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so there you have it the banana flam that i made for prince william and harry winston when i started as a chef at buckingham palace i thought i'd be cooking foie gras and caviar and smoked salmon all those rich foods i didn't realize that i'd be cooking for the children too but when you think about it when the queen goes to balmoral and sandringham windsor castle the children the grandchildren come and visit now you can't send rose petal panna cotta with lavender shortbread up to a five-year-old prince william can you i mean he doesn't have that sort of palette yet or he didn't at that age you know they were all sort of royal princes and princesses but they still had children's palettes hence the birth really of nursery food the banana flan was one of the most favorite dishes requested certainly by prince william and prince harry i said banana flan not banana bread i mean bed actually your banana bed does look quite cute oh winston banana flan was nursery food and you can understand why it was popular if you think back to being a child one of the things that we would first eat after we started on solids was mashed up bananas and it just sort of evolved then a little custard in there banana custard william and harry had that at the palace too and then a little pastry crust around the side you've got a banana flan so that's what i'm making today easy to make and this pastry is just absolutely fantastic the recipe just makes one flan tin and you put all the ingredients into the food processor flour butter the butter needs to be cold if it's too soft it all clags around the blade and it doesn't work sugar and then put the lid on and just blitz it once you've got nice fine crumbs then you can add the egg yolk and the cream blitz it again just for about a minute until everything comes together mix it all together a little flour don't over mix it because it tightens up and it just makes the pastry all rubbery that's not good is it so once you've brought all this together just make a nice ball a little flour underneath a little flour on top and then we can roll it out into our flantin we call this a flam right a banana flam but is this a flantin or is this a tart tin what's the difference between a flan and a tart well the flan the banana flan is like a cheese and eggplant wait but that's a quiche so confusing so a tart is a pastry case with a filling in the center and no pastry lid on the top otherwise that's a pie so if a tart is a pastry base with a filling in the center and no lid a flam is a pastry case filling in the center and no lid so i guess they're the same you call them what you want is it a flan a banana tart banana flan doesn't matter right as long as it tastes good roll out the pastry so it fits the mold that you're using once you've got that in there then what i like to do is lift the pastry and with my finger push that in and then go around the tin so what i'm doing when i push that in is i'm actually pushing the dough into the corner you know when you make a a pie a tart and it looks like this like a pudding basin well this we want nice and square so pushing this into the center as we go around now don't worry if you get a little hole there where it's not quite reached the top there's just enough dough here to completely do one flan so when we get a little leftovers here in a minute we can go around and pop those in all the way around the side until it looks something like that then we take the rolling pin over the top one way over the top this way take off this excess dough and now here in this corner and this corner corner on a circle i mean here then we can just push this in and the same as here next i'm going to go around the tin and start squeezing a little because now i'm pushing it up against the sides next i'm going to dock it that means just make some holes in it like this and by doing this this helps stop the pastry from rising from the bottom and get it nice and flat now into the refrigerator let it set up for about 30 minutes before it goes into the oven once it's been in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes then it's hardened up nicely and we can put it in the oven but before we do that we need to put some baking beans in the center to help hold up the sides as it cooks if we don't do that it just starts to collapse the sides collapse and the base just puffs up we end up with a right mess now we use some parchment paper first of all in there and we take the parchment fold it in half turn it sideways fold it in half again and then fold it in half again and again origami right when we cut into this one open it up there'll be like five men all holding hands together or something like that then we just cut tear down the side open it up and we've got a perfect circle that then just sits in the flan next the weights to hold it down we can use ceramic pie weights we can use rice or we can use beans and we put those in the center and then push them down until they go right to the edges and that will stop the pastry from just collapsing as it cooks in the oven it goes in the oven for about 30 minutes till it's nice and golden brown around the sides then we'll lift the beans out and then put it