Your Pain Into Your Power | Sunday EVENING 27 October 2019 | Dr Shane Perry | Day 7/7 | LIVE

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mekka holy goes crazy noise God will God began it and he will fulfill it today in your life we were safe how many of you a place already for my cloths to grope you know that the Lord has touched you he has bless you I want you to know to reach something more that God is bringing your way to lift your hand and say I thank you Jesus thank you for everything you have done in my life for everything you have done in my I believe you Jesus I believe you do even more today you will do even more today and now dr. Chen you are not here when we screamed dr. shed will love you you you you had just blessed us and moved to to the office and we all all of us scream how much we love you because your blessing to us know me to Jesus hallelujah somebody [Music] can I hear you said dr. Shen we love you Shan Shan dr. Sheng very we love you dr. Shane we love you put your hands together while he was flowing in the Holy Ghost I could hear God that's why I took serious the instruction that came from him and today the Lord will glorify his name again now are you ready ladies and gentlemen help me welcome all the way from the United States from a ministry known as ax Shan parish ministry the man of God dr. shed [Music] somebody help me scream for Jesus halleluyah halleluyah [Applause] Jesus glory glory glory come on put your hands together let's give God some praise in here come on help me raise the roof in here somebody shout hallelujah come on tell him thank you lord somebody shout here [Applause] hallelujah [Music] touch three people that tell him say get ready for the breakthrough kids ready for whatever you came in here that you need tonight you're not gonna leave the same way you came tell him tonight is your night tonight is your night tonight is your night tonight is your night it's over tonight whatever the devil brought it's over tonight I'm walking into my destiny tonight I'm walking into madness although tonight I'm walking in my authority this is my seat if you believe in Schad Holly I feel something about to be released grab one person by the hand shake their hand like you go shake it off and tell them same neighbour releases coming in your life money's me and release it legs me and release favors being released [Applause] [Music] now do me a favor I want you to lose your mind for the greatest leader you know none other than the Apostle as he will say my name is alpha Luke ow let's give it up for your pastor come on you can do better than that let's show him how much we love him hallelu I have officially made my decision you you can't get rid of me you can't run me off I'm a part of the family now I'm oh somebody give God praise in here let me say this let me say this and I'm gonna preach just I'm not gonna keep you long tonight it's been a long week but I want to say this to you I have never in my life experienced the hospitality that I having from listen listen listen from the moment I stepped off the plane there was somebody there to greet me took me around everybody I met up with a team of it seemed like 300 people from am I am I thank you I was escorted first-class to my beautiful hotel I was taken on an African safari I have been treated like a king since I've been in South Africa and I want to say to 8em I love you and I appreciate you and I want to say this too and then I'm going to preach I have never here's another never in my life seen a more gifted preacher and prophet I want to see one greater then apostle I look out he's the greatest I've seen he's the most accurate prophet I've ever seen just touch somebody and tell him say thank God for men of God thank God for men now come on give him one more praise to Jesus hallelujah you may have your seats first Corinthians 10 and 13 says there has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man but God is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way of escape I want to leave the thought with you tonight the greater the battle the greater the blessing oh I need some people that will do something in their life just shout the greater the battle the greater the blessing the greater the blessing whenever I do business I don't waste my time dealing with people that don't have the power I'm not trying to sound arrogant but what I'm saying is if you don't have the power to do what I need to be done then I don't need to talk to you because I already told you this morning I Know Who I am which means I don't have the word know in my vocabulary oh you don't understand when when people tell me no I hear yes my wife laughs at me all the time I'll be in line for something and they'll tell me mr. Perry we can't do this for you I'll say oh yes you can you don't you don't know me but you will know me we can't do that so yeah you can do it mr. Perry you're gonna have to step to the side because we have other people I said I'm gonna step to the side but I'm gonna stand right here until you tell me yes guess what after a few moments they always say would you come over here what do you want me to do for you it's a yes why because I refuse to operate at the level of no the promises of God are in him yes and a man tell your neighbors say it's mine and so I don't want to deal with a no person I'll say this too I have learned how to get the anointing of the Li let me say that again I have the anointing of delije which means when I tell you my dream and you tell me all the reasons why I can't do it I know to delete you off a Facebook Instagram Twitter newsfeed whatever I have the anointing of delete cuz I need some people telling me what I can do not what I can't do look at somebody say who's in charge so when I deal with the problem I don't wallow in mile of trying to bring other people into my situation in fact I have learned that there are some things God will place you in that only he can bring you out of you can't call your family members your might listen you may have all the money you could ever want God will deplete your resources to cause you to have to depend on him I don't care there are times when God puts you in a position where you have to say if God don't do it it can't be done but I refuse to give the devil authority in my life and the reason why is because Satan is operating on borrowed power and anybody who's operating on borrowed power can't be in charge so when I go through anything I circumvent people and the devil and I go right to the source because I know that God is in charge touch somebody and tell them say neighbor God is in charge watch this now the scripture says that greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world and I've discovered this in my own life and I've discovered I have discovered that sometimes you have to deal with some trouble but the trouble is designed to bring you into something greater I sent a video I sent a video message ahead of me before I came and in the video message I talked about Benjamin when Benjamin was born his name was Ben annoying it means son of my pain his mother died giving birth to him see you have to be careful what you name something when you're in because it may look like a curse but God knows how to take the curse and turn it into a blessing watch this when she died his father changed his name to Benjamin Benjamin means the son of my right hand or the son of my power so in an instant God took his pain and turned it in to his power I want to talk to some people tonight