COASTAL COMMAND - RAF , WWII , Ralph Vaughan Williams 81520

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Wow where I am I know from though this is no professional show to sort of a party where everybody sort of gonna get in together sit down and enjoy themselves and tonight look we're we're especially glad to so many sergeants here honestly there's one thing we love to see out there at sergeant's the only time they sit down shut up and listen hey hey is will crew chief Atari prepare properly visit the kitchen navigator proposed the operation I will be there will the crew of Sunderland chief Atari report that across beneath the captain of navigators report to the operational girl boys all the best and a ladies and gentlemen we're gonna transport you away over the common god we're going to bring you a slice of Russian you good evening son give me camel I bring flattened PDM huh yeah yeah come on baby hello baby boy he still doesn't salute when he comes into the operation from Camden does most other things Sun gleaming Campbell here's the general situation group want me to send out anti-submarine patrol over convoy al 37 a homeward bound convoy which is approaching the suspected u-boat area Gordon has all the details Asia forum green that's the present position in the convoy well it was a Vale 20 hundred hours huh that's right and I don't need hundred hours tomorrow morning she changes cause two one four five I see it go straight on the lip thank Fermat's and a call for you sir isn't it forecast hopefully will like Shawn oh it looks fair enough Johnny is arrested in the echo huh all right nice to the job tonight for a summer day all night convoy escort oh well I'm afraid sir convoy al 37 as position 20 hundred hours that's where we leave it at there 800 hours and money yes Hubert suspected in the vicinity that's why we're about that and it's a large one fairly large for too much vessels what time do be way now Campbell I'll be off the water by hopple States huh that's fine you've gone home you're J&J we're all set sir mouth is up on the board with him nicer Bobby D then disgrace we be there tonight talk to the boy good luck three Palmer hours below the Arctic Circle a northern station of the Royal Air Force Coastal Command remote and lonely let's call it Port Fairy Bay Tifa Tommy is taking off just a routine departure which may bring a great adventure but to the men who fly the coastal patrol only another tour of duty palm drop like the monotonous throb of the engines in the night keeping patient ceaseless vigil the Coastal Command ranges from the Arctic Circle southward to the African coast from the baltic westward toward the Americas a thousand miles out into the Atlantic aerial guardians of the convoy routes searching out enemy u-boats planes and surface Raiders our sundaland flying boat t4 Tommy is winding up a long cold night of anti-submarine patrol over convoy al 37 u-boats suspected in this area that's why we're out here but so far no sign of a Jerry 10 drawning hours of routine aboard Tifa Tommy 10 monotonous hours at the controls for skipper Johnny Campbell and copilot Shawn Briscoe while we're watching for the Catalina flying boat coming to relieve us how about a cup of hot tea Henry Jeffers no sugar cubes off the chart you eat quiet Henry valerio ghana you're being relieved for food now good I'll take ever okay sir Enki Hilaire what is it take off on the starboard beam sir a Cubs ever been god it's a focke-wulf hello front gunner and your hair yes sir I can see them right with gang four hello everyone he's gone into the cloud now people about he may come out get Jimmy you better send the message space about this forkful okay okay shut right captain calling all positions captain calling all position keep a good look out for our relief aircraft it's a Catalina and we'll be late give me guru clear message here from Tifa Tommy enemy Air cross shattering convoy and probably spotting for u-boats they better sent away forever from Casey hadn't picked it up right up aboard the Catalina flying to relieve tea for Tommy plenty is happening hello everybody enemy sub suspected meth area you better look at unconstant watch above the vast expanse of scene after endless hours days weeks of uneventful patrol suddenly a telltale shadow lurking just beneath the surface and at last to brief potentially exciting moments of a chase hunting down the hunter predatory steal monster of the deep a hidden one fighter that strikes from the ocean bed on the prowl for prey until that Catalina the coastal command stalks it from the skies a drama of attack begins a gripping game but to each man deadly serious still undetected by the Raider a flying boat maneuvers into position blister Gunners hoping for a chance to rake the u-boats deck then the sudden screaming dive for the kill too late the u-bolt Christ dives too late to escape the pouncing cat good work get a message off the base has to make one hit a spreading circle of oil on the surface of the water marks the spot