Seven Were Saved (1947)

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[Music] many months after v-j day a unit of the air Sea Rescue Service was flying a routine patrol somewhere over the South China Sea got a smoke beat yeah bigger the search message just came over sir Rover seven life raft containing some virus scented by c-47 at coordinates navel six to zero Charlie seven one proceed to coordinates conduct search and rescue navigator get it course need ta Co pilot to navigator how about that course nee ta on search order and this message from the towers for you sir as soon as he landed here this afternoon takes off Susie landed here this afternoon takes off at 1900 do you hear that Pete Susie's at the base came in this afternoon ah that's fine I'd like to meet her you will if we'd get back by 7:00 get that Corson ETA yeah 167 degrees eta one six-30 all right the crew man's search stations we're looking for a life raft containing survivors before it all floating objects I'll come on life raft show up I've got a date with my baby [Music] how'd you meet Susie Noah back home didn't ever tell you it's just a little over a year ago I'm finished my 50th mission and gotta leave about me to literally change Willis I'm supposed to have a reservation lieutenant oh I'll have to double you up 132 with lieutenant Brisco right sign here please you see if you got lieutenant folia home gangway for Rip Van Winkle what a sack hey Briscoe you got yourself a roommate Hey what are you doing in my bed you are your lieutenant Briscoe and that's how I met Susan yeah yeah but then what happened she's my girl I saw a lot during that leave or to see the twice that's it but did you get another room I was too tired she did that search - pilot moaning knocking - nine o'clock take over will you Pete yeah sure sure give Susan my love Susy what a surprise how'd you happen to land here picking up some passengers I want you to be captain Denton Jim Willis Brenda not Alan's been stuck with me for the last three months I'd say the shoe was on the other foot what's all this talk about taking off in 1900 now we mean from another in exactly two hours that doesn't give us much time does it you can spare for a while sure just get her back she has a patient to take out don't you worry [Music] bartender Briscoe won't you join us yes do we're celebrating it up thank you but catching her listen I have a lot of talking to do in very little time right we'll see you on the plane [Music] passengers hardly they're flying out with us and nothing this afternoon and based operations you seem a happy couple the Japs held him in Singapore they were married the day they were freed I love it there in black tea please Susie why don't you stay here stay you're gonna be released anyhow as soon as you land in Sandwich soon we could be married right here Oh Jim you're kidding I mean it but why you'll be out too in a couple of months I want a big church wedding with a beautiful white gown and the Train you mother weeping all over it now that you here I can't let you go they can assign another nurse to take your patient across that's awfully nice idea Jim but let's be practical I'll go home and have everything all set by the time you get there a couple of months more or less I'll be longer than a couple of months but your letters I thought that had all been arranged we're supposed to be honey but well I'm on sort of a spot I promised a co I'd stick it out another year maybe longer promised well not about your promise to me don't blow off this air sea rescue works pretty important right now with all this ocean travel but there's plenty of pilots to take your place they're training them in everyday Susie but it's a big job all right if you're that important you can stay but not me I'd had enough of uniforms I'm gonna wear so kind of wearing nylon stocking suit open-toed shoes silly things maybe but I've been dreaming about him for years I want out of Jim and right now don't be stubborn it isn't like being stuck here forever I wouldn't be stuck here another day maybe you don't want to go home at all out here you're a big shot back there you'd be just another guy is that it Jim you talk like that a Harley million maybe that's our trouble maybe we really don't know each other we've only seen each other three times in our lives try and see things my way [Music] time to go Jim [Music] I'm Michelle oh yes you'd better ride in with us lieutenant Pinkerton our plane so I says to this guy New York ain't America just because the guy comes from west of the Hudson River ISM oh you're back sir did lieutenant have a good time you take care of the bags yes sir they were aboard good is the kernel ready the colonel is reading the sergeant's ready is the lieutenant ready sir get the colonel [Music] lieutenant Pinkett that's right Colonel Maura sergeant Blair see sergeant D'Agostino about your shoots right sergeant traveling with us yes ma'am that's Colonel yamura they're gonna try nun Ella for war crimes don't let it bother you mrs. Hartley she has some rather unpleasant memories of them life trying 17 [ __ ] officers and you more I understand there's a rather important witness otherwise they'd probably waited in sending on another plane relax dear who's just pretend he isn't there better get aboard well you made it help mr. Smith you who are you Alan don't be too long now we're off in one minute come on captain good luck goodbye Jim no Susan you can fly back from Manila goodbye Jim we're [Music] why don't you try to sleep mr. Smith I can't can't sleep worrying