds you know they okay that that Mitch was someone that wasn't really just brought up in a particular part of London that were used to seeing gangsters brought up in are raised around that he was that he was actually someone who was middle to possibly upper-class and was just really good at violence just came handy till now very quickly Colin you're not just responsible to add now you're also very into the fitness is it yoga your mad on now yeah mad on it came in here not for a mass yeah for an hour do you do it by yourself into someone tell you what to do I do someone tells me what to do it tells me in a group grew their group of people strangers in a room is it look embarrassing I know okay not what I've done the things I've done that are highly embarrassing yeah oh you saw that yeah several times Tara Knowles but the worst thing about making a sex tape is that you can't blame anyone for the bad dialog oh you wrote the reviews now the salami thing has greater I saw it all Yoko positions so here's the thing here in terms of fitness I don't know if RL a contingent are aware this man he's called Craig Ramsay do you know Craig Ramsay he's come up with these basically in our busy lifestyle the silents there was absolute silence after you said his name you don't tell you so and he even picks a fitness expert and he's come up with all these workouts you can do in five minutes and there's no matter what you're doing so for instance in the office you can work out these are just ways and why I use a printer when you can create vine left in front left behind left in [Music] we're gonna shower when you're having your phone and a pedicure manicure pedicure finishing off with grace and style even one even in the car wash give it in the car wash your detail is that car everybody light touches remember it's important to take care of your interior and exterior [Applause] brilliant I just wonder who's he got a nap so anyway we've been in touch with them to see if there were any easy exercises we could do in a chat show for me I just have a bit wired it might have a stroke in case I die on television I love my husband I love my kids and goodbye you can get a refund for the Wimbledon theatre right now Graham is on skype now I think hello hi hello Graham hi [Applause] we've been exercises so far now have you come up with ones that we can do on the show without people noticing just just quickly well let me explain the exercise I'm going to give you today okay can any males not hear him we can all hear him you have had a stroke view of an exercise for the couch break absolutely what a fit and fabulous bunch all right let's bring our booty to the front of that couch yeah no are there wheelchair lean back a little bit hold on for dear life yeah those legs oh yeah good girl and my naughty girl nobody girl man you know you haven't been to America yeah [Applause] you've got a son Henry as well I have a son Henry as well yeah now was it Father's Day when who sent you the text cuz he can't have sent read the text he's not texting yet with his six-year-old fingers I'm sure some six year olds are texting and rapidly but he is tweeting no he's not to eating basically on Father's Day they asked the teachers asked the kids in his class we're gonna come around you all and any of you who are father's that is and ask you what you want to say to your dads and then we'll transcribe it and so they sent home a letter which spontaneously I happen to have cued up because I was asked to read it cuz it's just kind of gorgeous and ridiculous so he dictated this is the teacher yeah and it says when he wrote this he was four when he said these words okay and he said my dad he's a lot of fun and I like him a lot he has blond hair and he's very handsome and wears a good shirt good pants and good shoes we play and I watch a movie with him and my mommy is in it and I am in it in the sky he says that that's because we I met his mother on a film but yeah but the bit of bed that blonde hair had me a little obviously concerned and I was gonna reach out for a home kid paternity test action when he said that maybe saw Xander no because he still talks to me [Applause] listen boy move on Colin Farrell I offer you do you recognize that this fascia come up in the screen do you recognize that lady I recognize her as a human on the screen yes this story though that girl is called Tara is that right Tara yes wave and she heard run show and wrote in so apparently were friends joint birthday in London and hit Colin they all got very drunk right okay access more to the story than this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the third child [Music] good luck in the movie thank you so much oh yeah could you get my lawyer on the phone no she did not somebody came up and said that Colin Farrell it was in the club Tara writes I love Colin Farrell right behind me blah blah so she goes over to talk to him and you are an investment company that invested in in Bruges it was involved in the making of in Bruges so you you chatted about that abyss I thought it was a good you know opening line try to Colin Farrell and and then you talked about your mother is Irish she talked about that as well face the nation ship just grows yeah yeah a picture taken with Colin but then the next morning she woke up and she was sober look at the picture true your friends it was Colin Farrell yes my yeah we actually do get in heated debates about whether it was the real Colin Farrell or not it's do you have the picture with you because I hold up the picture okay let's close up of that [Applause] you is it no it's kind of me but just more of me its nose the eyebrows are impressively bigger than mine let's see the man that was less than 60 years old it is quite a meaty head isn't it just you don't look like you're drunk darling that you make a nice-looking drunk so you don't have a picture of yourself I'd be my honor do you want to have your big statement [Applause] come here you cannot touch him just don't sit on the couch the squat beside him beside you touch to be touched for their kind of way [Applause] she is so happy right now when he said I touched her it was a handshake who is there hello to the crowd Oliver lovely and where you from Oliver no thanks I'm but I live here okay Oh the round of applause what do you do here I work in events in events yeah do you organize in them cool for events yeah you organize them yeah okay well counter so not impressed by the man who he might organize good one oh is it no you know he's finally organizes a corporate events okay no one I just hate Northampton okay I'll be go be destroyed okay so when I was younger people always used to tell me that look like Zac Efron so I was on a flight to Canada and this guy comes over that you got past that you're on a slice comes over to me and is that oh my daughter loves you can can I get your autograph nah okay I'm not really him but let's go with it and then he pulls out this violin and it was a gift to his door they've been to London to buy so I was like oh you don't we just sign divine names like yeah yeah and I was like don't depends really gonna write on this violin who's that yeah yeah so I ended up carving Zac Efron singer hello what's your name John John and where you from John island [Music] is from the island of iron I've heard it whereabouts the West the very live here now I know what I don't get is like on a night like tonight when there's three Irishmen here he's like you won't understand us if I tell you okay sorry okay so this is my job this job it's Johnny chop chop it's John from the West [Laughter] okay so something about 20 years ago when I was about 10 years old at the time I so my parents were heading out for the evening so they called up Jenny who was our babysitter at the time to look after myself my sister my two brothers but Jenny was busy she told them but she said that our younger brother could babysit instead now my mom wasn't too keen on this idea because her brother was only like 13 or 14 at the time but she eventually agreed when Jenny insisted that he was a really sensible very mature young man that turned out to be a complete lie so as soon as my parents left we we destroyed the house and they came home early that evening and my mom walked into the kitchen and then stood there in his stunned silence that she looked around and saw the curtains had been ripped off the wall and there was smashed glasses and plates and there was paint splattered in the floor my brother had a bloody nose eye clumps of hair missing because I'd tried to give myself a haircut I just stood there for what seemed like an age until she finally turned to the babysitter and she said you were in real trouble Crystal dad when I tell your mother about this [Applause] as it kept progressing I was like I don't like the song we thought of intro alright John Shirley [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Denise F
Views: 171,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Colin Farrell on Graham Norton, graham norton colin farrell, colin farel on graham norton show, colin farrell rihanna, colin farrell funny moments, graham norton funniest moments, graham norton compilation, colin farrell, graham norton
Id: KZJH0vkxLdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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