Coffee and Crime Time: What Happened To Alexis Sharkey?

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she's like a sickness in my brain a vision standing by the window pain she ripples through the blinds and leads me in a daze it's in the way her body moves me the way she grabs me and intoxicates until the signal's in my mind [Music] just comes and goes hello everybody and welcome back to my channel thank you so much for joining me for another coffee and crime time today we are covering a highly requested newer case that once again i put off talking about not only because we were in the middle of a three-part series but because i knew that there was going to be a lot more coming out in the early days of the investigation so i wanted to wait in order to put together a more thorough and comprehensive video for you one that i hoped would show a more complete picture and make more sense now i'm sure there will be more coming out there has to be but as of now i think we know enough to start a conversation about what might have happened to this young woman before we dive in let's have a word from the sponsor of today's video hellofresh and hellofresh is a new sponsor and i'm so excited to have them sponsoring this video i love hellofresh i've been using them for a long time the first time i ever signed up for a meal service was back when kova black downs first started um because we would go to the grocery store and there would be nothing on the shelves it truly terrified me to think that you know there'd come a point where i wouldn't be able to have food in our refrigerator to feed the kids and you know me i'm a little paranoid maybe maybe a tad bit dramatic from time to time but it was really bad there for a while you couldn't find basic things like chicken in the store since then hello fresh has become so much more to me than just a meal delivery service with hellofresh you can get mouth-watering delicious seasonal recipes with fresh pre-measured ingredients delivered right to your front door hellofresh is america's number one meal kit and they are truly making cooking at home not only easy but fun i barely leave the house these days because i'm lucky enough to be able to work from home and i don't want to take my chances with my compromised immune system and with hellofresh there's no more stressful trips to the grocery store and i don't even have to spend time and energy planning what i'm going to make for dinner my work days usually consist of waking up making coffee and then getting right to work whether it be researching recording editing sometimes usually all three and there are those days at least two or three times a week i only have a couple of hours between finishing up work for youtube and then going back into the sound booth to record for the podcast crime weekly now on those days hellofresh comes in clutch no thought needed and not a lot of time needed either the meals are already planned for you the ingredients are already measured for you and within no time you have a hot healthy and delicious meal on the table there's something for everyone including vegetarian options low calorie options family friendly options you are also guaranteed to get fresh produce and ingredients since the stuff's not sitting at a grocery store waiting for you to buy is just sent directly to you sriracha it looks so cute i like that they actually send you some ginger like that's enough ginger for a while i love ginger and we never we never have enough ginger hello fresh not only saves time but it saves you money i know some people might be watching this and thinking you know this sounds like a luxury i can't afford right now but you can save up to 28 by using hello fresh as opposed to grocery store shopping the boxes show up at your door in packaging that's made almost entirely from recyclable and or recycled content and the food is kept cold inside so you don't have to worry about anything arriving to you spoiled on top of all of this hellofresh is flexible to your needs and tastes since you're the customer you have the control over what meals you choose you can add extra proteins or meal compliments like hello fresh's unbelievably delicious garlic bread you can also easily change your delivery dates or skip a week whatever you need now you can join me in making meal time in your house more easy and fun by clicking the link in the description box and using code stephanieharlow80 for a total of eighty dollars off across five boxes as well as free shipping on your first box you can get your whole family in on the fun too my husband and i love cooking together normally and with hellofresh he's been having so much fun just the other night he told me that using hellofresh has really helped hone his cooking technique because he's always loved to cook but this takes away all the prep like cutting vegetables measuring ingredients and it really lets you focus on preparing the food perfectly like a real chef bake no we're going to do a roast roast 4 25 what do you mean you're doing convection oh okay so you're gonna do uh you're roasting your vegetables you're not baking them baking is dry heat oh and roasting is moist heat that's like the fit because i don't know and i don't want to sound stupid make sure that you wash your hands we have to wash your hands first i will wash my hands [Music] so remember click the link in the description box or go to and use code stephanieharlow80 to get a total of 80 off across five boxes and free shipping on the first box and make sure you send me pictures of your food once you've made it because i really want to see thank you so much to hellofresh for sponsoring this video and making cooking easy and fun and let's dive into this case and i feel like i'm gonna get called out in the comment section of this video because i'm always the first one to say we can't and shouldn't judge someone based on the way they behave when they lose someone close to them so i mean yeah you guys can judge if you want i'm not saying you can't i'm saying we shouldn't in fact i say it so much it's probably