about yourself again you've got to stop you can't tell your memory might come back all of a sudden having over one day to the next what's gonna happen take me four hours ago I thought I had my life all mapped out who's gonna settle down and raise a half dozen kids and bingo the whole picture changed I thought that guy looked like the world had suddenly collapsed eavesdropper if you're unattached pilot named Anna might be available for a date in San Francisco thanks Alan even if you're only kidding it's good for a girl's morale you just keep that day open I have a headache I wonder do you have something for it headaches are my specialty take two of these then did you still feel it it's nothing at all thank you you better rest a minute I'm fine I'm sorry to be such a bother it may be the altitude I'll drop down to a more comfortable level brawling that man who is he yeah oh the sick woman Smith yes Danton was telling me about him the chaps held him prisoner to tortured him horribly Pleshette is that me can't remember his scene better dear darling it's just the reaction getting away after all you've been through got a talent right I'll take her down a bit lieutenant once you grab some shut-eye I'll take the first watch okay wake me up when you get time making this my girl Joanie back at Weehawken it's a ring want to see a picture gorgeous huh what's the matter my despair when your beauty sleep I cannot sleep I couldn't sleep either by with you no one was waiting for you Manila would you would you mind asking the nurse if I could have a cup of coffee yeah now lieutenant we have some coffee please sure coming right up you know I really can't stand coke I just take it to kill my insomnia thank you maybe I'd find a couple more customers talking about Java ain't had a good drink since I left Weehawken how you take down a coffee and [Music] [Applause] [Music] set over there [Music] [Applause] change course at once we're heading of 270 degrees my orders are to go to Manila you will change course 230 degrees suppose I refused this is a good plane you Mauro but it can't fly without a pilot you mean here I kill you we crash if you insist that is how it will be you see I have no choice if you take me to Manila I die anyhow follow my instructions you will put me down on an island where I will be safe how do you get that gun it flew boiling coffee in my eyes I know we should not treat it like a gentleman happy captain hates me captain nothing else to be done what was that course 270 degrees don't try to fool me I'm familiar with navigation [Music] what's going on in there they break through I'll shoot tell him I let the passengers just lay off the door you'll get yourselves killed tell the passengers to take their seats there's nothing they can do right now where is this island you're heading for I wouldn't want to run out of gas only four or five hours more you have plenty of fuel [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] looks like that's all I was captain [Applause] he's insane Blair can't even climb up no let him drown pull him up lieutenant that's Lloyd [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the best I can do without since it'll hold a break in place you doesn't very guilty so much now my chest just bruised try to rest you must have swallowed a lot of saltwater here try this it'll take the salt taste away listen everybody in the first place we mustn't get panicky the few hours will be reported overdo it Manila and they'll start a search we were a couple hundred miles off course when we head where we kept yes thanks to you Maura I don't make it harder to find us but they will then what are we worrying about that's the ticket meanwhile we have enough emergency rations and water to last us a week if we're careful divided seven ways you mean what do you mean seven there are eight of us you don't expect us to share our rations with him yes I do you're crazy why didn't you let him drown if you only knew what we'd suffered at their heads look what they've done to mr. Smith bad enough having your morale bored just a minute off the record I might agree with you but as officer in charge I must side with lieutenant thinking that's rule book nonsense I say get rid of him now well we'll all regret it look Harley I got to Manila I'm going to have Uemura with me maybe you wouldn't understand but I've got to know go ahead and split it seven ways I'll share my ration with lieutenants getting awful brave isn't he that's enough sergeant miss Frisco take charge of the rations one cup of water and two candies to eat to Canyon in my condition you don't have to happen okay I'll force myself just like mother used to make [Music] should be about here now Allen's were trying for about 600 miles southwest 600 miles I'm sure we'll be picked up before then but we've got to be prepared for anything we ought to reach the islands in a week 8 days at the most what if we miss them miles of open sea beyond but we won't miss I'll steer by compass and Stars each of us will take a four-hour watch at the steering wheel with the wind shift when we get off course you just cooperate put your trust in the compass and the Stars me all right mr. Briscoe you get up here and take the first watch [Music] mr. Smith feeling better tired very tired maybe if you remember let's try try tried don't you remember where you've been you must remember the Orient Macau Saigon how cool is the nurse here oh yes it's easy I know remember Jimmy actually at the American consulate you knowing Jimmy Ashley yes remember Jimmy always