Coffee and Crime Time: Leila Cavett And The Witch Who Took Her (Allegedly)

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she's like a sickness in my brain a vision standing by the window pain she ripples through the blinds and leads me in a daze it's in the way her body moves me the way she grabs me and intoxicates until the signals in my mind forget to operate just comes and goes [Music] [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to my channel thank you for joining me for another coffee and crime video and today we're going to discuss a case that i've been keeping my eyes on for a few weeks hoping to see a much happier ending than i think we are seeing this is the case of 21 year old lila cavette who disappeared from georgia with her two-year-old son camden without telling anyone where she was going or why she was going there two days later her son camden was found alone wandering around the parking lot of a florida apartment complex but leela was nowhere to be found and two days after that the vehicle that leela and her son had driven 700 miles from georgia to florida in was found two miles away from that apartment complex but once again leela was nowhere to be found there is a lot to unpack here in this case there's a lot we're gonna go over so grab your coffee curl up somewhere comfortable and let's dive in but before we get started i want to have a word from our sponsor surfsharkvpn surfshark is a modern vpn designed with you in mind because it's so very simple and easy to use and that's important especially for someone like me who is very technologically challenged and i find that i often miss out on using things that will help my life or my channel because i just don't have the time and patience to learn them it takes me a long time to learn new things that are technology related but the important question is here why would someone want to use a vpn we all have the right to some privacy in our lives and that includes our internet usage in march of 2019 the senate voted to permit internet providers to sell their customers browsing history without their permission or their 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was a reward of five thousand dollars being offered for any information that could lead to her whereabouts so it seems that lila was originally from jasper alabama where most of her family still resides but they did admit that she has a past history with drugs and she kind of moved around a lot between states between houses she would crash on the couches of friends and she would kind of stay wherever she could at the time of her disappearance she had been living with her uncle in georgia after having a falling out with a friend that she'd been staying with on july 17th leila facetimed with her sister and during this conversation leela never mentioned future travel plans and she also seemed to be acting completely normally now on july 23rd the day before she left georgia leela called the father of her son a man named daniel lee west she told daniel that she needed to bring camden to the dentist and she asked if he could send her some money which he did he wired 60 which lila later recovered from a dawsonville walmart i'd assume from a western union inside the store this same day leela also borrowed forty dollars in cash from her uncle and it seems as if she had begun posting online some of her personal items for sale such as her vehicle and her bose headphones now we are able to follow leela's path through the gps on her phone as well as surveillance footage along her route also if you don't follow profiling evil on youtube you should because in my opinion it is a highly underrated channel who deserves millions of subs so go over there show your love and tell them i sent you now they created a very thorough story map for this case which i've included in the description box and they cover these cases from a very unique perspective with respect and thoroughness that i really don't see with a lot of true crime channels these days so leela drove 700 miles about nine hours with her son to vero beach florida where she was caught on surveillance at a cracker barrel restaurant on the evening of july 24th so she left georgia early in the morning or what they call the middle of the night on the 24th and was at that cracker barrel in vero beach florida with her son by that evening after this she continued driving south and she spotted again on surveillance the next afternoon at a racetrack gas station on hollywood boulevard in hollywood florida in this video she is seen entering and exiting a light colored lexus sedan outside of the station at about 3 pm later that night leila and camden are seen at that same gas station this time inside at about 10 20 pm and this is the last time that leela will appear on any surveillance footage on sunday july 26th two-year-old camden was found wearing only a t-shirt a soiled diaper and no shoes ebony williams a resident at the edge apartments at 1860 southwest 68th ave in miramar florida saw the young child wandering around the parking lot alone and this was at about 9 a.m so she went out to talk to him later she would tell reporters quote i asked him where is his mommy and he kind of just pointed everywhere end quote ebony recruited the help of another resident laurie rodriguez and together the two women changed camden's diaper and cared for him while the authorities searched for his parents now keep in mind leedless family members were in georgia and alabama there was no one that she really knew in florida no family members or friends that she had there at least to anyone's knowledge lila's own family didn't even know she was missing at this point that camden was found the police knocked down doors trying to locate camden's parents for two hours on sunday morning and obviously camden isn't old enough to communicate with police in order to give them his age or his name or or the name of his mother the police tried to keep him calm and make him feel safe they gave him toys to play with before turning him over to the florida department of children and families later that day now in order to locate his family detectives smartly turned to social media leela's sister gina lewis was sent a post featuring a picture of her nephew and when she saw it she said quote 100 that is camden but the question is why are they in florida we're in the middle of a pandemic so it's not like they were taking a vacation out of the blue with a baby there's no way end quote once police had been notified that the lost child's mother was lila cavett and her family didn't believe there was any legitimate reason for them to be in florida stressing to the police that lila was an attentive mother who would never abandon her child or leave him alone law enforcement began actively searching for leela now we need to revisit the claims from leela's family that she would have no reason to drive from georgia to florida that she has no connection to anyone in florida lila's mother tina kirby went on the dr phil show and told him that leela had mentioned to her uncle that she was planning to drive to florida but he hadn't taken her seriously he figured you know she was young he knew she didn't have any money or a