COGIC 109th Holy Convocation Countdown Pastor Shane Perry 103rd Holy Convocation

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Philippians the third chapter verse 13 through 14 now I'm just a country preacher can I do what I do Philippians the third chapter verses 13 through 14 reads I count not myself to have apprehended but this one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind me reaching forth unto those things which are before I press you ought to be helping me by now I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus I want to lead the thought with you this afternoon destined to succeed look at your neighbor and tell him say neighbor I'm destined to succeed Gerald Kennedy made a very powerful statement he said to be human means to be captured by a dream God has placed every one of us here to do great things but I don't know about you I've learned that life has a way of beating the dream out of you I've learned that circumstances have a way of telling you that your dream and your vision will never come to pass I discovered because I have some children as we say in Alabama children I have discovered that at the moment of conception 500 million potential people are released among these 500 million potential people only one makes it in which means every person under the sound of my voice had to compete with 500 million other folks trying to make it into the earth realm look at your neighbors and neighbor I know I'm a champion because I had to fight my way to get here and I refuse to let the devil or anybody else stop me from being what God has called me to be look at your neighbor and tell us a neighbor I'm a champion I've learned that many times before you reach success you have to deal with failure in my own personal life I've had more failures than I have successes but I had what's called what I call the Joseph's experience Joseph had a dream when he was 17 years old but it didn't come to pass until he turned 30 for 13 years Joseph had to go to him experience to let him what many have said from the pit to the palace 13 and biblical numerology represents double portion Lewton neighbor and tell him say neighbor I know you've been through some things this year come on let's be real I know you've been through some things the past few years but God's getting ready to give you double for your trouble when he stood before Pharaoh and his dream came to pass Pharaoh change his name to zap NASPA Mia this is a name that literally means to have the power to speak like God in other words the things that you're going through would never design to take you out but they were designed to give you a testimony that when you open up your mouth and told people what the Lord had brought you through it would be filled with experience that brings power testify to your neighbor tell him say neighbor I've been through some things oh but God is giving me power to come out I feel like preaching y'all when he had his firstborn son and we'll get to point 1 in just a moment he called his name Manasseh Manasseh is a Hebrew name that means caused me to forget I wish you testified of somebody and tell him some neighbor God's got a blessing so great for you it's gonna cause you to forget everything you had to go through to get it gods didn't better do something in your life today in st. Louis and the holy convocation let's go give you spiritual amnesia you gonna forget about all the haters and said she would never make it you gonna forget about all the jealous folks and back biters they said she would never come out you're gonna forget about all the people that said you couldn't succeed grab your neighbor tell us that neighbor gods about to give you a man s experience I discovered that with every loss it's really a win and the reason why is because my struggle is teaching me a lesson toward my future no no y'all looking at me funny I am white but I'm a member of David's church which means that I learned when I came into the Pentecostal movement I was in a powerful sanctified Church in Birmingham Alabama and I learned real fast no matter what you going through there's always a praise that's greater than where you are I don't care what the doctor said I don't care what the struggle is there's a praise that'll bring you out of wherever you are don't touch your neighbor forget about your neighbor lay hands on yourself and say Sal in about ten minutes I'm getting ready to give God a praise for where I'm headed not from the struggle that I'm here but for what God's getting ready to release in my life if you believe in shiny point number one the scripture says I count not myself to have apprehended but what I do is I forget those things the pork first point I want to leave with you this morning or this afternoon is your half to let it go we've been living in the illusion for too long god bless you dr. McCoy Lewis I love you what is the illusion the illusion is that we can go back to the past look at your neighbors say the past is gone but there's another illusion called the future and until you get there you can't live in it so I've learned how to celebrate my now in anticipation of what God is about to release the psalmist said in Psalms 1 18 and 24 this is the day that the Lord is me and I will rejoice and be glad in it you've got to excuse me sounds 1 18 and 24 oh yes this is the day in other words this is the day the only time that I have to give God the praise many of us are trying to look for a future event but we don't believe or understand that now is the time this word day is a Hebrew word y'all that literally has several translations the first translation means moment the second translation means day 24 hours the next translation goes on to mean week in month year and lifetime the Lord spoke to me when I discovered this he said son the key to living a happy life is you have to learn how to celebrate