that have been going through something in 2019 I want to let you know that God is getting ready to take your pain and turn it in to your power I wish somebody would shout power in here watch this now I want to be transparent now that we're family now we can have a conversation I can remember the first time that I asked my mother an awkward question the question was who is my father she said to me well the man that I was married to butch Melvin was his name he divorced me and he didn't want to have anything to do with you so he left us and I thought within myself you have to understand the psyche of a of a nine year old boy I couldn't understand why man wouldn't want his own son and I was plagued with this battle for most of my life and so I made it my mission to try to find my real father my mother gave me no information so I was flying blind for the most part but in 1994 I was 19 years old my grandmother had been moved into our house for hospice and she died in our house my aunt came into my room and she said there's only three people on the planet that know this and one of them was your grandmother she's dead I feel obligated to tell you that butch Melvin is not your father and I'm the only other person besides your mother that knows this now I was instantly filled with joy because I thought maybe my dad does want me all he has to do is meet me if he met me he would want me and see I had devised this this thought in my mind and you have to understand I was a young man and I had this thought in my mind then I wanted to meet my real father but I didn't want to have a relationship with him because I'm the type person that if you don't want me I don't want you oh come on say listen don't be desperate for anybody somebody say man I Know Who I am I'm not desperate for anything or anybody come on you gotta watch the spirit of desperation people pick up on that and they take advantage of you so I had this vision in my mind and I saw myself now I was a kid I saw myself growing up to be like James Bond an international man of mystery I had this luxurious sports car and in my dream my vision I envisioned myself finding my real father driving up to his house knocking on the door with a tuxedo on and saying to him I'm Shane Perry your son and this is what you missed then I want to take out a wad of cash and make it rain on him jump in my sports car and drive away forever but when my aunt told me that this man was not my father I went on a quest to try to find him no help from my mother it wasn't until I was 40 years old I'm 44 so 40 years old I had come to a place where I just let it go and I was sitting in my house and my wife said to me I have a feeling that your mother's not telling you everything so I called my mother on the phone and I said listen I need you to tell me who my real father is and she says to me she says she said to me well uh why don't you get over it I said now you told me to get over it my stepfather who never showed me any love he told me to get over it my sister who's a half-sister that y'all treat like the Queen of England and treat me like a pauper you understand what I'm saying I said all of y'all have told me to get over but the problem is mama you knew your dad my stepfather knew his father my sister knows her father don't you get tired of people telling you how you should or should not feel and they never been through what you've been through and so I uh at 40 years old I was sitting on the couch and my wife says to me she hasn't told you the truth I called her she told me to get over it and I just got off the phone with her and I said I'm letting it go I'm done with it let me say this sometimes you got to get to a place in life where you just let it go you just say to yourself it is what it is it's gonna be what its gonna be and God if you don't touch it then it's not gonna work anyway and so I was flying out to England to London and as I was rushing my driver was picking me up I was rushing I was late for the and as I was rushing out the door my wife says to me she says here is a letter from your mother so I took the letter she never read me a letter before I took the letter stuck it in my briefcase got on the plane now now in our modern like four or five years later they have international Wi-Fi on the plane but back then four or five years ago there was no Wi-Fi on international flights and so here I am on a plane with no means of communication no way to talk to anybody and I decide to open up the letter when I open up the letter my mother says to me I didn't know how to tell my baby boy the truth she said the truth is this is gonna be hard but it's honest she said the truth is I was raped and you were the product of the rape she said I was going to abort you but God spoke to me and he said there's a boy in your womb that's gonna preach to the nation's I stand here tonight in Johannesburg South Africa a living testimony that I'm preaching to the nation's I want to tell you it doesn't matter what it took for you to get here you've got purpose over your life God is not through with you God is getting ready to use you like never before slap somebody a high five and tell them say it doesn't matter where you came from the scripture says let me say this before I move forward I know now that my battle dealing with fatherlessness and I'm gonna write a book called healing for the fatherless family it's in it's in the works right now but but I knew that that battle made me the man I am today and I learned that I don't have to have a natural father because I got to grade his father in the world somebody shout hallelujah now the text says and I'm almost done y'all know what that means the text says there have no temptation taken you now I always thought that this word temptation meant to be tempted to do evil but in this particular verse this word temptation actually means to be tested so what he's saying is there is no test that has come your way that you can't handle all right let me put it to you like this I always saw myself as like a Joseph figure when Joseph was born his name literally means in the Hebrew may God add he had a prophetic name the problem is he didn't know what he'd have to go through to get it so at the age of 17 he dreamed a dream but it didn't come to pass until he was thirty thirteen years he had to deal with a life going in the opposite direction of what he prayed for but thirteen in biblical numerology means double portion I want to talk to somebody that's been through something this year and I want to let you know that God is about to release double in your life God is about to release double in your finances God is getting ready to release double and everything you set your hand to do somebody shot double double double [Applause] Joseph and I'm gonna get to the text here in just a moment Joseph was thrown in a pit now the thing I love about the pit is it's really a great place to be and I'm gonna tell you why in the pit you can't go any further down so you're as low as you can go you can't move laterally which means people on your level can't help you out the only way out of the pit is up don't touch your neighbor just touch yourself as I'm getting ready to go high I'm getting ready I'm getting ready to go to the next level I'm getting ready to step into the next dimension God is about to pull me up all right but you have to understand how God did it because the scripture says the Midianites pulled Joseph out of the pit now if you study the history of that you'll discover that Abraham made