job through which she could earn money so he kind of just brushed off her comments two days after camden was found the truck lila was driving was also found two miles away from that apartment complex law enforcement knew that there was no way two-year-old camden could have walked from that location where the truck was found all the way to the apartment complex where he was found so they did begin to suspect foul play it was highly unlikely that lila would have dropped her son off in some random parking lot driven her truck two miles away and then just left it there they assumed there was foul play at work and someone else must have been involved which brings us to the next person who is involved in this case shannon damar ryan a self-proclaimed witch doctor was arrested on august 15th in connection with leela's disappearance now before he was arrested and after he had been questioned by the police he'd made a nearly hour-long video as well as a facebook post in an effort i guess to convince people that he wasn't involved the video was titled who is leela cavett and what is my connection to her disappearance now i can't figure out if this facebook message that he posted was posted before he put up this video or after but the message says quote anyone who thinks i have something to do with lila missing can you please comment on this post i want to demonstrate my powers and make all of you disappear off my timeline at once don't get scared now this is your five minutes of fame i won't delete your comments which is honor instead next full moon i'm practicing my first mass hexing put your name in the pot since you're so brave and big and bad and i don't have any real powers make me out a lie made jesus constantine receive your prayers and the blood of christ grape wine protect you see they are just words anyone can say that [ __ ] ba rule okay so i did some googling wondering what that word he used at the end meant ba rule apparently this is the name of a fallen angel who is described as a good angel he's the former prince of the orders and virtues of angels in hell he serves under zafiel as one of the seven electors as a good angel he's the ruler of october sometimes february as well it also appears that there are connections to dark magic ceremonies occult practices things like that so the video he made is is just an elaboration on all of this and he gives his version of how things went down he wants to know why he the last person who saw leela before she went missing is getting all of this heat in her disappearance i'm going to basically sum up what he says in this video because it's something like 53 minutes i had to watch it twice once to you know take notes and see what he was actually seeing and then another time to screen record it and i'm going to intersperse like clips in into my my kind of summation of what this video says clips of him in this video but i obviously cannot put the whole thing in it's literally like an hour long so i'm going to put the link to the video in the description box if you want to watch the whole thing and i i really do highly suggest that that you watch the whole thing so he says that these people who are connecting him to lila are foolish and ignorant he claims that he told the police everything that he knew and that he was actually the one who'd drawn attention to himself in the first place today i want to talk about layla kevin or covet who she is and what my connection is to her you know layla's missing right now and i just want to say this why is it the only connection that you made between me and layla kevin is the one that i posted you know i see some people show up on my post and says real ignorant ass [ __ ] real ignorant [ __ ] yeah some of the same individuals some of the same individuals that i've been helping for the last five or six years why is it you have a missing girl or a missing woman and the last person that seen her which is me who talked to the police you ain't heard nothing about me the police they flash my name across the newspaper they haven't put me on tv they ever put out a warrant for my arrest watch yourself watch yourself because you'll end up making yourself look even more foolish toward the end he says he feels he's being wrongly accused or profiled because of the color of his skin and his past criminal history such as taking part in robberies selling drugs and doing time in prison people have begun to say he's guilty i'm guilty why am i guilty and let me remind you i put the information up there you ain't heard [ __ ] about me i posted it he's guilty why he has a felonies he did things in the past yeah i did some burglary when i was younger and oh i sold drugs when i was younger and oh i went to prison too i went to prison too but according to him these experiences with um the law and and being you know in prison they were necessary and they are responsible for making him into the god that he is today he is now changed transformed and renewed and he's no longer that person see that was the dirt that i grew up out of that made me the god that i am today so now individuals love to try to hold you to a past frequency you mean i can't change i can't be transformed i can't be renewed oh yeah you can do all those things yeah but then the minute something goes wrong then you go back and say this is who the [ __ ] he is look at what he used to do he's a criminal so he had to have something to do with it thank you because i'm a black man right and i'm though and i was last want to see the girl so automatically automatically i got something to do with it thank you america prove my point he says he's only being accused of these things by the public because he's a black man a criminal and because he was the last one to see the girl he also says for the past six years since getting out of prison he has dedicated his time and energy into helping and healing people and he seems very offended that some of these same people he has helped are now accusing him of basically being responsible for leela's disappearance never mind the time the energy and the effort that i've dedicated to helping people healing people how many of y'all have i talked to personally one-on-one cried with you yeah but now you can't hold me to a past frequency i am who i am standing in front of you he goes on to explain how he knows leela how he met her he said a year prior he was living in alabama with his apprentice a person he calls tiffany and tiffany's son cadence in a three-bedroom house one night there was a thunderstorm or a tornado he he couldn't figure out which one well let me tell you about my connection to layla kevin there's a thunderstorm tornado something going on because the weather is real bad and he was getting ready for bed when a knock came to his door at about 2 a.m tiffany answered the door and came back inside to tell shannon that there was a girl out on the porch with a baby saying that her car had broken down so shannon goes outside to talk to this girl he describes her as being dressed scantily and looking filthy now here's this girl with these itty bitty destroy song and this little bitty bitty shirt on and she's covered in dirt and filth and she's wet and she's pushing this buggy and in this