Coffee and Crime Time: The Disappearance of Aeryn Gillern

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she's like a sickness in my brain [Music] a vision standing by the window pain she ripples through the blinds and leads me in a daze it's in the way her body moves me the way she grabs me and intoxicates until the signal's in my mind forget to operate just comes and goes [Applause] hello everybody welcome back to my channel and thank you for joining me for another coffee in crime time keeping the theme of this month going the case we're going to talk about today was suggested to me and when i started looking into it i couldn't stop because it's not only a huge mystery but i sense there's a lot that we're not being told about what happened to this young man and it pisses me right off whenever there's the scent of a cover-up or an investigative force that doesn't give their all to solve a case it enrages me and it should enrage everyone because the person we're talking about today 34 year old aaron gillard could have been anyone it could have been your brother your son your friend or even you and when the people whose only job it is is to make sure that victims have a voice even after they're gone when those people go out of their way to make sure that the victims continue to be silenced it's an injustice to all of humanity and it needs to have a light shown on it today's video is sponsored and brought to you by raycon raycon is disrupting the electronics industry by designing premium wireless audio for half the price without compromise they're doing things differently than other brands out there from the way they design their products to the way they price them raycon prioritizes their customer experience from start to finish and it's their mission to share great sound with the world the company was co-founded by ray j and celebrities like snoop dogg brandy mike tyson and rich the kid are obsessed with their raycon earbuds and the earbuds come in a variety of fun colors and patterns so you can really live out loud show your personality you don't have to choose 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so you can try them if you don't like them you can send them back no questions asked it's really great thank you guys so much for listening to the sponsor and understanding that we do need sponsors on this channel and thank you so much to raycon for being such a great sponsor to this channel let's jump back into the video so aaron gillard was born on april 28 1973 and although he would grow into an over six foot tall man when he was born he was just this little tiny baby only four pounds and 15 ounces he was born in elmira new york which is actually just about two hours from where i live in upstate new york he graduated from groton high school in 1991 and then he attended the franciscan university of steubenville in ohio where he graduated with a bachelor of arts degree in theology aaron's mother kathy gillern became a police officer in august of 1985 and she worked for the ithaca police department for 21 years kathy said that she feels the mark of a good police officer is the ability to empathize with the people that you deal with as a police officer and she never wanted to take part in the us versus them mentality that some law enforcement officials believe in i got the impression from hearing kathy chalk that she's exactly what you would want a police officer to be a community police officer who cares about the area that she lives in as well as the people who lives there and believes that it's her duty to serve and protect which is what police should do kathy and her son erin were very close and she said that he'd found his calling early in life and that was to be a catholic priest he loved going to mass especially if he could find a mass in latin and he was very dedicated to achieving this goal and his mother would sometimes joke with him about how one day he might become the first american pope but in 1997 aaron was attending the seminary in graz austria and a few things happened first after a short culture shack aaron fell in love with austria and everything about it especially the city of vienna he loved the culture the architecture the history he loved how everyone always dressed nicely because he was really interested and into clothes and fashion and i can tell you personally coming from the general area that he grew up in we usually don't dress nicely here unless there's some sort of special occasion like a wedding or a funeral but typically is jeans and like casual clothes the second thing that happened was aaron realized his dream of being a catholic priest was probably not going to be fulfilled because he was gay and although he'd been told he could become a celibate priest he was also told he would have to preach against homosexuality and he just didn't feel like that was something he could do he felt it would make him hypocritical so he decided to leave the seminary and find other ways that he could serve the church but he didn't lose his religious fervor aaron's mother kathy remembered that when her son had called her she thinks it was in 1999 to tell her that he was gay in spite of herself she laughed at him when he solemnly delivered this news because she'd already known she'd known for years and she didn't care at all he was her son she loved him and she wanted him to be happy nothing else mattered and she told this this funny little story about how aaron asked her you know who else knows and she said well you know your grandmother knows and he was disappointed that his grandmother knew because he wanted to be the one to tell her so kathy was like well just give me a couple minutes i'll call grandma and tell her to act surprised when you call so that you can give your news the way you wanted to in 1999 aaron received a masters in arts with honors in theology and christian ministry from franciscan university in steubenville and i'm not exactly sure when it happened but aaron made the decision to move to vienna and in 2003 he was appointed by unido which is the united nations industrial development organization and he was given a job as a research assistant with unido he was also involved in other things he was an athlete and a model he stood at six foot tall and he had these huge muscles you know he definitely took care of himself he had this beautiful smile and these gorgeous i think they were green or blue eyes so it's no surprise to me that he modeled he was like this gorgeous gentle giant and he actually modeled at vienna's charity event the life ball that happened in 2005 and that same year he was named mr gay austria to an extent aaron was social and outgoing but he was also very serious about his job his studies and his life a blog i found written by a girl named jen morrison who apparently knew aaron while they were studying abroad together this blog paints a very vivid picture of him jen writes quote the first time i met aaron gillard he walked into a study room in the men's dorm where i was cramming for a midterm with some friends he was wearing a full length night dress an actual night cap and carrying a candlestick he looks like a very manly and handsome wee willy winky he swung open the door muttered something about having a productive evening slowly passed his disapproving eyes over the three of us and dashed out i remember being equal parts alarmed and amused aaron was a memorable character that i had seen around campus in town he used to ride his bike to and fro dressed impeccably with starch shirts and an interesting armband the meaning of which i never did learn his posture was flawless even on his bicycle for the first couple years on campus i don't think we ever spoke to one another although i would see him from time to time in classes and on the rare occasion i made it to the gym he was always there headphones on laser sharp focus on his fitness routine he was a bit of a mystery character very reserved stately and not one for casual conversation it wasn't until my semester abroad that i got to know erin as there were only about a hundred of us it was impossible to avoid getting to know one another to some extent we took austrian folk dancing lessons together and we sang in the latin choir together he was a fiercely loyal friend i remember one time being asked to sing a part by myself and feeling extremely self-conscious about it one of the other choir members poked a bit of fun at me highlighting just how quivery my voice had been aaron stared him down and in his booming baritone declared it's called vibrato aaron only let most people know him at arm's length if you look through photo albums of our semester abroad for example there aren't that many pictures of him he didn't come out to the pubs he rarely traveled with any of us unless it was part of the school program and he was fond of turning up his nose at most of our adolescent antics end quote and she goes on like this speaking of some private moments between herself and aaron where he did let his guard down and open up a bit but overall he seemed to be this very motivated very driven individual who stood up for people who valued his privacy and knew exactly what he wanted last time kathy gillard saw her son was in september of 2007. aaron was a very tall man he wore size 13 and a half shoes and he had trouble finding clothes that fit him in vienna so every so often he would fly home to visit with family and go shopping