where another u-boat has died it's only epitaph the laconic message has to make one hit Tifa Tommy is still faithfully shepherding the convoy after 12 hours aloft with relief late in arriving navigator Jami is worried about the fuel hey Tom how much petrol have we got left we're running very low only enough for about two and a half are not so good hello skipper we've only got two left the $2 bars I think we'd better set course for home okay Jamie hang on provide five minutes for and then we'll get hey Henry got some good Jenn here where's OH whilst operators intercept this message sir someone's out a busy time Thank You Jer bear tour is the way Sean hello captain calling all position captain calling all position I thought you'd like to bear that our relief has done ah you fail lucky Devils just our luck are we me no you're not don't you think we better have a boats mascot sir I don't got any ideas Charlie always gets the wrong idea I've got an idea alright just leave it to me okay your idea at the moment just keep a lookout Catalina there's an aircraft over to starboard I think it's our cat hello compositions there's our Catalina on the starboard side that's alright we've had this we better get cracking now quiet and peaceful nothing spectacular about it thought ferry Bay is one of a hundred such stations strung all around the coastline of Britain from the north to the southern tip of Cornwall but bleak port ferry Bay is home to our Sunderland and it's back from their long watch over the convoy Tifa tommy's luck was out last night it was the auto fellow who got the u-boat but it will be the Sunderland's turn another time there's always another time the raf some brilliant blows against enemy shipping against submarines on their bases against the warships of the foe all these fire the imagination but to make them possible the patient patrol work goes on unceasing unheralded Tifa tommy won't stay anchored long for the port ferry command reaches out from norway to Iceland and more troubles brewing 7 o'clock dad get my breakfast I'm feeling that way too we've had a busy night wouldn't be too bad if after that Raider good morning what's all this I hear about a radar boy just made it well the Navy had a belated report of a possible Raider in Bergen the day before yesterday so we laid on those searches on the Norwegian coast and also those patrol jersey five one and two between Iceland Norway in case she tries to break her had any idea what she is well they think she's a total dog hmm so far we've only got half as a query at Bergen on the board I suppose dead spy or reinforcements yes corners to convoys tend to live on out there yes althought we better be on the safe side just in case you boot reports yes a very good attack died on the babe look try to kill grant a full report in yet yes Apple posturing there's a lot of racket in sin well it hasn't been else unusual except that long mid flight number to about the Atlantic what's that all about that was specially laid on for M ministry yeah it should meet convert on the 15 - and I left a note here the dog for you to tell the SAS so if they do get a second important well it's all right I think without us I think over now okay shut up good watch good breakfast to you Derby don't up so long Jerry yo your breakfast morning bear point VW looks like a busy day today this weight of business yes I wonder if she really is it see oh there's my phone I can't see you in a minute I know you are no thanks youie yeah I'll have them hang up why don't we do some work blokes don't stress out Joe can we have something on the radio Pete something nice and soothing Pete I'm not quite myself today for Coastal Command officers and men there's little old-time spit-and-polish soldiering mutual respect yes each one's life may depend upon the other each man must wear well with his fellows on all lieutenant Beatty not today they're leaving you behind to hold the fort but they'll be back if all goes well Garrett this bloke mr. BOTS new mascot let's have a look who is it you're the devil the thing at this Thunder clone what's this a pigtail knows to sling him up in the wardrobe Nucky all Hitler let's look blue cool just what do you need yeah give it to me just e Lou I've lost a shirt shut up skipper's coming aboard right so yes boy the skipper's coming to board okay right boom skipper's coming love the stuff out I'll give you a hand with the washing-up piece a woman's work is never done for you ceremony what's that was good oh it's gross he restin who's just wanta left no oh they're 700 all signed us money man Oh a pretty fitting end to him isn't it Jerry we won't let the real warrior say something special on Dana yes there is now I want to old crew down the ward room right away great ah us the lads become bands gonna wants everybody in the water right there give us all in the wardroom what all of us yes everybody is he Roy coming special on the day hope so anyway how's your boot sir morning sir oh my god are you all right everyone here but it if I