a mistake and gave birth to Ishmael he had an issue aisle that God wouldn't accept but he produced it from a mistake the Midianites traced their lineage back to the Ishmaelites which means Abraham's mistake became Joseph's deliverance and I want to let you know that this is the season God's about to take every mistake turn it around and cause it to work for your deliverance you can ready to write a book off of what you've been through and make millions of dollars why because God's getting ready to use my mistake to lift me out of the pit so he said no temptation has taken you watch this except that which is common to man taken is the Greek word Lambay no and it means to take hold of or to be carried in other words he's saying don't worry about it it can't carry you away I want to let you know that no matter what you face it's too small to fight against God Isaiah 54 in 70s and no weapon formed against thee shall prosper every tongue that rises against the in judgment thou shall condemn it but this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me sayeth God what are you saying preacher everything they meant for bad God is getting ready to turn it around and cause it to work in my favor slap somebody a high five and tell them say neighbor it's working in my favor God's getting ready to turn some things around for me I want a sidebar before I move forward I had something drop in my spirit I fly a lot I'm on airplanes a lot so I study airplanes and I've discovered so many times in church we say this statement I'm going higher and we just did it but we don't realize what we're actually saying when the preacher says let's go home you gotta also say here comes trouble because the higher you go they said the greater the level the greater the devil watch this on an airplane once it reaches ten thousand feet the air inside the cabin must be pressurized to make it conducive to the atmospheric pressure on the outside of the plane which means to qualify to fly at that height pressure must be introduced to the scenario and I want to let you know that some of you are dealing with some pressure right now but tell somebody it's gonna be alright it's gonna be alright the pressure is qualifying you for the next level tell somebody I'm getting ready to go to the next dimension so he says there's no temptation it's taken you but such as is common to man so so here's what he's saying my is what about if I'm uncomfortable that I make mediocre people look bad I don't do it on purpose but it happens no matter where I go and the reason why is because so many people want to operate on just enough but I try to operate on the next level which means if your mediocre around me you're getting ready to look dumb I can't say that in Africa okay I can't say that now I'll change my vernacular next time so so what I'm saying to you is is that God when he gets ready to elevate you the people around you are not going to understand how you got where you are okay watch this I'm just hearing God so I'm gonna flow I'm gonna flow watch this I understand that it's all about perception see perception will dictate how people see you like if you never heard me preach you might say what's this white dude from America gonna say to us as he joel osteen I wish no I just but but perception may cause you to miss what I carry are you catching what I'm saying so the Bible says in Psalms 92 and 10 can they put Psalms 92 and 10 up for me if you can find I know I'm going quick on you here Psalms 92 and 10 thou shalt exalt my horn like the Horn of a you the core i shall receive fresh oil or a fresh anointing thank you thank you now this is what you have to understand unicorns don't exist oh you they gave it away take that down you put the right version of it so y'all gave my whole thing away thank you we're gonna get to that the King James says thou shalt exalt my horn like the horn of a unicorn unicorns do not exist so my question was how does a unicorn show up in the Bible when I study this I found out that when they translated this verse they did not have the proper word to translate what they saw the proper translation that you just saw is wild ox the problem is the only thing they had to interpret was a picture of the profile of an ox which means a two horn animal appear to only have one and this is what happens whenever God starts blessing your life this is what happens whenever God anoints you people only see one side of the story they don't know all the hell you had to go through they don't know the times you prayed and cry and fast and look at somebody and tell them say don't miss perceive Who I am so what happens when you are uncommon an uncommon person has to deal with uncommon trouble but uncommon trouble produces uncommon blessing I just want to talk to some people that been through some stuff this year that will lift up your hands and shout the blessing is on the way I've had to deal with uncommon problems but God is about to release uncommon favor over my life slap your neighbor a high five and tell them say neighbor God's about to release uncommon blessing in your life I told you I was gonna preach on the Bible says but God is faithful I don't know about y'all but God has been faithful in my life over my 25 years of ministry God has made a way out of no way God has continually turned some things around for me I wish I had a few thousand people that would turn around one time and shouting long turning around and the reason why it around is because he said in Romans eight and 28 and we know that all things work together for the good to them that love God that are called according to his purpose apostle alpha look how my question was who is the N we know did Paul think 2,000 years in the future that everybody in church would know that I'm coming out I know that's not true because there's some church people that will dig your grave pick you in it throw the dirt on top of you and praise God over your grave the problem is they don't know that the worst thing you can do is bury a see because when you bury a seed it germinates and grows grab somebody and tell them say they tried to bury me but God is raising me up he said and we know I said who is then we I said God do you think that I'll always know I'm coming out I know that's not true cuz I've been through some things so that I couldn't figure out how in the world I was coming out of what I was in so I know that's not the truth so I said who is the and we know well the previous scripture says that God's Spirit bears witness with my spirit that I am a child of God so what are you saying preacher I don't have to have you to believe I'm coming out tell somebody to say I'll shout all by myself you don't have to praise him with me because God has already revealed to me that I'm coming out which means I praise him all by myself I'll shout all by myself because I know that it's already if you believe in Shani shoddiest Lord I got the clothes here y'all but the Bible say in mark 11:24 let's go in Mark 11 and 24 whatsoever things you desire when you pray believe that you receive this and he shall have them what are you saying in the word of the Lord God is saying it's only when you believe you got it touch three people until them say I got it I got it I got it it's only when you believe it's yours it's only when you believe it's done I said it this morning I say it again somebody shout it's already done and I'm like I gotta praise somebody shout yes Lord I got to close yeah but I want to let you know that no matter what you're