Coconut Cream Pumpkin Soup with Lobster and Wild Mushrooms

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gorgeous coconut milk pumpkin soup with salted chanterelle mushrooms and poached lobster oh get me a spoon winston [Music] winston [Music] come back with that leg of lamb [Music] from pumpkin pies to pumpkin spice lattes pumpkin is the american icon and nothing symbolizes fall in america more than the arrival of the pumpkin every october adults are obsessed with pumpkins they decorate their front porches with them all the different shapes and colors and the kids love the pumpkins too carving the jack-o-lanterns and putting the candle in the center and every year over one and a half billion pounds of pumpkins are produced every year the pumpkin was one of the first wild plants cultivated for human consumption in america so that makes it part of american culinary history i want to share with you my favorite pumpkin soup now i don't use canned pumpkin in this recipe it's all fresh so it takes a little extra time a little extra work but it's worth it i promise so don't let that put you off i use pie pumpkins when i'm making my pumpkin soup but i've also got a fairy tale pumpkin roasting away in the oven because i want to serve it inside that look at that it looks amazing already when we're cutting the pumpkin turn it sideways and cut down take off that stalk but don't cut all the way through it keep turning it around and cutting turn it around and cut and then the stalk just comes off now we've got a base to actually cut the pumpkin firm next put a knife into the pumpkin okay we're not just trying to soar away at it we'll end up losing our fingers and we don't want to do that so knife into it and then just work our way down to the bottom what i always tell chefs when i'm teaching them when they're cutting something like the winter squash the pumpkins then it's always best to keep cutting down onto the board right so then turn it around go the other way where we cut follow it around and it's as easy as that when you're working with the pumpkin on the board the last thing you need is for the board to be rocking around so what i use is one of these new gadgets i've shown it before in my other videos it's called a board body and you slot that piece of silicon down and put the board on top now the board's going nowhere i put a link to them in the description they're not expensive if you don't want to order one then a little paper towel wet it first put it underneath the board it'll stop it slipping but i do like the board buddies next we've got to take from the center the seeds the pumpkin seeds so we just get a spoon and scoop away at those you can eat the seeds if you wash them off dry them really well toss them in a little olive oil with some chili and garlic and salt roast them off for about 15 minutes on a tray absolutely gorgeous but today i'm not going to use them in my soup once you've got all the pulp and the seeds out then we've got to take the skin off the pumpkin and to do that again cut down all the time so cut it in half and then into little wedges like this once we've got these wedges then i'm going to sit it firm on the board and just cut down all the way around by doing it this way i'm not going to lose any fingers and you can do this part the day before if you want to before you're making your soup you can do it ahead of time just sit the pumpkin in the fridge and then once i've cut all of the outside rind off then i'm going to just cut them into bite-sized pieces once you've got them all cut they're going into a 400 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes but first i'm going to give them a little drizzle of olive oil and a sprinkle of salt maybe a little pepper too salt really draws out the moisture from the pumpkin and helps it roast much quicker you can boil these too if you want to but by roasting them we get a caramelization in there on the outside of the pumpkin and that really brings out the natural sweetness and for me that just takes the pumpkin soup to the next level into the oven [Music] while the pumpkin's roasting i'm going to start preparing the rest of my ingredients that are going into the soup i've got some onion some turmeric and some ginger now by adding the turmeric and ginger i'm creating this gorgeous soup but also a healthy one too that has all of these immune boosting benefits to it and that's just perfect for cold and flu season so onion first we don't have to chop it too fine because it's going into the blender but just run a knife through that and then just chop rough chop i'm using a whole onion then my turmeric i just take the knife and scrape it look at that gorgeous gorgeous orange color and then some ginger just scrape it and i can cut off what i need probably about this much in my turmeric too then i'm going to saute the onion turmeric ginger and a little garlic in some olive oil until it gets nice and soft and translucent so [Music] a little salt in there too again helps draw the moisture out makes it soften quicker pumpkins