obnoxious and i obviously still feel this way and i stand by that sentiment but i am going to do a little speculating here just because of the evidence and the red flags that i personally perceive to be there you can absolutely let me know if you see things differently if you see them the same if you have different interpretations of the evidence i would love to discuss it with everyone in the comments because i mean i i could go either way on this one alexis sharkey has been all over the media at this point and they refer to her as an influencer now there's conflicting statements about how alexis herself felt about this label i believe some members of her family specifically her sister comes to mind her sister said she hated being called an influencer but one of her friends said alexis really enjoyed being an influencer and there's no doubt based on what she did for a living and her presence on social media she definitely was an influencer because she influenced people but that doesn't have to have a negative connotation if the influence you have is positive and i think alexis did spread a lot of positivity and love and you know good messaging on her social media platforms such as instagram tic tac and youtube but you have this young woman she was 26 she's you know beautiful vivacious and very public so when she went missing the story definitely made headlines these are the stories that do often make headlines and let's start from the beginning of this story this sad story because it does not have a happy ending alexis grew up in a small town in northwestern pennsylvania her parents are mike and stacy robinall and she has two sisters she studied biology education at the university of pittsburgh and she even considered attending medical school for a while but instead she ended up moving south where she worked at a bar for a while and traveled around a lot from town to town she really enjoyed traveling seeing new places adding new experiences to her memories recording herself vlogging while she's doing this she did seem to really enjoy life and want to live it to its fullest now she currently has over 70 000 followers on instagram i believe but before she went missing she only had about twenty thousand and looking at her profile tells us some things about her life she seemed to be really into living healthy choosing organic whenever possible and apparently that went for both her diet and her beauty products you know things she put on her skin hair and her body her profile lists her profession as a mentor for a company called monette i believe or monet i should probably know how to pronounce that before i record this video hold on attention okay so i don't think i said it right either way it's monat which it doesn't make sense because there's no e on the end of it it's m-o-n-a-t which to me is monat but it's monat and yes before we get all excited this company is considered to be an mlm and believe me i know how we all feel about mlms they're bad news bears i get it i'm with you but i don't want us to automatically start judging alexis for this um she's a victim she's no longer with us so i just don't see it as productive but i've personally never heard of the products or used them so i can't speak on whether they work or not but it looks like monet to sells products for both hair and skin and they've been investigated by the florida attorney general after hundreds of people began claiming that the products were causing hair loss now the company was permanently banned from using false or misleading statements in the marketing and sales of its products like shouldn't all companies be permanently banned from doing that or do we just go on a case-by-case basis okay but it's definitely a controversial company they also do this thing where they send their sales people or mentors as they're called on these glamorous all expense paid vacations alexis has a video on youtube called monet passport cancun 2019 and you can see the lifestyle that i believe these women were expected to sell and promote beautiful girls in bikinis sipping on you know frozen drinks frolicking on white sand beaches and in bright blue waves i mean going on almost a year of quarantine and feeling wistful for the days of vacations i was about ready to sign up i'm joking but you know what i mean now alexis's mother stacy said she was surprised when alexis began working with monet in 2018 because in high school alexis was never interested in taking part in school fundraisers you know where you have to sell like anything and everything to every single family member and your neighbors candy bars wrapping paper cookies etc alexis had never wanted to do that stuff she always made her little sister sell them for her but stacy alexis mother says that alexis truly enjoyed being a part of the monat family and she had researched the products thoroughly before deciding to sell them and it turned out alexis was very successful in this endeavor and she rose very quickly in the ranks and yes of course part of her job was to recruit others to join her downline that's part of the deal that's an mlm and in september of 2019 alexis posted on instagram telling her followers that they could sell monet as a side hustle and she urged them to join her for an informational call to learn more this is standard procedure with mlms so she certainly considered herself more of a businesswoman than an influencer but obviously her influencer status didn't hurt her potential at building her business right we can we can all admit that in december of 2019 alexis married a man named tom sharkey who was 23 years her senior he was originally from fort myers florida but as far as what he did for a living or you know what kind of person he is there's really not much out there that's concrete i will tell you my first impression of tom sharkey was through the way alexis portrayed him on her social media he seemed like a gentle giant to me there's a vlog that alexis posted on youtube when she and tom were on a road trip in may of 2019 and they have this little cat that she apparently