INSIDE MY MAKEUP BAG: makeup etiquette & rules

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[Music] Hello. I'm Jamila Musayeva. An international social etiquette consultant and the author of the book Etiquette: The Least You Need to Know. If you're an old subscriber, you already know that at the end of each of my videos, I ask you to give me some topics to cover in my new videos. And a lot of you have been asking me to do a video on my makeup bag. So this is a highly requested video in which I'm going to be sharing some historical background about makeup. I'm going to talk about some general hygiene and etiquette rules regarding makeup. And then, I'm going to show you what's inside my makeup bag. Cosmetics is nothing new. Cosmetics were first mentioned in old testament in book of Esther where it was recounted how Jezebel painted her eyelids. Pretty much ever since humans have existed and been self-aware, they've used beauty products to enhance their beauty. According to the beauty standards of their own times, if we were to trace back the origin of makeup to a particular civilization, we would say that makeup originated in ancient Egypt where men and women both use makeup products and beauty products to enhance their looks. In ancient Egypt, men and women, members of royalty used coal to paint their eyes. It was like a predecessor of an eyeliner. They thought it made them look more like Gods and they thought that it will scare away the evil spirits. Coal, however, was a dangerous product. It consisted of toxic metal elements that wasn't good if used for a longer time. The infamous Cleopatra used lipstick made of carmine beetles. The ancient Romans, they used arsenic that they applied on their faces to make them look paler because that was the beauty standard of those times. Arsenic was another toxic and dangerous product for their health but they had very little concern for their health. People of ancient times were obsessed with beauty. However, as times have moved on and as people became more educated, our priorities have shifted. We now understand that beauty comes in all different shapes, forms, colors, and every each of us is very unique and we should cherish that uniqueness. As they say, the beauty is in the eye of a beholder and that's what matters. Continuing on on this line, before I start talking about makeup, I want to clearly define my position on makeup. I believe that makeup is there to highlight your strongest features and perhaps, help you hide some imperfections, but it's by no means has to make you look any different than who you are. Your uniqueness is your strengths and use the makeup to highlight that uniqueness. Another disclaimer that I want to make before I start my video is I'm not a professional makeup artist or I don't claim to be a makeup guru. This is just a very highly requested video from my subscribers and I'm here to share my personal tips that have worked for me. And if you find them useful, use them. But if you don't agree with them, I don't urge you to follow them. These are my personal tips that I have gathered along the way, my personal observations, and my personal experience. Before I open my makeup bag and I know you're very curious to see what's inside, I want to address some of the important makeup etiquette as well as hygiene rules. Rule number one and the most important one is do not overlook the expiration date. All the products we are purchasing have an expiration date. They usually come as soon as you open that makeup item. You have 9 to usually 12, sometimes 6 months, to complete using it. Do not overlook this point. You are applying makeup to your skin. Your skin is absorbing that product. If you want to take good care of your skin, make sure you keep an eye on expiration date. When you purchase the product, and you don't like it and you know you're never going to be using it. Instead of just storing it in your makeup closet thinking, oh I'm gonna see it. I'm gonna use it in maybe three, five, six months. Bear in mind that it will expire because you've already opened it. So if you don't like it, give it to someone who'll put it into a good use. Just because a product did not work for you, it doesn't mean it's a bad product. It just means that it wasn't suitable for you so keep an eye on expiration date and discard anything that you will not be using. This takes me from my second point and that concerns the mindful shopping. When you are shopping for your favorite makeup products, bearing in mind that every single one of them has an expiration date, think how often are you going to use that product. For me, I don't use that much a highlighter. So when I'm buying a highlighter, I'm buying a smaller one. Because as soon as I open it and I know there's only nine months for it to last because I don't use it that often. I will not need that much. On the other side, I use bb cream on a daily basis which means I'm gonna be using it more often so I probably need a larger size. Today, more and more products are made in a little travel size. So when buying your favorite products, keep an eye for travel size in case you don't need that product for everyday use. This brings me to the third point that comes from my personal observation and a tip I would like to share with you when I buy a product and very much well suits my skin, I buy them in a couple of packages. So let's say I bought a bb cream and I really really loved it, I buy a couple of them at once because