Cocky Student CHALLENGES Ben Shapiro's Intelligence, Gets SCHOOLED

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hi Ben my name is also Ben that's about it though that's all we have in common you spoke a lot about how the crime and a lot of issues in America come with having sex out of wedlock and having basically broken up families I was wondering your opinion on mass incarceration in this country and how that affects entice into victimization specifically related to black and brown people but I'll get there in a second America has 25% of the world's prison population five percent of the world's population so obviously a lot of your families where kids go wrong they don't have the support systems that's why their fathers or their mothers are in prison and you can look at very concrete examples of ways where the law has not been applied equally to black versus white people so one example of that was in 1986 the anti-drug Abuse Act where they punished crack cocaine which black people used more than white people at a hundred to one rate which was recently reduced to 18 to one under Barack Obama so I don't see how you can claim that everyone is treating equally and no one is victimized on a systemic level when you have laws that punish one race that is more likely to use one type of drug more than in another race when it's actually been shown that among kids our age white people and suburban kids are more likely to use drugs in schools than black inner-city kids okay so there's a lot there and you're right we disagree on everything so so to begin with I don't believe in the concept of mass incarceration because that implies that the police are going into black communities with lasso rounding people up and taking them to jail for no reason I don't think that's happening every person who is in jail has had a trial or a plea the idea that people are just being grabbed and thrown into prison to keep alive some sort of prison industrial complex where the the prison masters are the ones running the system I don't see evidence of that as far as the 1986 law I think that it's important to put this into context and the context is that that law was originally pressed by black legislators from inner cities who are sick of watching crack cocaine destroying their communities and the reason for the disparity is because crack was more easily distributable and significantly more effective than powder cocaine it is also the fact that the vast majority of people who are distributing and using crack cocaine or black you know it's a drug that the vast majority of people who distribute in use are white crystal meth guess what the penalty is for one ounce of crystal meth versus one ounce of crack cocaine they are identical they are identical because they are easily distributed and they are distributed in similar forms so the idea that this was just some sort of attempt to grab black people off the street and throw them in jail for no reason so we could have a permanent underclass of people with no fathers this seems to me like a giant conspiracy theory with little evidence to support it as far as the idea that that these communities would better if we just release people onto the streets so I think it's important again to note the statistics here the fact is the vast vast vast vast vast majority of people who are in jail or in jail for drug crimes are in for distribution not merely for use the idea that it's a black kid who's just smoking crack on the street who's getting picked up by the cops and thrown in jail the justice system doesn't have time for that okay the vast majority of even possessions that are pled down from distributions no I've said earlier I'm not in favor of the drug war okay but I can tell you something the people who are currently acting in criminal fashion and the drug war aren't going to be out acting as model citizens as a general rule a lot of those people are going to be committing other crimes because this is in the history of the United States when you make a substance illegal the people who are criminals were criminals before and they're criminals after Al Capone was not going to turn into a banker after prohibition ended and the same thing is true for a lot of the people who are committing criminal acts by distributing illicit substances so I think that to pretend that the epidemic of single motherhood is going to end all these guys are just gonna decide you know what I've decided to marry that girl I'm gonna stay home it's gonna be Leave It to Beaver when they were dealing crack on the corner to twelve-year-old kids the day before I think that's a little bit of a myth yeah I want to respond to one specific point you're saying the idea that cops are going into black communities and lassoing of black people is completely ridiculous how would you explain the amount of black people in jail currently higher numbers of black people committing crimes that's not the case it is absolutely the case there's it's been statistically shown that white people use drugs just as much as and as I said people are generally not arrested for using drugs they're generally arrested for drug distribution in the drug war people not distribute drugs well they don't in terms of proportionality with regard to I mean the idea that again the you need to show me the statistics on drug distribution so the burden is on you to prove the disparity not on me to prove the non disparity well you're the one who's accusing the criminal justice system of Wilde and justice again I don't have the statistics in front of me so it's hard for me to cite statistics on that particular aspect of drug distribution but you'd have to show that there are a bunch of white people who are distributing drugs to the same extent as the black people in jail and then telling me that they're not being treated equally you can't just suggest that drug use is equal to