sometimes would keep on a leash and in some clips tom's driving the car and this little cat is crawling all over him and the steering wheel you know the cat's crawling everywhere and tom seems completely unbothered by it there's a lot of clips of alexis being picked up by tom or running and jumping into his arms where he catches her and raises her up in the air you know really easily it's clear that tom has a lot of physical strength and i feel like he could have lifted little tiny alexis with his pinky finger if he really wanted to but overall through alexis's social media they seemed to be a really happy and compatible couple they didn't have any children they traveled a lot and they genuinely seem to have fun with each other and enjoy each other's company but as we know what we see on social media is just the tip of the iceberg right very few people post um the bad times the arguments the sadness but no relationship is without its downswings no relationship is without its arguments and and some sadness and i'm assuming tom and alexis's relationship was no exception to that alexis and tom lived in colorado for a little while and then they moved to houston texas in january of 2020 and where our story starts is the wednesday before this past thanksgiving 2020. on this day alexis spoke to her mother who still lived in pennsylvania with the rest of alexis's family they chatted for a little while and they were making plans to get together for christmas that year since apparently they had not physically seen each other like in person since the previous christmas the same month that alexis and tom had gotten married now of course we know 2020 was the year of covid never-ending quarantine travel bans travel restrictions so this doesn't surprise me too much it was a year unlike any other there just wouldn't have been much of an opportunity to fly from texas to pennsylvania or vice versa the next day thanksgiving is a little more confusing tom sharkey gave a phone interview with a houston reporter named steve campion and during this call he claimed he and his wife shared a thanksgiving meal together thursday morning which is odd to me because they would not be spending much of that day together actually thanksgiving day and this technically would have been their first thanksgiving as a married couple also um what kind of thanksgiving meal are you having in the morning i guess i would ask like you're definitely not having turkey unless you cooked it the night before and you just don't see why you would want to eat turkey thanksgiving morning you know the whole thing about thanksgiving is you smell the turkey cooking all day and you build up this anticipation that hasn't really been explained why they decided to have a thanksgiving meal thursday morning i mean it could have just been breakfast and he said it was a thanksgiving meal because technically if it was breakfast on thanksgiving it's still a thanksgiving meal once again this hasn't really been clarified but what has been clarified is alexis was going to be spending the rest of the day with her friend tanya ricardo and tanya's family tanya met alexis within just a few weeks of alexis moving to houston through an app called bumble bff which according to their website is a place you can find connections whether you're looking for a new friend in your area a workout buddy or even just a roommate but these are supposed to be like platonic connections so it's not a dating app it's just literally if you're looking for a friend so alexis had most likely logged onto this app when she was new in town looking for friends in the area because unlike me who wants as few friends as possible because they just don't have the time or energy for that right now alexis wanted to meet new people and you know she wanted friends she she really enjoyed having a friend group and female companionship i was kind of looking for a new group of friends and i brought this group of friends together of this group of friends together and she showed up to this dinner and since that day i mean she's just been part of our circle it seems that tanya introduced alexis to other young women in the area and over time they formed a really close group of about seven girls who all talked often in a group chat and spent time together tanya said alexis was a really happy outgoing person she was always really positive and upbeat and eager to share tips and tricks with other people whether it be about you know eating clean you know living healthy skincare makeup etc she was always happy always had a smile on her face a lot of people looked up to her she was just very very positive always positive always very knowledgeable knew a lot about what was going on loved loved being an influencer as you can see and sharing you know tips and tricks tips and tricks about makeup and hair and fashion if we needed her for anything to do with that she was the girl to go to for sure so alexis does not spend thanksgiving with her husband tom but with her friend tanya which isn't too suspicious or alarming all on its own maybe tom had other plans maybe they were sick of being stuck with each other during quarantine who knows there could be a million reasons and it could be completely unimportant and non-nefarious she was actually at my house on thanksgiving we spent thanksgiving together with my family the next day however was friday black friday and this was the day that alexis lost contact with her friends and stopped posting on social media which is obviously strange because her job would have meant you know constantly posting being visible being social and we saw this with the shenan watts case as well as soon as shenan's friends couldn't get a hold of her they knew something was wrong because shenan always had her phone on and with her since she needed to use it for her job now that friday alexis and her friends had been talking via text about their plans for the the next day saturday it was supposed to be rainy and gloomy so they were planning a cozy day indoors watching movies together the last time tanya talked to