somehow, products that I love tend to go out of stock. And I buy them, store them, and do not open them all advanced. Obviously, I just open them as I go tip. For rule number four is do not share your makeup items with anyone, especially those that you apply directly to their skin, let it be an eyeliner or lipstick. Skin is a very sensitive organ and it's very easy to contaminate it. Be mindful when asking for someone's products, it's like you're asking for someone's toothbrush. If you are applying that product directly to your skin, please do not share it with anyone. And same goes to asking people for something that is being directly applied to their skin, be mindful of your products and of that of others. Tip number five, clear or wipe your makeup items as you use on a daily basis. This will help you maintain them in a good shape for a longer run as well as make your makeup look much more organized as well as keep your makeup bag stain free and spill free. Rule number six and this again is my personal tip. Whenever you go to a professional makeup artist, opt to take your makeup items with you. Be mindful when he or she is applying the brush or a sponge on your skin that they have been using on other people or a lipstick or eyeliner. Opt to use your own products when using the professional services as well. I know a lot of the makeup junkies will find it very difficult to be able to hold themselves and not try new products in stores. But I urge you to be careful because an instant desire to try something new can leave undesirable skin conditions for you and that's gonna be a very difficult problem to solve. Rule number seven is your makeup will very much depend on your outfit, on the occasion, on a time of the day. The general rule is that the darker the color, the more makeup should be reserved for evening times when the sun is down, and the lighter colors is preferable during the daylight. Another general rule of makeup is that you have to make a choice either highlight your eyes or highlight your lips. If you do a smoky eye, go softer on your lips, light neutral colors. If you apply more color on your lips, say red lipstick, then be lighter on your eyes. Glitters, heavy contouring, and highlights should be kept for evening time when the sun is down. If you want to experiment a new look, perhaps you want to do a new makeup routine or perhaps you want to try some new products and see how they look on you or change up your makeup overall look, you can do so and wear it at home for a day. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, take some pictures, store those pictures, and then look back at them in two or three days. If you like what you're seeing, then feel free to use that new look when you're wearing outside. It's almost like trying a new pair of shoes. You wear them at home, you break them in, you feel comfortable in them, and then you wear them out. The tenth and the final rule for today is your makeup should complement your overall look. If you're wearing something casual, let's say a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, your makeup should also be more casual. So to speak, little coverage, effortless, minimalist makeup, just a little bit of highlights here and there, on your eyebrows, perhaps a mascara, a little bit a little bit of a lip gloss, but nothing too much. If you are wearing something of a formal wear, you can apply a bit more makeup. So your makeup should complement and be coherent with your total look. Lately, I've seen a lot of girls that have a different makeup that doesn't complement their outfit, say they're wearing biker shorts with oversized hoodie and they have a very heavy contouring on their face with highlights with a lot of makeup on their face, so their overall look is not coherent and doesn't look well put together. Whatever you do, whatever you choose to style, so you want to look more casual or you want to look more formal, make sure that your overall look so your makeup and your outfit complement each other. Be consistent. I know you've been running out of patience and you really want to see what's inside this magic kit so I will be opening it and showing each item one by one. This is not all of my makeup but it's a majority of it. You'll see that I'm not much of a makeup person. I'm more of a skincare product person. I love buying skincare products. I do like makeup too but I only buy essentials and I don't want to over clutter my closet with makeup items. Drumroll. Okay let's see what's inside this bag. A hand sanitizer. This is by Dr Bronner's and it has a lavender smell to it and I love it. I've been using hand sanitizers for the longest time, even prior to covid when this has become an obligatory item in everyone's handbag. But I've been using it because I don't like to touch my skin without washing my hands or without sanitizing them. So rule number one is sanitize your hands before touching your face. Next in my handbag are eye drops. So I use on a daily basis an eye drop because I'm constantly working with my computer, phone reading professionally and leisurely so my eyes tend to get dry a lot and that's why before applying the makeup, I always put an eye drop in. So this is by Gouttes Bleues. This is a lotion that hydrates your eyes. Another thing that I wanted to share with you guys is eye drops that are specifically to make your eyes glow, sort of brighten your eyes and give you that glow in your eyes. This is something that I don't