going through your problem has 24 hours after 24 hours so it's over the Bible see is sob story his anger into it but for a moment in his favorite life weeping may endure for a night 24 hours but after 24 hours of your light comes in the morning open up your mouth it sounds all Joy's coming to my life Joy's coming to my house joy is about to show up [Applause] Nehemiah said the joy of the Lord is my strength why don't you just flex on somebody tell him say neighbor I've got joy which means I got power to the wall over the wall block me the Bible said it sounds 1:26 so they that sow in tears shall reap in joy I may be crying right now and when my seed comes to harvest I'm coming out with joy hey neighbor I guess I'm 37 and 4 delight myself in the Lord he'll give you the desires of your heart God's getting ready to release my desire God's getting ready to release my breakthrough God is getting ready to release my change throw up your hands and shout release in the name of Jesus if you believe it shinier study a slow [Applause] the greater the battle the greater the blessing amen just hug somebody and tell them say it's gonna be all right no matter what you came in here with no matter what you're dealing with it's gonna be alright God is gonna work this thing out God is on the case in fact before you ever went into it he already made the way out all I gotta do is walk through the door the Bible said the valley of Achor shall become a door of hope the word a car is the Hebrew word trouble in other words we and when I'm in trouble oh god I'll kick open a door of Hope you wanna kick the door one time I'm getting ready to walk into hope and hope maketh not a stain I'm stepping into the next level I'm stepping into my break - you wanna just take a few steps and say I'm walking in my purpose I'm taking new territory it's my season 9 now come on put your hands together and give God some praise [Applause] Johansen listen if you're in here tonight and you need a breakthrough from God I want you to lift your hands you came to this incredible conference and you said to yourself I'm not leaving the same way I can't man let me say this since my foot touched down on the continent of Africa I haven't been the same since I've come to this meeting I haven't been the same since I came in contact with apostle alpha Luke ow I haven't been the same since I came in touch with AMI I haven't been the same look at somebody to tell them so you won't leave here the same way you came tell them I'm leaving Blair so I'm leaving here I'm walking in my destiny I'm getting ready to be everything then God called me to be if you believe in shinier I pray for you let me pray for you lift your hands I told y'all I'm gonna preach long it's been a long conference lift your hands if you're in here tonight and you need a breakthrough tonight is your night change the Civic you might have walked in these doors and said god I need a miracle Healing is flowing through the atmosphere financial breakthrough is flowing through the atmosphere family is there for me safe tell give her a mic I wanted to say it for me I want her to say it for me I love it when she says it I said I said financial blessing is flowing through the atmosphere I receive it my family is about to turn I somebody shout I receive it I receive it lift your hands father in Jesus name as we stand here tonight you know every problem you know every need you know every struggle but you promised in your word that you will supply all of our needs spiritual needs financial needs mental needs emotional needs family needs whatever the need is God's supply the nee tonight that we will no longer live in nee but will walk in desire how because you want to release your desire for our life somebody's hurting in here God sin healing to their heart whoever hurt them whoever did them wrong let him release it and forgive tonight God let them understand that the greater their battle has been was all a set up for right now and I decree and declare in the name of Jesus that your breakthrough is being released right now I perceive your healing is being released right now your deliverance is being released right now your change is being released right now shout hallelujah [Music] somebody you're gonna get back home and your business has turned around I receive it somebody's gonna go from local business to global business I see there's a reason why this is a global ministry since I preached here people are hitting me up from Belgium and from all right we got building up from France from Germany Apostles showed me some people praising God in Japan there's a reason why you're connected to the global ministry let me say this lift your hands see the reason why they misunderstood Jesus was this Nazareth couldn't accept him because all they saw was a local person sure they did not discern that he was global I refuse to hang out with people that see me on a local level God is about to release the global anointing or influence global favors somebody shout I receive it I receive it I want to let I want to go tonight but with your hands lifted I'm gonna share something with you quickly and I'm not gonna take much time and and God moved today I'm not gonna take much time at all but I want to share something with you I was on a television network recently and when I was on the network there was another man that was preaching before me I was the last speaker they always put me on last smart cuz when I get done I don't want anything to be left but but he was speaking and there's a certain seat and I'm not gonna take much time with this we've already ministered in this area today but but I feel led to say this there's a certain seed that God has placed in my life that has always produced ridiculous blessing and while I was standing there listening to him he's preaching in front of a worldwide audience I won't name the network that you would know it he says he says I want everybody to sow a seed of $500 when I heard this I immediately took out my checkbook and wrote because it's my seed there's so many things that have been released in my life through that seed and I went a live television and put it on the platform the next day I went home and this is what I said when I put it on the platform I said god I want you to do something for me in 24 hours that's what I'm about to release in his house God's about the receive it I put the seat up there I said 24 hours Lord the next day I flew back home I was living in Florida at the time and I was in my office and I was looking at the man that was preaching I was looking at his Instagram profile and I noticed that he was standing next to - you have ups here that's United postal sorry I don't know you know what I'm saying like FedEx UPS whatever the courier service is everyday he's standing with one of these men holding a cheque saying my blessing came today now I'm not gonna lie to you for just a moment I got a little jealous I said lord I hadn't got a check in the mail in a long time and so I activated Psalms one 18 and 25 now prosperity I said Lord I want you to send a cheque to me right now now watch this you gotta understand the level of faith sometimes you can say now and now don't mean immediately but by faith I believe that I have it right now that's right but sometimes watch this I'll leave my office to go to the church for a meeting and when I walk out of the office I told y'all earlier that I used to live with my mother-in-law right now she lives with me hallelujah she don't have to work another day