Coffee And Crime Time: Lisa Snyder: A Mother Worse Than Dr Tee Stauch?

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she's like a sickness in my brain a vision standing by the window pain she ripples through the blinds and leaves me in a daze it's in the way her body moves me the way she grabs me and intoxicates until the signals in my mind forget to operate [Music] hello everybody welcome back to my channel and thank you for joining me for another coffee and crime time usually in presenting these cases to you i would do a little build up you know i wouldn't come right out and tell you what happened or who done it i drop in little details and build to the conclusion i'd also try to be as unbiased as possible looking at both sides questioning speculating giving the benefit of the doubt but in this case none of that's really going to happen because in my personal opinion there's no question about what happened here and i'm not going to disrespect the memory of eight-year-old connor snyder and four-year-old brinley snyder by doing that i don't know what's in the air or the water or what the hell is happening in this world but the past few years have introduced us to some of the worst mothers in the history of the world some of the worst parents in the history of the world we had to deal with lori valo we'd deal with chris watts we had to deal with dr leticia stouk and now we get to climb into the twisted mind of 36 year old lisa snyder now i typically don't give trigger warnings on my videos and that's just how i choose to run my channel because i figure you know if you're a grown adult and you're clicking on a true crime video you're probably not expecting a story that ends with and they lived happily ever after but i am going to make an exception today this case will disturb you it will crush your very heart and soul it will make you feel like taking your brain out and just putting it into a vat of hand sanitizer you will be angry you'll be outraged and disgusted but i urge you to stick with me through it we have two beautiful and innocent children who deserve to have their story told and justice done and we also have an innocent dog who was unlucky enough to be the pet of lisa snyder so i'll be sensitive as always i'll be careful with the details but for brinley and connor's sake please try to keep watching and please share this i am very sick today i have an ear infection and a sinus infection i just started antibiotics today um so i'm so grumpy i'm so grumpy because i don't feel good and i hate antibiotics they always make me feel sick so i just i don't have a lot of patience in general and for this woman this woman lisa snyder if we can call her a woman i have zero patience i have zero tolerance i have zero forgiveness i have zero empathy i have zero sympathy i have zero mercy zero but before we dive in and before i tell you something that you will never forget for as long as you live let's have a word from the sponsor of today's video magellan tv magellan tv is a new kind of documentary streaming service that brings you films and series which will enlighten you entertain you and educate you with over 3 000 documentaries currently available and more being added every single week you can find something that everyone will be interested in on magellan tv whether you're into documentaries about science nature true crime history or really anything else there's a whole library to browse through and explore gel and tv is also easy to watch at home or on the go if you're at home you can watch magellan tv on apple tv roku amazon fire tv and more and it's available on both ios and android as i said they drop new content every week and one of their new additions is a documentary called finding lee a tangled web lee matthews was abducted from the parking lot of her college shortly after her abduction lee spoke with her father on the phone for a short time and then he never heard from her again now this is really such an interesting case i might even do a full video on it but if you're looking for something true crime related to watch i highly recommend it now my viewers can take advantage of an exclusive new offer 30 off an annual membership which will give you an entire year for less than dollars and fifty cents a month simply click on the link in the description box to claim your discounted annual membership today and if you know there's a holiday coming up someone's birthday if you just want to be nice a year's worth of magellan tv would make an awesome gift this offer is also available for returning users as well as new ones so if you already got your trial month before and then you didn't renew you can now take advantage of this offer and i think it's pretty great because a lot of the time services like this they'll be like oh if you already signed up you can't get new deals for new subscribers so that's not the case here head to the description box check out magellan tv i really don't think there's anyone out there who's into this kind of stuff and i assume you are because you're here i don't think there's anybody out there who won't be happy that they checked it out thank you so much to magellantv for sponsoring my channel and let's dive into the case on september 23rd 2019 at around 4 30 p.m lisa snyder called her home 911 at 2442 route 143 in kempton pennsylvania the audio of that call has not been made public but the following conversation between the 9-1-1 dispatcher and first responders has been five plus five five nine zero from the caller both children that were hugging their unknown time at this time first can you repeat that for one both children are hanging in the basement burke captain forty four one nothing forty four any indication from the caller if the scene is safe or how these children ended up there she mentioned that the eight-year-old has been bullied and has made threats of doing this but they didn't want to go alone and sadly he may be the migratory situation at this time it should just be the mother of the two children on scene so the dispatchers telling the fire department that two children were found hanging in a basement and the call was categorized as a pediatric cardiac arrest with two patients these two children so the fire captain who's on the phone he asks you know is there any indication from the caller and whether or not the scene is safe or how the children ended up this way because his first reaction is to think that someone bad did this to these kids right someone must have come into their home and done this to them and he wants to make sure that this person is no longer there so that you know it's safe and the scene's clear the dispatcher tells the fire captain quote she mentioned that the eight-year-old has been bullied and has made threats of doing this but didn't want to go alone end quote the eight-year-old was connor snyder a third grader at greenwich elementary school where he was