buggy it's a whole bunch of junk and it's dirty and it's filthy and it's wet and there's a little baby in the buggy and here they are they're walking down a country ass road and muscle shows alabama pushing a buggy in a thunderstorm wet dirty and she tell me that her car broke down girl you ain't just got out of my car looking like that she asked him to use the phone saying she had to get back to jasper and tiffany and shannon decided to let this girl spend the night and figure everything out in the morning now obviously this girl is leela so we're gonna let us spend the night we'll just figure this out in the morning because it's it's too late you know so boom i let her come in i give a spider in my living room boom here you go you can you and your son you can go to sleep right here i need to take a bath bring some more clothes out whatever you need to do the next morning shannon claims lila had a different story she no longer had broken down her car she claimed she'd been living with a girl in tennessee and they had traveled to alabama together and they stopped at a store on the way and when leela and camden went inside the store the girl like took their stuff and put out on the sidewalk and then ghosted them shannon offered to drive her to her parents house but she said no she didn't want to bring her son there because it was a toxic environment she said her family was dysfunctional she wanted to take her son there and she also told him according to him that she had been molested by both her parents when she was younger um now once again remember this is this is shannon's story this is a man who's been arrested in connection with her disappearance at this point and conveniently enough the person who he's talking about is missing and isn't able to kind of refute or confirm these stories that he's saying so just keep that in mind so shannon claims that even though he knew she was a liar he believed her and then he kind of went on to social media he looked her up on facebook and he found out she had a sister nearby so he offered to take her to her sister balila said no i don't want to go to my sister because the last time i went to my sister she made me and my son sleep outside on the porch i said lately your own sister knowing you homeless made you sleep on the porch with your one-year-old son that's what you want me to believe she was like yep you know what i believe it now after seeing her action i believe see now so tiffany that next day took her around to all the homeless shelters so i guess shannon was like okay we'll find another option the next day tiffany took leela around to all the homeless shelters in the area and then when they came back tiffany told shannon that the shelters had refused to take leela they said that she had been there before and she was known to be disruptive and cause trouble so here he was with this woman and her one-year-old child and they telling us she said the woman told me personally or told tiffany personally that if you deal with her this is what you're gonna deal with you know people say that they like workers people say that they help us people say that they kill us but now here i am with a woman with a one-year-old baby let's talk about this one year old baby shannon goes on to basically list all the ways that leela was a negligent mother he claimed that camden had rotten teeth in his mouth at the age of one and that leela would feed him cookies and skittles for breakfast even though shannon offered her fresh fruit and vegetables and things like that but she told him that camden liked to eat candy for breakfast baby's one year old and he already has rotten teeth in his mouth and when she got up next morning she started feeding his baby cookies and candies and skittles here's some breakfast here's some food here's some vegetables feed this to the child give this is a oh he didn't want that he won't can't he likes to eat what i eat this is the mentality that i'm dealing with she would also strap camden into his car seat at the table without buckling him in so i guess i shouldn't say she strapped him in she would just kind of sit him in the car seat at the table as a makeshift high chair i suppose she wouldn't buckle him in and that one day camden fell out and hit his head according to shannon the next day she put camden in this same um like i don't know car seat on a concrete porch and this time camden fell out again but this time he hit his head on the concrete porch apparently once again according to shannon leela didn't learn her lesson from this so she put camden back in the car seat and this time he fell off the porch and shannon said he now understood why leela had told him cps was trying to take camden away from her so shannon felt bad and out of the goodness of his heart he told leela that he didn't want her to go back out in the streets so he said he would let her stay and he would train her in his magic arts so she could start her own business i said you stay here let me teach you i teach you tell i train i even help you start start off your own business if you want whatever you want but so you ain't got to be out here with you and your son pushing these streets trying to find out where you're going next layla's decide to stay shannon's story goes on and he says that two weeks after that a woman showed up asking where lilo was and apparently this was the same girl who had left leela and camden at the store but you know lilo was going to go with her but then she decided to stay because shannon was like oh you know like do you want to go back on this path or do you want to come on this path where there's potential for your future sort of thing i said okay you gonna go with her i mean i don't want to be a burden i said layla listen it's your choice you can stay and we can continue to grow because you already see what i'm doing or you can go with her layla decided to stay shannon also claims that even though he told leela it wasn't necessary that she contribute financially to the household she decided to sell herself in order to make some money he said she would just get into the car with these strange men and then leave so now layla wants to help put in some money and i tell her that's unnecessary but she's used to doing what she do so she likes to go on data sites and just meet guys just meet guys and even though shannon told her to leave camden with him while she did her business she said no because she claimed she used her son as a a d shield so she wouldn't have to have sex with these men and she would just scam them for their money with me so i take my son everywhere i'm going i said yeah later but that deer that dangerous that you get in the car with you guys you just met online with your child she's grown and ain't got no control over it she stayed there for two months until she made contact with some friends from jasper her hometown and they came to pick her up one day and she told shannon that she was leaving with them and she'd be back in a few hours and then shannon went to sleep and when he got up she wasn't back and not only that but like a bunch of his stuff was missing as well as his his cat like his pet cat because every witch needs a familiar you know what i mean but not only a layla