COD Vanguard Design VS. History

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[Music] foreign despite being upwards of 80 years old World War II has continued to be the foundation for countless stories that have captured the hearts and minds of millions of people from across the world there's intense battles hulking metal monsters that ravage the countryside Cults of personalities or cultive personalities I don't [ __ ] spam all of it creates an engaging and interesting point in history to not only educate about the Follies of man but also entertain with things like Duck Mussolini [Music] thousands of pieces of literature and whole fields of studies centered around the conflict but today we're focused on how the most important medium created by Humanity video games has continued to find new and engaging ways to milk this war for everything it's got foreign [Music] of video games one of the most common themes revolve around conflict good versus evil red versus blue the player versus time monkeys versus freaking balloons given World War II's nature it becomes the perfect scenario to dump the player into a versus situation also due to the complexity and scope of the conflict there is room for every genre to take a crack at it there's Builder games real time strategy games Grand strategy games flight Sims tanks Sims Navy Sims dating Sims the list goes on but there's one genre that many developers gravitate towards when adapting World War II that being first person shooters you know Wolfenstein Day of Defeat Medal of Honor Battlefield 1942 hell let loose day of infamy Red Orchestra to post scriptum Brothers in Arms raid deadly dozen hidden and dangerous Sniper Elite there's a lot but what we're focused on today is Call of Duty arguably the most popular first-person shooter to ever exist for those of you living under a rock Call of Duty is a fast-paced first-person shooter every life lasts to know more than maybe 30 seconds Max and most of the game's modes revolve around killing as many people or accruing the most points as fast as possible one of the main issues that Cod and other first-person shooters of the same variety have begun to experience is a lack of historical authenticity if I wanted it historically accurate game I would play something like I don't know Mario Kart Double Dash but no I'm playing a game that is built to be fast-paced in arcade lake so instead I'm concerned with authenticity authenticity is extremely important in a game that is based on a real life setting because sticking to authentic scenery characters and weapon grounds and immerses the player in the combat seeing as Call of Duty got its start in World War II one would think that they would be pretty well versed in creating an immersive environment for the player to romp around him but more recent titles seem to have lost what gave the series its original magic that's why in this video I'm going to take a deep dive into the recently of all my that's why in this video I'm gonna try to take a deep dive into the recently released Call of Duty Vanguard and compare it to another World War II title in order to explain how to do historical authenticity right foreign look at Call of Duty Vanguard here there's some pretty decent costumes like these yep yeah okay all right all right that's what I'm talking about and then there's this [ __ ] you're marketing an authentic World War II title you say it right here at Activision authentic but then you drop Snoop Dogg and a [ __ ] bipedal wolf on the front lines next to private Maguire from El Paso it just doesn't make sense I understand that Call of Duty is an arcade shooter it's meant to be fast-paced fun and light-hearted but no matter the game immersion is very important as any Cod been 100 historically accurate No but maintaining authenticity is what gave many of cod vanguard's predecessors like World of War and Black Ops their gritty charm when making a game based on a historical setting one of the amazing ways to immerse the player in the environment is to get this represent this setting properly is it impossible to be engaged in COD Vanguard no but am I taken out of the action a little bit whenever Mechagodzilla starts teabagging me just a little bit that's just from an authenticity standpoint from a design standpoint it's even worse these skins don't match the aesthetic of the everything else going on in the game at all and overall they just make the scenery uglier and the player's perspective visually crowded I mean don't get me wrong I'm all for customization I mean one of my favorite games ever is Team Fortress 2. it has an entire economy revolving around cosmetic items but at least those fit the aesthetic dancing oh yeah now look at this game all right you see this these guys look legit their clothing is time period appropriate and there's no real egregious missteps in design it's a pretty standard uniform in these dope posters give each character their unique charm groovy baby this is how you do historical authenticity right while also maintaining a uniqueness to each character that the player is going to pick this game might predate Cod Vanguard by a few years but the facts are here even for the small company creating This World War II arcade shooter there's no excuse to not have every character be historically authentic to a reasonable degree I'm not asking for much but this just might be overdoing it a little bit you know when you throwed me up like Stevenson you put somebody stuffing in the wrong places so I'm a little [ __ ] up [Music] now this point might be a little bit more shady because every modern Cod has always taken pride in its weapon customization and I honestly really enjoy crafting cursed guns but some of these are a little ridiculous the best way to highlight this would be to take a couple weapons from Cod Vanguard and just side by side them with the other game first here's the MP40 originally both looked pretty good I'm pretty pleased oh what the hell is this what it's just an ordinary crabby oh my goodness that looks horrendous I actually wouldn't even know what gun it was if the game didn't outright tell me here's another example that M1 grand why does it have a drum mag to me that would be like me playing Fallout 4 and slapping a bunch of scrap Parts together and calling it a plasma rifle it might be a gun but that is sure as hell not right the other game though solid it looks and sounds like the M1 grand there's no drum mag in their shirt as hell isn't any stupid ass holographic site that shouldn't even be there like what the what are you even doing man it's just the good old gun I will give a bonus point though because Cod did get the ping rate finally I have got another classic World War II gun here for you guys I would be hung by the rafters if I didn't include this in the video so obviously without further Ado let's let's get the drum roll going yep come on here we go there we go all right yep built the suspense you know it you love it the ex1 baby yeah that's what I'm talking about developed in 2054 by [Music] what the hell Sledgehammer I I get it you developed Advanced Warfare but why did you have to put this gun in the game it makes no sense man I I could excuse the wacky loadouts but it's it's just a laser gun like this is the exact same problem I had with the costumes like I don't even know what to say man this is just abysmal now the reason I'm giving Cod so much [ __ ] here is because I know what its predecessors accomplished look at something like World of War even though it got a little Fantastical with some aspects every gun fits the scenery in the theme even Cod World War II developed by the same Sledgehammer Games mind you prize and mostly succeeds at accomplishing what Vanguard couldn't now what made you want to [ __ ] it up this bad money foreign I have never claimed to be an expert in the vehicles of World War II so in order to not sound like a complete fool I actually went out of my way and secured an interview with my local tank expert here in order to figure out some of the inaccuracies that can be found in vanguard's tank turret and compared to the same turret in the other game I've been using so without further Ado let's see what this guy has to say so tell me about tank turret number one so with tank turret number one you've got a lot of inconsistencies as historicalness first of all if you look at the scale of this thing it's supposed to be based off of the Panzer for as far as I can tell and really not the yeah so given that here's what he had to say about the other games tank turret this turret is a lot more historically accurate as you can see even the experts agree that Cod Vanguard is horrible at portraying time appropriate vehicles on top of the other inconsistencies found with the clothing and firearms from World War II it's blunders like these that are so easy to get right that when done wrong they just become ammo for people who care too much about a stupid video game like me authenticity is so important to video games that the title I've been using to compare to Cod Vanguard is Dino D-Day that's right the game about shooting Nazi dinosaur source is more historically authentic than Cod Vanguard historical authenticity is nothing like historical accuracy and it can go a long way when creating a fun and engaging title so I'm hoping that Sledgehammer Games has taken a couple notes here because a t-rex with machine guns on its head is pretty [ __ ] dope [Music]
Channel: Strobelite
Views: 542,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call of Duty, Call of Duty Vangaurd, Dino D Day, History, Historical Authenticity, Historical Accuracy, Cod, COD, Cod Vangaurd, COD Vangaurd, Call of duty, COD Vanguard, Call of Duty Vanguard, Cod Vanguard, FPS, First Person Shooter, first person shooter, Strobelite, Strobelite cod, strobelite cod
Id: lq6WF3YU0-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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