alexis was at about 6 pm friday and the last time i spoke to her was friday around six o'clock was when my last text message was sent to her um the last conversation i had with her uh she was asking me what i was doing friday night and i said uh well my mom's in town from mexico so i'm going to stay home with her and then we said okay love you whatever and that was it alexis's other friends who she would usually be in contact with also gave 6 p.m as around the time when they stopped hearing from her now let's go to tom sharkey's timeline of that night so far he hasn't given many details about what they were doing you know what they were talking about etc but it had been reported that alexis's mother stacy had said alexis left her apartment friday evening after an argument of some kind even though it's never specified who that argument was with tom sharkey told steve campion that there had been no argument with him he also suggested that alexis had been drinking and he'd told her he didn't want her to drive tom said quote she understood me i understood her we didn't fight when she left i just told her she couldn't drive under the influence she left anyhow this is where we're at end quote okay so let's pause i'm trying to go over this in my head how this conversation would have gone where did alexis want to go did she have a specific place she was planning on going to if so tom hasn't said so it makes sense that maybe they were arguing or at least having a disagreement of some kind and alexis wanted to leave you know to get away at which point tom told her no you know not if you're planning on driving under the influence after drinking it's here that i can't see there being no argument at all i mean we've all been there right with friends or someone who's been drinking and wants to drive and if you tell them that they can't they usually aren't you know super happy about it they're usually not very accepting of that there's usually some kind of pushback because they aren't being completely rational to begin with if they've been drinking and they still feel like they can drive but okay let's also ask a question here as her husband didn't tom want to know where she was going so that he could make sure she arrived safely especially if they weren't arguing when she left as he claims why didn't he offer to drive her where she wanted to go or call her an uber or a lift i know my own husband even if we were fighting and we were angry with each other he would have let me leave because he would know he couldn't technically stop me but he would have hopped into his car and followed me to make sure i didn't run into trouble or hurt myself and when i say he would have let me leave i'm not saying he would've let me drive drunk i'm saying if i insisted on leaving after he told me i couldn't drive and i left on foot he would have gotten into a car and followed me and made sure that i was okay because if someone's too drunk to drive they probably shouldn't be wandering the streets alone either but once again that's just my perspective from my experiences maybe alexis and tom had a different kind of relationship the next day saturday tanya woke up early and she sent a text to the group chat that alexis was part of saying you know who's ready to spend the day watching movies let's go girls you know that kind of thing tanya claims that alexis would normally have been the first person to respond and alexis was also never the type of person to make plans and bail and i know what she means by this i know what tanya means by this because i am most certainly the type of person to make plans and bail when i make the plan i have the best intentions of following through but then the day comes and i'm busy or tired or i just feel like staying in and i back out so my friends would not come looking for me if i had said i was going to come over and watch movies and then i just didn't show up or answer text they'd be like stephanie's ignoring our text because she felt like staying home today so that's just what she's doing but alexis was not like this at all if she said she would be there she would be there but alexis never responded to this message or any of the others that she was sent that day from anyone so her friends obviously were worried and they went over to the apartment that alexis shared with her husband tom and they knocked on the door and they ran the doorbell but no one answered not even tom and is she ever like is it like her to not have her cell phone with her any of the like have you talked to the like oh my gosh this was not there this is not there this was no she is attached to her phone she is a social media queen she's an influencer she works from her phone like i said if if i was in trouble she would be the first person i would call um and we called and called and called and called and her phone was on and her messages were being sent um but not being read because she had her read receipts on and then until yesterday is when her phone was shut off by whoever has it or you know maybe it was thrown somewhere and it finally died but i mean when we realized that her social media was not active for over 12 hours you're like okay this is not right i went to her apartment knocked on her door you know i did all that because i lived the closest and so after a while i was contemplating should i call her mom like i don't know i don't know what to do i don't want to worry her because she's far far away right and finally after a while just sitting in my car outside of her apartment i said i have to call i have to call her because i'm a mom i would want to know where was tom this saturday morning was he at home in the apartment just sleeping and he didn't hear the knocking in the doorbell ringing was he out getting coffee was he out looking for alexis this is still unclear to me anyways when they didn't get an answer her friends actually stayed there outside alexis's apartment for a few hours but they claimed no one ever showed up or came to the door at 8 30 this day morning saturday a city of houston public works employee was