developing an interest in science especially rocks and minerals he would often bring rocks in to show his teacher connor had also just discovered a series of books called dogman and he found these books to be hilarious and his teacher recalled that he would be reading books during reading time in class and he would just giggle as he read and he had the best laugh he was always smiling he was always happy and he was a friend to every boy and girl in his class he loved doing the flaw stance um if you don't know what it is it's from fortnite i also have a nine-year-old i have a nine-year-old son who loves fortnite and he's always doing the floss dance but conor loved doing it you know to make people laugh and it would bring a smile to his teacher's face because she would be like grading his math homework and connor would be you know flossing next to her encounter loved his four-year-old sister brinley who was in her second year of pre-k often when he would be allowed to pick a reward for doing something good in school you know sometimes if you uh do well on a test or if you help out a fellow student they'll let you pick from a little bowl of treats or you know toys that that you can bring home well connor would often choose something that he thought brynley would like and then he would bring it home to her and brynley was just this adorable little girl she reminds me so much of my bella she loved frozen she loved dressing up she loved you know wearing princess clothes and brinley and connor were really close which is really nice to hear because like i said i've got a four-year-old i've got a nine-year-old i would not say that that they're close i wouldn't say that at all so now their mother lisa is calling 9-1-1 and she's building a narrative before she even speaks to a police officer a narrative that would be really hard for anyone to believe that her eight-year-old son had hanged himself and his sister in the basement of their home later when lisa would speak to police she would tell them what happened that afternoon this is lisa's version of events okay so she says conor got home from school he came inside and he said he wanted to play on his ipad but then he changed his mind and he decided to play with his laptop and then he couldn't find the power cord on his laptop so he asked his little sister brinley if she wanted to go downstairs in the basement with him and build a fort lisa stated to police that quote he loves building forts that's his thing they play downstairs in the basement all the time end quote connor asked his mother if he could bring two wooden bar height chairs down with him for the fort i guess and lisa said he could as long as he was able to get them downstairs and back upstairs on his own and she actually goes into great detail about connor bringing the stools downstairs she said that he took the chairs down one at a time one step at a time and she kept hearing the thump and she said it was a hard going but you know she knew he could do it lisa said it took him a while but he got them down there after the first chair connor came back up for a drink and when both chairs were downstairs he got another drink and then he grabbed a single wired cable dog lead with a vinyl coating and swivel eye snap hooks on both ends he grabbed this off the kitchen table now let's talk about this for a moment i've seen it reported places that this was a dog leash but that's incorrect it's a lead um it's different right they're usually longer between 20 and 30 feet and they're they're basically meant to put on your dog if you want to tie him up outside and still give him enough space and and freedom to run around the family did have a dog five-month-old boomer who was a black husky pitbull mix but boomer only weighed 50 pounds and this dog lead was meant for much bigger dogs it had a weight limit of 250 pounds so it's like the max one like the biggest one you can get cause if you have a dog that weighs over 250 pounds you're probably not the one in charge at your house so lisa snyder had ordered this dog lead from the hamburg walmart the night before and she picked it up that same morning at 9 30 a.m so she orders it at night the next morning she goes and picks it up that like you know curbside to go or whatever and she wants us to believe that her eight-year-old son specifically took this thing off the kitchen table so that he could bring his four-year-old sister downstairs and take both of their lives later when lisa was asked why she'd purchased the 250 pound dog lead when her dog only weighed 50 pounds she claimed that walmart had been out of the smaller sizes so she was forced to buy the bigger one because if we know anything about walmart is that they have a very limited selection of items to choose from you know they're always running out of stuff it's not as if there's literally dozens of other choices for dog leads under 250 pounds or anything literally dozens but you know we can be understanding of this lisa must have purchased her dog lead during the well-known infamous dog lead rush of 2019. i completely forgot about that part of history where everybody was just trying to get a dog lead at the same time so walmart was out of all of them except this one while connor was going up and down from the basement lisa was folding laundry and then she went outside with boomer the dog and she had a cigarette and she told police that she was only out of the house for roughly 10 minutes before she went back inside and then she went down the basement stairs to ask her children if they wanted chef boyardee or frozen pizza for dinner and that is when she found them according to the affidavit of probable cause connor and brinley were found hanging three feet apart they were hanging from that wire dog lead and this wire dog lead had been wrapped around the main support beam one end was around counter's neck the other around rinley's neck the two bar height wooden stools were nearby tipped over connor and brinley were still alive what would you do if you found your children like this you would do anything to get them down and try to save them right yeah normally right a normal person would do that well lisa told police that she tried to get brinley down brinley weighed 40 pounds but lisa said she couldn't get the clasp on the wire lead undone because when she has spikes and stress and anxiety she sweats profusely so her hands were just so sweaty she couldn't undo it and save her daughter's life you know she could have like wiped her hands off or put a pair of gloves on no so lisa left brinley hanging and then she tried to get counter down but connor weighed 150 pounds so she was unable to because she says he was too heavy so she left the basement and she called 9-1-1 and then according to her own statement she never returned to the basement where her children were hanging she didn't pick up the stools and place them underneath connor and