Coating a cake in Royal icing, all in one method

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what i'd like to do now is show you how to coat a cake so i've got a palette knife my straight edge and a scraper rylicine with glycerine in it so that i'd actually be able to cut the cape at the end and my cake so what i need to do is just check if the cake's okay can i see any um fruit crumbs in there have i got any gaps in the bottom and it's looking okay so we're going to coat this cake in one go and the reason for that is speed it's a lot quicker to coat the cake top and sides in one go for your first coat then doing them separately and leave them to dry so i'm paddling with the royal icing so if you remember paddling is to get rid of the air bubbles but also making sure that that royal icing is nice and flat then i'm going to paddle the sides so bringing my arm over the cake i can paddle the size of the cake now the aim for what i want to achieve at the end of this is the cake to be coated flat and straight and i want to maintain that sharp edge i'm not too worried with air bubbles for my first coat because i can concentrate on that with my second coat but what i am concerned about is making sure i can't see any marzipan so covering up the cake and royal icing so you can see i'm paddling just the same as the top backwards and forwards to get rid of the air bubble balls but also to cover up the marzipan get it nice and straight try and keep your board nice and clean as you work it's got quite a thickish covering on in royal icing taking the ruler and i'm starting the middle and i'm going backwards and forwards until it looks nice and flat and off now that looks okay but if you're not pleased with this you can add a little bit more watching that royal icing around the sides you can place back on top and you paddle again but every time you take pick your ruler off you need to clean it because that dry royal icing on your ruler would cause drag marks on top of your cake backwards and forwards and before you progress to the sides that top must be to be right standard let's have a look at it i can see there i've got a few edible so i've got the top coated what i then need to do is clean my scraper and my palette knife and i take that royal eye seam off around the edge so i'll scrape it down and on purpose i'm showing the right icing sorry the mozzarella so i'm showing the marzipan because i want to make sure that i've taken enough off but as i'm doing this i'm scraping down the cake down [Music] using my palette knife i can then paddle that side and bring it up a little bit more so you can see as i'm paddling the royal ice in i'm just bringing it up to the top edge of this hiding that marzipan using the scraper hold it straight bring your hand over and you aim to turn the cake round in one go without stopping so i'm bringing it round and i'm holding the board and i'm taking the cake around so if you go like this you'll have a reach where you stopped and start so it's important now what i'm doing i'm looking here so i'm not looking this side of the scraper i'm looking there so where i've i've previously gone because if i need to bring the scraper out and we can go to the bottom or the top then i can correct it as i go around the first time you go around takes off any excess icing always clean the scraper and now i'm going to see if i can keep doing it until i get good things yeah that's not too bad so i'm looking to see if i can see any marzipan which i can't i'm checking that it's nice and straight um yeah i'm up through that and as i say this is my first character not worried about a clean palette knife i'm now holding it flat because i just want to take off this edge just knead this off so the other thing i need to do is just knit off around the bottom so just taking it right lighting off from the board if you're a little bit nervous about doing this it can be done later when the royal icing is dry so don't worry about it there we go so remembering that this board is only paper on there so yes i've got a few air bubbles not too worried yes my edge isn't that neat but don't forget i've managed to cook this cake in one go and this is taken out a day because i'd have to leave it to dry so if i go to the sides first i'd like to leave it to dry a day before i go to the top so this is a good base to to start my second coating on now i'll leave to dry thank you
Channel: UCB Bakery & Patisserie
Views: 44,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4cE_gv9XWpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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