use on a daily basis. I only use it when I'm going to a wedding party or a birthday party, and I have a special makeup on and I want my eyes to glow. It should not be used on a daily basis because it can actually dry your eyes and actually hurt them. Next I have here a Giorgio Armani fluid master primer. I don't use it on a daily basis because I don't like to put too much stuff on my skin. In terms of the beauty products, I like to keep it moisturized with a moisturizer and oils so this is something I use whenever I'm going out for a shooting or whenever I am out for a wedding or a birthday party, when I want my makeup to last longer. Next I have this Erborian glow creme that I use on a daily basis, I really love all the products of Erborian. This is a Korean cosmetics company that actually doesn't test its products on animals and this is my favorite one. This gives you that extra natural glow and you don't really use much to give that radiance to your skin. Next I have this already a little bit disformed because there's little left there Lingerie De Peau which is a beauty booster by Guerlain. This is a bb cream and I love it because it has an SPF of 30 and I've been using it for I think over five years. I do not apply foundation on a daily basis and I actually have never used bb cream or foundation up until I got married. The first time I used foundation was on my wedding day. And ever since, I have been using bb cream on a daily basis and it just helps you to even out the tone of your skin and just gives you a very natural look. Now, let's move to eyes and this is actually the only two eyeshadow palettes that I own. I don't have any more than that. I have basically a palette for brown colors and a palette for pink colors and all colors of darker tones that complement the pink. I've learned over the years that when choosing an eyeshadow, you have to make sure that it complements your skin color and the undertone of your skin. I have had disastrous cases when a makeup artist has asked me what color is your dress, then I said blue, and they have applied blue color on my eyes and that didn't look good with my skin color and my skin undertone. A lot of brown as well doesn't look very good on me but a little bit just serves the way to highlight my eyes. I now understand that when choosing the eyeshadow palette, you have to keep in mind what is the color of your skin, what is the undertone of your skin, what is the color of your eyes, eyebrows, and hair because that will be the main thing that will determine what colors would suit you best on the days. When I'm not going out anywhere, I just use just a little bit of eyeshadow, maybe some liner. On the days when I'm going out for a wedding or maybe a birthday party, I apply eyeshadow a bit more so that it can last me for a longer time. When applying eyeshadow, you have also to be mindful of a space that you have between your eyes and your eyebrows. If there's a white space and your eyelids are open, you can apply the eyeshadow generously. If you have smaller space, then use it less and opt for lighter colors because applying dark colors will visually diminish the space between your eyes and your eyebrows and that won't may help you in looking fresh and looking natural. Next things are I'm gonna take everything related to eyes. As we continue with eyeshadow is eyeliner and two color eye pencils, one is brown another is black. On the days when I'm shooting or on the days when I'm going out and I want to look extra prepared, then I use an eyeliner because I wanted to stay for the entire time. On a more casual days, I use eye pencil because they give a much softer and more natural look. Again, when applying both of this, you have to be mindful of the space that you have between your eyes and your eyebrows as well as the structure of your eyelids. If you have heavier eyelids and if you have little space, then opt for thin, sleek lines. If you have wider space and your eyelids are open, then you can apply eyeliner or eye pencil much more generously. Next, this is something that is my favorite item in my makeup because it has actually been my recent discovery and has helped me a lot because I have a bit of a heavier eyelids. Sometimes, the eyeliner can get smudged or the eyeshadow can get smudged so I've been trying really hard to keep it intact and I came across this product that says Stay Don't Stray by Benefit. And this is a special eye shadow or eyeliner fixer that helps you to keep the eye shadow on eyeliner or the eye pencil intact for the longest time. This is how it looks and a little bit of it serves a long way. So going along with this are the products that I use to apply my mascara. So this is an eyelash curler which is a great thing. An item that you might want to invest in. It serves a long way, and helps you to apply mascara much more easily. This is the mascara I'm using right now. It's by Maybelline and it's called Lash Sensational. This is a waterproof because my eyes, when I work on computers, take to tear up and it can smudge my mascara off so I'm using a waterproof one on a daily basis and I love it applies so well, so smoothly, and helps your lashes give a longer and the more vibrant look. To follow up with the eyelashes, I have this little brush that is on sale everywhere. You can buy them in stacks and what it is it helps me after I apply the mascara, it helps me to brush them and make sure that I take away all the remaining residue of mascara so