Coke Just Made The Worst Commercial Ever

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do you remember a few years ago when pepsi saved the world with that incredible powerful commercial where kylie jenner bravely grabbed the pepsi led a group of people and then gave that pepsi to a police officer and the world started to heal climate change was fixed poverty extinct world hunger a thing of the past all thanks to pepsi it was a commercial that was made fun of endlessly online and it's been a little while since then and coke decided that it was time to try and one up that pepsi commercial coke's always been battling with pepsi so it only makes sense that they try and create the worst commercial of all time to beat pepsi and god damn it i say they might have gotten really close with this one let me go ahead and show you it [Applause] yeah it's a gamer commercial those always go well nothing screams in touch with the youth quite like 80 year old businessman trying to create a commercial to cater to gamers i can already imagine the meeting where this abominable antichrist of a commercial was born all right guys shut the [ __ ] up listen to me i've got the floor what if we created a commercial that'll put a smile on the face of every video game player out there we know they like orcs and we know they like that mario and sometimes they even compete so let's combine all of this and create something special [Music] [Applause] this is a game right here that would be a real chart topper it's like [ __ ] rage shadow legends meets for honor i'm assuming the suit that came up with this was just watching his son watch youtube videos and then kept getting like raid shadow legends ads or something he's like okay so this is the game everyone likes and then he used that to make this so the conflict here we're at the world championship all eyes on these athletes here and one of them sucking some [ __ ] they're getting their [ __ ] pushed in and they get knocked out so they take a a little time out or something to go grab a coke which i think is just poor team play so they go afk during the championship to grab a coke chug that [ __ ] and then all of a sudden the orcs powering up too he's feeling it you know so we're we're jacking into the cyber space here through the power of coke and things are about to get wacky [Music] you seen this [Music] [Applause] [Music] i i would be [ __ ] pissed if i was a spectator watching this championship like who even wins we just all lose for having to experience it is so [ __ ] the the conclusion here to the world of shadow legends is they all put down their weapons and friendship wins again i'm just shocked there was no anime references to be honest they had like streamers in here reacting to it like you know what the [ __ ] is going on here the weapons are going down they're all gonna hold hands and kiss each other on the [ __ ] mouth oh no it's it's a pretty impressive commercial i don't really know what the takeaway is here other than coke will ruin your video game if you allow it at the world championships because it tastes so good that everyone's going to want to quit playing like i don't really know what you're supposed to take away here unless it's like there's two worlds there's a video game world that the players controlling and then the human world that they inhabit and through the power of coke they have bridged the dimensions here like a [ __ ] filthy wormhole and now everyone's happy so the people in the video game world are no longer going to kill each other also the orc had massive nipples so him and his massive nipples they call a truce are like okay no more fighting hoorah this one's for coke and then they cheers in the the human world i don't really know what the [ __ ] the point of it is pepsi saved our planet earth coke saved middle earth they went straight to mordor and drank a coke instead like i i don't really know what to make of this we're only one coke away from each other that's a [ __ ] stupid slogan that's like as dumb as the thing i always say where sometimes you bust a nut and sometimes you're the nut that gets busted it's a statement that really doesn't mean anything i i don't know how that even correlates with what we were just shown all i know is that this cost coke a lot of money this is high quality 3d animation it looks incredible so that is absolutely a seven maybe even eight figure commercial right there and it sucks [ __ ] it is bad like there's the reception to it is obviously negative other than just complimenting the animation studio behind it which they absolutely deserve the commercial visually does look good it's good animation but my god i would rather be used for anything else it is such a dumb idea and when you really break it down all that happens here is a player's bad at the game and they get beaten fair and square so they go and grab a coke out of rage and then come back and just throw the game they literally just rage quit and then everyone else also rage quits like it's not really a positive message at all they just ruined the championship but yeah anyway i just wanted to share this because i thought it was pretty interesting that coke is trying to outdo pepsi in terms of horrible commercials so god speed to him i'm looking forward to more from the coke gamer universe experiment [ __ ] voices cracking now i'm so excited but yeah anyway that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 2,871,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IyP6v26fMCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 1sec (361 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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