Listing Every Historical Inaccuracy in Call Of Duty Vanguard

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listing every historical inaccuracy in call of duty vanguard there's a lot of them so prepare yourself and let's do this the game starts in the year 1945 during the capture of hamburg which even an allied task force called vanguard all of the members of this team are special forces soldiers from different nationalities and have been brought together to find intel on the secret project phoenix there are straight aways and accuracies here as task force vanguard never existed and would not even make sense to exist in such a late stage of world war ii with it being literal days before germany's surrender it also doesn't make sense why the soviets would give up one of their best snipers for this operation while they are currently attacking berlin and one of these members is a pilot who specializes in flying planes not performing secret ground operations here we see the drg class 24 locomotive but it clearly does not have any tender to hold coal hamburg is currently in the middle of an air raid so a blackout should be in place during night to reduce his ability for bombers meaning none of the lights should be on in these houses yeah mate what's a bloody story we don't quite know you mean the eso [ __ ] he doesn't quite know you know what i'm gonna go pull the prince all we have is a name phoenix that scene just showed that these highly skilled soldiers were sent in by the soe to retrieve intel on something that they themselves don't even know the importance of this unpreparedness could easily put their lives in the line for potentially nothing which further adds to the unrealistic nature of this operation here wade somehow has a japanese type 100 smg and we can also find japanese type 11s on a train once off the train you can find an mg42 which you can jump around slide and hip fire with which would have been pretty much impossible as the mg-42 is a light machine gun that is very heavy and has uncontrollable recoil when not mounted also it has a post-war mg3 box magazine on it many of these weapons have dual drum mags and holographic sights despite them not existing during world war ii this is not how attack dogs work they are supposed to disable their targets so that a soldier can then shoot them but in the game they give you one little bite and you're dead throughout the level we see the german soldiers using revolving shotguns this shotgun did actually exist in real life and was called the becker revolving shotgun but only about 100 or so were ever produced so it should not nearly be as prevalent as it is in the game while in the submarine you get hit by a stun grenade which doesn't match up as stun grenades were not developed or used until the 1960s this ss officer should be wearing the shoulder boards that correspond woody's rank of unterstonefuhrer your rhineland accent you must be from loistat during the occupation you saw french soldiers who look like me carry guns in your streets marry your women although it is true that africa french soldiers did serve in the rhineland during its occupation to regard the french canonicalist relationships with the local women as marriage will be an extremely loose term considering that they actually forced themselves onto those women in fact the event was so horrendous that the triple antoinette allies even demanded the french government arrest the french canola troops that were involved in the incident later dubbed the black horror on the rhine the next mission brings us to normandy during the british d-day airborne operation tonga where we partake in the battle of the marvel gun battery the first problem here is that we play as sergeant kingsley a character who was inspired by a real british soldier by the name of sydney cornell although cornell was the first black paratrooper who fought in d-day he did not take part in the assault on the marvel battery this is a patch of the first allied airborne army which was only formed by august 1944 a full two months after this mission the british paratroopers do not have leg bags when in fact they are most experienced in jumping with it the jump master has eight basic commands that they have to say but here he only says three the amount of aircraft shot down spotlights anti-aircraft guns and sheer destruction is extremely dramatized here as only two planes were actually lost during the real operation british paratroopers did not have a reserve parachute as the war office sodom is too expensive so they should not have them here this british paratrooper somehow has an american m1 garand really a fully automatic 88 millimeter flat gun okay developers the stahem insignia should not illustrate the german national cutters german high command mandated against this in 1940 this german soldier has smg ammo pouches despite him wielding a rifle many of the german enemies are wearing heavy trench coats despite it being summer once on the ground we meet with richard webb whose real-life counterpart is a soldier named terence otway terence artway was the commander of the battalion in charge of attacking the marvel battery but in the game cornell's character is put as the leader instead this literally makes no sense as again cornell was never in this operation if this wasn't bad enough the game didn't depict otway's character as a coward by making him not want to push the attack only for kingsley to convince him terence outweight was not a coward as he was the one who bravely launched the attack on a marvel