gone a lot of my [ __ ] is gone [Laughter] and she stole my cat my cat disappeared man cool beautiful cat so shannon says that leela stole his cats and then you know when she came back he let her kind of stay there for another couple of days before he asked her what happened to the cat who i guess the whole two months she'd been living there she was playing with the cat and sleeping with the cat and had gotten very attached to the cat but then when she came back and the cat wasn't there she never asked where is the cat so he thought that was an admission of her guilt and now for the two days that you've been back you don't even notice he missing or don't even address the issue or ask where is he that's how i know you got my cat and so now i address the issue with her i confront her so he confronted her accused her of stealing the cat they argued and he asked her to leave but she cried since we like workers since we help people well here i am helping people here i am i just took someone homeless off the street her and her son and i gave her a place to stay and she just stole from me so you know what i'm gonna put her back out on the street so he let her stay but he he claims he didn't trust her after this but he felt he could help her change like he had changed so he and tiffany decided to manifest leela a car so she could get out of there which only took about two weeks it was a very effective car manifestation but you know what i got my own plans right now so we know i'm out like i gotta get her out of here because she's gonna continue to take see i understand that she's a thief i've been a thief i understand that she steals i steal so i ain't gonna pass no judgment on her i just want you to change like i change and i decide to manifest layla a car let her get your wife milk and so now i think it took like a week or two it didn't take much longer i don't think she stayed with me much longer after that maybe it was maybe some more maybe and we manifest a car she left again with this car that they they brought into existence for her but when she left she stole bottles of oils herbs and like healing stones so shannon texted leela and was like bring my stuff back and she denied taking the stuff so he told her he was going to put a hex on her until she returned his things all right you take your stuff i look somebody layla come on okay so here it is and i hexed him till you return all my [ __ ] to your return everything that you took you're gonna remain homeless and everywhere that you go people are gonna try to take your son that was my hits and according to shannon this hex would ensure that leela would remain homeless and everywhere she went people were going to basically rob her about eight months later they made contact again and i i guess they forgave each other i don't know if she ever returned his stuff i don't know if he ever took the hex off of her but they forgave each other she was still homeless living with a man she had just met and apparently leela and shannon picked up right where they'd left off in their education and he claims that lila was a natural witch who was very powerful and all he was trying to do was just help her channel her powers and control them and like kind of bring them out he claims he'd normally charge 500 a month for this kind of service and and he's helped other people do this and he would charge them for it but he was doing it for leela for free because he believed in her that much so this goes on for a few months they just kind of talk message each other here and there everything's fine and he now has another intern or apprentice named christina who apparently lived in hollywood florida now christina had recently had a heart transplant and when she'd gotten the organ transplant her body had rejected the new heart and on top of that this woman unfortunately has cancer as well so apparently she was in a bad place health-wise and shannon thought he could help her more than the doctors were and traditional medicine was he felt that she had experienced so much trouble with the transplant because her heart chakra had not been consulted before the heart transplant i understood the nature of her problem i understood some things that the medical doctor would all their certificates that they got up on that [ __ ] wall and all that medicine that they got in their goddamn cabinets didn't understand you replaced this woman's physical heart but the master of the house wasn't consulted the heart chakra wasn't consulted energetically the heart chakra is rejecting that physical heart and throwing your body into chaos and you need someone who has attained a certain level of mastery that could take part of his life force and put it into you and fix the problem energetically so her heart chakra was pushing back against the replacement heart but he felt with his level of expertise he could fix her problem by realigning her heart chakra so i came down to hollywood florida because one of my students was sick and having to go to the hospital two or three times a week and i began to pour in to her holistically and magically transform her life boom you need to do you need to eat this spoon let's go ahead to the beach let's go chill in the sun whole nine yards so shannon traveled hollywood florida because his student and his apprentice and his intern needed him and he began to holistically and magically transform her life but apparently he didn't work fast enough because she developed pneumonia and he had to rush her to the hospital and they wouldn't let him stay with her in the hospital because of covid and he wasn't family and this this and that but so even though he didn't live in hollywood florida and he really didn't have a place to stay in hollywood florida he insisted to remain there while she was in the hospital getting better because he didn't want her to get out of the hospital and have no support system and have nobody and that was when leela contacted him again and told him she had traded in the cavalier that apparently shannon had summoned for her she traded it in for a new truck she sent him a picture of the truck and apparently he said he wanted to buy it from her because he needed to go into the florida everglades to get some things for his his magic practice and he thought that a truck would be more effective for that than a car i said you traded your car for a truck you're like yeah you got a couple little problems with it but yeah so i'm like show me the truck and she showed me the truck and i'm like [ __ ] i need a truck like that i need to try just like that cause i'm getting ready to go down here to the elbow glaze and [ __ ] i don't want to go down here in the car i said [ __ ] let me buy that truck from you i'm not selling my truck i like layla come on send me the truck he claims that lilo was already supposed to come to florida and help shannon with his work while christina was in the hospital so they agreed that she would drive to florida with the truck and she would sell it to him for 3 500 and then she would kind of stay with him to assist him with the alligators in the everglades now according to him he says it took her four days to make an eight-hour trip which we kind of know isn't true because we know