My Best Royal Icing Recipe

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foreign do you want the best ever recipe for royal icing well you're in the right place because in this video I'm going to share my favorite and best recipe and show you exactly how to make it too like I'm giving this recipe away right now so all right let's get going [Music] okay so royal icing is pretty straightforward but there is a little bit of a trick in an art in mixing it up and so I want to show you how to mix it up right there are a lot of pretty basic recipes for royal icing this one I've got a secret recipe in this one or a secret ingredient in this one that you might be surprised at but what we're going to start with I have water meringue powder we have some vanilla flavoring I've got some powdered sugar and I've got a secret ingredient as well so I'll show that to you in just a second this we're going to go ahead and start I've got some hot water you can go warm water warm to hot and the reason that you want to use some warmer hot water I've got 3 4 of a cup so it's three-fourths of a cup of warm to hot water I usually tend to use the hot because it helps break down the meringue powder it actually can help you have shiny or icing and just better quality icing so I'm going to go ahead and add I've got a third of a cup of meringue powder and this is a miracolor meringue powder if you're using a different brand you may need to add a little bit more meringue powder I've got a third of a cup actually plus a tablespoon so if you love Jenny's dream or another meringue powder brand typically you'll need to add a little bit more meringue powder in with all the other measurements of water and everything that I have so I'm going to go ahead and put that in as well on not that I don't want to forget my flavoring I've got two tablespoons of clear vanilla that I'm going to go ahead and add and now we want to get this I'm going to start mixing on low we're going to get this all nice and foamy get that meringue powder um mixed in [Music] you want to go till it starts to get pretty foamy I'm gonna turn up just like a half a notch here there we go I wouldn't go any faster than this though so I'm actually going to stop for just a second and unlock this I'm gonna scrape the sides and then continue because I've got a little bit of the meringue powder that's kind of stuck to the sides of the bowl that didn't get mixed in so I'm gonna make sure that that gets a chance to get mixed into all right here we go okay I'm going to go ahead and stop this and open it up I'm going to add some powdered sugar but real quick before I do that I want to thank you so much for watching this video if you want to amaze your family and friends with the most awesome looking cookies they've ever seen you're in the right place this channel is where deliciousness meets joy and we're all about having fun with cookies too we'll show you how to make cookies that look impressive but are also easy to make so please do me a favor and like this video subscribe to this channel hit the notification Bell share this Channel with any of your friends that you think might like to join you it really does help out okay thank you so much again now let's get back to the video I've got two pounds of powdered sugar here so I'm going to go ahead and add all of it in so I am going to go ahead and add it all at once again this is two pounds of powdered sugar and it's kind of loosened up you just want to make sure that it doesn't have any like big lumps or it's not like uh that it's not compacted so this is loosened up a little bit here okay I'm gonna go ahead and start mixing this on low and if you have a cover to your mixer all the better if you don't this still works totally fine because you just start mixing it on low and it's going to incorporate the powdered sugar into our wet ingredients that we had and then as soon as it starts to come together you're going to stop your mixer okay so it's really starting to come together and I want to show you my secret ingredient to this is a little bit of corn syrup so I've got some corn syrup I have a little bit a touch more than about a tablespoon so you want maybe one to two tablespoons of corn syrup and I'm going to put that right in that's going to help with the flow of our icing it's just going to help there be more of a soft bite to our roll icing because how many times have you maybe tried wear lysine or seen it and thought it just looks so hard that's going to break my teeth this royal icing will not break anybody's teeth it's this uh this corn syrup is really going to help with that so I do call this a soft bite royal icing all right so now that that's in there we are going to go ahead turn on the mixer and I'm going to turn it up to high and we're going to mix this for about five minutes it's going to get two stiff peaks but the trick is we don't want to over mix it so you don't want to get super super stiff peaks but we do want to get to stiff peaks so I'm going to get going here okay so we're really starting to get some air mix in here which is a good thing that's what we want but here I'm going to stop this real quick look so it's yeah it's not stiff peaks yet so it's starting to look really good but it's going to start to really fill the bowl like it's going to start to um get so much air Incorporated that it it goes it's going to probably end up at about here about three-fourths away up your bowl oh if you have the size of mixer Bowl anyway it's going to start to look really fluffy all right let's slow this down I'm gonna show you what this looks like okay oh I think it might be just about there so this is this is um stiffer Peaks and you can mix it a little bit maybe scrape the sides and see what that feels like with your spatula and now if you're going to be doing a lot of just outlining and flooding then this this is a good consistency and this will work for you because you do have it does get um to I would say this is probably between soft and stiff peaks but I'm going to go all the way to a little bit stiffer Peaks here I'll show you what that looks like oh this is looking really good now okay so what you want to make sure that you don't do you don't want to make so much air in it that it becomes like really hard to like move around in the bowl so see how like I can still scrape it and it moves okay I have mixed my icing before where it's so thick that it even feels hard to mix you do not want to go that far because it's going to end up making your icing really crumbly so if you over mix once it dries on the cookie I mean it's still edible it's totally edible still but you'll notice that when you bite into the cookie the icing will kind of crumble so we want to avoid that and do not use a whisk attachment you want to use just your regular beading attachment look at this so this is stiff peaks but it still kind of moves and this is awesome so if you're going to be using this this you can use this for regular piping outlining flooding if you're going to be doing something like florals or something then typically you would take this and then add a little bit of powdered sugar to get it to where you want it to be but this is great like that beautiful royal icing and then you notice too it did start out at kind of a creamy color and then as you mix the air in it it lightens it up and it becomes a really nice a really nice white color perfect for decorating here you go my best royal icing recipe I love this one we all love cookies making them eating them and giving them as gifts for friends and family but do you sometimes get confused or frustrated about maybe pairing icing and sugar cookie flavors together and if you wish someone would just show you exactly what flavors go well together alright no worries I've created a quick simple and free guide to help you get the Perfect Blend of flavors every time you bake and decorate I've made it super simple for you just go to the link in the description below this video enter your details and I'll send it directly to you go grab your free Perfect Pairings guide right now
Channel: Lolly's Home Kitchen
Views: 44,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: my best royal icing recipe, best royal icing recipe, royal icing recipe, this is my best royal icing recipe, what is the best royal icing recipe, tips on how to get the perfect icing consistency, few tips on how to get the perfect icing consistency, how to get the perfect icing consistency, get the perfect icing consistency, delicious and versatile royal icing recipe, the royal icing recipe you're looking for, lollys home kitchen, ingredients for making the best royal icing
Id: ZNCx0gYm6AU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 28 2022
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