brinley she didn't run screaming to a neighbor's house to ask for help she didn't get a knife and attempt to cut the wire lead she didn't get wire cutters that she probably had in her garage because she supposedly refinishes furniture and does all this stuff she didn't even stay in the basement with her two young children as she made this 911 call and waited for first responders to arrive she didn't stay there with them to provide them with words of comfort and love as they helplessly swung from the ceiling of her basement she didn't lift them up to try and provide some relief she didn't hold them and tell them that she loved them and that everything was going to be okay she didn't tell them not to be scared because mommy was there she went upstairs she got on her phone and she just left them completely alone in their last moments of awareness if they were even aware at 4 41 pm the kempton fire department emts arrived at the residence now eric bubenmoyer was one of them eric was employed as an emergency room nurse at lehigh valley hospital he was also a volunteer first responder for the fire department this happened to be his day off from the hospital so he was able to respond to the scene he and the other emt were told that lisa snyder would be waiting outside the house for them but as they approached the house no one was waiting outside so they knocked on the door and lisa snyder answered she was talking on her cell phone and eric would later testify that she seemed nervous and anxious but she wasn't crying eric also testified that he asked her if anyone else was in the house but she didn't even answer him because she was so distracted by whoever was on her cell phone so he and the other emt basically just walked into the house and made their way to the basement eric said that they scanned the right side of the basement and saw nothing but when he looked to his left he saw brinley and connor hanging from the rafters and their bodies were still warm so the emts immediately started working on freeing them from their nooses all of this happened while lisa snyder was still upstairs on the phone don't you think that it would have occurred to her that she should have been in the basement watching while emts worked to resuscitate her children so that if they did come too even for a moment they'd be able to see their mother's face and maybe feel a little bit more safe eric bobenmoyer was able to release the clasp that held brinley but his partner was having a bit more trouble with connor who was admittedly heavy for his age so eric helped and soon both children were down and they were able to perform cpr on them upstairs trooper jeffrey hummel of the hamburg pd had arrived and he described a scene of absolute chaos lisa and some of her relatives were standing in front of the house talking there was some other people sort of milling about inside and he remembers that one of them told him quote they're all in the basement end quote the children were unconscious but still alive and they were immediately airlifted to lehigh valley hospital where they were put on life support now lisa would go on to be interviewed by police twice in the following days and let's talk about what she told them she indicated that conor had been bullied on multiple occasions since the first grade that he had told her he wanted to die she said she didn't know the details of the bullying because connor held the specifics back knowing that she would have called the school but she did say quote he is overweight has a speech delay he needs extra help a little slower to grasp things kids make fun of him because he's fat he lost 25 pounds since school started because he was starving himself end quote okay so there's a lot to unpack here first of all i don't understand why you wouldn't have called the school regardless of whether or not you had the details especially if you noticed that your son was starving himself due to being called fat by his peers i am sure we'll have to wait for the trial to find this out but i did wonder i did wonder if this weight loss claim had been validated right if it's true that conor did lose that much weight in such a short time period i believe that lisa later told someone else he'd lost 25 pounds in just a few weeks three weeks wouldn't that have prompted a visit to the doctor to get him some help you know because i think we can all agree that losing that much weight in a few weeks is not healthy that leads me to wonder if conor was starved but not by himself if lisa snyder knew what she was going to do where this was all going and there is evidence to show that this was premeditated did she start withholding food from her son to support the alibi she knew she would later have to give law enforcement lisa went on to say quote he tells me he hates school every day he tells me he doesn't want to talk about school i did not see any problems till he told me about the kids on the bus he just comes home and he is just angry we had a little sit down last week and i told him honey if you ever feel like hurting yourself please come to me he did say to me when we were talking i would have killed myself already but i'm scared to go by myself end quote and there it is folks lisa snyder's narrative connor was being bullied he'd made remarks about wanting to die which apparently she didn't think was a red flag she didn't think that was worthy of bringing him to see a professional who could help connor with his poor mental state he's starving himself and saying he wants to die and you don't know the specifics so you're just not going to do anything conor wanted to die because of the bullies but he's a kid right so he doesn't want to face the unknown by himself so he's going to bring his little buddy his little sister brinley with him so they can go together lisa laid it all out for the police wrapped up neatly with a bow on top no need for an investigation right certainly not because from the first moment the police felt that lisa's story was very off firstly it's not super common for very young children to commit suicide now i'm not saying it doesn't happen so let me make myself clear because i read way too many comments in the phoebe hands jack video when i said the suicide's usually not a spur of the moment decision and everyone had a personal story to show me that my statement was false it isn't false since i said usually of course there's always the exception to the rule but anecdotal evidence it's not statistics research shows that in the age group of 5 to 11 there are an average 33 reported suicides in the us and to me that number 33 is 33 too many right however if you look at the overall suicide numbers in the united states which is on average 48 000 40 000 people a year take their own lives in the united states those numbers and the disparity between those numbers it does indicate that what lisa was alleging happened to her son would have