when she left and when she arrived in florida what he said she kept sending him messages saying like oh i'm only you know 20 minutes away or i'm pulling into you know this town in florida now and i'll be there like later today and she was kind of just like leading him on i guess so he thought she was trying to scam him and sort of waste his time which he told the police and cooperated his story by showing the messages from her so they could see the inconsistencies in what she was telling him so he claims he doesn't know what she was doing in florida before she met up with him outside of that race track gas station because it is his vehicle that we see her getting into on the surveillance camera of the gas station it took her four days to make an eight hour trip and i thought she was playing and i thought she was hustling me and i thought she was wasting my goddamn time same thing i said no don't look cuz this is what she do she lie and she'll manipulate you and she'll trick you and i'm like oh damn why this girl i supposed to be going out here the key west and then the everglades and you wasting my time layla i'm gonna go i ain't got time for this oh this is messages that i show the police department five hours away then you go back no i'm eight i'm six hours away no i'm two i showed this to the police i just want y'all to see the inconsistency of what she's telling me but as i showed the police department this is what time she showed up to me and this is where we were standing and this is where the camera was at when she got here when she pulled up a race track which is right uh a couple lights over from walmart we pull right over there to walmart right over there where our truck will pocket yeah let's talk about it so he claims she got out of her truck and into his car and they went to a restaurant in fort lauderdale where he then bought leela and camden a feast so like a lot of food they took that food to the beach to eat they hung out there they smoked weed he says they were there for a few hours and then they went to the cheesecake factory to eat again i guess even though they had just allegedly had a feast a few hours prior once they left the cheesecake factory they went to hollywood florida they pulled up at a gas station the same racetrack gas station and there was some guys in a car that leela was talking to now shannon said they may have been the same guys she was talking to when they were at the beach in fort lauderdale but he wasn't sure because that was just sort of leela's personality she was very friendly very outgoing it didn't matter if you were a stranger she would just kind of approach you and talk to you like you're an old friend shannon also claimed that he believes she may have already met these guys prior to this because he didn't know once again how long she had actually been in florida or what she'd been doing or who she'd been with before she met up with him he told the police to pull the cameras back up and they would be able to see her talking to these guys in their car and apparently these guys were asking her if she liked to party so in a protective instinctual way shannon claims he got out of the car and like walked up and was like no she doesn't like to party but according to him it didn't matter because leela and camden got into the car with these guys who she told shannon she knew and that he shouldn't worry and then they left shannon claims he then left the race track gas station and went to the walmart parking lot which was right next door it's in the same shopping center and then he went to sleep in his car thinking she would be back but when he woke up the next morning she had not come back the next morning he drove back to the racetrack gas station because they had free wi-fi and he i guess likes to sit in his car and work off of the wi-fi and he says that this can all be proved that he was sitting in the parking lot all day except for when he left to go get some weed and then came back to the gas station to get high now shannon claims that he gave leela three thousand dollars in cash for her truck and then she never came back so he thought she was just scamming him because he was supposed to give her an additional 500 after she helped him clean the truck which i guess was a mess so he claims he decided to just clean the truck himself and that you know he was just gonna kind of just take the truck i guess and when he was cleaning the truck he discovered that there was no title to the truck in the glove box and that's where i guess she had told him the title was there was however a title for the cavalier that she had claimed she'd traded in for the truck so then he started to get worried what if this truck is stolen you know she clearly didn't trade in the cavalier or she wouldn't still have this title so what if i just bought a stolen truck from this girl i'm getting nervous now i'm feeling played now oh there's a title in the truck though a title to the cavaliers she said she traded for it and the tag to it this girl that stole me or sold me a solo truck it's my greatest fear right now so he parked the truck in the walmart parking lot and he thinks after that he went back to racetrack and then to the beach for the rest of the day because apparently this is kind of his um you know habit like this is his routine the next day after sleeping in the racetrack parking lot he went to walmart before heading over to the everglades in key west now he never actually gets to leave to go to the everglades so i get the impression that shannon was going to take her truck to the everglades but when he got to the walmart parking lot and saw her truck he claims that the window was broken so he went and got a garbage bag from his car to put over the window so that if it would rain while he was gone and he was planning to be gone for a few weeks on the inside of the truck wouldn't get wet as you know in florida or if you don't know if you've never been to florida the rain can come out of nowhere it's torrential sometimes it just pours and pours and pours and then it'll just stop out of nowhere like it was never there so it's very likely that over the next two weeks while he was gone it would have rained so according to him he put a garbage bag over the window to prevent the car or the truck from getting wet makes sense so as he approaches the car to put this garbage bag over the window he gets like swarmed by police and they were asking him you know whose truck is this he said it was his he just purchased it from leela yeah as i get out my car and i'm walking i'm walking over to the truck i was like police everywhere they jumped all right what are you doing for free who are you do you i'm like man i'm bored yeah y'all might can call me shannon ryan just so we don't get some fix identification with you but i'm bored you will who truck is this it's my truck i just bought it for layla kevin what is there a problem well how do you know her and we going through this whole [ __ ] that i just told y'all now let me break this down and i keep asking officers something wrong is that truck stolen cause see that's my greatest fear she was like no the trucks not stolen i talked to like four officers i even going on it i took like four