battery even though his battalion was heavily lacking weapons and manpower with him only having 150 out of his 700 paratroopers due to most of them going missing during the chaotic parachuting most of the paratroopers have corporal stripes on their arms despite having private lieutenant and other ranks under names it was still night time when the real attack on the marvel battery began also the real marvel battery was never located by a cliff the gliders that took part in a real operation tanga are missing in the game this shell shark soldier magically musters up the strength to go up over and continue fighting by simply receiving some encouraging words from our character already get out there here the germans perform a charge which would be completely pointless as they are already in an elevated position with plenty of cover these armored troop transports were not used in the actual battle these battery guns should have been czechoslovakian world war 1 era 100 millimeter field howlitzers the real-life account of the assault and the murphy battery said that the paratroopers had to make do with gammon grenades and plastic explosives not termite grenades there was no offshore artillery to bombard the casements since it was only a contingency measure should the paratroopers fail to capture the battery by 5 am even then richter was easy to read uniforms at high rank no compact metals no he is clearly wearing the ribbon of a knight's cross of the iron cross metal on his uniform the next mission takes us to the city of stalingrad just before the german assault in 1942 here our characters rudder refers to his petrobombs as the term molotov cocktail was invented by finnish soldiers during the winter war to mock the soviet foreign minister that's lav molotov so unless this guy is secretly an enemy of the soviet state then this doesn't make sense when you consider the fact that the red army was fully aware of the incoming battle then it doesn't match up that most of these people are casually sitting around at this point in time the german sixth army was on the outskirts of stalingrad and was chasing the soviets 62nd and 64th armies which had retreated back into the city it should be all hands on deck all civilians should be getting enlisted forming into militias or building fortifications and digging trenches we can overhear conversations of citizens and some of them state that they are considering leaving the city this would not have been possible as stalin refused to allow citizens in stalingrad evacuated before the beginning of the military assault because he believed that having them in the city would provide motivation to the red army to fight harder here we see a soviet t3485 which is a tank that didn't enter service until 1944. making it impossible to be featured here in 1942 many of these soldiers are wearing shoulder pads which were not introduced to the soviet uniform until 1943. this particular soldier is also wearing medals which are from the complete wrong period this one appears to be a jubilee medal which was handed out in 1968 and this one seems to be the one rewarded to soldiers for the capture of berlin in 1945. the attacking bomber planes appear to be german he he-177s when in reality he-111 bombers were used these german bombs somehow land horizontally when they should be landing vertically there seems to be a severe lack in anti-aircraft guns which should be shooting down some of these bombers when running across the roofs we get attacked by german ju-87 stuka dive bombers firstly these fighters should not be flying this low secondly when we investigate the underbelly of one of these planes which you can get a closer look at in the trailer for this game we can see an absolute array of inaccuracies we see that it has the old side radiator from the b and r variant the outboard fuel tanks for use for the r variant it has 20 millimeter cannons that were used against tanks and was only featured on the d variant later renamed to the g variant the d variant radiators are missing it has no engine intake the siren here wasn't used together with the outboard fuel tank or the gun pods and then we have the bomb which would not have been used at the same time as the gun pods and finally it features an arrestor hook used for landing on aircraft carriers which is equipped on the experimental navy c variant of the ju-87 so it seems like they just slapped together as many details from as many different variants of the stuka as possible and thus created an engineering nightmare that would most probably be too heavy to fly properly hey get back inside me keep in mind that our character is still wearing her soviet uniform so it'll be much more realistic for this german soldier to immediately shoot her on sight or at the very least capture her speaking of which there is no way that german soldiers would be able to be seen this far in the city in less than a day since it started a battle it took the vermax two or three weeks of brutal house to house fighting before they reached anywhere near downtown stalingrad here it seems that an entire platoon of german soldiers are protecting these prisoners when realistically they would have just executed them the troops themselves also seem to be luffa for paratroopers which doesn't make sense as only one company of paratroopers which is about a hundred men actually saw combat in stalingrad and none were even in the initial attack on the city the following level brings us to the naval battle of midway in 1942. this guy is wearing a us army uniform with the