with a white carnation why do you keep at him you remember things I might help him it's foolish when the doctors couldn't do you think you know oh no no but he might have known people we know maybe he's never been in home they found him at a [ __ ] prison on the mainland [Music] [Music] I want to be read as they wrote coming again the plane down everybody down whatever so you're blind or something they don't see we're in the sun's reflection I couldn't spot us you might have that plane couldn't land on the water he'll send help it may have gone down within an hour or within six hours at this point Navy units will cooperate in the search now if any of you PB wise locate survivors and the sea looks too rough to make a landing contact the b-17 with airborne lifeboat which will be in the area navigators mark charts will finder camera [Music] feels like it's swelling tonight work tight in the bandage here we are mr. Smith little more water for you we're doing fine here's your ration [Music] how's the stomach he's like he's on fire little water will help [Music] [Music] you know these rashes wouldn't be so bad if we had something to garnish them with like a steak for instance nice work Susie I'm not doing that I on a garden stop rubbing it you only make it worse don't you worry about my eye you just take care of my morale taking advantage of a situation you don't like it you get out walk there's no use going up again tonight Jim they might show Flair anyway you need some rest I couldn't do that as long as there's a chance of she's still out there okay pal you don't have to go you can knock off nothing doing Thanks grab yourself some chow I'll have to get the permission from the seal before we take off again [Music] Allen remember not to rub your eyes flame sure watch Susie you're all this [Music] now hold these well the or like this that's it [Music] that arm help helps me and watch the stars I show you and you'll keep us on course keep the Southern Cross on your left and that big star see the big yellow one was a little cluster next to it keep that over your right shoulder no sitting the dualist water ain't doing me any good afraid to get big fan hands no sir stand the pain better than I can't having him around don't start that again just extra weight without him we wouldn't ship so much water you I can't understand that's enough hardly turns my stomach giving him food and water for having charged I toss him overboard quick then you believe that people who stand in your way should be eliminated people who stand in the way of peace and happiness yes I'd wipe out every one of them nothing like some singing to make the world go round that's a good idea Blair how about some choruses of all at the bow or is that too tempting and suggestion no no I am I remember I'm sure you want to do it remember this mr. Smith Lord a weary heavy later local to him you ever present God rest in [Music] rest in the Lord whose word abideth ever you shall receive his welcome I understand your compulsion Jim but I also have my job to do in your condition you might lose a plane and a crew I've got to go out again in the morning try and get some sleep take a pill if you have to that Pete turn in colonel give me another copilot I'll be okay all right but after this flight you knock off yes sir [Music] [Music] mr. Smith the ham brought it back didn't it you do know me here mrs. Hartman I am now but I want to mrs. Phillip Thompson you must remember me but I was your life Philip I am your wife what are you saying is he feeling shotty each other in the prison courtyard next morning they brought these papers until he's dead I almost went mad finally what I marry wrong I know it'll work out mrs. Hartley right now we've got to keep a live door rescued key it's just like a book I once read a guy gets lost at sea see they all think he's dead his wife meets another fella nice guy they get married and have children and everything so what do you think years later the first guy comes back he looks in the window and sees his wife and a happy family it's snowing outside I think it was Christmas yeah it must have been Christmas because the family is trimming the tree so the guy goes away forever [Applause] Enoch Shh god no was it something what a story all right he not stop dreaming in what's that or you're off your course bear left more left not right what's that star yes sir [Music] we better get back Jim it's just a touch of molarity I've had it before you're going to the hospital curl you're not going sorry Jim I'm drowning if your own good you're not giving up the search are you curl will be out again today there isn't much hope Jim we've covered the whole course to Manila and we haven't even cited an oil slick come on I'm gonna personally tuck you into bed [Music] [Music] it's in pretty bad shape give him some more [Music] lieutenant I can give it to you more get off my leg why do you keep giving him water don't you let him die why don't you tell him lieutenant tell him why you have to deliver your more even to kill you yes why but all right I'll tell you why it would stop your eternal victory we were cleaning out a nest of Japs of late three men buddies a blares under my command I was supposed to be covering them with a tommy gun while they went ahead well suddenly the place was alive with Japs we've been ambushed I signaled to the men to withdraw him and we felt back but they didn't make it well maybe it was my fault maybe if I'd been more alert they'd be alive blared know what the whole dog didn't know it did that would look