are so versatile you can mash them puree them roast them i mean so many different ways of using them all we seem to do though here is just carve holes in them and put a lantern in them as you can see now the onions have started caramelizing and they've released all those sugars in there they already smell amazing and that garlic in there too keep stirring it don't just leave it because you don't want to burn the garlic that makes it really bitter then i'm going to add a little flour in there let's give it a stir and then i've got some chicken broth if you want to use vegetable broth you can stir that in and we already have the base for our soup and then just add the rest bring it to the boil and let it simmer then for about 10 minutes just so all those flavors go into the broth when the pumpkin comes out of the oven it smells amazing it's nice and soft and tender and caramelized on the top don't worry about those darker parts those are just going to enhance the whole of the soup i also roasted the fairy tale pumpkin here and i just think it looks amazing to serve the soup in the fairy tale pumpkin i cut off the lid scooped it out roasted it for about 45 minutes and then you actually have the top and the bottom now the color of the fairy tale pumpkin is is really this gorgeous orange and when you mix it with the pie pumpkin you get this magical color fairy tale pumpkin magical color sorry that joke so i'm starting off with my pumpkin that i roasted my fairy tale pumpkin and i'm going to take all of the meat from that one and put it into my blender now the reason that i don't mix all of this into the liquid is because i want to make sure i've got the right thickness and by purium first and then adding the liquid then i can get to the right consistency then i can add my pie pumpkin save a little bit after that we're going to add the liquid and we're going to blitz it until smooth [Music] once it's nice and smooth then we can take oh it smells amazing this gorgeous pumpkin soup and pour this into the bowl it'll still be quite thick but that's okay because i'm going to add some coconut milk into there now this is optional if you don't want to put that in you can put a little bit more chicken broth or if you also want you can put some cream in there too and make it really creamy but this is a great dairy free soup for the fall if we want to now we can just add in there a little more chicken broth for consistency and it really does smell amazing now the taste test just make sure that there's plenty of salt and pepper in there it's so creamy can actually taste that turmeric i didn't put a lot in there but you know the benefits you know to the immune system and it's ready to serve now i like to serve my pumpkin soup with some chantral mushrooms just lightly salted wild mushrooms a little olive oil in there a little garlic and then some chives and then i've actually got some lobster too the combination of all that together just incredible now you don't have to put wild mushrooms and lobster in yours at home if you like it a little sweeter a splash of maple syrup stir that in as well a little cream i'm gonna put some coconut cream in mine just to finish it there's no wonder i love the fall and all these beautiful earthy dishes all we have to do now is serve it oh this just looks delicious looks amazing touch the edge of the side there look at the caramelization of the sugars from the fairy tale pumpkin around the side there then [Music] i've got my wild mushrooms my beautiful chanterelles i can sit on top a little of my coconut cream that's going in there as well and my lobster oh and finally the chives in the 1800s pumpkin pie became really popular a way of using up pumpkins and everyone was baking them in fact today over 50 million pies a bait every thanksgiving unbelievable but pumpkin soup is the poor little sister the little cinderella pumpkin cinderella i hope that you make this recipe at home i hope that you'll try this pumpkin soup is just gorgeous and you know if you can run to a few wild mushrooms in there or even regular mushrooms the combination of those earthy wild mushrooms and the soup a little lobster and the coconut is amazing thanks for watching the video hope you've enjoyed it subscribe if you haven't already and give me a thumbs up leave a comment below if you've made a pumpkin soup or a squash soup let me know your recipe too i'll see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 41,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, buckingham palace, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, royal, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, Balmoral, windsor castle, queens food, food network, recipes, dallas, dallas caterer, wedding caterer, corporate caterer, The Crown, princess diana, thanksgiving, pumpkin soup, pumpkin, halloween, soup, fall soup, winter soup, healthy soup, turmeric, ginger, amazing soup, lobster
Id: Y7zO8Za0sj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 21 2021
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