at jcpenney for new clothes when aaron was back in new york for 10 days he was in a great mood he had just gotten back from a trip in egypt that he'd gone on with his partner posse and while he was home besides shopping at jcpenney he spent time with his mother and grandmother and visited the botanical gardens on the cornell university campus three times it was his favorite place in new york he and his mother also discussed their future plans which involved her putting her house on the market and selling it so that she could move to vienna with aaron for six months erin wanted her to experience european living he told her he had many things he wanted her to see and do people he wanted her to meet they were both really looking forward to it and then after kathy spent six months with aaron in vienna she was planning to basically move to florida and settle there the last time kathy saw her son was on september 20th 2007 when she took him to the syracuse airport so he could fly back to vienna she spoke to him later the next month on october 27th and she told him that although she'd had some interest in the house there was still no buyers and then they discussed kathy coming to vienna for just a short trip the following december just seven to ten days so they could spend christmas together and erin could show her the sights and she was really looking forward to it four days later on october 31st 2007 kathy was at work she worked as the director of cortland county's spca which is a no-kill animal shelter that adapts out dogs and cats enforces animal cruelty laws and also offers low-cost spay and neuter services it was a normal day everything was going fine until a little after 1 when kathy got a call from the secretary at the ithaca police department a woman that kathy had known and been friends with from her time working as a police officer in ithaca now this woman told kathy to go home because there was a message waiting for her on the answering machine and kathy was obviously confused and she kind of pressed her friend for more information apparently aaron had gone missing and his partner had remembered that his mother had once worked for the police department so he'd called there trying to locate her when kathy heard this that her son was missing in a foreign country she rushed home and she obviously listened to the message on her answering machine the message was from paul macelli the assistant hr director at unido where her son worked in vienna what followed was a whirlwind of a nightmare and kathy's life has never been the same apparently aaron had gone to work on monday morning october the 29th the previous weekend his boyfriend posse had stayed with him over the weekend and that monday morning posse saw aaron leave for work that night aaron signed out of work at 6 00 pm but he did not return to work the next morning and this alarmed everyone because he had an impeccable attendance record sure he would take sick days or vacation days like anyone else but he'd been working there for a few years and he'd never just not shown up without a call according to kathy aaron's mother posse and aaron's upstairs neighbor umberto had already tried to report aaron missing twice they went to the police station themselves but they'd been told that a missing person's report could not be filed since erin was not an austrian citizen it was also disclosed to cathy that the police knew aaron was gay since they'd asked posse what his relationship to aaron was and it was alleged that they had made some homophobic comments at this time to posse paul macelli told kathy that unido had contacted the austrian foreign ministry who had contacted the vienna police and had kind of forced the issue of this missing person's report being filed kathy spent many hours that evening talking to posse and umberto on the phone trying to get a handle on what had happened and they told her that they had a meeting with the police the next day they also told her that umberto had a key to aaron's apartment and they'd gone inside to make sure he wasn't in there and according to posse everything was just as he had left it monday morning nothing was out of place there was no sign of a struggle and no sign that aaron had decided to leave such as a suitcase being packed or clothes being missing posse and amberto had also been asking around talking to aaron's friends and people who knew him and they discovered that he'd been at the kaiser brindle sauna in vienna the night he'd gone missing now according to their website the kaiser brundle is one of the most beautiful saunas in the world and according to spartacus gay guide it is a must for the international tourist trip advisor says that for centuries the kaiser brundle has been regarded as the most distinguished and elegant bathing establishment in vienna there is a restaurant out front like in the first area you walk into i suppose where clothed guests can share a drink or a meal with friends from there you can enter one of the most beautiful and unique saunas for men three floors offer fitness sauna biosauna steam bath massage and more so this place is huge and it seems like it's located in a very historic and gorgeous building and it's so famous that even george michael visited there before he died r.i.p i loved george michael it sounds pretty awesome actually and from what i can tell aaron was a guest there on more than one occasion from what posse and numberto could gather when they went to the sauna and spoke to the manager whose name is apparently gunther there had been a fight there on the night of the 29th that involved some tourists gunther claims he called the police but they didn't show up and then an ambulance had come and taken someone away at around 10 pm after this aaron was no longer in the sauna but he had left all his clothes and belongings behind there was also some suggestion and some reports from guests at the sauna who were around the main entrance area that aaron had been seen running out of the sauna naked the next day november 1st 2007 kathy gillard boarded a plane and flew to vienna austria knowing only that her son was missing and had last been seen at this sauna on the plane she tried to stay calm she assumed once she got there they would find erin or he'd come walking in and she could put her mind at ease she could spend a few days with him and then she'd fly back home and return in december just as they'd planned she said quote i didn't want to believe that something had happened to him i just wanted to believe that everything was going to be okay end quote when she got into vienna posse met kathy and the two of them made their way to erin's flat which was right on the danube river they were almost there when posse got a call from umberto saying the police were at aaron's apartment and they wanted to go inside so posse told umberto to let the investigators know that he and erin's mother would be there any minute and they should just wait outside until they arrived upon her first introduction to the vienna police kathy felt that something was not right when she and posse got to the front door of aaron's apartment two policemen were waiting outside but neither of them addressed kathy or even made eye contact with her they simply glanced at her as they waited for umberto to unlock the door once the door was open the investigators walked inside and they went right to erin's bed and they made this big show i guess of getting down on their hands and knees and looking under it which kathy found very odd since she claimed from the doorway of the apartment you could see directly under the bed and it was pretty clear that there was nothing under it after this the two policemen walked into the living room and pulled out the sofa bed before approaching kathy umberto and posse and asking to see kathy's passport she gave her passport to one of the policemen who began writing down her information and to the other policeman kathy addressed directly asking if he spoke english to which he kind of just shrugged she then showed him her police badge and told him you know she'd been a cop a retired cop and that in america police take care of each other and apparently this police officer had no response to that but kathy could not put aside her police training and step solely into the role of the mother of a missing man she was sort of appalled by the behavior of the police saying quote i was shocked i was angry at the fact that they never greeted me and that they did this curse research it was ridiculous i just had this sinking feeling that as bad as i knew it was it was gonna get worse end quote after this kathy and posse took the train to unidol which was only two stops away from aaron's apartment and there they met with some people from hr including the director and the assistant director they once again all shared their concern for aaron and mentioned that he would never just not show up and they feared he was missing he'd encountered a foul play so the director and kathy went into an office alone and made a phone call to the police the director it was a woman i forget her name exactly but she puts the call on speakerphone and they got a hold of an investigator vice who coincidentally had been one of the police officers at aaron's apartment earlier that day the same one who had shrugged when asked if he could speak english now i obviously don't live in vienna and in kathy's statements and interviews she mentions