been considered incredibly uncommon so definitely worthy of an investigation the police interviewed friends and family they interviewed people at counter school they pulled security footage from conor school bus hoping to see this alleged bullying for themselves the day that connor died the footage showed him on the bus laughing and joking with the rest of the students he wasn't getting bullied he wasn't showing any signs of getting bullied and then he got off the bus smiling showing no signs of distress and he ran home probably looking forward to getting a snack playing with his sister seeing his mother now i looked in my phone calendar so i could see what day of the week september 23 2019 was and my schedule showed that on this day i was recording halloween content specifically this day i was recording the lori mansion video this is obviously not relevant to the case but it did sort of send a chill down my spine i was at home recording and editing a video getting my own eight-year-old son off the bus while connor snyder was running happily towards his death all the teachers at connor school were like bullying what bullying they'd never seen it happen chondra never reported it to them and as i stated previously the teachers all said conor got along with everyone because he was so funny and nice and easy going he had a lot of friends additionally lisa connor and brinley were not the only people living that house lisa had a 17 year old son owen who resided there and although he wasn't home at the time of the incident he was interviewed by police later and he also claimed that connor wasn't being bullied and he knew this because he'd asked connor directly apparently lisa had made mention to owen that conor was having some problems with the other kids at school so like a big brother would do owen approached connor and talked to him about it and conor expressed confusion and he said he was not being bullied owen also said that his little brother and his little sister they never played in the basement because they were scared of playing in the basement and he could only remember one single time where they'd played in the basement and that had been the previous december when they'd received scooters for christmas so obviously it's like snowing outside it's pennsylvania you receive scooters for christmas you can't go outside with your scooter so you're going to go in the basement and ride around in your scooters owen did not dispute that connor and brinley liked to build forts but he said they always built the forts in the living room using sofa cushions and chairs they've never built a fort in the basement additionally a friend of lisa's told police that she'd gotten a text from lisa on september 16th and lisa told this friend that her son connor was suicidal due to being bullied at school but this same friend picked conor up from school that same day and she saw him sitting with his friends and laughing when she pulled up he was in a good mood when he got in her car and he never said a word to her about being bullied or having thoughts of harming himself and three weeks before that lisa had visited her friend and talked about how she was depressed didn't want to get out of bed and that she no longer cared about her two kids so lisa first tells her friend that she's depressed doesn't care about her kids and then two weeks later she's telling the same friend that conor wanted to take his own life because of bullies could it be could it possibly be that the i don't care about my kids part since it came first may have been a precursor to the let me start planting details and ideas in people's heads that my son wanted to kill himself part i think so now at the hospital connor and brindley were unresponsive they had been in full cardiac arrest and they had been resuscitated in the helicopter but when they got to the hospital they had to be put on life support and lisa was there with them but she was not allowed to be with them in their room unsupervised there had to be a security guard present at all times and in my personal opinion this was because the police couldn't be sure that lisa wouldn't do something to her children while she was alone with them to finish what she had started allegedly while her children were on life support with tubes shoved down their throats and needles in their arms lisa did a lot of facebooking the facebook profile she was using at that time was ellie carr and this is apparently her middle name rochelle spelled backwards in the hospital instead of holding connor and brinley's hands singing to them telling them she loved them spending all the time she could looking at their sweet little faces lisa was busy on her phone specifically facebook now the police would later take her cell phone and it turns out that she had quite a few cell phones i mean but they hadn't done this just yet so lisa posted the family's above ground pool for sale on like facebook marketplace and the caption read quote i'm selling this like new pool to help pay for my children's final expenses as they were in a horrible accident serious inquiries only please i have a lot to deal with right now because of the loss of my children please don't waste my time end quote well first of all she hadn't lost her children yet they may have been unresponsive they may have been unconscious they may have even been brain dead but their hearts were still beating and who knows what they may have been aware of doctors in medicine can tell us a lot but we don't actually know what it's like to be a person who is in a coma or on life support we don't really know what they're aware of lisa was also messaging people on facebook and one of these individuals actually made these messages public because she felt that lisa's behavior was beyond strange considering the circumstances so this woman's name is megan sant and she'd known lisa for a while lisa sent her a facebook message saying update it's not looking good right now their brains are swollen but once the swelling goes down they're going to do a brain scan to check for brain activity they said hopefully tomorrow or thursday they can do that the doctor herself told us to prepare for the worst and for a doctor to say that you know it's pretty bad and at that point i'm going to have to make the toughest decision of my entire life end quote let's unpack this too right because just the balls on this woman the balls on this woman let's be honest if lisa was told to expect the worst the worst thing for her personally would be for those two kids to wake up why would she want them to wake up if they did they would tell everyone what had really happened so she's typing out these sentiments oh worst day of my life hardest decision on my life but in reality the worst the doctors said it was for connor and brinley the better it was for lisa megan responds and says that you know she's so sorry she can't imagine what lisa's