Cooking For King Charles III - Wild Mushroom Risotto

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it's no secret King Charles III loves Italian food and these dried wild mushrooms make the perfect risotto Wednesday [Music] come back with that leg of lamb [Music] I love the fall Autumn the slow Breezy stews short ribs lamb shanks bubbling away on the stove that smell when you walk through the door from the cold air outside and while mushrooms in season the height of the season I like to use wild mushrooms all throughout the year but to do that it means dehydrating them drying them and that's what I'm going to do today eating royally kitchen here in Dallas Texas I use this Paris room dehydrator love this machine it circulates the air and has so many racks in there that you can do so much on it at once I set my temperature for the wild mushrooms to 131 for six hours sometimes they're done in four check them after four but it's usually about six hours they need to be able to snap so take out a rack and then please go just Sean trails and then just slice your mushrooms and lay them so they're not touching onto the rack and then into the dehydrator you can even use regular field mushrooms as well and I know why would you why would you want to dry them out but knowing that you've always got some on standby in a jar that you can just take and rehydrate and use I think it's a great idea the black trumpet mushrooms need no cutting at all you can just lay those out [Music] [Music] and the same for the wood ears just lay them out [Music] dehydrating has been around for over a hundred years and it's the perfect way to dry your food out and make it last so much longer you just rehydrated if you want to especially the mushrooms but it's perfect for making jerky and older slice fruit snacks bananas and berries and vegetables too foreign dehydrator is so quiet that it just sits there in the background humming away which is good really because it's going to be in there for six hours time to make a cup of tea still an hour to go that's the impatience in me they've changed in color though and texture too and they actually smell good they smell earthy and Woody Winston says that we should give away one of these paris-rone dehydrators okay we will if you click on the link below to my Instagram page we'll give one away on there see if you can be the lucky winner 55 minutes can't wait that's six hours I can't tell you how excited I am look how they've changed in texture and dried too if they're still squishy you need to put them in for another hour but these ones just snap and that means we got all of that air out of them all of that moisture out of them they're changing color slightly but the flavor's still there those trumpets I'm putting them into a bowl first because we need them to cool completely before we put them in an airtight container oh look at those wood ears look at those so crispy now [Music] store them in an airtight container once they're cold put them on the Shelf they can sit there for a year if you need but use them when you're making something like a risotto and that's what I'm going to do next risotto is a gorgeous Italian rice dish that uses arborio rice which is short grain rice you can see it's different to sort of the you know the long grain jasmines and basmatis and the short grain rice is what we actually use in the UK to make something called rice pudding that's another video sprinkle the rice into a pan with some olive oil and stir and you stir it just until you get a little sort of nutty smell as the rice starts to scorch then into that I'm going to add some vegetable broth or chicken broth but only just enough to cover it and I'm going to let that simmer for a little while it takes roughly about 20 minutes to make the perfect risotto and what I did just before is I took some of my dehydrated mushrooms and rehydrated them because I wanted to show you what they look like I chopped them up and I covered them in hot water and that rehydrates some lot they're all soft and squidgy again but looking there also that gorgeous brown liquid that that comes out into uh the mushrooms comes out and it's just beautiful and will give them the most amazing flavor to my risotto with this as I said it takes about 20 minutes and so you keep giving it a stir and the liquid starts reducing and evaporating and the rice starts opening up we can't add all the liquid at once because we want to try and keep a sort of syrupy texture around the rice or the the liquid but we also want a nuttiness to the risotto so be patient [Music] foreign about 10 minutes of cooking the rice and adding a little broth at a time I can now add the liquid from the mushrooms 15 minutes in and it's starting to get really syrupy the liquid around the rice and the rice is just nutty and just cooked now is the time to add more wild mushrooms it's cooked perfect now it smells amazing it's really syrupy the rice is still nutty and now I'm going to add a little Parmesan cheese I remember going while mushroom foraging with the Prince of Wales and Antonio carlucci at Balmoral Castle and we came back with so many and we would actually soak them off and freeze them but they only lasted about three months using the dehydrator you can keep them like this for a year that's the way to go smells amazing and now for the plating you can serve this as a side dish as an entree you can put Lamb on the top or chicken or fish but just as a little appetizer [Music] the sprinkle of Parmesan a few chives and a little drizzle of truffle oil [Music] does not look amazing thanks for watching the video If you haven't subscribed already click on the Subscribe give me a thumbs up and leave a comment below don't forget to click on the link below to my Instagram account where you can win a Paris Rhone dehydrator that Winston's giving away aren't you Winston yes foreign see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 135,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, royal, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, food, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, Balmoral, windsor castle, food network, recipes, dallas, dallas caterer, corporate caterer, The Crown, easy recipes, brunch, lunch, dehydrator, wild mushrooms, King Charles III, risotto
Id: 0pIrAIH5h_I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 29 2022
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