drug distribution because statistically it's not know for the conversation for me just to shout cocky people and this is and this is this is why I think the alt-right movement is actually counterproductive I think it's sucking in young people too and it's it bothers me I speak in and I mean you know I speak out on college campuses all the time and I'm seeing they're a bunch of people who because they're entranced with the fun of it forget that there actually is such a thing as morality right the answer to bad morality is not no morality it's good morality trevor weigert University of Nebraska Kearney my question I guess looking more on a national level something I've kind of been hearing murmurs of one big voice Mark Levin in radio and also I think governor Greg Abbott of Texas was a big voice for it already is that article five convention it's not in the Constitution yeah just as a way to bring power back to the states rein in the federal government I'm just wondering what your thoughts are on that if you see that having any sort of success and kind of the steps needed to push that forward I mean sure it's a great idea I think that the rule is under Article five of the Constitution I think three-quarters of states can call convention of states without the without the approval of the federal government and then they and then they pass amendments to the Constitution essentially that it has to be passed again in all of the various states that's the idea of the convention of states sure I think that would be great I think the biggest problem that we have right now I think the convention of states is almost it's a fine idea my only issue I have with the convention of states is that I don't believe that parchment barriers are enough anymore because the left does not respect rule of law or words right the Constitution like the fact that people are feeling the need in area states to pass Religious Freedom Restoration Act which basically says we have freedom of religion and that just demonstrates the left doesn't care about the Constitution you wouldn't need another bill reiterating what the First Amendment says except that the left keeps violating the First Amendment and so I don't think they'll be stopped by bills I don't think they'll be stopped by amendments I think the only thing in the end that's going to stop the left is people just saying no one refusing to abide by it which is unfortunately an uglier solution but as government grows bigger and bigger and grows more and more intrusive I think you're gonna see more and more conflict between the federal government and state governments I mean you can see a time in the very near future when the federal government tries to take away gun rights and the state of Texas says come and try and take them Ryan that's when things get really ugly thank you I've been we actually met last month good to see ya and I just wanted to ask I saw you tweeting yesterday about Obama speech and how he was trying to appeal to conservatives yeah to kind of counter Trump do you think that'll be effective it no it won't be effective at all because he's liar but it but what he was trying to do I do think that Obama's speech last and I did did everybody see Obama's speech last night to draw waste the time good okay she did something useful with your life yeah I know I was I was on a plane and I was like okay I can either watch Deadpool or I can watch out behind the speech and I did not pick Obama speech but I did I did read it and so the the you know so so basically here's my take on Obama's speech last night Obama spent an enormous amount of time in that speech pushing language that was straight out of the Ronald Reagan handbook I mean he talked he actually said at one point we don't need a savior like leader America doesn't need a ruler and i sat there flabbergasted there's like what wait you have a mirror in your house right like captain penan phone captain I'm going to make the the the oceans of the world will recede if I'm elected president of the United States we don't need a savior we don't need a ruler I mean his amazing stuff but what he's trying to do is he's trying to fill a gap that's been left by the Trump right the Trump right doesn't talk about the Constitution or individual liberty or limited government at all they talk about problems and then government will come and solve them and so Obama's trying to triangulate he's trying to fill that gap he's trying to take some of the never truck folks and convert them into Hillary folks it's not gonna work I mean people who don't like Trump don't like Trump because they're tucán servant for Trump in large part not because they're open to a felon of a felonious congenital liar like Hillary Clinton hi my name is Marlene and I go to Rutgers University and because there's so few of us on campus we use a lot of humor and our activism for example when liberals are protesting offensive Halloween costumes we protest outside the dining hall and call for a ban on Lucky Charms cereal because so I want to get your take on humor tactics and the Milo incident if you want to talk about that so which Milo NSYNC this happened on my campus they're big records one that happened so you'll have to remind me because Maya was provocative which lives matter protest the feminist group painting red blood on their face to represent menstrual blood oh yeah well that's that yeah I mean let's put it this way call me crazy but I find painting menstrual blood on your face off-putting it's just not my thing I mean I can I think there's a reason why these many of these women will die single and alone but I but don't worry they'll have their eighty three cats to comfort them the as as far as the as far as the use of humor I'm a big fan I mean I think that one of the big problems that we have in the conservative movement is that we're constantly telling kids to do boring stuff