going through and lisa writes back quote can't cry anymore i'm completely numb my life has been ripped to shreds and it's never gonna get better but i gotta try to stay strong for blank and miracles happen every day you never know but i'm also not stupid and i'm not gonna get my hopes up end quote so first of all you are stupid you're a stupid horrible person but the name of the person that she's going to be strong for it's it's blacked out but i assume it was owen her 17 year old son but lisa also says miracles happen every day but i'm not going to get my hopes up what kind of parent says that about their children who are on life support at that point all you have is hope and you would not lose that hope until there was absolutely no chance that that they would ever recover but she's over here like well you know not gonna get my hopes up as if she's planned a tropical vacation and then someone told her that she might not be able to travel out of the country because of covid and she's like well i really want to go on a vacation but not going to get my hopes up lisa later sends another message that said quote update they're not going to make it the doctors will be pulling the plug tomorrow or friday they need to run a few more tests simply for the investigation after that my babies will be going to heaven to live with jesus end quote going to heaven to live with jesus girl you better get his name out of your mouth so you've just found out that your children are going to die that that final sliver of hope is gone and your first priority is to get on facebook and update everyone but don't take it from me megan herself said quote she just showed no emotion or anything when she was talking about it even when she was pulling the plug your kids are in the hospital in life support and you're messaging me about it end quote and just the fact that lisa used the term pull the plug there wasn't a softer or gentler or more sensitive way you could have put that you're talking about your four-year-old daughter and your eight-year-old son and you're saying you're gonna pull the plug the fact that lisa snyder was even allowed to make the decision to take her own children her two children off of life support while she was a suspect in what had happened to them it's a travesty it blows my mind connor and brinley were removed from life support on thursday september 26th brinley was pronounced dead at 4 26 pm and connor followed her just 14 minutes later at 4 40 p.m in the months following their deaths lisa snyder created a facebook page as a memorial to them called remembering connor and brinley where she apparently deleted any negative comments and it's also reported that she had created quite a few fake facebook accounts so that she could go on and like defend herself on other facebook pages about connor and brinley but she never admitted that this fake account was her right she just pretended that she was someone who was close to the family and knew lisa and knew that lisa could never do this to her kids the autopsies were done and the coroner ruled that their deaths had been homicide no drugs were found in their system and i don't know if um you know the toxicology report would have included something over the counter like aspirin you know something that she might have given them in a rare moment of pity or kindness because dying from hanging is incredibly painful it's terrifying it's just a horrible way to go because there's a difference between like an execution style hanging and what happened to connor and brinley a judicial hanging is much more humane because the person's usually dropped from a tall height it's called a long drop and that means that their neck usually breaks making death quick and virtually painless in this case these kids would have died from strangulation and this this whole process will take much longer and it's far more excruciating first the carotid arteries in the neck which supply blood to the brain would have been compressed which causes the brain to swell so much that it basically acts like a plug at the top of the spinal cord the vagal nerve is then pinched leading to the vagal reflex putting pressure on the heart a lack of oxygen getting to the lungs eventually causes unconsciousness and then you die of suffocation and this can take anywhere from five to twenty minutes and i have to feel that this would have been much more slow and painful and terrifying for four-year-old brinley because she only weighed 40 pounds this is the way lisa decided to kill her children in the most painful and scary way possible she tortured them essentially i take that back not essentially that's exactly what happened lisa tortured those sweet innocent children now there were several search warrants executed at the home of lisa snyder the first warrants were executed between september 24th and september 30th and the police removed several devices from the home including lisa's cell phone computers tablets and the xbox that connor liked to plan at this point the police were also looking for lisa's dog buster but he wasn't at the house the public was made aware that the police were looking for this dog with the explicit purpose of weighing him but we didn't know exactly why at the time later one of the reasons would come out and then just add another horrifying layer to this case but initially what they wanted to do was weigh the dog so that they could kind of prove that the the lead that lisa had bought was way overkill for the you know poundage of dogs she had another search warrant was executed on october 2nd after the police talked to lisa's 17 year old son owen and he told them that lisa had more cell phones than the police had taken so they went they got like a couple other cell phones but what they didn't find was a samsung galaxy note 9 that lisa used and she told them that she'd lost it the same day she found her kids hanging in her basement she said she had picked up rinley from school and put her phone on top of the car and then drove away forgetting that the phone was on top of the car later lisa wood revised that statement and said that no she'd lost the phone back in august but that really didn't matter right because the police found out through lisa's bluetooth system in her car that the note 9 had connected to the car's bluetooth after she claimed she'd lost it the last time the note 9 was connected to the bluetooth in lisa's car was september 27th the day after she pulled the plug on her two children police have stated that they believe lisa intentionally destroyed or discarded her phone after she made a joke with a friend about the police trying to find the phone and even though the phone has still not been located they're currently trying to see if they can use the bluetooth system in her car to uncover information about a text received to that number the day of the incident at 8 15 in the morning right before she picked