patch of an army sergeant when he should be wearing the us navy insignia and uniform instead he also for some reason has a u.s army combat infantry badge with a sword instead of a rifle on it and this army air force patch has the airborne tab on the wrong end here we see an army air force poster but the u.s air force did not become its own branch until after world war ii also we are on a u.s navy carrier so it'd be much more realistic for this to be a poster of the u.s navy aviation branch instead the u.s cruisers are missing all of their turrets there's a hundred pound bombs on the wings of the aircraft despite the fact that the bombers weren't equipped with them in real life due to range and performance issues the game depicts all the american squadrons launching at the same time in a coordinated wave of aircraft that wipe out the japanese fleece swiftly this was not the case as the squadrons actually are launched at different times and in some cases different directions catching the japanese off guard by accident and sheer luck the top hero bombers should not be flying this high spd dauntless pilots actually opened their canopy when performing a dive as the different air temperature would cause fog on the glass when it was closed and thus limit visibility your fighters find the japanese fleet in less than four minutes when in reality it took much longer during the dive run the rear gunner is calling out the altitude despite there being no altitude meter back there the japanese ships would not be this close together in reality they are quite far apart to have room to maneuver and avoid torpedoes there's no way that an american sbd dauntless dive bomber with a bomb node attached would be able to help perform and outspeed japanese a6m0 fighters when the american bombers assaulted the enemy carriers they were largely uncontested as the japanese heroes were not high enough to fight them because they were too busy fighting off torpedo planes that attacked earlier meaning there should not be this many zeros attacking us in the game there was no rain or thunderstorms at the battle of midway your aircraft also magically reloads its bombs mid-air because you somehow have enough bombs to perform a second dive run by looking at the structure and letters displayed on the carriers we can tell that the one we take off from is the uss enterprise the first japanese carrier we attack is the soryu and the second one is the kage this is in reverse order of what happened in real life as akage was attacked before the soryu the game also tells us that we are in bombing squadron 6 which was a real squadron power to the air group on the enterprise these squadrons went on to sink the japanese carriers kage and akagi but as just mentioned we destroyed a soryu and kage in the game which does not match up as zoryo was actually attacked by bombers from the uss yorktown not the enterprise the following level takes place during the battle of numa numa trail on bougainville island in november 1943. what did he think he was going to achieve here we use a japanese type 97 grenade but for them to explode you need to not only pull the pin but also press in the firing pin on the top which our character fails to do again we see the revolving shotgun as mentioned earlier this is strictly a german weapon and was exceptionally rare do you speak japanese oh yes mr japanese soldier who for some reason knows perfect english i am sure that our american pilot character is fluent in the language of japanese this american ambush is portrayed poorly all attacking forces should have each targeted a japanese soldier and all shot at the same time they also should not have come out of cover while the enemy is still firing at them here this soldier tells us that they are powered to the 93rd infantry division this unit was one of two african-american combat divisions who served during world war ii the problems here lay in the fact that the 93 division was mainly tasked with labor and security missions on the goddard canal so they did not see much combat and the division didn't even arrive on bougainville island until march 1944 making it impossible for them to be here in november 1943 as the game depicts he states that the mission was to rescue the two pilots but then they immediately consider not saving them because they'll be dead weight booklet is carrying a rifle cartridge belt despite him being a submachine gunner howard is using the flamethrower at point-blank range and in the wrong setting the weapon had a range of to 40 meters and was supposed to be used to clear bunkers and destroy fortifications booker mentions that they are here to assist the 23rd division the dates again do not match because the 23rd only arrived in january 1944 to replace the third marine division at cave turkina also the 23rd division was the only american division that was never actually called by its number with it being referred to by its name of a miracle division throughout the level we find japanese soldiers wielding german scg-44s which is both misplaced and anachronistic as the sdg was not distributed until 1944. here howard gets shot through the back which means that the bullet would also have gone through the fuel tank and render the flamethrower uses as the fuel would leak the flamethrower did not have this much fuel with it only being able to consistently fire for seven seconds before it had to be refueled here we see a type 41 mountain cannon which although was used by japanese forces in world war ii due to its lightweight and maneuverability