Code Learning Strategies that WORK WONDERS!

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hey guys so let's talk about how to learn how to program effectively actually this lesson which about to get it applies to anything which you want to learn anyway so here's the gist of it I'll get right into it number one your brain can only take in new information at a certain rate or a certain clip if you will think about this when you crammed before an exam forty high school high school university college whatever and you cram before the exam you when to exam you cram you had a short-term memory of things you did your exam and everybody knows but two three weeks later you forgot everything that's not learning that's not and not really effective when it comes to work-related learning so if you want to learn how to program for the sake of a career you don't want to cram and then forget what you want to do is you want to get long-term or permanent understanding of what this it means to code what a coding is about and how to do it and how to approach it techniques concepts etc so this is what you got to do you got to gradually expose yourself on a consistent basis to programming concepts and techniques in fact my studio web app is designed around that premise so when you watch a video then the contents of the video are reinforced immediately with quizzing and code challenges and when you do come back into studio web let's say you do a half an hour training an hour of training and then you'd say okay I'm gonna take a break because the brand's get a little tired get a little frazzled that's an indicator it's a that's a good sign to know that it's time to take a break so you take a break you come back at it maybe five hours later if you feel refreshed maybe the next day if you feel refreshed come back the next day the key is you want to come back to it when you're feeling refreshed you're feeling invigorated you come back and then sidwell remembers not only where you were what lesson you're on but even what question you were on it takes you right back to where you started saving you time so you can progress more quickly what you're going to see as you learn to code is that the first day for example you may be able to study hard for half an hour and it starts to start to get a headache starts to overwhelm you so you take a break then when you're feeling relaxed again the next day you go back to it instead of only being able to say for half an hour else then you can do 45 minutes so you're taking in even more and then you take another break you come back again a day later five hours later two days later depending on how your brain is absorbing the information then also it's not 45 minutes you take in an hour what's gonna happen as you continue to expose yourself more and more to coding techniques and practices and concepts they will become easier and easier and easier to understand and to assimilate and you'll see I use something called a spiral teaching method within the studio up courses in all my courses that take into account how the brain best learns and more easily learns information you see people go to school to learn how to teach people study that there's a skill to it that's one of the reasons why so many courses out there not very effective because the people teaching them don't know how to teach now I come from a family of teachers to been building courses in 2003 I've been teaching I taught martial arts for a long time and I also studied learning theory my major in university of psychology so all these elements go into my courses that's one of the big reasons why they are so effective I understand how the brain assimilates new information the key to this is that you got to do consistently and gradually and you got to give your brain some rest periods in between the learning you got to do that so the brand's time to assimilate the information it's like training if you're doing weight training or any type of sports really but I'll do it weight training what are the most important things you can do in weight training I know it doesn't look like it I used to do a long time ago so anyway one of the things the most important thing you you need to do is to give your body a chance to rest you have to give your body a chance to rest most athletes over train regardless of the sport you hear it all the time in a competitive environment so for example I remember when I was actively involved in heavy-duty martial arts sometimes sometimes people get injured so there you get injured and they were at some point they're forced to leave the training because the injury is so bad so what happens they leave for two weeks they come back and I remember many of my training partners would be like oh boy I left for two weeks I'm gonna be really lucky I terrible they get back in and all sudden they're performing much better than they had in over a year - and the reason that is is because they gave you their bodies and in fact their minds a chance to rest to heal itself to assimilate what they've learned so they could come back fresh with that in mind I remember for a period of time for about a year so I trained with the Canadian wrestling team I wasn't a member I trained with them though and I went and I trained with the Canadian wrestling team because as long as we learned how to wrestle with the best wrestlers out there so I trained with them and I remember that their coach was a gold medalist in the Olympics during the offseason they would train really hard push themselves to get new levels new games but then when they were in competition season they would slow down the training tremendously so that their bodies were very well rested it's this interval type of training is consistent across many disciplines not just sports not just learning business as well back to weight gain weight training after you work out really hard and you literally tear the muscle you have to give your muscles a chance to rest people come back too quickly into the weight training and you know their muscles are still sore they go back and they're in their training and they're not making the gains they could make if they just rest they just rested a little while longer drink drink lots of fluids eat whale blubber blasts well you sleep well but you better give your body a chance to rest same thing when you're learning how to code you're literally carving out new pathways you're creating new can affections in the brain your your simile new knowledge new fundamental ways of thinking in fact when you learn to program you're going to learn how to think in a different way so as a result of that you have to give your brain a chance to rest in between sessions now if there's initial resistance and laziness you have to also push yourself a little bit there that's a little trick if you don't feel like doing your scheduled web development or your PHP or JavaScript or Python training all in particular today my suggestion to you is you sit down and if you're doing a studio web you do one video and you did a quizzes with that one video lesson and then you just walk away that might take you 15-20 minutes or you write two or three lines of code do something just to give yourself a little exposure and if when you sit down and you start writing that code or start doing some of the lessons if it starts if it doesn't start rolling along and still a lot of resistance okay then you do that one lesson answer the quiz questions or you write those few lines of code then you back away put it away and do something totally unrelated to coding something that works the other side the non logical side of your brain gives your brain a rest relax but what you've often find is that once you start doing some lessons you start reading a little bit of code also you start raining a lot of code that being said you still need to schedule downtime rest time as you are learning same thing when you're actively programming often enough you're going to come into a situation where you're writing a code you're writing your app you're writing your program and you just can't figure out this bug this bug is this like bugging you you just can't get it you can't figure it out and you may have worked on it for half an hour an hour I made a mistake we're trying to work on things for two or three hours I'm just gonna get the answer so what I did is I would just back off and say okay forget it I'll just gonna look at it tomorrow or maybe five hours from now especially when you sleep on it overnight what you're gonna find is that if a bug you hit the wall you can't figure it out you sleep on it and they've come the next day having not looked at at all having nothing you sit down in front of a computer and within like two minutes you figure out the answer you go oh that's it because behind the scenes the brain is working on it some assimilating things here's a little tip to take away as an end of this particular vlog the largest most powerful part of your brain is non conscious meaning you're not aware of what's going on it's so powerful it's so capable it's doing all kinds of stuff behind the scenes it's scanning the room like a supercomputer to the VDD like a super radar and it's taking information it's simulating information and you're have no control over it you are not aware of it consciously and but it's there to do some super powerful work for you what you need to do is you need to expose it to information over and over again so that it knows what it should be working on for you so that's the little psychological tip I'll give you again my major in university of psychology so I have some knowledge about this stuff so there you go so that's how you should learn incremental consistent give yourself give yourself some time to rest in between so that your brain can similarly information if you hit a wall back away but try to be consistent don't work for four hours one day and then not touch it for five days you know take one day off come back to it etc you get the idea so you have to work it out you're gonna have to learn how your brain can assimilate this information and in time what you'll see is that you're going to be able to instill a more and more and more information much more quickly and to the point where after you've done a couple of languages you'll be able to learn a whole new programming language in a few hours and be able to write good code production code but I've addressed this in other videos alright that's it for now ciao
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 153,163
Rating: 4.9471335 out of 5
Keywords: learning to code, learning strategies, how to learn
Id: bO__AN3reqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 45sec (645 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2017
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