up the dog lead from walmart there was plenty found on lisa's other devices however so i can't even imagine what's on that note 9. let's talk about her google searches which in my opinion proves that this was a premeditated act on september 17th six days prior lisa searched carbon monoxide in a car how long to die on september 20th she searched almost got away with it almost got away with it best episodes i mean is she serious is her brain working in a way where she actually thinks she's going to get some great ideas of how to kill her children and not get caught from a true crime television show that is not titled i got away with it but almost got away with it on september 22nd she searched hanging yourself and moments later she visited the website short drop simple suspension lost all hope so i went on this website i went on this website and i'm going to depend on you guys to have my back here if anything ever happens to me and the police are like it was a suicide because we found the stuff in her google searches you better get an army together okay because i promise you that if i ever die it's not from suicide so if they say that let them know let them know it's not true play this video for them i don't care what you have to do but you better investigate my death anyways i went to the exact website that lisa visited and it seems to be a place where those who want to take their own lives can go and sort of get advice on how to do this but get this the first few sentences on this exact webpage she visited it says quote this is probably the simplest way of hanging and although unconsciousness is quick it may not be instant and thus may not be a totally painless method end quote this is literally the first sentence and that's how she chose to kill her children on september 23rd lisa googled do a hybrid car produce carbon monoxide and then she googled does a hybrid car produce carbon monoxide while idling lisa was super busy on facebook as well during this time period and it appeared that she was messaging a man who has not yet been identified at least to us like i'm sure the police know who he is and um this is disturbing okay what i'm gonna say to you next so be warned it's disturbing turns out that lisa was forcing her dog boomer to perform sexual acts on her and then she was describing these acts to this man and sending him photos of the ex on september 9th lisa messaged this man on facebook saying he's eating my p word daddy she then sent a message saying he keeps moving every time the flash goes off she then sent a picture of herself and the dog while the dog was doing to her what she had described in that message she sent another message that said he did good up until he started biting my libya now i think she meant to type a different word or maybe she just thought that this is how that word was spelled i don't know but i think that's the least of our problems on september 15th lisa sent a message that said sorry kid problems which was followed by another message that said major kid problems two days later she messaged this man saying things are bad bullying issues and tells me he wants to die he's eight lost 25 pounds in the first three weeks of school breaks my heart i just want to cry so am i the only one that uh thinks it's odd and really kind of just creepy that one day she's sending this guy pictures of unspeakable acts with her dog and the next she's telling him about her family issues like like he would care you know if he's talking to you because of you and your dog probably he doesn't care about your family issues but in my opinion this is alibi building not necessarily for the police's benefit because i truly don't believe she ever expected them to see these messages and the pictures but for the sake of the man she was communicating with and wanted to continue communicating with after the death of her children in the same day she's saying that her son is losing all this weight he wants to die all of these horrible things she keeps sending pictures and messages about her and the dog later she sent a message that said oh daddy just took some good pics for you and then she sent three photos one was a picture of the dog with a human hand on his you-know-what the next was an up-close picture of the aforementioned act where the dog was doing something to lisa so this was an up close picture and the last was a picture of lisa dressed in black lingerie with a ball gag in her mouth i think there was a nipple clamp involved too i i just don't want to think about it she then sent a message saying he actually went for it all on his own this time was laying in my bed in my underwear and he started licking so i went with it okay let's pause this poor dog poor boomer okay i'm really non-judgmental about what people want to do in the privacy of their own bedrooms when all that stuff about army hammer came out and he was like a cannibal and he was asking women if he could like eat their flesh i was like well you know if the women that he's doing this with are consenting adults who am i to judge who am i to judge what gets someone's engine revved right but this this is unacceptable because the animals are not consenting adults we can't ask boomer if this is what he wanted to do or if he was comfortable with it because he can't tell us but the fact that she had to basically force him into it to begin with that's a sign to me that is probably not something he was super enthusiastic about on september 19th lisa messaged the facebook man again saying you'll hopefully see sunday so it looks like lisa is gonna take her dog and meet up with this man in person which does not look good for boomer because he would be outnumbered right oh that poor dog good thing it didn't happen because she sent another message saying but i just found out owen does work and it's an all-day job so gonna try option b which is my mom so don't get your hopes up because she's a [ __ ] when it comes to babysitting how dare you how dare you so the motive is suddenly becoming clear to me at least right lee said previously told a friend of hers that she hated being a stay-at-home mother it depressed her being stuck at home all day now there's no indication of why lisa did not work outside of the home um i think she did some uh medical reporting from home she also like i said refinished furniture and you know sold it from some extra money but both of her kids were in school all day so she theoretically could have right she could have left during the day at the very least you know she could have grabbed a cup of coffee with a friend taking a walk it's not like she's a prisoner in the house but here we have this relationship right with someone on facebook and she wants to meet with him in person but she can't find a babysitter she can't find a babysitter so do you think that the presence of her children was putting a damper on her freaky-ass sex life do you think that