Posset At The Palace !

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winston [Music] winston [Music] come back with that leg of lamb this brilliant and totally old-school british dessert uses just heat and well kitchen magic to turn lemon and cream into a delicious quintessentially british pudding i love looking back at some of the dishes i used to prepare at buckingham palace some of them date back over a hundred years and the history behind the recipes is incredible take lemon possit for example posits date back to the 15th century posse where did that name come from well possible actually means you know newborn babies sick when they throw up anyway posits date back so far they're actually mentioned in macbeth lady macbeth use posits to poison the guards we're already off to a great start aren't we milk wine ginger sugar star anise they were all added together and boiled together in the 15th century and that was actually a remedy for colds and flus now in the 16th century that all changed the posse became even more popular but it was just three ingredients lemons sugar and cream it's one of the easiest recipes you can make but actually one of the tastiest too used to be on the menu all the time at the palace and i'm going to share with you the palace recipe we start off by adding some cream into a pan and then the sugar next some lemons and we're going to zest them i like to use a microplane it makes it really nice and fine zest i put a link to the one i use in the description but you can get them these days from any good sort of grocery store and they're not too expensive either zest away on that microplane and by using a microplane you don't get that white bitter pith underneath you just get this gorgeous organic lemon zest posits have really had a bad route in british history you know they never really made it onto the us world stage they sat back and sort of watched the panna cottas and the creme brulees steal the show but this this dessert this is a gorgeous dessert it really is and if you've not tried it you don't know what you're missing and it's so easy to make that you can make one at home too make sure you get all that zest off the two lemons it's going to make it really zingy as you spoon into it once your sugar cream and lemon zest are in there we whisk them all together and then they go on the stove while the cream's boiling and reducing down a little bit i'm going to make my lemon juice posits don't need eggs and cornstarch and gelatin to help make them set instead they rely on acid or yeah acid acid from lemon juice of course just combining those three ingredients makes this incredible dessert as it cools down and sets the the acid just sort of mixes with the cream and just starts to coagulate it and makes it really creamy and silky and smooth now because it's so silky and smooth and creamy we want a different texture on the base of our dessert too so at the palace we actually used amaretti biscuits almond biscuits now if you want to you can use grain crumbs or digestive biscuits in the uk but try these almonds lemon together amazing i put them into a ziploc bag now don't be tempted to use a rolling pin and mash them down remember i said i wanted some texture so just tap away amaretti biscuits you can find from most good sort of food stores if you can't i'll put a link in the description too they're not expensive so maybe order some and try them out and see what you think i bet you like them let me know leave a leave a message when you make it leave a leave a message in the notes below let me know if you enjoyed it now if you're making this in the uk you can put the cream the sugar and the lemon zest on the stove bring it to the boil let it boil for a few minutes and then take it off and add the lemon juice in the u.s we've got a problem heavy cream is only 36 fat 36 38 and in the uk it's 48 so that means there's more water in the cream in the us now we've got to get rid of some of the water so we have two ways of doing this one is we can actually buy something called clotted cream and clotty cream is 60 fat so we can mix clotted cream and then make it up to two cups with the heavy cream you still following or we can do it another way we start off with two cups of cream we add the sugar we add the lemon zest and then we put it on to boil and then we boil it and boil it and boil it until some of that water has just evaporated and then we're back down to two cups again now we've got the fat content that we need you might need to watch that part of the video again stay over the pan while it's boiling away because it has a tendency to boil up and over the top and cream and sugar and lemon on the stove you'll be the rest of the afternoon cleaning it takes about five minutes or so just to get down to that two cups and if you've got a measuring cup you can just pour it into it check to see if you've got two cups and then pour it back in if it's not and just keep reducing till you've got it once you've got the two cups of liquid then you can take it off the stove and we add the lemon juice no need to let the milk mixture cool down you can already add the lemon juice straight away and then because we we we eat with our eyes first when we see the dish we want to see lemon so just a couple of drops of the lemon color then i'll pour this into a jug to make it easier to put into the dish i like to make my posits in little individual glasses like this one and you can use whatever you want you can do one large dish if you want to so you can spoon into that or if you prefer you can actually make it in ramekins too i like to see it in the glasses because you get to see those layers you get to see the ratafiya the amaretti biscuits at the bottom so i'll use my glass dish and then i can take my amaretti biscuits and just drop them into the bottom i don't want too many in there i'm not coming up right to the very top with deposit mix it's too creamy and smooth and silky and it's far too rich to go all the way to the top so just a nice covering on the base then i'll take some of my positive mix it's still hot and i'll pour it over the biscuit but i'm only going to pour it till i actually just get that one layer if i pour all the mix over there now all of the amaretti cookies will come floating to the top and that spoils it so a little at a time we pour a little bit over the top refrigerate it bring it out and then pour some more after about 30 minutes or so in the refrigerator you can see my posit has actually set around those amaretti cookies now i can put on the next layer carefully pouring don't just gush it in there because it'll sink to the bottom and we've defeated the object you see how the cookies have stayed at the bottom and we only want to come so far up it's a really rich dish as i said and if you were to do a whole glass you just couldn't get to the bottom i promise even me in the fridge about another hour just to refrigerate and there it is our gorgeous delicious super smooth super creamy lemon pasta you can see it's set now you wouldn't be able to turn this out or unmold it or anything like that it doesn't have a real setting agent other than that sort of acid from the lemon juice in there but you don't need to turn it out at balmoral castle we used to go picking blueberries from the the cages in the gardens and then we'd actually mix them boil them with a little orange juice or some alcohol and then thicken them with some cornstarch they made the perfect topping for this lemon possit doesn't that look incredible finally back to the microplane some lemon zest just over the top the lemons the blueberries the amaretti all come together to create this beautiful dessert look at that when i spoon into it hmm i should make this dish more thanks for watching hope you've enjoyed the video give me a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already share the video with your friends we'll see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 125,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, royal, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, food, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, Balmoral, windsor castle, queens food, food network, recipes, dallas, dallas caterer, wedding caterer, corporate caterer, The Crown, victorian food, garden party, lemon, lemon posset, blueberries, easy recipes, Meghan Markle, Royal news, princess diana
Id: rp6bd_HDWfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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