in her life when I was walking out I got into the car I got down the street she called me she said son I want you to know that I didn't want to disturb you while you were in your office it sounded like you were praying I was I was saying Lord send prosperity now I said send the UPS man to my house now she said I didn't want to disturb you but while you were praying I discovered that our doorbell is malfunctioning I said well how do you know she said because the courier was trying to ring the doorbell while you were praying my goodness which Smith at the fair moment I was saying sin now prosperity the man was ringing my doorbell but the doorbell was malfunctioning I turned around and came back home had an envelope I opened it up 24 hours after I had decreed the miracle there was a check for $10,000 somebody shout I receive it I receive it now listen I don't want to take much time with this because you gave so tremendously all week long but I just want to challenge a few elite believers that already lift your hands for God to do something incredible in your life I dare say that you believe God's gonna do something in the next 24 hours I want you quickly and we're not gonna take much time I promise I'm not gonna take much time with this but the Lord laid it on my heart quickly I want you to get that same seed that I sold that caused a 24-hour miracle what is that in rent 500 that don't sound good 7,500 now listen you've been giving all week no pressure but I want to challenge some people that are ready to go from local to global I want to challenge some people that believe this is your season why would I soul this seed on a Sunday night at the close of the conference because I believe that God is getting ready to open doors for me they're coming bless you they're coming from all over I want you to come I want you to come quickly what is that amount again and seven what is it again 7,500 I want you to come quickly and so with me why am I doing this because I believe that God is about to turn some things around I'm not gonna take much more time but I want you to challenge yourself quickly and I'm gonna give everybody a chance to give listen never feel bad if you don't have it to give you never have to feel bad because you're next for God to bless you I will see them tell somebody say I'm in the right atmosphere I'm in the right tell him I'm next I'm next I'm next tell him in the next 24 hours cause Kim Editor some things around for me there's some more bless you there's some more they can sew and I want you to come quickly and I'm gonna go I need you to come now because I don't want to take much time and I want to release something over your life I want to release a 24-hour turnaround I want to say this to you thank you for your liberality this entire week I have seen it thank you for being willing to soul the scripture says and in the Bible says in Luke 6 and 38 that if you give it shall be given couldn't measure pressed down shaken together running over shall he calls men to give into your bosom there's some more they can give it I want you to come I see you coming and I'm gonna go but I want you to move now if you're gonna sew that seed with us why am I doing this because I believe God I believe it God's about to do something can I just prophesy that over the house in the next 24 hours God's about to turn some things around I received are there any others you can sow that seed I want you to come now quickly quickly I want you to come I'm getting ready to pray for these that are sowing why am I doing this because I understand the power of my see my seed has the ability to transform my life I want everybody else to get the best seed you can get in your hand get something in your hand and stand to your feet whatever it is challenge yourself and I want to pray over you tonight if you don't have anything to give I want to pray for you to it God is about to release listen you've been through some bad situations you know the Bible says in Psalms 48 and too beautiful for situation the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion that word situation is a Hebrew word that means elevation which means the connotation is God will give you elevation from a bad situation I receive it somebody say I'm going higher I'm going live that seat up before the Lord whatever you want to challenge we're tonight whatever you want to make an impression in the spirit realm lift that seat up before the Lord Father in Jesus name I pray for every person on the sound of my voice that you would bless their life give them favor for God open doors that no man can shine I pray for all these that are sowing 500 Lord that you would give them a 24 hour turnaround in fact I speak it to every see that in the next 24 hours miracles are being released the next 24 hours healing is being released the next 24 hours break - is being released somebody shout I receive it in Jesus name Amen should they bring their seed from where they are come from where you are bringing your seed quickly quickly I'm sowing into my next level I'm sowing for where I want to go quickly quickly quickly quickly quickly thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus hallelujah thank you lord I'm giving for where I want to go hallelujah God is moving on my behalf you ought to find somebody as you go back to your seat and tell him say 24 hours 24 hours God is turning this thing around 7 hallelujah he's more than able bless you as you come god bless you as you come I'm giving it to the next place where God has taken me hallelujah thank you lord am i you are exceptional amen you are wonderful people are your to give yourself a hand you are wonderful people [Music] - pastor apostle alpha Luke ow my heart overflows with joy I uh cannot become maybe a honorary South African or something I mean they said the oldest remains were found in Africa so so you know we're all from Africa oh yeah so can I just can I be an honorary South African Amen they're coming from everywhere listen you got to understand what you're doing giving is not a game it's not a trick it's not a hustle it is Kingdom business and when you soul God opens up doors for you Imus when you so they're just coming from everywhere when you soul things are turned around in your favor you will leave here like you came in Jesus name they're coming from everywhere hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord I pray for your business that God would bless it I pray for your job that God would bless it if you're a pastor I pray over your ministry that God would bless your ministry that he would open doors up for you I pray that your family would be saved this year I pray that things would work in your favor god I see introduce us to the right person Jesus we don't have to have favor with everybody give us favor with the right person aim of G and let it open the door to the next level in our life I decree and declare favor over this crowd in the name of Jesus somebody's praying for your children I can fill you in the spirit realm as you give you say I'm sowing to see apostle Alpha low-cal sowed seeds for his children today I told my wife about it it touched my heart I said he's sold $1,000 seed for each one of his children somebody's sawing a seed for your child God says I got my hair no no and I'm getting ready to pull them into the community I see you getting ready to see a change in your family thank you lord thank you lord whatever it is the favor of God be upon you receive in the name of Jesus listen you can't help I try