officers right there in the parking lot of walmart and all four of them questioned me thoroughly he claims he was questioned thoroughly by four different police officers including two women police officers i'm not sure how that's relevant but he seems really stuck on this woman police officer thing because apparently the women police officers asked him different questions than the male police officers and they wanted to know mainly if he believed lily would ever abandon her son which she answered no they kind of wanted to know what kind of mother she was those were the kinds of questions that these female police officers were asking him according to shannon he claims they did not ask him where leela was they didn't say she was missing they didn't say that they'd found camden and he offered to let them search his car but apparently they said no at that point now he says a few times in this video i was the last person to see her i was last person to see her i was the last person to see her which i find odd since shannon does claim she was talking to those guys in a car and that she left with them which in my opinion would make those dudes in the car the last people to see her and if that actually happened then if anybody was saying you know you were the last person to see her he'd say no it was these these guys in the car that were the last person or the last people to see her uh shannon claims he was extremely cooperative with the detectives they asked him to send leela a message which basically said leela you effed me again i don't want this truck you can have it i'm leaving the keys under the seat you can come get the truck whenever you want and apparently this was sort of like as a lure to bring lila back to the truck and then the police could you know detain her and question her shannon claims at this point he still has no idea that leela is missing and that camden's been found already because he he doesn't watch the news so he already had offered for them to search his car and they said no but then all of a sudden they wanted to search his car and they did and i guess they didn't find anything according to him and after that he they told him he could go now he claims he was clear with them he was like are you sure that i can go because you know i told you i don't live here in florida i told you i'm about to take a trip to the everglades i'll be gone for a couple weeks i told you you're probably not gonna be able to get a hold of me are you sure it's okay if i go and they were like yeah yeah absolutely like you should go so he starts going towards key west and the everglades and he claims when he was about 20 minutes away the police called him again and asked him to come back to the walmart parking lot but he said you know i can't come back right now but i'll meet you there the next morning he claims that he never went back to meet these police officers because after he was on the phone with them he talked to christina from the hospital who told him about lila being missing she also told him that the police had been there to speak to her and they weren't asking questions about leela or camden they were asking questions about shannon so he felt that he was being tricked by the police to come back to the parking lot so they could pin everything on him and like frame him for everything i got a problem with how this female officer just tried to trick me to come back to walmart walmart parking lot so y'all can question me and probably detain me and arrest me and i ain't trying to go to jail doing corona and i'm a black man you know what else i don't like i don't like how milmar police department had an illegal stakeout in hollywood detained me searched me then let me go but took the keys from the truck for me put the trees the keys up under the seat didn't have me send a text message that looked like i was angry about something and then want me to come back to the scene as you can put the keys up under the up under the seat to have hollywood police department that's why i gave him the keys to the truck with my fingerprints on it that's why i sent the message right there timestamp that picture because i sent that message right there then standing right there with the police department too in this era of i can't breathe y'all say oh no you should just go down there yeah a black man that got over 15 [ __ ] felonies that over 15 [ __ ] felonies a missing girl a missing girl and the black man said he the last person that talked to her i just felt like they just tried to wrap this case up too quick and like yeah he had something to do with it and just lock him up when i've been nothing but cooperatives from the [ __ ] beginning so that video you know i summed it up for the most part it goes on like that for about another 10 minutes or so like i said i've included a link to the full video in the description box if you want to watch it i think you should especially if you're somebody that kind of likes to hear it from you know the horse's mouth if you're somebody who likes kind of um analyze body language or kind of see if there's parts where he kind of contradicts himself it's there in the description box and now we're going to turn to the arrest paperwork for some real answers and i really would like to say before we move on from shannon's video as an unbiased person which i was when i first watched that video watching the video before he got arrested he seems convincing he seems well spoken confident in his words he has this whole backstory right which illustrates for us leela's personality or at least what he wants you to think is her personality she's kind of a drifter she never stays in one place for too long she's dishonest she steals she lies she may not be the best mother even though she loves her son she may not be the best mother and she takes advantage of people who try to help her so when he tells us what happened when she met with him in florida his original background to the story makes sense and and it makes people who may not think he's guilty or you know who were watching it before he got arrested it might make people say well this does make sense she's done this before she's come into his life she's you know been like a whirlwind and stolen from him and lied to him and now she's just doing it again and i really do think that's why he went so far back and told us everything that allegedly happened since the day he met leela cavett so the arrest affidavit states that shannon knowingly and willfully kidnapped seized confined abducted and carried away leela with the intent to collect a ransom reward or other benefit and that he held the victim for that reason and used a facility or an instrumentality of interstate or foreign commerce in committing or furtherance of the offense in section 5 of the document it states that shannon claimed he lila and her son went to the racetrack gas station to get gas and when they were parked at the pumps at about 2 30 a.m on july 26th leela and her child left in a dark colored sedan with several unknown black males now law enforcement reviewed the footage from the gas station and the surveillance did not show shannon's lexus parked at the pumps at this time on this date nor did it show leela and camden