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[Music] Hello. I'm Jamila Musayeva. An international social etiquette consultant and author of the book Etiquette: The Least You Need to Know. Today, as was suggested by one of my video subscribers, I'm gonna be doing a video on coffee. In this video, I'm gonna be telling about history, some facts about coffee, how to brew it two methods. And also, gonna show you how to serve coffee and how to drink it. So, make sure you stay tuned until the end of this video and don't forget to subscribe. So there are two stories about the origin of coffee beans, how they were discovered. One story tells they were discovered by goats in Ethiopia. So while grazing, the goats ate those cherries, got very very energized. The second story is that they were discovered by a sheikh called Omar in Yemen, who was believed to have healing powers, was rejected by society, went to live in a cave. And while there, he was eating those cherries in order to make himself feel full for the day. Whatever story you choose to believe in, the truth is that coffee is very energizing drink. And also, it does suppress your appetite for a while. In fact, Sufis used to drink coffee in order to keep themselves awake during night prayers and meditation. Despite of its popularity, coffee was still considered a pagan dream by Christians so it took some time for Europeans to actually start liking coffee. And in 16th century, Dutch opened their first coffee plantation in Sri Lanka. Over time, more and more coffee houses were opened in Europe where intellectuals would gather to share their grand visions and talk about smart ideas. For this particular reason, coffee houses in Britain were referred to as penny universities. Penny because that was the cost of coffee and universities because this was a place where intellectuals would come together and share their grand ideas. The truth remains today, coffee is the second most consumed beverage after water and it's the second most treated commodity after petroleum. So coffee itself is actually cherry and the coffee bean inside is a pit inside that cherry. there are two places where coffees are grown, lowlands and highlands. An example of lowland is say Indonesia. This is where there's a lot of amount of oxygen. And so when the crops grow here, the taste of coffee tends to be more better but less acidic. Starbucks actually grows a lot of its coffee on lowlands. An example of coffee grown on highland is say in Ethiopia or in Kenya. On highlands, usually there is less amount of oxygen. So when crops grow here, they need more energy in order to grow. This is why the coffee beans here tend to have more acidic taste but they are less bitter and they have a more natural taste of coffee, so they're more fruity in their tastes. After the coffee is grown, it now needs to be processed. There are two methods of processing, the washed method and the natural method. The washed method, as the word itself implies, is when these beans are actually washed with water. First, they're de-pulled so the cherry is taken out. And then, they're washed. This method is deemed to be more expensive. And in this method, the taste of the coffee bean is more preserved. The natural taste is preserved. The other method that is called the natural method is when the coffee, the cherries are actually left to ferment. So they ferment together with the cherries. In that way, the coffee has a more creamy texture, and it's less intense in its taste, and is closer actually to the cherry taste. You can distinguish the beans by looking at them to see if they were washed or where they're naturally processed. If you take a look at these beans, you can see that the ones that are washed. They have the wings running through them. And the ones that are natural, they don't have those wings. So if you want to go for a more natural, more original taste of coffee, choose the washed ones. Once the coffee is processed, it's now taken to another stage which is roasting. And there's a degree of roasting, the low, medium, and dark. The rule is that the lighter the roast, the more original is the taste of the bean, so it's closer to its initial form and taste. Here, you're gonna see two brewing methods. The first one is called V60 or pour over method. Barista pre-wet filter paper, then he adds freshly grinded coffee beans, then some hot water to let the coffee beans soak or bloom. And then after a while, he's gonna add some more water in order to prepare a fresh cup of coffee. The second brew method is called delter coffee press. It's a rather new brewing method. And the good thing about it, it's just easy to take it wherever you go. I'll just let you watch the video to see how to brew using this method. So in which cup to serve coffee, that depends on couple of reasons. first then the type of a drink, second on the occasion or the formality of the event, and third on the time of a day. So let's start with the least formal one and that is a mug. As you can see here, it has a thick handle. It doesn't have a saucer and usually comes in a very big size. You might expect to get a filtered coffee or americano in the morning, in hotel served in a mug or this could be your way of enjoying your coffee at home. The more formal serving of coffee