driving his sanitation route when he saw feet staking out from under some bushes on the side of the road in the 1000 block of redhaw near the katy freeway and eldridge parkway and he called his supervisor john richardson and told john you know i saw something i think it might have been a mannequin but i'm not really sure and i feel like it should be checked out it was not a mannequin but the body of a completely nude woman who was just you know laying on the side of the road under these bushes deceased but had no visible wounds on her body it was alexis sharkey for john richardson it's a saturday morning he'll never forget it plays back in my head you know it's been playing back in my head every day he was at work for the city of houston solid waste when richardson says he got a call from an employee he said he thought he'd seen a body or a mannequin so he went for sure he wasn't going to stop because he was kind of you know naughty you know he was scared or whatever case may be so he asked me to come out there and check it out so as his supervisor richardson went to check it out and still can't believe what they found as we was driving we could see the feet you know so we we got out and looked and there it was you know she was laying there deceased she was no clothes on and i just got on the phone i called 9-1-1 she was brought to the harris county me's office and considered a jane doe since she didn't match the description of any known missing persons and she had no identification on or near her body so as her friends are worried about her and looking for her alexis is already dead discovered and considered to be unidentified authorities believe that her body had been left there overnight which means she had died friday night at some point probably shortly after she left her apartment which was only eight miles away from where she was found just a three minute drive now at some point on saturday alexis's friends do find tom and it's kind of unclear of how they end up running into him and and being able to talk to him finally but he claims that he hadn't seen his wife since the night before friday night when she left the house on foot tanya ricardo alexis's friend does not think that alexis would have left her apartment on foot and tanya doesn't even know what alexis would have been doing or where she would have been going if she did tanya believes that alexis would have called one of her many friends and asked for a ride or at the very least called an uber or a lift to bring her where she needed to go wherever that was you know i just i don't know who could have done something like this to her we were her friends she wasn't one to have a lot of group of friends if she needed something if she needed someone to come pick her up or take her somewhere or if she was gonna get in the car and go somewhere it would have been to my house or the seven other girls that she was close with and none of you all are in walking distance to her no so she wouldn't you really do believe she would have called you and said come pick me up she would have called us or taken an uber or something i mean she wouldn't have walked anywhere now where is alexis's phone that's not altogether clear i think it's pretty obvious it wasn't found with her body but did she have it on her when she left or did she leave it at home tom told steve campion that he's been cooperating with homicide detectives and he's turned over all of his wife's messages emails and phone calls but does that mean he was in possession of her phone if so i think that it might be another red flag because i can't imagine that alexis would leave her apartment on foot without her cell phone unless she had way too much to drink and she just forgot it which is possible i guess that evening which was saturday evening the day after she goes missing probably about roughly 24 hours after she just hasn't been seen tom and one of alexis's friends who i assume was tanya they called stacy robinal which was alexis's mother to let her know that no one had seen or heard from alexis since the previous day and it was alexis's mother who notified the houston police department that her daughter was missing and began posting about it on social media telling everyone to be on the lookout so here is my other question tom sharkey lets his wife leave their apartment on foot after she'd been drinking there was allegedly no argument they're on completely good terms but she never came home that night and this didn't ring any alarm bells for him well stephanie you know he might have been asleep maybe he just fell asleep and he didn't notice that she didn't come home okay fair enough i'll give you that but when he woke up the next morning and his wife wasn't in bed next to him did this not ring any alarm bells and let's say he tried to contact her you know he began calling and texting her to find out where she was and she never answers is this not something that worried him alexis's friends went to her apartment saturday morning so obviously tom wasn't calling them that morning to find out if they knew where alexis was because if he had then they wouldn't have shown up at her apartment looking for her did alexis make a habit of leaving the apartment overnight and not checking in did tom not bother to call her text because she'd left her phone at home if that was the case why wouldn't he be calling her friends to see if she was with them and you know put his mind at ease so saturday passes with everyone still thinking that alexis is just missing but the next day sunday tom sharkey takes it upon himself to go to the harris county medical examiner's office after he sees a news report that a woman was found dead on the side of the road let me be clear no one from the me's office called tom and said we think we might have your wife here we have an unidentified woman we see your wife's missing we think that they are one in the same this did not happen he saw the report on television and thought why don't i go down there and see if this dead woman is my wife i want to be very clear right now um tom sharkey