that the police spoke in german around her from what i can tell it's not uncommon for those who live in vienna to speak english it's taught to children in school however the national language in austria is german and in vienna it seems they also speak a different dialect called viennese which apparently doesn't sound anything like german but they usually all speak german as well so for the record i'm usually going to say german but i don't know exactly what language or dialect they're speaking at any given time but kathy does say they were speaking german so during this phone call investigator vice told kathy and the director that on the night of the 29th the police had gotten a call from a fisherman who claimed to have seen the body of a bald-headed man float by him while he was fishing in the danube canal which is different from the danube river and this fisherman wasn't in a boat he was like on the banks on the side of the river so it seems like the danube canal is an offshoot of the river and it flows through the city just north of the downtown area and it is a pretty popular spot for tourists since there's a lot of cafes and restaurants and shops there as well as nicely paved paths to walk on so i believe that aaron's apartment or flat was on the danube river and this fisherman was calling saying he'd seen a body floating in the danube canal and once again they are different i don't even think they're connected anymore i believe it was initially an offshoot of the river but it's been like sealed off since i'm not exactly sure but i would love to pay a visit and actually see all these things for myself in the time of covet i'm like talking about all these amazing faraway places and watching these cool documentaries about italy and stuff and i'm just stuck here in upstate new york so anyways the police claimed that this fisherman called in and said he'd seen a bald man floating by him in the canal and this call had come in at about 8 20 pm the police claimed that they then sent a scuba diving team k-9 units and the fire department to the scene the divers searched the canal for the body they dredged the canal the dogs searched on land around the area and the fire department also searched on foot and they found nothing at ten minutes after nine they cleared the scene and left that was what inspector vice or investigator vice whatever his name is that's what he told kathy and the director of unido or the director of hr unido now kathy claims that this was all being said in german and the director was writing down notes and sort of shaking her head as she was writing and that she also wrote a note on her paper in english that was meant for kathy which said this doesn't make sense or none of this makes sense so kathy had some questions she wanted to know how it was possible to get all of these people and teams out to the danube canal get the divers in their gear which takes a while i mean these are like wet suits they're tight it takes a while to get them on get the divers in the water dredge the canal and then search sufficiently long enough to say with any certainty that nothing was found all within 30 minutes she also wanted an explanation of how the dogs had been searching for this bald man when they didn't have his scent at this time the police hadn't known that this man might have been aaron gillard since no one knew that aaron was missing until the next day when he didn't show up for work so who were the dogs searching for kathy also wanted to know what the police had found when they'd gone to the sauna where aaron had last been seen and where all his belongings had been left behind and i don't mean all his belongings like everything he owned i mean whatever was in his gym bag or whatever he wore to the sauna that day i just want to clear that up because y'all like to come for me in the comments sometimes about the littlest things well anyways according to kathy inspector or investigator vice responded that if kathy was actually a police officer she would know how canine dogs worked and i have wondered if he was maybe talking about cadaver dogs who just look for you know dead bodies they aren't necessarily searching for any specific person they're just looking for the scent of like decomposition but if the fishermen saw a bald man floating in the canal around 8 30 and the police were there within 10 minutes there wouldn't really be the sense of decomposition to search for so either way he's wrong and either way it was sort of a rude response and about kathy asking you know what they'd seen or found when they searched the sauna vice said why would we search the sauna it doesn't matter i'm just sort of going on the supposition here that they they didn't actually search the sauna maybe they didn't even question anybody and the police did not think it was important to search this ginormous building where the missing man had last been seen so they just didn't now according to kathy the story of the fishermen changed a few times within the following days and weeks she actually believes it was the first day that the story changed for the first time so initially they'd said the fishermen had seen a bald man floating by in the canal and then they changed it to just a man and then it was changed again to just a body a body that could have been a man or a woman and it was worth noting that no one besides the vienna police have ever seen this report no one knows who the fisherman was what his name was or exactly what the fisherman reported that he saw to be fair no one knows if this dude even exists so kathy's requested this report from the vienna police multiple times the state department has also requested it and they've just never been given it on november 3rd kathy who'd been staying at aaron's apartment claims she was woken up by posse and umberto telling her that lieutenant ornstein who was the liaison between the un and the police department was on the phone and it was urgent so lieutenant ornstein told kathy that he'd just gotten a call from the police and the story had changed again he said that there was something very wrong and she needed to call them immediately so the embassy arranged for kathy and an interpreter from unido named sandra to go to the police station and speak with the police about aaron aaron's partner posse also went to this meeting which took place in a very small room with three plane clothes police officers who were smoking cigarettes i think only two were smoking cigarettes but that's irrelevant so kathy said that while she was in this room the cigarette smoke started to bother her so she got up and walked over to the window just trying to get some fresh air and one of the detectives walked right up behind her within an inch of her and then she was told through the interpreter that the police did not want her near the window so kathy told sandra the interpreter to explain to the police that she was feeling nauseous because of the smoke and that's why she was by the window and then she was told by sandra you know the police still want you to sit down they don't want you by the window kathy said the only explanation she has for this behavior is they were trying to intimidate her you know at least the detective who was standing so close to her and demanding her to sit down the whole situation was very uncomfortable for her besides the amount of smoke in this small not well ventilated room she asked for water and she was told they didn't have any she asked to use the bathroom and was told they didn't have a bathroom they certainly did not go out of their way to put her at ease and at one point you know she began to cry during this meeting the detectives told kathy what their theory was the theory of what they thought happened to her beloved son aaron they said they believed that he was in the sauna there was some kind of disturbance or argument and then aaron ran out and committed spontaneous suicide because he was gay and he discovered that he was hiv positive and according to them gay men who are hiv positive do this kind of thing all the time in austria i want to really stress here that this is what kathy says happened and i'm in no way suggesting she's lying but i'm not in the business of slandering anyone either there was a language barrier there was an interpreter acting as a go-between a lot could have been lost in translation and i think it's safe to say that these probably were not the words used verbatim but that was what kathy thought she heard or what she got from the exchange the police also gave their rough timeline claiming that they believed aaron had run out of the sauna at around 6 30 p.m and basically taken his own life directly afterwards by jumping into the danube canal now aaron's partner posse who was present gave a few objections to this narrative and this timeline first of all the timeline didn't make any sense aaron had left work at 6pm leaving only 30 minutes to get to the sauna undress leave all his things in the dressing room get into some altercation and then run outside and jump to his death also aaron had been on the phone with a friend of his named arnisa at 7 20 that evening and then aaron had texted pozzi 20 minutes later letting him know you know i love you and i'll see you later the investigator brushed this off claiming that the timestamps on aaron's phone must have been wrong or the time had been set incorrectly posse also disputed the police claim that aaron was hiv