had it up right there's a German Raider out south of Iceland and we're going out relieve the cat that's found it it's doing towards our convoys so we've got to hang on to it okay okay I'll sky didn't get gay all hatches first all I had it goes yes okay pop way to take everything alright money okay you how long will they be chained to those problems here in scenes he's hiring Afghani my moniker on mornings huh how we getting on wells at 27 group are sending off for Sunderland relieved in a 407 on shadowing the 28th group are sending off a berth on strike torpedoes followed by a Hanson's with bombs I see I think we have to move a Beaufort's part rhythm force to ironer in case we get a second chance with strike on the enemy he may continue on that southerly course and in that connection we should have to arrange for some sweeps in that area in case the shedding aircraft loses the enemy in a storm Nilsa by the way well those strikes going to get off before towards the off over to mediate design and the Hudsons be about an hour and a half they could change their bones Iceland Western jaw the aerial trap the RAF is setting for that German Raider a battleship disel dog Hudson and the Beaufort squadrons have their orders must destroy the enemy vessel no matter what the cost cost why there isn't a flier in Iceland who wouldn't give a year's pay just to be going along and all RAF performance but these Yanks would like to be seeing the show right from the first balcony I again how you doing fine the girl of Max what's going on over there changing bombs yeah they're putting on armor-piercing what they have on air before and he submarine it's like a big setup depth bombs are unloaded from the Hudsons to be replaced by demolitions high-explosive ticketed for the Dusseldorf warts tuning up for the overture to the big show the overture played by internal combustion engines to the roaring temple of horsepower look boys they gonna both to the ground crews to every living creature within sound of their motors even to the stolid Icelandic ponies in the fields the foreboding hum of the pole ports brings a stir of excitement their props angrily biting the arctic air eastward wings the first flight of Beaufort's then the follow-up squadron of Hudson's more than just an overture now a full symphony a victory symphony of the RAF in sharp contrast to this peaceful setting are these roaring engines of sudden death but the ageless mountains of Iceland have not always been so placid their hot water Springs and steaming geysers still remind us of the burning volcanoes that used to throw out fire as deadly as that of the machines now thundering over their Peaks the distance it takes a convoy three days to navigate they slash to a couple of hours they're not just starting out hit or miss to find a single surface Raider that's no more than a speck in all that vast expanse of sea far from it the Hudson crews know right where they're going thanks to the Catalina patrol boat of the Coastal Command at first located the Dusseldorf and is still shadowing her a maddening job the Catalina's trailing without attacking keeping headquarters always posted by radio on all vital information millie better get another signal enemy course and speed famous before boogie dog this okay then there's a fool you fourth blister : captain fourth Lister : captain three Beaufort's coming up on the port quarter sir okay okay wait what is it Bob it's attacking the old dusty hey tubby coming out look at this we're all day down there they're breaking formation now joining the nine astern line right down on the deck no they're coming alone deploying fowl up the ship's course any minute no they'll be turning into a deck haze me how about some pretty postcard they're turning turning it going in they'll be dropping their fish any minute now gee those boys are good violet calling list our pilot calling blister you can see if they fainted good old tea for Tommy outward-bound to spell the cat at the shadowing game jammy charts the Dusseldorf's course on information radio from headquarters every man is at his station Johnny I'm very round the compositions you all right yes I'm all right bit cold oh hell yes nobody leaving about quarter of an hour okay the cat the Chatham raid has been hit it's on its way home you all right okay this is the realest position here sir and this is our position here but a ganar can to reach the Redis position I fear she's doing 30 knots how's the speed giving the last signal sir that means she can get 35 miles in any direction before we reach her last position that's right sir but I suggest when we get there we do a square search and we'll fly down the ridaz last thought cause for our first leg right I think that's our best plan we should be there by about 11 o'clock look Sid we've lost the bladder trouble is sister Katla our turn for home he's not been shattered when's the Sunland Joetta she ought to pay contact an hour ago what I imagined happened is the doesn't all sorted course son hunting a square