is innocent until proven guilty as of now he's just a widowed husband who if he had nothing to do with this is most likely experiencing a great deal of pain but i think we can all admit that given what we know some things just don't really add up they don't really make sense there's a lot of holes here that haven't been filled in yet and we also know that when a woman turns up dead it is very often at the hands of a partner or an ex i believe the number is something like uh two out of five female murder victims are killed by an intimate partner those are just the facts right and it gets worse after alexis was identified her friends and family began to talk to the media some of them claimed that alexis had recently been unhappy in her marriage and she'd been thinking about getting a divorce now this is something that tom sharkey denies outright he said that he and alexis were happy and had never talked about divorce at all but he also described his wife differently than every single other person who knew her everyone else said alexis was happy positive a glowing force in their lives but tom begged to differ saying quote she wasn't happy she was stressed i would cuddle her to try and make her strong she was an amazing woman sir my wife was an amazing woman she really was there's always other sides to everything i was the one holding her cuddling her and billing her back up i don't need to set the record straight i'll let it play out the way it is i know what my life was with my wife end quote and this is absolutely true when i'm having a bad day or i'm stressed i don't typically share that side of me on social media because i know everyone else is going through the gigs as well you know everyone else has their own stuff to deal with and i'm not trying to burden anyone with my stuff and if anyone sees me at my worst it is my husband who has often stepped in to cuddle me and build me back up on my bad day so i believe that it could certainly be true that alexis was not always the bright and bubbly woman that she showed the world on social media no one is always happy that's a given like i mean this is not in dispute there's no way alexis 100 of the time 365 was just happy and positive and had no bad days but get this just the month before she died friends of alexis alleged that she told them she was definitely talking about you know getting a divorce claiming that her husband had gotten physical with her according to these friends tom choked alexis so much that she blacked out and woke up later on the bathroom floor and alexis told them that she was afraid for her life once again tom denies that he was ever physically abusive to his wife alexis's mother stacy has made a statement kind of concerning this saying quote there's been all sorts of talk about problems she never shared those with me doesn't mean she did or didn't have them whenever they were with us be it at home or wherever we had a great deal of fun with them and we enjoyed being with them end quote but also remember alexis and tom hadn't spent a lot of time in person with her family for the better part of a year and things can change i know personally also if i'm having problems in a relationship i tend to not share that with my family because if things work out and i'm you know still with a guy later i don't want my family to hate him you know especially my parents but i might share what was happening in my relationship with girlfriends so we have a few people who've publicly stated there were problems in the marriage a friend of alexis's named lauren brew said quote i'm going to be honest she confided in me about how worried she was for her safety when we went to marfa texas almost a month ago we were sitting down to dinner and she lost it we walked back to our hotel room and she confided in me that night end quote additionally we have the boyfriend of one of alexis's friends chelsea turnbow chelsea claims that the night alexis went missing tom sharkey texted her boyfriend john and at 11 p.m john called tom and he was like you know what's going on what's up and tom said quote me and lex got into an argument and she left i don't know where she went can you please let me know if you know anything end quote so there's that in admittance of an argument if chelsea and her boyfriend john are being honest so why would he later deny there'd been one i mean trying to be fair it could definitely be because alexis would later encounter foul play that night and tom would understand that he'd already be a prime suspect even without this argument taking place so if you admit that there was an argument you're even more of a suspect but dishonesty this early into the investigation is not a good sign because if your your wife's missing you want to really just be honest the good the bad the ugly everything this helps the investigation because if you're not being honest then you know maybe they're looking at you as a suspect they find out you're lying and then they keep looking into you they're wasting time and resources looking into you and you could have just been upfront about everything to begin with they could have you know looked into you you were an open book you gave them your alibi you showed them where you were et cetera et cetera and then they can move on to other things but when you're being dishonest so early into an investigation it makes me ask the question aren't you worried about what actually happened being discovered don't you want the person who did this if it wasn't you to be found and if that's what you want then you need to be completely honest up front now there is one thing that alexis's friends and family all believe that this was not an accident alexis was murdered there's no other reason she would have been found the way she did naked and tossed on the side of the road just eight miles from her apartment as of recording this video there has been no cause of death that's been made public but an autopsy is being done most likely as we speak and investigators are already trying to put the pieces together they most likely will start with