positive posse claimed that aaron had just gotten his negative results the day he went missing october 29th while he was at work and the reason posse knew this was because aaron had told him at this point posse's objections were brushed off and he was asked you know did you know that your boyfriend had been mr gay austria like did you like that were you happy about that and then the police asked sandra to ask kathy if she'd been proud that her son had been named mr gay austria to which she responded extremely proud so i mean it doesn't take sherlock holmes to put two and two together and to figure out that kathy felt the police were maybe not taking this case too seriously or going out of their way to actually investigate because aaron was gay and some of the detectives were maybe judgmental of this on november 6th kathy went with lieutenant ornstein the liaison between the un and the police back to this police station back to this small smokey room to collect aaron's belongings that had been retrieved from the sauna so obviously the police had been to the sauna at some point but whether that was as part of their investigation and they questioned people and searched it or it was just the aftermath of it to collect his belongings i can't be sure she says that at this meeting investigator vice was present as well as one other detective who sat in the corner with his head down vice pointed to a large garbage bag on the floor and told kathy through ornstein this is your son's stuff to hear kathy explain this moment is heartbreaking um i have a son myself and i hope to one day be as close to my son when he's an adult as cathy was to aaron so i can't even imagine but kathy says she sat down on the floor and opened the bag and she could immediately smell erin she took a t-shirt out of the bag she held it to her face she began crying but when she asked for a tissue apparently inspector vice shook his head no like he's not going to get her a tissue or he doesn't have any tissues kathy claims she repeatedly asked to use the bathroom and vice said no but finally when she said you know i'm going to be sick i'm going to throw up vice instructed the other officer to escort her to the bathroom at which point kathy threw up took the garbage bag of her son's belongings and left and no one said a word to her you know no one said we're sorry for your loss or we know this is difficult we're going to do everything we can to find out what happened nothing they just were kind of dicks about it allegedly don't come for me that's just my opinion so she got on the train with this huge garbage bag full of her son's things probably the last articles of clothing that he ever wore and she rode back to his apartment and it wasn't until later that night when she'd finally kind of steeled herself to open the bag and start going through it and there were some interesting things in this garbage bag of aaron's belongings that he had with him at the sauna first his phone was inside of the bag and when she opened the phone and turned it on she saw all the texts there all the calls that posse had said erin had made and the police were like no the time stamps must have been wrong and i want to clarify they told posse that the timestamp on his phone must have been wrong so they were saying like no you didn't actually talk to aaron or he didn't actually text you at 7 40 like the timestamp on your phone must be wrong but here was aaron's phone showing the exact same time stamps the call with arnisa the text to posse all of that and all of these calls and texts had been made after 6 30 after the police had claimed that he'd run out of the sauna naked and killed himself spontaneously there was also a printed lab report inside the bag that showed that aaron had gotten an hiv test and showed that his results were negative just like posse had said now about this discovery uh the phone and the lab report kathy said quote i know they're lying they just don't care he's a gay man he's not austrian and they just don't care they just don't care or they're covering something up end quote kathy also tells a story of going to the embassy for help and finding none there only the promise from the consulate general that she would pray for erin when she found out he was gay and she kind of like grabbed at this crucifix and said you know i'll pray for your son that's once again just a secondhand story from kathy but i can't imagine why she would lie about this kind of stuff but that's that's what she said happened so kathy remained in vienna after this staying in erin's apartment and walking the city of vienna every single day she walked up and down the danube canal hoping to see some sign of her son caught in the rocks every single day kathy woke up and took the train to the last stop the furthest stop away from erin's apartment and then she would walk all the way back and every day she would stand outside of the kaiser brindle sauna where he'd last been seen holding a picture of him sometimes she would go into the church across the street and kathy would just walk the streets of vienna especially the area around the sauna and wonder how there could be no witnesses to her son running through the streets naked vienna is as she called it a pedestrian city people always outside walking or sitting in cafes no matter what the weather summer or winter you can always find a ton of people outside just walking around so how had her son run through the streets naked and no one had seen him or reported it back to the police kathy thought that enlisting the help of the media would be a smart decision because maybe people had seen aaron doing this and no one had reported it because they didn't know it was relevant they didn't know it was part of a missing person's case maybe they didn't know the same man they had seen running naked through the streets later ended up missing and presumed dead there had been no media coverage of aaron's case in vienna up to this point so how would anyone know to call the police and report anything at this point kathy did not trust the police and so she started doing her own investigation asking around trying to find someone who would be willing to help her now the owner of a gay bookstore in vienna put her in touch with the president of a support group for lgbtq police officers that had been put together just two weeks before aaron went missing and this group had been put together specifically because of discrimination that these officers felt they were experiencing amongst their peers in the police department the members of the support group were also being trained to act as liaisons with the lgbtq community in vienna since many of them were distrustful of the police as well so the president of this group was a man named evald weedy and evolved put a call out to a friend of his who worked at the police call center and he was informed that on the evening of october 29th there had been no calls to the police in the first district so this fisherman who called in and said he saw a body floating by in the canal it never happened the ambulance being called to the sauna and taking someone away it never happened i mean allegedly according to the dispatcher who worked there and would have had access to this information these calls never came in to make things even worse no scuba team or canine units had been dispatched to the canal or anywhere else in vienna that night either additionally on kathy's website she has posted a copy of a complaint that aaron made against the police in vienna on january 13 2003 four years before he went missing i'm going to read some excerpts from that complaint to you now after a brief walk through stat park i realized i would be late for the 1800 english mass at saint stephen's cathedral so i went to stubenter to catch the u3 to steven's plots upon entering the station i heard the subway coming and i ran to it forgetting to stamp my four-part strip card in the meter i admit that i forgot to stamp my ticket i understand there is a penalty for that which i would have paid had i had the money on me along with my getting on the u3 subway a ticket controller also entered and asked for my ticket i realized that i had not stamped mine and i told him that i forgot we had reached stephenplatz and got off the subway i told the controller again that i had forgotten and again showed him my strip card may i add that a woman was also taken off the subway who had no ticket at all yet she was let go end quote so it seems like aaron was told to pay the fine but he let the controller know he had no idea or money on him only a few euros so he was dragged off to the police station literally this dude grabbed aaron by the arm and was like let's go aaron says in this complaint that in his anger he called the controller prolate spelled p-r-o-l-a-e-t now i have no idea what this word means i even googled it and i found really nothing so i imagine it's something rude but if anyone knows what it means let us all know in the comment section as long as it's appropriate now aaron also claimed that the controller would not speak english or high german to him instead he used a vienna dialect that aaron was not completely familiar with and he mocked aaron when he was unable to speak perfect german when he got to the police station aaron couldn't remember which name he was registered under in austria because for most of his life he'd gone by the last name jackson but recently