search for her she finds her again a tense nerve testing moments drag slowly on for the men in our Sunderland the Dusseldorf is vanished without leaving a trace anywhere on that limitless expanse of sea as if the Atlantic to cheat T for tommy again had thrown a protecting cloak of invisibility about the Raider good Jo sir they found her again I drove its grabbed what positions are you 6105 North 1410 west courses extreme speed 12 knots by Jo she's turned for home then out of the ether comes the news düsseldorf located damaged turn for Norway the Bombardier zuv that first wave of Beaufort found their mark sent the Raider limping for home and our Sunderland won't lose her again Tifa Tommy's message brings the Hudsons to the scene nine of them carrying lethal loads with the Dusseldorf's number navigator calling captain navigator calling captain we've almost reached the Raiders position sir right use the bomb and come on up in the flight leaders plane they have just spotted their prey and the attack is on there's a letter over beyond Rober leader calling formation forever leader or atomic or special on port for special on port now a ringside seat at the other fellows fight that's the reward of our Sunderland crew for heartbreaking hours spent setting the stage Bravo leader calling a flight over leader calling a flight break up attack individually show ready hit her twice I think to hit stop him have the second law look at that there's one of our cool Devils got in Henry a lot going in gosh another heat I thought that with the no miss off didn't you Jamie yes sir I named this hour there's running I'm going home writer Jami will give this message away now okay stop right okay Sean estimated number of hits to xur that's right too far one near miss off three hits one definitely off are you absolutely suck yes certain definitely three heads Oh will pop up on a napkin she's had to mold is one near the stern which I cut down has speed a good deal also several direct hits with bombs one of which has started a good far I stand up keeping up the attacks and 27 groups to a shattering I'll pass on any more I get alright goodbye opw what you want now all I wants little information please certainly always at your service we'd like to know the exact details of the damage you've done to the dusseldorf oh that will mean a Sundlun going in right toes hello positions hello on position we are now going in a little closer to observe the exact damage done to the cruiser stand by everyone over chariot I want you to go down to the bomb Amos position and plug into the intercom and pass on in again mr. Brisco to understand okay and bris I want you to get a message pad and take down any information that Jimmy will pass up and get a message away immediately right now Jimmy we're going into cloud I'll give you warning before we come out remember we won't be out for long so you'll have to get cracking okie doke sir right also there you tenshun everyone I'm going to throttle back at the moment come out of this cloud when we come out we'll be over the radar I want everyone standby ready Sean ready Jamie okay sir right here we go listing badly reduce speed fire up under control and gun turret damage I told you he wouldn't be out for long never pretty Claire's did anyone see where it was can you see a chance get this off straightaway in plain language poor times hit get some leaks Dahmer's which one you know I think controller speaking cut out the smoking everybody the special about no smoking anywhere each one's life may depend upon the other how true there's Pam inside there stopping those leaks I test aviation fuel burns the skin like liquid fire it's choking fumes sear the lungs and scald the eyes you're dying go to the mid ships will you and tell loads to stand by for the front turret okay to hold Sun pretty bad I'm there yes he told the bottom one first how long we take he won't be long sad hey skipper is it safe to go on transmitting one smile from here now doll this juice about its most important message we'll have to risk it writer and send returning to base port tanks hit and then no more transmission well that's just exactly what we want does los been knocked about alright darn good report Bella Sunderland the 2007 group have you seen any out to escort tier six five seven nothing available what about that Suns an Australian squadron the one that the entered fought penny Bay last night all right you send that I'll make it all right cause we can make out he must be pretty bad enough too bad we haven't had a Jeep out of him since his first distress signal so cause binoy may be down in the drink well in any case we'll keep a listening watching his wavelength in case he does get his wallets going let's see now he was here news shudder yes we said your course to fly you've got that with the rest of the jet okay then all we can do is fly it on reciprocal and hope we bump into her yeah Scott you met report and your recognition signals yes I saw the MIT man on the way in got everything buttoned