not to take up a long offering but you can't help it there's so many people that's a blessing so many people that want to sew into the work of the Lord hallelujah listen if you're in here tonight and you need a special touch from the Lord just slip your hand up god I pray as we leave this conference but not from your presence Lord that you would work in our lives and I decree and declare over the next 24 hours what we're believing for is being released and the Spirit will receive in Jesus name Amen I want you to just say it out of your mouth I am healed I bless I am delivered my family is safe things are turning around for me and I decree that it is done in Jesus name Jesus now put your hands together and let's bless the Lord I'm getting ready to go and I want to say this to you it has been my distinct honor to be in South Africa and the next time I come back my wife already says she's coming hallelujah you say you're not gonna leave me next time but I just want to say as I turn the mic over to this great leader that I am touched by your spiritual love for God I'm touched by your vivaciousness and I'm touched by your hospitality and I want to say to the man of God thank you from the bottom of my heart for having me at ami it is a blessing and an honor now put your hands together give God praise for the greatest leader you know your leader pastor apostle Alf Luke ow come on let's give God [Music] [Applause] with your hands up as you ceiling what God began today hey Babu just lift your hand we ceiling this dr. Shane is coming back and next time is coming with the wife can I hear somebody shot ok can I can I have a commitment from him that is coming next year and is coming with the wife done it is done [Applause] [Music] Laurita geez now wave to Jesus was thank you yesterday they were ministering in one of the session of the LVP I mentioned about speaking in town he errababu you speaking in town is very important because at least to me it unleashes things in this virtual room releases me and causes the unknowing thing that was torment to suddenly be activated I've learned from one of the elders when I say elders is elder in faith one that I looked up to he had say that God operated in deliverance with him especially when is saying in the Holy Ghost and many time I try singing and it felt awkward it felt awkward I felt like I was making it up until one day I was tired of feeling guilty I said making it up or not yeah [Music] there is a tie where you just have to allow it to flow now there are prophetic men and women here that God is raising one of the greatest challenge you will have is is it me or is it God is it me or is it God what do you mean is it me or is it God it's supposed to be God through you so there is a part of it being you and there's a part of it being da who's speaking is me what's wrong with it being me what wrong God is not speaking except through me so don't delete me when God is raising and restoring me now in the prophetic you begin to feel you wake up in the dream and you know that this dream means something but you're not sure is it my mind I said God write it down you'll have a word for you for your family and you asking yourself did I hear God I said just me speaking there is nothing wrong with it being you when you are inspired the Lord will lead you to do certain things are you hearing me spiritual people like that I want to pray for you and release you home but I want to prefer an impartation that seals it all are we together because your eyes have been open and I want to maintain it open your ears in the spirit I've been open but I want to maintain you open now the few things that you must understand the prophetic ministry that you have been locked into as it materializes please don't subject it to the world demand before it is a beneficiary to your own demand meaning the prophetic must speak to you first if God can speak to you it cannot speak to you are you hearing me really God cannot speak to you he cannot speak through you so allowed the Ministry of the prophetic to come first to you don't just to get someone else you out prophesy in your life know start with your own life as you prophesy to yourself Jerusalem then Samaria then you go to the next meaning your children as God will develop you and allow you to grow and it will go to Judea and it will go to the ends of the earth do not impose yourself and say ours refer of the arising of the prophetic voice you must believe in prophetic what I'm telling you is true sell your car and bring me the procedure it is prophetic non Adam do that it begins with you and you grow it slowly are you hearing me today we find out for the lives offer the servant of God who stood on the altar of an earlier ministries I will begin with Papa Matthew Asha meloa Modelo blessed blessed blessed hey Bishop George Bruma medal Oh bless he medal Oh bless he I saw him he was standing where I'm standing in this part of the auditorium or on the stage and that the wages there was just a move of God deliverance taking place god bless Seema and I am franking the order for a bishop Paul Morton Modelo Plessy mineralization and today we were blessed by dr. Shen Perry sorry PO now in the last hour at the end what you know you're hey Steve it allowed me to seal it lift your hands we praying for the farm that's five minute can I come to you whoa do you promise not to pull me pull me I want you to flow in the Holy Spirit if you can sing in this spirit sing in the spirit listen to me if your hands are tired this is not a strong prophetic thing I mean this is an instruction if your hands are tired put it down it's okay it's okay but if you can have it up or you can wave it or you can afford it it's your problem it's okay that is good I am set to serve God and I serve God in the spiritual reign mama calling is not really just to talk I have a master in theology I understand my story I am though I told you I'm doing a DBA meaning a doctorate in business administration I have I'm a student finalizing my doctorate but I was running a little bit I was running a little bit but I have a doctorate in line for theology but this is not what God called me to to tell you education God called me for one thing that you may see him that you may encounter him that you may have an experience with him and this can only happen through your faith your believing not your mind I want to release you with the blessings of God whatever has been sealed here put your hands down let me say something whatever has been sealed here put your hand down for one minute I don't want you to get too tired we'll come to you some of us have made a vow with this auto there are anything that comes out of here concerns as we understand it if a preacher will come and say God is saying that you should raise a seed of a thousand rain we come if another one comes just after him and say God say you should raise a seed of seven hundred rain we come again if after saying seven another before he goes to seat he comes the runs back on the altar and they say no that's the add three hundred we do it are you hearing me I do not miss an auto call if Bishop Celeste is not there I'll get one of my sons and say please as you going there stand with me on this I'm standing for one two three all the time I have learned it from a man of God in Anita in Nigeria I honor him dr. Paul Masuku it told me my family has a covenant with the altar is a pastor there is no other call made in a church too fast seven days for today it doesn't matter from after that