in 2001 he changed it to gillard his mother's name and being confused and under pressure he just couldn't remember what he'd registered under so he told them to check for jackson first but they didn't find anything so he told them to look up gillern which then he claims the officer sneered at him and accused him of lying so then aaron appealed to the head officer and he was like listen like someone can escort me to where i'm going to i can get the money they can escort me to my my apartment i can get the money he was then accused of lying again and they suggested that he might be a criminal kind of on the run living in austria illegally the report goes on to say that this officer asks where he goes to school erin goes to school and aaron says um he's a student at webster university and that he lived in gaming lower austria for a few years while he was in the seminary studying theology this officer asked aaron you know how are you surviving i assume like how do you you know make a living and aaron told him that he worked at the university and he said that when the cops came to his flat later they checked his passport and then gave him a hassle because he didn't have a work permit but he says he doesn't need a work permit to work at the university now aaron claims that this this police officer said you know he's going to arrest aaron because he didn't have id on him and in america that's what they do a foreigner always has to carry an id on his person or they get arrested and sent home and aaron says this is him just guessing what this this police officer is kind of saying or alluding to because he was speaking broken german and aaron couldn't really understand him that well aaron goes on to say as we are about to leave the top floor a police officer recognizes me as the person who stopped a thief on the u3 near landstrasse who stole a wallet from a woman at stevens plots and went back to bring it to her when the rest of the subway sat and did nothing the woman's name was mrs barbara kelser i have the address if you want to contact her to validate this he also made the comment that he remembered something about me being gay at this point i saw everyone in the room four officers turn and look and smirk i then decided it was not a good situation and i needed to get out of there at about 1900 i say can i call a friend who knows a friend who may have money to pay the fine may i add that the controller is gone because i have been put under arrest my crime it has not been told to me as of yet at least in any way that i can understand and certainly no rights have been given to me i call a friend a secret a student from my class the only number i can remember and she gives me a number for a friend who is a few minutes away and can bring me money for the fine i call brian my witness who arrives and is also able to confirm most of the events and he comes in the meantime i am told that i will be strip searched and go in the back room behind the front counter and remove my clothing i refuse as there is no warrant to it and there are also people in the back room i tell him that i can empty out my pockets and my book bag on the counter he agrees but he asks me what i am afraid of and i tell him that i'm not sure what will happen when i go with him in the back room that perhaps he would hit me or something he says that he won't have to unless he thinks that perhaps i have a weapon and then he smiles at me going back to that room was not what i was going to do i empty the contents of the bag some cough drops weight lifting gloves a pair of underwear light blue gym shorts one liter apple juice protein drink shaker full with strawberry flavored soy protein drink powder pair of black entirely cotton gloves a few candy bars and a plastic container of moist travel napkins in my pockets i have a few cough drops exactly 186 and change a book by christopher rice and a paper bookmark my friend brian shows up and is ready to pay the money for the fine and then the police officer mueller hassles him and asks if he is registered and why he's in austria and if he has a passport then he says that no brian won't pay the fine and says that we will go to my flat and get my passport may i add that i agreed to do this before and also agreed to pay the fine before but i was hassled mueller made no attempt to cooperate with me or speak intelligibly with me neither did any of the other officers there they did nothing but hassle and demean me and brian when brian arrived they did the same to him mueller calls up someone to bring a car to the station so that we can go to my flat here is where the line is really stepped over the officers that come in two male and a female who refused to give their names and who had not names on their uniforms that i could see nor my friend brian could see they are to bring me to my flat i say okay we will go to my flat i was unsure of the exact street name as i just moved a month ago and only take the subway there my mail still comes to webster university i gave them the directions then out of nowhere the mail officer of the two that just arrives grabs my bag and i refuse to give it to him until he tells me why he pushes me and pulls up my bag provoking me but i do not give in i keep asking why and he simply says in broken german because i said so my question for asking was because i was not about to come back to the station to retrieve the bag not after this and why couldn't i take it with me back to my flat he then tells me to give him the keys and i give them to my friend brian because i want him to come with me as i will not go alone with the officers he tells brian to give him the keys and says that i will go alone i tell brian how to get to my flat and tell him to meet me there but to wait until we leave then out of nowhere the officer who took my bag takes out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffs me there are now four officers around me one in front of me who has my hands squeezed with my fingers forced in and he almost breaks them so i pull them out of his hand he is pulling me forward so i can't even put my hand behind my back a second one on the side pulling my hand back and a third pulling my other arm and then as they handcuff me the officer in front of me pulls my coat collar so that my face smacks the dust counter and i feel as if either my teeth or my nose will break and then as i stand up the officer in front of me punches me in the right side of the lower chest near my kidneys the punch was hard and it hurt and it gave me a jolt may i add that i was already handcuffed may i also add that when i and brian asked for the officer's name and why he did that he just grinned and went in the back room near his office not to be seen again i was led out of the station and brian went to the subway i was led to the cop car at which time because my handcuffs were so tight and my wrists were turned inside so my shoulder came out of its socket which was very painful i had to bang it against the back of my seat to remedy it the officers refused to untighten the handcuffs this is just horrible okay horrible so it seems like when aaron disappeared he'd already had a negative experience with the police and he felt that they were also judging him a bit for his sexual orientation as well as using very much excessive force for the small issue of being in a russian forgetting to stamp his train pass yeah it's just a very upsetting it's a it's honestly a very upsetting report to read because i don't even care if there's a language barrier like you can tell when somebody's being open and honest and you know not being deceptive and just literally telling you like i just forgot to stamp this pass that i obviously have i'm willing to do whatever it takes to prove this to you we can go back to my flat we can go find my friends like whatever you need and they'd rather just keep him there at the police station and like demean him and harass him and question him about you know things like is he a criminal living in austria illegally things like that instead of just checking his al by first and if that turns out to be a lie then questioning him but there was another meeting arranged with the vienna police it was arranged by evald for cathy on the 20th of november and this time she was accompanied by a psychologist from unido named angelica and angelica was there to help kathy translate this meeting was also with someone named lieutenant gerhard hymeter and upon his first sitting down angelica requested that heimeter and his colleagues the other police officers speak slowly and allow pauses so that angelica could translate and kathy would be able to ask questions or make clarifications but haymatter allegedly said no that's now how this is gonna work you know i'm going to run the meeting the way i see fit and apparently the way he saw fit was to allow another investigator to speak very quickly in german and not pause at all now while he was talking angelica was trying to you know pay attention make notes of things that she felt were important make sure she got everything and kathy kept asking her you know what's he saying what's he saying but angelica kind of like held up one finger like hold on and she's writing notes like wait i can't i can't answer right now cause then i'll miss something and after just a few minutes of this kathy spoke out loud and she was like this is unacceptable at which point she claims lieutenant haymader stood