a good moment if you can string together a celebration of enough good moments gotta give you a good day if you can praise him and celebrate enough good days then God would give you a good a good mind if you can celebrate enough good much he'll give you a good here if you keep on celebrating God will release a great life to you grab your neighbors and neighbor it starts right now come on you may not even be able to wait till I get ready to close cuz there's a praise in my house it says I got it and I got it right now I wish you keep prophetic and touch somebody tell him said neighbor it's already on all you gotta do is dance like you got it talk like you've got it walk like you've got it act like you gotta tell somebody and we'll come to pass can I talk for a few moments they're four categories to memory loss and I'm almost done one of the categories is called cue dependent forgetting in cue dependent forgetting this is a failure to recall memory based on stimuli Zoar cues that were present when the memory was embedded in your brain in other words there are certain things atmospheres and places that you go that in bed thoughts in your mind now I know we're new-age Church and we like to talk about the new thing but I was raised by old church mothers people say where the Perry come from I tell you where I came from the prayer meeting before I ever stood on the platform I was a six o'clock prayer warrior at my local church I ran the 12 noonday prayer at my local church why because I discovered if I was gonna do a great work for God I needed the power of the Holy Ghost in my life I was raised by older preachers seasoned men of God and they used to say something we don't say much anymore but they didn't know all the Greek to Hebrew in the theology but they understood that when you get saved you've got to stop going to the club when you get saved you need to stop cussin y'all gotta help me I didn't know custom was legal in church anymore I thought that was illegal y'all wait talking to me in here you got folks that would dance and shout in church go outside in the parking lot getting the right st. Louis traffic get cut off and start cussing y'all don't want to talk to me if you ain't sayin a man then I'm probably talking about you but there are certain atmospheres that cue memories which means you've got to learn how to change your hours of operation if you're single you can't be hanging out all night talking about I'm witnessing the folks down at the pool hall y'all ho you talking to me you've got to learn yeah I believe in holiness while you're looking at me so funny ah you've got to learn how to change your thought patterns why because when I get in the right environment it may trigger me to do some things I said I would never do I tell people all the time you've got to make up in your mind that you'll never have another season of stupid come on touch your neighbors say no more season the stupid I'm not gonna get caught up again I don't have time I'm too focused on my vision and where God has taken me to get caught up with what other folks that do it come on touch somebody else tell us I get released from the season the stupid watch this if you can remove the cue then you can remove the memory I have what's called the ministry or the anointing of Deline this is when you act crazy with me or I project my dream and you tell me all the reasons why I can't do it I will delete you out of my blackberry off of my Facebook Twitter account myspace any other kind of social network you have why cuz I only want to surround myself with people that have a mindset that say whatever I said you can do you can do it oh I got a friend in Atlanta Georgia he's a real friend cuz he won't let me be satisfied before I went on the Trinity Broadcasting Network he called me said you're the visionary you preach and teach on vision he said what's the next great move for shame Perry I said well the next thing I want to do is I want to be on TBN he hung the phone up in my face I called him back I said Reverend why did you hang the phone up he said because you told me that you have to have a crazy dream he said you came to my church and preached that unrealistic goals are the only goals worth heaven he said call me back when you get a real dream bye do you need to surround yourself with some people that are not talking about how great you used to be but are pushing you to where God is trying to take you grab your neighbor and tell them some neighbor you've got a great future ahead of you but you've got to forget what you've done in the past and start pressing toward what God wants to release in your future I feel like preaching you're almost done almost done my pass pales in comparison to my future I've learned how to celebrate where I am look at your neighbor and tell him say neighbor I'm praising the Lord right now cuz I know things are about to change point number two and I'm gonna hoop three and we're gonna get out of here point number two the writer goes on to say that I press toward the mark the second point I want to leave with you it's gonna make sense in just a moment is your dream or your vision should always create skepticism God's vision for my life is so big that it will cause people to doubt whether or not I can do it you got to get a dream so high that people say you're crazy Bruce Wilkinson wrote a book entitled the prayer of Jabez in the book he said you got to get a dream that people believe can never come to pass in your life why because a god dream is always greater than where you are a god dream is always higher than what you can think can I go a little further this word mark is the Greek word which literally means skeptic the word press means to lean into which means when you're a true visionary you lean into skepticism you embrace people who say you'll never do can I be honest with y'all I love it when people