we will not align me and my children and I came there that is the church where a pastor who died came to be came to life with Farina bunkie I was ministering for him many years ago for full week and one ministry the God was just doing amazing work he also on the side being a father he has been sharing his heart and when he told me about the Covenant on the altar he told me about the decision of the resolution of his family I came back a call Mama's less and a call few of my sons I said this is what I heard and I know it's God and I said to you this is my mind I do not sit there without having what I call the altars offering not the baskets offering is the words of frame are you hearing me because we spirit show today I want to release the grace of God but I want to come to you I want to touch few of you I want you to be praying as we still this week closing I want you to lift your hand and pray pray not to receive pray to see what you have already received wrap ababa can we do that miracles that are the Lord has already given you he's about to manifest my total it is yours in the name of Jesus you testified the goodness of god I love your belt but I'm patting your stomach in the name of Jesus son what is in man in me may it also be in you may you function in the anointing and the grace of God the auction of God may be yours Jesus in the name of Jesus the Lord our service remembered you Jesus thank his grace and his power in the name of Jesus my daughter you'll never be the same again as your father I release you to your next level in the name of Jesus I am counting till three the grace of God comes on you one two three take it it's all yours in the name of Jesus is anybody's ready to receive here reserve it to a servant receive it in the name of Jesus receive the grace of God receive the blessings of God where a servant is your packet is yours it is yours take it easy take it is yours gotta bah-bah-bah Soto pray with me pray with me pray and receive in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus my daughter targets even respected Chris take the grace of God I am sealing your blessing I am sealing your miracle I am singing your blessing and your miracle in the name of Jesus kannababu Satan ricketa-racketa are you ready for it take it promise me pray in the name of Jesus the grace of God ticket ticket ticket ticket ticket ticket is yours targets on yours in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the glory of God in the name of Jesus are you ready for each receive it in the name of Jesus receive it in the name of Jesus cossetti everybody pray the Holy Ghost praise be to God praise be to God seal your miracle I see the glory of God on you I seal it is all yours take it take it take it take it [Music] [Music] my god may the Lord - what only he can do to you my son a secret profit in you a secret profits in you see a great profit in you the grace of God the grace of God all yours all yours all yours back at Jesus praise stick to God speak to God ticket ticket ticket ticket ticket package never the same again never the same again never the same again never the same never the same receive what she owes I am sitting your miracle I am sitting the blessings of God in the name of Jesus kannababu so true hey ketta it's yours nobody can take it away from you pray the Holy Ghost Ramos is yours is yours is yours Jesus I broke the yoke of sickness and disease in the name of Jesus his mind is fine I say it's mind is fine name of Josh's mind is fine receiveth I want you all of you to be brave being atmosphere up rail remain pray while watching us from around the world the Lord God was touching men and women here he's the same Jesus Christ yesterday today and forever today I see the America I see the miracle of Jesus according to what is written in the scripture i switch mine and I believe God for you there shall be eternal especially as talked to a piece of Josh rumour had spoken as a bishop all mortal has declared as a Papa a shimmer had spoken so shall it be in your life and turn the road receiving receiving receive it now if yours is yours he's yours he's yours he's yours he's just three three receive your freedom receive your freedom receive your freedom is mine is mine Dona baboso to make it a digital shutter take it take it take it take it take it are you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready are you ready it's yours is yours is yours is yours gosh it'll get a bisetta kotoba shake it baby such a such a failure [Music] say never said never to say my daughter never the same never the same motto never the same never the same the miracle power of God instead of set up some your head remain praying we are sitting it we are sitting bless his hand bless your hands will see you receiving I see you're receiving complete healing complete the difference the difference is yours deliverance is yours is yours is yours is yours is just packets all yours and keep from God - take it from God over you take it take it you'll never change men and women are receiving is greater you are receiving it is the power that you feeling it is a grace of God take it is yours take it is yours take it is yours bring masata ctrl+ ricketa-racketa [Music] decades is yours deck it is York's his power his grace his grace all over the place power this is the plug on this Ibaka and yes low context you will kept it true it is look at that yoo-hoo that's a blackout check it is your tickets tickets there goes there goes there goes wrinkles look at the anointing of God look at the wrong ship of God men and women and be touched by the blog are never the same Never Say Never Say Never Say Never si but why they wouldn't never be the same again Botswana will never be the same again take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it God is restoring whatever you lost is coming back whatever you lost two seconds repel true listener Lannister on TV you have a baby module no restaurant a fee Rebecca Jaguar secured get the shows and why he has come on that's what you become whole do you understand me to Kanpur listen your second secret is shows a new voice don't turn this on since it renews else's on children's in new fences on Katie shows with new Vova Pomona say this way like rusted real my fee or non decision or no decision take it take it take it take it take it jeez dangles de coche de praga take it take it take it take it take it take it bah-bah-bah-bah-bah-bah you'll never be the same again I receive it this is not a man committee structure Rebecca you ready I see the hand of God singing is miracle my daughter target target target the same target to show to your machete [Music] in your story there isn't a role in your story completely me complete Oh a practice of the enemy I commend that devil to leave you I commend that devil to go I command that desert to go you for spirit the blood of Jesus is against you you for spirit the world Jesus is against you Livan Livan of Jesus Jesus cast out Devils Jesus name touch you out the name of Jesus does she act in the name of Jesus she didn't Jesus say in the name of Jesus living no rocket all shuttle radom name of Jesus may you be free in the name of Jerry be free the name of Jerry free she'll be free never descent my son never the same never the same Chiquita Nikita so toe toe toe toe are you ready are you ready are you ready to touch of yours all yours all yours all yours the vibration of His grace they say the vibration of his power target is yours target is yours take it is yours never the