up and said in english no you are unacceptable your behavior is unacceptable you are rude and kathy was like hold up you speak english and you're letting this other guy speak in german understanding that one of my issues is the fact that i don't speak german and i don't understand and i want to be able to understand you're unacceptable right and then hey mater rolls his eyes at her and he told her like you clearly don't understand how an investigation works you clearly don't understand things like spontaneous suicide and kathy was like i understand that there's no such thing as spontaneous suicide and i mean let's pause and talk about this concept of spontaneous suicide i'm not a mental health expert and mental health professional by any means but as far as i can tell she's absolutely right it's not a thing the way the police made it seem was that everything was great with aaron one day and then the next he was like i'm gonna jump into the danube canal spontaneously without warning without provocation now there are cases of people who take their own lives and those around them don't understand why um they they're like we don't know why he or she did this you know but even if there's not an evident reason to you and me or the people in this person's life there's always a reason right even if we don't know it or understand it spontaneous suicide is not an actual term that's used in clinical situations and the reason that they were pretty much giving for his alleged spontaneous suicide was his hiv positive test result which didn't even turn out to be true at this point kathy said hey meter came right over to her sat down next to her and put his hands on her legs and she pushed him off and said you know don't touch me she said he leaned in close to her smiled and said you used to be a police officer to which she responded yes and then he said what were you a parking meter maid then haymeter said to her do you have any more concerns it seems like you have a lot of problems with the police and she was like yeah i got problems with police you know i got questions obviously but i'm clearly not going to get the answers to my questions from you and so then he was like oh what are you going to do like run and go tell someone go over our heads all like cocky at this point they tried to make kathy sign something that was in german but she refused saying you know i'm not going to sign something that i can't read and she says that the translator who was with her was like no you have to sign this like i've read it it's fine and kathy still was like no i'm not going to sign this and then at some point the police officers got distracted and she just got up and walked out of the police station i wish she would have taken the paper with her that they wanted her to sign and had it translated because i'd be very interested to see what it said what they wanted her to sign you know whether it was something saying she couldn't sue them or some sort of like non-disclosure agreement i would be really interested to see what that paper was but something good that did come from this meeting was that the police agreed to put the story in the paper about erin when previously they had not done so because apparently inspector or investigator vice said that he didn't think that it was important he didn't think that it would help so november 20th they agree to put something in the paper this is almost a month later a month after aaron went missing and kathy said the press coverage was not great the headlines had key phrases in them things like mr gay austria spontaneous suicide u.s diplomat runs naked through the streets and in kathy's opinion they purposely used words and verbiage like this so that people wouldn't care about aaron and it made her think of another time in europe over 60 years ago when austria had turned over certain portions of their populations to the nazis and the media coverage about these groups reminded her of the same propaganda that had been used to make the general public feel that these groups that austria was turning over to the nazis were less than she said quote it struck me that the caricatures they had painted along with much of europe was the same caricature they were using to paint my son and they made him small they minimized him and put all these labels on him so that he wasn't a real person anymore and they turned my son into this creature not even a person to be mocked end quote after this kathy continued her same routine you know she would get up in the morning dress warmly and get on the train riding to the last stop and walking through the streets of vienna all the way back one day in early december i believe it was the 5th or 6th of december she was standing outside of the kaiser brindle sauna as she always did for at least an hour or two a day holding a picture of her son when a man leaving the sauna approached her and asked if she was aaron's mother this man introduced himself as jens and he apparently invited her inside the sauna where she was introduced to another person a woman named evelyn who spoke english and who kathy believes was either american or canadian now jens spoke very little english so evelyn translated for jens so that he could kind of communicate with kathy and then jens and evelyn took kathy on a tour of the sauna during which jen's often stopped and just started randomly crying so when kathy attempted to approach jen's and like comfort him she's told by evelyn you know don't do that don't touch him this is very hard for him now before the tour completed they came upon a room in the sauna that had murals on the wall and mirrors all over and here jen's really like broke down and he began sobbing he got down on the tiled floor and he was rubbing the towels on the floor and crying and evelyn tells kathy you know this is where he last saw aaron but when kathy asks the two of them to elaborate like what happened evelyn says it doesn't matter it doesn't matter what happened your son is gone so inside the sauna kathy also noticed several cameras specifically in some hallways as well as in the main reception area where you would enter and check in we don't know if these cameras were ever checked by the police but they said that the sauna wasn't important so i'm gonna say no so at some point in december kathy realized you know she would have to leave vienna she could not get a job in austria because she wasn't a citizen and she could no longer afford to keep paying the mortgage on her house in the states as well as the rent on erin's flat so she had to start this very painful process of getting ready to leave she said quote i think the worst part even more so than getting on the airplane was packing up aaron's things and giving his things away shipping home what i could ship home i shipped home all his movies he had a couple hundred movies he loved movies and cds he loved music and i couldn't leave any of that stuff there and i couldn't give any of that stuff away but he had a home it wasn't just his apartment he had a home he had pots and pans and linens he loved to cook he had all kinds of cookware i've probably got three knives and three forks and three spoons a couple glasses and he had a home he had decorations and he had books and he had tchotchkes all over the place and he had pictures on the wall i packed all the pictures and i packed what i could but he had toasters he had mixers he had all these baking things he had a washing machine he had this table that he'd picked out he had this sofa bed he had his bed you know all his furniture all these things that were important to him it was just getting rid of all his stuff and that hurt the most because it's all i had left was just his material possessions i felt like i was abandoning him by coming home but i didn't have a choice i had to come home end quote now the next year in october of 2008 kathy returned to vienna told a vigil for her son who still had not been found dead or alive while there she contacted a journalist who had recently written an article about aaron's case and in this article he had reported what the police had reported which was that there had been no witnesses in the case no witnesses who had seen aaron running through the streets naked and he told kathy that the day after this article came out he'd gotten an email from a college student named wolf decker who claimed that on october 29th he and his girlfriend had been walking in vienna by the u-bahn station when they'd seen a man matching aaron's description running past them naked and covering his privates with his hands now wolff's girlfriend had whistled at this man who we think is aaron assuming that this was part of like some college prank but both wolf and his girlfriend were startled when the man stopped and turned around to face them claiming that he looked more afraid than anyone they'd ever seen in their lives now wolfe and his girlfriend claimed they had called and reported this to the police after seeing the story in the paper in november of 2007 and the next day two policemen had come to their apartment and taken their statements but when the reporter asked the vienna police about this they claimed that since there were no witnesses wolfe and his girlfriend must be lying because there were no witnesses and they said they were witnesses so they were lying and that they'd never taken any statements from them in november of 2008 an inquest into this case was launched by