ok go knock on doors today go to a phone bank now you should find out what what people want to do and then allow them to do it do fun things something Saul Alinsky said he says if you give people things that are fun for them to do for the left setting American flags on fire are fun until the American flag catches them on fire in which cases phone bras but highlighting the absurdity of the left with with additional absurdity I think is always a great tactic hi Ben I'm Rowan Munk Berg from UCF and I was wondering if you have further discussed with Milo well Milo chickened out so I have no more time for him that's the end of the story I typically don't even make a point of reaching out to people who as I say tweet pictures of black Scholes run at me on the day my child is born to suggest that my wife had an affair with a black man and I watched like that doesn't typically appeal to my better nature but you know I thought it was important to try and debate him unfortunately he's a coward and a hack and he's not half as intelligent as his British accent makes it up here and his hair is awful I'm Matthew Marsland from the University of Notre Dame and I just had a question um you know I've heard a lot of talk in your speech and throughout the speeches today that if government just gets out of the way problems will be solved I don't really see how government getting out of the way will stop abortion how government getting out of the way will curb the tide of degeneracy that's the tip that's sweeping this nation and driving it out of the ground I don't see how government getting out of the way can prevent cultural death in almost every area of this gut of this country so I my impression is that it is not wrong for conservatives to make use of the state to defend the state to defend the people in the state from these evils well I'm not an anarchist so I mean what so what I would suggest that the purpose of government I mean this is this is a very country on Stuart Mill view of government but the purpose of government is to minimize externalities okay and that means that way I can wave my fist around until it hits you in the face when it comes to abortion that's basic police power okay that's a human being in there you don't get to kill it just because it's in your womb so there's so I have no problem with government regulation of abortion obviously because I think that's a human being and human beings don't get to kill other human beings even if they think they have a right to or would prefer to pretend that those aren't human beings in the first place there's a really long and ask there the history throughout human history of people devaluing other human beings by calling them not human in order to kill them and I think extending that to the unborn is a great sin for which God will will eventually make the nation pay as John Adams said about slavery the you know as far as you know using the the government's police power in I'm trying to member some of the other examples that you gave that would be the largest one to me most of these other areas like culture I think that what we actually need are active social organizations I think that what's happened is that the government grew so large and people in the United States relied on government to basically police everything and our social institutions died so churches emptied out we figured we'd basically the secular Church was now the government which would take the moral lead what we actually need is we need to go back to the the view of de Tocqueville about how Americans lived which was we had extraordinarily strong social institutions which created a very strong social fabric to tighten our communities together and you still see this in church and synagogue communities and mass communities where people have a common set of values right that actually is is necessary it's a precondition of Liberty Liberty can't exist without these social ties that bind us together otherwise you end up with anarchy but that doesn't mean the government fills the gap at social institutions that fill the gap yeah thanks hi Ben my name is Doyle and like you I'm a hashtag never come guy and I was curious to who are you gonna vote for since you're not gonna vote neither Trump or Hillary okay so quick preface on the on the voting thing so number one whenever people ask who I'm gonna vote for you're not doing this obvious cuz you're on my side and thank you for that but it's but usually when people ask me who I'm gonna vote for what they really mean is shut up and stop criticizing Trump because my vote doesn't count anyway I'm in California which means that I'm the only Republican voter in the state okay we got like two or three others here we're building a movement guys [Laughter] [Applause] my plans right now are to vote for neither and I'll give you my logic okay the reason that I say this is because I fully understand by the way people who say they want to vote for Trump over Hillary because they would prefer to vote for the lesser of two evils I have a couple of responses to this particular argument one there's the short-term answer in the long-term answer I don't know in the short term I think Trump would be a better president than Hillary Clinton it's my own personal view obviously doesn't represent why I have my view is that in the short term Trump would probably be a better president than Hillary Clinton because it's hard to imagine a worse president than Hillary Clinton there is the possibility that Donald Trump nukes France because he gets syphilis from a French hooker I mean so that so it's so
Channel: Crysta
Views: 2,667,761
Rating: 4.8510256 out of 5
Keywords: Ben Shapiro, Cocky, Challenges, Ben Shapiro destroyed, Ben Shapiro ease, Ben Shapiro leftist, Ben Shapiro debates
Id: 777oOT0dzPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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