same never ascend evanescent Yass Yass [Music] [Music] the power in the name of Jesus look at it this is God this is God this is God this is God this is God your moment your miracle the moment of your power they gotta say take a shot oh there goes there goes because his glory that was his power they goes all yours your gift is for today your blessing is for today [Music] the Lord remembers you the Lord remembers now is now it is that my daughter it is done socata I received every blessing every blessing my Heavenly Father that my Heavenly Father has for me as for me I am no longer empty I'm no longer in I received my miracle I received my memory I receive my blessing I received my blessing at the count of three from everywhere angels will come and seal your miracle one two three when nobody knows ya ba ba ba ricketa-racketa Shoto Shoto never the same never to say never I said the you for spirit liver liver liver then you fall spirit the blood of Jesus is against you I command you to go Jesus I command you to go from the name of Jesus so to Licata by the grace of God pray the blessings of God Gradius it is yours it is yours it is yours [Music] yo Co Co Co get never the same pray pray are you ready for it and you're ready for it one two three it's your Jesus Jesus rocoto bullshitting no more sickness no more sickness no disease no no listen no no my like a shitty put your hands on your head [Music] from wherever you are put your hands on your head Jesus is the healer Jesus is Jesus we believe you to heal we believe you for it turn around Makara bah bah bah bah I curse the curse in the mighty I destroyed in the name of Jesus Jesus in the name of Jesus the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus name of Jesus you to receive what you are receive His grace receive His grace receive His grace receive His grace receive His grace receive His grace we service Christ receive His grace receive His grace we receive his power receive his power backyard Jesus a Mitaka Robo shot oh Jesus Jesus Jesus your hands at Jesus hands I receive it your hands are Jesus hands your hands are Jesus hands I receive that you have your hands are on your head begin to profess I begin to declare begin to Professor speak into your own life speak into your own life something is happening speak into your own life mama mama mama the grace of God I am singing the miracle power of God over you I am sitting it it has been given to you now I am sitting it result in Jesus as a reservist in the name I received [Music] Schama mama speak it into your life speak it into your life the grace of God in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus the miracle of God Jesus thank you for my daughter Nakata pray over yourself pray over yourself see what God began to do seal it in your life declare the word I am blessed declare a tennis player blessed declare your blessing declare your blessings declare your blessings declare your blessing day goes there goes there goes there goes there goes there goes day goes it goes take it there goes there goes shuttle Rekha top day goes day goes take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it take it freedom freedom name of Jesus freedom Jesus name Sukkot Akasha you will never be the same again I receive it you never say that devil is a liar the Lord began to do it he will fulfill it is it good God is a good God is a good God he's a good God is a cooker his power take it take it take his mouth take his power take his power thank his power they goes there he goes there goes there goes there goes they goes all over [Music] you wanna walk in power you will work in power is big what God has given you go home with it and testify testify my daughter testified testified testified that define such a local show the Lord has began to do it he will fulfill it because he's yeah way he's God he's gone he's gone he's gone he's gone he's God he's got the God tickets ticket Global City - Otto - tickets that implication of his grace the imposition of his power you'll never be the same again for you for your father for your health Colorado City Barabbas shot Oh Rama Rama Sita he that ever is a liar the devil is a liar yes rocoto soto is a seal a seal of His grace a seal of His goodness jacket is all yours doc it is all yours I was saying jacket is all yours I said jacket is all your whole tank it is all yours never say in the name of Jesus Tackett if not yours that it is all yours I say it is all yours in the name of Jesus it's all yours in the name of Jesus on your synonym of cheese say the city are you ready are you ready 1 2 3 ducats take it take it my daughter take it take it take it the function of God bring up [Music] voltage relationship is freedom not a robust city like New York of the enemy I break the yoke of the enemy I've wrecked the yoke of the enemy a brackets a bracket and in partition of grace in a partition of grace in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus my total you are blessed it is well blessed corroborative take it take it the name of Jesus Oh your name of Jesus [Music] take it give it you lift your hands now lift your hands and say everything that came from my pulpit for my altar is now sealed in my life say it's now sealed in my life say I wanna walk power testify the goodness of the Lord said I will move from grace to grace from Swift to strength from strength power to power I will testify my family will testify testify I belong to God I belong to God house belongs to God is divine is the badness is not my portion of Jesus in the name of Jesus now your semi hands after you put them again on you in the name of Jesus pray pray and silly America [Music] Rickett I'll lay your hands on yourself you see the grace you see the power one two three see that Daniels day goes all yours adios adios adios it is also your sees also you need a name of Jesus in the name of Jesus bring it up bring it up bring it up grandmama my toe toe there is a time that blesses us this is your time in the name of Jesus lift your hand and put your hand on your head and keep on speaking keep on speaking to yourself keep on speaking to yourself Rama so tapasya go to opposite ends bless you bless you robositter a messiah your hands on your head as we close we thank God for this moment yes Lord Jesus awesome Savior thank you for refreshing our spirit thank you for oiling us once again thank you for fresh oil somebody thank the Lord for fresh oil your life will never be the same again thank you for a new grace thank you for new anointing thank you Lord for the prophetic voice that has arisen from within us thank you Lord that we will declare a thing and it shall come to pass we bless the Lord Jesus now under the supreme anointing of a spiritual father I bless your life your Monday's bless your Tuesday's bless your Wednesday's bless your Thursdays bless your Friday in your Saturdays bless go in the uncommon favor and the peace of Almighty God traveling mercies to those whose traveling god bless you and we love you
Channel: Pastor Alph Lukau
Views: 80,289
Rating: 4.8190832 out of 5
Keywords: alleluia ministries international, alph lukau, pastor alph lukau, pastor alph lukau live, alph lukau live now, alph lukau live, alph lukau prophecies, prophet alph lukau, alph lukau 2019, alph lukau prophecies 2018, lukau alph, pastor alph lukau miracles
Id: JjAAPzbvw_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 36sec (5856 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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