the green party in austria and on february 10 2009 the minister of the interior released the results of the formal inquest which i'm going to go through with you now so basically what happened here is they asked a bunch of questions over 30 questions and the police had to answer these questions question one basically asked is the case still open or is it you know closed and they responded the investigation in this case is ongoing question two was what did the police think the probable course of events in the disappearance of aaron gillen was and they said based on the case record the course of events was as follows mr gillern got into an argument with another sauna guest between 7 and 7 30. the argument started when the other guest asked mr gillard how he was subsequently mr gillard suddenly and for no apparent reason ran outdoors naked from the sauna later two eyewitnesses were found who saw a naked bald men evidently gillarn running through the first district of vienna toward the danube canal shortly thereafter a fisherman on the danube canal at hermann park in 10 30 vienna third district adjacent to the first district noticed a bald man drifting in the water there who called for help and then sank in the water it can be assumed with a probability verging uncertainty that the man drifting in the water was gillarn question three asked did the investigators test with this case check out rumors according to which there was an argument in the sauna before the disappearance and they responded yes they also said that based on the case record written statements were taken from seven persons regarding the matter information was obtained by telephone from another 10 persons there was another question that asked how did the police get the opinion that aaron had gotten an hiv positive test and that this could be a motive for his spontaneous suicide and they responded there's no indication in the record that the investigators considered a positive hiv test if there was one as the reason for suicide by mr gillard so when the police are asked like how they got their timeline so wrong they respond the assumed time of the argument in the sauna as well as the departure from the sauna is based on the statements made by several witnesses since the missing person report was filed on november 2007 three days after the incident in the sauna and only at this time could a connection be made by name between the unknown male and the danube canal and mr gillard the time of departure from the sauna could no longer be determined exactly since the witness statements diverge it seems like there's a couple of witnesses who saw aaron in the sauna running out of the sauna and they gave different times one gave seven o'clock one gave 7 30. eyewitnesses report having noticed a naked man running towards the damn new canal at about 8pm a telephone call of the witness who noticed a man drifting in the danube canal took place precisely at 8 21 pm so they're saying yeah the timeline was wrong but that wasn't our fault now they're saying that this fisherman call happened and it came in at 8 21 p.m on the night of october 29 2007 and it looks like they're saying that well you guys called the first district to see if there was any 911 calls made but there weren't calls because the fisherman was in the third district i believe which was adjacent or right next to the first district so that could be possible the content of this emergency call was exactly as follows a man is drifting in the water of the danube canal near urania cafe barn restaurant or hermann's strand bar he's shouting for help apparently the measures that they took when they got this call was not sending a bunch of divers in and dredging the canal but they sent several patrol vehicles they also notified the fire department and the diving squad as well as rescue services now they said that even though they notified these groups uh they decided that a diver operation was not possible or else did not seem sensible because of the strong current so they never sent any divers in the water and they have admitted to this they also deny that the police engaged in any homophobic behavior they say there's no connection between the complaint against the police that aaron filed in 2003 and what happened to him in 2007. they also said that there was no search dogs deployed so a possible connection with the missing person was made only after the missing person report was filed on november 1st they also say that the cadaver of an unknown drown a person was not found so no corpse has been found or pulled from the canal at any time so if there was somebody in the canal that drowned they would still be in there allegedly questions 28 and 29 were there handed out copies of the file in this case to the mother of the missing person if not why not their response was according to the case officer's report of the facts the mother was not given a copy of the case record because the legal basis for this was absent so basically this inquest led to nothing because the police were just asked questions and then they responded to them and denied everything that made them look suspicious or made them look like they may have been treating aaron differently based on his sexual orientation and you know they could always just say oh she thought we sent divers we didn't say we sent divers we said we contacted the divers we didn't say we dredged the canal we said we contacted the divers to dredge the canal but then they decided they couldn't because of the current you know so they can just say that something was lost in translation now a reddit user by the name of sinful snow did a very good recap of this case about a year ago and this reddit post says that the kaiser brundle is the most famous gay sauna in vienna and is frequented by many influential people including ministers and older men some of which hold a great deal of power due to this there are many measurements taken to assure discretion at the kaiser brundle there's a discrete parking spot as well as guaranteed anonymity for all its guests this reddit post also says that aaron's slippers were found 15 meters away from the kaiser brundle at the entrance to the frankenzen kirsch it is a a word i cannot pronounce this post also says that kaiser brundle was the sponsor of mr gay austria and it was no secret that there was jealousy and contempt amongst its patrons on october 29th 2016 catherine gillard was holding another vigil in front of the kaiser brundle when she was approached by the owner of the kaiser brundle initially this man who i believe is gunther but i don't know if that's just the manager of the owner but he acted like he wanted to pay respects but as the evening progressed it became clear he just wanted to speak badly about aaron now the person that posted this sinful snow um kind of did their own walk around vienna and says quote after having walked around the area around the kaiser brundle and towards the steuben basti and farther to the danube canal on several occasions in the past month on several mondays at around 1900 i have come to the following conclusions it would be possible to reach stuben basti from kaiser brundle at the given time of day with barely no eyewitnesses however it would be virtually impossible for a bald muscular 185 centimeter tall naked man to go any further towards the duna canal which i believe is the danube canal especially if going along or even crossing the ring strap without having been seen by a significant amount of pedestrians and drivers between the hours of 1920 and 2020 even with a slight snowfall that night assuming the emptiest route through the emptiest side streets with the least amount of people the amount of witnesses should still be at least in the double digits and of those at least some would have likely come forward by now coincidentally on one of the days that i was conducting some research on the bridge that aaron would most likely have jumped from considering it was the only place closest enough to the supposed sighting by the fishermen two people were conducting a vehicle statistic counting all the cars that are driving by and recording them in intervals on the very same bridge on tuesday the 17th of september 2019 and they said that at 1900 there would be an average of 500 cars passing on the small bridge every 15 minutes and these numbers would not likely have been very different in 2007 as this area was equally busy back then now this person shows a map of the area of the kaiser brundle sauna and the place from which the supposed emergency call was placed so i'm gonna place the map on the screen so you guys can see it while we go over it location one would be the location of the kaiser brundle sauna where allegedly an altercation took place that resulted in aaron storming out of the sauna naked in a panic two is going to be the area where aaron lost his slippers and then continued running three is steuben basti which is the street that aaron came running from four is the street where wolf decker and his girlfriend were coming from and where they saw aaron run naked up the stairs towards the domencanner basti this is the last confirmed sighting of aaron and i know that i am absolutely butchering some of the names of these streets i'm doing my best but doman connor basti was the street which aaron is confirmed to have run up but beyond this point we cannot say which path aaron took the street is elevated from where wolf