leaving with these men and i want to say that it's a little ironic that in his video he's multiple times brought up the fact that he feels he's being profiled and sort of treated unfairly because he's black but then he he fabricates allegedly this truck or car of black men who took leela and camden away which kind of makes it look as if he's trying to pin it on these guys like those were the last people that saw her that's who she left with i told her it was dangerous to get in the car with men she didn't know but she said it was fine so it's a little hypocritical on his part to feel that he's being unfairly uh profiled because he's black but then to make up these perpetrators or these offenders and then he makes them to be black so this surveillance camera from the gas station doesn't show shannon there it doesn't show leela leaving with any men in any car during further investigation law enforcement obtained surveillance footage from the area where camden had been found and they discovered a gold lexus directly in front of the apartment complex just minutes before the two-year-old was found wandering around this parking lot alone now law enforcement obviously believes that this was shannon's vehicle because his car is a gold lexus and it's also distinguishable because it's missing a front bumper and so was the car seen on surveillance additionally surveillance video from the race track that's the gas station it showed shannon's car leave the station at 8 15 that morning and return at 8 38 which is consistent with a time frame of which camden was abandoned in in the parking lots the racetrack gas station is just under three miles away from where camden was found so shannon would have had time to bring him to that parking lot leave him and then drive back to the racetrack law enforcement also reviewed cell phone data from shannon's phone and it showed that his sprint phone pinged off a tower in the area where camden was left at the same time he was left there they were also able to track down purchases shannon made with a debit card that did not belong to him it was somebody else's debit card but they can see him on surveillance using the debit card and he made purchases from two separate places the walmart and the racetrack which once again are located in the same plaza at approximately 9 42 a.m video surveillance and store receipts show shannon purchasing extra strong 39 gallon extra large drawstring bags and two boxes of extra strength carpet odor eliminator 15 minutes after this shannon walked back into the walmart and purchased a roll of advanced strength duct tape now remember that shannon had claimed that he tried to put a garbage bag on the window of leela's truck because the window was broken while law enforcement confirmed that all of the windows on the truck were intact when leela had originally arrived at the gas station but when the forensics team examined the truck later when it was parked at walmart they were able to verify that the driver's side window was broken and the driver's side visor was bent out of its normal position law enforcement was also able to recover shovels in the truck with small droplets of red substance on them a friend of shannon's was interviewed and this person told police that shannon had attempted to sell him a white truck on july 26th for one thousand dollars on august 15th a search warrant was executed on shannon's vehicle his lexus during which a half-empty container of all-purpose bleach cleaner was found along with numerous black trash bags and a white powdery substance was found under the front passenger seat which i would assume is that carpet cleaner the odor eliminating carpet powder an employee of the racetrack gas station told police that they had seen shannon using the station's dumpster and another employee remembered seeing child's toys and woman's clothes in that same dumpster and this happened on july 26th and the employee remembered seeing the stuff because she remembered seeing these floral pants that were you know very distinguishable and she remembered that in the pictures the cops had showed her when they were looking for leela leela cavett had been wearing those same floral pants surveillance footage cooperated this showing shannon parking his lexus in front of the dumpster on july 26th a search warrant was also executed for the iphone shannon was using which he had in his possession several google searches had been done from that phone on july 26th including one at 12 01 am which asks quote what day does commercial garbage pick up from hollywood florida end quote and at 1 45 am another search was done for quote does bleach and alcohol make chloroform end quote so on shannon's facebook page which can be found under the name magnetic kundalini it appears that he actually has quite the following on august 15th the day of his arrest he posted that he would drop a pin for anyone who wanted to meet up and discuss or resolve an issue they might have he says quote make me out a lie and see if i pop up in your message with a ping this the one which you can't bully you muggles what's wrong have the nightmares started of course they have that's why some of you muggles done went quiet keep playing i got plenty of live chickens to pick from whose name is next i got some energy i want to send you all i need is your facebook account name freddy cougar ain't got [ __ ] on me i will haunt your dreams and daydreams [ __ ] keep playing end quote i don't know if he meant freddy krueger but he spelled it cougar c-o-u-g-a-r like the animal like wow so i don't know if he maybe meant to type cougar or if he didn't know how to spell kruger or if it auto-corrected to cougar a couple of minutes before that he posted it again and he asked if anyone who knows how to astral project wanted to meet up at 3am i assume in astral form so he wanted to know if they want to astral project and meet up at 3am and go out for a date towards the inner planes of existence now the significance of 3am it's it's you know very widely differing but i would assume for him the significance of 3am is that it's considered to be the devil's hour there's a misconception that midnight is the witching hour but in occult circles it's really 3 a.m according to the myths of ages the devil's hour is very real and when you wake up at 3am with a fretful stirring in your soul it's because an evil as old as the hills is deliberately taunting you and mocking the death of jesus christ who according to ancient manuscripts died in the middle of the afternoon at 3 pm yahoo news reports that just like turning the cross upside down the 3am thing is an inversion of that and an inversion is considered to be a time honor tool used by demons to plague and torment humans with it's believed by some that the veil between our world and the one beyond the grave is lifted at 3am and in a state of slumber our minds are susceptible to paranormal activity damn is it is it harloween yet right so legend has it if you awake suddenly at exactly 3 am for no reason it is because the devil himself has paid you a visit in your dreams and i mean this stuff is obviously creepy and this man shannon i think he might actually believe in these things and personally i consider myself