like I was yellow nothing like Daddy getting out but not me trying to make the Regular Army and I've got to live that down that's why I have to deliver you Mora that's my orders and I'm not pulling down this time whether you like it ease up lieutenant and things like that happened in the war [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you must have fallen overboard she's been calm only he couldn't have fallen overboard you were on watch hardly what happened I must have gone to sleep you don't think you don't think I did it but he couldn't have fallen overboard but I went to sleep he was there he was there what happened to him Rolly what happened to him I don't know Alice I just don't know don't look at me like that I couldn't help it I fell asleep how convenient mr. Hartley when someone stands in a way of peace and happiness he must be eliminated isn't that our philosophy I'll kill you for that ee [Music] [Applause] let's get the rap writer contra Claire you more and you hardly get on opposite ends on the other side and when I get the word push out part Susy and mrs. Hartley I just watch yourself once he comes over so you won't be hit all right not you but now get it boy [Applause] the sail and oars are gone that's just fine Joanie's ring I was making it's gone your ring the water and rations are gone I tried to tell you the only way will come through this alive is to work together you just couldn't get that through your heads some people have to learn the hard way they went crazy like Maggie Smith didn't know what I was doing we're done reported it spike layoffs that hardly we've lost our surprise yes but plenty of men have survived on the sea for weeks with less than we have but they've used their brains and they work together not against each other from here on if anybody makes trouble he's going to be tied up what can we do we have no food or water you can live for days without food if we only have guts can we keep on course captain I mean without an or a rigger rudder with these lines and and your morris coat we'll keep on course and we'll make those islands just keep your heads you make me believe it Alan I don't know where we'd be without your don't stick close to me Susie right now I I don't know whether I believe it myself will be found how do you know I just know it oh it better be soon Susie the pain must be horrible I could have secured anything I saw the doubt in your eyes oh I didn't doubt you rolling it was just the shock of him being gone I didn't know what to think like instead you'll just forgive me for being such a fool look he must have meant it as a message rest in the Lord you shall receive his welcome home at last he left a message Raleigh who a felon no one can suspect you now his mind couldn't stand the strain not alone Alan don't you think we ought to say a little prayer for mr. Smith yeah better ask for some rain to Susie think it's pretty sick oh who knows the sick and tormented minds of men help thy servant to find the peace and rest he knew not here and help us O Lord to reach a safe harbor guide those who seek us and syndrome that thy suffering ones may be relieved three our hearts of jealousies and hatreds cleanse us of fears and suspicions give us courage to face our ordeal and to be worthy that I wisdom and benediction see that was good I feel better already [Applause] please run the leak wake up everybody wake up each of you take a section berry yes I got it right over here hey just just like in a book I once read about this little Dutch kid who stuck his finger at I can saved Holland I just kid was very small I'll stop yapping we've got to stop that late what can we use chewing gum Wow fellas I was gonna share with everybody honest I was just saving it for a rainy day listen join quickly I'm sorry we've got to have it back here pluck it out funny this gum can save our lives when I think of all the gobs of gum resting on the movie House seats at this very minute kind of makes me sad [Applause] [Applause] likes to be pretty deep you gotta stop the bleeding I'll need some bandage Pinkard look in those pockets again and see if you can't find something we can use nothing but this fishing line in there man say you get a Purple Heart for shocked by how do you feel let us say if you're worried about that gum is it gonna hold or anus like Jim [Applause] beaver hasn't broken huh no word they haven't given up we covered the whole course three times let's finish that quit the CEOs done everything humanly possible I know only I didn't have to lie here helpless take it easy so here sick try to shake his leg too [Applause] [Music] Allen would you put the lineup you can't see don't let me have it no it's always on blindness what if we drift off course we won't but you'll have to be my eyes Oh easy now lieutenant just sit dad see that I keep the Sun pointing at my right shoulder [Music] [Music] better on course he's still here lieutenant I've been watching it for [Music] Oh captain sir yes do you think they're gonna do all those things but radar they've been talking about but things practically everything maybe even making love by right up with nasty stomach imagine I'm here and Jodie's and we walk in and I'm kissing her by radar some world that you're okay Blair just hold that time whistle lieutenant thought it was okay I can't blame him I gave him a rough deal that's all right Blair why do you feel I feel better if you shake my hand sir it's funny how you can get a guy all wrong no guy with a streak would have jumped in the way you did to save me knowing