it was a point of frustration for her that she had to figure out what to do with her kids before she could even make a plan to do something for herself and that's not crazy we all feel that way sometimes when you have kids and your needs and your wants come last but most people don't solve this problem by murdering their children but if there wasn't enough proof that lisa snyder is the one who killed her two children and then added insult to injury by blaming this horrible act on her eight-year-old son there is a great deal of evidence that proves connor could not have done this by himself connor had been getting occupational therapy in school because of his below average visual motor skills and the police interviewed the certified therapist who'd been working with connor in both the second and third grade the therapist said that conor had low hand-eye coordination and difficulty with dexterity when using his index finger and thumb pinched together she was also shown a replica of the dog lead and she was asked if she believed conor would have been able to operate the clasps on either end the therapist said that she didn't believe conor could have he couldn't even tie his own shoes she also said that she didn't think connor could have even stood on the chair by himself because he had difficulty with motor planning skills and he had poor balance due to his weight and strength now seeing the photos of the crime scene connor's therapist also gave the opinion that the dog lead it was too even on both ends for conor to have done it because he would have had a hard time distinguishing where the middle was and he would have had to have been standing on the chair for a long period while he wrapped this dog lead around the beam the support beam so she thinks it's too high for him to even do that she doesn't think he would have been able to operate the clasp and she says because of his issues his learning disabilities and things he would have had a hard time figuring out where the middle of that lead was so it wouldn't have been even on each side like it was so basically this certified therapist who'd been working closely with counter for two years didn't believe that he would have been able to successfully done any of this on his own lisa snyder was finally arrested on december 2nd and she was charged with two counts of first-degree murder two counts of third-degree murder two counts of endangering the welfare of a child one count tampering with evidence one count of sexual intercourse with an animal and one count of cruelty to animals her pre-trial hearing happened on february 25th 2021 and a lot of stuff went down lisa's lawyer dennis charles filed a motion requesting the judge to separate the murder charges from the charges related to her dog boomer because he believes that it would make the jury prejudiced against lisa and and how is that a problem how is it a problem for the jury in a murder trial to know just how depraved and disgusting the person on trial is and since i truly believe that a big part of lisa's motive was related to the dog and the facebook guy it seems super counterproductive to hide this information from the jury which suggests motive but apparently berks county judge paul yatron doesn't really agree with me because on april 9th just this a couple of days ago which is what actually prompted me to make this video because i've been following this case for a while but on april 9th this judge said that he would probably grant the defense motion to sever the charges because he could not see why there would be a reason for the jury to hear about the salacious allegations allegations what there's a photographic proof can we still call them allegations if there are photos of it happening come on judge come on judge geotron do better so i guess he hasn't technically ruled on this yet but he's pretty much saying that that's the way the wind's gonna blow i think he said to uh the prosecuting attorney like you've got a lot on your plate you know trying to like prove to me that we should keep this in like you have a challenge ahead of you little lady and i'm sure you've already figured this out by now because it's pretty typical right but lisa's lawyer he's going to pursue an insanity defense he claims that lisa snyder has a chronic history of severe mental disorders including major depression with psychotic features anxiety disorder affective disorder post-traumatic stress disorder multiple personality disorder postpartum depression dating back from the time when she was 16 and she gave birth to owen and because of this laundry list of mental health issues she believed conor and brinley were being put through physical psychological or emotional pain by others and this gave lisa a fierce desire to protect her children from feelings of abandonment and or to alleviate the painful feelings and situations they were experiencing at the time i bet you that lisa snyder finds god in prison too that's just the next predictable step to getting arrested and not wanting to take responsibility for your actions i think actually uh dr t stouk actually taught this class um how to get away with murder and not accept responsibility for your actions 101 maybe lisa took it and let's be honest this is all [ __ ] child and family services in this area had already taken lisa's children away from her once back in 2014 i believe it was because it was before brinley was born and it was just owen and connor that were removed now the children were eventually returned to her and cps will not comment on why they were removed from her care in the first place today snyder's relative told me off camera she was depressed and her two sons were removed from her home by berks county children and youth the relative says it was around july 2014. the relative didn't share many details but told us snyder retained an attorney and then as she put it children and youth returned the children to snyder's care her oldest son now 17 years old is staying with another relative snyder remains in custody charged with killing her only daughter four-year-old brinley and her youngest son eight-year-old connor i don't know that there is any explanation for her behavior at all i don't think that i can stand up here nor can anyone explain the horrific loss of two innocent children's lives i think it goes without explanation today we called the berks county children and youth offices in reading to ask exactly why they returned the kids to snyder our call was not returned we also went to the office and a security guard told us we had to leave if we didn't have an appointment now here's my opinion lisa is as mentally healthy as the next person as you and me which isn't 100 mentally healthy right because we all go through stuff we all got stuff going on but i'm not gonna believe that she had ptsd and multiple personality disorder and all of that and it all went unnoticed by everyone