up dougie yes got it all yeah and there you know you won't yes sir oh no sir right you're better you're cracking up they're sending an Aussie bird out to a lever that's grand news I hope they get a move on I have there - yes how's the petrol going Joe all right Lee button up in the middle of ties to get his whole West house plant coffee he's all right he nearly finished now good okay sir you've relaxed now put those some sites were they good ones yes the police and I will cut our track I should be able to get a very good ground speed that means you can tell us when we'll get home I hope so sir so do I got him right tires amazed we look after him alright what's it like Roy it'll be always say to the hole that'll get us home alright we always get home sit down Pam under your care burning nice get some telefax in the towel with your protection behind a sweat out the suit have you all right well force MX or to be in contact with the Dusseldorf burner we know there are several enemy are caught actor from condom they're probably looking for your force yes she's close enough home for them be able to give her our escort did I see you're dealing with that I'll Beaufighter some bedrock they ought to be just about there by now they've been told to give citing reports as well no that's good things very worrying me is our damn it's untrue should be easier your cos 88 or something like this well she's got a good sting in her tail the Australian Sunderland rescue bound in the Brotherhood of the Coastal Command never a man or a plane is sacrificed without an attempt at rescue Tifa Tommy least of all any news of teeth of Tommy no sir so news yet what's their position now the only thing to do is to keep on this course and hope for the best looks as though tea for Tommy is in Boyd I'd come and keep an the neck after the footside Johnny my god I gotta say d810 salvo Johnny quick okay turning to starboard how long does the front side feel boys look after yourself with those speedy agile fighters sliding in on tea for Tommy's tail skipper Campbell dives down to hop the waves so the enemy can't get beneath them to attack yes I can see it sir front turret calling honey RV okay Lois tell you Terry to pour a quick yes I can seem sir NEC Johnny's go straight over Istanbul okay turn it for you get him that time Monday yeah if I'm that time Seth will he's still flying anyway Hey another three just in front the three more data here the breaking formation the beam is coming straight off what's the other two will you me it's after Ulis what's these two very carefully you're down you take the first okay da find me the second I hit him that time sir there he goes right there therefore like it Julie's been hit what Huey's being hit all right so take over where they get you any arm dammit Huey's been hit can often see if you can give a hand with your focus up this'll put me out of action for a bit Henry yes nice but I believe now Huey boy yeah Oh tokoto Leroy Tesla guns hello control starboard midships gun okay sir okay James everybody reloaded got new magazines on leave and I hope everybody still see aircraft about you now captain to navigator captain the navigator we buy the mr. or she's down in the drink you'd better work out a square search let me know as soon as you've got the first course ready Paulette navigator the fountain is a bit of a party on action stations everybody kept into all positions action stations and we go gay for Katy just in time for the fireworks here come the ugly boys they'll help us out then by everyone they're coming in on the port side they're coming into port coming on the fourth side you'll see them in a minute Israel keeper eyes every Monday what's that fell on the outside now Israel can you see him Maggie and all three on our starboard bow or either Beaufighters door right John their bow fighters for fighters coming Henry what bullfighters wizalll he'll pick some up decent boy Emily Oh lovely crowd Jerry's had it the turning boy what a picture Oh daddy fine thank you sir what happened from javi oh you stopped one in the arms there I fixed it up all right you all right you and you yeah good common place unspectacular the patrol crews of the Coastal Command will tell you come and play son spectacular indeed as our ship comes home with its wounded no headlines will blaze and the deeds of tea for Tommy and its crew such heroism as theirs is seldom rewarded with medals and they count it no more than routine duty excepting for their RAF comrades the men of tea for Tommy are just another anonymous patrol crew heading back to their dismal station when the unsung heroes of this war our acclaimed let us not forget the quiet courage of the Coastal Command you
Channel: PeriscopeFilm
Views: 205,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Periscope Film, Stock Footage
Id: BssQCDqZXek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 53sec (3593 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 31 2012
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