open-minded about these sorts of beliefs but my main problem is shannon seems to be using these powers that he believes he has to hurt other people who share a different opinion from him he's clearly threatening people talking about performing a mass hacks on his facebook followers who think he might have had something to do with what happened to leela talking about all the live chickens that he has access to i don't know how considering that he was living out of his car in florida where are these live chickens coming from were they in the everglades where are you getting the live chickens from but i mean as we know live chickens um are often used as like sacrifices in certain ceremonies and practices he even refers to these people as muggles which he clearly stole from harry potter so i'm not sure if he's using the term ironically to like be funny or if he's using it seriously it's tough to tell but the real question is where is leela shannon's being charged with kidnapping not murder and she has yet to be found according to the fbi the investigators retrieved conversations between leela and shannon where leela did say that she was going to florida to you know become his apprentice and help him out but there was no mention ever of her agreeing to sell him her truck authorities are now seeking out the driver of a gold four-door honda sedan which was parked near the gas pumps at the racetrack in hollywood florida because it's believed that whoever was in this car might have seen something related to her disappearance it was parked there between 1124 and 11 28 pm on july 27th that has visible damage to the rear bumper if you were in this vehicle or you know who was you should call fbi miami at 1-800 call fbi or go to tips now obviously just like dr t stouk says shannon is innocent until proven guilty and without a body there's no proof that leela is no longer with us but he really doesn't look good leela's father believes that shannon knows a lot more than he's telling and leela's father doesn't believe that she was ever actually involved in witchcraft which does seem a little contradictory since there are messages where she's agreeing to go to florida to be shannon's apprentice but this may have just been a new thing for her she was sort of experimenting i don't know to me what's significant about shannon's video that he posted on facebook is the amount of times he mentions the everglades so if we're going to operate on the assumption that shannon did something to leela which ended her life allegedly i think the everglades is the first place that law enforcement should start looking for her the everglades is the largest sub-tropical wilderness in the us there's a lot of swampy areas a lot of gators swimming around in there it's just this you know vast wetland in fact and this is a fun fact not just an infect the everglades are the only place in the world where both alligators and crocodiles live because of these factors the everglades is an ideal place to hide things typically bodies hundreds of corpses have been found especially around the road known as alligator alley which has become a popular dumping ground between the animals there who will feast on a body and the remoteness of the area it would be very difficult to locate a missing person if that's where they ended up and the fact that he mentions it so many times it's almost like he's either subconsciously telling on himself or he knows that even if they look there they'll never find her and he's playing games with law enforcement and with us the everglades is not a place to mess around with guys it's it's very crazy there's a lot of crazy stuff that's happened there um if you look at you know the brittany drexel case and brittany drexel was from my hometown so i followed the case for years in fact it was one of the first true crime cases that i actually became very invested in because of the proximity of brittany you know to me and in my my town that is apparently what they think happened to her is that these these men who kidnapped her they abused her and then they they fed her to like alligators or crocodiles in in the swamp because this was um south carolina so there's a lot of like wetlands and swamps and things there too so i don't think that lila is alive any longer i don't know how much the police know that they haven't told us but i think it's quite a bit especially if they're making the determination that he held her and kidnapped her in return for some sort of ransom they must know something or they must have found something that suggested he was doing this in order to financially benefit off of her being gone i do have to say that i'm glad he didn't hurt the baby i'm glad that or he or whoever did this to lilo once again innocent until proven guilty right allegedly don't put a hex on me shannon um whoever did this to leela i'm very very glad that they they dropped camden off in a parking lot first even though that's not really safe for a child because what if nobody had seen him and he'd wandered into the road and got hit or something like there's just too much to think about with this it makes my head hurt but i'm very glad that camden is okay there does seem to be some sort of um custody battle maybe going on um the father who says he's the biological father is not the father listed on the birth certificate but he is kind of standing with leela's family and he says he's going to take a dna test and he wants camden and he wants to take custody of camden the family also wants to take custody of camden right now camden is in the care of a foster family until they can straighten things out and i guess it's a lot more complicated because there's multiple states involved multiple law enforcement agencies so it's going to take a little bit longer to figure things out but the important thing is and i think the important thing that would be the most important thing to leela is that her son camden is safe and uh hopefully we find out soon what happened to her so that's gonna be it for this video let me know what you guys think let me know what you think about all this in the comments don't forget to click on the link and check out surfsharkvpn our sponsor of this video make sure you like comment subscribe if you're not subscribed i know a lot of you watching you're not subscribed yet what are you waiting for go ahead and join our community and follow me on instagram and twitter if you want to know certain cases and things that i'm looking into on a daily basis thank you so much to my patrons thank you so much to my sponsors and thank you so much to everybody out there who keeps coming back and watching my videos i appreciate and love you guys so much stay kind and stay beautiful and i'll see you very soon all these feelings [Music] how deep it getting goes slowly so you got
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 514,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leila cavett, shanon demar ryan, stephanie harlowe, true crim, coffee and crime time, hollywood florida, surfsharkvpn
Id: 36cvDkk7o0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 3sec (3603 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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