is in a regular coffee cup that looks like this. The difference between a regular coffee cup and a teacup is a shape and form. So if you were to look at these two, you can tell that a coffee cup has a more narrow and straight shape whereas a teacup has a smaller narrower bottom and a wider rim so it sort of flares up like a flower. You can expect to get your coffee in a regular coffee cup say at a dinner, at a restaurant, at the end of the meal. You might get a filtered coffee or americano or it depends on a drink that you like. So this would be reserved for that. So this cup is used to serve Turkish coffee though you might expect to get Turkish coffee in demitasse as well the cup has a more wide bottom and it sort of narrows towards the top of the cup and looks like this. This is the final cup I'm going to show you and it's called the demitasse, which in french actually means half cup. So if you were to compare the size of demitasse and say a regular coffee cup, it's much smaller, almost in half, smaller than a regular coffee cup you might expect to get your say Turkish coffee or espresso or anything strong in the small demitasse cup. This cup is usually reserved for more formal events and you might expect to get your drink at the end of the meal, say at a wedding party or more formal gathering. So I'm going to show you two different sizes of spoon. One is a teaspoon that looks like this. It can often be served as a coffee spoon as well when you're given a regular size coffee cup. The other teaspoon is called the demitasse spoon which matches the size of the demitasse cup. So as you can tell, it's almost half in size. It's much smaller and it's served with a demitasse cup. For cold coffee drinks like this, you would expect to be served in a tall glass and you will be given a special long spoon in order to stir your coffee. For some specialty drinks, say like cappuccino, the form and design of the cup would be different. So if you look at this cup, the ceramic of this cup is much thicker and the shape of the cup is more like bowl in order to ensure that the milky drink can be retained in it and can be enjoyed for a longer time. Now that you know in which cup to serve coffee, let's talk about some etiquette rules. So several things to keep in mind. Rule number one. When drinking coffee, never put your pinky out. Tuck it in and keep it inside. Rule number two. Do not rotate your coffee cup like you would a wine glass. Just keep it straight. Rule number three. Do not lick your coffee spoon and never ever leave your coffee spoon inside the cup when you're drinking coffee. Because that way, it can penetrate your eye when drinking. When you're done stirring, leave your coffee spoon behind on a saucer like this. Rule number four. If you start the coffee, drink together with a glass of water. This water is intended to be consumed before the coffee drink in order to clear your palette and prepare it for tasting the beautiful notes of coffee. If you however did not like the coffee drink, it's okay to drink the water afterwards in order to clear the aftertaste of coffee. Rule number five. Do not dunk your biscottis or your cookies into the coffee. It's just simply bad manners. The only exception to this rule is dunking your croissant into cafe ole early in the morning for breakfast. Rule number six. If you're in Italy, you can order cappuccino only for breakfast, never afterwards. Also, if you want to enjoy espresso, you should do so at the bar and drink it like a shot. Never order it to go. Rule number seven. Do not enjoy your coffee and dessert simultaneously like this. Make sure that you first eat your dessert and then you pick up your cup and you drink your coffee. Rule number eight. When pouring coffee, make sure that you lift the pot and pour the coffee while the cup remains on the saucer. Never ever lift your cup up in order to pour your coffee. Rule number nine. Lift the cup towards you. Do not lean towards the cup. And the last etiquette rule for today is do not pour your coffee in the saucer and do not drink it from there. It's simply bad manners. Just wait for your coffee to cool and enjoy it afterwards. Thank you so much guys for having the patience to watch this video until the end and I hope you enjoyed it. As I told in the beginning of this video, this video was suggested by one of my subscribers so please don't forget to comment and give me feedback on what would you like to hear more about and I'll be more than happy to film it. Thank you again and don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button. Bye! [Music] Bye.
Channel: Jamila Musayeva
Views: 456,937
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Keywords: etiquette, jamila musayeva, coffee etiquette, how to brew coffee, how to make coffee, how to prepare coffee, coffee time, how to drink coffee, facts about coffee, coffee facts, perfect coffee, best coffee, good coffee, coffee brewing methods, pour over coffee, filter coffee, how to drink coffee in a cafe, wrong, you are doing wrong, how to drink coffee properly, cappuccino, latte, americano, coffee cups, how to hold a coffee cup, coffee mug, coffee making methods, coffee cup
Id: SDwMblVaf9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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