the electronic devices of both alexis and possible suspects or people that she interacted with uh quite a bit in the days leading up to her disappearance and her eventual death former federal prosecutor bill johnson said quote forensic electronics would be the early part of it because it often leads to good evidence and it's also somewhat time sensitive sometimes it's harder to get that history from electronics and from service providers with time so you kind of need to move pretty quickly on that end quote you know which means they're going to start with the cell phones and gps and things like that the things that in 2020 are usually what what solves the case in my opinion now mark garagos who is most well known for representing scott peterson thinks it's too early to jump to conclusions and while i agree with that sentiment i think it's pretty hilarious coming from scott peterson's lawyer it almost makes me wonder if he's out here like ambulance chasing kind of looking for his next big high-profile client to just put him back in the limelight because what's he really done you know since scott peterson that we've heard about but that's just my opinion don't come for me there's another angle to this though i didn't just look at alexis's most obvious social media platforms like instagram and youtube these are obviously the most influencer friendly platforms but i find people are more themselves and more honest on facebook because this isn't you know usually a platform that you use as an influencer or as an influencer you have like a separate page for facebook that you know your followers can follow you on but then you have one that just like your family and friends in real life see now on alexis's facebook page her real life one she expressed some controversial opinions to say the least she's clearly right leaning politically or at least i can say that she wasn't a huge fan of of joe biden like i don't know what her political affiliations were i don't pretend to know but she was not a fan of joe biden running for president and uh she also made some suggestions that maybe covid wasn't as bad as it was being made out to be now please try to not start political debates in the comments section unless they're going to be healthy and happy and everybody kind of like hears everyone else out because that's not the purpose for me bringing this up i do not want to start a political debate in the comment section me personally i'm very libertarian which means i don't care what you do or what you believe as long as it doesn't hurt anyone i'm very pro-speech and i believe that as adults people have the right to to voice their opinions they have the right and they should engage in debates and conversations even if i don't agree with them in fact i really enjoy talking to people who have opposing viewpoints to me because otherwise if i don't do that i'm just living in an echo chamber and that's not healthy either and no matter what assertions another person makes i also know that i always have the option and the free will to do my own research and decide for myself what i want to believe so somebody stating an opinion that's false or unpopular it doesn't affect me in the way that it seems to affect so many people nowadays i'm not like ah don't talk you're dangerous because it's like we're adults we have the ability to look for ourselves and see if what this person is saying is true and we should do that anyways like we shouldn't just be going on facebook hearing people who have the same beliefs as us and just like i said sitting in that echo chamber and never stepping outside of it so as adult people we always have the option to research for ourselves and decide what we want to believe based on you know whatever research we we come across lately though on social media i have to feel that i'm in the minority in this belief system i've seen people be mean to each other on social media before for years of course but never to the extent that i see it happening now just the other day i was on my neighborhood like facebook page and i never talk on the page i just lurk and i you know i see what's going down and sometimes i do enjoy watching people bicker about stupid things like who let whose dog out and why isn't your dog on a leash and things like that well this one guy asked a question um he posted saying like why is this starbucks closed you know a pretty innocent question and he was inundated with hate comments and one of them said we are in a global pandemic and all you care about is bad coffee what's wrong with you people are dying like i swear the way i said it like the yelling he used all caps this person who responded like lots of exclamation points lots of question marks just a ridiculous reaction to somebody saying like why is the starbucks closed then some other lady said oh it's because starbucks sucks and they're overpriced and no one has the money to spend on starbucks coffee and then somebody responded to her and was like yeah i mean i'm not a fan of starbucks either but they always have like lines out the door or like to the street so i don't think that's it and this lady responds yeah guess you're right just people with nothing better to do than spend their money on overpriced coffee and i'm over here like damn lady who pissed in your non-starbucks coffee this morning right i mean what everyone has the right to like what they like but you know we still need to put money into the economy we still want people to be able to have jobs which starbucks provides since when did people become incapable of seeing something that they didn't agree with acknowledging it in their head like i don't agree with this and then moving on and not even that like this guy with the starbucks he's just asking why is it closed you know he just wants to know why is it close probably he wanted to know if they had like a covent outbreak like completely innocent question like five words and people just lost their damn minds people have lost their damn minds lately when did just being nice to people go out of fashion and of course you know