it would be more realistic to have an anti-aircraft gun here instead since it is located right next to an airfield this grenade will not explode because the safety lever on the side was not released here we see american 76 millimeter sherman tanks these tanks were only used in late 1944 and were specifically designed to destroy heavily armored german tanks such as tigers or panthers not lightweight japanese tanks which were renowned for having terrible armor flying an enemy's flame would be in a short way of getting shut down by your own allies once again we use a german weapon in the pacific and this time it's an mg-42 that happens to have unlimited ammo the sherman was one of the greatest and most armored medium tanks in world war ii so they should not all be getting destroyed so easily by some lightweight japanese tanks like they are here also yes this sherman legit just tried to shoot down a japanese fighter with its cannon this wounded soldier is wearing m1943 boots which would be impossible considering that the model 43 uniform set was still undergoing testing in italy during this time the soldiers should be wearing a helmet while in direct combat not garrison caps the next mission takes us back to stalingrad towards the end of the battle in january of 1943. her character in the stellengrad missions is based on a real soviet sniper named lamilla pavlechenko but unfortunately the only two similarities between these two people is that they are both soviet female highly skilled snipers as pavlichenko never even fought in the battle of stalingrad as the game depicts it is far too quiet during this opening sniper fight there should definitely be gunshots and bombs going off in the background here we can find an as44 an early soviet assault rifle that was not designed until 1944. oh look it's the t3485 tank again still a year too early to be featured here though our character somehow reloads this pistol with one hand keep in mind that at this time in the battle the german forces were already completely encircled and on the verge of defeat so it makes no sense for there to be so many german troops and no soviet soldiers in sight these jager mortar heavily armored soldiers never existed in real life when you consider that the battle of stalingrad was the single bloodiest conflict in history that involved thousands of troops performing brutal close quarter house to house fighting with upwards of 19 000 people being killed per day then it really doesn't make sense to why it's so empty around here seriously this is the vermili fountain which was infamous for representing the destruction and carnage of the fighting in stalingrad remember the fountain in codworld.war that did such a better job at capturing the brutality of this conflict the infamous lady nightingale brought stalingrad back from the brink her actions inspired the russians to take back their city and go on the offensive polina changed the course of the war for the allies and her people no no one superhuman sniper motivated the entire red army to fight what really motivated soviet troops were orders such as stalin's not one step back which saw any retreating red army soldiers to be killed instantaneously with other influences including war propaganda and the drive to defend our country and citizens from the enemy invaders and although yes our character's real-life counterpart pavlinchenko was an extremely skilled sniper who inspired her comrades in arms and later even became a propaganda is for the red army her impact on the war was not nearly as big as the game depicts and again she had nothing to do with stalingrad the next level takes place during the battle of travrook part of the north african campaign in 1941. the character who he plays in this level lucas is inspired by a real soldier named charles opham the problem here is that oppam was from new zealand and fought for the new zealand military force but our character in the game for some reason is from australia and fights in an australian infantry division this german tank is a panzer iv f2 which was not produced until march 1942 making it anachronistic to feature here in 1941. we start the mission using an owen gun but this submachine gun was not produced until 1942 the battle of tobruk had a large prevalence of italian troops and yet we see none in this mission we can even find a breta pg burst assault rifle which was an italian prototype weapon but still no italian soldiers would be seen anywhere we can find the german enemies using volstorm cavers which doesn't match up as this gun did not see combat use until 1945. the german maps and documents in this level and in the rest of the game all have the symbol of the storm accident on them but this paramilitary organization was largely replaced by the waffen ss at the start of the war making it more likely for these documents to have the ss symbol or any other such insignia on them major hams appears to be wearing 1888 pattern slade wallace equipment for some reason there is even bullets visible on the side of these pouches which wouldn't fit any of the standard issued weapons during the second world war the following mission brings us to the battle of el alamein in october of 1942 it starts with all these soldiers sitting on top of these crusader tanks this would be unlikely as the crusader is a fast lightweight tank that was made for quickly breaking through enemy lines so soldiers would usually choose to sit atop the slower and more armored tanks such as the matilda twos or churchills the first rpg was put into service