until this very moment what happened here is lisa and her lawyer were like okay we've got to find a reason for why you did this that makes you appear to be sympathetic to a jury and what's relatable emotional struggles right bingo everyone can understand that and let's look up other cases where parents have killed their children due to mental illness and will just copy the reasons that they gave specifically the andrea yates case if lisa was concerned about her children dealing with physical pain she would not have removed them from the world in the way she did she would have found a better method one that didn't involve any pain or fear she did it the way she did so that she wouldn't get caught so that she could point the finger at her poor son and say that he did it conor and brinley's feelings and happiness were the very last thing on lisa snyder's mind in fact i would go so far as to say that she didn't consider them at all and i'm not new to this world okay i realize that some crimes are committed due to the presence of a mental illness but i also know that some criminals use this insanity defense as a shield to not face their consequences lisa snyder is crazy as hell crazier than an outhouse fly crazier than a bed bug but she's not insane she knew what she was doing she planned it she watched i almost got away with it because she wanted to get away with it now she wants you and me and the world to believe that she had her children's best interests at heart she killed her kids she tried to blame connor for it now she's insulting their memory even further by trying to convince everyone that she did this only because she loves them so much and i want to punch her right in the face right in the face for connor for brinley for boomer the dog punch her right in the face now the state is seeking the death penalty and i know this is a controversial issue amongst people we've talked about it before um we don't all agree and typically i don't believe in the death penalty unless this person has confessed and there's enough evidence where it's not really even in question especially when we're dealing with cases that involve the deaths of innocent children in this case i have no problem with lisa snyder being found guilty and getting sent to death row i'm sorry i'm sorry but i'm not sorry because it's the best possible outcome she will have years to sit behind bars and relive what she did because you don't get sent to you know the electric chair right away um and but that's even assuming that she feels bad about what she did and i don't believe she does and then her life will be taken from her just like she took conor's life in brinley's life and if heaven or hell exists we know where she's going a person who was experiencing all the things her lawyer claims she was she wouldn't even been lucid or logical enough to try and cover up her crimes to try and avoid being caught she wouldn't have started this bullying lie months before telling everyone that conor was having a hard time and talking about dying she would have started building her narrative with the 9-1-1 operator she wouldn't have mysteriously lost her cell phone and then joked about how the police were trying to find it now lisa snyder will be joining the ranks of the world's most terrible and evil parents in my mind she's going to be sitting right between chris watts and dr t stouk and she'll probably have a great discussion and conversation with lori valo about how kids can really put a damper on your romantic life to think about the terror that these children went through lisa has the balls to claim she was trying to protect them from feelings of abandonment how she was able to get them to go along with her plan is beyond me i don't know but i'm sure it wasn't too hard because they were children and she was their mother and they trusted her when these two children felt the rope around their necks cut off their ability to breathe they were probably so confused and scared they probably looked at their mother for help thinking she was going to help them cut them down save them but all she did was walk away leaving them to die alone in pain scared and abandoned which is the thing you were supposed to be saving them from and i hope she burns in hell for the rest of eternity i hope hell exists just so people like lisa can go there and never have another moment of peace or happiness but you let me know what you think in the comment section this is one of the most disgusting cases that i've ever come across in a long time and you know i'm really interested in hearing your thoughts on it but we also have to remember that her trial is going to be coming up soon so i'm going to be paying close attention to that because if this woman gets off with an insanity plea and that defense actually works we got big problems we got big problems i'm gonna take to the streets okay i refuse to allow that to happen um so let's just hope it doesn't come to that let's just hope thank you guys so much for being here uh i know that this was probably hard but i appreciate those of you who stuck it out with me and i will see you very soon i'm very upset now and agitated but on the upside i think the adrenaline from my anger it made me feel kind of better so uh i don't know but i am going to go edit this so i can get it out for you guys thank you so much for being here follow me on twitter and instagram uh also follow my podcast that i co-host with retired police detective derek lavasser we have new episodes every friday and we also have a youtube channel now so i believe the episodes come out on friday on the podcast platforms and then wednesday on youtube so i'll link all that in the description box um yeah i usually would talk about more and kind of be cheerful but i'm so pissed so i'm gonna go before i i keep yelling at you guys some of you say like i have a soothing voice and that's why you watch and i just like ranted and yelled at you for what 30 minutes so uh maybe longer and so i'm sorry about that but i'm just gonna go i'm gonna go thank you guys so much for being here stay kind stay beautiful bye [Music] eyes on the on the head [Music] don't let the wheel color your sky take on the world that's surrounding you paint the red blue if you wanted to shine [Music] stars will be lost [Music] sun [Music] [Music] you'll see [Music] you'll see um [Music] destiny drink from the stream to find your own way it's not too late [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you'll see our wounds lead to
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 858,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lisa snyder, conner snyder, brinley snyder, boomer the dog, true crime, stephanie harlowe, coffee and crime time
Id: blkzFE1gZL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 13sec (3313 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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