that my eyelashes are separated and that they are clean. Next, I have here everything related to eyebrows. I love my eyebrows. Though I have read some comments people say that my eyebrows make me look more fierce, these are my just natural eyebrows. They're quite wide. I use just a little bit of an eye pencil. This is by Benefit and it has two sides so it comes in like a dark brown color and has a brush that helps me to brush it out. I apply a little bit on the edges to make it a bit of a longer look. And then, I use an eyebrow gel by Nyx, which is called a Control Freak, and it helps me to brush my eyebrows and keep them intact throughout the day. Next, I have a concealer that I use to cover the under eyes because I have rather hollow under eyes and I have a pale skin. So the wings that are running under my eyes give that bluish, greenish undertone and looks like I have dark circles. And I've realized that no cream can help me remove those dark circles so I use a concealer to hide them. When I was in university, I didn't use any foundation or bb cream as I mentioned. But because I had dark under eyes, I used the concealer and I used a lighter color thinking that it would brighten that area. Now looking back to those old pictures, I realized it actually drew the attention to my under eyes and didn't really compliment me at all. Learning from my own mistakes, I realized that buying a concealer that was a tone darker than my bb cream actually helped or toned darker than my natural color, helped neutralize that greenish and bluish color that those veins were giving me, and giving me that dark circle look. Now, let's move to the lips. I know a lot of you guys have been asking me what is the color of lipstick that you are using and the answer is I don't use lipstick or I rarely use a lipstick. I use it when I'm going out for a wedding or might be a birthday party or again somewhere out. But on a daily basis, on a day of shooting, I rarely use lipstick. I use liner. And usually, I use a combination of couple of liners to give me that desirable color that I'm looking for. They come in different colors. They usually range from neutral to brown to pinkish colors, and then just combine them to give me that color that I want. So here, I have one by Shiseido, I have one by Charlotte Tilbury, and I have one by Bourjois, so I have three different ones. I have more of course. But the ones that I'm carrying right now are only these three colors. So my application is also different from the occasion and from the way I want my lip to look. So if I want to have a more brighter look, I'll apply the lip liner all across the line as well as a lipstick. But on the days that I want to give sort of like a little bit of color, sort of a tint, then I just apply the liner and then I smudge it all over to give it that natural lip color. Sometimes, when I want my lips to look fuller, I apply darker colors over the lines and then I color it with a lighter color inside. So I choose a technique depending on my mood and what I want my lips to look like. So I do love a little bit of a lip gloss. The one that I use on a daily basis is by Dior. It's called lip maximizer. I do not apply it over the lip liner. I choose either I do it on bare lips or I just might add a little bit of it to give that shine that I want applying too much over the lip liner makes the looks look very big and it just doesn't look very nice. Finally, I have here my ultimate favorite hand cream that I love for the shape, for the look, for the texture, for the smell, and that's a Chanel hand cream. I've been using it for years. I love it. It gives you that velvety feeling on your hands and I don't imagine a female makeup kit without a hand cream in it. Another thing that I want to share with you is my safety pocket that I have here for all the miscellaneous items that I carry with me and that is a hair tie because everyone needs a hair tie when applying makeup. Then, an eye pencil sharpener. Because I'm using a lot of lip liners, I use them often so I need that with me at all times. Q-tips. As you could see, I don't have any makeup brush or sponge and a q-tip is all I need to fix up on my eyeliner shadow or lip liner. So this is a lifesaver. And I have here safety pins in all different colors. I have a golden one, a black one, and a silhouette one because you never know what color you'll be wearing. And you will need this. I assure you one time in your life. And then, that one time when it's not there, it might lead to a lot of undesirable situations. Thank you so much for watching this video and having the patience to watch it until the end. I love hearing your comments, your feedback. Please make sure to like, comment below, and subscribe to my channel and I'll see you next time. Bye! [Music]
Channel: Jamila Musayeva
Views: 327,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jamila musayeva, makeup bag, what is in my makeup bag, makeup products, makeup essentials, best makeup products, minimal makeup products, minimal makeup, my favorite makeup products, beauty products, must have beauty products, the best makeup products, beauty, style, jamila, cosmetics, makeup, best makeup bag, makeup tips, makeup advice, tips for glowy makeup, history of makeup, hygiene rules, eye drops, giorgio armani, erborian glow cream, guerlain, dior shadows, Nyx, handcream
Id: exbgiQdhKsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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