in 1954 and the letter stood for rochnai pratova tankavi granana tamyat which is russian for hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher and then using the same acronym of rpg it turned into rocker-propelled grenade so to have the commander referring to it as an rpg in 1942 would be anachronistic the lee enfields that we use at the beginning of the level only holds five rounds when it should be holding ten here we see eight panzer iv f2s with the 76 millimeter cannons but only a very few number of these tanks actually took part in the battle of el alamein with the majority of the axis tank forces being made up of m1340 and m1441 italian tanks alongside short barrels panzer fours and panzer trees these tanks are way too close to each other real tank engagements usually occurred at a much larger distance of 500 meters or so these australian soldiers should be wearing british brody helmets instead of these hats during combat this aircraft is bombing way too close to their own troops world war ii era bombers were not that precise so they would have to bomb hundreds of meters away from their allies to avoid friendly fire the location where the real battle of el alamein happened was mostly flat desert so there should not be mountains or old ruins here apparently a grenade launcher from wolfenstein somehow slipped its way into this game the panzerfaust was a single use disposable weapon so you should not be able to reload it and use it multiple times like you can here the rigid hierarchy of allied command would look at lucas and see only character flaws the british commander of the eighth army grew up in australia claimed that australia was the place that inspired him to become a soldier praise the ninth australian division which is the one our character lucas is depicted to be in stated that they are some of the finest troops at adamaine and even visited the surviving veterans of the ninth after the war was over so this really doesn't match with the discrimination against australian soldiers that this game is showing the final mission of this game takes place during the battle of berlin in may 1945 but from the ashes shall rise our vision for something greater to the forthright throughout the whole campaign this guy keeps going on about how he needs to get to temfolov airport so he can fly away and execute project phoenix to bring the reich back but not once should the game explain how exactly he is going to achieve this impossible task it is late in the war also he says that project phoenix started three years ago but germany was still winning the war back in 1942 so why would they make a plan to resurrect themselves if their defeat was nowhere in sight here our character holds a pistol with two hands instead of one in world war ii soldiers were trying to hold a pistol with one hand so that they could hold a knife map binoculars or any other object in the other hand substantial sections of the subway under berlin were purposely flooded during the real battle in the city yet in the game we see that none of the tunnels have any water in them many of the german enemies are wearing modern plate carriers which didn't exist during world war ii tempelhof airport was taken control by soviet forces on april 26 1945 but the game depicts the battlefirst occurring in may i think it goes without saying that these german flamethrower juggernaut enemies did not exist at this point in the battle berlin was completely surrounded by the red army so the chances of our characters not getting shot down and successfully flying out of the city in this german enemy plane will be exceptionally low [Music] what's project aggregate secret v2 rocket facility you think you could buy one of those i could fly anything no you couldn't the v2 rocket was an early long-range guided ballistic missile it had no cockpit so you couldn't pilot it forged in the fires they were the tip of the spear me with a vanguard the word vanguard is defined as a group of people leading in the foremost part of an advancing army this is exactly not what our group in the game is they were fighting an all but defeated enemy at the very end of the war the total number of historical inaccuracies that i was able to find was 139 but all of these details were quick things that i spotted in my first or second playthrough of the story mode so there definitely is loads more especially regarding the array of bizarre and cursed attachments on the guns so if you have any more historical inaccuracies you'd like to add to the list then please comment them below if you enjoyed my historical analysis then i'd highly recommend checking out this video which explores real life history featured in call of duty black ops 1 linked on screen now and with that i thank you for watching please consider liking and subscribing this has been the frosty one over and out
Channel: The Frosty 1
Views: 1,376,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: call of duty vanguard, cod vanguard, cod vanguard history, historian reacts, call of duty, call of duty vanguard reaction, vanguard, call of duty vanguard historical inaccuracies, history, call of duty history, vanguard reaction, everything wrong with, historically inaccurate, woke, cod, cod history, history of call of duty, game sins, history in vanguard, historical accuracy, cod vanguard historical accuracy, changing history, woke washed, cod vanguard changing history, review
Id: 7po41hJUsus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 13 2022
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