i was then compelled to say something along the lines of like get a hobby you know take up knitting do word puzzles whatever and like your mom should have taught you don't say anything if you have nothing nice to say because it's like i never talk on these pages but i just can't stand it lately and i think people have to be reminded um that they need to behave themselves because that's ridiculous and of course they're allowed to be complete dicks to other people if they want to be but at the same time they're not free from being told like you're out of line and you're being rude and there's no need for it so that's what i did not all heroes were capes but i kind of went off track and i told you this story to illustrate the tensions are high right now a lot of people are on the verge of snapping tolerance is at an all-time low and alexis expressed opinions that at least the the verbal majority of people do not hold and many people consider her opinions to be dangerous or bad or wrong so if it wasn't her husband this is probably where i would start as a cop did she have any arguments with people like in the comments section of these posts uh did anybody send her threats on facebook messenger like if you keep talking like this you're gonna get people killed you know i'm gonna come after you i've seen this stuff happen guys i'm sure you have too like all of you sitting here watching this i'm sure you've seen people pop off and things escalate on facebook to the point where like death threats are being exchanged i'm sure you have because i know i have more than once also we have to remember alexis was a public figure um she would have been recognizable she may have even had a stalker someone who followed her and watched her comings and goings and if that's the case they would have maybe been following her that night they maybe would have seen her leave on her own on foot and then they would have just pounced on their their chance you know to to finally i don't know strike get her i don't know what stalkers are thinking or it could have been just a random violent [ __ ] who was driving by and grabbed his or her opportunity a crime of opportunity i i mean i think that these are all viable options but we do have to look at the husband in this case um i don't want to say that he's done this i hope he hasn't because they did genuinely look like a happy couple they look like they really loved each other and i want to believe in love i love love and i want to believe in love and i have a such a great marriage and i know that my husband and i argue and we have stupid arguments and we have some serious arguments sometimes but it doesn't mean that you know he's he's ever gonna hurt me i know that so i just i wish that she'd had that relationship you know and it seemed like she genuinely thought that she did for a while but why would her friends be saying that she was having issues with her husband and he was being physical with her and she was thinking of divorce if this wasn't true that's what i can't wrap my head around like what's the motive there what's the motive to implicate a completely innocent person because yeah you can say maybe they're just trying to get attention but you're not only you know getting attention you're literally ruining somebody else's life why would they do that and why would more than one of them do that but i leave it to you and i ask you the question what do you think about all this what's your theory keeping in mind it's just a theory and not an accusation so let's try not to word it that way because i guess tom's getting all kinds of threats and you know is having issues on on social media and i think he's made his facebook private at this point he was posting a lot of i guess strange posts right after it was found out that you know she was she was dead like oh alexis we used to say we'd grow old and um i said the one thing you'd beat me at was outliving me because you were so competitive and you know cute things um posting a picture of her in her wedding dress and saying the most beautiful woman in the world cute things yes but also i don't i don't know i don't know if it was the right time for it i guess i don't want to sound judgy but i asked my husband i was like if this happened to me would you be posting these things on facebook like the day of finding out that i was dead or the day after or two days after and he was like absolutely not i'd be distraught i'm not thinking about posting stuff on social media but like i said that that's just my husband my relationship my husband's not big on social media maybe tom was maybe he was just feeling alone and he wanted some um consolation from people who knows um i don't know it did seem it did seem a little odd though the posts were weird in my opinion don't come for me but let me know what you guys think about this in the comments section make sure you like this video if you liked it make sure you share it if you think it's worth sharing also make sure you subscribe if you haven't already and if you are already subscribed and you haven't been getting like notified of my videos make sure you're still subscribed because youtube unsubscribes people for my channel all the time thank you guys so much for being here make sure to follow my social media handles in the description box subscribe to crime weekly which is a podcast i co-host with derek levester who's a retired police officer also a former big brother winner stay kind stay beautiful and i do have a very interesting deep dive coming for you guys that's been highly requested since i've started on youtube so i'm excited to bring that to you i will see you very soon bye [Music] is [Music] [Music] how deep it goes until it's getting you slowly so you got to let it go i got blood blood on the stream
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 436,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qgFjKqfx6dY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 17sec (2897 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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