there was a man-eating shark around forgettable [Music] I hope that rotten shark gets a good case of ptomaine time for my watch give me a hand with your company what's the matter captain he can't see he's blind totally son blindness just temporary but if you can't see how can you navigate we'll never reach those Islands calm down I've got the stars in my head like a chart you all know the course for this time drift off I'll lay it out again tenets Frisco pick up the Stars we'll make it no alone why are we going like this yeah we still got two chances either they find us all we still got two chances either grabber hardly hold it down [Music] [Music] I'm gonna get some water anyway yeah maybe more than we can handle looks like a storm [Music] the pockets in the wrap to catch the rain interestingly healthy bear [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] boy Jim Joe what are you doing out of bed Pete you gotta help me I want to make one last search you're crazy you're sick anyway what chance is all of the hard to call it anything you want but I've got a feeling they're out there somewhere alive yeah but we've surged on the course to Manila I want to try off-course I've got to follow my hunch beat seal is gonna chew us up for this I'll have to take that chance you get a crew out clear the tower don't tell him I'm aboard throw me my pants Thanks it's the last ride Jim the moon's coming up yeah yeah that's a break how good hunting boy moment our to rover one to message for lieutenants tournament your head tower dissolute Ellis dirt on you fire lieutenant desert copilot death so just walked in here who is your co-pilot Captain James Willis captain Lewis he's supposed to be grounded he better return to the field at once I didn't hear a thing that gadgets dead [Music] Brendan's a blank Kim got just about enough fuel to get home [Music] we spotted the rat dead ahead got a buzzin 200 feet drop smoke floating Roger navigator check wind direction from Swope float after we buzz the raft then stand by for lifeboats South Pole stand by with that smoke floating let it go [Music] navigator to pilot turn into final approach course 195 altitude 1201 2 0 0 speed 1 2 0 Roger flaps pilot to navigator course 195 altitude 1201 2 0 0 speed 1 2 0 so Leo is Roger standby for boats oho right left a little put it boats away [Music] there's no signs of life you think they try to get the boat y'all can't be dead [Music] there's plenty wrong they're not even trying for the boat either all dead are too weak to try to make [Music] you don't go in downtown you can't do a jump into that what are you sick yourself let me handle it this is my job [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank God Hank had we couldn't have lasted another day Susie sudhi where I let me write with you Sun blindness we'd better get him into the boat [Music] what if he get that PBY out here pronto these people can't stand the trip back to the boat they need medical attention right now Roger be seeing you [Music] here's some hot bouillon for you how'd you head back don't go away right now you're like a kid in the dark I need you your eyes will be alright in a few days I know why don't you try to get some rest he BYOB out to pick us up soon you still got some patients to take care of I don't know how he'd ever come through it without him funny how little you appreciate people do you're thrown close together with a this is a pretty swell guy you bet he is pretty swell guy you'll be okay [Music] [Music] let the rough see to take off in get one of those ways and you could crack up we don't take off that way SC rescue has one more trick up his sleeve [Music] [Music] Oh Jim Baker where'd you've been the last couple of weeks at a relief job over in Guam just got back how's everything fine fine leaving you out the few minutes so you're finally delivering your prisoner yeah he's waiting on the plane and this time there won't be any slip-ups good deal say uh the terrace girls still here just left and Blair's room at the hospital you better hurry captain Dan's flying out with I better say goodbye how's his eyes okay shipshape good see you later so long Jim hello captain well black well welcome back captain about time you came to see the crippled cripples you're all getting fed it's a great life if you're looking for lieutenant Brisco so he just went after the plane with Captain Dan oh I don't want to miss him see you later thanks Susie I'm good bye take care of yourself hello Jim hey they're taking off [Music] [Music] would you aren't you going with him for the love of I didn't say something don't you want me to stay I'm gonna feel like an awful fool if you don't finally gets wise gusto he grabs her his manly arms they embrace they kiss [Music] - just like I once read [Music]
Channel: Nuclear Vault
Views: 1,700,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: europe, jet, #nuclearvault, War, Korea, Airbus, Saved, luftfahrt, korean, education, navy, Atomic, WWII, airline, states, united, bowl, warfare, the, military, WWI, airplane, vietnam, prop, marines, airboyd, States, United, Seven, propaganda, Europe, documentary, World War, Germany, of, (1947), history, pacific, force, Were, II, Vietnam, world, super, Boeing, Nuclear, #airboyd, democracy, Propaganda, Untold, communism, yt:quality=high, war, korea, air, cold, History, aviation, army
Id: dLXsF2CEydM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 57sec (4317 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2010
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