COIN PUSHER 1000 subscriber giveaway episode 13

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welcome back to the coin pusher so this should be our uh official thousand subscriber video um like i had said in the past i was gonna try to do a thousand subscriber video giveaway i was gonna have a bunch of silver on there and uh i think we got quite a bit on there they said there was about uh 80 80 of those uh silver half dollars uh we got a couple of earbud things on there some bitcoins and plenty of cash they got the dice on there so if we get the dice we can uh roll to try to multiply our winnings all right we had to do a a two thousand dollar buy-in since there's so much in there i gave us a hundred hundred quarters so hopefully hopefully we can do good let's get to it just going to kind of push a little bit of there just kind of even for now see where the machine wants to take us so for those who won the uh give it away on the previous video congratulations check your check your emails or i'm sorry check the comment section on the previous video uh if you'd left a comment saying you wanted some of that silver shoot me an email that's uh coinpusher100 at and we'll get those sent out to you it'll be the same way on this video whatever silver we win we'll be doing a giveaway on that too [Applause] the silver's moving pretty quick we've gone through probably not 50 quarters maybe 40. 50 chips about to go shouldn't be too difficult to make our two thousand dollars back oh that was a good push come on big push nice yeah there's a silver coins are a lot bigger than the quarters so they seem to be pushing stuff pretty good come on big push all right we just got a 100 bill silver's falling pretty quick the earbuds about to go we got one quarter left let's get it in there and we'll go see what we got all right so that pushed that sounds like the house made some money on that they must have those uh side things off so we got 150 back and we're doing pretty good on quarters probably close to our 100 quarters we started with [Applause] see if we can't get that other earbud off of there i got a bunch of silver right there too oh i think we got some of the silver coins the sound different that was a nice push wow uh sorry it's been nearly a week since i put a video up i'm kind of tied up at work i really had time to go play but i'll make it up to oh just got another i think it was a 50. oh the dice fell off bitcoin's about to [Applause] go all right there's that oh that was a huge push nice that other earbud thing fell off so we got about five pieces of silver left up there let's see if we can't get those off of there there's two of them all right we just got bitcoin oh yeah come on big push nice you say stay left for a minute [Music] foreign all right so it's got another 100 i believe so we're doing good and pushing out quick silver's getting real close to pay i think we already got one of them there's a lot of silver they put in there oh nice there's our last two corridors right here we'll go see what we get so we got seven hundred and fifty seven dollars we've got other shiny bitcoins so everybody wants a shiny bitcoin leave a comment share the video all right seven of the silver half dollars so same thing with that you guys want them just uh make sure you're subscribed hit that like button leave me a comment saying you wanting it and uh share the video facebook or twitter whatever you got it really helps out gets my views up makes me feel a lot better about what i'm doing here quarter wise we're doing really good i think we got probably 125 150 quarters and it'd be nice to get that dice i don't want to get the silver for you all but i also want to make as much profit as i can so hopefully we can both win so there's a bitcoin i see a piece of silver about to fall a couple hundred chips there it's about to go i just got one of them nice oh and uh looks like at least two of the silver 50 cent pieces nice let's make 50 bucks there oh this is going really good i was worried too when i found out that it opened up the side thing so stuff can go falling to pay in the hospital thing they've been doing that more frequently they're trying to get their money back i'm guessing oh that sounded like some silver there was another one come on push that morning let's make it rain a little bit [Applause] oh look at all their silver coins hanging they went one of them working on our last handful here probably like 50 of them nice looks like those earbud things are having a hard time moving that's because they're lighter than all the other stuff they're just kind of coasting on top this pushing really good nice that was our last quarter by the way so let's see what we got oh some more just fell out holy moly still falling we got 350 dollars we got 18 of the 50 cent pieces or uh silver silver coins so if you guys want those you know what to do by now leave me a comment subscribe share the video and uh of course we're doing all right not as many as we had last time but i bet we got 120 or so we got a good chance getting most of that off of there come on push that silver quarter coin i guess it's not a quarter silver coin silver 50 cent piece there it is we got it yeah i try to go for four or five quarters at a time we got quite a bit hanging off the edge there let's get it let's get it so we can nail it off to [Music] oh nice there went one it's pushing really good yeah i'm really excited [Applause] about achieving a thousand subscribers our next goal will be uh 10 000 subscribers i think we can do it that was our last quarter by the way we'll go see what we got so we got nine more of the silver half dollars it's pretty sweet so if you want those i know quarters we're not doing so hot on quarters we're down to about 50 quarters i can fit it all in one hand now we didn't get any money that time no we did get quite a bit of silver so i think i'll do the uh i'll announce the giveaway on this for this video when this video hits uh oh let's go with 15 000 views all right we got three quarters left there they are let's here we go so i got two of the silver coins the hot dollar coins so if you want those and they of quarters we're not doing so hot probably 40. so i may have to do a little strategy on it now aim for that dice or i guess it's a die we'll just stay on the left so we can make a double or amount of triple our money quadruple it it's getting close another inch or so away there's still quite a bit of silver on there that was the last of our quarters come on big push ooh so that's what we got we didn't get any silver we didn't get any money we got nothing but about 35 quarters the quarters are going away quick so we really need to dial in and we really need to get that die look at that multiplier yeah at some point it always just seems to jam up nothing really moves you might get some quarters but eventually eventually just run out everything just gets jammed up we got a four quarters left let's get them in let's see what we got come on big bush oh so close all right so we got one of the silver uh 50 cent pieces i'm about 35 quarters 30 quarters hopefully we at least get our money back gee golly still a lot on there let's make a rain for a second see see if that'll help us out come on big big pushes come on uh we got i got three quarters left where i got like i don't know i'm not gonna let's say one 17 quarters so we got 17 quarters get all three of those stuck there we go [Music] all right one quarter left we got eight quarters eight quarters to go what can we do with eight quarters hopefully a lot last two 10 quarters take orders come on all right i don't think we're gonna get that dice i might get another 50 cent piece though we'll see nine quarters that's what we got on silver let's push that silver out let's get that dice out we did a two thousand dollar buy-in on this here's our last quarter we got a lot on the line here there we go 14 quarters now oh big push last quarter that's a good push 3.75 cents it's not bad two quarters two quarters left come on make a count come on there's a big push come on i gave us a couple quarters nice all right we're back down to eight corners [Music] the last of them [Music] oh two quarters left that's it had fun now i'll say that it was definitely fun i enjoy playing this game all right it looked like three quarters got paid out no i was wrong i got five of them i'm not sure how i thought i only seen three fall that's right ah no money no silver i have five quarters again see what it does oh that was it [Music] that was a good game i had fun that's uh i'll tell it all up let you know how we did so we didn't do so hot we got 1175 we really needed to get that dice we got one bitcoin so if somebody wants a bitcoin we'll get that mailed out to you if you leave a comment and then i'm just gonna mail the one now you know it's not like i'm gonna mail everybody one just do a drawing on it we got 37 of the silver 50 cent pieces so if you guys want some of those you got to be subscribed share the video hit the like button and obviously comment that you want some of the silver and we'll do the drawing shouldn't take too long for us to get there get the drawing going and let you guys know who won and get that scent out uh appreciate you guys appreciate y'all watching my videos and i'll see you on the next video take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 7,573
Rating: 4.9539475 out of 5
Keywords: coin pusher, high limit coin pusher
Id: FdCYGYysTb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 52sec (1972 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 14 2020
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