tell me I can't do something I can motivate it when people say my dream is too big why because I serve a God so great that nothing is impossible to him in fact can I be honest with you I've learned how to ignore the haters I'm gonna share something with you haters are old they're really just jealous people who are unfulfilled in their old life but I learned that haters are good number one they're good for the person that's jealous why because I've learned that anyone this jealous of another person has probably been called to do what they do and the reason why they're jealous is because either they don't have enough vision or they don't have the discipline to do what it takes to get there so instead of becoming a celebrator they become a hater so if you're hating on somebody today God is probably calling you to do what they do but I learned that celebration always causes multiplication Jesus took a few fish and some loaves of bread broke it celebrated it and it multiplied in other words when you can learn how to celebrate the person that's doing what you want to do God will cause that anointing and that blessing to multiply in your life touch somebody to tell us how to celebrate in your future but the hater is also good for the person being hated on because I've learned that anybody that stays at a level of the mediocre anybody that wants to be average anybody that just wants to blend into the crowd they don't have to worry about people getting upset but as soon as you get a vision higher than where you are as soon as you get a vision that people that grew up with you said oh you know you're gonna be like your daddy Woods you're only talking to me in here as soon as you get a vision that's beyond the control or the spirit of witchcraft in which they're operating in to try to control your destiny as soon as you start dreaming people start hating but I learn how to celebrate my haters I got a new policy every time somebody gets jealous with me I try to scoop them up and bomb dinner why because they're a sign that I just went a little bit higher a little bit higher touch your neighbor and say neighbor I'm celebrate my haters why because they're a sign that we're moving on now can I talk about vision for a few moments and imma close somebody said preach white man preach vision is the key to being able to succeed I won't be long with this I discovered that vision begins with God the reason why many of us are unfulfilled and unsatisfied is because we don't really know who we are Psalms 37:4 said delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of your heart I discovered that from a contextual perspective this particular text has nothing to do with your fleshly desires in fact most of us the reason why we're in trouble is because we got exactly what we thought we wanted but your flesh can never tell you what you want Oh y'all want to look at me funny I'm gonna prove it to you Lord I want you to bless me with this man I know he ain't saved I know he only comes to church on Sunday Oh on Easter Sunday I know he's not submitted but Lord give me this man as soon as you get him two weeks after the prayer and the marriage your prayer changes to Lord would you please kill this man why because you've got to go after not what you own but what God has for you in the text contextually speaking this Psalm literally means from an original Hebrew perspective delight thyself also in the Lord and He will give you what he intended for you before the foundation of the world which means before you were born God knew everything that it would take to fulfill your life before you stepped onto this planet God had already made a custom-made blessing with your name on it the problem is you've been trying to do what everybody else is doing but grab your neighbors said neighbor I'm getting ready to do what God has called me to do watch this quickly vision vision from a natural perspective because natural is spiritual vision parallel I'm almost done Oh in natural vision every person in here is seeing in double also every person in here is seeing not only to image but an inverted image there's a part of the brain that lies in between the two hemispheres called the corpus callosum the corpus callosum job is to take the two images that you see and bring them into one now can I talk to my church folks for real the dilemma we have in the church as leaders is that we have a group of people that have the vision of the pastor and that's wonderful because we should be consumed with the vision of the leader the problem is they don't have a vision for themselves so they would dance over the vision they will shout over the vision they will holler over the vision but they don't have any resources to help vision to come to pass then we have a group of people who have a vision God has prospered them but they've walked away from the church David put it like this and psalms 133 and 1 behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity this word behold carries the same word as vision Chow's own in the hebrew which literally means mental picturing most theologians believe that David wrote psalms 133 before he became the unified king of Israel which means he looked out upon an empty field behold or had a vision in his mind of what he was go see in his future it said behold how good is gonna look when everbody gets together grab your neighbor and say neighbor is time to bring this thing together now I'm getting ready to close he all but look at your neighbors and neighbor Oh neighbor I'm destined to succeed come on tell somebody else I don't care what you've been through God has a vision over your life and no matter what it looks like yeah I hear the Lord saying it will it will it will come to pass and as I get ready to take my seat you're the last thing that the writer see he said I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling now I've learned that out of all of the things that you can do envision oh not only do you need to write the vision not only do you need to speak the vision oh not only do you need the plan for your vision huh not only do you need to give to your vision no but because the vision is a high calling look you've got to learn how to stand in a bad position and get a high praise look at some neighborhoods I don't care what it looks like I got a praise attached to my vision oh and when I get done dancing oh my praise is like a magnet that pulls in my healing that pulls in my deliverance oh that pulls in my change if you believe in shiny shiny shiny I gotta close he oh but the same David understood the principle oh I'm being able to stand huh when things look crazy he wrote Psalms and 34 chapter looking back over his life Oh after he'd acted crazy in front of my Himalaya he looked back as an old man oh he said I made a mistake oh he said instead of me acting crazy oh I should have lifted up my head and he wrote Psalms 34 he lifted up his hands and said I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth I don't care what you're going through oh my God will give you a praise huh that can lead you to the victory oh my god I want y'all to play back there oh my god huh we'll give you the victory oh then I'll push it to my cold touch a neighbor said name let's go high praise my situation in the name of Jesus [Music] the samba see stops 147 and 148 crazy crazy you could have been walking the street lean on your neighbors say neighbor I'm still here today because I believe the God has taken me [Music] she called his name my husband she called his name Simon she called his name that means to me these babies but it's my head [Music] well praise alone forget about your neighbor lay hands on your children will be mark 11:24 whatsoever you desire [Music] [Music] on the count of three off in st. Louis up listen up and already done praise before I get back home it's already there huh in my family it's already there on the count of three y'all miss giving praise [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait a minute you gotta add some to your dance before you leave look at somebody said neighbor this next phrase is attached to my miracle it's attached to my family it's attached of my business and I am about to dance [Music] wait a minute I'm finished but there two other things that your brains - as I said I'm shooter when he stood before his father his daddy gave him two blessings he said one your hand shall be on the neck of your enemy magnet neighbors said neighbor with this next and I will shoot the devil out I will choke him out of my house I will choke him out of my family I wish I had some say some would give no but showdown raised the second thing [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh wait a minute I'm done well my two nights that I need about a hundred two nights then don't mind changing the atmosphere for the entire service I need about 100 y'all step out in the house and give God a prize Oh [Music] when I think about Jesus what is luck with me when I think about Jesus and High Septon yeah I think about Tina's what is not for me when I think about gonna dance daddy daddy [Music] why by saying yes I'm saying yes of my yes of miracles yes yes of such sweet people to tell them it's already know come on celibacy songs cuz I know I already got it [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] grab one person by both hands getting ready to get out of here grab one person by both hands I'm gonna get out of here quick when my wife she was pregnant we didn't know it with twins when I preached in the whole nine convocation my twins came premature when I was preaching in Texas they rushed her into an emergency situation I jumped on a plane missed the birth by 30 minutes one of my children almost died when I rushed into the back into the ICU mother makuu I looked at my daughters and I started crying they didn't look like babies I looked around the ICU although my children were severely premature they were doing good I looked around the ICU and I saw children at the point of death watch this we about to pray for our neighbor I told my wife I said listen we're gonna pray for our babies one time we're gonna release our faith and then we're gonna believe God that it's already done but what we're gonna do we're gonna pray for all these other children in here because we don't know where their parents are and we're gonna intercede for them how many know that Joel blessing still works you can pray for your friend and God will release you I want you to forget about yourself grab your neighbors hand and just start praying listen this is sanctified Church I want to hear some tone talking sanctified Holy Ghost praying as I pray pray for that person like you're praying for yourself father in the name of Jesus Chiara Bose a time God we pray for our neighbor right now Lord send the power the Holy Ghost to that situation God's you know every struggle God you know every need God you know the desire that you place in their heart God touch their children God touched their grandchildren touch their husband touch their family touch their physical body whatever it is God turn it around in the life in the name of Jesus we release the power of the Holy Ghost to heal deliver and set free right now in the name of Jesus now if you believe you gotta release that hair put those sanctified hands together open up your mouth is shouting [Music]
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 10,379
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: COGIC, Bishop Blake, Holiness, Holy, Jesus, Mason Temple, Holy Convocation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 30sec (2370 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 04 2016
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