back in for about another 10-15 minutes just to let it get nice and golden and crisp so at the end we have this gorgeous tart shell once it comes out of the oven it's nice and golden and crisp you see how all those corners have all stayed where we wanted them to be and we've got this crunchy crispy pastry shell which will go against the creaminess of that vanilla filling and then those bananas on the top this is going to be amazing you can see why the boys loved it while that was in the oven cooking i weighed off my ingredients for the filling the pastry cream i'm going to let this cool to one side and make the pastry cream i take milk and cream and put them in a pot and some butter as well and i'm gonna put those on the stove and bring them to a boil then i've got some egg yolks and egg and i'm going to add some sugar salt cornstarch and vanilla bean paste and i say paste you know if you watch my videos i swear by the vanilla bean paste not vanilla extract it's nasty i put a link to it in the description below a little splash each time you're cooking it lasts forever and it smells so good and it really makes a difference once the cream milk comes to the boil and the butter melts we can then pour it into the egg mixture once it's all mixed in it then goes back in the pan and onto the stove to thicken keep whisking until that cornstarch starts to thicken the egg mix make sure you get the mix from all around the sides you don't want it catching you don't want it burning the great thing about using cornstarch in this is that once those liquids get hot enough to open up the cornstarch granules then it starts to thicken automatic if you were using flour you'd actually have to cook this and let all those starch granules open which can really take about 20 minutes to you know lose that flowery taste in the sauce once it's all mixed together and the tart now cold or the flam tart flan what is it we can then pour into the mold if you're making this at home you can actually make the pastry cream the day before and just put some parchment paper over the top put it in the refrigerator now it's going into the refrigerator again just to set up before we put the bananas on the top while it's cooling and setting up the custard i'm going to take some apricot jelly and put it on the stove and just bring it to the boil and so that i can brush that over the bananas it's quiet in here isn't it winston's sleeping then i'm going to get my bananas ready and we'll get those sliced so that they're ready to go too winston you want nice ripe bananas in this but not over ripe save the overripe ones for banana bread and i'm actually cutting them slightly on the bias you know on a slant so it looks a bit bigger right let's see how we get on with those then we just need to get the flan from out of the fridge and then put the bananas on and we just start on the outside and work our way through and then just overlap those bananas as you go around if you're not a huge fan of bananas then you can do this with any soft berries you know raspberries strawberries blueberries they'll work perfect in this one whenever the boys were home princess diana used to write banana flam in the menu book and then she'd write h at the top or w to let me know who was coming or obviously they both were the boys had come back from school on a friday to kensington palace and then come in the kitchen what's for dinner darren let's see the banana flan on the side yes and i like to go the other way around with my second circle and then a few in the center just to finish off push it down slightly and then the apricot glaze let's take it out of the mold and now we can use the apricot glaze just lightly brush all the way around and make sure you cover all the bananas the glazes to give it some more sweetness but at the same time to protect those bananas so they don't go all brown and nasty and then we can just let that set so there you have it the banana flam that i made for prince william and harry growing up nursery food in the kitchens at kensington palace and also at buckingham palace too and balmoral sandringham super easy dessert to make at home taste delicious thank you for watching the video hope you enjoyed it if you haven't subscribed yet please do click on the subscribe button click a like leave a comment as well maybe take a picture and show me what yours looks like let's take a look inside it's the crispy tart charm the super creaminess of that beautiful vanilla custard in the center the bananas on the top and a little apricot jam glaze it's delicious want some see you again soon
Channel: Darren McGrady
Views: 164,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Royal family, Food, British food, The Queen, buckingham palace, foodie, celebrity chef, eating royally, prince william, prince harry, queen, royal, royalty, Delish, Darren McGrady, Royalchef, yummy, food, royal eats, british food, Gordon Ramsey, Balmoral, windsor castle, queens food, food network, recipes, dallas, dallas caterer, wedding caterer, corporate caterer, The Crown, Downton Abbey, banana, banana flan, amazing desserts, nursery food, puddings
Id: AuvCNue7UbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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