and his girlfriend were standing so we don't really know whether aaron ran straight left or right at the immediate junction that can be seen on the map after that six is the area where a man was reported as floating in the water the spot to the immediate left of it is likely where the fishermen would have been sitting so the personal conclusion of this reddit poster is that aaron gillen's case had been very much mishandled by the austrian police and subsequent investigations into any misconduct were not taken seriously this person says as an austrian they're appalled by this but not surprised the poster says quote i have to preface my following statements by saying that i thoroughly believe the austrian government and police to conduct the vast majority of their operations in good conduct and for the most part neither of these bodies are filled with corrupted officials and officers who will only follow the trail of money however any organization on earth is susceptible to bad individuals within it who will behave in ways that do not represent the values of sad organizations be it through homophobic views interfering with how an investigation is handled or a fabrication of facts to put a case to rest the real danger comes from when these organizations stay silent about these actions and don't take significant action to avoid allowing these individuals to represent their values as those of the organizations from the information in this case we can confirm to be true i believe aaron likely met with foul play the most integral piece of information is the altercation that took place in the kaiser brundle which we know must have taken place after 1927 which is when aaron sent the last text message on his phone before putting it into his bag the only information we have on that altercation is that according to the police a guest put his hand on aaron's shoulder and asked about his well-being after which aaron suddenly lashed out and ran out of the sauna in a panic a bar keeper at the sauna supposedly saw aaron on cctv footage but this footage has never been reviewed by anyone police or otherwise none of the footage that the kaiser brundle has whether or not this person was jen's or whether jens was only watching this cannot be said for certain however this very moment is most likely the one jens thinks of as he breaks down crying while giving catherine the tour of the kaiser brundle this moment is most likely the moment that resulted directly in aaron's disappearance there are some claims that there was an altercation between tourists and locals in the sauna which would likely have been this very altercation and someone possibly confusing aaron as a tourist due to his accent either way i can only guess what happened here as there is not much factual information to go on here but there are some clues that may lead into the right direction aaron gillern was mr gay austria 2006 a mr gay vote similarly to a mrs world vote is a form of beauty pageant where gay men compete on a stage with looks and small talent show which aaron won after displaying his whistling talents there was apparently contempt and jealousy going around and as the kaiser brundle was the one that sponsored the event and many of its patrons would have been a part of it the man aaron had an altercation with could have been one of those jealous patrons perhaps rather than him having asked for aaron's well-being he gave him a threatening message perhaps because he was jealous of aaron winning or perhaps for another reason entirely what i believe to be very likely however is that said patron is either a person of high influence or power or friends with other gay men of influence or power that also frequent the kaiser brundle it is no conspiracy that there are powerful guests among the kaiser brundles regulars there always have been if people such as these were involved in the disappearance it would be of no surprise why jens and evelyn knew what took place here and stayed quiet about it as these very well are people with the ability to make someone disappear the kaiser brundle's discretion is what makes the place so appealing to many powerful people who are active in the gay community but may not want their sexual orientation revealed due to fear of repercussion in their social circles and their professional life its discreet nature also gives us another clue as to what may have happened to aaron as stated by wolf decker the witness who last saw aaron aaron looked as though he was being pursued but there was no other pedestrians around i believe aaron's pursuers were likely not on their feet but in a car the discreet parking space of the kaiser brundle meant that the people who saw the alcatracation in the sauna and the people immediately outside of the sauna's entrance who saw aaron run out naked would not have seen a car leaving from the kaiser brundle even if it left immediately after aaron the side streets in this area would have allowed the car to easily catch up to wherever aaron was running to without being seen or seeming suspicious to the witness wolf decker or any other pedestrians that might have seen it the side streets also allow for many spots where they would have caught aaron off potentially knocking him out and putting him in the car before disposing of him somewhere else possibly even in the kaiser brundle's own unusually deep well where they could have simply driven back into the discreet parking space waited until all the patrons left and dropped his body into the well where it would likely never be found nor noticed the chances that aaron was knocked out and put into a car without being seen are much likelier than him ever reaching the danube canal and jumping off without being seen while this theory might seem a little far-fetched the fact that we cannot confirm any sightings of aaron beyond the domen kiner busty i cannot subscribe to any theory where aaron got much further than that let alone all the way to and into the danube canal with only one very dodgy witness that continuously changed his story or had his story changed by police so i read this redditor's post because i thought it was very good i thought it was very well researched he actually lives in austria he or she i'm assuming it's a man but it could be a woman they live in austria and they have had a chance to walk around the city of vienna they seem to be familiar with the kaiser brundle they know that there's a discreet parking lot in the back they know that they have a very deep well so it seems like this person has a good grasp of what happened and and their theory actually seems pretty plausible so that's where we are today 2021 aaron gillard still hasn't been found his body no sign of him nothing whether he's alive or dead we have no clue we don't know what happened to him his mother is still every single year going to vienna except for this year of course because of covet doing a vigil trying to find out what happened to him trying to raise awareness so that's what we're doing in this video in the description box i'm going to pull a lot of sources i'm going to put a link to that reddit post we just read i'm going to put a link to kathy gillard's website which has a lot of information about aaron's case i'm also going to put a link to the blog that um that the girl that aaron went to college with wrote about him in case you want to read that but all of that's going to be in the description box as well as a way that you can get a hold of someone or you can get a hold of kathy if you have information about what happened to her son aaron because once again somebody knows something and they're not talking they're not saying anything so i would be really happy if this case could get solved if this case could get correct even if he's no longer alive at least his mother has some closure let me know what you guys think about this in the comment section i'm really interested in the discussion that's going to arise from this case because it's just a very big mystery and i don't think it's gotten enough awareness and i hope that you guys have some really great insight to give me share this video i usually say share if you think it's worth sharing but definitely share this video if if you want to i'm not going to force you i'm not like demanding you share it but please share it so that it gets to as many people as possible so that uh hopefully kathy gets some answers and as many eyes as possible get on it like this video if you liked it subscribe if you haven't yet if you're already subscribed make sure you still are because youtube loves to unsubscribe people from my channel don't forget to check out raycon in the description box as well as my podcast crime weekly which i co-host every week with the former police detective derek lavasser it's a really great podcast if i do say so myself and i've been enjoying doing it thank you guys so much for being here stay kind stay beautiful and i'll see you very very soon bye [Music] [Music] mary you don't know how deep it goes until it's getting you slowly so you got to let it go i got blood blood on the strings
Channel: Stephanie Harlowe
Views: 476,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: true crime, mystery, aeryn gillern, vienna austria, stephanie harlowe
Id: R8eM5QL7o20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 46sec (4426 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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